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Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee

Series Editor: Pir Khizar Hayat

Nyazee on
C M VI ( )
Following a Madhhab and
Rules for Issuing Fatws
Advanced Legal Studies Institute ALSI
1 Introduction
2 The Meaning of School of Law and Following a Single
2.1 Tlo Viovs of Modorn ScloIars on Wly a IarlicuIar
SclooI SlouId bo IoIIovod . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Tlo Us
l Argumonl for IoIIoving a SingIo SclooI . . 17
2.2.1 Tlo Naluro of llo Qawid Us
liyyah: llo Basis of
llo SclooIs of Iav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.2 A SclooI of Iav Tlon is a Iniquo Body of RuIos of
Inlorprolalion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.3 Tlo AnaIogy of IorlabiIily and Slaying Willin llo
SclooI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Taqld and its Implementation Within the School
3.1 Tlo Moaning and ImpIicalions of Taqld . . . . . . . 24
3.1.1 Tlo IiloraI Moaning of Taqld. . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.2 Tlo ToclnicaI Moanings of Taqld . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.3 Taqld in llo Iakislani IogaI Syslom . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Tlo Irimary Iunclion of a SclooI of Iav . . . . . . 27
3.3 Tlo Rosourcos of llo SclooI: }urisls, Issuos and Toxls . 28
3.3.1 Tlo Hiorarcly of }urisls Willin a SclooI . . . . . 28
3.3.2 Tlo Hiorarcly of Issuos Willin a SclooI . . . . . 31
3.3.3 Tlo Hiorarcly of Toxls Willin a SclooI. . . . . . 33
3.4 Tlo InlograI Bond Bolvoon llo Iour Sunni SclooIs . . 4O
4 Separating the Mujtahids from the Non-Mujtahids
4.1 Tlo Nocossily of a SclooI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2 Irosorving llo SclooI Syslom . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
4.2.1 Indorslanding llo Hiorarcly of }urisls Willin a
SclooI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
This document has been written for the Virtual
Shari`ah Court at Fatwas issued by
VSC can be downloaded from this site.
2 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
al-Fiqh Coxrrxrs
4.2.2 Indorslanding llo Hiorarcly of llo EarIior RuIings . 53
4.2.3 Indorslanding llo Hiorarcly of Toxls Willin llo
SclooI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2.4 Tlo RosuIl of llo Tlroo Slops. . . . . . . . . . 54
5 What is a Fatw and Who is a Muft?
5.1 Wlal is a Fatw` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2 Wlo is a Muft ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3 RocaIIing llo Moaning of Ijtihd and Taqld. . . . . . 61
6 The Mujtahids Within the School and Following the Qawl
(Opinion) of the Imm, Always
6.1 Idonlifying llo Issuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.2 Tlo Aclivily of llo Mujtahids Willin llo SclooI . . . 66
6.3 Is il Mandalory for llo Muqallid Muft lo IoIIov llo
Viov of llo Imam and no Ono EIso` . . . . . . . . 68
6.4 In Wlal Casos is llo Qawl (Opinion) of llo Immor of
llo SclooI lo bo Givon Ip` . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.4.1 If a H
adth is Irovod Sound, Adopl il as my
ViovAb H
anfal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Can llo Tradilion bo Adoplod` . . . . . . 74 If llo Tradilion is Adoplod, llo }urisl Musl Slay
Willin His SclooI . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Tlo VilaI RoIo of Tradilions and Modorn Issuos 77
6.4.2 Iicking and Cloosing or llo Variolios of Talfq . . . 78 Tlo Moaning in GonoraI . . . . . . . . . 78 Ising llo Qd
as llo Slandard . . . . . . 8O RuIos Tlal Irolibil Iicking and Cloosing . . 83
6.4.3 Giving upllo Viovof llo SclooI on llo Basis of Irf
and llo Clangos Ovor Timo . . . . . . . . . . 89 Tlo Naluro of llo Clango Expoclod . . . . . 89 Tlo Moaning of Urf as llo Basis of Clango . . 89 Bringing Ordor Inlo llo Urf MollodoIogy . . 92
7 Important Rules in Sharh
Uqud Rasm al-Muft
7.1 Basic RuIos for llo Muft . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2 Wlo aro llo Maslikl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.3 AddilionaI RuIos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8 What Needs to be Done
Coxrrxrs Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
al-Fiqh 3
8.1 Training for DoaIing Will Varialion in Iacls . . . . . 1O1
8.2 MollodoIogy for Aroas Nol Covorod by llo SclooI . . 1O2
anaf Sourcos: Us
l al-Fiqh . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O9
anaf Sourcos: Fiqh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
cnrrrn 1

Wlal lall como lo lloso poopIo llal
lloy faiI lo undorsland a simpIo slalo-
monl (Qurn 4 : 78)
askaf says in llo boginning of lis book llal no ono, ollor llan llo
Iroplols, knovs vlal AIIal dosiros for llom. Tlo oxcoplion, lo says,
aro llo jurisls, for il is aboul llom llal AIIal las said: Ho for vlom
AIIal viIIs lis bIossings is granlod llo qh of Dn.
Ho llus indicalos
llo ligl slalus of llo discipIino of qh and llo consoquonl bIossings for
llo porson vlo pursuos llis knovIodgo. Indood, llo issuing of fatws
is llo nobIosl of aII luman aclivilios, bul al llo samo limo il is llo mosl
poriIous of dulios. Tlo lask of llo muft is aImosl simiIar lo llal of llo
or ovon moro oxlonsivo, bocauso llo muft givos ruIings in casos
of dispulo and aIso guidos llo subjocl in porsonaI mallors porlaining
lo llis vorId or llo noxl. Tlo judgmonl of llo qd
is binding, vliIo
llo fatw of llo muft is nol binding. NovorlloIoss, llo rosponsibiIily
is immonso and llo lask coIossaI. In llis moduIo, vo viII addross llo
compIoxilios and dicuIlios llal bosol llo pursuil of llis nobIo profos-
Wo lavo covorod a Iol of ground in llo provious moduIos. Anyono
vlo las gono llrougl aII llo loxls is by nov fuIIy avaro of lov llo
syslom vorks in lradilionaI IsIamic Iav and vlal addilionaI roquiro-
monls aro imposod by llo noods of llo modorn vorId. In any IogaI sys-
lom, llo uIlimalo losl is lov IogaI probIoms aro soIvod vill juslico and
lov riglls aro socurod. Tlis is rooclod in llo quaIily of llo docisions
rondorod. IsIamic Iav, boing a roIigious Iav, oporalos al lvo IovoIs:
llo issuanco of fatwas and llo rondoring of docisions. Fatwas may bo
comparod vill IogaI opinions in anollor IogaI syslom. The word used
1. Wo viII bo roforring lo aI-H
askaf as llo matn of Ibn bidns vork, for oaso of
roforonco, aIllougl llo vork las boon pubIislod soparaloIy as voII. Mul
Amn Ibn bidn, Radd al-Muh
tr al al-Durr al-Mukhtr Sharh
Tanwr al-Abs
12 voIs. (Riyadl: Dr Iam aI-Kulub, 2OO3), voI. 1, 138.
6 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
in Roman law for fatw was responsa. Tlo dioronco is llal fatwas aro
roIalod lo llo moraI as voII as llo IogaI domain. In ollor vords, llo or-
dinary MusIim may somolimos ignoro vlal llo slalo Iav is and foIIov
llo fatw.
Today, vo oflon vilnoss llis in llo caso of famiIy Iav in a counlry
Iiko Iakislan. Ior oxampIo, llo Iav considors ovory divorco, irrospoc-
livo of llo numbor of limos il is pronouncod, as a singIo ropudialion
and assigns consoquoncos accordingIy.
Tlo aoclod individuaI, on llo
ollor land, lakos llroo ropudialions inlo accounl, if llroo lavo aclu-
aIIy boon pronouncod, bocauso lo considors limsoIf moraIIy bound by
lradilionaI IsIamic Iav, lo ignoros llo slalo Iav. In addilion lo llis,
slalo Iav las radicaIIy aIlorod llo ruIo aboul khul, convorling il from
an oul of courl sollIomonl bolvoon llo parliosvlicl llo qd
conrmslo a mandalory form of divorco llal is avaiIabIo lo a voman
vlo jusl las lo Io an appIicalion sooking khul. As llis goos againsl llo
oslabIislod Iavof llo sclooI, lloro migll bo poopIo vlo viII nol accopl
il moraIIy or on llo basis of lradilionaI IsIamic Iav, and romarriago of
sucl a divorcod voman may bo considorod an unIavfuI acl. Ollors
migll arguo llal a ruIing issuod by a judgo romovos aII disagroomonls
aboul an issuo, bul llis argumonl is nol accoplabIo lo llo formorvlo
considors il moraIIy unsoundas a muqallid judgo cannol go againsl
llo oslabIislod ruIos of llo sclooI.
Boyond llis, llo ordinary MusIimsooks fatwas for ovoryday mallors
and llis las boon going on for moro llan a llousand yoars. As a rosuIl,
llo inslilulion of sooking fatwas las bocomo oxlromoIy imporlanl and
llo syslom of issuing fatwas oxcoodingIy compIox. Tlo modorn vorId
las brougll a losl of nov probIoms vill il and llis las addod lo llo
compIoxily and las loigllonod llo aclivily. Tlo sooking of fatwas las,
lloroforo, spiIIod ovor lo llo Inlornol and lloro aro many inslilulions
lrying lo mool llis nood.
Avory imporlanl poinl llal omorgos fromllo sludy of llo provious
moduIos is llal llo H
anaf sclooI, or any ollor sclooI for llal mallor, is
a syslom for doriving ruIos fromllo loxls and impIomonling llomfor
roguIaling llo Iivos of llo subjocls. Willin llis sclooI, llo ImmAz
and and lis immodialo discipIos onjoy immonso rospocl and a Iofly sla-
2. Soo, MusIim IamiIy Iavs Ordinanco, 1961.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 7
lus. NovorlloIoss, llo sclooI is a syslom llal las lakon conlurios lo
buiId and rono llrougl llo conlribulion of lundrods of jurisls in llo
oarIy conlurios. AII lloso jurisls lavo rospoclod posilions in llo syslom.
Anyono vlo faiIs lo roaIizo llo signicanco of llo syslom, as dislincl
from llo jurisls, is IikoIy lo faII inlo confusion al somo slago or al somo
poinl. In somo vays, llis onliro courso las boon diroclod lovards llo
indicalion of llis signicanco. Indorslanding llo sclooI as a syslom
las a lugo impacl on llo dobalos surrounding llo moaning of muft,
lis sourcos and quaIicalions. ConsoquonlIy, llo roador slouId koop
llis facl in viov vlon lrying lo undorsland llo undorIying issuos.
In llis moduIo, vo movo fromllo lloorolicaI framovork of inlorpro-
lalion in IsIamic Iavlo llo appIiod oId of issuing fatwas and rondoring
judgmonls. Wo viII lry lo unravoI llo undorIying issuos in llo Iigll of
llo dobalos among llo jurisls of llo H
anaf sclooI as lo vlal is llo bosl
mollod of issuing fatws. Il may bo slalod al llo oulsol, lovovor, llal
llo oId of fatws is nol oasy lo undorsland, ospociaIIy duo lo llo oxis-
lonco of llo compIoxily indicalod, and duo lo llo dioronl viovs of llo
jurisls llal aro oflon road oul of conloxl and bocomo a sourco of confu-
sion. Tlo jurisls assumo llal llo conloxl is obvious, bul for llo roador
llis is nol aIvays lruo, jusl as il las nol boon lruo for somo Ialor jurisls.
To undorland llis lopic, somo of llo maloriaI discussod in llo provious
moduIos viII oflon bo rocaIIod lo oIaboralo llo silualion.
Anollor imporlanl poinl lo undorsland is llal a sclooI of Iav doos
nol como inlo boing aII al onco, as if by magic. Il is a Ionglly procoss
llal oflon spans conlurios. Tlo foundalions Iaidin llo iniliaI slagos givo
riso lo lugo bodios of principIos, prosumplions and ruIos. Tloso prin-
cipIos, prosumplions and ruIos aro graduaIIy ronod llrougl a varioly
of viovs gonoralod by llo jurisls. Ovor limo, llo proposilions of llo
sclooI bogin lo cryslaIIizo and maluro. Tlis raisos llo nood for slabiIily
villin llo sclooI as a porpoluaIIy uid silualion cannol bo aIIovod lo
conlinuo if llo sclooI las lo survivo and ils originaI foundalions lavo
lo bo prosorvod. Tlis is oxaclIy vlal lapponod in llo H
anaf sclooI
and aIso in ollor sclooIs. As llo conlurios passod moro and moro ro-
slriclions voro pIacod on llo Iiborly of jurisls villin llo sclooI for llo
sako of llo syslom, llis is dono in ovory IogaI syslom. Tlo oarIior froo-
dom onjoyod by llo jurisls sIovIy camo lo bo conlroIIod llrougl ruIos
llal aro coIIoclivoIy roforrod lo as taqld. Tlo doclrino of taqld vas os-
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
8 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
sonliaI, bocauso giving absoIulo froodom lo llo jurisl lo doaI vill llo
Iav as lloy Iikod vouId lavo moanl disruplion villin llo sclooI and
ils doclrinos and ovon llo uprooling of llo vory foundalions on vlicl
llo sclooI lad boon so carofuIIy oroclod.
Tlo Iavs dorivod by llo jurisls from llo loxls of llo Qurn and llo
Sunnah voro abIo lo doaI vill mosl of llo probIoms facod by sociolios
up lo modiovaI limos. Tloso voro Iavs llal voro nol IikoIy lo clango
mucl ovor limo as lloy lad dirocl Iinks lo llo loxls of llo Qurn and
llo Sunnah, vlicl couId nol bo aIlorod. Corlain parls of llo Iav llal
voro nocossary for llo adminislralionof llo slalo, voro Iofl lo llo ruIors.
Tlo jurisls providod broad guidoIinos and mollodoIogios for kooping
sucl clangoabIo Iavs villin llo norms of llo sharah, bul did nol pro-
vido llo dolaiIs as lloso Iavs voro aIlorabIo anyvay. Tlo ruIors somo-
limos conformod lo lloso guidoIinos and al ollor limos lloy did nol,
bul lloro vas a conslanl prossuro llal aII sucl provisions conform lo
llo diclalos of llo sharah.
Il is llo samo prossuro llal vo nd loday
in many MusIim majorily counlrios for llo IsIamizalion of llo Iavs.
ConsoquonlIy, many nov Iavs, inslilulions and ovon a paraIIoI syslom
of courls voro dosignod. In slorl, IogaI probIoms facod by MusIims
up lo llo poriod of coIonizalion voro aIvays soIvod by lloso sysloms
ono vay or llo ollor. CoIonizalion aIlorod lloso sysloms radicaIIy and
mado llom dofuncl or romovod llom from llo scono aIlogollor.
Advancos in scionco and loclnoIogy in llo Iasl fov conlurios, on a
scaIo unprocodonlod in luman lislory, brougll radicaI clangos lo llo
vorId. Wars on a gIobaI scaIo brougll in many nov inlornalionaI ar-
rangomonls. CoIonizalion gavo vay lo groalor inlornalionaI inloraclion
among nalions as voII as gIobaI commorco, vlicl in lurn gavo riso lo
rovoIulionary clangos in llo naluro of commorco and banking. Il vas
onIy aflor lloso clangos lad sol in, and vill a gap of sovoraI conlurios,
llal IsIamic Iav roomorgod on llo scono in llo MusIim vorId. MusIim
scloIars lad boon vorking during llis poriod, bul lad focusod mainIy
on llo parl of llo Iav llal vas diroclIy Iinkod lo llo loxls. Tlo inslilu-
lions, ruIos and courls llal llo oarIior MusIim ruIors lad oroclod lad
3. Ior a compIolo oxpIanalion of llo doclrino of taqld, soo Imran Alsan Klan
Nyazoo, Islamic Jurisprudence (IsIamabad: IodoraI Iav Houso, 2O13), 375.
4. Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo, Theories of Islamic Law: The Methodology of Ijtihd (Is-
Iamabad: IodoraI Iav Houso, 2OO7), Soo llo claplor of llo doclrinos of h
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 9
disappoarod from llo scono. Yol, llo roslriclions pIacod on llo jurisls
llrougl llo doclrino of taqld voro sliII in pIaco. Many slarlod sooing
lloso roslriclions as a lindranco for llo dovoIopmonl of IsIamic Iavand
ils roform, rallor llan as an ossonliaI doclrino llal ladbrougll slabiIily
lo llo syslom and prosorvod il ovor llo agos. Allompls voro aIso mado
lo como up vill soIulions villin lloso roslriclions. A movomonl vas
soon fromono sclooI lo sovoraI in soarcl of novsoIulions. Iniquo vays
of croaling nov opinions voro dovisod incIuding palcling up opinions
lo form nov onos. Tloso oorls lavo nol boon onougl lo rosoIvo nov
issuos and probIoms. Indor llo voigll of llo roslriclions many jurisls
lavo succumbod lo sharah soIulions providod by oconomisls and ollor
oxporls, vlo lavo no oxporliso in IsIamic Iav. Tlis las boon nolicoabIo
in llo aroa of banking and commorco. In llo moanlimo, modorn prob-
Ioms cry oul for vaIid sharah soIulions. Alugo and gaping void oxisls.
If llis void is nol IIod by soIulions coming from llo doplls of IsIamic
Iav, lloro is a dangor of llis Iav bocoming irroIovanl for llo modorn
vorId, signs of vlicl lavo aIroady bocomo visibIo.
In llis moduIo vo viII rsl doaI vill llo a major quoslion llal is
askod by many and for vlicl no scionlic or loclnicaI argumonls lavo
boon providod as yol. Tlo slrongosl argumonl givon simpIy appoaIs
lo llo pioly of llo oarIior Imms and llo facl llal lloy dosorvo lo bo
foIIovod. Tlo assorlion is undoniabIo, bul argumonls musl ariso from
villin llo syslom lo juslify llo foIIoving of a singIo sclooI. RoIalod lo
llis is llo moaning of taqld, vlicl vo lavo oxpIainod oIsovloro bul
vouId Iiko lo rocaII in briof aIong vill llo funclion of llo sclooI. Hav-
ing dono llis, vo viII lry lo assoss llo syslomof taqld llal las boon do-
scribod for us. Tlis assossmonl viII llon bo foIIovod by llo doscriplion
of llo moaning, naluro and mollod of fatws. Tloro aro many poinls
llal aro dobalod by llo jurisls and vo viII lry lo undorsland llo im-
pIicalions of lloso dobalos. Tlo imporlanl issuos of foIIoving anollor
sclooI, cloosing opinions and talfq viII aIso bo lakon up. Onco vo lavo
dono aII llis, our goaI viII bo lo Iay dovn corlain bosl praclicos for llo
vriling and issuing of fatws, ospociaIIy on nov issuos.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 2
Many poopIo lavo slarlod quoslioning llo basis for foIIoving a singIo
sclooI in mallors of llo sharah. A numbor of roasons aro advancod
for nol foIIoving a sclooI, bul llo roaI aim appoars lo bo lo oIiminalo
llo aullorily of llo jurisls ovor llo massos. Onco oIiminalod, llis au-
llorily is lo bo ropIacod by somo kind of naluraI Iavor Noo-MulaziIal
formof roasoning. Iromllo ollor sido, many roasons aro advancod for
foIIoving a singIo sclooI, bul many of lloso argumonls can bo oasiIy
rofulod. In llis claplor, vo viII lry lo advanco a loclnicaI roason as llo
lruo basis for foIIoving a singIo sclooI.
2.1 The Views of Modern Scholars on Why a Particular
School Should be Followed
IoIIoving a singIo sclooI of IsIamic Iav is llo rsl roslriclion llal
is facod nol onIy by llo jurisl, bul aIso by llo Iayman. Rosislanco lo
llis roslriclion is bocoming slrongor by llo day, so mucl so llal somo
lavo ovon quoslionod vlollor llo foIIoving of sclooIs is a bidah (in-
novalion). ConsoquonlIy, many scloIars lavo lriod lo oIaboralo vly il
is nocossary lo foIIov a singIo sclooI. Tlo Ioarnod Mufl Taqi Ismani
vrolo a vory comprolonsivo documonl on llo issuo. Tlis las novboon
lransIalod inlo EngIisl.
Wo viII roIy on llis documonl aIono as llo
Ioarnod Taqi Ismani las, as usuaI, doaIl vill llo lopic in a vory com-
prolonsivo mannor, and mosl ollor scloIars oor llo samo argumonls.
Wo viII allompl lo organizo llo argumonls givon by llo Ioarnod scloIar
llrougl oxcorpls from llis loxl. No allompl viII bo mado lo corrocl or
odil llo vords, oxcopl obvious orrors. Tlo Ioarnod scloIar prosonls llo
foIIoving argumonls:
5. Legal Status of Following a Madhhab. Il is avaiIabIo on llo Inlornol al www.
12 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Islamic law is complex and requires specialists. The jurists are
these specialists: Tlo issuos of IsIamic Iav aro vory compIox and
sucl compIoxily roquiros spociaIizalion. Tlo jurisls aro llo spo-
ciaIisls vlo doaI vill IsIamic Iav. So ask llo poopIo of romom-
branco if you knov nol.
Tlis vorso impIios llal llo spociaIisl bo
foIIovod. Avorso says: Oyou vlo boIiovo! IoIIovAIIal, foIIov
llo Mossongor and lloso of aullorily (Amr) amongsl you.
Iargo numbor of aullorilios aro quolod in llo documonl lo slov
llal llo lorm lloso in aullorily moans llo jurisls. Tlo vords
of llo Qurn, And if you dispulo, llon rofor il lo AIIal and llo
Mossongor if you roaIIy do boIiovo in AIIal and in llo Iasl Day,
aro nol diroclod al llo Iayman. Tlo vorso is inlorprolod lo moan
llal il is a command for llo jurisls.
The jurists were pious persons and such persons should be fol-
lowed: Tlis moaning las aIso boon dorivod from llo llo Qurn
vloro il moans foIIoving proplols and good poopIo in roIigious
aairs: Tloy aro llo onos vlomWo guidod, so foIIovlloir guid-
IoIIov llo good and pious poopIo, for somo of llom may
roaIIy bo llo guidod onos.
Taqld or following the opinion of another was prevalent even
in the time of the Companions (R), but later a need was felt for
systematization: Taqld, vlicl moans foIIoving somoono oIsos
opinion vas lo bo found ovon in llo limo of llo Companions (R),
bul a fov gonoralions Ialor a diro nood vas foIl for syslomaliza-
lion. Opinion villoul knovIodgo vas discouragod. Il vas llo
rosponsibiIily of a porson vlo vas nol a scloIar lo ask somoono
vlo lad knovIodgo of llo Qurn and Sunnal. If llo knovIodgo-
abIo porson gavo an orronoous fatw, llo burdon of sin is on llo
muft and nol on llo quoslionor. Corlain lisloricaI clangos oc-
currod and lloso Iod lo a nood for syslomizalion.
6. Qurn 16:9O.
7. Qurn 4:59.
8. Qurn 4:59
9. Qurn 6:9O.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 13
Ultimately, the jurists sawa need for drawing the boundaries of
taqld and of the following of one school: Tlo scloIars sav llal
lloro vas a nood lo domarcalo llo praclico of taqld. Ior roasons
of adminislralion and lo avoid llo possibiIily of conlradiclions
amongsl llo scloIars of dioring ijtihd ovor a primary sourco,
poopIo voro oncouragod lo foIIov onIy ono Imam and mujtahid
insload of roforring lo sovoraI. Tlis idoa gainod logomony during
llo llird and fourll conlury Hijral. Honco, il las boon llo dic-
lum of llo vasl majorily of llo Ummah for subsoquonl conlurios,
and scloIars llomsoIvos lavo conformod lo taqld of a parlicuIar
Imam. Tlo jurisls voro concornod al llo docay of pioly and do-
voulnoss amongsl llo MusIim popuIous, dovoulnoss boing llo
norm during llo limo of llo Companions (R). Tloy foarod llal
llo scrupIos of subsoquonl gonoralions vouId nol bo as oIovalod
as lloso of llo rsl llroo gonoralions (SaIaf). If undor lloso cir-
cumslancos, llo door of foIIoving an Imam in gonoraI voro un-
condilionaI, inadvorlonlIy dosiros vouId bocomo llo command-
ing principIo. A porson Iofl frooIy lo adopl llo viov vlicl suilod
lim bosl and abandon llo fatw vlicl did nol mool lis slan-
dards of comforl bogs llo quoslion upon vlal basis is llo non-
scloIar lo clooso bolvoon lvo conlrary fatws if nol onos ovn
nafs (dosiros). Il is cIoar llal llis Iino of aclion vouId rosuIl in poo-
pIo using IsIamic Iav as a lriviaIily lo onlorlain llo Iovor soIf. No
MusIim scloIar of any ropulo las vaIidalod llis kind of praclico.
