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Projectile Motion is the motion of an object which path is affected by the force of gravity, but it profoundly alters the motion of objects that are thrown or shot upward. (Filipp, 2003). Projectile motion problems include factors to consider such as the force acted by the body influenced by mass; the speed of the projectile including the time, distance, and direction; and the gravitational force which causes the object to fall down. This implies that several mathematical solutions, scientific calculations and problem solving are involved in this topic. In a classroom setup, during a science class, learners are involved in different activities before or after a discussion. One usual activity which is done after a discussion is, performing a laboratory activity. This is an activity which allows students to apply what they have learned, to develop their skills, to encourage critical thinking and to enhance curiosity and inquiry. Scientific inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Inquiry also refers to the activities of students in which they develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, as well as an understanding of how scientists study the natural world. (National Research Council, 1996). The main premise behind any inquiry program is that students learn by doing through the process of problem solving. By posing their own questions in scientific investigations, students are considered the creators of knowledge, whereas teachers are the facilitators of this knowledge creation process. As Bruner (1961) noted, "The practice of discovering for oneself teaches one to

acquire information in a way that makes it more readily viable in problem solving." (Longo,2011). The use of laboratory activity enables the students to apply their learning from scientific facts and concepts. In relation to the topic, projectile motion, there is also a laboratory activity after the discussion to further practice their skills in problem solving and to further assess that there is retention of students learning through experience. However, there are also word-problem solving activities done after discussion. Usually, these word problems are situational or based from real- life situations which depict projectile motion. And, they are usually asked to solve for any of the missing factors. From that, students are being prepared to be assessed through a formative test. Because of various learning activities, students are given many opportunities to learn. But, there are specific activities which are enough to hit the expected learning outcomes. Although some activities provide more learning when they are combined together, it is also important to identify which one of them is better. In relation to this, the several activities such as word- problem solving activities and laboratory activities provide more learning if both are done by the students. Although some instances require such, it is still better to identify which if the two is better in the teaching of projectile motion and also to assure efficiency of instruction. Hence, the researchers have decided to come up with a study that would identify the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in the solving of projectile motion problems.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to find out the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in solving projectile motion problems in physics class of fourth year High school students School year 2013-2014. Specifically, the researchers aim to answer the following questions: 1. What is the performance in the test scores of the students in projectile motion? a. With laboratory activity b. Without laboratory activity 2. What is the significant difference of the students performance with and without laboratory activity? 3. What is the effect of the use of a laboratory activity to the students test scores?

Scope and Limitations of the Study This study tries to determine the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in solving projectile motion problems in Physics class utilizing both qualitative and quantitative study. The respondents of the study will be from the 2 sections of Heterogeneous Fourth Year High School students in one of the public schools in Bacolod City. The first group will be engaged to a class discussion and they will be given word problems to solve in order to prepare them for the assessment. The second group will also be engaged to a class discussion and they will apply the concepts learned through a laboratory activity to prepare them for the assessment. The researchers will observe the class to see and to know how well the students can solve

projectile motion problems confidently and proficiently through the aid of a laboratory activity. In order to assess the effectiveness of this study, a uniform quiz will be given to the students. The research study with be limited to and will be conducted to one of the public schools in Bacolod City and it will be conducted for 2 weeks during the discussion of the projectile motion.

Significance of the Study The result of this study would be useful to the following persons: To the Administrator: This study would aid the administration to identify authentic instructional design which would include the manner of instruction, enrichment and other follow-up activities which are more suitable for the learners to achieve the possible learning outcomes. The administration as an authority might be able to propose the instructional design to the teachers. Thus, the administration could give assistance to the teachers in providing better instructional guidelines and technique that could help the teachers meet his/her objectives. In addition, the administration would also identify the necessary materials and other needed equipments to support the different activities. Therefore, the administration would be able to provide a good quality of education through a good learning environment.

