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TM 9-285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, INTRODUCTION Scope 7 ‘Arrangement of rato! 2 General 3 score, ‘2 This technical manual ie intended to serve temporarily (pending ‘he publication of 8 more complete revision) to give information and ‘uidance to personne! of the using arms charged with the operation, ‘aintonance and minor repair of thie materi 1h. This manual contains n trie the available information necessary for the idemtication, operation, care, and cleaning ofthe shotguns ited below. In addition is incl the ciatembly and assembly ofthe une for the purpose of cleaning and lubrication, and availabe information ‘Shotguns covered in thi bulletin areas follow Winchester Repeater, 12 Gage, Remington Repeater, 12-Gage, M97 m0 Winchestor Repester,12-Gage, Remington Repeater, 12 Gage, Min wat Stevens Repeater, 12Gage, Remington Autolanding, 12 M620. ‘Gree, MT Stevens Repeater, 12Gage, Remington Avtorloating, 12. MSz0 Gage, Sportsmen Steveas Repeater, 12Goge, Savage, Autolonding, 12Gags 620 ‘720 enaca Repeater, 12-Gage, M37 «. Disassembly, assembly, and such eepaire a may be handled by ‘sing arm personnel will be undertaken only uncer the supervision ef en cer or the chief mechanic 41 In all cases where the suture of the cepa, modification or ad justmeat is beyond the scope or fates f the unt, the responsible ‘ordnance service shouldbe informed in order that trained personne with fitable tole end equipment may be provided, or proper istration’ 2. ARRANGEMENT OF MANUAL. ‘The shotguns covered inthis manual are of various makes mode, and types. In some cases ferent models ofthe same mete difer widely ™ 9-285, in design in others the differences are principally in deal of dosgn. Each inake of gun bercin ie ated seperately and where there is extreme ‘evition in model, the model is rested se. separate gun. Where aight ‘erations cecur in different models ofthe sxe make, they are grouped {od the differences explained as they occu. be, ostructions for disassembly and assembly, and special care and rsintenance are covered in the tection pertsing to the gan and in {ction XI; while cleaning ibriestion, aad general maintenance, which ‘ting the Winchester M97 gun, and con be applied in general to the ‘other guns as indicated, ‘A oneal description of the gun for idenication, together with such identifeation marke as may be found upon the gua, a given at the beginning of the sectiom pertaining vo the pun i question. 3. GENERAL. 1% Tho repeating shotguns covered inthis manual sr of two gener! types the sd action, sometimes termed pump action, and the cute loncing or semiautomatic. The atotonding gun is often called an s3t0- bh. At aleeady explained, diferent models ofthe same make of gun ‘may vary im design in whole or in prt. Also guns of the same make and ‘model but of clferent grades may vary tightly in design. In addition some guns ofthe same make, model, and zrade but of various dates of ‘manufactare may have sigh variations in design. Such variations re smut be dealt sith at such. ‘Due to absence of standard ordnance nomenclature for the gus covered in this techie mana, with the exception of the Tica M7, the parts and assemblies ate given the nomenelatore supplied by he ‘mavulacturer and eppeating in thee perts Unt, Therelore parte and tceembles of, for ennple, a Winchester gun, may be eferred to by a ‘ferent nacve than sila: pars of» Restngton gun, For example, the lide handle, operating handle, and ‘ore ead seler to similar parts on ‘diferent maker of guns. The Ithaca Gun M37 bas been given standard nomenclature by the Ordnance Department and this aorenctatore i sed hereis and wil dfler in some respects frm that appearing #2 the manufacturer's pars fist 4. The word “shell” is standard nomenclature for the shotgun ca. wide. The word “sell” has therefore en ved throuhout this technicet ‘manual and substituted forthe word “casrdge” appearing in the mama fetarer’s parts lists, Therefore when identifying pars rlered to heres this fact shouldbe borne in mind ™ 9.285, SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, ‘The word “cole” refers othe boring ofthe barel, which varies in egree om fll cylinder to fll choke. In thr technical mantal three Sogreet of boring only are rlerred to, fll eyinder (uoally referred $0 fr einder), wmproved cylinder snd fll choke, The bore ofthe shotgun bret has ko diameters the chamber diemete, and the true bore dam eter The chamber diameter is geater tha the ue bore diameter, and these two diameters re jained bya tapered section ssually termed the forcing cone. In fll eyknder gua the ue bore dlameter extends rom the forward end ofthe forcing cone to the end of the musts, Choking ‘usually accomplihed by boring the barrel thatthe Gumetee of the lore near the muss end ie slighty Tes then that of the true bare Diameter of toe bore of « 12-zage shotgun is 0.729 inch. The degree of choke ina bare i measured by the diepesion of the pellets contained in the shot charge at gwen distance from the muss. This diperson is measured in the percentage of the numberof thot pelets cntained fn the charge, which will be contained within # 30‘neh eele at 40 yards stance Irom the muzsle Fora cylinder bare, this wil be 40 percent, for an improved cylinder bare, SD percent, a fr ful choke bare, 75 percent. The term “hammerles” at applied tothe guns in this manual refers to the type of Sing mechaniars The Winchester Gun MG? i termed 2 ‘ammer gun doe t Ue fact hat the hammer ie vsible und operative out Side the receiver. The other gune covered in thie manual ae termed yhammerlss asthe hammers afe wholly encloned within the receiver end sce thos not mantally operative, 1 Thenomencleture of theside handle, by which the tide action guns va his tecnica! mansal are opersted,difers for each pun To the Winchester gun sis called the action slide handle wile tn the Rem ington gun itis elle the fore end, aed in the Tihaca te slide han, ee This assembly, however, is basically the same forall the guns andi composed of three rain pats the slide handle tube which sides on the Imatarine tube and on which the woaden side handle i assembled and the side handle bar which extends fra the rear of the tube into the receiver snd connects the handle withthe slide or operating mechanism ‘The tube aod bar ate integral, welds ce rivet together, according to the make of go. 1 The term “clockwise” and “counterclockwn x used in connsetion withthe turning of serewedn parts to denote the divection of turn The diameter of the partis considered as the face of slck and the tre when cleckwise isin the discon the hands of the clock would nora ‘avel Counterclockwiae i the opposite {The term "takedown" applies to guns 2 contracted thatthe bare, ‘or barrel magazine and aeton side hae group can easily te removed INTRODUCTION {om the receiver without the ue of tools This contrction foclitates cleaning. end transportation ‘The term “soli frame” ax tand in thee manual, refers to guns which either Urough basi design or the asembly (lth bayonet atachnent tothe barrel are not easily tan down without tools Inthe cnoe of the Winchester MO? aid rare design gun of early imanulacture, the barrel and maparine are sewed directly ito the ‘ofthis gun (pare) the barrel and magazine ae of the takedown type but are locked into the receiver at manufacture and should not be removed. In these Winchester gun, however, i necemary to remove ‘tee Doyoset attachment ad. magisine in ceder to remove the ide handle, which most be removed inorder to remove the groupe from the receiver fr cleaning when necessary. ‘Therefore, the removal and T™- placement of thee pats x expinined. The Winchester M12 (solidtrame gun) when isued, will be assembled similarly to the Winchester M97 (Golid fame gun of later manufacture) (pat 12b). The other guns cov- ered in this manual ae basically ofthe take down detign, but whea the beayonet attachment i assemble to the riot type of these guns the barrel. ‘cannot be removed unless the bayonet attachment i fret removed. Thre fore these gons with bayonet attachment assembled, are considered as solidrame guna Ta the case of sliéeame quae ax explained above, the sttachment or bare, unless its necessary to remove the groups from the Zeceiver for periodic cleaning or when the gun is exposed to extreme |b Disazembly and assembly, af treated in shit technical manual, fre neceasry t0-4 thorough clearing of the gun. Should further die Susombly be necessary for ndustmentorrepei, the gun should be turned lover to ordnance personnel A group is a number of parts which either function together or are intimately related to each other and shovld, theretore, be considered together, A froup may be composed of one assembly of to ot more parts or subassemblies, ora number of asso bien and parts For example, the barrel, magazine, and action slide ‘r0upis composed ofthe barelasembly, the magnrine assembly andthe Acton slide asembly. To removing the groupe or pars from the gua it isoften necesary to remove other groupe or parts st, inorder tobe able te remove the group or part ceswed. Tn mort instances the groups of parts mort be removed and replaced in the order and manner je feribed herein 4. Modern shotguns nay be roughly divided into five general classes: Single-bartel, double-barrel, manually opersted repeaters, autloating ‘repeaters and mult bevel s SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (Q) Single barrel guns havea single barrel only and are ths capable ‘of firing but one sot without rlosding. Such gus may be of the ham- ‘ner or hammers (sual) design apd are manually operated. (2) Double-barel guna have two basses, mounted either side-by-side cor one under the other. In the later case they are termed “over-and- Ander” or "over-ander” guna The side-by-side devien, ually termed “dosblebarre,” may be hammer or hammedess (usually) guns, while ‘the ‘oversindec” design ir sully hammerless. Both designs are mei- Ally operated aad are capable of Sing two shots without reloading. (2) Repeating guns have a single berrel with a tubules magazine below it, and are capable of Sring {com 3 to 6 shots without reloeding. ‘Such guns are manually operated by means of siding action which leds, cocks, and clears the gun when operated, The slide action gine covered in this mana] are of this design, (4) Avtoloading repeaters havea single barrel witha tubular maga zine below it and are capable of iring rom 3 to S shots without reloading. Such gune mutt be loaded manually for the fist shot. When the gun ix feed the eco operates the mechanim to cles, cock, and lad the gon ‘rom the magazine. The only operation necesory forthe operator to perform after the initial loading nd cocking it pall the trigger. he ‘nitolonding guns covered in this manual are ofthis desge (5) Muls-burre! guns have Uvee or more bereels Usually they have two shotgun barrels mounted side by side with are barrel below them Such gune are usually of the hammerles design and are manually operated 1. Shotguns produced by varioor manufacturers ae wanly refered tossola specie ode and grade The model ters ote base ech Gal eagy of the any the race, to the sera dein rah an freving. special sock, bed tare, cr modifertions of deg. Grader [re velered to bersn only when there ina variation a mechanical design ‘The various grades wipciic model may come der gages eogth of bares or degrees of choke in barrel boring, A sporting skeet gam however, is wuallyfurished with 26inch betel and porting tap ton with 4 20-o 32inch bre. Gone aed fo game shooting may come sith any length barrel or degre of choke Sch gu ucaly havea pain Tare without rib In hs techniesl manca, However, de tote fact that gum of various grades ae Being nnd, gine ate cle a tees ‘types. sporting sheet, and sporting tap according to length of bared dee fee oy Sich yb of ny rn Fev oy 2Sinch improved cylinder baal ta sori sect Gun, 207 wrth a 30sach, fll coke bare ae sporting tap tun, ct uae ‘ec ob fried wth bayoet hand guards sd ing reve ‘ ™ 9-285 INMODUCTION ‘bt some have been procured without these accesories in the interests ‘of expediency. These are termed “subsite rot guns” Sporting guns a6 felerred to herein are used principally for tapahooting NOTE: The Migsatory Game Act provides that aot more than three shells ball be contsined inn epenting cr astoloeding shotgun, and that the magacnes shell therefore be limited to capacity of to shell. To comply with this ect, hardwood plu is fornishe for insertion in the fn othe magarne to reduce ie capacity to two all, sm. The shotgun shel or cartridge i cylindrical in shape and may be componed entirely of beat, 4 paper casing sented in a bras or steel ‘bse, The primer is seated in the base of the shell which contains the powder charge and shot pellets, seperated and held in postion by eylin- real wads of felt and cardboard, The primer, when srock by the Sing pin, detonates and produces « spark which igniter the powder. The xpansion ofthe gas genereted by the burning powder furnithes the force for propelling the shot charge from the gun. For description of the shell refer tomction XI 1m In addition to Geld inspection as prescribed for each wun, the Darel should be inspected, and the tigate pull ested flows: (2) teapxcrton oF Bannet, The bare shold be inrpected for loose nese in ocr, rt, pts, leading. esas, ad bulges, (a) Te bare! is lone (shakes) ia receiver, the gun should be turned, cover to ordnance pecronnel for correction. (lo) Rust and leading may be removed if oot too bud (par. al). Tf barrel is badly rurted or pitted, the un should be turned over 16 ord- ance personne! (€) li cracks or bulges ote evident, the gun should be turned over to ordnance personnel. A bulge i onsally indicated by a shadowy depres: on or dark ring inthe bore, and may often be noticed through @ bulge or ralued ring on the bacel surface (2) Trtcces Poss. (a) Teiager pall should in generl range between S pounds (mii smite) and 8 prunds (maximum) for the ge covered ns bulletin “eigen pl canbe teed withthe reglaien ager pull ot wee Took and weights used for rifles and carond inthe smal ema reps ek, or ok ad weigh improves (2) below {b) The sspecor, in tering Wager pall of shore, shoal have two weights one of§ pound and one a 8 sins Each ofthe weights ‘ould be proved with ze 90th ie lie tre The we shouldbe enough to retam am Look bed 7 TM 9-285 3 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, not lee than 214 inches long, in the fee end, and long: enough t allow ‘the weight towing ler ofthe butt en of the stork when testing. 12) To tet the tigre pl, ote thatthe gua fly unlowded, action Jacked, hammer fully cocked, andthe slety set to the Sire position Duss slowing the trigger tobe retracted, Have the weight resting oa the oot Gr ground, aod insert hook of trigger weight wie (or test hock) thous the tigger guard bow to bear onthe trigger, so tha the presure wall be pple Inch fom the lower end ofthe trigger, Care should be ten dori the txt to ne thet the wire contacts the wager only and doesnot rub agtinet the trigger guard bow or tock, and that wice and axis of bore fre parallel end perpendicular. Then with the barrel of the gun held ‘verbally, rave the weight com the Aaor an gently ex posable. Ifthe S-pound weight pulls the trigger, or the 8-pound weight fil to pil the ‘wiger, the gun should be turned over to ordaance personnel ‘a The illustrations i this technical mana pertaining tothe oper ‘on ofthe gun are for explanatory purposes only. The current regultiont ‘or manual of nrm on the manner in which the gon should be eld while perating, ould be followed, 1p. The word “breech” refer othe ction of the gun just tothe rear ‘of the barrel chamber, where the gun is laaded. The word “muszle ‘fers to the extreme forward end of the barel 4 Safety Precautions (1) Rvery shotgun shouldbe considered to ie fully loaded and cocked ‘uni it has been personel examined by the opeatar and proved 0 be otherwise, Memory should never be trusted at to 2 gun condition (2) A shotgun should sever be pointed at anyone at whom i is not intended to shoot, nor in'e dizection wheze accental Gecharge may (B) A shotgun should always be fly unlosded sf itis to be lat where someone ese ay hale (A) A shotgun should always be pointed up to a safe sot when pulling the tigger after examination. (3) If shotgun i to be cared cocked, with 8 shell in the chamber, the trigger should be biocked by slicing the safety to the safe postion. 1 the can of te Winchester Gun MST the hammer sou be iced (©) Under no circumstances should presure be applied tothe trigeer ile the gin is being operated, untt the Breech bolt Cor Ike part) it positively locked, an the side (or like part blocked, (7) Under no ccumstanees should the emer of the Winchester ‘Gun MO7 be let completely down with a shell in the chamber. ™ 9-285 2 INTRODUCTION (8) A shotgun should never be fred with any grease, cleaning patch, ut, it, nu so, or other cbtructon inthe bore To-do vo may bust ‘he Barcel or blow the bol (8), Ammurition should never be greased or oiled This wil affect the munition, and creates a hazardous prearure on the bolt. (20) Chamber and bore shovld be wiped dry of il or grease before ‘ing lor the reason given in (8) and (9) above (11) Ammisnition should be clean and dry all lve and dummy am: ‘munition should be carefully exemined all defective, ewolen, or badly bean! shells turned in (12) Aromunstion should not be exposed tothe dee rays of the sun for any length of time, This increases chomber preseure and affects the sbarae (p2!-92) (18) The bore should always be inspected befor loading then. (14) Aun presumed to be fully unloaded should never be handed to anyone antil agro inspected, (C5) Shotgun sbells smaller than 12-tage should never be carried ‘A smaller shell if accidentally loaded, will enter the bore and burst the barrel when the gun is Bred CAUTION: The proper functioning of the bolt and/or slide locking smechanicns ofthe guns covered in this manual of the utmost impor tance tothe proper operation and functioning ofthe gun, and the safety ‘ofthe operator, Ifa bol fail to lock propery, oa lide lock (r silat part fale to fonction to prevent premature unlocking of the bol, the ‘breech iz apt to blow open when the gun i red with possible ijury to the operator. Extreme care should be observed tose that such part ‘and those which operate and function therm are in good eepair ad a justment a all times, Care should b4 observed by operators to we that the breech mechanism is securely locked and blocked as directed i the ‘eld inspection forthe gn in gestion when operating the guns. 1M 9-285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES Section th WINCHESTER SHOTOUN, 12-0AGE, M97 Description 7 Operation 5 Finctooing 7 Replaceroent of groupe ° Feld inepection 10 Cleaning 20d lbrication a 4 DESCRIPTION. sa Ldentifcaton marke on thir gun are generally to be found as (1) Name of maker, gage, model, anc barrel boring are stamped on (2) Serial number of the gun is stamped on the lower face af the barrel near the breech end, end om the lower fece of the forward end of the receiver (G2) On said Srame gua mcker's name and model are stamped on ‘the action slide bar an the serial numberof the gun sin (2) above bh. This gun (fas 1, 2,3, and 4) isa manually opersted repeting shotgun of the side action, hammer type, manufactared in both sold frame snd take-dowa types. Tn the solidfeame gun (Bigs 1 and 2) the Ibrvel in aorewed into the receiver at manufactore and isnot intended tbe removed except for rept; the magazine is lao screwed into the receiver but con eatly be removed ty removal of «stop serew and “unscrewing the magazine from the receiver. The takewovn gu is so constructed that the barrel and magazise together with the action side roup can easly be removed asa nit By disengaging interrupted threads fon rear end of the megacioe and barrel from like sterupted threads 2 {the receiver by which the barrel and marine are locked to the rece "This construction faites cleaning and tranrportation of the gin ce. Riot qunt of early mansfactare were of the sliframe design, ‘wie sch guns of later manufacture were of a modified soln! rome de. sign In this Iter design the take-domn type of receiver, barrel and mags zine (with action side assembled) were used.‘The Baral snd mgarine (wth action slide assembled), however, mat be removed separately frome the receiver. and not asa unit ax inthe takedown gun This died go> Inns a receiver extension screwer to the barrel slr fo the takestown 0 WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M07 View Riot Type (Solld-Frome)— 3 : z f z é 3 i 2 3 = Figure 1~Gun with Bayonet, Hand Guard ond Sti | Winchest : i i ! : i i i ; i i gore 2—Gun with chester Shotgun M97 Hgvre 3=tett Side View=Sperting Trop Type (Teke-down)—Wi ” 2 Hgure 4—Right Side View—Sperting Trop Type (Take-down)~Winchestor Shotgun MP7 TM 9-285 WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M97 gn, while the bart of the slid frame gun of ely manufacture, has Sich extension, and screws decty nto the receiver The magazine bd {sabeeot in both guns when the yonet attachments assembled to the fn, and the meacine pg has an integral stud on its forward end [Barrel and magazine ofthe two guns are not interchangeable (par-31). 