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CENTRO EDUCACIONAL SIMES FILHO Plano de curso: Ensino Fundamental Srie: 6 ano Disciplina: Lngua Estrangeira ( Ingls) Professor:

Giorgione Souza Rodeiro Ano: 2011

PLANO ANUAL DA 6 ANO - 2011 Bibliografia: Eduardo Amos, Elizabeth Prescher, Ernesto Pasqualin: Our way. 1. ed.So Paulo: Moderna, 2008
Objetivo: Desenvolver e enriquecer o educando motivando-o para o aprendizado da Lnga Inglesa atravs das habilidades: Listenig(ouvir), Speaking(falar), Reading(ler) and Writing(escrever). I Unidade Verb to be ( affirmative form) Pronome Demonstrativo ( this and that) Interrogative Words (What/Who) Article Definitive Vocabulary Focus ( What color...?/Nmeros at 50, substantivos: masculino e feminino)

II Unidade

Interrogative Words ( Where/ How) Prepositions II (in,on,at,under) Plural (noun +s) Verb To Be (negativo e interrogativo); formas contradas Prepositions and Adverbs (but, and...,too) Pronome Demonstrativo ( these and those) There To Be (afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo)

III Unidade Adjetivos possessivos e pronomes pessoais Prepositions III (behind, between, in front of, in) Vocabulary Focus (How old...?/ What does he look like?) How many? and How much? Prepositions IV (because, too, on) Verb Can

CENTRO EDUCACIONAL SIMES FILHO Plano de curso: Ensino Fundamental Srie: 7 ano Disciplina: Lngua Estrangeira ( Ingls) Professor: Giorgione Souza Rodeiro Ano: 2011

PLANO ANUAL DA 7 ANO - 2011 Bibliografia: Eduardo Amos, Elizabeth Prescher, Ernesto Pasqualin: Our way. 2. ed.So Paulo: Moderna, 2008
Objetivo: Desenvolver o campo de capacidade de ampli-lo de forma criativa. I Unidade





Plural of nous (substantivos + -s/-es/ -ies). Present continuous ( Yes/ No : affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) Pronome interrogativo with Present contnuos Imperativo (Affirmative and Negative). Genitive case (/s)-whose

II Unidade

Present simple( do,yes/no) Present simple + question words ( where, what, when,what time +do). Present simple He,she,it ( does/verbos + -s ) Advrbio (always, never, everyday, often, on, now, next, tomorrow). Prepositions (along, on,through, to, at, for) Pronomes oblquos ( me/him/her/etc).

III Unidade

Quantifiers (much, little, many, few/a lot of) Going to + lugares; preposies (by, on) Lets; Going to + (verbo e complement) Advrbios Reviso de adjetivos possessivos e pronomes; preposies (before/after); verbos + dois objetos

CENTRO EDUCACIONAL SIMES FILHO Plano de curso: Ensino Fundamental Srie: 8 ano Disciplina: Lngua Estrangeira ( Ingls) Professor: Giorgione Souza Rodeiro Ano: 2011

PLANO ANUAL DA 8 ANO - 2011 Bibliografia: Eduardo Amos, Elizabeth Prescher, Ernesto Pasqualin: Our way. 3. ed.So Paulo: Moderna, 2008
Objetivo: Fazer com que o aluno, atravs da partilha d experincia na Lngua Inglesa absorva os contedos propostos. I Unidade

Verb Tense Review ( Present contnuos, Immediate future, Simple present and Imperative ) Verb to be ( simple past ) There to be ( simple past ) Personal pronous (review) Simple past tense (regular verbs)

II Unidade

Simple Past Tense Regular verbs Simple past tense(regular verbs) with Interrogative words ( what, when, why) Simple past tense (irregular verbs) Simple past tense(irregular verbs) with Interrogative words ( what, where, who, how much, how many)

III Unidade Past Continuous: while Past Continuous x Simple Past with interrogative words ( who, what, where, when, what times) Tag Questions Comparatives and Superlatives Indefinites Pronouns (some, any, no) Interrogative Words ( what x which) Comparatives

CENTRO EDUCACIONAL SIMES FILHO Plano de curso: Ensino Fundamental Srie: 9 ano Disciplina: Lngua Estrangeira ( Ingls) Professor: Giorgione Souza Rodeiro Ano: 2011

PLANO ANUAL DA 9 ANO - 2011 Bibliografia: Eduardo Amos, Elizabeth Prescher, Ernesto Pasqualin: Our way. 4. ed.So Paulo: Moderna, 2008
Objetivo: Oportunizar aos educandos um processo de construo da aprendizagem da Lngua Inglesa, onde eles possam construir satisfatoriamente seu desenvolvimento intelectual. I Unidade

Simple Future Tense (affirmative,negative and interrogative forms) Simple Future Tense With Questions Words ( what,when,where,how) Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Genitive Case (review) Reflexive Pronouns

II Unidade

Present perfect ( verbos irregulares) Simple past x Present perfect; averbs: since and for Present perfect; averbs ( just, already, yet, ever, never) Past perfect tense (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) Indefinites (some, any, no) Subject and Object Pronouns

III Unidade Pronomes relativos I ( who x Pronomes relativos I ( which Pronomes relativos I ( whose Indefinites II (-body, -thing, Verbs can / could where) x that) x where) -where); compostos de every

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