To the Teacher: This study would help the teacher to consider better instructional design, techniques and strategies in achieving his/her objectives. This would include the utilization of the learners knowledge and skills in learning. Furthermore, this study would help the teacher to assess the efficiency of his/her instruction. Therefore, the teacher would be able to realize whether he/she is to retain or to revise his/her choice of instruction for the development of the learners. To the Learners: The result of this study would contribute to the identification of the learners development in knowledge and in skills. The learners would be provided with better instructional techniques and other activities which would help them to learn best. Also, they could be motivated to learn and they could be able to use their knowledge and skills in real life situations.

Definition of Terms The terms found in this research paper are defined below:

Projectile Motion The motion of an object projected into the air at an angle. The path followed by a projectile motion is called its trajectory. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory after which there is no interference apart.

Laboratory Activity These are an integral component of any college level Science course that allow students to process data, formulate hypotheses and apply what they have learned from a lecture or reading assignment.

Instructional Design The systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.

Scientific Inquiry A way to investigate things and propose explanations for their observations. Scientific inquiry have two functions: first, to provide a descriptive account of how scientific inquiry is carried out in practice, and second, to provide an explanatory account of why scientific inquiry succeeds as well as it appears to do in arriving at genuine knowledge of its objects. Such accounts tend to reflect different philosophical positions in epistemology, the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.

Instructional Design - The practice of creating "instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing." The process consists broadly of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition.

Instructional Techniques and Strategies The practice of creating "instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing."[1] The process consists broadly of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. Ideally the process

is informed by pedagogically (process of teaching) and andragogically (adult learning) tested theories of learning and may take place in student-only, teacher-led or communitybased settings. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed.

Formative Test These are on-going assessments, reviews, and observations in a classroom. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process. It is also known as diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. It typically involves qualitative feedback (rather than scores) for both student and teacher that focus on the details of content and performance.

Conceptual Framework Without Laboratory Activity -Lecture/Class Demonstrations Solving Projectile -Board Exercises -Seatwork -Quiz With Laboratory Activity -Lecture/Class Demonstrations -Laboratory/Hands-on Activity Students Test

Motion Problems


Projectile motion is motion of an object travelling with or without a certain angle upward or downward, affected by the pull of gravity. The solving of projectile motion involves a series of steps to be followed including the presentation of the given formula and its derivation. Before coming up with a solution, students undergo several mental processes such as comprehension and critical thinking. This leads to the implementation of various strategies, techniques and other means of instruction. In addition, the implementation and

the selection of these kinds of activities aim to provide more knowledge and understanding
to the learners, which will then be identified through the assessment of their learning task. This study, which aims to identify the effectiveness of the implementation of the laboratory activity to the solving of projectile motion problems, includes the following: First, the researchers will compare two of the most usual activities done during the discussion of projectile motion. The word-problem solving and board exercises will be conducted to the students who will not perform a laboratory activity. This is comprised of the class discussion proper, board exercises, seatwork and quiz. The seatwork is given as an application of the

topic, Projectile Motion, depicting the use of projectile motion in real life. Then, the other
students will perform the laboratory activity which requires a class discussion proper. However,

In exchange of the boards exercise and seatwork, these students will only perform the laboratory activity alone. Thus, their application of the discussed topic will be based through their performance task only. Moreover, this implies that the students who will perform the laboratory activity are expected to further understand the topic through their hands-on experience. Second, the group of students who will have either a laboratory or not, will be given a formative test after the completion of their varied learning tasks. The uniform quiz will be given, which aims to measure the learning of the students with the given differentiated activity. Lastly, the total performance of the students will be assessed based on the results of the conducted uniform formative quiz composed of several word problems illustrating projectile motion. Hence, the effectiveness of the laboratory activity in the solving of projectile motion problem will be identified by comparing the performance of the students who had the laboratory exercise versus the performance of the students who had the board exercises and seatwork.