4. The takedown design of this gun ie urmshed in various grader paving bere of different lengths and degrees of boring snd other mod feations of design. Basically, however, the mechaniem of the gun it deatial except forthe allerences i design mentioned inh and e shove ‘For convenience herein the gone wil be clssifed az three types: riot sorting shes and sporting tp, although variations of thew pet (1) The not type gun (Sgs 1 and 2) may some in either the solid frame or take-down design, with « 20 iach pain bare, bored cylinder. ‘Most of there guns have a bayonet attachment and hand guard (96-8) sttached tothe murzle end of the bare) an the magazin, and « leather fling attached toa sling swivel on the bayonet attache and the stock. ‘These are slways of the slid rame or modified slid-fame type (2) The sporting skeet type gun usually comes in the takedown Row Geous (4) Seat tiger sprig in its apertore i guard tow, and place triguer on ep of spring with curved end extending downward trough Moor of ur tow (2) Slide guard bow into rear of receiver with pin tole forward, ‘ntl pin hoe im guard bow and receiver are in slinement. (ey Press tiger down agaist spring until pin hole in trigger lines (WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M97 the = 1m Receiver—Winchester Shotgun M97 (Take-down) en Hgore 16-Unlocking Magerine TM 9-285 zine Disengeged from Receiver—Winchester Shotgun MPY (Take-down) Figure 17—Borrel and Mo ™ 9.285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES swith pin ote in guard bow and resiver and insert tigger pin. Drive io through ati us (@) The buttstock can then be replaced by sliding 09 t0 tang of receiver cod mating with groove in receive. Then replace butt stock bole and washer, and sere down tight by turning clockwise. The butt plate ean then be replaced and screed down snugly. Composition butt Plates shouldbe replace caveflly nd not screwed down too Sight. 10 revert cracking of plate ard striping of screw threads in but stock. (2) Bretex BoLt Grour. The breech bolt group must be replaced in the ceceiver before the cerer group. Replace es follows (a) Inaert the breech bole group ito the rear of the receiver with he locking lg forward ene dawn, and push group all he ay home (2) Slip action slide hook into Het side of breech bolt locking Toe, that the boss on hook wots in counterbore i lug and hook Kis in {tideway in let ier wll of the receiver, saith point of hook down and fe sear, Replace action sie hook serew ftom cit sie of reech bok, fd tighten. (Head of hook svn should protde from right face of Trcech bolt at lett Inch to ire that it wll ram dows the shell uid, to clear the ejection opening inthe receiver, when the beech bolts retracted). (©) Check action of breech lt and hook By aiding breech bat back snd forth several times Hook should move with breech bot. (2) Cannan Grove. The carier group should aot be replaced inthe receiver until after the Basch belt how been replaced. Replace a+ follows (a) To replace the corier group fst cock the hammer. Then, insert the cari, hammer up and to the rear, sto the receiver through the bottom opening, and krep moving tothe zear into the receiver until the cartier sents elf properly init recess in the rer wall ofthe receive. "Then, press rmly up onthe carrier ani ie completely home bebind the locking fog ofthe Breech bol, In order to replace the carer POU propery, the Breech holt ast be all the way frwant andthe sll gute op serew mur be removed om the right wall of the receiver (2) With the carrier in position, ius the cartier pin into ts hole 20 slined withthe Role forthe carer pin top sere im the left top ofthe arviec body, othe left rear ef the Bamner. Replace stop stew: (e) Replace the sell gue sop stew im its ole inthe Fight wai of the receiver jst ahead of the trigger pin. (‘This screw ar a pin eo ad fu bead when auerbled, should be Suh withthe face of the receive 0 TM 9-285 ? WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M07 (4) Banas, Macazius, ano ACTION Stine GxouP (Sous r=AME oun). (a) With hammer forward in Sted postion, move breech bot for ward and lck caver bebind tresch bolt by pressing upward on carir ‘unt in postion behind locking shoulder of bale {) With action side arembled to magazine, hold magazine slong vender sde of bare and insert sear end of sidebar into ar opening it left forward face of receiver, and push to rear that i enters cam aperture in carrie. (©) Mate teeds in magatine with those in rcsver, uring care not to cross thread; screw magazine tightly into receiver by turning clock- wise ustl stop screw hole in receiver and magazine alie; eplace stop screw. An improvised too! can be used (par. 8a (1)(b)) to tighten sogesine {) Replace bayonet atachient (par. 92 (6)), then pull the scion the operating mechani rnd the locking of the Breech bok ed ide. (2) The barrel anc magazine ofthe modified! type of solar gon (par-4c) are replaced follows. The barrel fire replaced by inserting ‘thresded end into receiver, with recciver extension facing t0 ef, 0 that interrupted threeds on bareel and in receiver are sn a postion to ‘mate, and thes >y turesng barel We turn counterclockwise, senltly 20 the takedown gus. The mogazine with action slide assembled ie then ‘nerted through the receiver extension and fto the ceiver in 9 Slat manner and turned %4 turn counterclockwise, Ths qun ean be identified by the receiver extension screwed to the rear end af the barre, same se the takedown gun. Inspect bore of bare! for foreign mater belore (S) Basset, Macazive ano Action Stine Gaoun (TARE 2OWN oUH). (2) Lock action as explained in 9a (4) (a) above (o) aspect bore for foreign mater, Then, posh magazine and action slide forward on bore as far as they wil got lear ear face of receiver ‘extension on barrel (6) Grasp barrel and marine in left hand ane eeciver in igh hand, and with magazine facing tothe If, insert reat en of bare nto barrel “aperture in forward fae of receiver so tht interrupted threads on barrel land recsiver are ia positon 49 mast. Push bare! ito receiver as far ‘6 wil go and turn counterclockwise % turn, Sok mating interpted ‘heads on bere with those in receiver. Turn barrel ti stp screw 38 Fiaht forward face of receiver enters its aperture in right ren face of ‘receiver extension on barrel and stops the barrel The magative apertare in ecewer should now be n postion to receive the mazasine ™ 0.265 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (a) With the inal positioned, revolve the magazine until te ite. ‘rupted theads omits rear end are in a vertical plane in ine with bare then guide action shige tar into bar aperture i lft forwaed face of = ‘ceived pun magerine into receiver at far ast will go, 90 a8 t place Interrupted threads on migasine and am receiver in position to mate ‘Then, revolve magarin counterclockwise tua, using the locking Bi 4 lever, until the depressed end of the locking pin i cen ofthe berel ‘on the left side. Then pres locking pin fush with the magazine to lock {tothe bere, and hence provonttursing ofthe magazine. Lacking pin ‘should project fom maptrine on left side of burrel when magazine ‘locke. (e) Pull the ection slide handle tothe rer as fara it wil go, thus ‘engaging the end ofthe slide bar with the action side hook on the Breech bol and the cam aperture i the caries (1) Operate the slide Randle several times to tet (unctoning ofthe ‘operating sechariem ad the locking ofthe Breech bolt a she bar (6) Bavoner Artactnurn (6@°5) (2) Siide the tayonet attachment group onto the muzzle end of the ‘arc so thatthe sling swivel tothe rea? and the sigh up. Mate hole ‘near of attachment lug with st on magazine plug, and adjust attach: ‘ment ui the screw hole line with the screw grooves inthe underside (ofthe barrel (2) Replace screws and screw in tightly. Check assembly for level ating and interference of hand guard with action slide handle shen 10, FIELD INSPECTION, ‘a. With gun completely assembled, test mechanism for proper fane- tioning, Five sells may often eased for testing. where Smmy shells 1s 2ot available, by turning i the uncimped end so tht the Fenath of the shell approximates that of = ive shell Use of live shells for testing CAUTION: Se sure gun is flly unloaded belore inspection, b. Operate the Gun a» Follows: (2) With he breech bolt Joeked and the hammer at full cock, press in the action slide lock release plonger pin, located on the tight side of ‘the receiver, Push action side handle forward slighty aad then pall smartly and fully t the fea, and then push smactly and fll forward. (2) With breech bolt locked, et hammer down to all cock; pest release plunger pin and attempt to retract action side hendle as above. ‘The ection slide handle should not seteac. 2 TM 9-285, WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M97 (3) Place borin at ful cook; pl tigger to allow hammer to move {ally foraard to the fed poston and attempt to retract action side thane, The action side hendleshoold retract (G4) Retrct action slide handle os in (1) above: then release plunger in and push handle srartly and fly forward to lock the breech Dot ‘Then tempt to retort ection side handle, should not be possible to do oo with hammer at fal cock ati action slide lock is disengaged asia (1) above (3) With treech bolt locked and hammer at fll cock, pull tigger to text fing mechaniam, Then, place hammer at haf cock and ster 10 Doll the tigger, I shold aot posible to pul the trigger. When am Torin at hal cock the rng mechanism iin the safe position, (6) With hammer at full cock, clase but do not lock the Breech bole Then attempt to fre the gun. The gua should not fe until the breech bolt socked. (7) Place two or more dummy oF fred shells in the magarine and work through the action to fest gan for feeding, Jang, extraction and Thection of shelle The second shell should ot lave the magazine wil “iter the carer has dropped as the fret sells being ected. INOTE: Fised shells wil not work lzough the action as eaily tive or dummy shel as they are somewhat deformed through being fred. Therefore allowance should be made for foction and smoothness of action im positioning the shel When gun does not operate and funtion smoothly and property when tered as above, dazaged or Stproperly asembled parts are Indicated follows (1) Actiow Suzor Sticks. May be due to bent slide bar, burs on bas cam lug foreign matter in camming spertue scarier, burs on breseh bolt guideway or gues. (2) Brarcn Bout Doss Nor Lock. May be due to foreign mater cn fave of bol rin exrartr cute n bore, behind locking shoulder of Tl or on carir-cr worn or burred action side Bar cam i (3) Hasx Does Nor Cock PROPERLY of SUIPS. May be die to ‘burs or freig mater in sear notches buted eat ose, weak or broken Seat spreg, or foreign matter between tigger and sear (4) Fino Pin Does Nor RETa4cr & Beez Bout. May be due to ‘broken or missing lock spring, foreign matter in bresch bolt, or broken (5) Action Supe Locx Doss Nor FuNcrios. May be due to ft- cian matter under lock, broken lock or lock pring. burs on Tock ur action ‘Side bar. Refer to CAUTION at end of pretraph 3. TM 9-285 ton SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (6) Susie Is Nor ExrsacreD of ByscreD. May be due to broken ‘or worn enracors or eestor, of BOKER springs (7) Two Sueius Fro Into ReceWeR AT ONCE May be due to token shell stop or springs or foreign mater under stops (8) SuELLs SrIcK IN MacAzine, May be due to corroded or bent Iotlower, dented tube, broken or Kae spring, of foreign matter oF cor reson in tube 4d, Inspect bertel and test tigger pull (par. 3). ‘en addition to inspection ofthe gun for operation and functioning, ‘the gun should be inspected generally for condition, and delete noted. ‘tention should be directed to such defects a3 cracked wooden ports, ‘racked or deformed metal parts, dented magezine tbe, lose Ses, loose or binding parts cr anemblis loge barre or magazine, loose stock oF but plate, rare, dents, burs, or excessive wear of parts. Hf defects are sich that early malfenction of the gun indicated the gun should Be turned over to ordnance personnel for inspection snd covtetion f. Where defects and malfunctions cannot be remedied by cleaning Iwbrication, and simple adjusiments of assembly, which Ke within the scope of using troopm the gun should be tuened over to ordnance per {onmel fora thorough inspection, correction, and/oe rept Removal of burs on working ports rigger adjustments and Dike ‘corrections should not he attempted by ‘aang troepe as stoning of paste Iust be exacting, the angle of the laces concerned must not be change, 1h. A loose barrel, which shakes when assembled, may be due to improper assembly caused by not inserting barrel (takedown type) far nou into receiver before mating sntorrupted thresd of barrel and frceiver or ft nay be due to worm parte necetitating adjustment oF replacement. If due to worn parts, gun should be turned over to ord face personnel for ev-rectin or rept IF shell appears unnecessiry loose in chamber with breech bolt locked, the gun should be turned over to ordnance persoonel to be ‘Adjustment and maintenance ofthe gun Sa the cate of using oops Barts ay outlined in paragraphs 8 and 9, together with cleaning and Tubriation, and auch adjustments aa are necessary im asrembling the fun a outlined. 11. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. + Gleaming the Bor (CD) Barrel aod magarine group of takedown type gun should be TM 9-285 WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M97 removed trom the receiver when cleaning the bore. Bare of slureme [gon ey be leaned from the bracch end ofthe receiver when the breech bolt end carer have been remove of from the muzzle end. Ordinarily the Soe should be cleaned from the muazle end, and a rag sted into the receiver to protect the action. If bore of said frame gun ix bedly rusted or corrode, the gun should be disassembled and the barrel thor fuehly cleaned from the bresch end (2) The bore should be thoroughly cleaned with CLEANER, rifle bore, or soap and water solution applied to a cloth patch assembled to the cleaning fod; then thoroughly deed snd Tightly oiled with OIL, lubricating, eeservative, Heh. CAUTION: All il should be removed frm hove and shasnber before Sing #2 eur 1 Cleaning Parts Other Than the Bare. (C1) Groupe should be'removed and parts and azsembies thoroughly cleaned, ole, and lubristed at egolarttervals or when gun has been ‘xposed to entreme conditions such a8 moiature, Gust storms, o¢ the like Pointed sticks may be sed to clean crevices and like ince sible pits (2) Cleaning is test accomplished by wiping parts with a rag aightly moistened with CLEANER, rife bore, of light oil to loosen burt powder fd like foreign matter, Then wipe clean with clean dry rag, and off Hghty, wing tag lightly moistened! with OTL, lubricating, preservative ight (2) Special attention should be paid to cam and quide grooves soving seats ing pn aperture, and Kae apertzes where foreign matter tay become lodged an caked and prevent proper functoning of the mmetharicm. (4) Wood parts of stock snd ction side handle may be cleaned by wiping with slighty ily vag and then pelishing with clean dy rag When wenden parts have a rubbed down cil Sm without varnish, © Fight application of OL, Hinsed, sew, applied with a rag ond well rubbed into the woos! with the heel of the hand, wil help to presecve the wood. Care should be observed to prevent Ise il om getting fon metal parts of into mechaniem of gun as it will become gum sehen dr, (5) Inside of magesine tube should cceasionlly be wiped out. This can be accomplished without disasembling the magazine by assembling 8 cleaning patch to the cleaning rod, mostening hily with light lube ating oil and inserting im rear end of magarine against the follower, Push patch hic and forth sn (ube a few tines using cate that patch les not tear off or become caught in magurine. Excee off should be TM 9.285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. avoided anit will penetrate abolls and/or get into chamber f barrel ‘e Cleaning Gun in Garrison or in Camp, (G1) gus has boon fed considerably it should be thoroughly cleaned a presrbed above @) It, however, only few shots have been fired and the gun has ‘ot been subject 10 extreme constions such as ust or rain it will Csually sfice to clean bore and then wipe receiver, barrel and acces ‘ible metal pts, outside and im with a ag ightly saturated with OTL, Inbriesting, preservative, fight, without removing the groups from the (3) the gum has not been fred and is otherwise clean and dry. land it is expected to be sed the following day should be wiped thor ‘ughiy as above with a ug very lightly moistened with ol. Oil may then bberemoved from bere and chamber andthe outside suetaces ofthe gun with a dey cag before woe, It gun a to be uted for gusrd duty where Jnmediat fring ie ct anticipated, a ight ln of oll may be allowed to remain in the bore, 1 however, the gun it not to be wed for a few ‘deys it sbould be well oiled, and inspected daily and il ln renewed ‘when necessary. For cleaning and oiling preparatory to long or short term storage, an for clesning ax receved Irom storoge, refer to pare ‘gephs 77 and 78. AL Rust and Corrosion. (1) Gin shoul be apt fee of rut o corrosion at all times. Light rast may usually be removed witha oily rag or one moistened with CLEANER, rife bor. If thir method does rot sufce, CLOTH, crocus for WOOL, steel, ie, may be wed. Care should be enercied to prevent Undue sratching of surfaces (2) Hay rusting or leading of the hate of the barrel may at times occur, Rist usualy appears in dark iregular patches, while Isang ‘hows in dull pray streaks Leading ie due to @ small quantity of lead fiom the shot plete adhering to rough spots on the saner surface of the barrel, and seldom occur when chill sho or used. Rut and Teading tn the tore may be removed with a wad of WOOL, steel, fine, on the fed of a cleaning rod The woo! should be pusbed the full length of the bore each time and on the bore line not turned ofthe bore seabed ‘This method prevents scratching the barrel wich hastens fouling. Lubrication, (1) In edition to igh oting (or preservation, gun shouldbe Highly lubricated, using OIL, tbsicating. preservative, ight. Labrcation shoukl ye kept toa minimum as to much ol strats foreign mater and butt powder which wll come caked snd cause malfunction or undue wear TM 9-285 " WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M97 cof the mechani. Lubricating is best accomplished by using an oiler ‘with s small owe r= dropper, by which the direction and amount of (i used can be controled. (2) Poners ro Lusstcare At: (a) Acton aide bar opening i (2) Action side bar cao lug (@) Action tide look. (4) Carr via. (e) Brevch bolt guides {1) Outer surface of magazine tuhe where action slide bears (4) Action side hook res. (0) Haramee pi (4) Aetion slide lock retase in caries forward end of receiver (3) In very cold climates oiling and Tsbrication should be reduced to\¢ minimurn. Only surfaces showing signs of wear should be lightly Ciled. Refer to “Special Maintenance’ section XI 7 TM 9-205 ” SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES Section WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M12 Description ry Date ry Operation 16 enetioning 15 Removal of groups 16 Replacement of groupe "7 Fist inspection 1% Cleaning and lubrication 9 12, DESCRIPTION, ‘% Hdentigcation marks on is gun are generally to be found a fol (1) Name of maker, ge, model, end baceel boring ate stamped on the top of the betel eas the Breech end (2) The secil sumber ofthe gun i stamped on the lower face ofthe Darel nese the beech ond, and on the lower face of the forward ta of the receiver. 