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Khatam Sharif

In Honour of the Venerable

Shaykh Fudayl ibn Iyaydh

A man should say to his soul every morning, God has given you twenty four treasures; take heed in case you lose anyone of them, for you will not be able to endure the regret that will follow such a loss.
Imam Al-Ghazali

Introduction Shaykh Sadi once saw a dervish who placed his head upon the threshold of the Kabah, he wept abundantly: O Forgiving, O Merciful One! What can an unrighteous and ignorant man offer You? I have craved pardon for the deficiency of my service Because I can implore no reward for my obedience. Sinners repent of their transgressions. The pious ask forgiveness for their imperfect worship. Devotees desire a reward for their obedience And merchants the price of their wares, But I, who am a worshipper, Have brought hope and not obedience. I have come to beg and not to trade. Deal with me as You deem fit. Whether You kill me or forgive my crimes, My face and head are on Your threshold. A slave has nothing to command; Whatever You command, I must obey. O Lord Almighty! I ask not for the acceptance of my service But for drawing the pen of pardon over my sins. Bawa Bulleh Shah said, we were not born impure but we have made ourselves impure through sinning. As we came from Allah and to Him we will return. Allahs servants have sought His pardon since the creation of Sayyiduna Adam (as), so that they may return to their Lord in a worthy state.

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Whilst in paradise, Sayyiduna Adam (as) and Sayyidah Hawa (as) were both bestowed with great honour and respect, not only could they always see the Arsh of Allah but the angels would bow to them and the inhabitants of all the heavens would stand for them wherever they walked. Iblis tricked them by saying, Allah did not say dont eat from the tree, he only said you musnt go near the tree. So I will do you a favour and get the fruit for you. Both Sayyiduna Adam (as) and Sayyidah Hawa (as) ate from the forbidden fruit, as a result Allah became angry with them. Allah ordered them to leave paradise and go to Earth where their children would become each others enemies and only after giving up their souls to the angel of death, will they return for judgement. Following Allahs command, they descended to Earth and were separated from each other. Both did not dare look up to the heavens out of shame. They spent their days and nights weeping in great sorrow and regret. Pleading for forgiveness, they cried tears to fill the vastness of the oceans. It was only after three hundred years in this remorseful state and using the wasila, intercession, of Rasulullah (S) did Allah accept their tawbah. The essence of tawbah is to return to God and to adhere to what He loves and renounce that which He dislikes. Tawbah is seen as a journey from the disliked to the liked. Imam Qushayri says that Allah sent a revelation to Sayyiduna Adam (as) saying, O! Adam (as) the inheritance for your children, for all mankind is tawbah. Like you repented, if they do the same I will also treat them the same. Just as you asked for forgiveness and I forgave you, if they too ask for forgiveness I will forgive them. O! Adam I will raise those people who have done tawbah from their graves happy and joyous and I will accept their prayers. Imam Qushayri explains that tawbah is the first step on the path of Sufism. It is only after repenting that the journey back to Allah begins. Both Sayyiduna Adam (as) and Sayyidah Hawa (as) got back into His favour and Divine presence by seeking His forgiveness, they are the first in creation to display the outstanding quality of tawbah. Allahs promise of forgiveness shows His endless mercy, but we must also acknowledge that the opportunity to do tawbah and seek His forgiveness is indeed a great blessing in itself. One such beloved upon whom Allah bestowed this blessing was Shaykh Abu Ali al-Fudayl ibn Iyaz al-Talaqani , who was of Arab descent and was born in Central Asia, present day Uzbekistan, Bukhara Sharif.