Theoretical Framework

This study which aims to identify the effectiveness of the laboratory activity in solving projectile motion is supported with mainly two of the theories proposed by prominent theorists. Specifically, these are the theory of cognitivism and the theory of constructivism. Basically, both are the converse of the other. The cognitive view of learning poses learning which is the result of the adaptation of knowledge from recurrent instances. Meanwhile,


the constructivist view of learning poses learning as a result of actual experience from a completed set of performance tasks. "Cognitive theorists recognize that much learning involves associations established through contiguity and repetition. Cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures through which humans process and store information." (Good and Brophy, 1990). The emphasis here is on the importance of experience, meaning, problem-solving and the development of insights (Burns, 1995). Burns notes that this theory has developed the concept that individuals have different needs and concerns at different times, and that they have subjective interpretations in different contexts. (Lee Dunn, 2000) Jean Piaget developed the major aspects of cognitivism during the year 1920. This includes several key concepts of the cognitive theory. Including the following: 1. Schema- an internal knowledge structure used to be compared to a new discovered information; 2. ThreeStage Information Processing Model- which also includes three steps (a. sensory registerreceives input from senses which lasts less than a second to four seconds and then disappears through decay or replacement; b. Short term memory- memory can be retained here for up to 20 seconds or more if rehearsed repeatedly; c. Long term memory- - stores information from STM for long term use. Long-term memory has unlimited capacity. Some materials are "forced" into LTM by rote memorization and over learning.) and etc. Also, this theory encompasses the different stages on how to acquire learning. One example which is evidently observed in classroom teaching is the Practice Effect which explains the importance of Practicing or rehearsing improves retention especially when it is distributed practice. By distributing practices the learner associates the material with many different contexts rather than the one context afforded by mass practice. (Mergel, 1998).

Although cognitive psychology emerged in the late 1950s and began to take over as the dominant theory of learning, it wasn't until the late 1970s that cognitive science began to have its influence on instructional design. (Mergel, 1998). New models of learning addressed several learning components such as knowledge coding and representation, information storage and retrieval as well as the incorporation and integration of new knowledge with previous information (Saettler, 1990). This theory is mainly governed by an objective view of the nature of knowledge. (Mergel, 1998). The goal of instruction remained the communication or transfer of knowledge to learners in the most efficient, effective manner possible (Bednar et al., in Anglin, 1995). The cognitive scientist would analyze a task, break it down into smaller steps or chunks and use that information to develop instruction that moves from simple to complex building on prior schema. The influence of cognitive science in instructional design is evidenced by the use of advance organizers, mnemonic devices, metaphors, chunking into meaningful parts and the careful organization of instructional materials from simple to complex. However, cognitivism shares some similarities with constructivism. (Mergel, 1998) Bartlett (1932) pioneered what became the constructivist approach (Good & Brophy, 1990). Constructivists believe that "learners construct their own reality or at least interpret it based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individual's knowledge is a function of one's prior experiences, mental structures, and beliefs that are used to interpret objects and events." Jonasson, (1991) stated, "What someone knows is grounded in perception of the physical and social experiences which are comprehended by the mind. (Mergel, 1998)


Real life experience in the viewpoint of constructivists belongs to realistic constructivism stating that cognition is the process by which learners eventually construct mental structures that correspond to or match external structures located in the environment. (Mergel, 1998) Merill (1991) has stated assumptions of constructivism which include the following: 1. Knowledge is constructed from experience; 2. Learning is a personal interpretation of the world; 3. Learning is an active process in which meaning is developed on the basis of experience; 4. Conceptual growth comes from the negotiation of meaning, the sharing of multiple perspectives and the changing of our internal representations through collaborative learning; 5. Learning should be situated in realistic settings; testing should be integrated with the task and not a separate activity. (Mergel, 1998). When designing from a behaviorist/cognitivist stance, the designer analyzes the situation and sets a goal. Individual tasks are broken down and learning objectives are developed. Evaluation consists of determining whether the criteria for the objectives has been met. In this approach the designer decides what is important for the learner to know and attempts to transfer that knowledge to the learner. The learning package is somewhat of a closed system, since although it may allow for some branching and remediation, the learner is still confined to the designer's "world". However, to design from a constructivist approach requires that the designer produces a product that is much more facilitative in nature than prescriptive. The content is not specified, direction is determined by the learner and assessment is much more subjective because it does not depend on specific quantitative criteria, but rather the process and self-evaluation of the learner. (Mergel, 1998)