1. This gun (hes 18 and 19) isa manually operated repeating shot tun of the slide ection, hammeriens sol frame sad takedown type ‘The take-down gun i= 20 constructed thet the barrel and magne to ‘ether sith the action sid group can easly be removed as a unit by Aisengaging interupted thesis on rear end of magazine. end. barrel fog: like snterrupted threads in the receiver, by which the barrel and ‘magazine art locked to the #ecever This constuction faites clean Ing and transportation of the gun The construction of twrrel magarine and action side group = similar to, bot not interchangeable with the Winchester M97 takedown type of un described in section Th. The receiver and operating mechanicn, however, difler widely in design. The slid frame type of ga, when ised, wil be constructed with bare! and ‘magazine similar to the modified solttame Winchester MO? gun (ow 40) ‘. Thi gun it furnished in various prades having barrels of deren lengths and degrees of boring and otber modifations of design. Bas ally, however, the mechanism of sll guns uf this make and mode) are the same. For convenience herein the guns will be clasiied at three {ype riot sporting sere, and sporting trap although variations ofthese - ™ 9.785 ” WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GaGr, M17 (A) The sot type gun ie usually furibhed with 420.nch pain barrel, bored cylinder, and ray be equipped with » bayonet attachment and Inend guard sttached to the muste end of the bare, and leather sling attached toa ting swivel onthe bayonet attchment andthe stock 1H exuinged with bayonet attachment ii solié-frame, Reiet to para sragh 31. (2) The sporting skeet type gon ie uel farished with 2 26ncn plain or nbbed barrel, bored improved cylinder, and is without bayonet stachient oF lng (3) The sporting tsp-type gun (igs 18 and 19) i similar to the skect-iype gun but fs furished with w 304nch bare, bored! fall choke, and i without bayonet attachment sing. ‘General Deseripion (fre 20,21, 26 and 27) (1) The rock of the gun it bolted tothe rear end ofthe receiver and the barrel and magazine locked to the forward end of the recever 38 leeady explained ia parapraph b above. The action side i mounted land operates on the magazine. The rear end of the alle or ber pases Trough the forward end ofthe receiver, and engnges with reciprocates sand camoperate the breech belt which in tun operates the cater snd ‘ams bac and cocks the hammer 2) The receiver contains the operating mechanism; end to it lower ear end is attached the trigger lard fo which ix mounted the fring ‘mechanism, caret aed action side Jock, The receiver is open atthe bot tom to permit loading, and the sight defor ejection of the fed shel cease. The ejector is seated sn the toner left wall of the receiver, (3) The breech bolt contain the extractors the fring pin, and Brig pia retractor by which the fring pin is cammed back fromthe face of the bolt and blocked from being driven forward bythe hammer until the Bol i lacked in postion (A) The eager guar. tock, cece, and action ‘and componcate (S) The magazine whichis ofthe tubular type is positioned Beneath ‘the barrel and has a capesty of five sell Joaded end to end. The shell sie pressed togsthor sn fe into the receiver by He orce of the mags ine spring acting upon the follower (6) The shell cut-off i pivoted in the lle nner wall of the receiver, just t the cear of the magazine opening and acts to hold the shells in the magazine against the pressure of the magerine spring, The cut of ‘operated by the action sidebar to release and block the sels tthe ropes tim, thus allowing but one shell to enter the ecesver ata time “The carer atsumes the Fonction of the cu-o wie the later i cammed ‘back from the blocking postion by the action slide bar. » ‘ontaing the hammer, triage, trigger (safety) de loc mechani together sith their springs TM 9-285 a EWR E = SHOTOUNS, ALL TYPES. Right Side View=Sporting Trop Type—Wlachester Shotgen M12 So a 19-Lelt Side View—Sporting Trop Type—Winchester Shotgua MI TM 9-285 WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M12 (7) "The action side lock (Figs 24 and 25) is pivoted in the oft side cof the trigger euord and engages with the action slide bar to block te earward smovement after the bracch bot it locked im potion by the fection slide ber, thereby preventing premature vnlocking of the breech bolt ‘The lock i: dimengaged either by the descending hammer when the fn is fred, cr by manaal upward pressure on the rear end ofthe setion tide lock projecting through the guard tothe left rear of the tage. ‘rhhock onthe Tock engoging with Tog on the side ofthe hammer lek the hummer in the extreme rearward poston and holds it from engeee- neat with the ser until the breech bot Jncked in place. This prevents premature fring of the gun. NOTE: The saris en integral part of the trigger in this gun (8) ‘The trigaer (afety) lock is positioned in the forward end of the trigger guard bow and acts to block or clear the trigger, thus prevent- ing‘ allowing retraction, t0 fre the gun. 13, DATA, Gore of bore 2 Boring of barrel—sot type cylinder Boring of barcel—sportng sheet type Iaproved eyindet Boring of barrel—sporting trap type Full choke ‘Type of action Slide ‘Type af ing mechanism Hammeriee ‘Type of mazerine "Tubular Capacity of magarine S shells Length of bare —rot type 20 [Length of bacrel-sporting skeet «ype 26 in length of harrel-—sporting Wap (pe 30 in Length of sock and seceiver (Spe) 20 in. Length of assembled gun-—rit type (appe=x) 40 in Length of stsembled gun—sporting skeet type (appear) 46 in Length of stsembled gun—sporting ‘rap type (appre) 80 in Weight of suembled gun—rnot type without bayanet of tachment (eppr0%) om ‘Weight of essere gun—sporting set type (appro) 7 Weight ofssombled gun sporting trap type (890003) Ph Weight of beyonce MI9I7 (approx) 14 14. OPERATION, ‘2. The gun is operated by moving the aston aide handle smartly sod fly, backward and forward. This scion unlocks the Breach bol frtracts and ejects the fied shell, cocke the hammer, tancers 2 ive Shell trom the magazine to the chamber of the barel and relocks the Breech bt ebind the hel. SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, CAUTION: During operation, the muse of the gun should alway, be pointed at safe set 1h, Before the action side can be retracted, however, the ation sie Jock must be disengaged from the action slide bar (fg. 28). To accom lich this the action side handle must be moved sghty frward to low the tock to disengage. I the gum ior been fred, and consequently the hammer ie forward the Only ruowement neceatar sto move the ae tion slide handle forwerd sight, and then reciprocate it aa above, at the descending hammer hs already partly disengage the lock. If, Bow ver the hammer isin the cocked! postion, itis necessary to pres up the fear end of the sction slide lock whichis visible in the rear lower face of the recive juet to the leit of the trigger telore moving the action slide handle. ‘ When the gun is being fred as 0 repeater the reoil of the gun performs the preluminary forward movement ofthe action side handle 1 the gun recils away trom the handle wich is held bythe operator CAUTION: During these operations, the Finger should remain out tide the trigaer guard. Reciproation ofthe action sie handle should be mart and fall to insure exeaction of the sell cocking of the hammer and complete locking ofthe breech bolt and engagement of the action slice lock, Slamming of the mechanism, however, should be moulded, When the gun is being fred wea repesten all pressure sould be removed for the tigger while operating «4. With the gun loa, ooked, and eacked, the only operation ne ‘ssry (fire the gun ie the retrection ofthe tigen f.The trigger (eatoty) lock (Big. 22), positioned in the forward part of the tigger guard bom, operates laterally. When pushed to he lets that the red band i wn, the tigger re to be pled andthe gun fred ‘When pushed to the right the tgyer «blocked snd exact be pled nor {he gus fred. With @ shell inthe chamber, its bet to lock the tiger Diy pushing the lock to the right unless the gun i tobe fire! immed ately £, TolLosd and Unload the Magazine, (G2) To load the magazine (Be 23), press shell, nose fst, nto the ear ofthe magazine against the magazine follower, until sips in front ‘of and ie retained by the carer Lond another sell in the samwe wny sn five in all are loaded. Loading should be done with breech bt (2) To nlead magazine pres up the ca and allow the shes t lip out one by one To Lol ant Unload the Gun (1) To toad a tell frm th maganine er with breech bol lacked, WINCHESTER SHOTOUN, laure 22—Operatina Trieer (Sefetv! Lock—Winchestar Shotaun MI2 Figure 23-Leading Megarine—Winchester Shotgun M12 T™ 9.285, ery SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, lock to the right. path ep the reer end of the setion slide lock, move -scton slide handle sighly forward, and then reciprorate Another sb say then be loaded ito the magazine, Allow trigger (safety) lock emai in safe position to foc trigger unless gun i o be fred iced. ately (2) To unload the gun, side tiger (safety) lock tothe right as ove and unload the magarine (pat. 144 (2) ). Then disengage the Action slide lock and retract aetion slide handle 4 extact and eject the shell inthe chamber. Inspect magazine and chamber to make sore gun is fly unloaded, hh. To Load Chamber Only. With magazine empty end tigger (safety) tock pushed to right, pull beck action side handle to reteset breech bolt all the way. Then place shell ja chamber of bare! through ‘jection opening of receiver and lock the breech bolt by pushing ston Slide handle all the way formar, 15. FUNCTIONING, '& As already explsined the functioning of the operating mechaaism is accomplished by the reapocation ofthe action tide hendle. A cast tg om the rear end of the action slide bar engages in an iereglar ear ring sperture in the left side of the breech bolt. and’ az the sie Te "moved rearward the rear end ofthe breech belt i carnmed down from in front of the locking shoulder in the top of the receiver andthe bolt ‘moved to the rer. As the scion slide ia moved forward, the neech bolt '& moved forward! and its reer end cammed up infront of the lock shoulder atthe end ofthe forward movement 'K. As the breech bolt mover to there, it cams beck the hammer ‘hich is caught and held by = hook on the action slide lock engaging with a fog on the side of the hammer. The hammer is ths held rons ‘engagement with the sae (Bg. 24). As the breoch bolt reaches the fo ‘ward postion, che action side loc, which has ten held depressed by the action slide bar, is released nd springe up behind the action aie bar to bloc its renrward movement (fg. 25). At the same time, the lve Feleases the hammer which moves forward and is caught and held by © the breech holt starts formar it cams the carter up and dows rapidly. This movement lifts the rl, esting on the cairo line with the Bore end the shell 6 pustad forward by the Breech belt int the chamber ofthe barre. The carrer fa mtnadately returned o the oer Postion and isn readiness. to receive another shell As the breech bolt Clowes a camming shoulder onthe ati side bar acting upoe the ae ‘utoll.camsit downward tus elasing ashe rom the magarine which “6 ™ 9.285 ise WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12.GAGE, M12 ix pushed into the receiver by the force ofthe magscine spring and held Dy the carer The fred shell is extracted from the chamber of the barrel by the extractors im the forward end ofthe bresch bolt a the bole moves te the rear, and nocked out of the receiver through the ejection open ing in the igh side, arte base ofthe shall strikes the ejector portioned inthe inner laf wall of the receive, 36, REMOVAL OF GROUPS (fs 20, 21,26 and 27) ‘% Groups and parts should be removed and replaced in the order ven below. Groups and ports when removed should be placed on @ Clean, fat surface and cave observed to prevent lor of screws and all parts Remove ae follows ()) Baroner ArracHMeenT, BaReeL, MAGAZINE AND AcTtON StIDE CGrours (Soup Feu Guw). When necessary to remove theve groupe {com the slid dome pun it may be accomplished in a manne sar 40 ‘at presribed for the Winchester MO? gu of the sme tyDe (Par B51(4Xe)). 2) Bane, Macazine ano Action StiDe Grou (TaKe-Down Gem), (a) Lock the brotch bolt by pushing the action slide handle ll the may forward. (®) Unlock the magazine by preting the locking pin through the lug until it will clear the barcel wien the magsrine formed (Fg. 29). (€) Turn the magazine 4 tues clockwise, using the pin a8 8 lever, to dinengage the interrupted threads on the rear end ofthe sages (orm ‘those inthe receiver Thea, pull the magarine forward out of ener iment with the receiver (4) Push the scion side forward nti the seat end of the bar is {tee of the receiver Then, grasp Bare i left hand un ceiver in right Ihand and turn the barre! tur clockwise, 10 chengoge the interred ‘heeads on the rear of the bare fom those in the receives, and with raw the group forwerd from the receiver (Hes 30 and 31), (2) Troaee Guaxo Grou, (2) The guaré group may be ‘moving the but sock. (2) To remove the guard group, unscrew guard screw from rear end of guard with receiver bottom side ip and pull guard, with carer at- ‘ced, upward and tothe rear out of the rectver moved forthe receiver without ee ™ 9-285 Yer SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. (A) Bresext Bou Grovr. (a) With the guard group removed from the rcsiver, and the breech bat in the forward postion, pry out the ejector Kom the left inner wall of the receiver (2) Pry out the shel! cuto from the lower lft inner wall ofthe re- iver, if hat ot already allen out (c) Reach into the receiver with « screwdriver or similar tool, and depress the rear end ofthe breech bl retaining lever, poitione in the left face ofthe breech bolt. Then, slide the breech bolt tothe rear an Iie from the recseer 17. REPLACEMENT OF GROUPS. 1. Groups and parts should be thoroughly cleaned igh Iubreated, if necemary, before (1) Breece Bots Groor (a) The breech bolt must be replaced before the guard group he sector, nd shel cut-off (b) With the receiver bottom side up, drop the breech bolt rounded face, down and extractors forward into the tear of the receiver, Push forward tothe locked postion snd then, with 9 screwdriver or similar tool, depres the forward end of the breech bolt reteining iver pos tioned in the left face af the breach bolt The lever is het poston by fection and should work stifly. Test before replacing bolt. (The ret end ofthe bolt must be fully seated before the rear eof the lever wil ‘enter its groove in receives, Do nt force) (©) With the breech bolt a the locked potion, insert the ejector into ‘ts aperture inthe Left inner wal ofthe receiver to the fear ef the breec bolt so that iskshaped head of ejector it to the rear snd the apring towards the receive. Pres down into aperture until head is sh with inner face of receiver (Gd) nsert sell gato ot its aperture in lower left nner wal ofthe receiver just to the rear ofthe magazine opening so that the enlarged curved end is forward and fitted snto mating groove inthe recive #0 the left of magazine opening. anc the eyindticel stad taint ite povot hole in the receiver. The cutoff should le Bush i its groove when a. sembied. The cut offi nb to fll mut until the rigger gone iin place, (2) Teeee Gunso Grou (2) The guard roup should not be replaced a the receiver until the breech bolt has been replace! wnd shifted ta the forward locked position. () With the hammer cocked, grasp the pune by the bow and insert ‘he forward end ef the guard downward and forward et a thght angle ito the receiver. Mate the forward end of the guard withthe receiver ™ 9.205 wie WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M12 nd theo prese down the reac end until it ides into the receiver, and the screw holes in guard and receiver sline. When properly mated, fuard should position easly, Do not force (e) Replace guard screw and turn dowe snugly. (3) Bavonsr Areacimer, Bancl, MAGAZINE ARD ACTION SLIDE CGrovre (Sotib Faaage Gun). If these groups have been removed from the gun, they may be replaced ins manner similar to that prescribed for the Winchester M97 gun o the tame type (Par. 9a (4) (e) and (6), (G4) Baume, MAcAZING AWD ACTION Stine Gross (TaKe-Down oun). (a). Move breech bolt the forward locked postion, by pushing (or- 1) Inspect bore for foreign mater. Then push magerine and action lide forward on barrel a far ar they will go 10 cleat ear face of tsiver extension on bare. Ce) Groep berret in left hand and receiver in right hand, and magazine focing to the let insert threoded end of barrel ito barrel spertue in forward fae of receivers that interrupt threads on bared fnnd receiver are ia a position to mate. Pash barrel into seceiver as far ft will go and turn counterclockwise V4 tur, thus mating interrupted ‘threads on bacrel with those in receiver. Turn barrel unt bareladurt ing bushing lock screw in right rear face of receiver extonson on bare enters ite aperture in right forward face of eecever and tape the bare. "Toe magazine aperture in receiver should now be in portion to cceive ‘he magazine (G4) With the bacrel positioned, revolve the magazine until te iter rupted thread on it rear end are ina vertical plane ine with barrel ‘hen guide action aide bar into bar apertre in left forward face of r= ceiver, and push magerine into eecover as far srt wl go a9 at place interrupted threads on magarine and in receiver in positon to mate ‘Then, revolve magazine counterlockwes, using the locking pin a & Jever, until the depressed eod of the locking pin is clear of the barre ‘Then, press locking pi sh with the magazine to Tock it to the bat tnd hence preveat turning ofthe magazine Locking pin should project from the magazise of lef side of barcel when muagayine i locked. (2) Pol the action side ene to the rer afar ab i wil go, eho ‘opaging it withthe carsway sn the breech batt (1) Operate the aide several times to test functioning of the operat ing snechanisrn snd the locking of the Inzech bolt end side FIELD INSPECTION. ‘With the gun completely astombled, test the mechanizm for proper functioning, Fired sbells may often be wed for texting, where dummy ™ 9.285 1" SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. hols are not avaiable by tuning in the uncrimped eed so that the Jeg of the sell approximates that of the live shel, Use of live shes for testing ie probed, ‘CAUTION: Be sue gua fully unloaded before inspection. 1k. Operate the Gan a4 Follows: (1) With the breech bol locked and the hammer cocked, rest p- ward on the yearend of the action sie Jock, showing atthe left rear ofthe tre gourd bow. Put acon slide Mande forward lightly, then Doll smartly and fully to the eer, and then push smartly and fly for= ‘end, Reiprocate action side handle thus several times to test sot (2) Reteect action lide handle as in (1) stove; then release pres fre on 728 of aetion side lock and push side amarty forward to lock the breech bolt Then attempt te retract the action aide handle, The faction side handie should aot retract. (2) Pull the tigger, thus allowing the harnmer to move forward to the Seed postion and attempt to cect the mtion side handle. The scion stde handle should etrct. (A) Rerwoct the seton side handle fully and then push forward unt the breech bolt i folly forward but not rained tothe lacked poston ‘Thon pull the tigger to release the Ranier The tigger shoul note lease the hammer ntl the breech bit fly lacked (8) Place two oF more dummy or fred shells in the magssine sod. ‘work through the action to test gua for feeding, lading, extraction aed jection of shols. The second shell shold not leave the agarine until the breech bot i locking behind he it shll in the chamber, NOTE: Fire shee wil not work through the ation as ensily as live ‘oF tummy shells 2b they are romewhat deformed thcough being fied. ‘Therefore, allowance should he made for friction and smoothness of ‘ion in positioning the set, (6) With breech batt locked snd haramer in cocked position. push ‘the tigger (safety) lek all the way tothe right and tempt to pull the rigger to release the haramer The trigger should not pull nr the hams ser release (7) Push tigger (safety) lock 0 the way to tele 20 that red and shows and attempt 0 pl the trigger. The tvgget shoul pul and ha vier be relenaed to fire the gun when tested ar sbove, damaged or sepropey assembled parts me fe (1) ACTION SLIDE STICKS. May be due to bent scton slide bar, burt ™ 9.285 WINCHESTER SHOTGUN, 12-6AGE, M12 bat corn og or foreign mater in breech bot camming aperture, bars fon breech bolt guideways oF guide (2) Brncn Bovr Doss Nor Lock, May be due to foreign matter con face of alt or an locking thoslder in top of receiver or worm OF breed sction sie cam Jug (3) Hasnuer Dors Nor Cock Proventy, om Stirs, May be due to ‘wars or foreign matter i sear note hammer, or bared sear nome, Ot ‘wenk oF Broken tigger spring, (G4) Frsawe Pr Does Not Retaacr tw Breecn Bout, May be éue te barred or broken retractor oF broken rtractor spring (5) Action SLixe Lock Doss Nor Function. May be due to broken, of beat action side lock springs, oc imopce assembly of har ser and lock in tigger guard, or Burs on action slide bar. Refer to CAUTION following porsgrah 24 NOTE: Small lug 02 lower left side of armer shou le between ‘the two straight springs on the action sie lock when sere (6) Smet Is Nor Exrwacren ox Byscreo. May be due to worn, bored or broken extractors. oken extractor springy of broken elector (7) Two Sweuts Fe tyro Recaive ar Once. May be due to ‘broken, burred. or improperly nsembled shel cutoff or foreign matter in cata eatin receiver (8) SELL STICKS IN Macazine: May be dus to corded oF bent follower, dented tube, broken or Kinked spring feceign matter in tube (8) Twocke (Sarerv) Lock STIeKS. May be de to buted ck sing plunger, broken plunger spring. of forgo materi slots in lock. 44 Thspect barrel and test rigger Pll (pe Sm) In dation to inspection for operation and functioning. the gum shouldbe iapected generally for condition and defects noted. Attention Should be directed to uch dofecs aa cracked wooden parts, cracked t eformed metal pars, dented magarine tube owe sere or pins lose or binding parts or nasemblen, loose birel or magasin, loose stock oF butt plate rum dente burs or excenive wear of pan I defects are such {hat exrly malfunction ofthe gun i ndeated, the gun shouldbe turned verte ordnance persone! for inspection and cortecion { Where detects and malfunctions cannot be cemedied by cleani Iubeication, and simple adjostments of asm, which lie within the scope of using 1roops the gun should he turned ever to ondnance pe Sonnet for a thorough inspection, correction ant or rapa Removal of burs on working parts wigaer adjustments and Tike Corrections should not be attempted by using troup a stoning of part ‘oy ™ 9.285 18-19 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, must be enacting, the angle of the faces concerned must not be changed, tind volume of etal most ot be materially educe, Th A lowe barvel, which takes when assembled, may be due to in proper amembly caused by not inserting bate far enough into receiver before sneting interrupted threads of batrol and receive, or it may be (due to worn parts necessitating adjustment or replacement. If ti due to worn parts the gun should be turned ever to ordnance personnel for correction or rept i. If shell appears wanecesarily loose in chamber with breech Bott locked, the gun should be turned over to ordnance persoane! to be ‘eced for headspace. i Adjustment snd maintenance of the gun, in the case of wing trcopa, is limited to the removal and replacement of the ports and troupe of part as outlined in paragraphs 16 and 17, together with lea. og end Iubrication and such adjustments at ore necessary in assebing the gun es outlined. 19. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. Cleaning, cling, ad lubrication of thi gun may be accomplished ing manner similar o that prescribed fr the Winchester Gus MB7 (per 11), Attention should be given to corresponding ports and srfaces when lubricating, Barel and magarine group should be removed from re ceiver of takedown gun when cleaning bore, Bore of solid frame gun should be cleaned from the muzzle end, and a rag stuffed into the ee fiver to protect the action while cleaning (pat. 31. 1h Points to Labrieate Are: (OY Action sidebar opening in forward end of receiver. (2) Aston side bar cam log 1B) Action side lock pis. (4) Carrier pivot (5) Breech batt guide {6) Outer surtace of magavie tube where action side beers. (2) Hammer pia. (8) Shell eat of pivot stud «. In very cold climates, cling, snd lubrication should be reduced to 4 minimum. Only surfaces showing sign of wear shouldbe lightly oie. Refer to “Special Maintenance” section XI ™ 9.285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, rust be exacting, the angle of the faces concerned must not be changed, and volume of metal must not be materially reduced hh A loose Bestel, which shakes when assembled, may be due to iat proper assembly caused by aot inserting batel tar enough int receiver before mating sterupted threads of barrel and recive, or it may be doe to worn parts necessitating adjustment or ropacement. If te due to worn parts, the gun should be tirned over 19 ordrance personnel for [. TF ahell appears unnecessarily Ioose in chamber with breech bot locked, the gun should be turned over to ordrance personnel to be ‘checked for headepace Adjustment and meintenance of the gon, in the cave of sing ‘waops, is limited to the removal and replacement f the parts and \r0ups of pats as outline in paragraphs 16 and 17, together with clesn- ing and hubricetion and such adjustment a are necessary in esembbing the gun as oulined 19, CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. '% Cleaning oiling and lubrication of this gun may be accomplished ina manner simula to that prescribed forthe Winchester Gun M9? (per 11), Attention should be given to coresponding part and surfaces when, lubricating. Barrel and’ magazine group should be removed from te éeiver of take-down gun when cleaning bore. Bore of sln-reme gun should be cleaned fcom the mussle end, and x rag sted into the te- cxiver to protect the ation while cleaning (per 31) ‘h Polnis to Lubricate Are: (5 Action sidebar opening in forward end of receive. (2) Action side bar cam og (3) Action sie Tock pin, (8) Carer pivot. (3) Breech bolt guide, (6) Oster surface of magesine tube where sction slide bears (2) Hammer pin (8) Shell cucoM pivot stud ce In very cold chmate, ong, and lubrication should be reduced to 1 cxinimum. Only srtace showing signe of wear should be lightly oiled, Refer to “Special Maintenance” section XI ™ 9-285 2» Seaton 1V STEVENS SHOTOUN, 12-GAGE, M620A, M520, AND M620 Description 70 Deen a Operation 2 Functioning : 23 Removal of groupe ™ Replacement of (oop 25 Field inspection 26 ‘Cleaning sod lutwication ” 20, DESCRIPTION. ‘& deatifcation marks on these guns are generally to be Sound a8 follows (2) Name of maker end chamber length are stamped on the lft side ofthe barrel near the breech end, and serial number of the gun in the ‘operating handlebar slot inthe lef side of the bare head. (2) Name of maker and model number are stamped on the left side ‘ofthe receiver and the serial numberof the gun on the trigger pate tang (0520 and 620), (3) On the M620A Gun the serial umber is stamped on the forward face ofthe tigger plate (4) On the MS20 Gun (cit type), the letters U.S. are stamped on ‘the left side of the receiver, and the terial number of the gon on the ‘rigger plate tang. 1, The above guns (Gee 32, 33, 34, and 35) are ofthe same make ‘but of diferent model, and are bvicaly the same with regard to gem al deseription, operation, and functioning, Variations occur ia details of design, principally in the trigger plate group. At the MG20A Gun is fof more recent design than the other two madels it will be covered herein, with variations occuring in the other two models described a8 ‘they occu. This gon is « manually operated repeating shotgun of the side ‘ction, hrmmerlos, abd frame and takedown type. The gun it 90 COM structed that the Darvel, magazine, ad operating handle group c=” ‘ual be removed ata unit rom the receiver by divengnging the me ‘ne ut by screw action ofthe magazine Yube fo which it i threaded, ‘od eliding the group downward out of the receiver. This contruction Teciitates cleaning and transportation (par 31. Figure 32—Right Side View—Sporting Type~Stevens Shotgun M6204 igure 13—Right Side View—Riot Ty Slavens Shotgun M520 Figure 34—Lett Side View—Sporting Skeet Type—Stovent Shotgun M620 gure 35—Right Side View—Sporting Skoet Type—Stevens Shotgun M620 sai nw ‘snnoioHs ‘OL9W ONY ‘GcEW “YOLPH “2OVO-LL ‘NROLOHS SNEAMS o secs WL S006 WL TM 9.205 2 SHOTGUNS, ALL TY () Sear The sears ofthe MB20A and M620 Guns ate the same anc pivot on the aide lock pin, and are functioned by «torsion spring The Sear ofthe 84520 Gun ie womehat longer and seat in sot inthe op of the trigger and is functioned by small coll spring Seated between sear and trigger. Sear and trigger are pivoted on the tegger pin (4) Teieger. The wanes of the M620A and M620 Gune are the seme, are pivoted on the tigger pin, and operate the sear By levering own the roar end. The trigger of the MS20 Gun Bas acted top in ‘which the sear and sear spring seat. When pulled, the trigger raise the feat end of the sear with itt release the haramer. Tn the M20A and 1M620 Gun the sear spring fonctions the trigger, wile inthe M520 Gun, ‘the torsion tiger sprig mounted onthe wiggr pin functions the trigger, (2) Slide tock. The slide lock (ig. 43 and 44) ofthe M620A, MS20, sand M620 Guns are practically the same. In the M620A, and M620 Guns, the slide lock spring is of the torsion type end mounted on the teiger pin and bears dows upon the ear end ofthe slide ck. In the M520 Gun, this spring is of the safetypin type snd seats in bole in the top of the eft wall of the rigger plate and bears upward oo the ‘ear pin ofthe side lock link positioned in the fornard end ef the aide (1) Safety. The safeties of the ME2OA ane: M520 Guns are of the cylindrical type, mounted in the rear ofthe triggor plate guard bow. The safety in the M520 Gun i of the lever type, the lever prvcted inthe reat fend of the tigger plate, and the thumbptece inthe tang of the seccive ‘The thumbpiece operates the lever when the tigger plate group ao sembled to the receiver, (9) The side lock, pivoted in the trigger plate, engages with the slide to block its rearward movement after it has locked the shding breech in position, thereby preventing premature unlocking ofthe sliding breech. The lock is disengaged from the side either by the action af the slid lock release spring, functioned by the descending hammer with which iti engaged, or by manus pressure panard onthe rear end of the slide lock through the medium of the slide lack release, which ex tends downward through the oor of the trigger pate to the left of the (29) Tre safety (Se, 39) of the 520A snd. M820 Guns operates laterally in the reat end ofthe trigger plate guard bow to block and free ‘the trigger, thus preventing or ellowing it pulling to fire the go, In the M520 Gun, the safety thumbpisce which acts upon the saety lever, positioned a described above operates longitudinally to accompa the same cesulte ™ 9.285 eae STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, 620A, M520, AND M620 21. DATA. Gage oF bore 2 Boring of barel—rot type Cylinder Boring of barrel-sporting skeet type Inproved syinder Boring of berrel—sperting tap typ Pull choke “Type uf action ‘Slide ‘Type of fing mechani: Hammeriese “Type of eapazine Tabular Capacity of magsrine 5 stelle Length of berrel—cot type 20 i Length of bareel—sporting seat type 26 ‘Length of bareel—sporting tap type 30 in Length of stock ond receiver (epee) 20 in. Length of assembled gus-—riot type (approx) 40 in Length of assembled gun—sporting skeet type (approx) 46 sn Length of assembled gun—eporting tap type (appre)... 50 at ‘Weight of asembled gun—riot type (M520) (8ppro% ) rs ‘Weight of essembled gun—sporting skeet type (0620) (spprox.) Tt Weight of asembled gun—sporting trap type (346204) (approx) Tb 22, OPERATION. ‘The gon is operated by moving the operating handle fully and smartly backward and forward, Thi action unlock the siding beech fentrats and ojecs the fied shell casing, cocks the baramet,tansers @ live abel from the magarine to the chamber of the bare and relocks the siding breech bein the shell CAUTION: During operition, the mural f the gun should always be pointed st eae pot 2, Before the operating handle can be retracted, the slide Tock must ‘be disengaged frm the de (6g, 40). 76 facate this the operating ‘The slide is held sap im engagement with th sie Jock Hirough the ls has been Sed and the hammer consequently forward, the only move eacending nares though te mats of the aide lock release spr, slide, I however the hammer i in the cocked position, x mecenary usb up on the aide lock selease which i vinble on the lel side of the ‘eiqer plate, justo the lel of the trigger, bore retracting the operating Iman, When the gun is being red a 8 repeater, the preliminary fr _ ‘gure 40—Disengeping Slide Lock ond Retrosting Opercting Handle~Stevens shetgue M620 ™ 9.205 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M620A, M520, AND 620 ward movernent ofthe operating handles accomplished by the recoil of the gun away from the opersting handle, which is held by the operator. ‘CAUTION: During these operations, che fager should remain outside the trigger plate guard bow. Reciprcation should be fll and smart to insure extraction of the shell, cocking ofthe hammer, ad compete lock. ing ofthe siding brecch and engagement of the tide lock. Slamming of the mecheniam, however, should be avoided. ‘e With the gun loaded, locked, and cocked, the only movement necessary to Gre the gun it the pulling of the trigger. Pressure on the ‘riger should be removed wale the gun i being operated. <4. The tiguer safety (MS2OA and M520 Gund) ({g. 41), poitioned fn the rear of the tigger plate guard bow, operates leterally. When used tothe let, the ringer is free tobe pulled tod the gun fired. When Pushed tothe right, the tiger is blocked and cannot be pulled scr the ‘gun fred. In the MS20 Gun, the safety thumbpiece is positioned in the ‘tang of the receiver and uperateslongitudiaaly. When pushed forward ‘the wigger is re tobe pulled and the gun fred. When plied to the rear, ‘the tigger 16 Blocked and cannot be pulled sor the gun fred, With & asl in the chamber, te beat to block the trigger by pushing the safety 1w the fight (M620A und M620 Guns) of to the rear (IMS20 Gun) ‘unless dhe gun sto be Bred immediatly ‘& To Lond end Unload the Magazine. (1) ‘To load the magazine (5g, 42) press 6 shell, nose frst, agsist the lifter and ito the roar end of the magazine agrinat the magazine follower until slips infront of and ie retained by the liter Load soother shell in the same way by peesing It aginst the liter and base ‘ofthe frst shel Joaded, wnt! Bie in all are loaded. Loading should be done with the sliding breech closed snd locked (2) To unload the megazine, press the carter up into the receiver ‘unt free of the bese of the shel inthe magerine and allow the shells to tip out one by one Siding breech must be in lacked position 4. To Load and Untoud the Gon. (1) To load a shell from the magazine ato the chamber, shide the safety tosafe positon (par. 22d). Then disengage slide lock and secipre tate the operating handle (pat 22h). Another sl may then be Toe ded Jno the magnaine, Test locking of siding breech by attempting to cetract operating handle. Operating handle should rat retract. Allow safety 9 in i safe position untes gui 0 be fied immediately. (2) To unload the gun lide sfety to safe position and, unload the magazine ns explained above, Then disengage side lock and retract operating handie to extract ond eject shell n chamber Tespect magatine tnd chamber to make sare gun is fully unloaded. SHOTOUNS, ALL TYPES, Figure 41-Operating Safety Stevens Shotgun M620 al 42—-tooding Moperine—Stevens Shotgun M620 Hagur 1M 9.285 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M6202, M520, AND M620 & To Load the Chamber Only. With the magarine empty, slide safety 10 sfe postion as explnine’ above, retract the abiding breech by polling the operating handle fully to the rear as explained, and push a Sheil direc into the chamber. Then push the operating handle fully land smartly forward to lock the sliding breech behind the shell, Test lacking of slide (par. 220). 23, FUNCTIONING. ‘As already explained, the functioning ofthe operating mechanism ia accompliened by the reciprocation of the eperating handle. The reat tnd ofthe operating handle bar i engaged withthe slide by means of tug on the bar mating with « notch inthe side. As the operating handle bar i moved to the rear, ie pusher the aide to the rear. The locking block which sa radially curved piece, passes rough the siding breech, ‘which cesta upon the aide and the top of the receiver, when in the lcked postion, to lack the sliding breech tothe receiver. When sn this poston, the lower end ofthe lcking block reste upon the slide which thos holds ‘Rup in postion Ar the slide moves tothe tea, it cams down the locking block from the top ofthe receiver by means ofthe lugs onthe lower end of the locking Block slipping into and engaging with corresponding Ccmaningspertures inthe slide, The locking bloc in turn came back the Sing pin which pances through i from the face of the sliding breech. [As the aide moves tothe rear, it pull te sing breech with it by means af the locking block "The siding breech extract the fied shell fom the ‘hamber by means of the extractors and the shell is knocked out of the receiver, in passing, By the ejector, positioned ithe left side of the ‘receiver wall Ar hese moves forward sani, it pls te siding breech swith i and wt the end ofthe forward movement, cams up the locking ‘Block throug the aiding breech and into the opening in the top of the receiver to lock the siding bcech tothe receiver. During the rearward movement, the slide cams back and rides cover the hammer. mounted sn the wigger plate. When the hammer ches the extreme rearward position, ti caught and held by a hook hammer is thos locked back, disengaged from the sear, uni released from the side lock by the side, acting wpon the slide lock dutcg Hs forward movement. The hammer when celssed i caught and held by the sear, and the slide lock springs up behind the side 9 lock #3 ost ‘bon ar explained below When the side lock (fgx 43 and 44) is disengpeed fom the aide ‘ither by manual pressure or by the descending Rammer (Par. 20 ¢ (9)). And the operating handle retracted, the side mover tthe ret, Fling ™ 9.285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES sil tok the siting bree, and thos provent remows.) I aiding Breech i the rearward postion t may be moved forward by Highly tepping cn of receiver on mooden block The aide may now be ited from the Siding breech NOTE: The ejector of the Model 620A and 520 Guns is fastened to the inne left wal ofthe receiver by a serew and should not be removed. "The ejector om the Model 620 Gun rests in a countersink inthe same postion If los t souk be removed to prevent les by inerting wall rift im fle inlet wall of receiver, fom the outside, and. pushing icctr from ts seat, into the reaiver. Observe cate ageinst lose af (3) St00%. tn order to remove the trigger pte and iter groups from the receiver the stock must Rist be removed a follows (a) Remove the two butt plate seeum by unscrewing counterclock- (2). With long shanked serewdrver; unscrew stock tang sew in bot tom of hole, bored in bt end of stork, by turning counterclockwise nti lisengege From tang {() Pall sock o rae from engagement with reciver and tang. Tone screw andl washer may then be emoved from rear nd of tock. NOTE: To eemove stock ftom the Me! 520 and 620 Guns, snecrew tang screw {com top af recrver tang, by turning counterclockwise, Re move screw and pal stock tothe rear from receiver I removal i i ful, oosen rigger plate Sere (4) Trore PuaTe Grove The ammer should be i the cocked vation when removing get ote group, etder to mininin chanre i dmage tose look eee spin {(o) With sock removed. remove ge plate screw fom rer let side of receiver by turning eoimerlockee Ther wih righ pin dit, punch aut wigger plate pn std shout tere ches forward of (2) Pall ign plate dowaward out of receiver. The floating tang {ope 6208 wn sa then be pallet out of receiver Be eet {otto las the aie lok eee when removing tiger late ‘CAUTION: Ober care un seoving oop no catch end of site lock rat ping. roiting fom fortrd end of side co fear ofthe ier I th srng tomes defor, te sok al ot {nction When the teri in fearon (cocked) ponon he rd of opcing is lens table to etch The fmction of the ke Toc oping (M6D0A snd M620 Gane) to depres the teat end f the side lok Shain te owar o et eae thot ne bk th thin these to Bkk onthe ford movement Te rere 1H 9.285 24-25 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, mé20A, M370, AND M620 ‘exerted on the forvard end of the aide Tock by the sie lock release “prog determioes whether or not the lide lock sprig bes enous force {faction propery. Ifthe slide lock release spring becomes deformed lind beers too heavily on the forward end of the lock the she lek “peg will nt be strong enough to counteract this excess pressure snd fice the forward end of the lock when aecesary. Ths the haramer il fot be locked back and/or the side blocked. Ifthe wring does not ear heevily enough it will aot lever the owe of the lock dowe when Use hammer moves forward. The torsion force ofthe slide lock release spring swell asthe shape and pontion ofits forward end, determine the pre fe exerted at the corect time The sie lock sping of the MS20 Gun bears upward on the forward end af the side lock 6S) Lrres, (a) With the tigger plate group cemoved, de iter inward of ite screw and remove trom receiver. “(b) I ker spring positioned in ceceiver to rear of iter i loose, it should be removed to prevent loss by pushing in on pin end shown im fsteme right rear outie face af ecever sing a small pin it Other ‘wae should not be removed. 