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Social Problems Smoking Habit among Students Cigarette or in Indonesia known as rokok becomes one of the most important thing for some people in this century. Smokers think that smoking makes them feel happy, relaxed, and cozy. However, they dont care very much about the bad effects for human health even though there is usually a warning in every cigarette box, and also in every cigarette advertisement. Beside that, smoking habit is potentially possible to cause many other problem for societies. And the latest problem is that students have started to smoke at a very early age. Based on VOA news, smoking is the leading cause of cancer worldwide and as we know, cancer is the first leading cause of death. And expert said that 40% of cancers could be prevented by avoiding health risks like smoking and tobacco use. Smoking also causes 42% of cases of chronic respiratory disease, including asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. In addition, it causes ten percent of cardiovascular diseases, like heart disease and stroke. The researchers at the University of California in San Francisco, in their recent study, they found that smoking increased the risk of Alzheimers developing by one and seven-tenths percent. And their findings were published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease. And for your information, Alzheimers weakens or destroys memory and reasoning. Some students smoke as a way to socialize and take study breaks from classes. Smoking can also be linked with alcohol use among college students. Alcohol is a contributing factor to smoking, especially on college campuses where alcohol use is so dominant. In these situations, smoking is believed to aid in social interactions, which can be very harmful for students societies. In fact, smoking habit is very contagious in students societies. Whenever a student start to smoke, it can be very dangerous that his/her friends can imitate it easily. Smoking habit among students can also increase the intensity of crime. As we all know the fact that smoking habit is strongly related to social deviances. As many other kinds of drugs, cigarette was known contains addictive substances. This could cause addiction among young smokers, this type of addiction could potentially becomes very harmful for their daily activities and common behavior. Many studies and researches had proven that smoking habit could be very abusive for students mentality. As the result, it increases the intensity of crime among students.

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