The constructivists point that although experience plays a vital role in this theory, the main focus is the process in which learners draw knowledge from these actual situations. Unlike with the objectivists, experience is important in a way that learning is influenced by the learners experiences. Jonassen points out that the difference between constructivist and objectivist, (behavioral and cognitive), instructional design is that objective design has a predetermined outcome and intervenes in the learning process to map a pre-determined concept of reality into the learner's mind, while constructivism maintains that because learning outcomes are not always predictable, instruction should foster, not control, learning. (Mergel, 1998) Both theories are the basis of the selection of strategies in the teaching instruction. Cognitive theory is applied in tasks requiring an increased level of processing (e.g., classifications, rule or procedural executions) are primarily associated with strategies having a stronger cognitive emphasis (e.g., schematic organization, analogical reasoning, algorithmic problem solving). While, constructive theory is applied in tasks demanding high levels of processing (e.g., heuristic problem solving, personal selection and monitoring of cognitive strategies) are frequently best learned with strategies advanced by the constructivist perspective (e.g., situated learning, cognitive apprenticeships, social negotiation. (Ertmer & Newby, 1993). Ertmer and Newby (1993) believe that the strategies promoted by different learning theories overlap (the same strategy for a different reason) and that learning theory strategies are concentrated along different points of a continuum depending of the focus of the learning theory - the level of cognitive processing required. (Mergel, 1998).Although both are quite different in


some ways and are effective in their distinct use, the application of these theories are also dependent to the context in which they will be utilized. With the idea of these theories in mind, the researchers have been able to identify the purpose of these two main theories in this study. The theory of cognitivism patently supports the condition of the first group which refers to the students having board exercises and seatwork. The students experiences preceding the discussion will serve as their prior knowledge and then, be used as examples in solving problems relating to projectile motion. On the other hand, the theory of constructivism supports the condition of the second group which are identified as the students who will be having a laboratory exercise. The students hands-on experience will serve as a guide for the students to derive the solution of the projectile motion problem presented in the laboratory activity.



This chapter provides the selected related literatures which can further support the study.

Instructional Design We operate in an era in which the teaching of science and the formulation of curricular materials and instructional strategies should be tailored to the abilities, aptitudes, and motivational patterns of different students. (Hofstein & Kempa, 1985; Hofstein & Walberg, 1995). The use of various instructional techniques in providing learning to students depend on how well the students absorb these learning considering the time in which they could learn at a faster rate, the students preference on the kind of instruction they learn best and the teachers option in selecting the kind of instruction he/ she would make use of depending on what he/ she thinks is efficient to practice. The extent of learning is measured by an assessment. The teaching of Science requires a variety of instructional pedagogy and techniques. In support, the National Research Council (1996) stated that the investigation of the pedagogy of Science particularly the effectiveness of instructional techniques in the context of Science teaching, has become one of their key issues in establishing new standards and new goals in science education.


Classroom learning environments in science have been studied extensively in the last 30 years in order to determine their relationship to teaching strategies and the social interactions between teacher-students, students-students, and students-subject matter, during the process of instruction (Fraser, 1998). Because measures of learning environments have been found to be related and sensitive to instructional methods, they can be used in order to improve instruction and pedagogy in certain scientific subjects taught in schools. (Hofstein & Lazarowitz,1986; Maor & Fraser, 1996; Walberg, 1970). One learning environment related to science is the laboratory. Bybee (2000) stated that the National Science Education Standards in the United States and other contemporary Science education literature continue to suggest that school science laboratories have the potential to be an important medium for introducing students to central conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in science. Vincent Lunetta (2002) emphasized the role of the laboratory in science teaching, stating, The laboratory has been given central and distinctive role in science education, and science educators have suggested that rich benefits in learning accrue from using laboratory activities. Many possible kinds of instructional design can be used. However, the utilization of a selected instructional design depends on the teachers preferences but its objective is to provide learning to the students. A website presenting an online book publication with the topic 2 Instructional Design Theory and Process ASTD ( stated, Instructional design aims to provide what should the learners would be able to learn at the end of a training. program is then designed to teach the skills through hands-on practice or performance-based