Shaykh Fudayl ibn Iyaz - Keeping A Good Opinion Of God One morning as the first rays of the sun lit up the sky across the sands of the desert between Merv and Bavard, bandits swept down on a caravan of travellers. By the time the sun had risen on the horizon, they had plundered everything of value, mounted their horses, and disappeared like a mirage. Back at their camp, the bandits carried the stolen goods into the tent of their chief, Fudayl ibn Iyaz .
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Over six feet tall, strong and majestic, with eyes like burning coals, Shaykh Fudayls appearance was enough to strike fear into the most hard hearted of men. Yet despite his fierce appearance, he was a generous man, with a gentle nature. He wore simple clothes, a woollen cap and a strand of prayer beads around his neck in the manner of a dervish. For whatever his crimes against man, Shaykh Fudayl retained an abiding respect for his Lord. Shaykh Fudayl began to make a list of the loot from the raid. When he was done, he took a few items for himself that attracted him and then gave the rest to his men and distributed the money equally amongst them. There would have been a lot more, but Shaykh Fudayl had a strict rule that under no circumstances were the men ever to steal anything from the poor or needy, and they had to leave travellers a portion of their money on the basis of each ones needs. If anyone broke this rule he would be immediately expelled from the gang. Shaykh Fudayl then gathered his men together and said, No need to worry. Ive received word from a reliable source that a caravan travelling with expensive goods will be leaving Merv for Bavard in the next few days. When it passes through here, we will be ready. The caravan had made its journey for a week without any harm, but the desert between Merv and Bavard through which it would soon pass held the greatest danger. Amongst the caravan was a rich merchant who had been warned by a close friend that a band of thieves looted passers by in this area. So day and night he kept watch, sleeping only for a while. He carried ten thousand dirhams, his life savings, and he was not about to lose it to a bunch of thieves. The merchant became more worried and agitated as the caravan approached the area he was warned about. So he quickly rode out into the desert with a cunning plan to find a safe place to hide his gold. He would then return to the caravan, and after the highwaymen were gone, go back to retrieve his money. He didnt know if the plan would work, but it was better than a sure loss. After riding a few miles into the desert he saw a tent and sitting outside on a prayer mat reciting the Quran was a pious and humble looking man. My money will surely be safe with this dervish, he thought to himself. I will leave it with him and return after to collect it. The merchant rode up to the man and after introducing himself explained his situation. The stranger did not say anything and continued his recitation; he simply nodded and gestured to his tent. The merchant understood this gesture and ran into the tent and placed his bag of gold in one corner. He then returned to the caravan to find all of its goods had been pillaged, and the travellers tied up. After freeing them he went back to recover his gold, happy that his ingenious plan had worked. Upon approaching the tent of the Shaykh, he was stunned to see the same man squatting amongst the highwaymen, dividing up the spoils looted from the caravan.

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Ah, what a great fool I am! he cried, I gave all my gold to a thief! And not just to any thief, the leader of the thieves! This is what I get for trying to be so clever. The man was about to ride off when he saw the supposed Shaykh asking him to come closer. He thought for a moment about trying to escape, but then realised the thieves would catch him anyway. Instead of making them more angry, he decided to just accept the consequences of his foolishness. When he reached their camp, he asked, What do you want from me now? I have nothing else left to give to you. Have you not come for your gold? Shaykh Fudayl asked him. "Go and take it from where you left it and then leave quickly. The merchant could hardly believe what he was hearing. Stunned, he ran into the tent and grabbed his bag of coins, which lay exactly where he had left it, in the corner. So great was his bewilderment that he rode off without so much as a word of thanks. Whats this Chief? one of the companions shouted in disbelief. From the entire caravan we obtained but a few thousand dirhams, and now you give back at least ten thousand dirhams? Have you gone mad? That man had a good opinion of me, said Shaykh Fudayl , And I have always had a good opinion of God, that He might one day grant me repentance. I justified this mans good opinion of me so that God might justify my good opinion of Him. With that, he returned to his tent.

Mixing The Good And The Bad Thus, in his early life Shaykh Fudayl lived in a tent camped in the desert on the way from Merv to Bavard. He was well respected by his fellow highwaymen but was feared for his reputation as a great bandit in this region. Once a faqir who had not eaten for days wandered into this area and came upon the band of thieves roasting a sheep, he decided to approach them whatever the risk. Better to die in an instant by the sword, he thought, than to waste away in the desert from hunger. However, much to his surprise the bandits greeted him warmly and invited him to join them. After they had finished eating, he asked them who their chief was so that he may express his gratitude. Hes not here. One of them replied, Hes by the river bank on the other side of that hill praying. But this isnt the time for prayers. Hes doing nafil prayers. But why isnt he eating with you first? Because hes fasting. And we know its not Ramadan, hes keeping nafil fasts.