25, REPLACEMENT OF GROUPS. “& Groups and parts should be thoroughly cleaned, Tightly oiled, sod gun Ibricated, whe necesary, before replacing groups. Replace ( folows: (1) Lorre (a) the Liter sping bas been removed, replace by inserting pin on ‘ear end into pin hale in extreme right rear ianer well of receive. Press pin trough hole uring care to ace that spring lis Mlsh its groove when ‘ented, Pin should project through wal of reeiver until ash I pin Ieose in ote, scan be expanded slightly by tapping outside center of pin lighly with a small pric pane (>) With recever botom side wp and barrel opening to lft, ra4p iter by forked end and inset vertically into receiver 30 that pave om rea enc points to forwatd end of receiver Side iter onto its screw Postioned in the nner ight wall of receiver and rotate forked end fe ‘ward, atthe same te pressing lifter in towards wall of receiver until Jug on sight side of lifer eagages under iter spring. Then, prese Iter In ogsinat receiver wall and rotate forked end forward and dows. If ‘rigger plate snot tobe ceplaced somedatly ier pi i Seger late in Rote in receiver to retain er (2) Trocen PLate Grove. (a) Wot receiver bottom side up, barrel opening to Het and Titer T™ 9-285, Ey [SMOTGUNS, ALL TYPES _assembied to receiver, insert oval end of tang into the groove in rear top ‘of receive, with stm fo rea, 90 tht the Tei cut in tang faces towards lef ae of the receiver (b) Cock bammer und postion sie lck release in rear of side lock 40 that stud release ft in ole in lock and release les Musk with eit face of tigger plate {c) Taser trigger plate, with tigger to rear nto botom of recciver tan ange so that forward end of slide lock wil lip Under ear end of liter. Then, pres rear end of triggne plate own towards receiver until ‘rigger plate screw hole in tigger plate is about Yh iach ahead of core sponding hole in receiver. Then press wigger plate into receiver and to ear ust ang groove in reer of tigger pate mates with bottom of tank oval while top of tang ovals stil seated in its groove i receive, Whee this mating sefected, press wigger plate down and to rear int receiver ntl ts ash with seecives and screw and pi holes line CAUTION: Care should be observed to prevent forward end of slide lock release spring from eatching in eaerier during replacement of trigger plate group and becoming seermed. If this spring becomes deformed, fide Jock will not funetion. 1 hammer it forward during replace ‘ment end of sprig i forced farther forwacd anti more Hable to eateh- ‘Refer to CAUTION, poregraph 34 (4) (6). (4) Tosert wigger plate screw into its counterbore hole > rea eft side of receiver nd screw in part way. Then, inert tigger plate pin in Sts hole, ust ahead of srewhole, rounded end fit. und dive through receiver and trigger plate url Mosh wth both rides of receiver. Them, ‘ghten trigger plate screw NOTE: To replace trigger plate group of Model £20 and 620 Gans, Se tigger plate into receiver ar explained sbove, Replace trigger plate Scvew and screw in part way. Then replace trigger plate pin Alter sock Jus been replaced, draw igger plate reow down tightly. This wl allow the soci to sip between the two tangt move ssily: Be sure rear end af safety lever of the MSZ0 Gun is engaged with thurbpiece In receiver tang before seating trigger pate group, 2) roc, (9) Wit liter and tsgger plate essembled to receive, slide stock on stock tang, pistol grip facing down. Mate tenon of stock with mortsed rear end of rceiver so that stock fe sh with ren of trigger plat and (2) Place washer on soc tng stew and insert screw in hoe in rear ‘of sock, Mate threads in serew and tang then stew down clocks, rowing stock and receiver tightly together, (€) Replace butt pate snd but plate screws. De net draw butt plate 2 ™ 9.285 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, m&20A, M520, AND M620 screws down (oo tghly es threads instock may scp out or competion NOTE: To replace stack on Model 520 and 620 Guns, insert grip ed o stock between tangs on recuiver and wigger plate ond push towards feceiver until tenon of stock grip mates with Iori ia rear end of feesiver sod tang srew oles ia bath tangs and stock gip aloe. Insert fang serew thzough receiver tng and stock wip esd No Trigger plate tang and draw down tightly, Do ant force aesembly. I stock erp mill not inf ito place ean, loosen trigger plate Sere seat stock ert tang ferew, and then tighten trigger plate screw belore tang sore i dive owe Dghty. See that stock and reeiver te i (4) Stine axp Stove Breech Gnour. (a) I the ejector (34620 Gun) hae ben removed from the receiver it should be replaced belore replacing the she ard aiding brecc (@) Place the side on the bottom of the aiing breech a0 that the cam logy ofthe locking block seat in the Jog camming apertures in the lide, and the tg on the cear ofthe slide i Facing in te oppo deee- ton tothe extractors onthe siding breech, {) Move theslide wo the rearward postion with respect to the sing breech 90 that the lacking bloc is fash wth the top of sliding breech. ‘Then, insert slide and thing brech, extractors acing out. nto the for ward (open) end of the receiver with siding breech towards top of (4) Move the slide and siding breech together towards the rear of ‘the receiver until the side strike the sell stop Press stop into grove inthe receiver and move the ale an sig breech pat atl eat of the slide stixes the side locke Press upward on slide lock release 10 disengage lock and move side and siding breach to rear. Then replace sliding breech stop sevew, The she should be move and aot the Hiiog Ine, inorder to keep locking block inthe lowered penton 3098 ot #9 imertere with receiver. (5) Bayoner ATTACHMENT, BaRwil, Macazine, ano OveeaTING Banaue Grove (a) It siding breech i in locked position. press upward on side locke Unlock the siding breech and then move side and ling Breech to tore will extend into she tarrel aperture i the recever, sind the base famnot ie snaerte fully oto the receiver. (©) With the operating Randle pushed fully forward and receiver and berret group bottom side up. grasp bore! in ore hand und aeccver it the other, withthe hands lose together, an iocet the mating Kues of TM 9-285 238 SMOTGUNS, ALL TYPES ‘the barrel head into the mating grooves inthe receiver, and lide barrel Dead down into the receiver ntl barel head ie Bush with bottom of {€) Grasp operating handle and pull it to the rear until bar snape {nto position (mates with lide); then turn magaine tube counterclock wise by meen of the milled szface tithe logs onthe lock mut enter {he notches on sides of the receiver and bertel head. Then actew down ‘ighly wet mute lah with forward face of eeceves, (Gd) See that magazine tube is trmed in tight, and then push operat ing handle forward watil ection ia locked. Then operate gun to tet (e) The bayonet attechment, if removed, may be replaced in a man. ‘nr smiles to that prescribed forthe Winchester Guam MB? (oar. (6) 26, FIELD INSPECTION. a With the gun completely assembled, test the mechanism for oper functioning, Fired theile may often be used for testing, when urs shells are sot svasabl, by tuning inthe ancrimpes end 0 that the length of the sell wil approximate that of alive shell, Use of tive hells for testing is prohibited. CAUTION: Be sure gun i fully unloaded before inspection. Operate the gun at follows: (1) With te sing treet locked and harnmer cocked, push opera ing handle atighly forward and press upward on the slide lock release showing at left of trigger. Pull opereting handle flly snd smarty to the reer and then pus fully and smartly fqrward. Recprocate operating handle thus several times t tet sonothaess of ation (2) Retact operating handle asin (1) above; then releae side loc release and push operating handle smartly loraurd to lock the siding Breech. Then attempt to retrat the operating handle. The opersting (3) Pall the trigger, thos allowing the hammer to move forward to the fred position, and attempt to vera the operating handle. The oper (A) Reteact the operating handle flly and them push forward ti the aling brech is fully forward but wot locked and the locking Block ot fully engaged in the aperture in the top ofthe rveiver Then pl the tgs ln the ns, The bse sho be etd (3) Place two or more dummy or red statis in the magssiog and ‘work through the action to tet the gu for feeding londing. extraction ‘End ejection of shalle The second tell should not leave the magne T™ 9.285 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, MA20A, M520, AND M620 totil the fest sell as been loaded into the chamber, and the siding Deeech it locking behind i NOTE: Fired shells wil not work through the action as eal or dummy shells ne they are somewhat deformed throagh being fred. Therefore allowance should be made for friction and amoothness of sc tion in pastoning the shel (5) With siding breech locked end hammer in cocked paition side tiger safety all the way to the right (ME20A ard M620 Cunt) or to reat (M520 Gun) and ettempt to pill the trigger. The trigger should ‘ot pull nor the bammer releare. (7) She tegaer safety all the way to the left (M620A and M620 (une) 0° forward (M520 Gun} and pl the tigger. The trigger should pall and the hammer be released to fe the gn. ‘& When the gun does not operste and fonction smacthly and prop- rly when teted as above, damaged or improperly assembled parts are Indieated aa follows (1) Oreearine Hawotr Sticks. May be due to bent operating handle bar, bor in bar slot in ecever o barrel heed. oF dented maga (2) Stine Besxcn Dots Nor Lock. May be due to foreign ma fon face of sliding breech, sn extractor graves sn barrel head or locking block aperture in sliding Ureech, broken Bring pi oF burs ot ‘er of locking block or locking aperture in top of recive. (3) Hawneer Does Nor Cock PROPERLY O8 SLIPS. May be due to burs or foreign matter on seer oles of hammer or ear, worn or broken tok, mising improperly amembled of broken sear of Weaer =Pings oF improperly asembled oF broken mainsping (4) Financ Prw Doss Nor Retaact InTo SUOING BREECH. May be due to broken ing pin or burs on ring pin oF locking block, (5) Stine Dors Not Go Fotty Forwaxo. May be doe t9 jammed locking block ot foreign mater in apertures in lide, jammed side plunger, or broken fring pin. (6) Stine Lock Dots Nor Funcrion, May be due to bent or buted side Jock, smpropely assembled oF bent slide lock sprig, iepeopetty ‘sembled or bent side lok release spring (usely the case}, or bare (on reat of side. Refer to CAUTION, parsaraph 2434) (0) (7) Suoe Doss Nor Rernact Furey. May be due to broken har mer, improperly assembled mainspring (M620 Gun), enproperly a ‘sembled stock tang (MB20A Gun), or broken fring in (8) Suiits Ane Nor Exrmactsn of Eecre0, May be due to worn broken or butted extractors broxen or mitsing extractor springs. & ‘worn, broken, of missing ejetor or ejector spring. oe improperly Ame= led ejector TM 9-205 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (2) ‘Two Simuis Feo Inro Recenax ar ONCE. May be due to beat, sticking or broken abel tp or low abel stop aciew: (10) SHELL Sticks we MAGAZINE. May be due to corroded or bent rmagerine follower, dente tubs, broken or kinked spring, er foeign mat. (1) Tricaee Sarery Srices May be due to burred safety or tie er eb (M620A ard M620 Guns), broken thuabpiee spring 0 Speing plunger (M520 Gun), o foreign matter in mechani AA Inspect barrel and tes rigger pull (pr. 3) ‘6 Im addition to inspection ofthe gun for operation and functioning, ‘the gun should be inspected generally fr contition a defects nated Attention shouldbe givected to such defects ay cracked wucen parts, racked or deformed metal parts, dented magssine tube, leo screws loose or binding parts oF stemblie, teow Darel ce megarine, ome stock oF butt plate, rurt dents, bury ar excesive wear of parts Ie. fects are such that arly malfunction ofthe gun iv inlicaed, the gun should be turned over to ordngnce personnel for inspection and co. f. Where defects ant malfunction connat be remedied by cleaning. Iubrication, and simple adjustments of asso which ie wsthin the ‘ope of using 9p, the gun should be tarned over to ordnance pet oe 9 thorough inspection, correction, andor rep & Removal of burs on working prt, tigger adjustments, and tke corrections should not be attempted by using oops at Homing of pats tmust be exacting the ale of the faces concerned mut not be changed, nd wolume of meal mst not be mately seduce, 1. loose barrel which shales when assembled indicates worn barrel head grooves or magazine eu. The un should be tuned over to or i. If shell appears unnecesarily lace in chamber with siding breech locked, the gun should te turned over ta ordnance personnel 20 Be ‘ecked fr beaspace. or wor o¢ owe locking block 4_Adiustment and maintenance of the gun inthe case of sing troops is limited to the removal and explacement of the ports sad groupe of Dost (pars 24 and 25). together with cleaning an Iabritation and ah adjustments as are necessary in assembling the gn a vation’ CLEANING AND LUBRICATION, 4 Cleaning, ong ad lubricating way be accomplished ins manner ‘snilar to that described for the Winehester MQ? Gun (pat 11), Atte tion should be piven to coresponding parte and snlaces when fabri T™ 9.265 STEVENS SHOTGUN, 12-68GE, M620A, 520, AND M620 hh. The barrel, magazine, and operating handle g10up should be ee moved fro the receiver lor cleaning the Bore and for Uhrough clean Je the groups thould be removed. sé the parts end aatembier cleaned, fed, ond labsicated as diected. With the bayonet sttachment ste Bled tothe gum the bore should te cleaned fom the muzzle end snd ¢ eg stulfed into the receiver to protect the ation wie cleweing, When it necessary to remove the groups, the hore may be cleaned fr the breech end (pat: 31) fe: Points tobe lubricated are (2) Operating handle ber opening in barrel head and receiver (2) Operating handle ba guideway in sceiver. G3) Liter srew. (4) Side guideway in recive. (5) ‘Trager, hammer, and ear ping and hammer roller (3620 Gun). (6) Locking block guides. (7) Slide plunger (8) Outer surface of magarine tube where ope bears ing handle tube In very cold climates iting and Iwbricting should be reduced 10 ‘swinimum Only surfaces showing signs of wea should be lightly oiled. Refer to “Special Maintenance,” sectn XI ™ 9.285 En Section v MIMACA SHOTGUN, 12-6868, M37 Description * Data 29 Operation 30 Functioning 3 Removal of groups 32 ‘Replacement of gr00pe 33 Field inspection Fr Cleaning and lubeiction as 28, DESCHIPTION. '. Téentifcstion marke on this gun are generally to be found as (1). Name of maker and moe! number are stamped on top of b ear th breech end. (2) ‘The svat sumbor ofthe gun ie strnped onthe lower face ofthe barrel aear the breech end wad on the lower face ofthe forwerd end of ‘This gun (Bigs. 51 nd 52) sea manuelly operated repeating sot fun of the side action, hammerles, sldrame, and take down {ype ‘The gun it so constructed thatthe barrel can be vail removed by die. ‘engaging the stud onthe magasine nut from the bavel lu, sed then on locking the borel from the rower by ciengaging interrupted teed on the rear end of the bare fom lke threads ia the forward end of the receiver. This constvution facitates cleaning and tansportation (pee 3). This gum is furnished in vrious grades Raving barrels of diferent lengths and depres of bering, and ether modification of desig Basically, however. the mechanisms of all guns of this make and model are the same. For convenience herein the gine willbe clssiied as theee pen "ot. sporting skeet, and sporting tap, although variations o these pee NOTE: ‘The standard grade ofthis model gun is commercially known, 25 the “Featheright” GQ) The rttype gun i ually furnished with 20%e¢h plain bare, ered full eytndes, and may be equipped with # bayonet attachment land hand guard attached (othe muzale end ofthe barre. xad letter sling attached 1 sling swivel on the bayonet attachment und the Hock, 1 equipped with bayonet attechment it sakd-iame (par 34), ITHACA SHOTGUN, 12-068, Ma7 Figure 51—Right Side View—Sporting Trap Typa—Wthace Shotgun M37 ™ 9.285 8 0p Type—Ithace Shotgun M37 gure 52—L9tt Side View—Sportiog ™ 9.285 2 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES, 32, REMOVAL OF GROUPS (Ges $3,63 and 64), 1 Groupe and parte should be removed and seplaced in the order fiven below. Groupe and parts when removed should be placed on Clean, ft surface and care abaerved to prevent foe of screws and small Darts. Remove fellows (1) Barat ako Bavoner ATrAcHSENT. (2) The bayonet etachment may be emoved in a similar manoer ‘o that peescbed fr the Winchester Gun MOP (par. 8 a (1) ) (b) To remove the barrel, dvengnge slide stop, positioned in forward left face of trigger plate guard bow, by peesting upward, and pull the Slide handle to the tear. The Brescblock mst Bein the rearward pos: tion before the barrel can be removed in order to clear the exrectors {rom the rear of barrel, (©) Posh out the magnane nut pin and using the at pin a8 lever, tur the magstne nut an the forward end of the megazinecounterlock wise until the stud on the mt clears the tacel lug wth which tis en saned (64 85) (2) Turn bareel % turn clockwise ‘0 disengage the interrupted ‘threads on the ree end of the barrel rom thoae in the receiver, ad pull carved forward cut ofthe receiver (8 66). The megane screwed into the receiverat manufacture und should ot be removed (2) Twooee Pave Grove. To remove the trigger plate group, the Stock must first be removed. This can be accomplished by removing the ‘but plate screws und butt plate aad then, using long shanked screw deve, unscrew the stock belt (ems ole in Butt of stock and pull stock to rear rom the tang on tho receiver. "The wock bolt has sauare head and if tight, a gsinch socket wrench may fw used to remove it: The ‘ign plate can then be removed as follows (4) With the hammer inthe forward (Fred) postion, unscrew tggee plate screw from left eat face of receiver, just shove trigger. (8) Remove screw and pull tigger plate group to the ear out of (3) Bexzcns.ock Stine AND Canaee GROUP, These theee oxen Dies should be removed together as follows (4) Hold the cecciver bottom se up so that magacine faces lft ‘ith the Sngernail or spall at saetament, pal the se pi, vine in the forward end of the slide toward the body. atthe ame tne moving ‘he side ane forward, until he slide bar is teleue fom the se (®) Unscrew the two carrier serew locking screws, positioned in the Fight and left walls of the recwer, and then remove the two cater TMACA SHOTGUN, 12-GACE, M37 ™ 9-285 2 Figura 62-Gun Taken Down Lett Side ViewShowing Locetion of Parts—Ithece Shotgun M37 T™ 9-205 ™ 9.285 2 2 ITHACA SHOTOUN. 12.6468, M37 [Nut from Barrel Lug-Hthace Shotgun M37 Down—Right Side View-Showing Location of Ports-tt irengoging Magazine 65-0 Hgure 64—Gun Token ™ 9-285, pe ‘SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (€) Pot the carrer, breechblock, and slide together from the rear of, the sectves [NOTE: The postive abel stp should be removed from its groove to prevent las By pushing inward om pavot stud projecting throogh Fight all of receiver. 