instruction The advantages of using an instructional system are numerous, the most important being the ability to design projects quickly and efficiently. The use of various techniques in teaching science is essential especially that science involves a day to day experience and life applications. One most common branch of science which is concretely observed is physical science. This branch involves quantifying data and calculations. Therefore, an efficient strategy of instruction must be implemented in order to assure students learning.

Demonstration Approach Interactive Lecture Demonstrations introduce a carefully scripted activity, creating a "time for telling" in a traditional lecture format. Because the activity causes students to confront their prior understanding of a core concept, students are ready to learn in a follow-up lecture. One step presented is to let the students work in small group and to let them experience the demonstration through conducting experiments, taking surveys or working with data. In the end, students are given the opportunity to think critically of the outcomes and they are given the site to conclude whether to confirm or to contradict with the hypothesis.(Merritts, et. al., 2012). Research shows that students acquire significantly greater understanding of course material when traditional lectures are combined with interactive demonstrations. Each step in Interactive Demonstrations--Predict, Experience, Reflect--contributes to student learning. Prediction links new learning to prior understanding. The experience engages the student with compelling evidence. Reflection helps students identify and consolidate that they have learned.(Merritts, et. al., 2012)

Also, students can learn by being provided with a dynamic classroom. This is a way in which teachers integrate interactive strategies to deliver classroom discussion.

Guided Discovery Approach Guided-discovery problems can be incorporated into lecture, lab, and field courses. They are ideal cooperative learning activities. They also fit beautifully into the exploration phase of the learning cycle approach to teaching and are especially effective when they are assigned before any lectures or readings on the topic. Because guided-discovery problems are timeconsuming and foster deep learning, they are best used to teach course material that is especially important, conceptually difficult, or counter-intuitive. (Brown and Abell, 2007 ) In order to succeed, a guided-discovery problem must be adequately scaffolded (Hogan and Pressley, 1997; Hmelo-Silver, et. al., 2007 ) so that students remain within their "zone of proximal development," the zone between what they can do on their own and what they can't do, even with help, added by Vygotsky (1978). (Abimbola, 1994)

Scientific Inquiry Scientific inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Inquiry also refers to the activities of students in which they develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, as well as an understanding of how scientists study the natural world (National Research Council, 1996).

The Standards use the term inquiry in two ways: (1) inquiry as content understanding (in which students have opportunities to construct concepts, patterns and meaning about an idea in order to explain what they experience) and (2) inquiry as abilities (Bybee, 2000). Under the heading of abilities or skills, Bybee includes identifying questions, designing and conducting scientific investigations, formulating and revising scientific explanations, recognising and analysing alternative explanations, and communicating and defending scientific arguments. It is suggested that many of these abilities are in alignment with those that characterise inquiry-type laboratories. In addition, Hofstein and Walberg (1995) reported that inquiry-type laboratories are central to learning science, because students are involved in the process of conceiving problems, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, gathering and analysing data, and drawing conclusions about scientific problems or science phenomena. These, it is suggested, should be integrated with the other complementary activities such as the development of scientific concepts and related scientific skills and experiences. One must remember that student inquiry can range from independently conducted research on different issues to the investigation of a research question by the entire class (Lunetta, 1998). In conclusion, there is no doubt that inquiry teaching and learning poses a challenge to both teachers and students.(Kracjik, Mamlok & Hug, 2000). The main premise behind any inquiry program is that students learn by doing through the process of problem solving. By posing their own questions in scientific investigations, students are considered the creators of knowledge, whereas teachers are the facilitators of this knowledge creation process. As Bruner (1961) noted, "The practice of discovering for oneself teaches one to acquire information in a way that makes it more readily viable in problem solving" (Longo, 2011)