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The faqir thought to himself that he must meet this man who combines such opposites. So, he climbed the hill and drew near to Shaykh Fudayl , who remained deeply immersed in prayer. He waited until Shaykh Fudayl had finished, then greeted him, introduced himself and asked, Some would think you are the greatest wali in the world! Whilst others would say that you are the greatest crook in the world! They say that opposites do not mix. How can the same person fast and rob, pray and yet plunder? I do not understand this at all. Shaykh Fudayl replied, If you were familiar with the words of the Qur'an then you would know that God, the All Powerful and All Knowing, says,
And they have confessed their sins, mixing a righteous deed with an evil?

The faqir was dumb struck with wonder at this reply. Never had he met such a man. Seeing the faqir shocked, Shaykh Fudayl began to laugh. Not everything is as it appears to be, my friend. As it says in the Book,
And you see the hills which you think are so solid. They are flying with the flight of the clouds.

You must learn not to judge by just outward appearances. Shaykh Fudayl said this and returned to his friends. Tawbah To Return The blessing of tawbah is not given to all. Within the outer coat of sins only the heart that contains a gem, can carry this honour. Through tawbah, resulting in regret and remorse, Allah Almighty destroys this dark layer. Shaykh Fudayl even though was stealing and plundering caravans, always felt humility afterwards and would question himself why he did this. It was the absence of arrogance that led him from duniya to Mawla, just as Shaykh Abul Hasan Kharaqani said, we were led from kharabandi to khudabandi. It is indeed Allahs grace that one is given the opportunity to repent. One night, for some reason, Shaykh Fudayl was unable to sleep. Something was disturbing his peace of mind, but he had no idea what and could think of nothing that would account for it. Finally, he simply gave up trying to sleep and sat in a corner with his tasbih doing dhikr. Just before dawn, his second-in-command entered the tent. It is time. The men are assembled outside. Shaykh Fudayl rose from his prayer rug, put the prayer beads back around his neck, took his sword and came out of the tent to lead the raid. Hidden from view, the bandits watched as the caravan made its way slowly across the desert towards them. Shaykh Fudayl waited until the last moment, and then gave the signal to attack. Somewhere in the middle of the caravan, a man was reciting the Quran:
Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe to be humbled by the remembrance of God?

When these words reached Shaykh Fudayls ears, it was as if a knife had pierced his heart. God seemed to be saying to him O Fudayl! How long will you waylay innocent travellers? The time has come for Us to waylay you.
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Collapsing from his horse, he cried out, High time indeed O Lord. Long past it! Confused and ashamed, Shaykh Fudayl struggled to his feet and fled into the desert. He ran and ran, stopping only when he reached some ruins where he dropped to his knees weeping and begging for forgiveness from his Lord until he passed out. By the time he came to his senses, the sun had begun to set. From the other side of the ruins, he could see the flickering of a fire and hear voices. He went closer and found that a group of travellers had camped there. We leave at daybreak for Bavard, one was saying. No, its too dangerous, another replied. Ive heard that just this morning Fudayl and his gang attacked a caravan not five miles from here. We should make our camp in this place for a few days and bide our time until he has satisfied his greed and left. But we cant afford to lose a few days time. We must be in Bavard by then. Glad tidings, friends! Shaykh Fudayl cried out, approaching the travellers. Rejoice and put aside your fears. Fudayl has done tawbah and robs no more. And how would you know that? How can you be so sure? asked one of the travellers. Because I am Fudayl. Fear struck the hearts of the travellers until Shaykh Fudayl recounted the story of his awakening. When he finished, there was a moment of silence. Then the men all rose and embraced him and asked him to stay with them for dinner. He replied that he must leave as he has yet many amends to make and debts to repay. Surely it can wait until morning, one of them said. It has waited too long already, he replied, and saying salams he set out to make his peace with men as he had with God.