33. REPLACEMENT OF GROUPS. ‘Groupe and part should be thoroughly cleaned, lightly ile, and Iubeicated sf necemary, before replacing. Replace as follows: (1) BrezpsaLoce, Supe AND Casemee GzoUr. (q) Replace positive shell stop in it groove in inner right wall of receiver with thin curved end forward. Stop should lies in it groove eth the por atu eh with outer right face of ecrver when seembled. (b) Hold the breechblock bottom side up, with extractor to left, the left hand. Then, place the side upon the breechblock so thst the hhokcshuped aperture in ear of side mates with book shaped lug ce rear of breechblock (e) ‘Taking carrier in right hand with long points to left and curved etched ead facing up Hide t onto the breechblock from the rear so that the breechblock lies between the long ends of the carrier with the slide above it, andthe sal! lug on rear ead of slide fits inthe noth in rear end of carrier. (4) Transee group to right band and take receiver i lft baad, bot: tom side up and open end to ight Then, slide group inte receiver rough fhe open end, with the long end ofthe cari pointing into the receiver, ‘0 that the guides oa either side ofthe slide mate with the guideway in the inner walls of the receiver; push group into receiver ut the Slide ie checked by rear end of spring (let) bell stop («) Depres forward end of stop and insert smal tool under rer end and pey out slightly from receiver wall, until og onside will pes under Sop. Then pa group al the way forward Do 20 ry top Ot arte (1) Move carrier to rear until carrier screw holes in carter and receiver alin; inert carrer screws and acew in snugly ttl locking screw countesins in head of carer screws aline with tows in reeves: (Catch threads on both screws before screwing down either screw) ‘Then replace locking sews and draw down anugly and fash. Pin end ‘of earier screw must enter carrer before thread on atew will mate with (4) With the sie forward, move the side handle tothe rear wat bar contact ide pin. Retract pin vile in bottom of slide, with Boge 106 ™ 9.285 2 IMACA SHOTOUN, 12-6408, M37 rior small fat nature and move ber to rear until side pin engages hole in rear end of bar end release tbe pin (h) Operate slide handle to test operation of side and locking of ‘eechblock (2) Tesccen PLate Grou". (a) With hammer in forward postion and slide forward, push the ‘wigger plate group ins lower rear end af receiver, hammer st 20 that uides on plate mate with guideways in tecever walla, With hammer {forward postion, slide top will not interfere woth aide during replace- tment of trigger plate group. If hammer is cocked, hide stop must be in disengaged postion. (2) Push plate forward until srew holes in pate and receiver alive snd replace teggee pate screw fom let side of zecever Sorew in smghy (e) With trigger plate in position replace the stock by siding on over tang on reeiver unl fash with rear end of receiver and trigger plats ‘Then replace stock bolt and wathor sn serew down tightly by turing clockerte. With sock im postion, replace but plate and. sew down snugly i butt plate sews are screwed doven too tightly. screw threads in stock may stip out or composition bust pate rack (3) Bane ano Bavoner ATrAcHBENT. (a) Disengage slide stop and pull the side andi fl so that extractor on breechblock wil not interfere with barrel during teplacerent. Inapect tore of barel for foreign matter Inert the threaded end ofthe barrel ito the barrel aperture inthe forward face of the rece, withthe barrel lug facing to the leit (magazine down), and (2) Push barrelas far ai wl go nto receiver wo tat the iterropted thread on barrel end in receiver ar in position tomate, then turn barrel 14 turn counterclocewiae to mate and lock the interrupted thread in Darrel and in receiver, (e) Push out magazine nut pin, and, wing a lever, tr nt clockwise to mete stud on forward face of magazine nit wit hole in batrel lig Engage nut snugly with barrel ug. depress pin, and then move slide Dandy forward (4) Disengage side op, in forward eft tne of rigger guard bow, By Dushing upward, and reciprocate slide handle few times to tet astem by for reiproation of side and locking ard unlocking of breechblock “Then release sop and push side handle fully forward to test engagement ef cop with sie. (2) The bayonet attachment may be replaced in & manner similar 10 that preeribed fr the Winchester Gun MOT (par 0a(6)), ™ 9.285 ou SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES 34. FIELD INSPECTION. ‘& With the gn completely assembled, tst the mechenism for proper functioning, Fired shells may olten be used for terting where dumeny halls re not avaiable, by tuning inthe unerimped end vo that the length ofthe shell wil eppronimate that of hive sell. Use of tive abet (or testing iz probit. (CAUTION: Be sure gun i fully unloaded before inspection 1, Operate the gun as follows: (1) With the breeciblock locked and the hammer cocked, pres ‘upward on the lower eod of the slide stop showing atthe right side of the forward end ofthe trigger plot guned bow. Push side beadle fr ward aightiy; then pll smartly and fully 0 the rear, snd then push smartly and fully forward. Reciprocate slide hendle thus several imes to text smoothness of sion, (2) Retrect slide handle in (1) above, then release slide stop and ‘put lide handle smartly forward to lack the breeciblock Then attempt torretract the slide handle. The slide handle should not retract (3) Pull the trigger, thus allowing the hammer to move forward to the fired postion and attempt to retract the aide handle. The slide handle should setract. (A) Retrct the side bande ftiy and then push forward until the breechblock i flly forward but at raised to the locked positon. Then pull the igus to eee he armmer. The trigger should not lease the hammer until the breechblock is seated in fron of the locking shoulder "NOTE: In this gan the treechbock is seated inthe locked position wien the sie ie atl about inch from the extreme forward position nd still unblocked by she alice stop. At this pot it possible to release the hammer bot i wil srke the rear end of the the and not the fring pin and move forward with the sie, (5) Place two or more dummy office shells in the magazine and ‘work through the action to test gun for feeding. loading, extraction and jection of shell The second shell should not leave the ragacine ntl the fst shell has been ected, "NOTE: Fired shells wil not work through the action et easly as live or dummy shells at they are somewhat deformed through Being fred. Therefore allowance should be made for rktion and smote of action ia positioning the abel, (6) With breechblock locked and hammer in cocked position, wide ‘rigger safety al the wey tothe right and attempt to pull the tigger 1 lease the hammer. The tiger should ot pull nor the hammer be 108 ™ 9.285 Es (1) Slide safety all the way to left snd attempt to pull the trigger. ‘Phe wigger should pull snd hammer be relened to fe the gun. CAUTION: A left-hand anlety should operate in reverse manne, ‘Guns found to have let hand selties shouldbe tured aver ta ordnance personnel to have saleties replaced with right-tand safetcn Woes. in dons not operate and tection smothy and propeiy wt tne ax shove, damaged tmpnprly abel eta iad tone (0) Sum Hints SrcK May be du wo best de ta, bent oe twahen spinor mining side pcos (2) Bmeecnarocx Doss Nor Lock, May be du o frei mater on face of beectack. o ahing shes nop of eee enn ter rome nectar fare rar ou fering lugs of ec bodes (2) Hisnaen Dots Nor Cook Prorea.y, on Sure. May be dc te bar foreign sane a ar thin anmer et orn bored tov of sear er went or rue ae ping tet side op been Ser tt (4) Pinte Pn Does Nov ReveAc we BREECHSLOCK. Maybe due we SO ig peo orog r lron ater i aperare (5) Suoe Bro» Does Nor Furcron. May be due to bet de sop, ken or ipropery shes s tp Sng be o erm on ofc sop er bore er wom sop lou er de NOTE: Sie sop release sing sud he unde son ght ie stop an ren sabes cops heme bat when ast (8) Sinus = Nor Exrmscreo on Dyer. May tet to wer trate rbd estates bokeh exon opings or ban bch (7) Two Sunuis Peo Inro Receven ar Once. tay be due to tea, beat. r morn pote shel sop ign ater In shal sop sang guove crn (8) See Sricks n MAGAZINE May be due to coroded or best smatatne sing cup dete tbe kes o ied ping ot fereg (©) Saver Srceh May be de to based fey or tiger web. ‘broken safety catch spring. ie 4 oapect barrel and test trigger pull as prescribed in paragraph 3 ~ In ation to snspection of the gun fr operation and functioning, the gon should e inspected generally for camition and defects noted ‘Attertion should be directed to such defects ms cocked wooden paris 109, Tm 9.285 3635 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES ‘rocked or deformed metal pars, dented magarine tube, loose screw {F pins, ose or bintng parts or assemble, Looe barrel or magazine leoge stock or butt plate st, dente burs oe excesive wear of parts defects ere such that early malfunction of the gun i indicated, the gun should be turned ever to ordaance personel for inspection and f. Where defects and rmlfunctions cannot be remedied by cleaning Iebrication, and simple adjustments of assembly, which le within the scope of using troops the gun should be turned ever to ordnance per sere! form thorough fepeetion,corzection ander reps, fe Removal of burs on working parts tigger adjustments, ad ike corrections should not be atempind by sing troops ax stoning of parts fst be exacting, the ange of the faces concerned mur nt be changed, fd volume of metal must not be materilly reduced Ja. A toore barrel, which shakes when assembled, may be due to Improper atsembly cauned by not stserting barcel far enough into re ceiver belore tating interrupted threade of bartel and eeciver, of i tnay be due to worn pacts neceettating ojustment or replacement of Darrel or receiver, If Gu to wom pacts, the gun should be turned over to ordnance personnel for correction ot tepai, 1 abel appeace unnecessarily Ioote in chamber with breechblock locked, the gu should be turned over to ordnance personnel to be checked for eadepace, |i Adjustment and maintenance of the gun in the case of using troops emit to fhe removal and replacement ofthe pars and groups of parts as outlined in paragraphs 32 and 33, together with cleaning fd such adjaimente sx are necessary in assembling the gon a outlined. 35, CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. . Ctesnng, ili, and lubricating may be accomplished in & manner similar to that descried forthe Winchester Gun MSY (par 11). Atten tion shouldbe given to cortesponding parts and surfaces when Mbrcating. 1h. The burrel shouldbe removed from the receiver for cleaning the boce and for thorough caning. the groups should be removed and the parts and assemblies cleaned, oiled, nd hibricaed ax directed. Gur Should be thoroughly cane after each to to thee thousand shells ae fred; oftener i aecomary. With bayonst sttachient amembled tthe fen. the bere should be leaned from the msle nd end a rag tae Into the receiver to protect the action whe cleaning. When ite neces sory to remove the group the boze may be cleaned (ros the Breech end (owe 31), ™ 9.285 3 MTHACA SHOTGUN, 12-6868, M7 Points tobe lubricated are: (1) Side bar opening in forward end of receiver. (2) Side bar guideway in secsiver, ) Carver screws, () Slide guideways in recive, (3) Mainspring cup. (6) Trigger and bemmer pins (7) Otter surface af the magarine tube wher lide hand te bears 4. In very cold climate, cling and lubricating should be reduced to ‘minimum. Only surfaces showing signe of wear thould be lightly sled. Refer to “Special Maintenance,” sctia XI m ™ 9-285 % SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. Section VI REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, MIO Das 37 Operation 3 Functioning » Removal of groupe “0 [Replacement of groupe a Field inapection a lasing and lubrication 2 ‘ Tdentifcation marks on this gun are generally to be foond os fellows (1) Name of maker em tp af barrel near sear end, fe of berrel and serial number of gun (2) Boring of barrel oa te (2) The words *mouincron (rade mark)” on left side of ection ide bar (8) The words *nemmeron (trade mark) model 10" and serial 1b, This gun (ge 67 and 68} isa manually operated, repeating shot gon ofthe tide ation, hammerlens solid rame and tke down type The bar groups can ensily be removed from the receiver by disengaging Interrupted theesd in rear end of magarine snd barret (rm lke inter rupted threads inthe receiver, by which the barrel and magazine re looked to the receiver, This contrtion facilitates cleaning and =n portation ofthe gum (par. 34). This gun i usually furnished in the stndard grade only. having berets of diferent lengths and degrees of boring. Besicelly, however the mechanism of all guss of this male and model aye the same. For convenience herein the guns will be clamiied ay two type: ret and sporting, although variations of thetetyper may’ ocr (2) The sottype gun (igs 67 and 68) ia ually foraished with © 20-inch plain bare, bored fll cylinder. Some of these guna have 2 REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, 1410 Figure 67~Ltoth Side View=Rlot Type—Remslagton Shotgun MIO ‘TM 9-285 36 ight Side View—Riot Type—Remington Shotgun M10. ™ 9-285 3738 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES Length of berrelsporting tap tye 30 in Length of stock andveceier (approx) 20 in Length of ambled gun rit type (approx) 29% in, Length of anembled gon—sporting tap type (appcox) —49Y4 in Weight of anembled gun-not type-without bayonet attach- ‘ment (approx) 74 Weight of assembied gu-—aparting Wap type (approx) ® 38, OPERATION, 1. The gun is operated by moving the fore end smariy and fully buackuard and forward. Thit action ‘locks the breechblock, extracts nl eects the Sed shel, cocks the cocking head which i attached to the fring pi, transfers live sell Irom the magazine to the chamber of the Barrel, sad relocks the breechblock behind the sel ‘CAUTION: During operation, the missle ofthe gun should always be pointe at sil spt. 1h, Beloe the action slide can be cetracted, the ation bar lock smut ‘ue disengaged from the action bar, the gun has been fred and the Decesry io recprotte the fore end az shove, ofthe forward move: iment ofthe cocking head sn subzequent spring action of the action bar ck button fas congas the action bar lock from the stion ber. TT Dhowever the cocking head iv im the rearward (cocked) position, it recestey to depres the action bar lock button protruding through the ‘ght wall ofthe receiver to disengage the lock before reteacting the fore od. (6. 73) ‘CAUTION: During these operations, the finger should remain outside ‘the trigger guard bow. Reeiprocaten of the fore end should be Fall nd smart to insure extraction of the shell, ecking af the cocking head, snd complete locking of the beechbfoce and engagement of the action bar lock: Slamming of the mechaniam, however, should be avoided. When the gun is being fied a 8 repute, all presse thos) be removed fom ‘the trigger while operating ‘+ With the gus londed, locked, and cocked the only movement neces sy to fre the gun sto pull the engeer 11 ‘The trigae slety slide positioned inthe forward end ofthe rigger ‘guard dow eperates longtodialy (figs. 75 snd 76). When pashed to ‘the res, the eign i blocked znd canaot be pled to Bethe gn When poshed forward the trigger i resto be pulled and the gu fred With a bell the chamber sti best to lock the tigger by puting ‘the salty slide othe rea, ines the un eto be fred immediately. Te this gun the safety side i easly pushed forward with the Roger aie ‘the trigger guard bow when the gun se mounted ta the shoulder to fire ™ 5.285 ec z . i } i : ; = j i i i i i i i : 7 4 i T Figure 74—Londing Mos ‘SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES fe To Load and Unload the Mage (2) To tad the magazine (Be 74), press shell nose first into the reat of the magazine agains the magazine fllower unt it slips in front fund i retained by the carved sping onthe forward end ofthe cart. LLowd another abel inthe ame way until Gve in all are loaded. Loading should be dane with the breechblock lacked. (2) To unload the magazine, push the salty sie to the rear to lock the trigger, depress the nton bar lock button to release the action br, and reciprocate the fore ond nti al the shell in the magazine are tjected. Then, with breechblock retraced ingpect chamber and magazine {To Land nd Unload the Gan. (2) To Toad 1 abel fern the magarine into the chamber of the barrel pash the safety side tothe rear to block the tiger, depres the section bar lek button to disengage the lock from the ection bat, and feciprocete the fore end. Another shell may then be loaded into the tmagasine. Test breechblock for looking by attempting to etract the fore od. The fore ena shoud aot retract 2) To unload the gua. proceed a8 in unloading the magsrioe at explained in © (2) above & To Load the Chamber Only. To toad the chamber only, push the safety sid tothe rar t Jock the tigger. Load one shell tt the _magazine and then reciprocate the fore end ax explained above, Another method is 0 retract the fore end, and with breechblock th in the reat ‘ward poston insert a shell horizontally with nose forward, ip te the Freeiver through the ejection opening Thon push thell forward into the chamber uni retained by the ejector spring and lock the breech block by pusbiog the fore end sll the way forward. Test locking of ‘breechblock atin F(1) above 39. FUNCTIONING. ‘& As already explained, the functioning of the operating mechanism is accomplished by the reciprocation of the action ber by means of the fore end. A com ign the rear end ofthe stn beara in am regular ‘camming aperture in the left side of the breechblock and asthe bat is ‘removed rearward, the ear end ofthe breechblock i cammed down fom infront of the locking shoulder sn the tp ofthe receiver and the tneecl block moved to the fear. As the action bar in moved forward By meats of the fore end, the beeechbiek = moved forward and the fear em ‘cammed up in front of the locking shoulder, atthe end of the forwart 1h. As the action bar moves to the sear in the camming sreove of REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M10 Soety Slide—Romington Shotgun M10 igure 75~Engegin wee sex ™ 9.285 ” z & 3 : q i = : ™ 9-285 ” SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES the beoechblock, the ig on the rear end of the bat strikes the cocking Inead, positioned in the rear end of the breechblock, and pushes ito ‘he rear agsinst the force of the main sprig until caught end held by the sear which is alo positioned inthe zene end af the breechblock The socking head is ettached to the fig pin and tho ple itt the ese ‘The action bar then continues to push the breechblock tothe rear t the end ofthe rearward movement The carrier is positioned longitudinally ip the sight side of the receiver. The forward end seated sms blind hole inthe forward end of the receiver, and the rear end in sent in the error stop a6 aired ‘explained. The com on the extreme rear end of the cree seats im ‘camming groove is the right side of the breechblock, As the breechblock is moved backward and forward it camrotater the carir 20 that the ap on the casi moves-up and down inthe receiver As the breesh- ‘leck nears the end ofthe rearward movement rotates the ep ofthe ‘carrer down to 2 potion below the cear end of the magavine As the carrier rotates down, the curved alll reteining spring on the forward ‘nd, which has been boldag the rosrmert sell i the megacie, movet from engagement with the base of the shell and the shel ths released 's forced out ofthe magasine into the receiver by the free ofthe maga zine spring. As the retaining spring rotates from engagement with the rearmes sel, a small collar on the carrie, just forward of the spring ‘tes down it poston to aterept the fliowing sell, thus preventing double feeding. The released shell moves edrward unt its bese mikes the shell stop hy located on the carrier shark to the tear of the Bap, ‘This shell stop lug prevents the shell som striking the beeechblocke Ac the breechblock mover forward, it rotates the carver upward and the cir fs the shell to bore line sn time forthe breechbtock to push st forsore ito the chamber of the barel Ar the enver rotees upward the retsning spring on the forward end rotates into position to again block the rearmost sellin the magscine, thersby taking ever the fun: tion of the retaining cols whieh has been holding the sell while the spring was disenenged from i 4d. The ejector sping i postions! longitnally in the top of the ceiver to the rear ofthe chumber of the barel when assembled. At the fe shell sifted to bare line bythe carrer, x presed aint the ciector spring, and as the Breechblock moves forward to chamber the seth itn turn presses upon and keeps the apring peese! upward under teasion, As the fired shell i pulled rom the chamber by the extractor fon the breechblock wien the breschbleck is moved renrwards i apna comes under spring pressure ofthe eizctor sprig, As soon the pose ‘ofthe shel cleave the chamber, the sell «sprung downward out of the receiver y the spring force of the ejeciae spring bearing upon it "The 124 ™ 9.285 Ey REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-0868, MIO cartier is imsvediaely rotated downward to aie the election and clear the receiver as the breechblock resches the end ofthe rearward ove: ‘+The action bar lock i pvuted in the rear end of the breechblock with the long L-shaped forward end of the locke passing laterally through the breechblock from right to lft A spring losded hinged shoe, pivoted ‘on the rear end of the lock, beats upon the cocking ead when in the rearward (cocked) portion. The shoe bering thas levers the reer ced ofthe lock towards the right wal of the receiver and the shaped none thus is pivoted towards the let wal, through the breechblock, snd into the notch sn the ction bar lug as the breechblock reaches the locked position, Thos the ber locked in position and cannot be retracted 10 Unlock the breechbleckc until the bar lock i dvengageds This is accom” plished, st explained, either by presing ia on the Tock button which fextends throug’ the right wall ofthe receiver or by the forward move sent ofthe sacking head when the gun is Bred. The lock button bears ‘pen the rear end of the lock when the breechblock it in the locked position and is under spring tension inward, but the spring force of the lock shoo, when presing upon the