Becoming a mujtahid was no longer possible: Tlo taqld of four
Imams bocamo popuIar llrougloul MusIimcilios andllo taqld of
ollor scloIars vas forsakon. Tlo doors of divorso opinions voro
cIosod bocauso so many acadomic lorms voro boing usod lo do-
nolo so many dioronl concopls and bocauso il lad bocomo so
dicuIl lo roacl llo slago of a mujtahid. Tloro vas llo appro-
lonsion llal llo lilIo of mujtahid migll bo allribulod lo ono vlo
vas nol vorlly, or somoono vlo vas inaullonlic (and couId nol
bo lruslod) in lis opinion and in lis roIigious praclico. ScloIars
docIarod llal allaining llo slago of a mujtahid vas nol possibIo
androslriclodpoopIo lo foIIova parlicuIar Imam. Tloy provonlod
poopIo from foIIoving Imams aIlornaloIy as llis vas lanlamounl
lo pIaying |vill IsIam]. Tlis discussion is basod on llo slalomonl
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
14 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
of Ibn KlaIdn, Muqaddimah (Egypl: Makalab Tijariyal Kubral,
n.d.), 448.
Following a school is not bidah (innovation): A quoslion migll
ariso from llis anaIysis: Hov can somolling llal vas nol noc-
ossary during llo limos of llo Companions and lloir foIIovors
bocomo nocossary for poopIo vlo camo aflor llom` An oIoquonl
ropIy las boon oorod by Slal WaIiyuIIal:
Il is mandalory llal lloro slouId bo somoono in llo
communily (Ummah) vlo knovs dolaiIs of parlicu-
Iar ruIos and Iavs vill lloir roasoning and proofs.
Tlo poopIo of lrull lavo unanimousIy agrood lo llis
promiso. Ascionco or aclion vlicl is nocossary lo fuIII
a mandalory aclion aIso bocomos mandalory in ilsoIf.
Ior oxampIo, llo prodocossors did nol vrilo llo sayings
of llo Iroplol (saIIaIalu aIaili va saIIam). Today vril-
ing and documonling Hadill las bocomo nocossary, bo-
causo llo onIy vay vo can knovand Ioarn Hadill is by
knoving llo books of Hadill. Iikoviso, llo prodocos-
sors did nol ongago in sludying synlax and olymoIogy,
bocauso lloir Ianguago vas Arabic, andadvancodsludy
of lloso anciIIary scioncos vas nol roquirod. Today,
Ioarning lloso scioncos las bocomo mandalory sinco
llo Ianguago las driflod considorabIy from llo orig-
inaI Ianguago of Arabic. Basod on llis accounl, ono
musl drav an anaIogy for proving llal foIIoving ono
parlicuIar Imam and Mujlalid is somolimos nocossary
and somolimos nol nocossary. |Al-Ins
f f Bayn Sabab
Ikhtilf : 57/59. IubIislod by Malba Mujlabai, 1935.
Ibid 69/71.]
Slal WaIiyyuIIal linlod lovard llo claos and corruplion vlicl
vas provonlod by roslricling taqld lo ono Mujlalid: In slorl,
foIIoving llo Mujlalids vas a sublIo inspiralion vlicl AIIal
unvoiIod lo llo scloIars. A consonsus aroso among llo rigllIy
guidod scloIars, lo ils indisponsabiIily. KnovingIy or unknov-
ingIy, il vas upon llis inspiralion llal llo vasl majorily of llo
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 15
ummal unilod. Ho vrolo in anollor pIaco: Tlo Immal las
unanimousIy agrood upon llo vaIidily of foIIoving ono of llo
four sclooIs of llougllvlicl lavo boon organizod and docu-
monlod. Tloro aro many obvious bonols in llis, ospociaIIy loday
vlon dolorminalion las dvindIod, vlon dosiros lavo ponolralod
our consciousnoss and gIoaling in onos ovn opinion is soon as a
Why only four schools? Tlis bogs llo quoslion: if foIIoving
ono parlicuIar Mujlalid is indisponsabIo, vly llo nood lo roslricl
taqld lo onIy llo four sclooIs of llougll` SovoraI groal Imams
and Mujlalids lavo occupiod llo pagos of IsIamic scloIaslic lis-
lory sucl porsonagos as Sufyn Tlavri, Imam Avz, AbduIIal
ibn Mubarak, Islaq ibn Ralvayl, Imam Buklari, Ibn Abi IayIa,
Ibn Sibrimal, Hasan ibn SaIil and many ollors. Aro aII Muj-
lalids nol oquaIIy quaIiod lo bo foIIovod` Sucl a conlonlion
is vaIid in principIo, bul il is nol ooclivoIy possibIo. Tlo sclooIs
of llougll of llo Mujlalids monlionod abovo aro nol syslomali-
caIIy documonlod. Had lloir sclooIs boon formaIIy codiod and
slruclurod simiIar lo llo major four sclooIs, llon lloro vouId bo
no lindranco lo foIIoving llom. InforlunaloIy, lloir sclooIs do
nol oxisl formaIIy, nor lavo llo originaI sourcos of llo sclooIs sur-
vivod. To foIIov sucl sclooIs vouId lloroforo provo dicuIl.
Why one particular school and why not all? Slal WaIiyyuIIal,
las aIIocalod a vloIo claplor lo llis discussion in lis book: Iq-
duI }ood and caIIod il: Tlo Claplor of Emplasising foIIoving
ono of lloso four sclooIs of llougll and donouncing llo idoa of
forsaking llom. Ho slarlod llo claplor by saying: You slouId
knov llal foIIoving lloso four sclooIs lavo lromondous pubIic
advanlagos and bonols. Iorsaking llom is vrougll vill mis-
cliof and larms. Wo viII oxpIain llis vill many inforoncos .
MavIana Taqi Ismani says: Ho llon goos on lo oxpIain llo many
roasons vlicl I viII paraplraso in poinls insload of lransIaling a
vory Ionglly passago. Il is incumbonl lo roIy upon llo oarIy pro-
docossors if ono is lo undorsland IsIamic Iav. Tlo onIy vay for
us lo do llis is oillor lo dolormino llal llo slalomonls of llo pro-
docossors lavo boon lransmillod lo us via sound clain of narra-
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
16 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
lors or lo road lloir slalomonls, vlicl aro documonlod in roIiabIo
books. Il is nocossary lo oslabIisl llal lloso slalomonls lavo ac-
luaIIy boon lruslod and usod by ollor scloIars. IinaIIy, if lloir
slalomonls aro opon lo sovoraI moanings, llon llo mosl proforrod
moaning bo adoplod. OccasionaIIy, llo slalomonl of a corlain Mu-
jlalid may appoar lo bo gonoraI bul in facl il may bo quilo spocic,
vlicl vouId bo rocognisod by llo scloIars vlo lavo sludiod lis
sclooI of llougll. Tlus, il is nocossary llal llo slalomonls of llis
corlain Mujlalid bo documonlod, undorslood and oxpIainod sucl
llal llo ralionaIo is omplasisod. If a corlain Mujlalid las nol lad
lis slalomonls codiod llon sucl a Madllab slouId nol bo roIiod
upon. In our ago, llo four prominonl sclooIs of llougll slaro llis
advanlago vloroas ollor sclooIs do nol.
IinaIIy, if giving a Ialva basod on any of llo oarIior scloIars and
lloir sclooIs of llougll voro lo bo mado pormissibIo, llon cor-
rupl scloIars vouId lako advanlago of llo Slarial and baso lloir
Ialvas on llo slalomonls of any of llo prodocossors. Tlis vouId
inovilabIy opon llo door lo llo abuso of lloir slalomonls. Cor-
rupl scloIars vouId bo askod lo juslify soIsl dosiros by quoling
pious prodocossors. RoIying upon foIIoving llo vasl majorily of
llo communily vouIdarrosl llo drifl lo claos villin llo Slarial.
Tlo abovo argumonls aro good and llo oorls of llo Ioarnod Mufli
Taqi Ismani lavo lo bo approcialod. Wo can raiso somo quoslions, bul
llal viII Iongllon llo doscriplion unnocossariIy. Tlo onIy poinl vo viII
raiso is llal somo poopIo loday may nol nd somo of llo argumonls lo
bo vory convincing. Ior oxampIo, lloy may say llal ovory IogaI sys-
lom is compIox and is in nood of spociaIisls, bul llal doos nol moan
vo slouId adopl a singIo lloory of Iav as a vaIid lloory, IogaI sysloms
conlinuo lo vork villoul doing so. Again, lloro aro many pious scloI-
ars loday vlo can bo foIIovod. Today, vo lavo llo moans of clocking
llo acls of corrupl scloIars vlo pIagiarizo llo vork of ollor sclooIs
and prosonl il as lloir ovn. Tlo vork of scloIars vlo do nol boIong lo
llo four accoplod sclooIs aIso slands documonlod. Tlo gonoraI popu-
Iaco, vill llo sproad of oducalion, is quilo capabIo of dolormining llo
clains of narralions fromllo pubIislodmaloriaI. Tloro may bo bonols
in nol foIIoving a singIo sclooI as il viII provido froodom lo doaI vill
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 17
llo muIliludo of probIoms facod by llo Immal loday. ConsoquonlIy,
scloIars can gol logollor and docido llal il is no Iongor nocossary lo
foIIov a singIo sclooI.
In slorl, ovon a simpIo rosponso may bo onougl lo slov llal llo
vory good argumonls providod may nol bo sucionl lo convinco ov-
oryono. In roaIily, llis is oxaclIy vlal las lapponod and many odu-
calod poopIo aro approacling llo ah
adth on lloir ovn and concIuding
vlal llo Iav musl bo on a parlicuIar poinl. Tlo silualion is rapidIy
bocoming vlal may bo caIIod a froo for aII. Il is indood a dangorous
dovoIopmonl for IsIamic Iav.
Truo argumonls musl bo discovorodandfor doing so vo lavo lo lurn
lo us
l al-qh again.
2.2 The Us
l Argument for Following a Single School
Tlo lruo argumonl for foIIoving a singIo sclooI, and aIso for nol
oaling bolvoon sclooIs, is lo bo found in llo DiscipIino of Us
l al-Fiqh
ilsoIf. In aII llo provious moduIos vo lavo indicalod llal undorsland-
ing llo moaning of ilm us
l al-qh is ossonliaI for many llings.
Il is
nov limo for llo roador lo losl lis undorslanding of llo moaning.
2.2.1 The Nature of the Qawid Us
liyyah: the Basis of the Schools
of Law
Ior llo Is
I, llo lorm us
l impIios a body of principIos llal lo
usos lo inlorprol llo loxls, as las boon oIaboralod rigll from moduIo I.
As lloso us
l or ruIos conlain villin llom llo moaning of llo sourcos
of IsIamic Iav, llo us
l doos nol omplasiso llo moaning of us
l as
sourcos, rallor lo focusos on llo ruIos, vlicl aro llo ruIos of inlorpro-
lalion. Ho lands ovor lloso ruIos lo llo jurisls of llo sclooI (llo fuqah),
vlo uso llomlo croalo llo knovIodgo baso of llo IavaIso caIIod qh. Il
is bollor lo caII lloso us
l principIos for roasons llal slouId bo obvious
lo llo roador by nov.
Wo lavo lriod, in llo provious moduIos, lo Iisl as many of lloso ruIos
of inlorprolalion as vas possibIo in documonls of llis naluro. In ad-
1O. In facl, llo Noo-MulaziIal in llo Wosl aro lrying lo do oxaclIy llis.
11. Tlis las boon oxpIainod in dolaiI in llo rsl moduIo on llo socrols of us
l. Ior a
simpIor oxpIanlalion, pIoaso soo Nyazoo, Partnership in Islam,
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
18 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
dilion lo llo ruIos of inlorprolalion,
vo lavo aIso Iislod many of llo
prosumplions llal aro usod for llo inlorprolalion of facls and for ollor
Tloro is no nood lo ropoal lloso ruIos loro and llo roador
can vory quickIy roviov llo ruIos by Iooking al llo framos in vlicl
lloso ruIos voro vrillon.
2.2.2 A School of Law Then is a Unique Body of Rules of Interpreta-
Wo lavo soon in llo provious moduIos llal somo qawnn aro ac-
coplod unanimousIy by aII sclooIs, vliIo ollors aro nol. Tlo lolaI body
of sucl ruIos accoplod by ono sclooI diors lo somo oxlonl from llo sol
adoplod by anollor sclooI. Tlis is vlal makos llom dislincl sclooIs
of Iav. Willin a sclooI, llo us
l adoplod aro anaIylicaIIy consislonl,
llal is, lloy do nol cIasl vill oacl ollor, rallor lloy compIomonl ono
anollor, Iiko ovors in a bouquol. Across sclooI boundarios lloro may
bo a cIasl among sucl us
l, vill llo coIours sloving incompalibiIily.
TloorolicaIIy, llo body of sucl ruIos is adoplod by llo foundor of
a sclooI. Tlus, for llo H
anaf sclooI, llo ruIos voro adoplod by Ab
anfal and lloso for llo MaIik sclooI by Imm MIik. Il is lruo llal
aII llo dolaiIod ruIos may nol lavo boon Iaid dovn by llo foundor, bul
lo did oslabIisl a baso on vlicl llo dolaiIs voro conslruclod. In facl,
vo somolimos nd llo immodialo discipIos of llo Imamlrying lo arguo
aboul lloso qawnn as voII, bul llis is raro and il vas dono onIy in llo
oarIior formalivo slagos of llo sclooI.
Tlo body of ruIos adoplod by oacl sclooI amounls lo llo lloory
of inlorprolalion or lloory of Iav of llal sclooI.
Eacl lloory of Iav
is somovlal dioronl from llal of anollor sclooI and las an impacl
on llo ah
km dorivod. Indorslanding llo naluro of llo us
l by roIal-
ing llom lo oacl sclooI is oxlromoIy imporlanl for undorslanding llo
discipIino of us
l al-qh. Il is aIso for llis roason llal picking and cloos-
ing opinions randomIy across sclooI boundarios is Iookod dovn upon
and doomod inapproprialo. Wo slaII lavo moro lo say aboul llis in llo
soclion of porlabiIily boIov.
12. Mosl of lloso ruIos aro Iislod in moduIo II.
13. Soo moduIo III.
14. Ior an oxpIanalion aboul llo moaning of lloorios in IsIamic Iav, soo Nyazoo,
Theories of Islamic Law,
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 19


RuIos doaIing vill sourcos: Qurn, Sun-
nal, Ijm, opinion of a Companion, Qiys,
sn and so on.
RuIos doaIing vill IiloraI inlorprolalion:
daIIl, amr and nal, mm and kls
lir and klaf and so on.
RuIos doaIing vill llo ralionaI sourcos.
RuIos of Ijlild and larjl
RuIos aboul llo h
ukm shar ( )
Ollor ruIos.
Imagino oacl sclooI as a vaso, four idonlicaI vasos. Tlo baso is llo
samo, bul llo ovors arrangod in llom lavo dioronl coIours. Tlo ju-
risls of ono sclooI profor ono sol of coIours, vliIo lloso of llo ollor
sclooIs profor ollor sols. Tloro is anollor inlograI bond bolvoon llo
Sunni sclooIs boyond llis loo, and vo lavo oxpIainod llal Ialor.
2.2.3 The Analogy of Portability and Staying Within the School
Tlo dislinclions monlionod abovo slouId lavo mado mallors cIoar
aboul llo nocossily of foIIoving a sclooI of Iav. Wo viII, lovovor, go
aload and uso an anaIogy fromllo compulor vorId as mosl poopIo uso
compulors loday and viII nd llo oxpIanalions oasior. Il may nol bo a
porfocl anaIogy, bul il viII loIp.
Tloro aro dioronl oporaling sysloms in vlicl poopIo vork loday:
Windovs, Inix (Iinux), Macinlosl OS and so on. Nov lloro aro cor-
lain Ios llal can oasiIy bo road across aII sysloms duo lo lloir porlabiI-
ily. Tloso may bo Iiko llo IDI (porlabIo documonl formal), poslscripl
Ios, imago Ios and so on. Boyond llis, a program Io or ovon anollor
Io of ono syslom may nol opon or vork in anollor oporaling syslom.
Tlus, llo Microsofl Oco or Wordprogrammado for vindovs viII nol
vork on llo Macinlosl or ovon in Inix. Tlis vas from llo porspoclivo
of soflvaro. Hardvaro, loo, oxpIains our anaIogy if vo say llal oacl
microclip (MoloroIIa or ollor) las ils ovn inslruclion sol llal diors
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
2O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
from llo inslruclion sol of ollor clips. Tlo posilion in llo sclooIs of
IsIamic Iav is quilo simiIar.
A porson vorking in llo H
anaf sclooI slouId, lloroforo, romain in
llo H
anaf sclooI. Cloosing llings from ono sclooI and pasling llom
inlo llo ollor sclooI viII nol vork. Tlus, laking an opinion basod on
sn and pasling il inlo llo Sl sclooI viII nol vork, bocauso llal
sclooI considors istih
sn lo bo a nuIIily. Iikoviso, an opinion basod on
llo ruIo llal llo opinion of a Companion is binding may nol vork in llo
Sl sclooI, vlicl considors sucl an opinion nol lo bo binding. Go
on lo ollor poinls of dioronco and you viII slarl roaIizing llo signi-
canco of llis slalomonl. Ior oxampIo, llo syslom of IiloraI conslruclion
or dallt usod by llo H
anafs is radicaIIy dioronl from llal foIIovod
by ollor sclooIs.
Aporson may say: vlal is llo dioronco, vlon vo foIIovono opin-
ion vo aro foIIoving ono accoplabIo sclooI and vlon vo foIIovanollor
vo aro foIIoving anollor accoplabIo sclooI` Tlis quoslion is oxcusabIo
if il comos from a Iayman, bul in llo caso of a jurisl il is unpardon-
abIo. If llo jurisl, vlo knovs llo sysloms, says llis, lo viII bo saying
inono slalomonl: istih
sn is vaIidandnol vaIid, opinion of a Companion
is binding and non-binding, llo gonoraI vord is qat
and zann. Tlis
amounls lo pIaying vill llo Iav, vlicl is a sacrod Iav. Ior llo samo
roason, oaling bolvoon sclooIs is nol pardonabIo.
If llo Iayman, or a jurisl for llal mallor, Iikos somo opinions in llo
ollor sclooI, lo slouId movo compIoloIy lo llo ollor sclooI. Slaying
in ono sclooI and cloosing pIoasing opinions from ollor sclooIs is nol
Tlo Ioarnod Abu Zalr, al llo ond of lis book on us
l, allompls lo
Iay dovn corlain condilions for picking and cloosing from dioronl
sclooIs, or as somo say oaling bolvoon sclooIs. Tlo condilions ro-
ducod lo llo basics appoar lo say llal llo jurisl musl bo a good man, lo
slouId do so lonoslIy and nol vliIo pursuing lis vlims (haw). Il is
dicuIl lo accopl sucl suggoslions. Tlo roason is simpIo: on vlal basis
aro you proforing an opinion of llo ollor sclooI` Wlal aro your ruIos of
inlorprolalion (assuming you aro a groal jurisl) or loclnicaI slandards
on llo basis of vlicl you aro carrying oul llo soIoclion` Do you boIiovo
llal istih
sn is vaIid or nol vaIid, and so on` If you lavo mado a nov
oporaling syslom in vlicl ovorylling vorks, llon llal is marvoIIous.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 21
Making a novoporaling syslommoans you lavo sol up a novsclooI of
IsIamic Iav llal las uniquo principIos of inlorprolalion. You lavo llon
lurnod inlo a mujtahid mut
laq Iiko llo foundors of llo sclooIs. In sucl
a caso, you do nol lavo lo clooso, you musl undorlako frosl ijtihd for
llal is binding on you. And, you musl docIaro llo vloIo sol of your
principIos of inlorprolalion.
SoIocling a vloIo nov sol of principIos of inlorprolalion is llo roaI
roason vly vo cannol lavo a mujtahid mut
laq loday. Maybo, a vloIo
body of scloIars can gol logollor and sol up a nov syslom. Tlo risk
is llal no ono viII foIIov llom. Many modorn scloIars droam aboul
inlroducing somo kind of roform in IsIamic Iav, and koop on making
dioronl suggoslions. Wlal lloy roaIIy nood lo do is lo sol up a nov
sclooI. In our viov, lovovor, lruo roform viII ariso from villin llo
oslabIislod sclooIs vlon vo lavo maslorod lloir ruIos, il cannol bo
dono by broaking sclooI boundarios.
ConsoquonlIy, in our viov, oaling bolvoon sclooIs, or picking and
cloosing from dioronl sclooIs amounls lo bIind taqld. Il is quilo dif-
foronl from taqld llal is pormillod, and vlicl vo viII discuss boIov.
Tlo mollod of talfq (or manufaluring a nov opinion from parls of dif-
foronl ruIos of dioronl sysloms) is ovon vorso. Wo viII lavo lo rolurn
lo lloso lopics again vlon vo lako up llo discussion of fatws.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 3
Taqld, as gonoraIIy undorslood, moans foIIoving llo opinion of llo
sclooIs of IsIamic Iav in mallors of conducl. Tlus, a H
anaf foIIovs
llo opinion of llo H
anaf sclooI, vliIo a Sl foIIovs llo opinion of
llo Sl sclooI. As opposod lo llis, ijtihd moans llal llo porson in
nood of an opinion doos nol foIIov llo opinion of any sclooI, bul do-
rivos llo ruIo of conducl for limsoIf diroclIy fromllo sourcos of IsIamic
Iav. Sucl a porson vouId obviousIy bo dosignalod as a mujtahid, and
llo mujtahid musl lavo somo basic quaIicalions. Iurllor, llo mujtahid
musl foIIov a syslom of inlorprolalion: oillor an oslabIislod syslom of
a sclooI or ono llal lo las dovisod for limsoIf, vlicl viII moan a nov
sclooI. AII porsons vlo cannol Iay cIaimlo llo slalus of a mujtahid, duo
lo llo Iack of roquisilo quaIicalions and skiIIs, musl foIIovllo opinion
of somo mujtahid, llal is, lloy musl porform taqld. Yol, vo nd llal in
modorn limos many scloIars lavo condomnod taqld, and lavo insislod
on llo nocossily of ijtihd.
Tlo roason for llis is llal in llo vrilings of somo of llo oarIior jurisls
taqld is considorod mandalory for aII jurisls and indopondonl ijtihd is
nol pormillod. Tlis is aIso lormod as llo cIosing of llo galos of ijti-
hd. Tloro lavo boon many discussions on llis issuo in modorn qh
Iiloraluro, probabIy slarlod by scloIars Iiko Rasld Rid
of Egypl. In
llo Iigll of lloso discussions, many modorn scloIars mainlain llal llo
doors of ijtihd voro novor cIosod and llis aclivily slouId bo carriod on
in llo modorn vorId, and taqld slouId bo slunnod. Do lloso scloIars
moan llal ovory Iayman slouId inlorprol llo sourcos of IsIamic Iav for
limsoIf and slouId avoid foIIoving llo opinions of llo sclooIs of Iav`
Do lloy moan llal somo scloIars slouId undorlako ijtihd and llo rosl
slouId foIIov lloir opinions` In roaIily, many scloIars lavo adoplod
llis courso, ospociaIIy llo IsIamic loIovangoIisls.
Tloro is anollor form of taqld loo, in vlicl a Iayman doos nol foI-
Iovono sclooI, bul cloosos vliclovor opinion lo Iikos fromono of llo
24 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
sclooIs. Tlus, a scloIar may clooso an opinion fromllo H
anaf sclooI
loday and lomorrovlo may clooso ono fromllo Sl sclooI or from
somo ollor sclooI for llal mallor. Is llis taqld or ijtihd, or is il somo-
lling oIso` Wo lavo aIroady slalod in llo provious claplor llal llis is
nol propor.
Our purposo in llis claplor viII bo lo oxpIain llo oxacl moaning
of taqld as il is undorslood by llo jurisls. Tlis viII bo foIIovod by llo
mollods or slrucluro llrougl vlicl llis pormillod formof taqld is im-
pIomonlod villin a sclooI.
3.1 The Meaning and Implications of Taqld
As comparodlo ijtihd, llo purposo of taqld is lo Iay dovna mollod-
oIogy for llo faqh for discovoring and appIying llo Iav in llo Iigll of
llo aIroady sollIod Iav. Tlis is llo funclion of llo modorn judgo loo,
vlo discovors llo Iav from llo slalulos and procodonls lo sollIo llo
dispulos brougll lo lim. Il is nol llo lask of llo judgo lo IogisIalo or
Iay dovn nov Iav in lis judgomonls. Doos llo modorn judgo porform
taqld loo`
3.1.1 The Literal Meaning of Taqld
Tlo vord taqld is dorivod from qaldah, vlicl moans an ornamonl
liod around llo nock (Iiko a nockIaco) or il is llo slrap llal loIds llo
sloall of llo svord and is usuaIIy svung around llo slouIdors. Tlo
vord qaldah is aIso usod lo moan llo slrap by vlicl a pioco of vood is
lung from llo nock of an animaI, il provonls llo animaI from running
aslray, bocauso il slrikos il on llo knoos vlon il lrios lo run. In llis
sonso, llo vord taqld carrios a roslriclion villin il, and llis roslriclion
is found in llo loclnicaI moaning of llo lorm.