Laboratory Activity Laboratory activities appeal as a way of allowing students to learn with understanding and, at the same time, engage in a process of constructing knowledge by doing science (Tobin, 1990) Classroom experiments are activities where any number of students work in groups on carefully designed guided inquiry questions. Materials provide students with the means of collecting data through interaction with typical laboratory materials, data simulation tools or a decision making environment, as well a series of questions that lead to discovery-based learning. The experiment enables the teacher to act as facilitator only and thus, the teacher only assists or aids in the proper procedures exercised by the students. However, the students must be the one to complete the laboratory activity (Ball, et. al., 2012) They differ from classroom demonstrations because the students are involved in collecting data or observations. However, just as in an interactive classroom demonstration, students involved in classroom experiments can be asked to make predictions and to reflect upon their observations. (Ball, et. al., 2012) In Shulman and Tamir's (1973) review of research on science teaching, they identified three rationales generally advanced by those that supported the use of the laboratory in science teaching. The rationales included: (1) The subject matter of science is highly complex and abstract, (2) Students need to participate in inquiry to appreciate the spirit and methods of science, and (3) Practical work is intrinsically interesting to students. Shulman and Tamir also compiled a list of objectives of using laboratory work in science teaching. The list included the teaching and learning of skills, concepts, attitudes, cognitive abilities, and understanding the

nature of science. Also, there is hardly any science method's book that does not usually list the objectives of science laboratory work (Abimbola, 1994). Renner, Abraham, and Birnie (1985) examined ways of making the laboratory an active learning environment for students and found that discussion was pivotal. The importance of this finding is in ways enhanced by the observation that a large number of science teachers struggle with discussion as a pivotal concept in laboratory work. In fact, Watts and Ebutt (1988) found that many students preferred laboratory work which offered them opportunities to better direct their enquires; clearly, discussion is important in helping students to clarify their thinking and this is especially so in self-directed enquiry. Conclusions such as these resonate well with the individual impressions of many teachers about the role and place of science laboratory work; teachers often identify with this research through personal experience. A consequence of this, for some science teachers, is a continual search for ways of addressing their concerns about science laboratory work, of seeking alternative approaches to the use of the laboratory that might lead to consequences more in line with the claims often made for the laboratory (Wiley, 2000). There are concerns about the effectiveness of laboratory work in helping the students understand the various aspects of scientific investigation (Lazarowitz & Tamir, 1994; Schwartz et al., 2004). Teachers usually want to develop students higher order thinking skills, like critical thinking, through laboratory work; but to what extent they can achieve this is controversial (Bol & Strage, 1996; Ottander & Grelsson, 2006). Therefore, it is important to analyze the purposes related to laboratory work, as the purposes need to be well understood and defined by teachers and students alike for the practical work in the laboratory to be effective. It was hypothesized that participants receiving hands-on instruction would have greater memory recall when compared with participants receiving verbal demonstration only. (Hofstein, et. al., 2000)

Projectile Motion Projectile Motion is the motion of an object which path is affected by the force of gravity (Flipp, 2003). It is a physics topic involving several mathematical equations and scientific calculations. In order to effectually understand its role in real life, students must comprehend how it is premeditated. Before doing that, students encounter numerous steps in order to solve a missing value. On the other hand, students might prefer their own method in order to understand the concept of projectile motion and its application to real life. Teachers provide a venue for the students to further understand this topic by putting a concrete example in description of each concept explained. But, the completion to assess the students learning still falls on the word problems solving.

Problem Solving Bernado (2005) stated, Word problems in mathematics often pose a challenge because they require that students read and comprehend the text of the problem, identify the question that needs to be answered, and finally create and solve a numerical equation. He added that many may have difficulty reading and understanding the written content in a word problem (Morales, 2006) Hence, teachers must find a way in which students will be able to utilize and practice their skills in problem solving. A board work problem solving exercise is as example of a documented problem solving. It is a teaching and learning technique that generates metacognition. This causes students to shift their focus from merely getting the correct answer to the thought process or steps they use


in order to find the answer. As students' think about their learning and their problem-solving awareness increases, they begin to transition from the steps used to solve a problem to the application of analytical and critical thinking skills. Documented problem solving also helps to identify missteps in students' thinking, and thus provides valuable feedback for students and instructors. The approach is easy to implement in a number of academic disciplines. (Wilson, 2012).