Tawbah - Acceptance The first thing Shaykh Fudayl had done after leaving the travellers that night was return to his desert camp to gather up all the gold and loot he had gathered over the years. He then distributed freely to all he met who claimed to have been robbed by him and his men. He knew that some lied claiming to be victims simply for easy gain and then laughed at him behind his back, but he didnt care. It didnt matter: that was not his concern. His concern lay solely in doing the right thing. The rest was between them and God. Hadrat Anas Bin Malik said, I heard Rasulullah (S) say that he who repents from sinning is like the one who has committed no sin. On another occasion when Rasulullah (S) was asked what is the sign that somebody has done tawbah, his reply was remorse.

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When Allah loves a servant, sin will not persist in him, as he will regret the way he lived. This then is a clear indication that Allah has bestowed upon this person the tawfiq to do tawbah. True tawbah comes with deep regret and remorse for the sins committed and one must correct these wrongs by seeking forgiveness from the individuals affected. This is why humility is also a basis for tawbah. For weeks, Shaykh Fudayl had travelled around the surrounding towns and countryside attempting to make restitution for his many crimes. He went to each person he had wronged and asked for forgiveness. He had made peace with everyone with the exception of a Jew. When Shaykh Fudayl asked for his forgiveness, the Jew said to his friends, Lets have some fun with this Muslim. Turning to Shaykh Fudayl he then said, If you want me to grant you forgiveness for the wrongs youve committed against me, go and move that mountain of sand, from this place to that place. This task would have taken several years to complete but nevertheless Shaykh Fudayl went and started to dig. Shaykh Fudayl worked day and night and because his tawbah was sincere Allah sent a storm to blow the mountain of sand to the exact place where the Jew wanted it. When the Jew witnessed this he said, I will still not forgive you unless you turn dust into gold! He placed a cloth over some mud and asked Shaykh Fudayl to bring out gold. Shaykh Fudayl placed his hand under the cloth and pulled out a fistful of gold. The man then asked, Please give me your hand, as I want to accept Islam. Shaykh Fudayl asked, Why? Whats happened to you? The Jew replied, I have read in the Torah that if one sincerely repents, he can turn dust into gold with his single touch. I was testing you as I knew that if you had truly repented then Allah would turn that dust into gold. Allah says in the Holy Quran: Turn to God together, O believers, that you may be successful

Imam Qushayri explains this ayah by saying that to repent is to turn to Allah, and all believers must repent to attain success. Allah Almighty has put us on a path that leads to Him, and when we deviate and can no longer see the path in all the darkness of our evils, tawbah becomes the light guiding us back. It is this realisation through which remorse and regret become our support. After making his peace with everyone and after all his wealth was gone, Shaykh Fudayl felt an even greater need for atonement as his heart would still ache in pain when he remembered his past life. Making his way to the palace of the Sultan, he begged the guards to bring him before their ruler saying, In the name of justice, bind me and take me to the Sultan so he may punish me for my endless crimes. The guards, confused by such a strange request, decided to let the Sultan deal with the problem. Upon meeting Shaykh Fudayl and hearing his pleas, the Sultan saw an aura of Gods grace around him and realised that he was no longer that sinful person, but in
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fact he had truly repented and saw signs of righteousness in him. So the sultan showed great respect and honour saying, It is impossible for me to punish you. Whatever you were before, you are no longer that same person.

Tawbah Greater Repentance

The common people repent from sins, while the khawwais (extraordinary) from inattention Dhunun Misri