3.1.2 The Technical Meanings of Taqld
In ils loclnicaI sonso, taqld is donod by Ibn aI-H
jj as acling upon
llo vord of anollor villoul h
ujjah (proof or IavfuI aullorily). Tloro
aro lvo vays in vlicl llis donilion las boon undorslood, and las Iod
lo somo confusion aboul llo moaning and roIo of taqld in llo prosonl
Tlo rsl moaning is assignod by modorn vrilors. Abdur Ralim, for
oxampIo, undorslands il lo moan llo foIIoving of llo opinion of anollor
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 25
villoul knovIodgo or aullorily for suclopinion. Inollor vords, vlon
a porson asks a jurisl for an opinion, lo slouId nol ask lim aboul llo
basis for lis opinion, vlollor il las boon dorivod from llo Qurn, llo
Sunnah or ijm or somo ollor sourco, lo slouId foIIovil villoul quos-
lion. Tlis moaning is accoplod gonoraIIy by mosl modorn vrilors, and
il is llis form llal lloy condomn. Tlo oarIior jurisls do nol undorsland
llo moaning of llo donilion in llis vay.
According lo llo oarIior jurisls, llo vord h
ujjah moans pormission
givon by llo sharah. Taqld, lloroforo, moans foIIoving llo opinion
of anollor vlon llo sharah las nol givon pormission lo do so. Tlis
moaning makos taqld unIavfuI, llal is, vloovor foIIovs llo opinion of
anollor villoul pormission of llo sharah, is commilling an unIavfuI
IoIIoving llo opinion of a jurisl doos nol faII villin llis moaning
of taqld. Tlo MusIim jurisls mainlain llal foIIoving llo opinion of a
quaIiod jurisl is pormillod by llo sharah, and is nol taqld. Tlis moans
llal lloro aro lvo lypos of taqld: prolibilod taqld and pormillod taqld.
To undorslandllis llorouglIy, llo h
ukmof ijtihd as voII as llal of taqld
noods lo bo oxaminod.
To undorsland llo moaning of taqld in Iav, Iol us oxamino llo do-
nilion again. According lo llo jurisls, llo uso of llo vord h
ujjah in llo
donilion, acling upon llo vord of anollor villoul h
ujjah, oxcIudos
llis aclivily from llo moaning of taqld. AI-Slavkn oxpIains llal llo
uso of llo vord h
ujjah oxcIudos llo foIIoving four lypos of aclivily from
llo moaning of prolibilod taqld:
Acling upon llo vords of llo Iroplol (poaco bo on lim) is nol
prolibilod taqld.
Acling upon ijm is nol prolibilod taqld.
Accoplanco of llo vord of an uprigll (adl) vilnoss by llo qd
nol prolibilod taqld.
Tlo Iayman acling upon llo vord of a jurisl is nol porforming
prolibilod taqld.
Tlo H
anaf jurisls may add a fll caso lo llis: acling upon llo opin-
ion of a Companion of llo Iroplol is nol prolibilod taqld. Tloso casos
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
26 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
do nol faII undor condomnod or prolibilod taqld, bocauso llo sharah
las pormillod aII lloso forms, a h
ujjah (proof) oxisls for sucl pormis-
sion. Somo of lloso casos aro obvious, bul llo caso of llo faqh is ox-
pIainod by aI-GlazI as foIIovs:
If il is said llal you lavo condomnod taqld, and llis (Iay-
mans taqld of llo jurisl) is llo vory ossonco of taqld, vo slaII
rospond llal taqld is llo accoplanco of an opinion villoul
ujjah, bul foIIoving llo opinion of llo muft las boon mado
obIigalory (wjib) for llo Iayman llrougl llo dall (ovidonco)
of ijm, jusl as il is obIigalory for llo judgo lo accopl llo
slalomonl of (an adl) vilnoss.
Tlo aullorily pormilling llis aclivily, and oxcIuding il from llo moan-
ing of taqld is ijm. IoIIoving llo opinion of llo jurisl by llo Iayman,
lloroforo, cannol bo caIIod prolibilod taqld, llal is, condomnod taqld.
Somo jurisls oxcIudo somo moro casos from llo moaning of con-
domnod taqld on llo basis of llo principIo of nocossily (d
arrah). Tlo
foundor of llo MIik sclooI, MIik ibn Anas, is said lo lavo pormillod
fourloon casos of taqld. A fov of lloso aro givon boIov:
Il is pormillod lo llo Iayman lo accopl llo opinion of a doclor
Il is pormillod lo accopl llo opinion of a lrador in llo vaIualion of
proporly (as an oxporl).
Tlo buyor is aIIovod lo accopl llo opinion of llo bulclor llal llo
moal lo is buying las boon proporIy sIaugllorod.
Tlo slalomonl of a cliId bringing pormission lo llo guosl al llo
door llal lo is aIIovod lo onlor may bo accoplod by llo guosl.
Tlis slovs llal taqld is a parl of our daiIy Iivos andvo aro induIging
insomo formof taqld al oaclslop. Tlo lrullof llis cIaimis drivonlomo
vlon vo oxamino our modorn IogaI syslom.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 27
3.1.3 Taqld in the Pakistani Legal System
Tlo Conslilulion of Iakislan dooms taqld obIigalory in arlicIos 189
& 2O1. Tloso arlicIos mako llo judgomonls of llo Supromo Courl bind-
ing on aII courls and llo judgomonls of llo Higl Courls binding on
courls subordinalo lo llom. Tlo doclrino of procodonl and stare deci-
sis aro nolling moro llan inslilulionaIisod forms of taqld. Wlon llo
Iovor courls foIIov llo opinions of llo liglor courls lloy aro undor-
laking taqld.
In addilion lo llis, Iaymon accopl llo opinions of Iavyors in lloir
daiIy IogaI probIoms. Iikoviso, llo courls accopl llo slalomonls of vil-
nossos, unIoss lloir voracily is claIIongod. Tlo opinions of oxporls aro
accoplod in a losl of ollor mallors.
Tlo concIusion vo may drav from llis is llal taqld is an ossonliaI
principIo of our daiIy Iivos and is basod upon division of Iabour vloro
somo porsons spociaIizo in corlain aroas and bocomo oxporls. Tlo muft
or llo faqh is an oxporl in lis aroa and lloro slouId bo no losilalion in
accopling lis opinion by lloso vlo aro Iaymon in lis oId of spociaI-
3.2 The Primary Function of a School of Law
In llo IsIamic IogaI syslom, llo syslom of taqld or foIIoving proco-
donls is impIomonlod llrougl llo sclooIs of Iav. Tlo primary funclion
of llo sclooI is, lloroforo, lo mako llo IavcIoar and ovidonl for llo poo-
pIo vlo foIIov llo sclooI, vlollor lloso aro individuaIs, inslilulions
or llo ruIors llomsoIvos.
Ono oflon loars poopIo compIaining llal llo MusIim jurisls dis-
agroo aboul ovorylling. Tloro aro muIlipIo opinions in llo sclooI and
ono doos nol knov vlicl opinion lo foIIov. Tloso viovs aro nol ox-
prossod by Iaymon and sludonls aIono, ono loars ovon somo loaclors
saying llis and llo facl is rooclod in lloir mollod of loacling as voII.
In ollor vords, lloy induIgo in vlal is caIIod qla wa qla, llal is, llis
jurisl said llis and llo ollor said llal, and yol anollor said somolling
Hov llon can a porson foIIoving a sclooI knov vlal llo Iav is`
Ansvoring llis quoslion is llo primary funclion of llo sclooI. Iromllo
muIlipIo viovs oxisling villin llo sclooI, a singIo opinion is proforrod.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
28 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Tlo proforrod opinion is llo Iav. In facl, lloro is a spociaI cIass of jurisls
vlo aro assignod llis funclion. Tloy clock many llings incIuding llo
sound narralion of viovs villin llo sclooI. In casos vloro lloro is
somo confusion, llo sclooI viII issuo a fatw uploIding ono of many
opinions as llo Iav lo bo foIIovod. Il is duo lo llis llal ono loars llo
plraso: llo fatw loday is on sucl and sucl opinion.
Tlo ruIo for llis aclivily is voII sollIod and las boon obsorvod for
conlurios by llo sclooI. In facl, llis las boon dono fromllo vory oarIiosl
limos vlon llo sclooI slarlod maluring. Tlo ruIo is: lloro viII aIvays
bo a singIo preferred opinion villin llo sclooI.
Ibn bidn slalos llis as foIIovs:
Tlo proforrod opinion of llo sclooI is lo bo foIIovod, and
llo opinion nol proforrod is lo bo lroalod as non-oxislonl (al-
kal-adam). Il is as if llo proforrod opinion las abro-
galod llo ollor opinions.
Tloro is, llus, no confusion aboul vlicl opinion of llo sclooI is lo bo
foIIovod. Tlis aIso sols asido llo objoclion raisod by somo llal lloro
aro so many opinions in IsIamic Iav llal ono doos nol knov vlicl
opinion lo foIIov. Tlo sclooIs bring uniformily inlo lloir Iav llrougl
llis mollod. Tlo mollod llrougl vlicl llo proforrod opinion of llo
sclooI is docIarod is discussod boIov.
3.3 The Resources of the School: Jurists, Issues and Texts
Tlo rosourcos of a sclooI of IsIamic Iav aro visuaIizod in llroo li-
orarclios. Tloro is a liorarcly of jurisls, a liorarcly of issuos and a
liorarcly of loxls. An undorslanding of lloso liorarclios providos a
doop undorslanding of llo slrucluro and naluro of a sclooI of IsIamic
Iav. In llis soclion, vo viII Iook al oacl liorarcly.
3.3.1 The Hierarchy of Jurists Within a School
Tlo foundor of a sclooI las lvo funclions: lo Iays dovn llo us
l or
llo principIos of inlorprolalion and lo usos lloso principIos lo sollIo llo
15. Mul
ammad Amn Ibn bidn, Sharh
Uqd Rasm al-Muft (Karacli: Maklabal aI-
Buslr, 2OO9), 8, Ibn bidn, Radd al-Muh
tr, 176.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 29
issuos of llo Iav (fur). Tlus, Ab H
anfal Iaid dovn llo principIos
of inlorprolalion for llo H
anaf sclooI and lo usod lloso principIos lo
dorivo llo dolaiIod ruIings of llo subslanlivo Iav. Tlo foundors of llo
ollor sclooIs did llo samo for lloir sclooIs. Tlis lypo of jurisl is caIIod
llo mujtahid mut
laq or llo absoIulo jurisl. Tlis jurisl is compIoloIy indo-
pondonl insofar as lo doos nol induIgo in any lypo of taqld.
As comparod lo llo foundor, lloro aro ollor jurisls vlo aro voII
quaIiod lo undorlako ijtihd. Tloso jurisls, lovovor, foIIov llo princi-
pIos of inlorprolalion Iaid dovn by lloir loaclor. Tloy uso lloso ruIos
of inlorprolalion lo dorivo llo subslanlivo Iav, and lloir opinions in
llis aroa may dior from lloso of lloir loaclor. Tloso jurisls aro por-
forming taqld vlon lloy foIIov llo opinion of lloir loaclor aboul llo
principIos of inlorprolalion. Tlis lypo of taqld is caIIod taqld f al-us
l or
taqld in llo principIos of inlorprolalion. Tlo jurisl vlo porforms taqld
f al-us
l is caIIod mujtahid f al-madhhab or llo mujtahid vlo is indopon-
donl villin llo sclooI.
Tloro aro ollor jurisls in llo sclooI as voII vlo aro voII quaIiod,
bul lavo nol boon granlod llo slalus of mujtahid f al-madhhab. Tloso
jurisls porform onIy ono lypo of taqld, and llis is caIIod taqld f al-fur
or foIIoving llo docisions of llo jurisls of llo liglor grado. Tloso jurisls
foIIovllo opinions or docisions of llo sclooI Iaid dovn by llo mujtahid
laq and llo mujtahid f al-madhhab.
In a dovoIopod IogaI syslom, il is nol possibIo llal lloro bo jusl lvo
or llroo lypos of jurisls. Tloro aro sovoraI lypos, and oacl dovoIopod
sclooI las dolorminod llo grados of llo jurisls basod on lloso lypos. Il
is llrougl lloso grados llal IsIamic Iav impIomonls ils syslom of foI-
Ioving procodonls. Ibn bidn Iisls lloso grados for llo H
anaf sclooI
as foIIovs:
1. The rst grade: mujtahid mut
laq or mujtahid f al-shar. Tlo muj-
tahid mut
laq vlo is llo foundor of llo sclooI, llal is, Imm Ab
anfal. Ho Iaid dovn llo principIos of inlorprolalion for llo
sclooI. Wo lavo aIroady oxaminod lloso principIos in aII llo pro-
vious moduIos. Tlo mujtahid mut
laq usos lis principIos of inlor-
prolalion lo dorivo llo Iav from llo sourcos (for llo mujtahid). In
slorl, llis lypo of indopondonl jurisl Iays dovn llo principIos of
16. Ibid., 1798O,Ibn bidn, Rasm al-Muft, 1O12.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
3O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
inlorprolalion as voII as llo Iav. Ho is llo absoIulo mujtahid vlo
doos nol porform taqld in oillor of ils lvo forms.
2. The second grade: mujtahid f al-madhhab or llo mujtahid villin
llo sclooI. Tlo mujtahid f al-madhhab porforms taqld f al-us
llal is, lo foIIovs llo principIos Iaid dovn by llo foundor of llo
sclooI, and using lloso principIos dorivos llo Iav limsoIf. His
opinion in llo dorivod Iav may dior from llal of lis loaclor. }u-
risls Iiko Ab Ysuf and Mul
ammad aI-Slaybn aro villin llis
grado in llo H
anaf sclooI. Tloy usod llo principIos dolorminod
by Ab H
anfal lo dorivo llo Iav. In llo caso of muzraah (lon-
ancy), for oxampIo, lloy diorod vill lloir loaclor. Ab H
docIarod lonancy lo bo iIIogaI, vliIo llo lvo discipIos (s
docIarod il IogaI. Tlo opinion proforrod by llo sclooI is llal of llo
ibayn. Tlo jurisls in llis grado aro indopondonl in aII rospocls,
oxcopl llo us
l (principIos of inlorprolalion).
3. The third grade: mujtahid f al-masil or llo mujtahid for nov is-
suos. Tlo mujtahid f al-masil dolorminos ansvors lo casos llal
aro nol sollIod by llo jurisls of llo rsl lvo calogorios. In llo
anaf sclooI, jurisls Iiko aI-Klas
f, aI-T
v, aI-Karkl and aI-
Sarakls aro pIacod in llis grado. These jurists cannot overturn the
cases that have been settled by the jurists of the rst two grades. Their
function is said to be the determination of new unsettled cases. AI-
Dabbs is nol monlionod in llis calogory or in any ollor, bul vo
fooI llal lo migll lavo boon on llo lop of llo Iisl in llis calogory.
4. The fourth grade: as
b al-takhrj or lloso jurisls vlo cIarify llo
Iav of aII llo oxisling casos. Tlo groal jurisl Ab Bakr aI-}as
is pIacod in llis calogory. Tlo lrull is llal lo vas no Ioss llan
any of llo jurisls in llo provious calogory, and llo mollodoIogy
usod by limvas llo samo as llal usod by llo mujtahid f al-masil.
Tlis calogory of jurisls roIios on llo principIos oslabIislod by llo
jurisls of llo rsl llroo grados and oxlond llo Iavlo casos covorod
by lloso principIos. Tloir funclion is moro Iiko llo modorn judgo
vlo is said lo discovor llo Iav and nol lo Iay il dovn.
5. The fth grade: as
b al-tarjh
or lloso vlo profor llo slrongor
opinions in llo sclooI so as lo bring uniformily inlo llo Iav. }u-
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 31
risls Iiko Ab aI-H
usayn aI-Qudr, aI-Ksn, aI-Marglinn (llo
aullor of al-Hidyah) aro pIacod in llis grado. Tloy roIy nol onIy
on llo slrongll of llo argumonl bul aIso on llo narralion of llo
issuos from llo oarIior jurisls (soo boIov).
6. The sixth grade. Tlo rosl of llo voII knovn jurisls in llo H
sclooI aro pIacod in llis grado. Tloy aro said lo rocogniso llo
slrongor opinions proforrod by llo jurisls of llo provious grado.
Mosl voII knovn jurisls Iiko llo aullors of llo aullorilalivo loxls
(mutn mutabarah) vouId faII in llis calogory. Tloy lavo llo abiI-
ily lo rocognizo llo slrongor narralions from llo voak, and llo
abiIily lo rocognizo rojoclod opinions, vlicl lloy do nol roIalo.
An oxaminalion of lloir mollod and lloir vorks rovoaIs, again,
llal lloy voro no Ioss llan llo jurisls in llo provious calogory.
7. The seventhgrade. Tlis is llo calogory of llo puro muqallids, vlo
aro nol abIo lo porform any of llo abovo lasks. Ibn aI-Humm
pIacod limsoIf and aII llo jurisls of lis limos in llis calogory, as
in llo quolalion llal las boon roproducod Ialor. Il is obvious llal
Ibn aI-Humm doos nol boIong lo llis calogory, lo slouId bo in
llo sixll grado al Ioasl if nol liglor. Tloro can bo no doubl llal aII
llo jurisls of llo prosonl limos vouId bo cIassiod in llis calogory,
llal is, vloro llo lilIo jurisl can bo assignod lo llom. Wo nd
il oxlromoIy dicuIl lo cIassify our judgos vlo man llo courls in
llis calogory oillor, as lloy lavo no lraining in IsIamic Iav.
In vlal is lo foIIov, vo may fooI llo nood lo aIlor lloso grados in
ordor lo mako llomconformlo roaIily. Tloso grados voro idonliod by
Ialor jurisls according lo lloir ovn undorslanding, so lloro is nolling
binding aboul llo dolaiIs, lovovor, llo idoa ilsoIf is sound.
3.3.2 The Hierarchy of Issues Within a School
Somo vrilors lavo orronoousIy slalod llal ijtihd is a sourco of Is-
Iamic Iav. Ior llo mujtahid, il is a procoss, llo oorl llal lo oxponds,
for llo dorivalion of llo Iav. Ior llo faqh, il is llo rosuIl of llo ijtihd
llal is a sourco, nol llo ijtihd ilsoIf. Tlo oulpul or llo rosuIl of ijti-
hd is llo rocord of llo docisions givon by llo mujtahid. Il providos llo
procodonls roquirod by llo faqh.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
32 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
In llo H
anaf sclooI, llo rsl sucl sourco aro llo books caIIod
llo Z
hir al-Riwyah vrillon and compiIod by Imm Mul
ammad aI-
Slaybn. Tloso aro foIIovod by ollors as slovn boIov:
1. Masil al-Us
l or llo Z
hir al-Riwyah. Tloso aro books llal rocord
nol onIy llo opinions of llo Ioading jurisls of llo H
anaf sclooI,
bul aIso lloso of ollor Ioading jurisls Iiko Ibn Ab IayI and aI-
Avz. Tlo rsl book is caIIod Kitb al-As
l or al-Mabst
. Tlis is
llo rsl book on IsIamic Iav, and mosl of llo opinions rocordod
lloro aro lo bo found loday in llo H
anaf sclooI or ovon in ollor
Sunni sclooIs.
Tlo ollor books undor llis loading aro: al-Ziydt (vill a lugo
commonlary), al-Jmi al-S
aghr, al-Jmi al-Kabr, al-Siyar al-S
and al-Siyar al-Kabr. AII lloso books lavo boon caIIod Z
hir al-
Riwyah as lloy roprosonl llo mosl aullonlic formuIalion of llo
sclooI. Wlal vo moan by llis is llal llo mollodoIogy usod in
lloso books is doniloIy llal of llo rsl jurisls of llo sclooI and
lloso books lavo como dovn lo us llrougl a conlinuous narra-
2. Masil al-Nawdir. Tloso aro casos narralod in books ollor llan
llo Z
hir al-Riwyah.
3. Tlo fatw and al-wqit. Tloso aro opinions of Ialor jurisls, or
llo faqhs on casos nol conlainod in llo books Iislod al (1) and (2)
Tlo ruIo for llo abovo loxls is llal llo issuos (ruIos and ruIings) in
llo rsl calogory aro lo bo proforrod ovor lloso in llo socond and llird
calogory, in caso lloro is a conlradiclion.
Tlo Z
hir al-Riwyah voro summarisod undor llo lilIo of al-Kf. Il is
on llis summary llal sovoraI imporlanl vorks by Ialor jurisls voro con-
slruclod. Ior oxampIo, aI-Sarakls vrolo lis famous 3O voIumo book,
, as a commonlary on llis summary. Ab Bakr aI-Ksn aIso
roIios on il for lis al-Badi al-S
ani. Ialor books Iiko al-Hidyah by
aI-Marglinn roIy on llo originaI as voII as on Ialor commonlarios.
17. Ibn bidn, Rasm al-Muft, 19,Ibn bidn, Radd al-Muh
tr, 17O.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 33
Books in llo MIik and Sl sclooI llal can bo comparod lo
llo z
hir al-riwyah, llougl vrillon sixly lo sovonly yoars Ialor, aro al-
Mudawwanah al-Kubr by Sal
nn for llo MIik sclooI, and llo Kitb
al-Umm vrillon by aI-Sl limsoIf. Tlo Z
hir al-Riwyah, lovovor,
aro mucl moro oxlonsivo.
3.3.3 The Hierarchy of Texts Within a School
Tlo loxls of llo sclooI aro llo dioronl calogorios of vorks pro-
ducod by llo jurisls. In llo H
anaf sclooI, lloso aro llo oarIiosl caso
books of llo sclooI llal consisl of casos sollIod by Imm Ab H
and lis coIIoaguos. Tloso voro rocordod by Imm Mul
ammad. An-
ollor calogory is llal of llo procis or mukhtas
ars. Tloso books rocord
llo Iav llal is lo bo foIIovod. A llird calogory llal dovoIopod Ialor
aro caIIod llo fatw, vlicl roIy on llo mukhtas
ars, bul add addilionaI
casos nol covorod by llo mukhtas
ars. Commonlarios lavo boon vrillon
on aII llroo calogorios of books and may bo said lo forma soparalo cIass.
Tlo doscriplion llal foIIovs is oxcorplod from llo inlroduclion lo our
lransIalion of aI-Marglnns Hidyah. Tlo dolaiIod doscriplion may
bo moro usofuI for lloso inloroslod in llo naluro of llo loxls.
Il is voII knovn llal llo rsl vorks on IsIamic Iav aro lloso vril-
lon by ImmMul
ammad (God bIoss lim).
Somo of lloso vorks voro
roforrod lo as llo Z
hir al-Riwyah. ScloIars assign sovoraI moanings lo
llis lorm, lovovor, llo moaning vo aro inloroslod in is llal llo Z
al-Riwyah aro llo proforrod ruIos fromamong llo dioronl narralions
of llo ruIos. Imm Mul
ammads vorks, bosidos llo ruIings of Ab
anfal, Ab Ysuf and Mul
ammad aI-Slaybn (limsoIf), incIudo a
Iargo numbor of ollor viovs. Tlo ollor viovs rocordod aro, for oxam-
pIo, lloso of Zufar, Ibrlm aI-Nakla, Ibn Ab IayI, Ab Tlavr, and
aI-Avz (God bIoss llom aII). A syslom of Iav llal prosonls sucl a
varioly of opinions is dicuIl lo foIIov, unIoss somo ruIos aro closon
for praclico. AccordingIy, aflor rocording llo ruIings of dioronl jurisls,
Imm Mul
ammad limsoIf idonliod somo of lloso ruIos llal voro lo
bo foIIovod by llo poopIo. Tloso ruIos voro roforrod lo as llo z
18. Imm MIiks al-Muwat
a and Kitb al-thr by Imm Ab Ysuf cannol bo
lroalod as books of IsIamic Iav propor. Wo do nol visl lo dvoII on a Iisl of Imm
ammads vorks and llo dolaiIs associalod vill llom. Tloso aro voII knovn
and lavo boon rocordod by us in our vorks on IsIamic jurisprudonco, and by oll-
ors in simiIar vorks.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
34 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
ruIos or llo ruIos proforrod for compIianco. Tloso ruIos voro primariIy
rocordod in Kitb al-As
l or al-Mabst
. Tlo rocording of proforrod opin-
ions doos nol moan llal ollor ruIings voro nol rocordod in llis book.
Il is in al-Jmi al-S
aghr, lovovor, llal Imm Mul
ammad focusod on-
liroIy on llo proforrod ruIos llal voro lo bo foIIovod by llo vorslippor
as voII as llo qd
. In facl, lo focusos moslIy on ruIos llal loIp doaI
vill vioIalions so llal a ruIing (fatw), or a docision, can bo givon lo
ono vlo sooks il. Tlus, vo do nol nd a doscriplion of wud
or s
alt in
al-Jmi al-S
aghr. According lo AIImal aI-Iaklnav (God bIoss lim),
lo did nol monlion lloso ruIos llal voro foIIovod day in and day oul
by ovory MusIim. Tlo book vas diroclod onliroIy al praclico (of llo
jurisl), llo ollor dolaiIs couId bo acquirod from Kitb al-As
l. Al-Jmi
aghr vas llo rsl summary or prcis in IsIamic Iav llal Iislod onIy
lloso slalomonls of llo ruIos llal voro lo bo foIIovod.