Word Problem Teachers provide a word problem to be worked on by students as an application of the concepts they have learned during the physics class. One example of this is the giving of a board work problem solving. As the teacher presents the solution to the problem on the board, the students are actively participating through giving attention. In addition, students also follow the steps and calculations of the teacher presented on the board. Students are also given their time to do another board exercise. Then, a volunteer student will be presenting the calculations. The other students will critique their classmates work. In that manner, students are working together to solve the given board exercise. By collaboratively solving problems, students become active participants in the classroom, and they have the opportunity to immediately apply new information. The faculty presence in the classroom allows formative assessment on an on-going basis and the opportunity to identify and correct misconceptions as they arise. Because students are working problems in class and getting immediate feedback, the faculty-coached approach increases students' studying efficiency and effectiveness. Faculty can fill in missing gaps in understanding, get students back

on track quickly, and guide students to solving problems on their own. This approach has been shown to be effective in classrooms with students from diverse educational backgrounds. (Deel, et, al., 2012).

Assessment of Learning At the end of the instruction, in order to know how well the students learn, the teacher gives an assessment. It provides faculty with a better understanding of what your students are learning and engage students more deeply in the process of learning science content. By using assessment strategies that draw students into the assessment process it is more likely that they learn more of the science content that you want them to learn while getting the added benefits of learning skills that will be useful to them in the future. As the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996) points out, assessments don't take time from learning, they are learning experiences by themselves (Wiley, 2000). The use of assessment is essential in the teaching-learning process. It is one of the means that a teacher can evaluate what the students know and what they are learning. In order to know whether students have learned after the discussion, they are given tests such as the written tests and a set of performance tasks.

Hands-On Activity According to the constructivist philosophy of Piaget and Vygotsky, people build conceptual understanding on their experience. Real experiences allow people to construct their

own understandings in a meaningful way (Piaget, 1968; Vygotsky, 1978) Both are alike in a sense that they believe that both the intellectual and the physical factors of a learner influence him/her. This will lead to the impact of the function of a learning task. Hands-on approach as a teaching method is effective in different types of individuals. Wearch also stated that hands-on teaching showed more favor from the majority of the participants during a study. The hands-on method has proven to be superior to demonstration across time and population. The different types of participants had greater overall memory retention when they were taught using a hands-on approach. Also, she included that adults with mental disabilities and college students have greater long term recall when they were taught via hands-on. She concluded that hands-on is an effective teaching strategy for most of the populations it is used with. Wearsh (2010) Another supporting statement was specified by Tobina, Kenneth (1986). He said, A study conducted with 15 teachers and their classes in two Western Australian high schools indicated that laboratory activities are perceived by a majority of teachers and students as an effective means of learning science. In addition, Kelvin Otis (2010) statement agreed on this. He said, Students who practice what they're learning in a hands-on environment can often retain three and half times as much as opposed to just sitting in a lecture room and listening intently. Moreover, he said that the critical thinking skill of the students can be further enhanced and developed through experiencing something a person does in life. He also said, In the classroom, students are taught not just to rely on memory and attention.


John Dewey, a renowned educator and philosopher stated that when action is taken and a change is made within a person, this change is loaded with significance. We learn something (Hofstein & Kempa, 1985; Hofstein & Walberg, 1995) Moreover, the use of a hands-on activity enables students to interact by doing and learning at the same time. Because of the hands-on experiences, students learn through a mindson and inquiry-oriented activities. (Tobin, Capie & Bettencourt, 1988) .



This chapter discusses the procedures and steps in conducting the research study. Specifically, this includes the research design, population and sample, instrumentation, validity and reliability of the instrument, data collection and analytical procedure.

