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Law is Black Magick

I never thought about law leading to this, but indeed in my studies of it Black Magick and Satanism/Luciferianism is where it all leads, simply because it is. It is because outside of love and thus creation, one must manipulate what has already been created. Love has no need for manipulation of anything as all is consciousness and all works to be in harmony with life, in love. However with the parasitic world of ego and separation one is cut off from knowing they are love and operate manly out of fear. To some people the idea that Law is the practice of Black Magick is an outrageous concept. It seems that people who go to Court or engage in using Law are indeed engaging in Black Magick themselves, even if it is to defend themselves. When you make use of legislation to quote it, you are speaking in the language of legalese, not your native tongue. The words you speak have in all cases an entirely different meaning to the Black Arts Masters you are directing them too. In an article concerning i Judge John Rooke the Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queens ii Bench in Canada issuing a 185 page analysis against organized pseudolegal commercial argument litigants, saying section 673 You cannot identify one instance where a court has rolled over and behaved as told. Not one. Your spells, when cast, fail. Your spells, when cast, fail, is a very important slip, but highly accurate when describing what law is all about, it is again about casting spells in Black Magick. The other word that is important here is argument as there is not truth in argument, only argument and thus everything you say to them is done in fiction not truth as arguments are not statements of truth, they are arguments and I wanted to drive this point home with you. Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments or OPCA for short, underscores that the Court is a Commercial one in that all arguments presented are considered Commercial in nature, because in fiction everything has a value, just the Judges arguments have the most value and a freeman the least I would humbly say. Freeman-On-The-Land is a term a title in fiction, not a description and is akin to a name. Now why is it that they want a name from you? Well the first law of magic is, if you know a name of something than you can control it. Secondly we spell our names on documents and in Court. When we spell our names we are casting spells and it is seen as our will to engage in magic and fiction. It is also the conscious or unconscious belief that we are the name and separate from God and thus love. We indicate that we are of fear and fiction by casting spells, because we are intending to augment the

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form rather than simply create out of love. When you form something you are doing it without the consent of and will of another, versus creation where all are engaged in the creative process and will together. The objective of the Judge is to curse you when you engage in casting spells, because you are going against the will of their god, Lucifer in some manner and Lucifer LORD God, owns the earth and formed it out of Magick, as per Exodus 19:5 and Genesis 2:4. The King James Bible is the Book they use by the BAR Association Courts throughout the world and is part of the system, because it is their only disclaimer they have between what is considered of God and LORD God ego. If you fail to realize this you are bound to have a very rough go of defending your arguments in the system, unless what you are defending is part of their agenda and they want you to win.
UN Prayer Room - A Box 1

The only purpose for them to trick you into making use of law is for you to omit by default that you are one of them, to know good and evil and thus operating separate from creation and taking on the status of being a fiction separate from life and love. As simple as this sounds; I find that most people are unable to put it into practice, because they have be so immersed with the ideas of fiction and not oneness and love. It takes time to let go and think this all through, which simply means you are realizing the truth about who and what you are versus what they have been telling you who you are. You are dispelling the myths, fictions and fears that they hold over you. The foundation of all commercial law on the planet resides in Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court has a Library with 3 levels to it. The first Level is for the lawyers. The Second level is for the Judges and the third level is for retired Judges. The books contained in the Library are legal, judicial and spiritual works. 1There is no doubt that the reserved books contain a wealth of esoteric knowledge. Right above the higher level of the library (representing the 33rd level of Masonry) is the base of the Pyramid. This is where Freemasonry symbolically ends and the hidden order of the Illuminati begins. Let there be no doubt that where this control system ultimately leads. When you remove the heart you only have mind. They tell us the Universe is of mind, but that can not be true because love exists and love is beyond the comprehension of mind. So what is the difference between White and Black Magick anyways? In truth there is no difference. They are one in the same and that is the aspect of Illusion is to create a false reality in the minds of people looking in. Indeed we are magical beings in our own right, we just work in concert with the unfolding reality, but we decide on how much or little we want to take part in that reality. The idea behind Black Magick is to manipulate energies to allow a favourable outcome for the ones casting the