Tlo socond
sucl summary vas al-Siyar al-S
aghr, aIso by Imm Mul
ammad. Tlo
croalion of lloso summarios slovs llo ossonliaI lask of a madhhab or
sclooI of Iav: llo bringing of uniformily inlo llo Iav by idonlifying
lloso ruIos, llo z
hir al-riwyah, oul of a losl of ruIings, llal voro lo bo
foIIovodin praclico by llo sclooI. Tloso oarIy summarios voro nol vory
comprolonsivo, bocauso lloso voro aIso llo oarIy days of llo sclooI, il
lad nol acquirod sucionl malurily.
Tlo lorm mukhtas
ar appoars lo lavo boon usod for a ruIo book rsl
by aI-Muzan (God bIoss lim). Ho diod in 264 A.H., and il is possibIo
llal sucl books voro vrillon boforo lis limo. His Mukhtas
ar is usuaIIy
pubIislod vill Imm aI-Sls Kitb al-Umm. In llo H
anaf sclooI,
lloroforo, il vas naluraI llal aI-Muzans noplov, aI-T
v, slouId
19. Al-Jmi al-S
aghr vas roporlod by Imm Mul
ammad onliroIy on llo aullorily of
Imm Ab Ysuf. Tlis adds lo ils slrongll. Imm Mul
ammad basod llo vork
on forly kitbs, lovovor, lo did nol mako bbs or claplors villin lloso kitbs.
Tlis vork vas undorlakon by Imm Ab T
lir aI-Dabbs. As lo vly llis book
vas rocommondodfor momorisalion dopondodupon llo naluro of llo casos mon-
lionod. Tloso roprosonlodsomo of llo coro issuos sollIodbyllo sclooI. According
lo somo jurisls, llo issuos of llis book voro loId in vory ligl osloom and il vas
doomod nocossary llal no ono bo aIIovod lo bocomo a qd
or pormillod lo issuo
a fatw, unIoss lo lad undorslood llo issuos of llis book. AIImal aI-Iaklnav
las Iislod aboul forly jurisls vlo vrolo commonlarios on llis book, and lloso aro
aII llo voII knovn jurisls vloso vorks vo sludy loday.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 35
uso llo lormrsl.
Aflor llis, llo vriling of mukhtas
ars bocamo a rogu-
Iar foaluro, vlollor or nol llis lilIo vas usod. Somo of llo voII knovn
ars of llo H
anaf sclooI aro llo foIIoving:
1. Al-Jmi al-S
aghr and al-Siyar al-S
aghr by Imm Mul
ammad aI-
Slaybn (d. 189 A.H.). Tloso lavo boon doscribod abovo.
2. Mukhtas
ar al-T
w by aI-T
v (d. 321 A.H.). Ho bogins vill
llo slalomonl llal llo book conlains ruIos llal cannol bo ignorod
or vloso knovIodgo musl bo acquirod. In lloso mukhtas
ars, llo
clain of lransmission of qh coming dovn fromllo oarIior Imms
vas mainlainod.
3. Al-Kf by H
kim aI-Slald (d. 334 A.H.). Tlis vas llo loxl
closon by Imm aI-Sarakls (God bIoss lim) for lis 3O voIumo
commonlary, al-Mabst
. AI-Maravaz croalod llis book by sum-
marising Kitb al-As
l and llo lvo Jmis llrougl llo oIiminalion
of Ionglly narralions and somo ropolilions.
4. Mukhtas
ar al-Karkh by Imm aI-Karkl (d. 34O A.H.), llo famous
anaf jurisl, vlo is aIso llo aullor of Us
l al-Karkh. Wo lavo nol
lad llo opporlunily lo oxamino llis book, bul jurisls oflon quolo
il in lloir vorks.
5. Mukhtas
ar al-Jas
by aI-}as
(d. 37O A.H.). Ho vas aI-Karkls
6. Mukhtas
ar al-Qudr by aI-Qudr. Tlis vas llo loxl closon
by aI-Marglnn for lis ovn Mukhtas
ar. AI-Qudr (d. 43O
A.H.) ordorod llo claplors in lis book according lo aI-T
book and nol according lo Imm Mul
ammads al-Jmi al-S
AI-Qudr is said lo lavo vrillon a commonlary on aI-Karkls
7. Tuh
fat al-Fuqah by aI-Samarqand (d. 538 A.H.). Ho vas aI-
Ksns loaclor and lis fallor-in-Iav. Tlo book is liglIy orga-
nizod and a slricl appIicalion of llo lorm mukhtas
ar viII oxcIudo
il from llis calogory.
2O. His book is caIIod Mukhtas
ar al-T
21. Tlo Aullor, lovovor, says llal lo las brougll in addilionaI issuos llal voro nol
incIudod by aI-Qudr, and llal lo las lriod lo romovo llo dicuIlios oncoun-
lorod in sludying aI-Qudr. Iurllor, lo las providod llo adillah (ovidoncos) and
argumonls in briof.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
36 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
8. Bidyat al-Mubtadi by aI-Marglnn (d. 593 A.H.). Tlis is llo
matn of vlicl al-Hidyah is llo commonlary.
9. Al-Hw by Najm aI-Dn aI-Turk (d. 652 A.H.).
1O. Al-Fiqh al-N by Ns
ir aI-Dn aI-Samarqand.
Aflor llis lloro vas an abundanco of sucl loxls andvlal vo mon-
lion boIov aro jusl a fov of llo voII knovn loxls.
11. Al-Mukhtr lil-Fatw by aI-Mavs
iI (d. 683 A.H.). Tlo common-
lary on llis matn is vrillon by al-Maws
il limsoIf and is caIIod
al-Ikkhtiyr. Tlis loxl is usod in aI-Azlar.
12. Majma al-Bah
rayn by aI-Sl (d. 694 A.H.)
13. Kanz al-Daqiq by aI-Nasaf (d. 71O A.H.).
14. Wiqyat al-Riwyah f Masil al-Hidyah by Burln aI-Slaral
md ibn Sadr aI-Slaral (d. 747 A.H.). As llo lilIo slovs,
il vas a summary proparod from aI-Hidyal ilsoIf, nol onIy ils
matn. S
adr aI-Slaral aI-Tln (d. 747 A.H.), llo grandson and
sludonl of llis aullor, summarisod llo summary furllor, caIIing
il al-Nuqyah, and vrolo a commonlary on il as voII.
Somo of llo loxls llal aro usod by llo madris for loacling, roforrod lo as
llo acknovIodgod loxls (mutn mutabarah), aro lloso monlionod al (6),
(11), (13) and (14). Somo add (12) lo llis Iisl. In llo grados monlionod
abovo, lloso jurisls, llo aullors of llo mutn mutabarah, aro roforrod
lo as muqallids. Tloy cannol profor opinions, bul lavo llo abiIily lo
idonlify llo slrong opinions llal aro lo bo foIIovod, llal is, opinions
proforrod by lloso in llo liglor grados. In our viov, proforonco slouId
bo givon lo Bidyat al-Mubtadi as llo matn for loacling purposos and
lloroaflor al-Hidyah slouId bo usod as a commonlary lo undorsland
llo ruIos, as vo oIaboralo boIov. Iurllor, Mukhtas
ar al-Qudr is in-
cIudod villin Bidyat al-Mubtadi.
Tlo mukhtas
ars Iislod abovo and ovon lloso llal aro nol Iislod form
a Iinkod clain. Eacl mukhtas
ar borrovs from llo ono llal procodos il.
In llis clain, proforonco is usuaIIy givon lo lloso opinions llal camo
rsl. Tlo allompl boing lo commonco llo slalomonl of llo ruIos vill
llo opinions of llo oarIior Imms. Tlis conforms vill llo syslom of
procodonls in IsIamic Iav. In Islamic law, the precedents assigned priority
are those that were laid down rst and not those that came later. Tlo rovorso
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 37
ordor is foIIovod in llo common Iav, vill llo Ialosl docision boing
givon procodonco.
Tlo prosumplion in IsIamic Iav is llal llo doci-
sions arrivod al oarIior aro cIosor lo llo us
vliIo lloso llal camo
Ialor aro lo bo landIod vill caulion. Tloso vlo aro inloroslod in llis
lopic may oxamino llo vrilings of Ibn bidn on llo subjocl. Tlis sys-
lom of procodonls allaclos signicanco lo clains coming dovn from
llo oarIior imms, so as lo dislinguisl llo aullonlic from llo spurious
and llo slrong from llo voak.
Tloro is yol anollor foaluro llal vo considor mosl imporlanl, and
lo oxpIain il vo lavo lo go back lo llo groal Imm (Ab H
anfal) and
lis discipIos. Roscoo Iound, in lis vo voIumo vork on jurisprudonco,
quolos from HamiIlons lransIalion of llo Hidyah and says llal llis
is llo boginning of llo caso mollod of sludying Iav.
In our viov,
llis vas nol llo boginning of llo caso mollod, rallor llo boginning
vas mado by Imm Mul
ammad in lis voII knovn books, vlicl in
lurn roocls llo lromondous oorl mado by llo Ioarnod Imm and lis
loaclors. Il is bocauso of llis conlribulion aIono llal lo is rigllIy caIIod
llo groalosl (Az
am) Imm. Imm aI-Sarakls aflor praising llo Imm
says llo foIIoving:
AI-Sl (GodbIoss lim) is roporlodlo lavo said, Tlo poo-
pIo (jurisls) aro aII dopondanls of Ab H
anfal (God bIoss
lim) in qh. Ibn Surayj (God bIoss lim), vlo vas a Ioador
among llo companions of aI-Sl (God bIoss lim), las ro-
porlod llal a man crilicisod Ab H
anfal, so aI-Sl caIIod
lim and said lo lim, O so and so, you criliciso a porson lo
vlom llo onliro ummah concodos llroo-fourlls of knovI-
odgo vlon lo doos nol concodo lo llom ovon ono-fourll.
Tlo man said, And lov is llal` Ho ropIiod, Fiqh is quos-
lions and rosponsos (llrougl llo formalion of casos) and lo
is llo ono vlo aIono formuIalod llo quoslions, llus, laIf llo
22. Tlis is a vondorfuI lopic for rosoarcl.
23. Tlal is, lloy voro dorivod by lloso vlo lad groalor knovIodgo of llo ovidoncos,
as lloy voro cIoso lo llo poriod of llo Iroplol (God bIoss lim and granl lim
poaco) and voro moro procionl in llo uso of us
l llal lloy lad Iaid dovn
24. Tlo inlroduclion of llo caso mollod of sludy in Amorican Iav sclooIs is al-
lribulod lo IangdoII and Amos.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
38 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
knovIodgo is surrondorod lo lim. Tloroaflor, lo ansvorod
aII llo quoslions
and ovon lis oppononls do nol say llal
lo orrod in aII lis ansvors. Wlon llal in vlicl lloy agrood
vill lim is comparod vill vlal lloy dispulod vill lim,
llroo-fourlls is surrondorod lo lim.
Tlo romaining
slarod by limvill aII ollor jurisls.
Tlo porson roponlod
from vlal lo lad said.
Wlalovor llo sourco of llis slory, ils impIicalion is lruo. Tlo vords
quoslions and rosponsos moans llo formuIalion of casos, acluaI or
lypollolicaI, for oxpIaining llo ruIos. Tlis is vlal llo Imm did aIong
vill lis discipIos.
Willoul lloso casos, qh vouId nol lavo boon un-
dorslood, noillor by llo H
anaf jurisls nor ovon by lloso of llo MIik
and Sl sclooIs, bul llal is anollor slory, vlicl is rocordod in llo
noxl soclion. Il is bocauso of lloso casos and llo associalod ruIos llal
aII jurisls aro dopondanls of Ab H
anfal Numn ibn Tlbil ibn Zl
(God bo pIoasod vill lim). Il is nol villoul roason llon llal AIImal
aI-Iaklnav says: wa m adrka m Ab H
Tlo vay llo ruIos aro oIaboralod in lloso vorks llrougl clains
of roIalod casos is simpIy oulslanding and liglIy soplislicalod. Tlis
mollod vas dovoIopod inlo an arl llal roaclod ils porfoclion in llo
vorks of jurisls Iiko aI-Sarakls, vlo addod a lromondous amounl of
supporling dolaiI lo lloso casos. TiII llal limo, IsIamic Iav vas a prac-
licaI Iav soIving probIoms, il noodod aII llis dolaiI. Today, vory fov
poopIo approcialo lloso casos or ovon road and bonol fromllis uniquo
mollod of oIaboraling llo Iav. Crodil for furllor organising llo casos
in llo Iigll of llo ruIos musl bo givon lo H
kim aI-Slald as voII. Nov-
orlloIoss, groal signicanco vas allaclod lo llo sludy of llo dolaiIod
casos by llo oarIior jurisls. Tlo idoa is caplurod in anollor slory. Ab
I Mul
ammad ibn Mul
ammad ibn Al
mad, aI-H
kim aI-Slald,
vlo vas a qd
, vrolo lvo books: al-Muntaq and al-Kf. Tlo Iallor
25. Tlal is, sollIod llo casos.
26. Ono-laIf for framing llo iniliaI casos and anollor ono-fourll for llo rigll
27. Ono-fourll.
28. Duo lo llo possibiIily llal lo may lavo issuod llo corrocl ruIings ovon in somo of
29. Tloso vlo dosign casos loday, for caso sludios, knovllal llis is nol an oasy lask.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 39
is llo prcis proparod from Imm Mul
ammad aI-Slaybns al-Mabst
and llo lvo Jmis. Tloro is no mollod moro povorfuI llan llis for llo
loacling of qh. Il is aIso llo mollod llal dominalod llo scono for a
Iong limo, unliI llo appoaranco of llo IiloraIisls.
Ibn bidn las givon a fovvords of varning vlon il comos lo con-
suIling Ialor books. His loxl is roproducod boIov:
As you lavo knovn llo obIigalion lo foIIov llo proforrod
opinion oul of llo various opinionsknov llon llal mosl
of llo vordicls landod oul loday by moroIy roforring lo
llo books of llo Ialor jurisls aro nol lruslvorlly, ospo-
ciaIIy llo unvoriod vordicls in books Iiko Sharh
by aI-Qulisln, al-Durr al-Mukhtr, and al-Ashbh wa al-
irfor lloy conlain in many casos llo proforonco of
a rojoclod opinion and llo proforonco of llal vlicl is llo
opinion of anollor sclooI, nol proforrod by anyono in llis
Tlo lransmission of an opinion may occur in aboul 2O books
of llo Ialor jurisls and sliII llo opinion may bo incorrocl as
llo rsl jurisl las orrod and lloso coming aflor lim lavo
lransmillod llo opinion from lim.
Ibn bidn is lrying lo loII us llal a caso slouId rsl bo lracod in
llo oarIiosl books, and llon in llo Ialor. Wlon a caso is found, il noods
lo bo subjoclod lo voricalion. Tlis voricalion moans dolormining llo
undorIying ruIo. Willoul lracing llo ruIo ompIoyod, llo faqh can novor
bo suro lov llo nov caso is lo bo sollIod. Tlo lracing of llo ruIo is
a procoss llal is idonlicaI lo lracing llo ruIo and ratio decidendi from
a sorios of casos in modorn Iav and soparaling il from llo obiter dicta.
Tlis procoss is llo ossonco of llo mollodoIogy of takhrj. Tlo ruIo onco
oxlraclod is usod lo sollIo llo novcaso. Il is aIso a procoss llal llo muft
noods lo acquiro boforo lo can bo caIIod a lruo muft.
3O. Tlo abovo passagos lavo boon roproducod from llo inlroduclion lo our lransIa-
lionof llo Hidyah. BurlanaI-DnAbBakr Marglnn, al-Hidyah: The Guidance,
lrans. Imran Alsan Nyazoo, 4 voIs. (BrisloI: AmaI Iross, 2OO6), voI. 1, xiii-xvii.
31. Ibn bidn, Rasm al-Muft, 13.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
4O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
3.4 The Integral Bond Between the Four Sunni Schools
Tloro is a saying llal vas and is curronl among llo H
anaf jurisls:
Tlo sood of llo discipIino of qh vas sovn by Ibn Masd (R), irrigalod
by AIqamal (R), larvoslod by aI-Nakla (R), llroslod by H
(R), miIIod by Ab H
anfal (R), knoadod by Ab Ysuf (R), bakod by
ammad (R), and aII llo jurisls parlako of llis broad.
Tlo lrull
of llis slalomonl cannol bo doniod by anyono. In facl, vo vouId Iiko
lo add lo llo foIIoving vords lo llis quolalion: And garnislod by aI-
Sarakls (R).
As las aIroady boon oxpIainod, llo sclooIs of IsIamic Iav aro nol
socls, lloy aro sysloms of inlorprolalion. Eacl sclooI las ils ovn indo-
pondonl sol of principIos, vlicl cannol bo mixod up vill llo principIos
of ollor sclooIs villoul causing innor conlradiclions and anaIylicaI in-
consisloncios. Tlo sol of principIos adoplod by oacl sclooI is foIIovod
by llo jurisls villin llo sclooI. Il is obvious llal llo uso of anollor sol
of principIos, of anollor sclooI, may Ioad lo a dioronl IogaI opinion
on llo dorivod Iav. Dospilo lloso dioroncos, an inlograI bond oxisls
bolvoon llo sclooIs boll in llo aroa of qh as voII as us
l al-qh. In
llis soclion, vo viII oxpIain llo naluro of llis inlograI bond or organic
Iink. Tlo Iink slovs llal llo sclooIs dovoIopod llrougl an iniliaI of-
forl by llo H
anaf sclooI and Ialor by muluaI cooporalion of aII llo four
Wo may rocaII from llo lislory of IsIamic Iav llal Kufal, a cily in
Iraq, graduaIIy lurnod inlo a conlro of qh and Ioarning. Tlo foundalion
for llis vas Iaid by llo docision of Imar (R), vlo sonl Abd AIIl ibn
Masd (R) (d. 32 A.H.) as a loaclor and qd
for llis aroa. Tlis Ioarnod
Companion (R) lrainod a Iargo numbor of jurisls, vlo in lurn producod
sludonls many of vlomallainod groal famo. Among lloso jurisls voro
AIqamal aI-Nakla, lis noplov Ibrlm aI-Nakla, Qd
and H
ammd ibn Ab SuIaymn.
Tlo foundor of llo H
anaf SclooI vas Ab H
anfal Numn ibn
Tlbil ibn Zl
al, possibIy of Afglan origin. Imam Ab H
anfal vas
born in Kufal in llo yoar 8O A.H. (699 A.D.) and diod in 15O A.H. (767
A.D.). Ho is aIso caIIod Imm Az
am or llo Groal Imm. Ho bogan lis
oarIy oducalion in scloIaslics (kalm) and Ialor dovoIopod an inlorosl
32. Ibn bidn (God bIoss lim) quoling aI-H
askaf. Ibn bidn, Radd al-Muh
tr, 141.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 41
for jurisprudonco undor llo lulorslip of lis Slaykl, H
ammd ibn Ab
SuIaymn (d. 12O A.H.).
Ho vas a loxliIo morclanl by profossion and il is said llal duo lo llis
roason lis qh roocls lis praclicaI approacl lo IogaI probIoms. Ab
anfal vas Ialor givon llo lilIo of llo Ioador of llo sclooI of AlI aI-
Ray. Ho is roporlodlo lavo mol somo Companions (R) as voII, foromosl
amongsl llomis Anas ibn MIik. In llis sonso, lo vas a IoIIovor of llo
Companions (R).
Oul of llo pupiIs of Ab H
anfal, four aro famous, lloy voro: Ab
Ysuf Yaqb ibn Ibrlm aI-Ans
r (113182 A.H.), Zufar ibn Hud-
layI ibn Qays (11O158 A.H.), Mul
ammad ibn aI-H
asan ibn Iarqd
aI-Slaybn (132189 A.H.), and H
asan ibn Ziyd aI-IuI. Tlrougl
lloso discipIos, llo famo of llo H
anaf sclooI sproad far and vido. Ab
Ysuf vas appoinlodjudgo inBagldadandIalor bocamo llo Cliof Qd

vill aullorily lo appoinl judgos aII ovor llo kingdom. Ho, llus, lad
llo opporlunily lo propagalo llo sclooI of llo groal Imm.
asanaI-Slaybn, vlo musl lavo boon18 yoars
oId vlon Ab H
anfal diod, lakos llo crodil for rocording nol onIy llo
rsl books of llo H
anaf sclooI, bul aIso lloso of llo onliro IsIamic IogaI
syslom. Tlo books vrillon by lim voro of lvo lypos: llo rsl voro
caIIod z
hir al-riwyah or books of llo primary issuos, vliIo llo socond
voro caIIod al-nawdir or unusuaI casos. In addilion lo llo abovo, lo
vrolo Kitb al-H
ujjah al Ahl al-Madnah, a book on llo uso of lradilions,
and anollor book on lradilions caIIod al-thr. His vorsion of MIiks
a is aIso considorod liglIy roIiabIo. Ab Ysuf aIso vrolo a
book on lradilions caIIod al-thr, and lis Kitb al-Kharj is vory voII
knovn. Tlo abovo books form llo foundalion of H
anaf qh.
Tlo dislinclivo foaluro of Imm Mul
ammads books and lonco
lloso of llo H
anaf sclooI is llal lloy rocord qh in llo form of issuos
and casos. Somo of lloso voro vlal aro caIIod lypollolicaIs in Iav
sclooIs loday. HypollolicaIs aro carofuIIy proparod casos for imparl-
ing inslruclion. Imm Ab H
anfal is crodilod vill llo croalion of aII
llo issuos and casos, vlicl run in lundrods of llousands. Il is obvious
llal somo of llo casos lad como dovn from lis loaclors, vliIo ollors
musl lavo boon brougll up by lis abIo discipIos. NovorlloIoss, llo ar-
rangomonl, ronomonl and organizalion of lloso casos is llo vork of
llis groal jurisl, duo lo vlicl lo oarnod llo lilIo of Imm Az
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
42 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Il is lloso casos and issuos, and llo roIalod caso-mollod, llal las
Iod lo llo dovoIopmonl of qh and IsIamic Iav. Tloy voro doomod so
imporlanl llal jurisls nol boIonging lo llo H
anaf sclooI aIso Ialclod on
lo llomand lriod lo givo lloir ovn viovs according lo llo principIos of
inlorprolalion proforrod by llom. To undorsland llis procoss and lov
llo Iink vas oslabIislod vo may brioy nolo somo poinls aboul lov
llo dovoIopmonl of llo Iav look pIaco.
1. Tlo Iav as vo knov il loday (and by llal vo roaIIy moan lo-
day) bogan lo cryslaIIiso around llo yoar 1OO AH. Il bocamo an
organizod and maluro syslom by llo yoar 132 AH vlon llo Im-
mayyads Iosl povor. Il vas llo H
anafs vlo lad dovoIopod llis
Iav. Tlo ollor sclooIs lad nol ovon como inlo oxislonco as yol.
2. Imm Ab Ysuf, as llo Cliof }uslico of llo Abbasids, and com-
panions coIIaboraling vill llo ruIors ronod llo syslom and
rocordod llo opinions nol onIy of lloir ovn sclooI, bul lloso of
ollor voII knovn jurisls as voII Iiko aI-Avz, Ibn Ab IayI and
3. Tlo dovoIopmonl of llo ollor sclooIs foIIovod ovor llo noxl lvo
conlurios. Tlo MIik sclooI omorgod inlo prominonco vill llo
vrilings of Salnn, vliIo ImmaI-Slfs sclooI vas givon somo
slapo by aI-Muzan. Tlis lapponod ono lundrod yoars aflor
Imm Ab H
anfals doall in 15O AH.
4. SclooIs Iiko lloso of aI-Tabar and llo Z
lirs bocamo oxlincl.
5. Tlo H
anbaI sclooI bocamo oxlincl, bul vas rovivod by Ibn
Taymiyyal and Ibn Qayyim lovards llo middIo of llo 8ll con-
lury of llo Hijral.
6. Tlo sound compiIalions of lradilions, Iiko llo S
of Imm aI-
Buklr, slarlod appoaring aImosl ono lundrod and llirly yoars
aflor naIizalion of llo Iav of llo H
anaf sclooI.
7. Tlo rsl compiIalion of lradilions is llal by Imm MIik. Tlo
rsl book on us
l al-qh vas vrillon by Imm aI-Sl. Qawid
qhiyyah vas vrillon by aI-Karkl, aIllougl lloso voro dorivod
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 43
from llo vrilings of Imm Mul
ammad. Ollor compiIalions of
lloso qawid, il is said, oxislod mucl boforo llal.
8. Tlo lloory of inlorosls or llo purposos of llo Iavslarlodomorg-
ing a IillIo boforo aI-GlazIs limo and vas fuIIy dovoIopod by
9. Tlo sixll and llo sovonll conlurios voro a poriod of groal croaliv-
ily. Somo say llal il vas in lloso conlurios llal taqld sol in. Tlis
is nol lruo.
1O. Somo of llo mosl povorfuI vorks voro producod by llo jurisls of
vlal aro nov caIIod llo ConlraI Asian Slalos.