Imam Qushayri explains that the door of repentance has been made open to all mankind since Sayyiduna Adam (as) made tawbah. Thus, it is the only door by which we can return to our Lord. Tawbah is the process which returns us to the Divine presence in a worthy state. Shaykh Abu Ali Daqqaq said that tawbah is divided into three parts. The first part is tawbah itself, which is to repent from sin. The second part is inabah, to turn to Allah and the final part is aubah, to return. He also explains that the common condition of tawbah is for everyone, as we are sinning with every breath we take. The pious are in a higher state in turning to Allah, as their tawbah is not for sinning but something much greater. The words of repentance uttered by those who are always aware of being in the Divine presence express sincere remorse and sorrow not for sinning but for being negligent towards this awareness, losing awareness of Him even for a single moment or even in the fear of doing so. The higher level is explained by Data Ganj Bakhsh who writes in his book, Kashf Al Mahjub, that in a Hadith Sharif, Rasulullah (S) said that a dark cloud comes over his heart and he does tawbah seventy times a day. Data Sahib explains that when the heart is pure even if anything impure or polluted is to come near it then the heart is immediately affected. It becomes just as obvious as a stain on a beautiful white cloth. This is why many of the Awliya feel the affects after being in the company of people as they deal with the burden of sins and darkness that people bring with them. Zindapir used to say, People come and dump all their filth and dirt on us and then they think they have done us a big favour by spending time here. Shaykh Sufyan Thawri once cried out, Alas! For my sorrow. Sayyidah Rabia said to him, Do not lie, if you were really sorrowful, life would not be so pleasant to you. She used to say, my sorrow is not for the things which make me grieve, but my sorrow is for the things for which I do not grieve. This is very important because tawbah is a positive aspect for wrong actions. But if the sense of awareness of the sin is not there, the person keeps doing it unconsciously. The concept of sin to Sayyidah Rabia was not sorrowful because of the punishment in the hereafter but because it separates the sinner from God.

Bandit Chief To Custodian

No one has stood upon His threshold whose sins the tears of repentance have not washed away. Sadi
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Day after day, year after year, Shaykh Fudayl grew more and more remorseful and subjected himself to greater and greater austerities. He finally made his way to Makkah Sharif with his wife and young child. He stayed in a small house near to the Kabah, fasting and remembering God continually. Weeping day and night in a state of pain from remorse and shame he only slept when overcome with exhaustion. Imam Qushayri says the signs of sincere tawbah are a pain in the heart which manifests into the limbs. You begin to hate what once gave you joy, as now the same action brings with it swift sorrow and extreme anguish. Tests come after repenting, as Iblis does not need to bother you when you are already following his way, it is only after coming back to the path will he start giving you his full attention. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep the sincerity of the tawbah without the help and guidance of the Masters. Shaykh Fudayl soon became the mujawar, custodian, of the Holy Kabah and used to tend to the cleaning and upkeep of the Haram. In this blessed city he spent the rest of his life in service of many great Awliya who came for Hajj and Umrah. He also had the honour of being in the company of great masters, such as, Sayyiduna Imam Hasan al Basri and Sayyidah Rabia al Adawiyya al Basri . After spending much time in the presence of Imam al A'zam Abu Hanifa , Shaykh Fudayl became recognised as one of the greatest scholars of Hadith Sharif. Eventually, stories of his extreme discipline and humbleness spread throughout Makkah Sharif and people began to seek him out to ask for his blessings and advice. But Shaykh Fudayl had no interest in fame and turned away from it, just as years before he had turned away from his earlier infamy. He retired to his home and rarely ventured out or received anyone, God becoming his sole companion.

The Friend Returns Since the desire for anything of the world had long since left his heart, Shaykh Fudayl could not understand it when he awoke one morning with the urge to leave his house and go out. It had been weeks since he had gone outside. He tried to ignore the urge, but after it grew in intensity and started to disturb his meditation, he finally decided to visit the mosque in an effort to overcome this distraction. He set out for the mosque and after performing his prayers; he retired to a corner to continue his remembrance of God. He was about to sit when he heard a man weeping behind one of the stone pillars. O God, what will become of me now? Have pity upon this poor soul. There is nothing left for me, what will I do? Tell me, what can I do? Shaykh Fudayl would have paid no attention normally, but something in the mans voice seized hold of his interest. He moved closer to the pillar to better hear him. For Your sake, O God, I renounced a life of crime and sin. I gave up everything I had. I gave up the only way I knew how to support myself. I learned a trade and learned how to live lawfully. Then You burned down and took from me all my wares. And now you afflict me with this disease so that I can no longer use my hands. Are you punishing me for my sins? Have I not repented sincerely and suffered enough? Why do You hate me so?