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spells. Languages are made up of symbols and those symbols contain constructs of energy and have a vibratory response individually and collectively. The idea that a Judge Sentences someone is in of itself a form of cursing. What they have done is to put the back reflection of the curse onto money so it does not reflect upon the Judge. We are all one Consciousness in truth and thus what you do to others you do to yourself. Thus instead of creating the Karma or reflected energy onto the Judge, Lawyers etc. they do a game called contracting where by you agree by tacit consent that it is okay for a part of you to harm you. Black represents the lack of knowledge and thus your lack of knowing what is going on in the Court is fundamental to the Judges etc. in working their magick on you. Notice the round hat. It signifies Saturn and thus Satan. Black Uniforms represents the Black Magick involved in fiction and the fiction hierarchy of rule over man deeply ingrained in both of these people as per the rank and authority acknowledgement. It is an ego based reality for certain, not about love. They must keep everything in fiction as truth destroys their magick. Magick is illusion and of the mind. However the mind is part of creation and all creation comes from love and thus they work very hard at eliminating love and truth from their reality. And yes it is their reality, their dominion, but not yours. They only hold power over you if you agree that they do, thus all law is contract. The essence of magick is contract. It is a matter of getting energy to or rather you to do things for others that you would not normally do. The world is comprised of three parts, the Prison, Courts and Divinity. The Judges ascend to craft their spells to bring enlightenment to the prisoners in the 3rd dimensional prison. They are the enlightened ones following Lucifer, the angle of light. Light represents knowledge and to have knowledge is to be enlightened. Thus when we are born we have no knowledge and the enlightened ones or Gods Chosen Ones, decide for us what knowledge we shall or shall not have. The prison is really a prison for consciousness, cutting us off from our greater connection to the infinite love we are and thus knowing we have access too. In a very basic sense Freemasonry is about worshiping Satan and putting into practice the craft of black arts unto the unsuspecting masses for material gain and control. As a side note Lucifer was a fallen Angle who rebelled against God and took on the Name Satan. God is love thus Lucifer rebelled against all truth and love, hence why fiction is full of illusions and fear. It is the ultimate separation game, being played out by insane people.

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The Courts are indeed the Synagogue of Satan. The simple idea that there can be no truth in fiction stands true in the realm of the Courts. The Courts can only see fictions and all individuals are tricked into believing that they are names or tortured into confessing to be fictions in some cases. The Zionists are Jews, but then they are not true Jews. The simple idea is that darkness hides in the light. So we have people who call themselves Jews and some who call themselves Jews but are not Jews. They can not have their false duality if people do not make use of fiction. There are a tonne of separation games and thus one needs to really think through what they are saying when they acknowledge things. There is no need for magick in love for love is creation, not manipulation of what is already there. Perhaps we are here to learn this very simple idea that we are love and we are not separate from each other. We care about others because it is in our nature to do so, not because of material gain. It is about being of service to others not service to self. It is really hard to create a world based upon service to others when many people are oblivious to the separation games that go on and the unrelenting threat or outright use of force in the name of the law.

Coming back to the alphabet for a bit, the Hebrew Alphabet was created from modelling a coiled snake that is energetically formed within the Great Pyramid. You can actually see the coiled snake if you were to point a narrow beam of light into the top of a glass pyramid. What they did was they carved a sculpture of the coiled snake out of wood and cast a light onto the sculptured snake. Then they rotated the snake 360 degrees to come up with 22 distinct shadow forms that created the Hebrew Alphabet. Thus the words they created with this Alphabet would hold vibrational meaning in the darkest and most

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hidden sense. I would say all the Black Magick being practiced by the Courts is derived from the Hebrew Alphabet as they use Legalese to create words or rather vibrational curses to hold you in the separation prison of darkness.

The idea that Judges have access to all kinds of knowledge that we dont is also a misnomer in a way. They dont, they are trapped within a box themselves and what they try to do is keep the people in a smaller box than they are. The truth is we are not in a box at all, as we are part of all that exists; we are as much the box as we are all that exists. I always say to myself, Why would I want to trap or enslave myself? It is only a separation game that keeps people in the box, the lack of awareness that they keep the box in place by going along with the fiction of social structure; we are all equal to each other.

The modern banking and legal system was created from the Order of the Knights Templar, which were rounded up by the Pope of the time, who burned the leaders and all they people involved they could capture for practicing Black Magick. The wealth the Templars accumulated over a short span in time during the medieval times threatened the Country States and the Catholic Church itself. Money ultimately is a separation game and the Vatican is worth is monumental. I say little has changed since the creation of the modern banking system and the BARs laws. However there are no laws. You will find that not one thing within the system is actually called a law, they use other names such as statutes, regulations, policy, legislation etc. But nothing is ever actually called a law. Laws are reserved for

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people who make declarations about their own dominion. But dominion only applies to how one governs one self, not others. This is a medallion from the Order of the Knights Templar. Note the obvious fixation about death rather than life?

As a final note many people do not realize that the Bible itself is a book of Black Magick. The key to releasing yourself from its spell is to realize that you are not a fiction, but truth and love. Many people confuse LORD God the Father with God. God is God and God created man and all that existed. LORD God simply lied about his creation of the Heavens plural and the earth and it is followed up with the forming of man thus Adam, not the creation of man. To form something is to make use of magick, thus fiction, forming is not creation whereby everyone or thing is consciously co-creating the unified moment in time. October 11, 2012



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