Tlo lrull is llal mosl of llo oarIior aullorilalivo books of llo ollor
sclooIs aro a rosponso lo vlal is rocordod in Imm Mul
books. Al-Mudawwanah al-Kubr of llo MIik sclooI compiIod by aI-
nn is a rosponso lo llo ruIings givon in llo abovo books. Mucl
of aI-Sls vork is aIso in rosponso lo lloso vorks. Imm aI-Sl,
il is voII knovn, slayod vill Imm Mul
ammad and acquirod knovI-
odgo from lim. Tlis is rooclod in lis books vloro lo rofors again
and again lo llo docisions of llo H
anaf sclooI, ovon vlon lo dis-
agroos vill llom. On many occasions, ono nds lim disagrooing vill
Ab H
anfal, bul adopling llo viovs of llo ollor jurisls of llo H
sclooI, ospociaIIy lloso of Zufar. Tlo MIik vork al-Mudawwanah al-
Kubr oxprossIy acknovIodgos llal lloy aro giving lloir ovn viovs on
llo H
anaf (Iraqi) casos. Tlo guro boIov slovs llis Iink aIong vill
llo dalos of dovoIopmonl. Wo may Iisl lloso poinls as foIIovs:
1. Tlo Hana SclooI, as aIroady oxpIainod, vas llo rsl lo dovoIop
llo Iav syslomalicaIIy on llo basis of vlal lloy lad inlorilod
from llo Companions and lloir sludonls in llo form of issuos or
2. Tlo H
anaf sclooI, vill llo oxcoplion of llo Imm, vorkod in
coIIaboralion vill llo ruIors. In somo poriods, sucl coIIaboralion
docroasod, bul il did conlinuo in ono form or anollor rigll up lo
llo limo of llo Olloman Turks. AccordingIy, llis is llo sclooI
mosl oxporioncod in llo adminislralion of juslico.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
44 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
3. An oxaminalion of llo oarIior sourcos of llo ollor sclooIs slovs
llal lloy dovoIopod in roaclion lo, or in rosponso lo, llo vork
dono by llo H
anaf sclooI by giving ruIings on llo issuos
rocordod in Imm Mul
ammads vorks. Il is said llal Imm aI-
Sl lad momorisod llo onliro Kitb al-As
l. Tloro is a conslanl
roforonco lo llo H
anaf sclooI in lis vorks. In llo caso of llo
MIik sclooI, al-Muwat
a is llo rsl book lo bo vrillon by any
MusIim jurisl, bul il is nol roaIIy a manuaI of qh. Tlo rsl au-
llorilalivo book of llis sclooI is al-Mudawwana al-Kubr vrillon
by Sal
nn. Tlis book oxprossIy monlions llal il conlains llo ruI-
ings givon by Ibn aI-Qsim on llo issuos raisod by llo jurisls of
Kufa, llal is, llo H
anafs. Tloso ruIings voro issuod according lo
llo principIos of inlorprolalion adoplod by llo MIik sclooI. Tlo
anbaI sclooI dovoIopod by borroving from aII llroo sclooIs.
Kitab al-Asl
al-Siyar al-Kabir
al-Siyar al-Saghir
and others
Kitab al-Umm
Ikhtilaf al-Hadith
al-Mudawwanah al-Kubrah
150 AH
204 AH
240 AH
Developed by
Later Followers of
Imam Ahmad
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 45
SimiIar dovoIopmonls can bo slovn for us
l al-qh as voII, and
anyono vlo las road moduIo I carofuIIy musl lavo nolicod llis. AI-
llougl il vas Imm Sl vlo vrolo llo rsl book, llo conlribu-
lions of H
anafs Iiko }as
and aI-Dabbs cannol bo ovorIookod. Il
vas }as
vlo roaIIy dovoIopod llo concopl of bayn in llo Iigll of llo
viovs of lis loaclor aI-Karkl, aIllougl vo allribulo llo origin of llo
idoa lo ImmaI-Sl. Il vas aI-Dabbs vlo roaIIy organizod llo dis-
cipIino of us
l al-qh and sol a pallorn llal is foIIovod by aII Ialor books,
ovon liII loday.
Tlo concIusion vo may dravis llal llo four Sunn sclooIs aro aclu-
aIIy Iiko ono Iargo famiIy, aIllougl lloy novIivo in soparalo lousos duo
lo llo dioronl sol of ruIos of inlorprolalion adoplod by llom. Tloso
ruIos aro so cruciaI llal poopIo from ono louso can visil ollor lousos,
bul cannol slay lloro or borrov from llom. Tloy can, lovovor, movo
lo llo ollor lousos pormanonlIy if lloy Iiko.
A vord of caulion is nocossary loro. By sloving a vory cIoso bond
bolvoon llo sclooIs, aro vo saying llal aII llo four sclooIs aro oquaIIy
vaIid rondilions of llo Iavand vo may frooIy movo among llomvlon-
ovor vo Iiko` Tlo ansvor is: corlainIy nol! Tlo onIy concIusion is llal
if ono movos compIoloIy lo anollor sclooI lloro is no probIom and
lo can do so, vlollor llis porson is a jurisl or a Iayman. As for llo rosl
of llo impIicalion in llis idoa of oquaIIy vaIid, llo roador viII lavo lo
vail liII vo roacl llo lopic.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 4
In llis claplor, vo viII lry lo assoss somo of llo doscriplions providod
by llo Ialor jurisls aboul lov taqld vorks villin a sclooI. In facl, vo
viII quoslion somo of llo assorlions so llal vo can arrivo al a bollor
4.1 The Necessity of a School
Tlo groal H
anaf jurisl aI-Dabbs says llal taqld is llo capilaI
sum of llo ignoranl, vlo doos nol mako an oorl duo lo lis inlor-
onl Iazinoss lo Ioarn lov lo undorlako ijtihd, bocauso polonliaIIy lo
can if lo acquiros llo skiIIs. Tlis Iazinoss, vlicl vo lransIalo as llo
nocossily or nood for spociaIizalion, Iod llo oarIior jurisls lo croalo sys-
loms llrougl vlicl ilm vouId bo prosorvod and llo nood of llo ovor
incroasing MusIimpopuIalion for guidanco vouId bo mol. Ho oxpIains
llo silualion as foIIovs:
Tlo poopIo in llo rsl gonoralion, by vlicl I moan llo Com-
panions, lloir IoIIovors, and llo virluous, may AIIal bo
pIoasod vill llom aII, basod lloir aclions on a h
ujjah (IogaI
proof). Tloy usod lo acquiro llis from llo Book, llon from
llo Sunnal and lloroaflor from llo viovs of lloso vlo foI-
Iovod llo Mossongor of AIIal (pbul), and lloso voro viovs
vaIidIy basod on a h
ujjah. Tlus, ono porson vouId adopl llo
viovof Imar (God bo pIoasod vill lim) on an issuo, lloro-
aflor lo vouId go againsl llis on llo basis of llo viov of
AI (God bo pIoasod vill lim) in anollor issuo. Il is provod
and rmIy oslabIislod llal llo companions of Ab H
(God bo pIoasod vill lim) agrood vill lis viov al limos
and vouId opposo il on ollor occasions in accordanco vill
vlal bocamo apparonl lo llom on llo basis of a h
48 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Tlo sclooI (in lloso limos) vas nol llal of Imar (R) or of
AI (R), rallor llo alrribulion vas aII lo llo Mossongor of
AIIal (pbul). Tloso voro llo gonoralions llal voro praisod
by llo Iroplol (pbul) as lloso mosl onlilIod lo bIossings.
Tloy usod lo Iook lovards llo h
ujjah and nol lovards lloir
ulam or lovards lloir porsonaI conviclions. Il vas in llo
fourll gonoralion, vlon taqw bogan lo fado avay from llo
gonoraI pubIic, and llo poopIo acquirod an inloronl Iazi-
noss in sooking a h
ujjah, llal lloy doomod lloir ulam as
llo h
ujjah. Tloy bogan foIIoving llom and somo bocamo
anafs, somo MIiks and somo Sls, llus idonlifying
llo h
ujjah as luman boings. Tlo vaIidily of sucl a boIiof
camo lo rosl in lloir boing born in a parlicuIar sclooI. Tloro-
aflor, oacl foIIoving gonoralion foIIovod ils ovn lim in
vlalovor vay lloy idonliod lim villoul making dislinc-
lions so mucl so llal llo oarIior praclicos voro convorlod
inlo innovalions and llo lrull vas Iosl amidsl dosiros.
Tlis may sound as a compIainl and as llo condomnalion of llo forma-
lion of sclooIs. Somo scloIars may bo lomplod lo concIudo llal lo con-
domnod taqld of aII lypos, ovon in llo caso of llo Iav. Tlis viII amounl
lo roading lim oul of conloxl. In roaIily, lo fuIIy arms llroo lypos of
taqld. Tlo rsl of lloso is llo taqld of llo Iroplol (pbul) and llis is
basod on our roason and llo rocognilion of llo miracIo. Tlo socond is
llo taqld vloro ono jurisl foIIovs anollor, bocauso il las appoarod lo
limllrougl roason llal llo ollor is moro quaIifod and knovIodgoabIo.
Tlo llird is llo taqld llal llo Iayman porforms vlon lo sooks llo viov
of llo jurisl, and llis loo is basod on roason as llo jurisl is rocognizod lo
lavo moril. If llis is lis viov aboul taqld, vlal llon is lis compIainl`
His compIainl is aboul nol sooking llo h
ujjah or IogaI roasoning
and accopling a scloIar as a jurisl villoul knoving vlal lis IogaI roa-
soning is, llal is, ovon if il is up lo llo mark. In ollor vords, foIIoving
a faco and nol llo moril in lis roasoning, vo nd llis boing dono vory
agrrossivoIy loday. Il is obvious llal sucl rocognilion viII como from
ollor jurisls and nol llo Iayman, vlo doos nol undorsland llo roason-
ing anyvay. Tlis is a cruciaI poinl and vo viII como back lo il lovards
llo ond of llis moduIo.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 49
Anollor causo of lis compIainl migll bo, and llis is moroIy our
porsonaI viov, llal lo vas saying llal lo las aII llo abiIilios of bo-
ing cIassiod among llo jurisls of llo fourll gonoralion al Ioasl, yol las
boon consignod lo llo posilion of a facoIoss jurisl. By fourll gonora-
lion, lo obviousIy moanl llo gonoralion of llo immodialo discipIos of
Imam Az
am, or llo ono foIIoving il. If llis is lis compIainl llon il
vas compIoloIy jusliod and gonuino, for lo vas indood a miglly ju-
risl. Wo considor il our soIomn duly lo acknovIodgo lis groalnoss loro.
Tlo MusIimImmal, and llal moans aII llo four Sunni sclooIs, ovos a
lugo dobl lo lim. Ho Iooms Iargo in llo vrilings of aI-Saraklsi jusl lo
doos in llo vorks of Imam aI-H
aramayn and aI-GlazI. In our viov,
lo vas llo roaI fallor of us
l al-qh as vo knov il loday. Il is our
considorod opinion llal Us
l al-Shsh, vlicl poopIo sludy so fondIy
loday, is in roaIily a summary of lis vork, bul las boon allribulod lo
aI-Slsl vlo Iivod boforo lis limo. IinaIIy, and llo roador migll lavo
nolicod llis, lo Iooms Iargo in aII llo moduIos of llis courso.
Moving from llis lo llo poinl of Iazinoss or llo inabiIily of oacl
individuaI lo sook llo h
ujjah limsoIf and bocomo a mujtahid, vo nd
llal llo nocossily and nood for spociaIizalion aroso. In facl, ovon dur-
ing llo limo of llo Companions (God bo pIoasod vill llom), poopIo
usod lo sook ruIings from llom, as is indicalod in llo abovo quolalion.
Tlis nood for spociaIizalion musl lavo bocomo moro aculo vill an in-
croaso in llo MusIim popuIalion as a rosuIl of llo sproad of IsIam inlo
dioronl roaIms. A Iargo numbor of jurisls voro obviousIy noodod lo
mool llis rapidIy incroasing nood, jurisls vlo vouId uIlimaloIy sproad
far and vido lo guido llo poopIo aboul llo roquiromonls of llo sharah.
Hov voro lloso jurisls lo bo lrainod` Wlal mollods of inlorprolalion
vouId lloy uso lo dorivo llo ruIos from llo loxls of llo Qurn and llo
Sunnal` Hov vas a uniformily of mollod lo bo mainlainod so llal
ruIings vouId nol bo vidoIy divorgonl` Sucl obvious quoslions musl
lavo croalod an aculo nood for solling up a syslom for lraining jurisls
and roguIaling lloir mollods.
Wo may safoIy concIudo llal llo foundalions of sucl a syslom,
vlicl vas diroIy noodod, voro Iaid vlon llo rsl group of sludonls
gallorod around llo Ioarnod Ibn Masd (God bo pIoasod vill lim).
Tloso rsl jurisls lrainod by Ibn Masd (God bo pIoasod vill lim) bo-
gan lraining ollors and llo clain camo dovn rigll lo Ab H
anfal by
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5O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
vloso limo somo slandardizod ruIos of inlorprolalion lad aIroady boon
oslabIislod. Tlo body of lloso ruIos of inlorprolalion adoplod or pro-
forrod by lim, and vlicl vo lavo lriod lo idonlify in llo provious mod-
uIos, bocamo llo syslom llal vas loncoforll lo bo caIIod llo H
sclooI. Il vas obviousIy agrood llal lloso vlo foIIovod llo Imm
vouId abido by llo ruIos of inlorprolalion (us
l al-qh) proforrod by llo
Imam, bul lloy voro froo lo dorivo ruIos ovon vlon lloy disagroodvill
llo Imm. Tlis llon is vlal acluaIIy lapponod. Tlo discipIos of Ab
anfal foIIovod lis syslom of inlorprolalion, bul lloy diorod vill
lis opinion on a poinl of llo dorivod Iav vlonovor anollor h
ujjah ap-
poarod slrongor lo llom or vlon lloir ovn IogaI roasoning Iod llom lo
a dioronl ruIo. Wo lavo aIroady lracod llo roasons for disagroomonl
among lloso jurisls in llo provious moduIos. AII lloso ruIings voro
uIlimaloIy rocordod by ImmMul
ammad aI-Slaybn, vlo lapponod
lo bo llo youngosl of lloso voII knovn discipIos.
4.2 Preserving the School System
A vory imporlanl poinl noods lo bo rocordod loro, a poinl llal is
oflon ignorod by jurisls and lloso vlo vrilo aboul lloso issuos. Tlo
boginnings of llo H
anaf sclooI slarlodvillIbnMasd(R) andconlin-
uod up lo llo limo of llo rocording of llo viovs of llo sclooI by Imm
ammad (God bIoss lim). Tlis Ionglly poriod sproads ovor a IillIo
moro llan 15O yoars. In llis poriod, llo jurisls vlo conslanlIy dovoI-
opod and ronod llo syslommusl lavo absorbod aII llo lradilions com-
ing dovn fromllo Iroplol (pbul). Tloso lradilions musl lavo boon in-
corporalod inlo lloir opinions and vovon inlo llo syslom. Il is dicuIl
lo imagino llal an imporlanl lradilion of llo Iroplol (pbul) laving a
boaring on llo IavvouIdlavo boon missod in llis Iong poriod. WliIo il
is lloorolicaIIy possibiIo, il appoars lo bo impossibIo vlon ono consid-
ors il from llo praclicaI porspoclivo, llal lloy couId lavo missod sucl
imporlanl lradilions. Tlis concIusion is slrongllonod by llo facl llal
llo jurisls of llis sclooI accoplod ovon lloso lradilions llal aro caIIod
mursal, lov llon couId lloy lavo missod lradilions vill compIolo and
sound clains`
To liglIigll llo abovo poinl, llo groal H
anaf jurisl and Imam, aI-
Karkl, lurnod llo poinl inlo a qidah (principIo), bocauso il musl lavo
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 51
boon accoplod by llo sclooI as a vloIo. Tlo lransIalod loxl of llo prin-
cipIo is as foIIovs:
Eacl roporl (khabar) llal conicls vill an opinion of our ju-
risls is lo bo conslruod as abrogalod or llal il las coniclod
vill a simiIar roporl. Tloroaflor, anollor ovidonco (dall)
or a proforonco on llo basis of vlicl our jurisls arguo for
proforonco slaII bo adoplod or a roconciIialory conslruclion
slaII bo pIacod upon il. Tlis slaII bo dono in accordanco
vill llo naluro of llo ovidonco. Tlus, if a basis for abroga-
lion is oslabIislod il slaII bo conslruod accordingIy, bul if
lloro is anollor basis (of roconciIialion) vo slaII adopl llal.
ConsoquonlIy, according lo aI-Karkl, if a lradilion rocordod a lundrod
yoars aflor Imam Mul
ammads limo is provod lo bo aullonlic, il viII
iniliaIIy bo prosumod lo bo abrogalod. If nol llon il viII bo roconciIod
vill llo oxisling ruIos if possibIo. Tlis ruIo is imporlanl and viII loIp
us drav corlain concIusions Ialor.
RoIalod lo llis poinl is anollor imporlanl issuo. Il can bo plrasod as
foIIovs: Wlal if llo jurisls coming aflor ImmMul
ammads limo voro
al Iiborly lo ovorlurn or ovorruIo llo viovs of Imm Ab H
anfal and
lis immodialo discipIos on llo basis of lradilions rocordod mucl Ialor
or on llo basis of somo ollor argumonl` Iurllor, if llo jurisls voro al
Iiborly lo ovorruIo llo ruIings of llo oarIior Imams, voro lloy aIso al
Iiborly lo ovorlurn llo ruIos of inlorprolalion llal form llo basis of llo
If lloso Iiborlios voro granlod and llo Ialor jurisls couId ovorlurn
or ovorruIo llo oarIior viovs of llo sclooI, llo sclooI vouId bo do-
slroyod and ils aullorily oIiminalod, in facl, llo sclooI vouId nol lavo
appoarod in llo rsl pIaco. If lloy voro aIso al Iiborly lo quoslion and
aIlor llo ruIos of inlorprolalion or llo syslomof inlorprolalion, llo vory
basis of llo sclooI vouId bo oxlinguislod and ils foundalion smaslod.
Tlo sclooI, lloroforo, mado anollor major provision. Tlis movo
consislod of llroo llings. Tloso aro doscribod soparaloIy boIov.
4.2.1 Understanding the Hierarchy of Jurists Within a School
Tlo rsl slop vas lo roguIalo llo Iiborlios of llo jurisls on llo basis
of lloir skiIIs. A grading of jurisls vas oslabIislod, vlicl varios vill
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
52 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
rospocl lo llo numbor of grados, vill somo proforring sovon grados
and ollors proforring vo. Tloso lavo aIroady boon doscribod abovo,
roIying on Ibn bidn.
Wo nood lo anaIyzo llis slrucluro lo undorsland il bollor. Tlo rsl
lling llal is obvious is llal llo compIolo slrucluro of sovon lypos is
llo croalion of llo Ialor jurisls. Tlo cIassicalion is allribulod lo Ibn
KamI Isl, vlo diod in llo oIovonll conlury of llo Hijral. Many
Ialor scloIars lavo raisod various objoclions aboul llis sovon-foId cIas-
sicalion. Wlal is visibIo al rsl gIanco is llal lloso Ialor jurisls aro
boing vory caulious and carofuI in doscribing llo grados. Il is llo samo
caro llal is visibIo in llo slalomonl of Ibn aI-Humm rocordod boIov
aboul mufts.
Tlo rsl poinl llal vo vouId Iiko lo mako is llal mosl of llo ju-
risls in grados llroo lo six voro oxlraordinary jurisls. In facl, il vouId
nol bo vrong lo say llal lloy voro mujtahids. Ibn bidn acknovIodgos
llis. AImosl aII of llo namos monlionod in lloso grados lavo producod
vorks of llo liglosl slandards, vlicl onIy a jurisl of llal slalus can do.
Wloovor sludios lloir vorks vill caro viII roacl llo samo concIusion.
AII of llom may lavo boon viIIing lo accopl a Iossor slalus, but they did
this for the sake of the school and for its preservation. Somo scloIars lavo
indicalod llal llo lilIo mujtahid l-madhahb is a Iossor lilIo for llo im-
modialo discipIos of AbH
anfal, andllal lloy voro fuII mujtahids. Ior
us, llis poinl is nol vory imporlanl, as Iong as lloy voro foIIoving lis
qawid us
liyyah lloy voro villin lis sclooI, ovon if on occasions lloy
allomplod lo rono lloso qawid loo. Wo aro moro concornod aboul
llo syslom llan aboul individuaI namos. Tlo Ioarnod AIImal Abd
ayy aI-Iaklnav las crilicaIIy anaIyzod llo cIassicalion inlo var-
ious grados and las said llal lloy lavo unjuslIy pIacod somo jurisls in
Iovor grados vlon in roaIily lloy voro oulslanding jurisls and bollor
llan many ollors. His inlroduclion lo S
adr aI-Slarals commonlary
on al-Wiqyah is vory informalivo.
Tlo socond poinl lo bo nolod is llal llo sovonll calogory is loo gon-
oraI and is in nood of oxcoplions. Tlo roason is llal if llo slamp of nol
boing a lruo jurisl is pIacod on aII porsons, llo aclivily of roasoning viII
como lo a laIl and nov issuos cannol bo sollIod according lo IsIamic
Iav. In roaIily, llis in ilsoIf may bo llo causo of doclrinos Iiko talfq.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 53
IinaIIy, vo concIudo llal llis grading acluaIIy omplasizodlvo basic
First, that the rulings issued by the Imms in the rst two grades cannot
be overturned or overruled. Tlo roason for llis las boon idonliod
oarIior. Tloso voro llo jurisls vlo voro parl of llo formalion of
llo principIos of inlorprolalion, voro invoIvod in llo procoss llal
absorbod lradilions vill a IogaI conlonl in llo oarIior slagos, and
appIiod llo ruIos of inlorprolalion lo llo loxls for llo dorivalion
of llo ruIos of Iavllo formalivo procoss llal rosuIlod in llo rsl
coIIoclion of casos and issuos. In slorl, lloso jurisls, as is said,
voro cIosor lo llo us
l. Tloir ruIings lavo lo bo prosorvod if
llo syslom is lo survivo and dovoIop. Tloro lavo boon oxcoplions
lo llis in Ialor limos, bul lloy do nol aocl llo ruIo as a vloIo.
Tlo ruIo is llal ono of llo opinions of lloso jurisls is proforrod,
bul lloso llal aro nol proforrod aro nol dono avay vill, lloy Iio
Second, that new issues cannot be settled by every jurist; the jurist who
attempts to do this must be skilled in legal reasoning and in the working
of the system. Il is for llis roason llal llo grading syslom pIacos
llo sollIing of novissuos nol considorod by llo Imms in llo rsl
lvo grados, immodialoIy aflor llo grados of llo oarIior Imms. In
our viov, jurisls of grado llroo lo vo voro quaIiod for llis lask,
aIllougl lloro voro jurisls in llo Ialor calogorios loo vlo couId
porform llo samo funclion.
Will llis vo movo lo llo socond slop.
4.2.2 Understanding the Hierarchy of the Earlier Rulings
Onco llo ruIo lad boon sollIod llal llo ruIings of llo oarIior Imams
couId nol bo sol asido or ovorruIod, a nood vas foIl lo organizo llo lugo
corpus of ruIos lransmillod by and from llo oarIior jurisls. Tlo llroo
grados of llo masil, doscribod abovo, voro llo rosuIl of llis ruIo.
Tlo ruIo for sucl loxls vas llal llo issuos in llo rsl calogory voro
lo bo proforrod ovor lloso in llo socond and llird calogory, in caso lloro
vas a conlradiclion. Tlo ground vas Iaid for rolrioving llo aullonlic
narralion so llal llo jurisls couId knov vlal vas lo bo foIIovod and
vlal vas lo bo lurnod dovn.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
54 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Mosl of llo books producod lavo kopl llis crilorion in viovfor prof-
oronco and for llo voricalion of llo viovs lransmillod.
Il may bo poinlod oul loro llal llougl many scloIars monlion llo
l and qawid of llo Imm, lloy do nol mako cIoar dislinclions. Il
is onIy from llo vrilings and vorks of somo groal jurisls llal vo can
idonlify llo dislinclions. Tlis is vlal vo lavo lriod lo do in lloso mod-
4.2.3 Understanding the Hierarchy of Texts Within the School
Aflor sollIing llo abovo ruIos, llo jurisls of llo sclooI sol llomsoIvos
llo lask of idonlifying llo mosl aullonlic and proforrod viovs of llo
sclooI lo bo foIIovod as llo Iav. Tlis vas indood a compIox lask, for
lloy nol onIy voriod llo clains of narralion coming dovn lo llom,
bul aIso llo slrongll of oacl viov, llo proforronco of a viovvlon lloro
vas a conicl and a losl of ollor issuos. Tlo Ialor jurisls dodicalod lloir
Iivos lo llis lask and llo Immal can novor llank llom onougl for llo
gifl lloy lavo boslovod on il llrougl llis lroasurod Iiloraluro. Tloso
loxls aro llo loarl of llo muft s vork and lis oxporliso doponds on lov
voII lo las maslorod lloso povorfuI loxls.
4.2.4 The Result of the Three Steps
Tlo llroo slops oulIinod abovo Iod lo vlal is caIIod llo syslom of
taqld or foIIoving procodonls. Tlo main aimvas lo prosorvo llo sclooI
and ils aullorily. Ior doing so, llo aullorilios of llo jurisls lad lo bo
kopl undor somo kind of roslrainl. A Iino lad lo bo dravn llal couId
nol bo crossod and llis in roaIily moanl dolormining vlal a jurisl couId
ovorruIo and vlal lo couId nol ovorruIo. In ollor vords, corlain proco-
donls voro doomod as mandalory and binding. Tloso couId nol bo
ovorruIod al aII, onIy a proforonco bolvoon llom couId bo oxorcisod.