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How could God, who is pure Goodness, hate anyone? Shaykh Fudayl called out, unable to restrain himself any longer. You have remembered Your Lord, and does not God say, When My slave forgets Me, I forget him, but when he remembers Me, I remember him? Something had brought Shaykh Fudayl to the mosque that morning, and who knew perhaps this man was the reason. He moved around the pillar to face the man. Fudayl? Is this possible? Could it really be you? How do you know my name? Who are you? asked Shaykh Fudayl . Dont you recognise me? It is I, Abul Qasim. Abul Qasim? I can hardly believe it. Abul Qasim had been Shaykh Fudayls second in command back in the days when both had been highwaymen. He was the last person Shaykh Fudayl expected to find in the mosque. What are you doing here, old friend? So many years, so many years. Sit and Ill tell you. After you left, I tried to take your place and keep our men together. I had a little trouble managing them at first, but they soon fell into line: you remember how hard I once was. The problem was that God wouldnt let me fall into line. When I heard about you distributing all your wealth, I was angry at first. But then it began to eat away at my soul. I couldnt get it out of my mind. Day after day, it was all I could think about: I just couldnt understand what had possessed you. Then I slowly grew ashamed of my own greed, and it was myself I couldnt understand. I finally became so ashamed of my life that I couldnt go on. Soon after, I renounced my ways and gave away all my own wealth. Many of our companions also felt the same way and repented for their past. Life was difficult for me at first, as I had no way to support myself. Stealing was all I had ever known. Eventually though, I taught myself how to weave and started my own business. I even bought my own shop. A year later, however, it burned down and all my goods with it. I tried to rebuild the business, but then I was struck with palsy. My hands started to shake so badly that I could no longer weave. That was when I came to Makkah. I wanted to find out why God has cursed me so, why He is doing these things to me. Have I not repented sincerely? Why then does He torture me so? At this, Abul Qasim broke down sobbing and collapsed to the floor. Shaykh Fudayl waited until he had calmed himself and then helped him up. Old friend, you are a good man, but you understand little. This world is a madhouse, and the people in it madmen, wearing shackles and chains, though they remain totally ignorant of it. In their madness, they see their bonds as jewellery to be worshiped and protected. You have been freed from some of these bonds. You have been blessed with a glimpse of what this world really is. Understand, Abul Qasim, who God loves He sends suffering and afflictions, and who He does not, on him He bestows comfort and ease. Those in such comfort and ease never see their shackles and chains, never realise that they remain trapped in an asylum. Only those in pain do so. God does not hate you, friend; He loves you, truly. These words amazed Abul Qasim who asked from where did he get this wisdom. Shaykh Fudayl replied that this was Gods grace as everything was from Allah. My God, is it possible that you are that Fudayl?

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Which Fudayl is that? The one whose name is on everyones lips in Makkah. When I first came here, I heard about a Fudayl whose great humility and piety surpassed the understanding of ordinary men. But I couldnt believe that it was the Fudayl I had once known, Fudayl the bandit. I am not that Fudayl. Both the Fudayl you once knew and the Fudayl youve heard about no longer exist. They were but mirages in the desert. Now only He remains. Come, and Ill take you to one who will help you cultivate the seed that God has planted in your heart. A man once asked Sayyidah Rabia , I have sinned much and have been disobedient but if I repent then will God forgive me? She replied, No, He will not accept your tawbah, but if He forgives you then you will repent! How can anyone repent unless his Lord gives him repentance and accepts him? Soon the rest of Shaykh Fudayls family in Merv, had heard that he had settled in Makkah Sharif and so they decided to come and meet him. Shaykh Fudayl would not meet his relatives as he wanted nothing to pull him back into duniya and away from his Lord. So he climbed on top of the Kabah and shouted at his relatives saying, May Allah give you some sense and understanding! Go and do something useful, why are you wasting your precious time here in this blessed place running after me! And he refused to meet with any of them.