Research Design This study, which aims to identify the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in the solving of projectile motion problems, involves specific quantitative data gathering process. In order to find for the possible outcome of the test, the researchers will conduct an investigation. Thus, the design of this study is experimental and correlational. The researchers will utilize an experimental method by conducting the test among the chosen students of a divided group. The results from the conducted test will influence the conclusion of this study. Moreover, the results of the test influenced by two factors that will be considered, the demonstration and laboratory activity, will be further compared in order to identify the strategy which is greater in efficiency. Thus, the final data would determine the end in identifying the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in the solving of projectile motion problems.


The variables considered will be the intervention of board exercises/seatwork and a laboratory activity as the independent variables (V1,V2) and the students test scores as the dependent variable (T1,T2).

Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study will be the Fourth Year Level of one of the public schools in Bacolod City. The researchers will pick out 2 sections from the said school: the first section will do the normal classroom instruction and the second section will do the normal classroom instruction with the intervention of the laboratory activity. The respondents must be taking up Projectile Motion as the topic in Physics while gathering the data for this study.

Research Instruments To gather necessary information on the purpose of the study, 2 sets of semi-detailed lesson plan will be made with 2 sets of test questionnaire included on the evaluation part. The first set in the evaluation part of the first lesson plan will contain the pre-test, a test after the discussion, same through with the second lesson plan. There will be an intervention on normal classroom activity such as board works on the first lesson plan and a laboratory activity in the second lesson plan. After the two interventions, the same post-tests will be given to the students. This is where significant difference and effects of the intervention of the laboratory activity in the students test scores in solving projectile motion problems can be identified.


Data Gathering

Before conducting the study, the researchers will

identify the




projectile motion topic in Physics. Based from that, they will recognize the classes as the respondents. Moreover, they will be asking the permission of the teacher and the class if they would be willing to take part in the said study.

When the respondents are already identified, the following processes will be done in order to gather the data:

1. The researchers will classify the classes into two groups. The first group will be labelled as Group A, having board exercise and seatwork as variables. While the other group, Group B, will be identified as the students who will be taking the Laboratory Activity as a variable instead. 2. The two groups will be having a similar pre-test before the discussion. 3. The discussion proper will be conducted. This involves the teaching of the concepts and the instruction of the formula used in a projectile motion problem. 4. Then, the test scores will be gathered and will serve as the basis for the comparison of the results gathered at the end of the study. 5. The t-test will be used in identifying the significant change in the test scores of the students influenced by the specific variables used in the different groups. 6. Identify the effect of the intervention of each variable in the students performance through the comparison of the t-test results of the two groups. 7. At the end, the researcher will identify the effectiveness of using a laboratory activity in the solving of projectile motion.

Data Analysis

The data that will be gathered in the study, which is the comparison of the pre-test scores and post test scores of the group of students with their corresponding variables as intervention, will be analyzed by conducting a t-test. T-test is a statistical examination of two population means. A two-sample t-test examines whether two samples are different and is commonly used when the variances of two normal distributions are unknown and when an experiment uses a small sample size(Investopedia US, 2013). The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two groups, and especially appropriate as the analysis for the post testonly two-group randomized experimental design (Trochim, 2006). The t-value will be positive if the first mean is larger than the second and negative if it is smaller. The alpha level is also considered in order to test the significance. The rule of thumb which considers the alpha level value of 0.5 means that five times out of a hundred, there is a chance of finding a significant difference. The degrees of freedom (df) is also identified. In the t-test, the degrees of freedom is the sum of the persons in both groups minus 2. Given the alpha level, the df, and the t-value, you can look the t-value up in a standard table of significance to determine whether the t-value is large enough to be significant. After it is identified, a conclusion of the difference between the two compared sets, can be made (Trochim, 2006). Moreover, the researchers will be using Microsoft Excel program to calculate the corresponding values.


Also, the comparison of the results (R1 versus R2) will be identified by finding for the greater numerical value of the t-test conducted both from the test scores of the students with and without laboratory activity. Therefore, the conclusion of the study will be based on the final outcome of the comparison.


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