Tlis is llo liddon moaning villin aII llo grados of llo jurisls. Tlo
sanclily of lloso procodonls diminislos graduaIIy as vo movo dovn
llo Iaddor. Tlus, aI-Saraklsi couId oasiIy ovorruIo aI-Karkl, aI-}as
and aI-Dabbs, bul boyond llal il vas nol aIIovod. Tlo masil al-us
bocamo unlouclabIo so lo say.
Anollor procoss vas llo idonlicalion of a singIo mandalory and
binding procodonl oul of sovoraI llal couId bo found in llo masil al-
l. Tlis is llo undorIying moaning of tarjh
. Tlo noxl movo vas lo
dolormino llo binding procodonls from llo vorks of llo Ialor jurisls.
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Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 55
Tlo fatw Iiloraluro omorgod in supporl of llo mukhtas
ars lo landIo
llis issuo.
Tlo syslom llon is a cIoar liorarcly of vlal Iav is lo bo foIIovod as
slabIo Iav. Tlo primary funclion of llo sclooI is, lloroforo, lo mako llo
Iav cIoar and ovidonl for llo poopIo vlo foIIov llo sclooI, vlollor
lloso aro individuaIs, inslilulions or llo ruIors llomsoIvos.
Tlo llomo of ovorruIing ruIings Iios al llo bollom of llo inslilulion
of ift as voII andvo viII lavo lo rolurnlo llis lopic againandagain, liII
sucl limo llal llo moaning bocomos absoIuloIy cIoar. Tlo framovork,
lovovor, in vlicl vo considor llis llomo from nov on, viII bo llal of
issuing fatws.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 5
Tlo rsl quoslion vo viII lako up is: vlo is a muft ` Tlis viII Ioad us lo
llo obvious discussion aboul llo silualion vloro llo muft is a mujtahid
and llo silualion in vlicl lo is nol. Wlal is llo dioronco bolvoon llo
mollod of lloso lvo lypos of jurisls for doriving llo ruIings llal lloy
issuo` Wlal aro llo sourcos avaiIabIo lo oacl, and lov doos lo uso
llom` Hov is llo aclivily of llo mujtahid muft aoclod vlon lo por-
forms taqld villin llo sclooI` Wo viII llon ansvor somo conlrovorsiaI
quoslions vlon vo roacl llo prosonl limos and llo noods of llis ago,
llal is, vlal is llo roIo of llo muft loday`
5.1 What is a Fatw?
Tlo vord fatw, aIso futy, vloso pIuraI is fatw and fatw, moans
rosponso lo a quoslion of any kind. In llo loclnicaI sonso, il moans
rosponding lo a quoslion aboul a h
ukm shar. Il las boon usod in llo
Qurn in llo gonoraI as voII as llo loclnicaI sonso. Ior oxampIo, llo
loclnicaI moaning is lo bo foundin llo vorsos: Tloy ask lly inslruclion
concorning llo vomon: Say: AIIal doll inslrucl you aboul llom,
and Tloy ask lloo for a IogaI docision. Say: AIIal dirocls (llus) aboul
lloso vlo Ioavo no doscondanls or ascondanls as loirs.
Many scloIars assign a vido roIo lo llo muft or llo oxporl vlo
ansvors sucl quoslions. Tlus, lloy do nol conno llo rosponsos
and quoslions lo puroIy IogaI ruIos, rallor lloy incIudo lonols of faill
(aqid), lradilions, and gonoraI mallors of roIigion villin lis domain.
Tloy do llis lo dislinguisl lis domain from llal of llo qd
vlo doos
nol rondor ruIings aboul gonoraI mallors or ovon aboul ibd
t. Making
llo mufts roIo aII-ombracing is IikoIy lo confuso mallors, lloroforo, vo
vouId Iiko lo conno lis domain lo aII llal is incIudod in llo books of
33. Qurn 4:127.
34. Qurn 4:127.
58 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
qh. Tlo roason is llal llo mollodoIogy of llo muft rovoIvos around
sucl books and lis mollod of vorifying lis ansvors aIso Iios villin
lloso books. Tlo maximum llal lo may bo aIIovod, boyond llis, is lo
issuo a ruIing on an issuo of us
l, and llal loo simpIy for inslruclionaI
purposos. In ollor vords, a fatw musl bo connod lo mallors in vlicl
taqld is vaIid. AccordingIy, fatw may bo donod as foIIovs:
Il is an aullorilalivo slalomonl aboul a h
ukm shar, in ro-
sponso lo a quoslion, vlon llo ruIing las boon dorivod from
llo acknovIodgod sourcos of llo sclooI and is in conformily
vill llo us
l, qawid and procodonls adoplod by llo sclooI.
Wlon no procodonls aro found in llo sourcos of llo sclooI,
il is an aullorilalivo ruIing issuod in llo Iigll of llo sourcos
of IsIamic Iavmainlaining conformily vill llo us
l, qawid
and gonoraI proposilions adoplod by llo sclooI.
Tlo vord h
ukm shar obviousIy incIudos llo h
ukm talf as voII as
llo h
ukm wad
. Tlo lorm gonoraI proposilions aro usod in llo sonso
of gonoraI ruIos or principIos, vlollor lloso aro lo bo found in llo loxls
or aro impIiod by llom and lavo boon dorivod by jurisls in llo form
of gonoraI principIos. Tlis, llon, can bo a vorking donilion and il is
obvious llal furllor ronomonls may bo dosirod.
Tlo mollods for doriving llo aullorilialivo slalomonl, aboul llo
ukmshar, lavo boon discussod al Iongll in llo provious moduIos. Tlo
porson vlo is abIo lo uso llo mollods doscribod lloro doniloIy pos-
sossos llo basic quaIicalions lo dorivo llo ruIo. NovorlloIoss, somo
addilionaI roquiromonls aro imposod by jurisls, and rigllIy so, vlicl
llis porson las lo mool lo bo abIo lo issuo fatws. Wo viII doaI vill
lloso addilionaI quaIicalions lovards llo ond of llis moduIo.
In corlain casos, a porson vlo doos nol possoss llo roquisilo quaI-
icalions for issuing a fatw may bo pormillod lo do so by llo syslom
duo lo nocossily. If lo is nol pormillod, and lloro is no quaIiod por-
son avaiIabIo, llo poopIo viII nol bo abIo lo rocoivo nocossary guidanco.
AccordingIy, many of llo discussions and dobalos porlain lo llo ruIos
for sucl a porson.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 59
5.2 Who is a Muft?
Tlo Ioarnod Ibn bidn quolos Ibn aI-Humm as foIIovs:

: [


: .

Tlo loxl abovo says llal, according lo Ibn aI-Humm, llo viovof llo
ls las como lo bo oslabIislod llal llo muft is ono vlo is a mujtahid.
As for llo non-mujtahid, fromamong lloso vlo momorizo llo viovs of
llo mujtahid, lo is nol a muft. Ior llis (Iallor) jurisl, il is obIigalory llal
vlon lo is askod a quoslion llal (in lis rosponso) lo monlion llo viov
of a mujtahid, Iiko Imm (Ab H
anfal), by vay of narralion. Tlus, il
bocomos knovn llal vlal is lormod fatw of llo oxisling jurisls (lloso
Iiving) in our limos, is nol a fatw, rallor il is llo lransmission of llo
viov of llo muft (mujtahid) so llal llo quoslionor may adopl il.
Ho llon goos on lo say: Tlo mollod of lransmilling llis from llo
mujtahid can bo in ono of lvo vays: (1) Ho slouId oillor lavo a sourco
on vlicl lo roIios. (2) Ho slouId acquiro llo viov from a voII knovn
book llal is usod by jurisls, Iiko llo books of Mul
ammad ibn aI-H
and ollors Iiko llom, bocauso lis lransmission is a roporl Iiko a conlin-
uous or voII knovn khabar.
Tlo abovo slalomonl croalos lugo probIoms for us in undorsland-
ing llo lask of llo muft loday. Somo of llo probIoms arising from llo
slalomonl aro as foIIovs:
1. If a jurisl of llo slaluro of Ibn aI-Humm is saying, Tlus il bo-
comos knovn llal vlal is lormod fatw of llo oxisling jurisls
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
6O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
(lloso Iiving) in our limos, is nol a fatw, rallor il is llo lransmis-
sion of llo viovof llo muft (mujtahid) so llal llo quoslionor may
adopl il, llon it means that there were no mujtahids within his
school during his times.
2. Doos llo abovo slalomonl impIyllal a mujtahid cannol oxisl villin
llo sclooI` It is obvious that this is not the implication. Wo viII
oxpIain llis in vlal foIIovs.
3. If lloro lavo boon mujtahids in llo sclooI, bul lloy aro connod lo
llo foundor and lis lvo discipIos, llon llo fatw lransmillod can
onIy bo connod lo llo viovs of lloso llroo jurisls. Ibn bidn
rocords sovonloon casos in vlicl llo viov of Zufar las boon pro-
forrod. Doos llis moan llal llo viovs of llo Ialor jurisls aro of no
consoquonco for llo issuanco of lransmillod fatws`
4. If llo vords mujtahid imm in llo abovo quolalion moan llo
absoIulo mujtahid or llo foundor, llon, is llo lransmillod fatw lo
bo connod lo llo viov of Imm Ab H
anfal aIono` Tloro aro
dolaiIod discussions aboul llis issuo in llo vrilings of llo jurisls.
Wo viII discuss llis issuo al Iongll.
5. If lloro cannol bo a mujtahid villin llo sclooI loday and lloso
issuing fatws aro moro lransmillors, then howare newproblems
to be solved, because the transmitter does not have the ability
to go beyond what is already present?
6. If nov probIoms cannol bo soIvod llon what is the qualication
of people who are giving solutions for all kinds of problems,
boginning vill IsIamic Iavs givon by slalos and onding vill Is-
Iamic banking, and ollor simiIar modorn issuos undor lilIos Iiko
jadd qh masil`
Tloso aro somo of llo quoslions vo may raiso al llis slago. If aII or
somo of llo proposilions aro accoplod as lruo, llon, on llo faco of il, il is
a silualion of absoIulo taqld of llo absoIulo Imm, or il may bo roIaxod
lo llo caso of llo absoIulo Imam and lis immodialo discipIos: lvo or
moro. Tlis viII provo llo lrull of llo slalomonl llal llo galos of ijtihd
voro cIosod by Ialor jurisls. Il is possibIo lo say llal Ibn aI-Humm,
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 61
vlo vas a groal jurisl and somo kind of mujtahid in our rockoning, vas
boing modosl in donying llo rigll of ijtihd lo limsoIf. NovorlloIoss, lo
appoars lo bo donying llis rigll nol onIy lo limsoIf bul lo aII ollors loo
vlo voro Iiving in lis limos. If an oxlromo inlorprolalion is pIacod on
Ibn aI-Humms slalomonl, as aIroady indicalod in llo abovo quoslions,
llon llo rigll of ijtihd is doniod ovon lo lloso jurisls vlo camo aflor
Imm Ab H
anfal and lis discipIos. Tlo onliro anaIysis, lakon as a
vloIo, roducos llo modorn muft lo llo posilion of a roproducor of llo
viovs of llo oarIiosl Imms and a moclanicaI lransmillor of sucl viovs,
lo las no rigll of ijtihd oillor for nov issuos or for llo oId issuos.
Having said llal, vo nood lo romplasizo llal Ibn aI-Hummvas no
ordinary jurisl. In facl, lo lad uniquo skiIIs and an oxlraordinary IogaI
mind. Tloro is a liddon visdom in lis slalomonl llal musl bo roc-
ognizod. ConsoquonlIy, vliIo rosoIving llo abovo probIoms vo musl
conslanlIy soarcl for llis liddon moaning.
Wo, lloroforo, faco an upliII lask if vo lavo lo provido a mollod
for llo soIulion of nov probIoms. Tlis can onIy bo dono if vo anaIyso
llo onliro slrucluro of llo sclooI and soo lov llo jurisls lavo boon op-
oraling. Wlal vo lavo aIroady sludiod in llo provious moduIos aboul
roIalod issuos viII obviousIy provo usofuI loro.
5.3 Recalling the Meaning of Ijtihd and Taqld
Wo viII slalo al llo oulsol llal llo dicuIlios and confusions vill
vlicl llo aroa of fatws is surroundod cannol bo rosoIvod unIoss roa-
sonabIo cIarily is allainod aboul corlain fundamonlaI lorms and issuos.
In llo provious moduIos vo lavo boon lrying lo oxpIain llo naluro of
ijtihd and taqld in dioronl vays. Tlo naluro of lloso concopls musl
bo cIoarIy approcialod boforo vo can allompl lo anaIyzo llo naluro of
fatws and associalod probIoms.
Tlo rsl concopl llal vo lavo lo oslabIisl is llal lloro is a body of
ruIos caIIod llo qawid us
liyyah from vlicl llo discipIino dorivos ils
namo of us
l al-qh. Wo lavo lriod lo Iisl as many of lloso ruIos as vo
couId in llo provious moduIos. A sclooI of IsIamic Iav is, in llo rsl
inslanco, basod on lloso us
l. Mosl of lloso us
l lavo boon Iaid dovn
by llo foundor of llo sclooI: llo Imm Az
am in llo caso of llo H
sclooI. In addilion lo llis, vo lavo aIso discussod in groal dolaiI an-
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
62 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
ollor body of ruIos caIIod llo qawid qhiyyah. Many of lloso lavo aIso
boon proforrod by llo Imm, bul in boll lypos of us
l llo Ialor jurisls
lavo providod ronomonls. Wo lavo aIso slovn lov IogaI roasoning
ompIoys boll kinds of ruIos in a combinod oorl lo arrivo al llo ruIos
of aclion caIIod llo fur. Tlo concopls of boll ijtihd and taqld rovoIvo
around lloso qawid. Wo lavo found lloso assorlions fuIIy conrmod
in llo vrilings of llo groal MavIn Aslraf AI Tlanav (God bIoss
lim). Tloso vlo sliII foIIov lis vorks viII nd llo idoas scallorod aII
ovor lis vrilings.
d or inlorprolalion of llo loxls for llo IogaI moaning conlainod
in llom is a povorfuI aclivily. NovorlloIoss, il oporalos al dioronl Iov-
oIs. Tlo rsl IovoI is llal of llo absoIulo or indopondonl mujtahid, vlo
las lis ovn qawid us
liyyah and qawid qhiyyah. Ho dorivos llo fur
by using lis us
l and qawid in a mannor llal is unroslriclod by any
conslrainl. Tlo slalus of llo aII povorfuI mujtahid is assignod onIy lo
Imm Ab H
anfal for llo H
anaf sclooI. Il is prolibilod for llis lypo
of jurisl lo foIIov llo viovs of anollor jurisl, bocauso il is obvious llal
lloir us
l viII cIasl Ioading lo conlradiclions. Tlis loo is armod by
MavIn Tlnav.
Tlo socond IovoI of oporalion is llal of llo immodialo discipIos or
sludonls of llo Imm. Tloso voro jurisls vill oxcoplionaI laIonl. In
facl, lloy lad llo polonliaI of bocoming absoIulo mujtahids jusl Iiko llo
Imm, bul lloy proforrod lis mollod of inlorprolalion lo vlal lloy
vouIdlavo soIoclodllomsoIvos. Tloy agroodlo foIIovllo Imms us
and by doing so lloy oIiminalod llo possibiIily of cIaslos and conlra-
diclions. Tloro is no ollor roslriclion on llis socond calogory of jurisls.
Tlus, lloy aro nol bound by procodonls Iaid dovn by llo Imm, lloy
lroal ovory issuo as an absoIuloIy nov issuo. Yol, lloy aro muqallids in
somo sonso, lloir taqld is taqld l-us
l. ImmaI-GlazI las slalod llal
lloy diorod vill llo Imm in al Ioasl 25 of llo fur.
Al llo llird IovoI, vo lavo jurisls vlo accopl nol onIy llo us
l of llo
sclooI, bul lroal llo fur dorivod by llo rsl lvo grados as procodonls.
Tloro is, lovovor, a socrol llal noods lo bo uncovorod loro. Irocodonls
for lloso jurisls, vlo in roaIily lavo llo polonliaI of boing indopondonl
35. Soo, o.g., Aslraf AI Tlnav, Ijtihd-o-Taqld k khir Fayslah (Karacli: Zamzam
IubIislors, 2OO4).
36. Ibid., 2O, 7O.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 63
mujtahids, aro moro Iiko procodonls in EngIisl common Iav. No singIo
procodonl is binding for llom aIllougl lloy may accord moro impor-
lanco lo ono of llo sovoraI procodonls. On vory raro occasions, and llis
socrol loo vo lavo discussod al Iongll in llo provious moduIos, lloy
may ovon dior vill llo oarIior jurisls. Tlis Iiborly is primariIy duo lo
llo dislinclions dravn in llo inlorprolalion of facls and nol on llo basis
of us
l or loxluaI dalls. Tloro is no taqld in facls, and llal is llo roason
vly vo lavo nov masil. ConsoquonlIy, somo Iiborly is avaiIabIo lo in-
lorprol facls somovlal dioronlIy from llo vay llo oarIior Imms did.
Today, somoono may roason llal llo prosumplion of puborly slouId bo
xod al 16 yoars rallor llan 15 or 18, and lo may adduco scionlic or
modicaI ovidonco for aII llis. NovorlloIoss, llo disagroomonl of lloso
jurisls vill llo oarIior Imms is raro. Insofar as lloso jurisls sollIo nov
casos, llo IogaI roasoning lloy adopl is llal of takhrj. Tlo mollodoIogy
las boon doscribod in dolaiI in a provious moduIo on IogaI roasoning.
In simpIo vords, il moans roasoning from llo principIos sollIod by llo
oarIior jurisls lo oxlond llo ruIo of aclion lo nov casos. In llis calogory,
vo vouId Iiko lo pIaco aI-T
v, aI-Karkl, aI-}as
, aI-Dabbs, aI-
Sarakls and somo ollor oarIior jurisls.
Tlo noxl, or fourll calogory, is llal of Ialor povorfuI jurisls Iiko aI-
Samarqand, aI-Ksn, aI-Marglinn. Tloso groal jurisls aIso undor-
lako ijtihd of a Iimilod lypo villin llo sclooI. Somo addilionaI roslric-
lions aro voIunlariIy accoplod by lloso jurisls for llo sako of llo syslom
caIIod llo sclooI. Tlo roslriclions and Iiborlios may bo Iislod as foIIovs:
Tloy undorlako takhrj for nov casos.
Tlo procodonls Iaid dovn by llo Imms, in llo rsl lvo calo-
gorios, aro binding in llo sonso llal lloy cannol bo ovorlurnod or
svopl asido, bul ono of lloso procodonls can bo closon as bind-
ing, jusl Iiko ono oplion may bo closon oul of sovoraI in karah.
Tlo soIoclion is basod on many faclors, bul aIso on lov facls aro
inlorprolod in llo limo of lloso jurisls.
Tlo procodonls Iaid dovn by llo provious, or llird, calogory
llrougl nov casos sollIod on llo basis of takhrj aro aIso proco-
donls (soo Tlnav)
bul nol binding in llo sonso llal lloy can-
37. Ibid., 25.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
64 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
nol bo ovorruIod or dislinguislod. Tlis loo viII bo basod on a
dioronl approcialion of facls in llo IogaI sonso.
Il is llo jurisls of llis fourll calogory loo lo vlomllo Ialor jurisls
appIy llo lorm Maslikl. Somo of llo jurisls vlo camo aflor
lloso jurisls may aIso quaIify for llis calogory, for oxampIo, Ibn
aI-Humm and aI-Bbarl. AIImal aI-Iaklnav indicalos llal
llo lorm Maslikl may appIy lo aII jurisls ollor llan llo Imm
Wo arrivo al llo slalodconcIusions by oxamining llo loxls andvorks
of aII llo abovo jurisls. A fov moro cruciaI concIusions foIIov from llo
abovo. Tlo rsl is llal taqld in roaIily is llal of llo us
l and taqld in
fur varios vill llo abiIily of llo muqallid jurisl (soo aIso MavIn Tl-
Tlo socond concIusion is llal takhrj or roasoning from us
qawid and principIos is llo gonoraI mollodoIogy of aII llo jurisls in
llo H
anaf sclooI, il is nol connod lo ono parlicuIar calogory of jurisls.
Tlird, takhrj can novor como lo an ond villin llo sclooI. If il doos, no
novissuo can bo rosoIvod on llo basis of IsIamic Iav(soo aIso MavIn
Tlnav). As IsIam is a compIolo codo of Iifo, llis Iasl concIusion las
lo bo lruo. Tlis is simiIar lo aI-Sll
ib saying llal tah
qq al-mant is a
form of ijtihd llal can novor como lo an ond. Wo viII lavo moro lo say
aboul llis poinl Ialor.
Tlo Iasl, and fll, calogory is of lloso jurisls vlo may allain a sla-
lus, vlicl may nol bo oquivaIonl lo lloso of llo Maslikl of llo fourll
calogory, bul il may onabIo llom lo undorlako takhrj in a Iimilod sonso.
Tlis is nocossary so llal llo procoss of sollIing novcasos and probIoms
conlinuos. Il las lo bo assumod llal somo sucl jurisls viII aIvays bo
prosonl in llo MusIim vorId in aII agos, so llal llo dovoIopmonl of llo
Iav doos nol como lo an ond. Boforo allaining llis IovoI, ovory porson
vlo sludios IsIamic Iav and allains somo quaIicalion is an aspiring
jurisl, vlo is nol capabIo of takhrj, yol, bul musl conslanlIy slrivo lo
allain llal abiIily. If lo fooIs condonl llal lo knovs llo Iav, aIllougl
lo las nol allainod llo abiIily of takhrj, lo may issuo fatws on llo basis
of lransmission, aboul vlicl vo viII lavo lo say moro in a Ialor claplor.
38. Tlnav, Ijtihd-o-Taqld, 25.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
cnrrrn 6
6.1 Identifying the Issue
In llo provious claplor vo lavo lriod lo slov llal llo jurisls from
grado llroo lo grado sixmujtahid l-masil, ash
b al-takhrj, ash
b al-
and llo aullors of llo mutn mutabarahvoro indood quaIiod
and abIo mujtahids. Tlo proof of lloir abiIily and skiIIs Iios in lloir
vorks llal lavo como dovn lo us. A sign of lloir groalnoss and com-
milmonl lo llo sclooI is llal lloy closo lo accopl a slalus Iossor llan
vlal lloy acluaIIy dosorvod.
Il is aIso nol corrocl lo assumo llal llo doclrino of llo sclooI las
boon croalod by llo Imam Azam and lis sludonls aIono. Tlo jurisls
vlo camo aflor llom mado lugo conlribulions, and il is lloir oorl
llal compIolod llo lolaI syslom llal is loday caIIod llo H
anaf sclooI.
In roaIily, mosl of vlal vo lavo sludiod in llo provious moduIos is a
lorilago Iofl by lloso Ialor jurisls. Givon boIov is a Iisl of somo of llo
conlribulions mado by lloso groal jurisls:
1. Tloy oIaboralod llo doclrino of llo sclooI by Iinking llo ruIos lo
llo ovidoncos usod by llo oarIior Imms.
2. Tloy idonliod, oIaboralod and ronod llo us
l or principIos of
inlorprolalion usod by llo Imm and lis discipIos, incIuding llo
ruIos of IiloraI as voII as ralionaI conslruclion.
3. Tloy idonliodllo syslomof inlorprolalionof facls andorganizod
llo qawid qhiyyah.
4. Tloy proforrod llo viovs llal voro mosl imporlanl, slrong and
aullonlic ovor lloso llal voro Iossor in slrongll andcroaloda uni-
form body of llo Iav.
66 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
5. Tloy croalod vorks llal llo qd
s and mufts couId momorizo for
llo issuanco of ruIings.
6. Tloy croalodlugo andoIaboralo vorks llal vouIdsorvo poslorily
andbocomo a porpoluaI rosorvoir of inslruclionfor aII lloso jurisls
vlo voro lo como Ialor.
7. Tloy rosislod aII opposilion lo llo doclrino of llo sclooI by oul-
sido forcos and prosorvod ils purily.
8. IinaIIy, lloy aIvays accoplod and formuIalod ruIos of conslrainls
llal slronglonod and brougll ordor inlo llo sclooI syslom.
In rocognilion of llo conlribulion mado by lloso jurisls, vo viII givo
a foviIIuslralions of llo froodomand Iiborly onjoyod by lloso jurisls for
making conlribulions lo llo corpus of llo Iav.
6.2 The Activity of the Mujtahids Within the School
Tlo rsl oxampIo of llo conlribulion mado by Ialor jurisls is llal of
waqf. Tlo viov of Imm Ab H
anfal (God bIoss lim) on llis lopic aro
voII knovn. Imm aI-Sarakls aflor rocording llo slalomonls of Imm
ammad vill rospocl lo llo viov of llo Imm on llo issuo, says
llal il vas for llis roason llal lo did nol dovolo limo lo llis lopic. Il
vas in roaIily aI-Klas
f and HiII (God bIoss llom), lvo Ialor jurisls,
vlo dovoIopod mosl of llo dolaiIs. Tlo poinl lo bo mado is llal il vas
llo Ialor jurisls vlo dovoIopod llo dolaiIs of llis parl of llo Iav. Tloro
aro somo ollor oxampIos loo. Tlis is aIso an oxampIo of an aroa vloro
llo viov of llo Imm las nol boon adoplod.