Return Of The King During Hajj, Shaykh Fudayl was standing on mount Arafat, upon seeing many people crying and asking for forgiveness, he said, Subhanallah! If all these people were to ask a rich person for a silver coin he would not send them empty handed. O Allah! It is easier for You, the Master of the world, Most Forgiving to grant them what they are asking than it is for that rich person to give a coin. You are Most Generous and we have good hopes that You will pardon us. That night a Shaykh saw a dream in which he asked his Lord, O Allah! How have You looked upon these people in Hajj this year? He heard a reply, If it was not for Shaykh Fudayls dua, I would not have looked upon them favourably! Once Harun Rashid , the Abbasid Caliph, came to Makkah Sharif for Hajj. Even after visiting the house of God his heart still remained weary. He called his vizier, Fadhl ibn Rabi, and said, Fadhl, my heart is tired of all this splendour and false pride. Take me to someone who will reveal me to my real self. So Fadhl took Harun to Sufyan ibn Oyaina , one of the great Shaykhs in Makkah Sharif and called at the door saying, The Commander of the Faithful wishes to speak with you.

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Shaykh Sufyan rushed to the door in panic saying, The Caliph himself! Why was I not told so that I could have come to him instead. Why have you troubled the Caliph? This is not the man I seek, Harun said, If I wanted to be fawned upon and flattered, I could have remained at home. Lets go. Upon hearing this, Shaykh Sufyan followed them into the street. Wait! If you seek a man for whom the whole world is less than nothing then go to Shaykh Fudayl ibn Iyaz . When they arrived at Shaykh Fudayls house they could hear him doing tilawat of the Holy Quran, reciting the ayah about people who mix good actions with bad ones. They could hear him crying as he recalled his past life. Harun Rashid listened for a while and then said, if someone wanted to take heed, then this ayah would be enough. Fadhl knocked, but there was no answer. He continued knocking and shouted, The Commander of the Faithful is here to see you. Shaykh Fudayl What does he want with me and what do I want from him? My time is no longer mine to waste. Indeed this is the man Im seeking, Harun whispered to Fadhl. Dont let him refuse us. Isnt it your duty to obey those in authority? What would people say if they found out that you had refused entry to the Caliph? I order you to open the door this instant, Fadhl shouted. Refraining from actions for the sake of people is hypocrisy, and performing them for their sake is to associate others with the One. Sincerity is that God releases you from both of these. Will you let me in or must I enter by force? Fadhl demanded. Your command means nothing here and I do not give any permission. If you wish to enter by force, do so. But be aware of what you are doing. Shaykh Fudayl replied. Harun Rashid hesitated, but then opened the door. As he did, Shaykh Fudayl blew out the lamp in the room where he sat. Am I not worthy enough to be seen? asked Harun . Whoever sees himself as having worth will never have any share in humility. Isnt this what youve come for? As Harun reached out in the darkness to find his way his hand touched Shaykh Fudayls hand. How soft is this hand! Said the Shaykh, Never have I touched a softer one. If only it could escape the torments of Hell. Harun Rashid was overcome with fear and began to weep. He fell to the floor and cried, Please grant me some words of counsel and advice. I am in great need.