cocking head, s greater thon th of the button and thar holds the Tock in place despite the sping force fexortd by the button. When the lock butt is manually pressed inward ith a force greater than the opposing force of the lock shoe, it pots {he forward L-shaped end ofthe lack from engagement withthe ection bar lig. Likewise, when the cocking head moves forward, the pressure ‘on the lock shoe is released. an the forward end of the lock is levered ‘out of the slot in the action har lag by the spring force af she ek button bearing upon he ror end of the lock, athe sping fore exerted by the shoe, while bearing on the cocking head, longer opposes the spring force ofthe button. The action bar is thos Ire to unlock the breech Block ane move sto the fear when the fore end i retracted. Thi lock. sng of the action bae prevents premature unecking ofthe rewchblosk. The safety side operates longitudinally in the forward end of the ‘wigger guard bow, aid is Held in posinon by spring-loaded steel ball, Prsitoned in the guard bow, seating im notches inthe slide. When the Side i in the rearward postion, it blocks the forward end of the wogger {om pivoting downward and thus the trigger from being pulled to lever the sear from engagement with the cocking head. When te slide isin the forard portion. i no longer blocks the trigger and it canbe pulled ‘o act upon the sar to releuye the cocking heed snd tun fe the gu, Some guns of late manufoctore have # breechblock latch, pivoted in the lower let fear face ofthe rowchblock. ‘The tear end of the lath is forced cut by the cocking heal. when in the rearward position: the forward ent ic thus forced war and sn ha position the latch i inor TM 9-285 ‘39-40 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. crotive. When the cocking head maves ford, it releses the rear end Sf the atch, and the foreard ene then springs out into the action bar froove in the receiver and prevents the rear end of the breechblock from ing moved downward frm ia front of th locking shoulder in the top of the receiver, When the cocking head is again moved to the fear bythe action bar. it came the rear end of the lech outward and ths {otates the forward end inward and ost ofthe action bar groows in the feceiver, The rear ond cf the breechblock ie thus freed #© be moved down and unlocked by the action bar. The etch prevents an unlocked breechblock in case of » hangire 40. REMOVAL OF GROUPS (gs 69, 70 77, end 78), ‘8. Groupe snd pte should be removed and replaced in the order ven below. Groupe and parts, when eemoved, should be placed on 4 lena, at surface snd care taken to preveat lost of srews and small (2) Bann, Macazise ano AcTion Bax Grour (TaKe-nows Gun). (2) With the breechblock locked, press magazine lever detent, pos tioned in forward end of magerine lever, down eway Irom the bare [At the same time push ia on the short knusled surface of the detent to Sing the ear end athe lever out of the magazine plug to ight angle wvith the magacine (tube Big. 79) (&) Then, wring lever, turn the magesine 14 turn clockwise to den s2ge it fom soterupted theeads in receive, and move i forward at far as twill go (6-80. (e) Grasp the fre end and move the action bar forward until it clears the receiver (lg 81), then turn the barel % turn clockwise, to disen sage i fom interrupted threade sm receiver, and group pull fom the receiver (84 82) Remove a fll 2) Bure Stock (a) Remove the butt plate by unscrewing the two butt plate screws snd iting butt pte from buttstock. The buttstock rt be removed from the receiver belore the breechblock and cari can be removed (2) Woh tongshanked screudriver inserted in the stock bolt ape: ture now visible io buttstock, unacrew the buttstock bolt by toring ounterlocwse nti (ee (fom the tggee guard fang (2) Pull the butt soc tothe rear rom the trigger guard and receive (3) Tree Geaso Grove, (a) With breechblock forward, unscrew tang screw chek screw fom rear top of receiver and then remove the ang stew From the seceve RIMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, 10 ‘ KER Lchbled ‘en! TH 9.205 gure 77~Oun Token Down—Lelt Side View—Showing Location of Ports Remington Shotgua MIO TM 9-285 SHOTOUNS, ALL TYPES p g ‘Remington Shotgun M10 Figure 78—Gun Token Down—Right Side View—Showing Locotion of Perts— TH 9.285 REMINGTON sHoreuN, 12.6808, mo“ (2) Unsere the pier sere check sree from Zea ght Kae of Boer en remove te uatd stew Hom the receiver, a) Bie the guard tothe rent Som the receiver. (@) Basxovcock avo Caemex Gnovr (2) Tun the cceiver 40 that the bottom opening is wpermost and isla o he receiver pints to the righ. The receiver wil be consi ea Seating in this positon until the group i moved. {o) Prom rier slighly forward (lel) and side the carver stop curd and remove i Irn ite Tot in the right inner rear wall of receiver Ta velees the rear end of the corer assembly. o) Deprem the action bar Tock button pojeting Com the right sik of the receiver to release the sction bar, and_ with the button “epee nsrt the blade ofa screwdriver beneath the rer end ofthe tserhtloc and pry wp the breechblock ely (80 ot force) anti i fra to rin then move withthe fngece TNOTE. I the cocking bend i ora pry on the breechblock without pressing action Bar lock baton a action bar lock wil be de These. However, in am which have the rechblock atch amembled {>the lower rer kt side of the breecloc, the itch must he vleaed ty ping the rar end of the Itch tarda the receiver before the trechbloc canbe unlocked I cocking bead i to ver (cocked pose ‘on thn isnot aecemary but in this cave the Jock Baton must be omed a stove (2) ha the rar end ofthe brewelack ried clear of the Soeking stout the top of the receiver, start moving Ko the feat of the rmeiver by pushing on the fae ofthe breehbloc through the bz ening inthe rceve. Press action ba lok bon, a reat ed of breech bck towards the sight wal of receiver to cea lack om ear st [oove in igh wall of reeiver av reecblack sterta oi of rectve. ‘Wen the brechock hes moved to the rer auficietly to cam the caries fap to fe honzontal postion ramp the earner and pull to the {eam it sat nthe oeward ed of he rcv. Then, grasp tech ‘eck and casrier together an pl tthe ea out ofthe retver ing i canieralghtly downward (toward top ol receiver) in rogems oat frce, The care icon sping sete he carr seat i the ‘eesvr auld be removed to greveet fs by pling oot of mat. The ‘con bar lack buton in righ ide of recive an ejector spring op sf receiver ahold not be raraned. Bueno cae no 19 bend ete ‘ering at proper feeding a cjecton ofthe shell depends upon th ex ‘iy an postin of the sine 41. REPLACEMENT OF GROUPS. ‘Groups and parts should be thoroughly cleaned, lightly eile, ne ™ 9.285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES Inbricatd, if necessary, before replacing, Replace (2) Brarcumvoce ako Canneen Grove. (a) Before the breechblock and cerrier are replaced in the receiver the carter friction sping should be replaced in its Blind hole in right forward, inside face of the seceiver and the ejector spring checked to se that ti all the way tothe eatin i seat, (ib) Turn the receiver bottom side up withthe barrel opening tothe left The, place the envie in ite groove in the right wall of the receiver with com t reat and flap roughly horizontal, Allow the extier cam 10 [Project about a inch outside the receiver, and hold withthe left hand (2) Geasp becechblock 2 that extractor is down and pointed to let and mate the carie cam with the camming aperture in the right face ofthe breechblock, keeping the fap of the caries oughly horizontal (4) Start the breechblock slowly into itt guide grooves in the re cxiver and move both carrier and breechblock slowly forward (te ltt), ‘with the earner fep il oriaontal, until te forward end of the caret fs near ite satin the forward end of the receiver (4) Slide the carrier forward ito ite seat and pressing breechblock, fat'on the tang slide the breechblock forward genty stil it moves dowa to the locked position, allowing the up of the cavir t9 rotate ovenward towards top of receive Do not force, (1) Secure the carrier by menos of the carer stop, inserted vertically with pin forward and down into ie Tislot in the inner wall of the recriver. With a screriver, pth forward on the carrer car to allow the pin on the stop to seat propery in its recess in the eatie cam (2) Tracer GuaKo Grovr. (e) With the receiver sill upside dowe, slide the guard onto the rear of the receiver 20 that it mates with the grooves in lower rear face of the receiver ad with the tang, and the tang and guard screw holes ‘in guard and receiver are in linement () Turn receiver and replace tng screw and torn in part wa. Then replace guard serew from right side, catch threads, and torn until beck screw cutis in position; then replace check screw. Then tur tang screw th tightly, lin check serew cut, and replace check sere @) Bore roc (a) Slide the buttstock ooto the wigger guard tang and receiver nt Ht mater evenly and sh (b) Insert stock bolt and washer into bole aperture in buttstock, ‘atch threads and screw down vghty (e) Replace butt plate and screw on mnuely, Do not force stews, at ‘compotton plate may each or wood screw threads stip out 130 follows REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12.686E, MIO 7 gure 79-Dizengaying Magazine Lever Detent— Remington Shot T™ 9.285 sine from Receiver—Megorine Lever in Diengoged Postion— Figure 80-Direngaging Me ‘Remington Shotgun M10 ™ 9-285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES 4 + a Figure £2-Rarrel Disengaged from Receiver-Remington Shotgun MIO ™ 9.205 a4? REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAG5, M10 (4) Sawn, Macazine AND ACTON BAB GROUr, 2) Move breechblock fowa (©) Inspect bore of bare for foreign matter, and then side action br fly forwacd to clear the rea fae ofthe barrel yoke, (©) Holding group with magazine facing to let, insert the threaded nd of the barrel into the barrel opening in the receiver as far a8 it will go Then turn the group counterclockwise 4 turn until the bare yoke is stopped by the yoke stop screw projecting from the right ede ofthe forward face of the ectver. (The fat spot on the left side of the xtreme rear ond of the bare is forthe purpose of camming up the ttractor when the barrel i pushed into the receiver This Bat shosld be up, in line with extractor, when intrting the barrel. The cut the top of exteme rear end of the bare forthe pirgom of Frnihing clearance forthe extractor when barel is ssseblnd) {() Slide the action var into the rectver to engage withthe breech block. Depress action bar lock button end move action bar ad breech ‘lock all the way to the rear. Then with magarine lever vertically in Tine with bare and receiver, se the magenne into the receiver a= ‘twill ‘turn magecine 4 tar coumerclockwie ‘Treo rota ine phig ual retained by detent (e) Test the asembly by reciprocating the action bar overs times with the action bar Tock button depressed. Then, text for locking of breechblock by removing pressure fromm the lock button and pushing fore end all the way forwatd to lock the breechlocke 42, FIELD INSPECTION. ‘With the gun completely asembied test the mechasism for proper functioning. Fired shells may often be used for testing. where dummy shells are not available, by turning inthe uncesmped end a0 thet the length of the shell approximates tht of te ive sell. Use of ive shells for testing ix prohibited, (CAUTION! Be sure gun is fl ‘unloaded before inspection, 1h. Operate the Gun a Follows: (C1) With the treeehblock lacked and the cocking heed cocked, de- ‘ress the ation bar lok button protruding through the right wall of the receiver. ull fore end smartly snd fully f0 the rear and then push smartly nd fully forward, Reciprocete fore ond thus several times tent smoothness of action (2) React fore end as in (1) above, then release ection bar lock bation aad posh fore end scat snd fully forward to lock the Breech Block, Then attempt to retset the lore end. The fore end should not _— ™ 9-285 a SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (3) Pull the trigger thus allowing the cocking head to move forward to the fred postion and attempt to retract the fore end. The fre end sould eetrace (4) Retract the fore ond fully ad then push forward uot the breech block is flly forward but not rized to the locked positon. Then pull the trigaee £0 release the cocking head. The trigger sould not release the cocking hed Uni the brectbock is fully locked. (The trigger should ‘ot contact the sear unt the breechblock is lcked). (5) Place to or more dummy oF fired shells in the magecine and work through the action to test gu for feeding, loading extraction a (he fire sel has ben ejected NOTE: Fired shells will not wer through the aetion ax easily a8 tive or dummy shells ax they are somewhat deformed through being fred “Therefore, allowance thould he made for friction and smoothness of (6) With the breechblock locke? na the cocking head in the cocked postion, push the safety slide all the way to the rear and attempt to Poll the tigger. The tigger should not pull (7) Push the safety side al the way forward and attempt t0 pull the trigger. The tigger should pall and the cocking head be released to fee the gun When gun docs not operate anil function smoothly and properly when feted above, damaged or imgroperiy xsembled parts are ind (2) ActION Bax SricKs. May be due to bent scion bar, buted o¢ ‘broken cam lig on baer lorsgn matter in breechblock camming per. ture, dented magerine tube or damaged action Bat ock. (2) Bweeco:ocx Doss Nor Look. May be doe 1 worn or broken action bar cam lug, broken or misting bneeehiblork supporting pins in receiver, foreign matter on fe of brchblock, or in eetactor cut OF (3) Berecrvock Does Not UnLock. May be de to worn or broken ‘setion bar lug, broken or missing breechblock sapporting pins daaged fseton bar lock or breechblock late, r foreign mater in mechan, (4) Cootinc Hexo Does Not Cock Prorsnty on Stirs. May be due to worm oF broken cam lug on action bar, worn sar nowt broken seer or sar soi bet trig, Mokena prin, o foreign matte (5) Coceine Han Does Nor Retease Warn Taiacen Ts Puce, ™ 9.285, REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M10 May be due to bent trigger, broken fring pin or main sping, damaged (6) ACTION Bar Does Nor FUNCTION. May be due to broken setion bat or cam lug, broken setion bar lock or cocking head (7) Action Bar Lock Dors Nor Fonction. May be doe to broken ction bat lock, broken or sasing Jock thoe pring, broken button spring tr spring retsner or foreign matter in mechanism (8) Cantor Does Nor FuNcnion. May be due to broken carrer, missing carrier fiction spring, burred or wor cam on feat of curie emaged caries stop, or foreign matter sn mechan, (9) Suri Is Nor Exreacreo ox Eysersn. May be due to worn of Iwroken extractar,bvoken extractor spring. oF beat or broken ejector spring. ejector spring beat or too weak, wll not fonction propery, (10) Two Sins Pep Inro Receiver ar Once, May be due 10 bent or broken carrier shell retsiner spring, worm shell retainer collar, cr worn cam on rear of cater (11) Suats Sricks mw Macarins. May be due 1 corrded or bent follower, kinked or broken megane spring, or dents, foreign matter er (12) Sinus Do Nor Cxancaex ProwxsLy. May be du to damaged carer, as above, or aif or bent sjeetor spring, ‘The later defect i ‘ually he enue (13) Sarery Stine Dots Nor FoNcrion. May be due 10 burs on tle, broken slide spring. or foreign matter in mechanism, A Inspect bevel attest tiger pull (pa 3 m) In adition to inspection ofthe gun for operation ant fnctioning, the gun should be inepected generally for condition, and defects noted [Attention shoukd be directed to such defects as racked woeden part cracked of deformed metal party dented magazine tube, loose screws tnd pins. loowe or binding parts or assemblies loose Bartel or magacine, loose stock or but plate, ust, dest, Burs or excessive wear of parts 1H cotects are such that early malfunction of the gun i iicated, the fran should be turned over to ordnance personne for inspection and {Where defects and malfunctions cannot be remediad by cleaning, lubrication, ad simple adjustments of assembly, which le within the scope of using troops the gun should be tutned over Co ordnance pes tone! for thorough inspection, corection andr repair & Removal of burs on working pats tigger adjustments, and Ike SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES rust be exacting, the angle ofthe faces concerned mast not be changed, land volume of metal must not be materially reduced. 1k A toose barrel, which shakes when assembled, mey be due to im: proper assembly caused by nat iverting bare far enough into receiver before mating interrupted threade of barrel and receiver, oF it may be tue 10 worn parts necessitating adjutment or replacement. If due 10 luttr cause, gum should be turd over to ordnance personnel for €or. 1. I sell appears unnecessarily loote in chember with breechblock locked, the gune should be turned over to ordrance personnel to be hacked for beadspace |i Adjustment and maintenance of the gun in the ease of using ‘woope is limited to the semoval and replacement of the pars and groups ff parts (pure 40 and 41). together with cleaning, lubeiation, and such adjustments abate neceszary in asembling the gun a8 outlined 43. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. CCeasing cling, and lubrication of this gun may be accomplished in'e manner tml to that prescribed for the Winchester Gun M97 (ar 11). Attention should be given to corresponding parts nd sur faces whom lbriewing, Bete] magarine and fore end group should be Femoved from receiver of takedown gun when cleaning the bore. With tayonst attachment assembled o the gue, the bore should be cleaned from the murzle end, and 9 rg stuffed ito the eecciver to protect the scion while cleaning (pat 33) 1s, Points to lubricate are 11) Action bar epening (2) Action bar cam (@) Action bar lock pin. aos of lock, and shoe hinge, forward end of eeciver (4) Carrie bearing points (S) Cocking hee. (6) Breechiack latch (7) ‘Tener pin (8) Safety sie, (9) Carrier cam aperture in beechblock (10) Outer surface of magarine tube where action bar tube bears e- In very cold ctimates, ong and tubeication should be seduced © ‘minimum, Only surtces showing sgos of wear should be bghtly et Refer to “Special Maintenance” secon XI ™ 9-285 a SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES. must be exacting the ange of te faces concerned must not he changed, fd volume of otal must not be mately reduced, fh A loose barcel, which shakes when assembled, may be doe to im proper amembly cased By not fering bare far enough into receiver before mating interrupted threade of hurrel and receiver, oF it may be due to worn parte necessitating adjustment or replacement. If due to Jatter caure, gun should be turned over to ordeance personnel for cor 5. 1 shell appears unnecessarily loose in chamber with beeechblock locked, the guns should be turned over to ordnance persia to be checked for headspace. J. Adjustment and maistenance of the gun in the case of using tuoops i imited to the removal and replacement of the parts and groupe tt parts (pars 40 and 41), together wit casing, Ibriation and sack Sdjustmenta as are necessary in amsembling the gua outlined 48. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION, 2. Cleaning ing, and lubrication of this gun may be accomplished ina manner similar to that prescribed for the Wiachester Gun M97 (par 11). Attention should be given to corresponding parts and sur- foes when lubricating, Barrel magazine and fore end group should be removed from receiver of takedown gun when cleaning the bore. With bayonet attachment assembled tthe gon, the bore should be eleaned from the mirzle ed, ad a rag sated ito the ation while leasing (pat 31) 1b, Points to tubricate ace: (2) Action bar opening im forward end of receiver (2) Action bar cum tg (3) Action bar lock pin, nose of lack, and shoe hinge (4) Carrer bearing points (S) Cocking hea. (6) Breeehbock latch (7) Trigger pi (8) Sefewy slide (8) Carrot cam aperture in breechblock (20) Outer surfoce of magarine tube where action bar tube bear, ‘6 In very cold cltates, ling and Iubrcation should be reduced to 4 minimum. Only surfaces sowing signs of weer shouldbe lightly ole [Refer to “Special Maintenance,” section XI RIMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M31 Description es Date 4s Operation 4 ‘Functioning o Removal of groupe 4“ Replacement of groups 0 Field inspection s0 Cleaning and fobrication st 44, DESCRIPTION. ‘Identification marks on this gun are generally to be found as (2) Name of maker, gage, and chamber length are stamped on the top ofthe barel near the ear nd (2) Sevi number of gan is stamped on the lat side of the bare ear the rene end (3) Name of maker, model, end serial number of the un are stamped on the lft side ofthe receiver 1, This gun (fas. 83 and 84) is 2 manually operted, repeating shot- ten ofthe slde-ction, hammeries and take down type. The gon iz 20 onstructed thatthe barrel can easily be removed by disengaging the barrel lock, positioned in the magazine plo, from the barrel lug and ‘unlocking the barrel (rom the receiver by disengaging sterruptd thread con the fear end of the barrel frm lke threads sn the receiver. Tis con seruction fecitates cleaning and transportation, This gun is forninhed i various grades having bares of diferent leagtis snd degree of boring nnd other medications of design. Bat cally, however, the mechaniam ofall guns of thit make and model are the mame, except ot iicated herein. Fer convenience the gune will be ‘lassie ne three types rot skeet and sporting, although variations of ‘hese types say occ. NOTE: The Remington Shotgun, Mode 31, is manufactured in three trades: the 31-A (fg A!) (standard), 31 skeet (fg-85) and 31-TC (Geap). The riot gun, described herein, ix the 31-A (standard) grade ‘the skeet gun, the 31 skeet grade. In this technical manual the gone ste divided into thre, types only, as explained, which apply to length of barrel and bering iverpective of grade (par 31). Figure £3—Right Side ViewRiot Type—Remington Shotgun M2 gure 84—Left Side View—Riot Type—Remiagton Shotgun M31 act Figure 85-—Right Side View—Sporting Skeet Type—Remington Shotgun M37 sagas Hv “SNNDLOHS: few “s0¥0-CL "NNoLOWS NOLONIWRE sere WL secs WL ‘TM 9.285 a“ ‘SMOTGUNS, ALL TYPES (1) The sotsype gun (figs 83 snd 84) is usually foisted with a 20.neh plein barrel, Bored fll eplinder and may not be eiupped with a bayonet attachment (2) ‘The sporting sheet-type gun (64-45) it usualy fsrnibed with a 26%inch plan or ribbed barrel, bored improved cylinder, and i without Inayonet attachment or sing. (3) The sporting type gun is similar to the sket-ype gun but i furnished with » 30neh barrel, are fal choke, aod is without bayonet attachment or sing a. General Description (6s 86, 93 and 94) (1) The stock of the gun isbolted to the rear end of the rectves sand the barel locked to the forward ead ofthe reesiver by means of ‘ntrrupted thresdeon barrel and in caceive, and fasened to the forward fend of the magazine by means ofa lug on the barrel and x ud on the ‘magazine lock which is asembled to the magezin plug. The magazine (ube is screwed into the receiver at manufacture and lacked in position ‘The fore end and action bar group is mounted und operated on the magazine tube. The reer end ofthe action ber pessestvough the forward fd of the receiver and engages with and operates the slide which in turn operates the breechblock and eater, ad cams back and cocks the hhammer: The weoden grip of the fore end is thicker on the 31 akect ‘ade of gun (ig. 85) than in the 31-A grade gun (Fg. 83) and extends ‘ome distance to the rear of the action bar tube when eserbled! (pet. '50)). ‘The magarine lock ofthe skeet grade gum is held in engagement with the barrel og by spring force while that of the 31-A grade gun i screwed into engegereat. (2) The receiver contains the operating mecha and to its tower ear end it attached the trigger plate to which iz mounted the fring ‘mechanism and the action bar lock. The receiver is open at the bottom tw permit loading and at the right ide for ejection the red sell cases, ‘The caries pivots ia the inside of the receiver and sets to raise the shell tobore line in loading. The right and lef shel stop pivot sn the forward ‘ond of the receiver tothe rear ofthe magasiae opening, The ejector 8 ‘cated ina Tle in the left wall of the receiver (3) The breechblock contains the right an lft extractors the fring pin, and their components and mates with sedi operated by the side boy means of « hooked lug on the rear lower face of the breechblock ike aperture inthe top of the she. When cammed up by the slide on the forward movement the top rear end of the breechblock seats infront of 9 locking shoulder ct in the top ofthe receiver te lek the breechblock in position. A sib raked inthe tp of the receiver acts ™ 9.285 AIMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12.GA6E, 31 ral)—Riot Type-Remington Shotgun M31 i : } 3 i : Havre ™ 9.285 ‘SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES 18 & guide for the breechblock to hold tin central alinement ia the receiver while opposite the ejection opening. (4) ‘The slide i engaged with the rear end ofthe action bar by means ‘of Igo the ar seating in mating natch i the lft side of the slide "The tke operates in guideways eu in the side wall of the receiver. (5) The tigger plate (Sax 91 and 92) contains the tigger and Integral zea, hammer, inepring action bar lock ad the safety, together ‘ith their components. In the left side ofthe trigger plate is the left sell stop apcing plunger which fanishes spring action to the stop. NOTE: The trigger plate group ofthe 3I-A grade gun (Fax 83 and 84) snd the 31 skeet grade gon (Eg. 85) are cifferent in design. The main iflerence i inthe notion bat lock, Io the 31-A grade gun the locle {operated by a train oping seated in the lok and bearing on & log on the hamenee, while ia the 31 sheet grade gun itis operated by the ‘mainspring follower which heys withthe acti ber lock spring housiog seated inthe lock (The rct-ype gun (Ege A3 and 84), ise 3T-A grade {tn and the skeet type gun (6g 8S) isa skeet grade gun) (6) ‘The magarine, which i of the tubular type, is screwed into the ceceiver below the barrel and hata capacity of four sell oaded end to tend. The shells are presed together end fed into the receiver by the force of the magarine spring acting upon the magszine follower. Some trades of thi gn are furnished in treeahot mode. Inthe three-ahot ‘model the magazine holds only two abel. (7) The tte nand end righthand shell stops are pivoted in the lower nner walls ofthe receiver The fefthand stop is operated By the action ber wile the righthand stop is operated by the slide o block and release the shells ithe magacine (8) The action bar lock is pivoted in the trigger plate (figs. 91 and 192) and engages withthe slide 1 block is rearward movement ater 1 Ins locked the breechblock in position, thereby preventing premature saloctang ofthe breechblock. The lck sdinenguged ram the side either by the action ofthe mainspring fllower which moves forward with the hammer when the gun ir fred (skeet grade), of by manus! prerure the lower end of the locke which project through the Noor of the tigger plate at the right forward end of the qiger plate guard bow. (Ia the SLA qrade gu the lock is diuengoged by a lug on the hammer beating ‘upon the lock spring, f by manually pressing on the lock. Inthe seat of the action bar Tock, the tngger Jock is pivoted and operated by Plunger and spring. assembled ia the action bar lock The tigger ck bck the tiger from being pulled until the action bar lock in engaged ‘hue preventing premature Sing of the gu ™ 9-285 REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12.6868, M31 (8) "The winger saety is positioned in the sear of the trigger plato quid bow and can be moved laterally to block and fre dhe tage, thes preventing of allowing is pulling to fee the gun 45. DATA. Gage of bore 2 ‘Boring of barrel—riet type Cylinder Boring of barrel—sportng skeet (ype Improved cylinder Bering of bareel—sportig tsp type ull coke “Type of action Slide ‘Type of fing mechani ‘Hemmnerles ‘Type of magarine "Tubular Capacity of megarine (S-shot model) 4 shells Capacity of magazine (3 shot model) 2 shells Length of barel—rict type. 201m, ‘Length of barrel—sportgg skeet type 26 in, ‘Length of barrel—sporting trap type 30m, Length of stock, receiver and maparine assembled (approx) 33 im. “Length of asembled gun-—riot type (approx) ‘in ‘Length of assembled gon-—sportiog skoet type (eppcox) ein, ‘Length of ssered gun—sporting tap type (anon) 50 in Weight of assembled gun—rot type, A grade (approx) on Weight of essembled gue—sporting skeet type and grade (epproe) 74 Weieht of asembled gun—sporting trap type (0Pprox) 7 46, OPERATION. ‘& The gun ia operated by moving the fore end fully and smartly ‘backward and forward. This action unlocks the breechblock, extracts ‘and ejects the fired sll casing, cocks the hammer, transfers live shell ‘fom the magazine tothe chamber ofthe barrel, nd relocka the breech ‘Bleck behind the shell CAUTION: During operation, the muztle ofthe gun should always be pointing at a sate spot. 1h. Before the fre end can be retracted the action bar lek must be dnengaged from the side (Gg 95). To facilitate this the fore end should bbe moved slighty forward to allow the lock to disengage. Ifthe gun ‘hus been fred nd the hammer consequently forward (down), the only movement necesary isto teciprocate the fore end as above, #8 the excendiog hammer and consequent forward maverent of the si fring follower (31 skeet grade) or hammer hag (SUA grade) has slceady disengaged the lock. It, however, the hammer isin the cocked Doution it is necessary £0 press back on the lower end ofthe lock, wih 1 9-285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES Safety—Remington Shotgua M31 Figure 87—Operet Tit ih Cu sIne—Remington Shotgun M31 gure 88—Loading M ™ 9.285 REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M31 i Wsible a ee ight side of the forward en ofthe tigger plate guard Dow, before moving the slide forward end to the rear. When the gan ie being fred as repeater the peliminary forward movement of the fore ‘end is accomplished by the recoil of the gun away from the foe end hich is eld by the operator CAUTION: During these operations the Sager should remin outside the trigger pte guard bom. Reciprocition of the fore end should be full and amart to snr extraction of the shell, cockng of the hammer and compete locking of the breechblock and engigement of the action Der Tock. Slamuning of the mechanism, however, should be avoided With the gun loaded, locked, and cocked, the only movement necessity to fire the gun is the pulling of the trigger, Presure on the ‘wigger shold be removed while the gun = being operated. The mechan Jum of this gun is such, Bowever, that the hammer caanot be yeleesed tunel after the breechblock is lcked and presse athe tigger has ben selessed and again applied, ‘Thus presture fing is prevented ‘A. The trigger safety, positioned in the sear of the trigger plate guard bow, operates laterally (6. 87). When pushed to the let (red ‘band showing), the tigger is free to be pled and the gun fred. When pushed tothe right, the trigger is blocked and cannot be pulled wor the gun red. With a sell is the chamber, itis best to block the tigger by pushing she safety tothe igh less he gun ate ed immediately. ‘To Load and Unload the Magazine (1) To load the magazine (fg. 88). pres x shel, nose fst nto the ‘ear end of the magazine egainst the magerine spring follower until i sips infront of snd i retained by the Ieftchand shel top. Lead another shell inthe same way by presing it ngainet the base of the first shell loaded, unt four in il are loaded. Capacity of magarine is four shell for standard five shotgun, wn two thell for three shot mode. Leeding should be dane with the breechblock locked (2) To unload the magazine, press in on the left sell stop (with ‘breechblock locked) and allow the shell to sip out one by one {To Load and Unload the Gon, (1) To oad a shell (rom the magarine into the chamber, side the safety to the safe position Then duengage the action ber lock and "ciprocate the fore end (par. 4611). Another shell may then be loaded ito the magazine. Text locking of the breechblock by attempting to retract the fore end. The fore end should not retract, Allow sae £2) Tounload the gun, side the safety tothe ste position and unload ‘he magacine (par. 46 ¢ (2)). Then, disengnge the acon ar lack and Tm 9.285 “oar SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES retract the fore end to extract ad eject the shell in the chamber. Inspect ‘agnsine and chamber to maze sure gun is fully unioaded _g. To Lond the Chamber Only. With the magazine empty, side the safety to sale position dinengste the ection bar lock, and retract the fore end, Then, teeta abel trough the ejection opening in the receiver fone the carir and push the fore end fully and smartly freward to lock the breechblock behind the shell Test locking of breechblock by attempting to retract the fore end. The fore end should not setrect. ‘Allow salety to remain in safe postion unless gun is to be fred imme: 47. FUNCTIONING. As already explained, the functioning of the operating mechasison ‘a accomplished by the reciprocation of the fore end. The rear ead of the action bar is engaged wth the aide by moens of «lug on the bar ‘nating with notch inthe sie. As the action br ie moved 0 the ra 1 pushes the side with it. The side moves for a short distance inde pendent ofthe breechblock, camming the rear end of the breechblock ‘own and thos slowing the hooked cam tug on the lower reat end of the breechblock to drop down into similarly shaped sperture in the top of the lide (6,89), ‘This stion unlocks the breechblock from the top of the receiver. From this point on, the slide pulls the breechblock swith it to the rear, The breechblock extracts the fred sell from the ‘Chamber by means of the extractors im is forward end and the shell Ienocked out of the receiver by the ejector positioned in the laf ide the receiver well As the slide moves forward again, it pulls the breech Doc with i and atthe end of the forward movement cams up the ear fend of the breechblock in font of the locking shoulder in the top of the receiver to Tock the breechblock tothe receiver (Fi 90). 1h, During the rearward movement, the side cams beck the hammer, ‘mounted sa the Wigger pate, end cams down the cartier At the same time a shells released from the magazine by cam action of » doulder fon the action ber with the lefchand sell stp. ‘The sell driven nto the receiver by the foree of the magarine spring and retained thereby the cari, ‘& When the lefthand shell stop is cammed back by the ation bar to release a shell from the megatine the right hand shell tp i caramed tp by the slide to engage the fllowing el. This movement i reverted tt the alide nears the end fits forward morement and the action Be Slows the lefthand shall top to resume engagement wth the following hell which the righthand ahell stop her been blacang. Thr double feeding is prevented a WH 9.205 o REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12-GAGE, M31 Figure 89—Breechblock ond Slide—Unlocked Postion alt Side View Remington Shotgun M3 Figure 90~Breechblock ead Slide Locked P: lett Side View Remington Shotgun MOT ™ 9-285 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES As the side is pulled forward bythe action bar, plete broech- block with ta altendy expired. The slide cams up the carrier which its the shell i fine withthe chamber and the breechblock pushes the shell ito the chamber fe. As the hammer reaches the rearward poston, i ie caught and ‘held by the nose of the Wieger wich acts os @ sear. At the same fie the trigger lock functioned by the aide lock engages with and. blocks ‘the trigger preventing its pulling. The tigger remains thos Mocked until ‘the lide hat reached th extreme forward position end locked the breech- ‘lock. At thie point the action bar lock, over which the slide has been riding, sips feom under the side and xprings up in back of it to lock scare el. — Side and Trigger Plate Groups—slide Riding Over lock—Remiagton Shetgen M3? swan nge BOT Figure 92-Siide ond Trigger Plate Grovps—Siide Blocked — Remington Shotgun M3T 8 ™ 9.285 REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12.GAGE, mst rearward movement ofthe side (Fim 91 and 92). As the lack springs up. it disengages the trigger lock from the trigger, wach ws sow fee be pullee. The bammer i relented to. the gun by pulling the trigee which levers the nose of the trigger, which acts ase sear, down feat engagement with the sear notch inthe hammer, 48, REMOVAL OF GROUPS (figs 86,93 and 94). Groups and parts should be removed and replaced in the order ‘tiven below. Groups end parts when removed should be placed om a ‘ean, fat surface and care observed to prevent les of screws nad small parts Remove a follows 1) Bava, (a) Press oction bar lock lected just forward of tigger plate bow, to release slide by disengaging lock, and pull fore end all he way to the rear (Sq. 95). This dinongngesextrators from rear end of barre, (b) Rest gon on butt plate with magarine forward, Graep bare ck, loceted at forward end of magazine, pull down (rearward) unl free ‘of stu and pin on rea face of bare log, and hold aginst spring pres sure (Fig 96). In 31-A grade gune the bare lock i theated and disengaged by turing counterlockwiae (c) Tm barvel clockwise % tarn and pull from receiver (Sage 97 tnd 98). The magazine i screwed int the receiver at manufacture and ould not te remove. (4) Close action by pushing fore end all the way forward (2) Texcose Puare Grow. (a) Pash out trigger plat pin, located just above trigger, fom sight to let. Turn gun bottom up and with breechblock in forward posit Sepress action bar lock, leated t forward end of the thar plate bom, to disengage Tock fom se, ((o) With lock disengaged, side trigger plate forward until right and Jefe side fags aline with mating slots in walls of receiver and pull roup ‘pward out of receiver. Then remove ight and let all sto from inner als of receiver by pressing inward on pivot stude projecting through (3) Suoe, Breecra.ock, AND CakaneR Grovr, (2) With seceiver bottom side up and magazine facing 10 eft, move ction bar rearward by palling fore end to rear unt sear face of small ‘eon rer end of aie ned wit ferward edge of rages plate pin 140 ast 1 base Showing Location of Parts-= ‘igure 94—Gun Token Down (Riot type)—Right Side View Showing Location of Ports— Remington Shotgun M31 ssaa T1V ‘SNROLOHS tew ZovETI ‘NROLONS NOLONIW T™ 9.285 “8 SHOTGUNS, ALL TYPES /) Lie side horioataly t0 clese ction bar lug end move disen- aged action bar fully forward. (6) Move slide slightly forward to disengage hook ug from breech- ‘lock and Dolding slide up dseagaged from breechblock, move breech block fully forward to locked ponition, holding carrier down against breechblock to keep ejector depressed, (4) With carries renting on breechblock, move side forwant until forward ead af guides on side faces of side are Ya inch to rear of the ‘Wiggs plete lug slot in ight and lft sides of receiver. (e) Lite up right side of slide and swing slide up end out sidewise from receiver. This can be done without eflort when lide is properly postioned and con be removed only when properly positioned. Do ot force NOTE: To remove the slide, the forward end af the carrer must be ‘eating upon the breechblock In tis postion, i clears ond presses the sector snt ir seating groove. Ifthe carrier slips up fom the breech: Block, it cannot be depressed agnin until the ejector i pressed out of ‘the way of the carrier arm. This con be accomplished by inserting ‘small too! through the ejection opening in the ede ofthe receiver and {to the rear ofthe breechblock to pres the ejector bak into itz meat, and ‘thus allow the cases to be depressed against the breechblock. (1) Swing forward end of carrer upmard ot of receiver nti carrier 4s perpendicular to reeive; then pret rear ends together to disengage ‘wunnions from receiver, Then it eatier up out of receiver (4) Prose ejector back ito its sta, It rear end of breechblock to Ainenanee fron locking shoulder in rectver, ave to eae and lift fom receiver, Then remove ejector by pulling outward and forwerd. I ejector spring is loose in ejector, should be removed to guard agains ome 49. REPLACEMENT OF GROUPS. ‘& Groups and parts should be thoroughly cleaned, ight lled and lubricated, if necessary, before replacing. Replace as fellows (2) Stine, Beezcunock ano Carnizx Gnours. (a) With gun bottom side up and magazine to lef, pull action bar fully forward (b) Insert the ejector into its T-shaped set in the left inner wall of the receiver. I ejector spring has been disseembled, replace i in itt ‘atin tear inner face of ejector 0 that expended spring coll holds spring in seat. ‘To seat ejector, insert Tend, with spring towards cecever ‘wall into underest vertical groove in ejector seat and push ejector back ‘and towards receiver until seated againet spring free. Do aot lve? ‘iector in towards receive unl forward end is mating with longitcinal Aroove of seat. Ejector should sext ensly, Do not fore 153 REMINGTON SHOTGUN, 12.GAGE, M31 Hgure 95—Disengaging Action Bur Lock ond Retracting Fore tnd Remington Shotgun M3) ™ 9.285, ° ral Lock trom Barrel bvg— Remington Shotgun MST i 5 i 3

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