Imm Ab }afar aI-T
v (d. 321AH) croalod a uniquo mukhtas
porlaps llo rsl in llo H
anaf sclooI if llo slorlor books of Imm
ammad aro nol lroalod as mukhtas
ars. Ho vas llo noplovof llo fa-
mous Sl jurisl, and companion of Imm aI-Sl, aI-Muzan, vlo
vrolo llo rsl book onlilIod mukhtas
ar. Il vas, lloroforo, naluraI for aI-
v lo foIIov llo samo ordor for lopics as aI-Muzan lad dono. Ho
vas askod as lo vly lo movod lo llo H
anaf sclooI, vlon lis loaclor
anduncIo vas a Sl. His rosponso vas: I foundmy uncIo conslanlIy
consuIling H
anaf books, so I movod lo llo H
anaf sclooI. Ior a Iisl of
llo mukhtas
ars, pIoaso rofor lo llo provious claplor.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 67
Tlo mukhtas
ar by aI-T
v is uniquo in many vays, and vo may
Iisl somo of lloso poinls lo liglIigll llom:
1. Il rocords llo mosl aullonlic narralions from llo oarIior jurisls.
2. Il doaIs vill corlain lopics llal lavo nol boon doaIl vill ovon by
Ialor jurisls.
3. Il rocords llo viovs of Imms Ab H
anfal, Ab Ysuf,
ammad, Zufar and H
asan ibn Ziyd.
4. If lloro aro sovoraI viovs on an issuo, lo profors ono viov, of-
lon giving llo roason for doing so, and saying, Tlis is vlal vo
5. Ho somolimos profors llo viovof ImmAb H
anfal, somolimos
llo viov of Imam Ab Ysuf, and al ollor limos (in facl, quilo
oflon) llo viov of Imam Mul
6. On somo occasions, lo opposos llo viov of aII llroo Imms and
profors llo viov of Zufar or llal of H
asan ibn Ziyd.
7. Somolimos lo dorivos a ruIo on llo basis of llo viovs of llo Imams
on anollor roIalod issuo, vlon lloro is no roporlod viovfromllo
8. Il aIso lappons llal on somo occasions, lo givos up llo viov of
llo Imms and givos lis ovn viov on llo issuo basod on lis ovn
ijtihd, aIllougl llis is raro.
Horo llon is ono of llo mosl rospoclod jurisls of llo sclooI broaking
oul of llo calogory, mujtahid l-masil, lo vlicl lo las boon consignod
by llo Ialor jurisls, lo vas mucl moro llan llal. His roIo as a lradilion-
isl is voII knovn and vo nood nol dvoII on llal. His books on shurt
aro nol onIy uniquo, lloy aro simpIy oulslanding. Tloro aro dioronl
vorsions of lis mukhts
ars on llo basis of sizo. Many commonlarios voro
vrillon on llo mukhtas
ar, llo bosl knovn boing lloso by aI-}as
aI-Sarakls, vlicl aro in four or vo voIumos.
In Ialor books, vo nd counlIoss occasions vloro llo viov of ono
of llo discipIos las boon proforrod ovor llal of llo Imm. GraduaIIy,
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
68 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
lovovor, vo soo corlain aullors of mukhtas
ars rocording llo viovs of
aII llroo Imams or of lvo Imams villoul any proforonco, llal is, on
somo occasions. Tlis bocomos visibIo ovon in Bidyat al-Mubtadi by llo
aullor of al-Hidyah.
Imm aI-T
v diod in 321 AH. AImosl 4OO yoars aflor lis doall,
vo nd llo aullor of Kanz al-Daqiq making a slifl in llo gonoraIIy
accoplod mollod. His book is a summary of a book vrillon by Ibn aI-
Sl (d. 694AH). AI-Nasaf limsoIf diod in 71OAH. AI-Nasaf rocords
llo viov of llo Imm on mosl occasions.
Aboul lvo lundrod and fly yoars aflor aI-Nasaf, a IillIo ovor 4OO
yoars from our limo, llo commonlalor on lis book, Ibn Nujaym (d.
971AH), slarls a dobalo llal las causod considorabIo confusion. Tlo
dolaiIs aro in llo foIIoving soclion.
6.3 Is it Mandatory for the Muqallid Muft to Follow the
View of the Imam and no One Else?
Tlo undorIying idoa of llis dobalo is llal if a jurisl is a sorl of muj-
tahid or las llo abiIily lo dislinguisl bolvoon llo viovs coming dovn
lo us from llo Imams, lo may profor llo viov llal is convincing for
lim. If llo muft of llo prosonl limos is a puro muqallid, llo ruIing lo
issuos is nol ovon a fatw (pIoaso rofor lo llo quolalion abovo from Ibn
aI-Humm). AII lo doos is lransmil llo ruIing from llo Imam, bocauso
il is lis taqld llal vo aII porform. Tlus, il is obIigalory for a muft loday
lo moroIy lransmil llo ruIing from llo Imam.
Ibn Nujaym, commonling on aI-Nasafs loxl, mado somo slalomonls
llal gonoralod a dobalo llal slods Iigll on llo abiIily of llo mufts of
our limos and llo oxlonl lo vlicl lloy aro al Iiborly lo issuo ruIings.
Horo is a summarizod vorsion of vlal lo said:
If you say: Hov vas il vaIid for llo Maslikl lo issuo
fatws villoul roIying on llo opinion of llo Imm, vlon
lloso Maslikl voro muqallids` I vouId say: Tlis las boon
confusing for mo for a Iong limo and I couId nol nd an
ansvor lo il, oxcopl vlal I lavo como lo undorsland nov
from lloir loxl and llis is as foIIovs: Il las boon lransmil-
lod fromour jurisls (llo Imms) llal il is nol pormissibIo for
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Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 69
anyono lo issuo a ruIing on llo basis of our opinion unliI
lo comos lo knov vly vo loId llo opinion. Il is roporlod
in llo Sirjiyyal llal llis is llo causo of llo opposilion of
Assm vill rospocl lo llo Imm for lo usod froquonlIy lo
issuo ruIings againsl lis opinion, bocauso lo did nol como
lo knov llo dall, vliIo llo dall of anollor vas apparonl lo
lim. Ho, lloroforo, usod lo issuo llo ruIing according lo llo
ollor viov. I (Ibn Nujaym) vouId say llal llis vas llo con-
dilion in lloir limos. As for our limos, il is sucionl lo mom-
orizo as is slalod in aI-Qinyal and ollor loxls. Thus, the is-
suing of a ruling on the basis of the opinion of the Imm
is valid, rather it is obligatory even if we do not know on
what basis he held that opinion.
To llis lo adds llo foIIoving slalomonl: Tlo rosuIl of llis is llal it
is obligatory for us to issue a ruling according to the opinion of the
Imm, even if the Mashikh have issued a ruling that goes against
this view (of the Imam). Tlo roason is llal lloy ruIod againsl il as
llo condilion vas nol prosonl (appIicabIo) in lloir caso, vlicl is llo
roIianco upon lis dall. As for us, vo lavo lo issuo a ruIing (according
lo lis viov) ovon if vo do nol roIy on lis dall.
To compIolo llo moaning of vlal las boon said, Iol us add ollor
ruIos. Wlal if llo viov of llo Imam is nol found on an issuo` In llal
caso llo ruIo is: rsl, Ab H
anfal, socond, Ab Ysuf, and llird, Imam
Wlo aro llo Maslikl vlo lavo llo abiIily lo roason on llo basis
of llo Imms dall, or llo dall of llo ollor lvo Imams` Wo quolod Ibn
aI-Humm in llo rsl claplor lo slov llal lo donios limsoIf and llo
jurisls of lis limos llo abiIily lo approcialo llo dalls of llo Imms, or
llo capacily of somo kind of ijtihd. Ibn Nujaym, foIIoving aI-Nasaf,
slalos llal Ibn aI-Humm lad llo abiIily lo approcialo llo dalls and lo
profor viovs. ConsoquonlIy, vo lavo lo drav a Iino al Ibn aI-Humm,
and llo Maslikl aro llon aII voII knovn jurisls coming boforo lim,
incIuding lim.
Il may bo monlionod loro llal Almad Rida Klan BaroIvi vrolo a
dolaiIod arlicIo on llis issuo in lis Fatw and supporlod llo posilion
uploId by Ibn Nujaym, llal is, llo fatw issuod in our limos by a muft
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
7O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
las lo bo basod on llo viov of llo Imam. Wo lavo nol boon abIo lo
ascorlain llo Doobandi posilion on llo issuo, bul llo undorslanding
vo lad from somo loxls of MavIn Aslraf AI Tlnav is llal il is
nol aIvays obIigalory lo foIIov lis viov, aIllougl llis is nol a dirocl
slalomonl (roforonco is lo taqld shakhs ).
Ibn bidn, vliIo adding lis gIoss lo al-Bah
r al-Riq, in Rasm al-
Muft and ovon in lis H
shiyah, opposos llis viov in llo slrongosl of
lorms. Wo viII nol go inlo dolaiIs loro, bul viII onIy rocord llo gisl of
lis argumonl.
Ho rsl slalos llal llo incoloronco of lloso viovs slouId bo ovidonl
lo vloovor oxaminos llom. Ho llon quolos aI-RamI, vlo says llal if il
is moroIy a quoslion of lransmission, llon lransmission is vaIidfromllo
Imm as voII as from jurisls ollor llan llo Imm. Ibn bidin, oIabo-
raling llis slalmonl, says llal llo moaning is as foIIovs: Tlo Maslikl
camo lo knov of llo dall of llo Imm, jusl as lloy camo lo knov of llo
dall of llo ollor Imms. If lloy profor llo dall of llo ollor Imms and
ruIo againsl llo viov of llo Imm, llon il cannol bo assumod llal lloy
voro nol avaro of lloso dalls, and vo lavo lo foIIovlloir viov. Ho fur-
llor oIaboralos llal llo Maslikl lavo IIod up lloir books vill lloso
dalls and llo associalod IogaI roasoning. In comparison, our silualion
is sucl llal vo do nol lavo llo capacily lo undorsand llo principIos, llo
mollod of takhrj, and vo do nol lavo llal slalus. Il is, lloroforo, up lo
us lo foIIov lloso Maslikl, bocauso il is lloso jurisls vlo aro llo foI-
Iovors of llo sclooI and vlovill llo slrongll of lloir ijtihdlavo
borno llo burdon of oslabIisling and roning llo sclooI. In slorl, llo
Maslikl knovbollor andvo slouIdfoIIovllom(lo goos inlo a num-
bor of dolaiIs vill supporling quolalions). It is only fair to say that the
muft in our times must follow the fatw given by the Mashikh.
Wo fuIIy agroo vill Ibn bidn on llis issuo. Wo viII, lloroforo,
raiso quoslions and givo argumonls llal Ibn bibidn couId lavo raisod
vill oaso bul did nol duo lo lis usuaI poIilonoss, lo jusl usod lo say,
Iondor ovor llis. Our argumonls and quoslions aro as foIIovs:
1. Tlo issuo vo vouId Iiko lo idonlify is: vlollor llo taqld vo por-
formis llo taqld of a luman boing or llal of llo syslom. Il is vlal
aI-Dabbs says vlon lo slalos llal poopIo lavo slarlod foIIoving
luman boings and lavo forgollon llo h
ujjah (rofor lo lis slalomonl
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 71
abovo). In roaIily, il is llo Imm vlo asks us lo foIIov llo syslom
vlon lo asks us lo adopl lis opinion vlon vo lavo idonliod
vly lo loId il. Il is onIy llo syslomllal viII loII us vly lo gavo a
corlain ruIing. Tlis appIios nol onIy lo llo principIos of inlorpro-
lalion, bul aIso lo llo ruIos of Iav. The truth is that the school
or the system belongs to the Imam, so when we are following
the system, we are following the Imm. Il is llo Maslikl vlo
roprosonl llo syslom.
In Uqd Rasm al-Muft, Ibn bidn rsl rocords an inslruclion
fromllo Immlo lis discipIos: If a dall appoars slrongor lo you,
givo a ruIing accordingIy. Tloroaflor, lo quolos llo discipIos lo
llo oocl llal vlalovor viov lloy lavo, and vlicl is againsl llo
Imms viov, vas onco Ab H
anfals viov, bul vlicl lo vill-
drov Ialor. Tlo idoa bolind llis is llal aII of llo viovs aro ac-
luaIIy Ab H
anfals. Ho llon brings in a slalomonl lo llo oocl
llal if a jurisl rolracls from lis viov, il can no Iongor bo lakon as
lis viov. AcknovIodging llo dicuIly of roconciIing lloso slalo-
monls, lo says: Wlon llo Imm las ordorod lis companions
lo adopl from any of lis viovs llal vlicl appoars lo llom lo bo
basod on a slrongor dall, llon vlal lloy say viII bo lis viov, llis
is bocauso il is basod on llo qawid llal lo oslabIislod, lloroforo,
lo did nol movo avay from llo viov in aII rospocls. Tlis is ox-
aclIy vlal vo moanl vlon vo said llal lruo taqld is llal of llo
qawid or us
l (aIso armod by MavIn Tlnav).
In facl, vo
viII go a slop aload and say llal ovon if il vas nol originaIIy llo
viov of llo Imm, il las a famiIy anily, for il is basod on llo
qawid oslabIislod by llo Imm. ConsoquonlIy, il dosorvos lo bo
proforrod by llo Maslikl if il las a slrongor dall, as roquirod by
llo Imm limsoIf.
2. Il foIIovs from llo abovo llal il vas llo Maslikl, vorking
villin llo syslom, vlo loIdus llal lloro vas somoono caIIodAb
anfal, aboul lis morils, llo roasons lloy foIIovod lim, llo roa-
sons vo slouId foIIov lim and vlal llo Imam limsoIf said. Wo
do nol lavo accoss lo Imm Ab H
anfal oxcopl llrougl lloso
39. Tlnav, Ijtihd-o-Taqld, 53.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
72 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Maslikl. Il is a vloIo clain of lransmission. Il is lruo llal llo
masil al-us
l lavo como dovn lo us from Imm Mul
narralion, bul llal makos Imm Mul
ammad vory imporlanl in
llo clain. Tlo samo appIios lo llo Maslikl, for lloy lavo an
inlograI roIalionslip vill llo vloIo narralion.
3. If vo aro nol lo foIIov llo Maslikl, llon llo onliro body of Iil-
oraluro producod by lloso Maslikl, and vlicl vo so doarIy
lroasuro, is roducod lo naugll. Evon llo viovs of Imams Ab Y-
suf and Mul
ammad aro onIy roIovanl vlon lloro is no lransmil-
lod opinion from llo Imm. Tlis bocomos moro aculo vlon il is
slalod llal lloro aro no lruo mufts loday, onIy lransmillors.
4. If llo viovof llo Maslikl is nol lo bo acknovIodgod, llon vlal
kind of ijzah or aullorily is boing landod dovn lo llo prosonl
day mufts` Tlo mollod of issuing fatws las como dovn from
llo Maslikl. If lloy aro nol landing dovn llo mollod of llo
Maslikl lo lloir sludonls, vlal oxaclIy aro lloy landing dovn`
If lloir viovs cannol bo landod dovn, lloir aullorily cannol bo
landod dovn oillor. If il is moroIy an aullorily for lransmission,
llon vo do nol nood poopIo lrainod in llo madris or llo univor-
silios. Any good MusIim, vlo can road or vrilo, can bo landod
llo ijzah of lransmission.
5. If llo Maslikl aro no Iongor roIovanl, llon llo onIy books
noodod aro lloso of llo masil al-usul, llo nawdir and llo wqit.
In llis modorn ago, a liglIy ocionl syslom of quoslions and
rosponsos can bo croalod on llo basis of lloso books for llo ro-
lriovaI of llo qawl of llo Imm, or lloso of llo ollor Imms vlon
lis viov is nol avaiIabIo. Tlis dalabaso can llon bo accossod by
anyono vlo noods a ruIing. Wlo viII nood llo mufts llon` Tlo
lrull, lovovor, is llal llo mufts of llis ago, if lloy aro nol muj-
tahids as cIaimod by Ibn aI-Humm, lloy aro nol ovon quaIiod lo
undorsland Imm Mul
ammads books. A lransmission villoul
undorslanding is nol vaIid, nor can il bo aclod upon villoul un-
dorslanding. Tlo undorslanding las boon imparlod lo us by llo
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 73
Our purposo loro vas lo oIaboralo llo moaning of Ibn bidns
slalomonl llal llo incoloronco of lloso viovs vas ovidonl.
Tlo concIusion is llal vo musl foIIov llo Maslikl vlon lloy do-
cIaro an opinion as llo proforrod opinion villin llo sclooI, irrospoc-
livo of vlollor il vas llo Imm Az
ams viov or llal of anollor ju-
risl. And for discovoring vlal llo Maslikl lavo said, llo aullorily
slrolclos upvards fromIbn aI-Humm, vlo may bo considorodllo Iasl
of llo lruo jurisls. ConsoquonlIy, llo aullorilios aro Imm aI-Sarakls,
aI-Ksn and aI-Marglinn. Wo somolimos fooI llal llo modorn day
mufts do nol ovon road aI-Sarakls.
6.4 In What Cases is the Qawl (Opinion) of the Imm or
of the School to be Given Up?
askaf says llo foIIoving in llo oponing claplor of lis book:
If vo aro askod aboul our opinions and aboul llo opinions of llo rivaI
sclooI, vo viII say by nocossily, Our opinions aro corrocl vill a prob-
abiIily of our orror (in somo casos), and llo opinions of our rivaIs aro
incorrocl, vill a probabiIily of boing corrocl (in somo casos). Ho says
Ialor, quoling aI-Timarlsl, Issuing a ruIing or a fatw on llo basis of
a viov llal is nol proforrod (marjh
) is ignoranco and llo loaring aparl
of ijm (consonsus), a mulaaq h
ukm (palclod up ruIo) is a nuIIily on
llo basis of ijm (consonsus), rolracling from taqld aflor laving aclod
upon il is a nuIIily by agroomonl, and llis is vlal is llo closon ruIo
in llo sclooI, and llal disagroomonl (aboul llo fur) is oxcIusivoIy for
llo qd
vlo is a mujtahid, bul as for llo muqallid, lis ruIing is nol lo
bo oxoculod, if llis is againsl lis sclooI. In anollor, pIaco aI-H
rocords a saying allribulod lo ImmAb H
anfal (God bo pIoasod vill
lim): If you como lo faco a dall (ovidonco), form your opinion on llo
basis of sucl ovidonco.
Wo viII rsl lako up llis Iasl quolalion in llo Iigll of vlal Ibn
bidn says in lis commonls. Aflor llis, vo viII discuss ono or lvo
poinls found in llo oarIior quolalions.
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74 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
6.4.1 If a H
adth is Proved Sound, Adopt it as my ViewAb
Tlo Iasl quolalion givon abovo and llo saying aboul a h
adth bo-
ing provod sound, as slalod in llo loading, moan llo samo lling. Tlo
saying las boon allribulod lo Imm Ab H
anfal by somo, and lo sov-
oraI Imms by Ibn Abd aI-Barr and lo aII llo four Imms of llo Sunn
sclooIs by aI-Slarn. Tlis is vlal Ibn bidn says. Tlo impIicalion
of boll slalomonls is llal llo Imm is saying: If a lradilion is provod
sound and il goos againsl my viov, adopl llo lradilion and givo up
my viov. Il is probabIy duo lo llis roason llal vo nd in llo books of
modorn scloIars slalomonls Iiko, Iorlaps llo lradilion did nol roacl
lim. Can the Tradition be Adopted?
Wo lavo boon arguing in lloso moduIos llal from llo limo of Ibn
Masd(Godbo pIoasodvill lim), llo jurisls vlo foIIovodlis mollod
vorkod on qh for aImosl 15O yoars boforo Imm Buklrs sound
compiIalion vas rocordod. In llis poriod, lloy musl lavo conslanlIy
soarclod for lradilions lo soIvo nov issuos and dovoIop llo Iav. Tloy
musl lavo absorbod aII llo lradilions and accommodalod llominlo llo
Iav for nov issuos. Tloro is, lovovor, aIvays a lloorolicaI possibiIily
llal lloy migll lavo missod somo lradilion.
Ior a sound lradilion llal may lavo sIippod llrougl llo giganlic
oorl of llo jurisls for ono lundrod and fly yoars, Ibn bidn says:
Il is ovidonl llal (acling on) llis lradilion is for ono vlo is skiIIod in
llo oxaminalion of llo loxls, vlo knovs llo muh
kam and llo manskh.
If lloso oIigibIo in llo sclooI oxamino llis lradilion and acl on llo dall
(conlainod villin il), llo ruIo is corroclIy allribulod lo llo sclooI as il
las arison fromllo pormission granlodby llo foundor of llo sclooI, bo-
causo lloro can bo no doubl llal if lo limsoIf lad docIarod lis (oarIior)
ovidonco lo bo voak, lo vouId lavo rolraclod from il and foIIovod llo
slrongor dall. Il is for llis roason llal Ibn aI-Humm objoclod lo llo
fatw of somo Maslikl vlo ruIod according lo llo viov of llo lvo
Imms, and mainlainod llal moving avay from llo viov of llo Imm
is onIy pormillod vlon lis ovidonco is provod lo bo voak. Tlis moans
llal il is onIy llo mujtahid vlo las llo rigll lo oxamino llis lradilion
llal las passod unnolicod dovn lo Ialor limos, llo muqallid las no au-
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
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l al-Fiqh 75
llorily, or oxporliso, lo oxamino llis lradilion for aIloring llo sollIod
rulings of llo sclooI.
Horo vo vouId Iiko lo liglIigll anollor dimonsion llal appoars lo
lavo boon ignorod by Ibn bidn. Tlis is llo slalomonl of llo groal
anaf jurisl and Imam, aI-Karkl, on llo oxacl samo issuo. Tlo slalo-
monl rocaIIod is as foIIovs:
Eacl roporl (khabar) llal conicls vill an opinion of our ju-
risls is lo bo conslruod as abrogalod or llal il las coniclod
vill a simiIar roporl. Tloroaflor, anollor ovidonco (dall)
or a proforonco on llo basis of vlicl our jurisls arguo for
proforonco slaII bo adoplod or a roconciIialory conslruclion
slaII bo pIacod upon il. Tlis slaII bo dono in accordanco
vill llo naluro of llo ovidonco. Tlus, if a basis for abroga-
lion is oslabIislod, il slaII bo conslruod accordingIy, bul if
lloro is anollor basis (of roconciIialion), vo slaII adopl llal.
Horo ImmaI-Karkl is giving advico lo llo mujtahid villin llo sclooI,
bocauso llo muqallid muft is oxcIudod from llis procoss anyvay. Ho is
saying llal lloro aro sovoraI prosumplions in llis caso:
1. Tlo lradilion discovorod nov las boon abrogalod,
2. Tlo lradilion las aIroady boon considorod by llo Imm and las
nol boon proforrod in comparison lo anollor slrongor ovidonco,
3. Tlo lradilion las aIroady boon roconciIod vill llo oxisling ovi-
AII llroo prosumplions givo riso lo a fourll prosumplion llal the
Imm or his school has already taken this tradition into account.
Tloso aro robullabIo prosumplions, vlicl moans llal lloy can bo ovor-
lurnod onIy if ovidonco is adducod lo slovllal llo Immor llo sclooI
did nol como across llis lradilion and, lloroforo, did nol lako il inlo
accounl. The onus of proof is on the person, and we assume he is a
jurist, who is presenting this tradition as a new tradition not consid-
ered by the school. Wlal ImmaI-Karkl appoars lo bo saying, and vo
fuIIy agroo, is llal lloro is absoIuloIy no vay in vlicl a jurisl, lovovor
knovIodgoabIo, can como up vill ovidonco lo slov llal llo lradilion
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
76 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
vas nol lakon inlo accounl. Tlis loIds lruo ovon if llis jurisl maslors
aII llo us
l, qawid and fur of llo sclooI. Tlo maximum lo can do
is lo allompl lo slov vly il is considorod abrogalod, nol proforrod, or
ConsoquonlIy, if anyono loday comos up vill an aullonlic lradilion
and says llal porlaps llis lradilion did nol roacl llo Imm or lis dis-
cipIos, sucl a cIaim las no basis, in facl, il las no moaning. AII llo
lradilions lavo aIroady boon lakon inlo accounl by llo sclooI and aro
incIudod or accommodalod, in ono vay or anollor, villin llo oslab-
Iislod doclrino of llo sclooI. If the Tradition is Adopted, the Jurist Must Stay Within His School
Il may bo assumod for llo sako of argumonl llal a jurisl vlo is a
mujtahid villin llo sclooI las boon abIo lo slovllal a corlain lradilion
vas nol foIIovodby llo Imm. Evoninsucla caso, llis jurisl is roquirod
lo slay villin llo sclooI, lo cannol adopl llo viov of anollor sclooI
on llo basis of llo lradilion. Tlis lopic concorns llo issuo of picking
or cloosing an opinion from anollor sclooI, vlicl is discussod boIov,
bul vo viII addross il brioy loro.