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Shaykh Fudayl then said, O Harun , your ancestor, Rasulullahs (S) uncle, Sayyiduna Abbas once begged to be made commander over some people. The Prophet (S) told him, O uncle, for one moment I will grant you command over yourself. His meaning was that one moment of true service to God is superior to a thousand years of authority over others. Authority over others will be a cause of sore regret and repentance on the Day of Resurrection. Harun Rashid continued to cry but asked for more advice as this was what he was searching for. So Shaykh Fudayl continued, When Amir ul Muminin Umar bin Abdul Aziz was made Caliph, he summoned three of the greatest scholars of that time; Salim ibn Abdullah , Raja ibn Hayat , and Muhammad ibn Kab . He then asked them, I have been afflicted with this responsibility, how can I get out of it? How can I survive? I see this position and authority as an affliction and trial, although others may deem it a blessing. They advised him saying, If you want to avoid Divine punishment, then regard all the elders as you would regard your parents, and the young as your brothers and sisters, and the children as your own. See all the lands of the Muslims as your home and all of their people as your family. Treat them as you would treat your own and you will avoid regret. This is the way to remain safe. Shaykh Fudayl paused for a moment and then sighed, O Harun ! I fear that you will be severely tested by the fires of Hell. Fear Allah and carry out your obligations to Him better than this. Tread very carefully as on the Day of Judgement you will have to account for every single one of your subjects and God will demand justice from you for each one. Even if a single old woman, for one night, sleeps without food or clothing, she will cling to your shirt on that Day and bear witness against you, dragging you down. So beware! After listening to this last piece of advice Harun Rashid was so overwhelmed with grief that he collapsed to the ground. Fadhl the vizier cried out, Shaykh Fudayl thats enough! You will kill the Amir ul Muminin. Silence yourself, Haman! Shaykh Fudayl replied, Its you and people like you who destroy good ones. You are killing him with your sweet talk and you dare to accuse me? With this, Harun Rashid began to weep yet more violently, See Fadhl, hes calling you Haman so I must be like Pharaoh to him because Haman was Pharaohs Vizier. What will I do? When he finally regained his composure, Harun Rashid asked Shaykh Fudayl , O Shaykh, is there anything that I can do for you? Have you any debts to pay? Indeed I have the debt of obedience which I owe to God. Shaykh Fudayl replied, What will I do if He ever calls me to account for it! He has graced me with endless blessings. I havent any reason to complain of His servants or rely upon them. Harun Rashid placed a purse containing a thousand dinars before the Shaykh explaining, I promise this is halal money, its from my mothers inheritance. Since you have no debts, please use it as you like. Shaykh Fudayl became very disappointed saying, I see that all my advice has not done the slightest good. Its been a waste of time and youve understood nothing. Even now you are doing injustice. This money isnt even yours and youre giving it to someone who doesnt deserve
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it. I am trying to show you the way to salvation and youre casting me into temptation. I might as well be talking to the deaf or the dead! With these words, Shaykh Fudayl stood up and flung the purse of gold from the window. He then left the Caliph and his vizier to themselves and began his namaz. Now thats who you call a man of God, Harun Rashid said to Fadhl as they left the house. No one cares less about duniya than Shaykh Fudayl , its less than a speck of dust to him. If only we could really understand his great wisdom. I may be the Caliph, but Shaykh Fudayl is in truth the king of men!

The Return to Allah

In this garden of the world there is not a cypress that has grown which the wind of death has not uprooted. Sadi

For thirty years no man saw Shaykh Fudayl smile, except on the day when his son died and then he smiled. Master, what time is this for smiling? he was asked. I realised that God was pleased that my son should die, he answered. I smiled to accept Gods pleasure. Shaykh Fudayl had two daughters. Before he passed away, he said to his wife, When I die, take these girls and go to Mount Bu Qubais. There lift your face to heaven and say, Lord God, Fudayl requested me saying, Whilst I was alive, I protected these helpless ones as best I could. Now that You made me a prisoner in the grave, I give them back to You. When Shaykh Fudayl was buried, his wife did as he willed. She went to the mountain with her daughters. There she wept and cried, praying as Shaykh Fudayl requested. At that very moment the Prince of Yemen passed by with his two sons. Seeing the three women weeping, he approached them and asked, What troubles you? Shaykh Fudayls wife explained her predicament. After hearing her account, the prince announced, I take these girls in marriage for my sons and I give each of them ten thousand dinars as a dowry. Are you content with this? I am, their mother replied. Shaykh Fudayl through his spiritual magnitude did muraqabah and was given the location of the burial place of Ummul Muminin Sayyidah Khadijah Al Kubra as a gift for which all Muslims continue to benefit from. Muslims are indeed forever indebted to Shaykh Fudayl for this ziyarah and blessing. After leaving this mundane world (187 AH - 803 AD) and returning to his Lord Almighty, Shaykh Fudayl was buried in the same blessed burial ground, Jannat al Mala in Makkah Sharif, close to the shrine of Ummul Muminin .
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