Tlo Ioarnod Ibn bidn says: I vouId say: Iurllor, il is nocossary
lo roslricl llis vill (llo condilion) llal llo opinion slouId conform lo
an opinion villin llo sclooI, bocauso il is nol pormillod in ijtihd lo
uploId a viov llal lakos lim oul of llo sclooI as a vloIo, llal is, vill
vlal our jurisls lavo agrood upon. Tlo roason is llal lloir ijtihd is
slrongor llan lis ijtihd. Il is obvious llal lloy adoplod an ovidonco
llal vas proforrabIo ovor vlal lo (llo Imam) adoplod, and vlicl lloy
did nol acl upon. Il is duo lo llis roason llal aI-AIImal Qsim said
vill rospocl lo lis loaclor Ibn aI-Humm, llo Iasl of llo voriors: Tlo
discussions of our Slaykl llal opposod llo sclooI aro nol lo bo aclod
upon. Ho llon quolod llo Ioarnod Qd
Kln, Tlo mollod of llo
muft in our limos vill rospocl lo our companions is llal if lo (llo
muft ) is askod aboul an issuo llal is roIalod from our (oarIior) com-
panions in llo aullonlic narralions villoul any disagroomonl among
llom, llon lo is lo incIino lovards llom and is lo issuo a fatw accord-
ing lo lloir viov. Ho is nol lo go againsl llomin lis viovovon if lo is an
oslabIislod mujtahid. Tlo roason, il is obvious, is llal llo lrull Iios vill
our companions and doos nol go boyond llom. His ijtihd cannol roacl
llo IovoI of lloir ijtihd. Tlo viovs of lloso vlo opposo llomaro nol lo
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
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l al-Fiqh 77
bo considorod, nor is lloir h
ujjah lo bo accoplod. Tlo roason is llal our
companions idonliod llo ovidoncos, and dislinguislod bolvoon vlal
vas sound and oslabIislod and vlal vas llo opposilo of llis.
Sucl slalomonls causo big probIoms for lloso vlo vanl lo IogaIizo
picking and cloosing from sclooIs. Tloy lry lo counlor llom llrougl
voak opinions. Ior oxampIo, llo abovo slalomonl of Qd
Kln is coun-
lorod vill llo foIIoving voak viov of Ibn aI-Qd
Samval: Tlis is
a mallor of boIiof, ollorviso MIik vas aload of llom, and lloro is no
ovidonco llal lloy gallorod and foIIovod akhbr and thr moro llan
Sl and MIik. And, llo lradilions lad nol boon compiIod during
llo limo of Ab H
anfal and lis companions Iiko lloy voro in llo limos
aflor llom, bocauso llo six books voro compiIod Ialor on. Tlo fuliIily
of llis argumonl is obvious. Wo lavo arguod llal llo jurisls vorkod
for 15O yoars liII llo Iav vas rocordod by Imm Mul
ammad. Il look
anollor 1OO yoars for llo six sound compiIalions lo appoar. If com-
piIalion is llo slandard, llon il viII causo many probIoms for aII llo
sclooIs. Doos llis moan llal aII llo jurisls ladboon vorking in llis aroa
villoul lradilions` SlouId lloso sclooIs bo svopl asido and vo slouId
slarl anov from llo dalo of compiIalion` Tloso books voro compiIod
moro llan sixly yoars aflor aI-Sl, so doos il moan llal lo vas aIso
nol avaro of lradilions` And, il is inlorosling lo nolo llal Ab Ibayd,
vriling 25 yoars aflor aI-Sls doall, doos nol ovon monlion lim in
lis Kitb al-Amwl, bul lis book is fuII of llo viovs of llo H
anaf jurisls.
In ollor vords, aI-Sl vas nol ovon rocognizod al llal limo.
Klns argumonl is lolaIIy in Iino vill llo qidah Iaid dovn
by Imm aI-Karkl. Tlo concIusion is llal ovon if by ono clanco in
llousands a jurisl, and lo las lo bo a mujtahid, discovors llal a lradilion
vas nol foIIovod by Ab H
anfal, a facl llal llis jurisl musl provo, lo
cannol go boyond llo connos of llo sclooI. Ibn bidn adds lo llis
llal if sucl a jurisl is convincod llal lo is rigll, lo may foIIov lis viov
in lis porsonaI aclions, bul lo cannol issuo a fatw on llo basis of lis
viov. The Vital Role of Traditions and Modern Issues
In llo abovo paragrapls vo lavo como lo rocognizo llo ruIo llal il
is vory dicuIl, if nol impossibIo, lo quoslion llo viovs of llo oarIior
Imms on llo basis of a sound lradilion, vlicl may appoar lo conicl
vill lloir viovs. In ordor lo quoslion lloir viovs on llo basis of a lradi-
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
78 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
lion, llo jurisl las lo bo a mujtahid mut
laq or al Ioasl as skiIIod as a muj-
tahid l-madhhab. Il is obvious llal sucl a jurisl is nol lo bo found loday.
Evon if sucl a jurisl voro lo bo found, lo viII nol bo abIo lo slov llal
llo oarIior Imms did nol lako llo lradilion inlo accounl, bocauso llo
ruIo villin llo sclooI is llal llo Imms did lako aII llo lradilions inlo
accounl and lloy lavo llo jurislic oxporionco of 15O yoars lo slrongllon
llis prosumplion. Tlis ruIo provonls an oslabIislod sclooI from boing
vipod oul by porsons vlo do nol mool llo roquirod quaIicalions.
Boyond llis, llo sound compiIalions lavo a lugo roIo lo pIay. Will-
oul going inlo loo many dolaiIs, vo can oasiIy say llal llo (nov) ruIos
sollIod by Ialor jurisls can bo quoslionod on llo basis of sound lradi-
lions. In addilion lo llis, llo lradilions aro noodod lo sollIo many nov
issuos llal did nol ariso during llo poriod of llo oarIior or Ialor Imams
or lavo nol boon addrossod by llom.
Il is imporlanl lo nolo llal llo sclooIs of Iav did nol addross aII
probIoms. Tloy voro moro concornod vill lloso issuos llal aroso di-
roclIy, or by impIicalion, from llo loxls. Many of lloso aroas voro Iofl
lo llo ruIor or llo Imam lo sollIo. Tlo roason vly sucl ruIos voro Iofl
lo llo ruIors vas llal lloso voro ruIos llal voro subjocl lo clango ovor
limo. Tlo jurisls, on llo ollor land, voro concornod moro vill ruIos of
a pormanonl naluro.
Wo may monlion llal llis is a giganlic aroa llal
noods llo coIIoclivo oorl of aII quaIiod jurisls so llal unquaIiod por-
sons do nol lry lo II llo vacuum. In llis oorl, llo sound compiIalions
of lradilions lavo a lugo roIo lo pIay.
Wo may nov lurn lo llo issuo of picking and cloosing propor, and
lo ils oslool caIIod talfq.
6.4.2 Picking and Choosing or the Varieties of Talfq The Meaning in General
Iicking or cloosing opinions or croaling a palclod up ruIo osson-
liaIIy moans cloosing opinions from ollor sclooIs in proforonco lo llo
viov in onos ovn sclooI. Iicking and cloosing may bo dono in a
mannor llal amounls lo cloosing a singIo viov, ovorlurning llo sclooI
viov, bul villoul making a palclvork. Il may aIso bo dono in a mannor
llrougl vlicl a compononl of a ruIo is closon and is combinod vill
ollor compononls of llo ruIo in llo sclooI. AII llis viII bo cIoar from
4O. IIoaso oxamino our book on llo subjocl. Nyazoo, Theories of Islamic Law,
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 79
llo oxampIos providod boIov. Tlo lvo procossos, and moro may bo in-
vonlod, aro loclnicaIIy llo samo from llo porspoclivo of mollodoIogy.
Wlon a numbor of opinions aro closon from ollor sclooIs, bul lloy
appIy lo unroIalod issuos, llo procoss is picking and cloosing, vlicl
is jusliod and uploId by many loday. Wlon a numbor of opinions aro
closon fromdioronl sclooIs andconvorgo in a singIo issuo, llo procoss
is caIIod talfq, and is condomnod by many, ovon loday, as llo pursuil of
porsonaI dosiros and vlims or pIaying vill llo ruIos of roIigion. Dif-
foronl ruIos and juslicalions aro assignod lo llo lvo procossos. In our
viov, al llo vory basic IovoI llo lvo procossos aro llo samo and llal
is cloosing from anollor sclooI. }uslifying picking and cloosing viII
aIvays Ioad lo talfq.
Wo viII rsl provido a fov oxampIos lo undorsland llo procossos,
and llon considor somo of llo viovs and argumonls of lloso vlo jus-
lify lloso procossos and considor llom vaIid.
Ibn bidn says llal a porson vlo las porformod wud
las somo
bIood oving from lis body and lo llon louclos lis vifo and prays,
llon llo vaIidily of llis prayor is basod upon talfq llal is palclod up
from llo viov of llo Sl and H
anaf sclooIs, bul sucl talfq is bt
so llo vaIidily is nogalod. MavIn Aslraf AI Tlnav oxpIains llis
as foIIovs: Wlon bIood oozos oul, wud
is annuIIod according lo llo
anafs, bul nol according lo llo Sls. Horo llo porson adopls llo
Sl sclooI. Wlon lo louclos lis vifo, lis wud
is annuIIod accord-
ing lo llo Sls, bul nol according lo llo H
anafs. Nov lo adopls llo
anaf sclooI. Tlo roaIily is llal lis wud
slands anuIIod according lo
boll sclooIs.
MavIn Tlnav givos anollor oxampIo: If a porson in llo slalo of
louclos lis vifo, submils lo cupping, and louclos lis ponis, and
llon doos nol porform wud
and prays, vliclovor sclooI lo asks viII
docIaro lis prayor lo bo a nuIIily vlon aII llroo acls aro combinod. Tlis
is caIIod talfq.
Wo visl lo omplasizo llal llo Ioarnod MavIn Tlnav rojocls
picking and cloosing and talfq, bocauso lo mainlains llal Dn moans
obodionco and llis mollod moans llo pursuil of vlims. Ho docIaros il
lo bo a vory dangorous lling, bocauso llo porson Ioavos ono sclooI for
41. Tlnav, Ijtihd-o-Taqld, 67.
42. Ibid., 67.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
8O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
anollor duo lo vorIdIy considoralions. Ho llon quolos an iIIuslralion
lakon from Ibn bidn vlo says llal a jurisl proposod lo a lradilionisl
for lis daugllors land. Tlo fallor of llo girI said llal I viII accopl
on llo condilion llal you porform raf yadayn and procIaim llo mn in
an audibIo voico. Tlo jurisl accoplod and vas marriod lo llo girI. Tlis
incidonl vas narralod lo a Ioarnod man, vlo on loaring il Iovorod lis
load (Iookod dovn) and said: I foar for lis faill (mn) for lo adoplod
llo acls for llis vorId and nol for somo dall shar.
43 Using the Qd
as the Standard
Tlo Ioarnod MavIn (God bIoss lim), lovovor, did doom llo
adopling llo viov of a dioronl sclooI pormissibIo vill corlain con-
dilions. Ho slalod: If ono acls on llo viov of anollor sclooI due to
necessity, then one must act on all the constituent parts of this act
(llal is, according lo vlal llo ollor sclooI says). Tlis is ils condilion.
Ho llon adds llal nol in riluaIs, bul in mumalt in vlicl lloro
is froquonl lriaI, I (somolimos) issuo a fatw according lo anollor Imm
vlon lloro is a possibiIily of accommodalion, and I do il for romovaI
of lardslip. AIllougl I vas salisod aboul llis oxomplion mysoIf, yol
I look pormission for llis fromMavIn Rasld Al
mad Gangoli (God
bIoss lim). I lad askod vlollor a fatw can bo issuod according lo llo
viov of anollor Imm in casos of nocossily. Ho rospondod by saying
llal il is pormillod, bul llis oaso is granlod onIy for mumalt.
Nov, vly did llo Ioarnod AIImal Gangoli pormil llo foIIoving
of anollor jurisls opinion, and jusl for llo mumalt` Tlo anaIogy ap-
poars lo lavo boon borrovod from llo ruIos for llo qd
, vlo doos nol
docido mallors of ibdt, bul focusos on llo mumalt aIono. Il vas for
llis roason llal AIImal Gangoli narrovod dovn llo pormission lo
mumalt. Bul vlal roasoning vas lo roIying on for pormilling llo ro-
Iianco upon anollor sclooI. Tlo sourco, in our viov, is ImmAb Bakr
aI-Ksn. Ho Iays dovn llo foIIoving ruIos for llo qd
Wloro llo qd
is nol quaIiod lo undorlako ijtihd, lo is lo mom-
oriso aII llo poinls of agroomonl and disagroomonl in llo sclooI,
ollorviso lo is lo sook a fatw.
43. Tlnav, Ijtihd-o-Taqld, 68.
44. Ibid., 68.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 81
Wloro llo qd
, vlo is nol a mujtahid, docidos according lo llo
viov of anollor sclooI, and is avaro of llis, lis judgomonl is nol
lo bo oxoculod.
Wloro llo qd
, vlo is a mujtahid, docidos according lo llo viov
of anollor sclooI lis judgomonl is vaIid by consonsus.
Tloso poinls lavo boon oxlraclod from our lransIalion of Imm aI-
Ksns Adab al-Qd
. Tlo rsl lvo poinls mako il absoIuloIy cIoar llal
a muqallid qd
can undor no circumslancos clango lis sclooI and movo
lo llo viovof anollor sclooI. Tlo vords and is avaro of llis oxcIudo
llo caso of forgolfuInoss (nisyn), vlicl is a dofocl for onos IogaI capac-
ily and vo nood nol bollor aboul loro. As the mufts role is almost
the same as that of the qd
, a muqallid muft can under no circum-
stances move to the view of another school, otherwise his fatw is of
no consequence. As aII mufts loday aro muqallids (roIying on llo slalo-
monl of Ibn aI-Humm), llo mallor of picking and cloosing slouId bo
considorod sollIod jusl by llis ruIo, llal is, picking and cloosing from
ollor sclooIs is prolibilod. NovorlloIoss, somo jurisls loday may con-
sidor llomsoIvos mujtahids of somo kind, lloroforo, vo nood lo considor
llo llird poinl, vlicl appoars lo granl pormission.
Tlo llird poinl is a cIassic caso vloro roadors forgol llo undorIying
ruIos, or nogIocl lo roIalo ruIos, and jusl road llo opinions. Tlo undor-
Iying ruIo of llo llird poinl las boon Iaid dovn by Imm aI-Dabbs as
llo socond formof pormillod taqld. Tlo ruIo is llal llo taqld by ono ju-
risl of anollor is pormillodif llo suporiorily inknovIodgo of llo ollor is
oslabIislod or acknovIodgod. Tlis ruIo pormils llo S
Ab Ysuf and Mul
ammadlo undorlako taqld of Ab H
anfal (God
bo pIoasod vill lim), vlom lloy acknovIodgo as lloir suporior in
knovIodgo. Tlus, lloy foIIov lis us
l by moans of vlicl lloy como lo
boIong lo llo H
anaf sclooI, and lloy oflon foIIov lim in fur, vlicl
is vlal llo llird poinl is laIking aboul. Iol us roproduco vlal Imm
aI-Ksn las said so llal llo issuo can bo undorslood in ils propor por-

Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
82 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Aflor lransIaling llis, vo foIIovod il up vill commonls:
Translation: Wlon llo qd
is quaIiod lo undorlako ijtihd, il is noc-
ossary llal lis judgomonl bo vaIid for llo caso, and llis is so by conson-
sus (ijm). Anollor qd
doos nol lavo llo rigll lo annuI il, bocauso il
doos nol faII undor llo caso of forgolfuInoss, bul is lo bo lroalod as if
lo las undorlakon ijtihd, and lis ijtihd las Iod lim lo llo viov of lis
rivaI sclooI, and lo ruIod accordingIy. As lo docidod according lo lis
ijtihd, lis viov is vaIid.
Comments: Tlo silualion is a IillIo moro compIox in our viov. Tlo
jurisl acling as a qd
and using lis ovn ijtihd may bo of lvo lypos.
Iirsl is a fuIIy indopondonl mujtahid (mujtahid mut
laq). Sucl a jurisl doos
nol porform taqld oillor in us
l or in llo fur. Ho las lis ovn sol of
l. Tlo onIy condilion is llal lo musl docIaro lis us
l so llal ollor
jurisls can undorsland lis roasoning, and somo may ovon clooso lo foI-
Iovlim. Tlis jurisl musl aIvays foIIovlis ovn ijtihd. Ho is in no caso
lo foIIov anollor sclooI. Il is obvious llal sucl a qd
is nol inlondod
Tlo qd
inlondod loro is ono vlo is caIIod a mujtahid f al-madhhab,
Iiko Ab Ysuf and Mul
ammad (God bIoss llom), or a mujtahid f al-
masil, Iiko Ab Bakr aI-}as
and aI-Sarakls (God bIoss llom). Tloso
aro jurisls vlo porform taqld vill rospocl lo llo us
l, bul aro moro or
Ioss indopondonl vill rospocl lo llo fur, llal is, vliIo using llo us
of llo sclooI lloy may arrivo al dioronl opinions. If sucl a qd
according lo llo opinion of a rivaI sclooI, llo quoslion arisos as lo vlal
voro llo us
l usodby lim` If sucla qd
, vliIo using llo us
l of lis ovn
sclooI arivos al llo opinion aIso uploId by a rivaI sclooI, lis opinion
is vaIid, and il is llis qd
vlo is discussod by Imm aI-Ksn loro.
If lo doos nol uso llo us
l of lis ovn sclooI and llon arrivos al llo
opinion of a rivaI sclooI, llon IogicaIIy, lis opinion is nol vaIid and nor
viII bo lis judgomonl. Modorn scloIars vlo aro picking and cloosing
opinions from rivaI sclooIs loday slouId koop llis in mind.
Iol us nov add lo lloso commonls. In llo caso monlionod by Imm
aI-Ksn, the mujtahid exercised ijtihd and by chance his viewcame
to coincide with the view of the Imm of a rival school. Tloro is ab-
soIuloIy no probIom vill llis, and il is pormillod as las boon domon-
slralod by aI-Ksn. Excorcising lis ovn ijtihd, according lo llo us
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 83
of lis sclooI, and picking up a viov of llo rivaI sclooI villoul ijtihd
aro lvo vory dioronl llings. In llo rsl caso, vloro llo viov is basod
on ijtihd, llo jurisl is nol acknovIodging llo suporiorily of llo Imm
of llo rivaI sclooI, in llo socond caso lo is. Imm aI-Sl undorlook
ijtihd limsoIf, and many limos lis viov vouId conform vill llo viov
of Ab Ysuf, or Mul
ammad, or Zufar. Doos llis moan llal lo is ac-
knovIodging llo suporiorily of lloso jurisls and porforming taqld of
lloso Imms` CorlainIy nol. As comparod lo lim, aI-Slsl aI-QaI,
vlo vas nol roaIIy a muqallid aIllougl lo vas an oxporl in Sl qh, is
roporlod lo lavo said lo a quoslionor: If you vanl aI-Slfs viov, llis
is il, bul if you vanl my porsonaI opinion, I viII opl for Ab H
viov. His porsonaI opinion loro moans lis ovn ijtihd, vlicl camo
lo coincido vill llo viov of Ab H
anfal. Il doos nol moan llal lo
bocamo a muqallid Iiko Imms Ab Ysuf and Mul
ammad (God bIoss
llom boll).
Tlo concIusion vo dravfromllis is llal vlon a muft in llo H
sclooI cloosos Imm aI-Sls viov, for oxampIo, lo comos lo ac-
knovIodgo, rsl, llal Imm aI-Sl is suporior lo llis jurisl, vlicl is
accoplabIo, bul vlon lo cloosos lis viov ovor llo viov of Imm Ab
anfal or llal of llo sclooI, lo las docIarod llal ImmSl is supo-
rior in knovIodgo lo llo Imms of llo H
anaf sclooI. Tlo samo appIios
vlon lo cloosos Imm MIiks viov villoul ijtihd. In slorl, llis ju-
risl las movod oul of llo H
anaf sclooI and las bocomo a muqallid of
anollor Imm.
If llo jurisl is doing so on llo basis of lis ijtihd as oxpIainod abovo,
lo doos nol movo oul of llo sclooI. Tlis is vlal Ibn bidn las aIso
indicalod on a fov occasions. He denitely moves out of the H
school whenhe merely picks andchooses, andcannot be considereda
anaf. Iurllor, moro cIaims of nocossily and clango of circumslancos
(urf ) aro nol ijtihd in llo sonso moanl loro. Rules That Prohibit Picking and Choosing
Tlo dobalo aboul picking andcloosing opinions fromollor sclooIs,
and aboul talfq, las boon going on for somo limo. Tlo onIy vay lo ro-
soIvo llis issuo and lo como lo a donilivo concIusion aboul llo rigll
courso of aclion is lo considor corlain ruIos llal apparonlIy prolibil llis
praclico. Boforo vo Iisl llo ruIos and oxpIain llom, il is imporlanl lo
nolo llal talfq, as praclicod or concoivod in llo oxampIo of wud
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
84 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
vloro piocos of dioronl viovs aro combinod for pormissibiIily, is ro-
joclod by mosl jurisls and is considorod bt
il. Tlo condilion imposod by
jurisls Iiko MavIn Tlnav is llal llo vloIo issuo slouId bo foIIovod
according lo ono sclooI. In ollor vords, if you pick and clooso, clooso
llo onliro issuo making llo cloosing compIolo, cloosing of piocos is nol
aIIovod. Tlo roasoning is llal cloosing of piocos amounls lo an opon
and unconlroIIod pursuil of dosiros and amounls lo pIaying vill llo
Dn. AccordingIy, vlon vo como lo rojocl picking and cloosing, talfq
is aulomalicaIIy condomnod. Wo may nov Iisl llo ruIos:
1. Rule 1: Taqld by a mujtahid of anollor mujtahid is aIIovod if llo
suporiorily in knovIodgo of llo ollor mujtahid is acknovIodgod
and accoplod (aI-Dabbs).
2. Rule 2: Tlo lrull is ono, and llo lrull Iios vill llo jurisls of llo
anaf sclooI (soo Qd
Kln abovo).
3. Rule 3: Il is prolibilod lo foIIov an opinion nol proforrodal-
kal-adam (Ibn bidn and ollors).
4. Rule 4: Il is prolibilod lo foIIov a voak (d
af ) viov (Ibn bidn
and ollors).
5. Rule 5: Anyono vlo cloosos opinions from rivaI sclooIs or un-
dorlakos talfq is in vioIalion of llo qawnn us
liyyah, vlicl rop-
rosonl llo ossonco of taqld and dolormino llo moaning of a sclooI
of IsIamic Iav (llo posilion lakon in lloso moduIos).
Iol us lako up lloso ruIos ono by ono:
Tlo rsl ruIo, llal is, taqld by a mujtahid of anollor mujtahid is aI-
Iovod if llo suporiorily in knovIodgo of llo ollor mujtahid is acknovI-
odgod and accoplod (aI-Dabbs), las aIroady boon discussod abovo
in considorabIo dolaiI. Tlo concIusion vas llal by moving lo anollor
sclooI, ovon if il is in ono viov for vlalovor roasons, llo ollor Imm is
considorod suporior lo our ovn Imams and taqlid of llo H
anaf sclooI
slands domoIislod.
Tlo socond ruIo, llal is, llo lrull is ono, and llo lrull Iios vill llo
jurisls of llo H
anaf sclooI is indicalod by llo slalomonl of Qd
abovo vloro lo says, Tlo roason, il is obvious, is llal llo lrullIios vill
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 85
our companions and doos nol go boyond llom. Tlo samo assorlion is
mado by AIImal Qsim. Al llo ond of lis Rasm al-Muft, Ibn bidn
rsl rocords aII kinds of viovs aboul llis issuo in llo conloxl of llo qd

or muft proforring llo viov of anollor sclooI. Ho llon concIudos vill

a passago from aI-AIImal Qsim as foIIovs:
Il is nol pormillodlo llo muqallid qd
lo issuo a ruIing (h
onllo basis of a voak opinion. Tlo roasonis llal lo doos nol
possoss llo aullorily of tarjh
, lloroforo, lo viII onIy movo
avay from llo sound viov duo lo molivos llal aro dubious
(unvorlly). If he does issue such a ruling it is not to be im-
plemented, because his judgment is a judgement based on
an untruth; because the truth is the sound view. Wlal is
roIalodaboul llo voak viovboing slrongllonodby llo judg-
monl is inlondod lo appIy lo llo judgmonl of llo mujtahid.
Wlal is monlionodinllis moaning las boonoxpIicilIy slalod
by Ibn aI-Humm.
Tlis is llo concIusion dravn by Ibn bidn. Wlal las boon said
aboul llo qd
appIios lo llo muft as voII and in mucl slrongor lorms,
bocauso llo qd
las lo givo roIiof lo llo Iiliganls vloroas llo muft is
undor no sucl prossuro.
Tlo ruIo is acluaIIy basod on a qidah us
liyyah. Tlo issuo is: Is
oacl mujtahid rigll` Tlo majorily of llo jurisls (jamhr), mainlain llal
oacl mujtahid is rigll. Il is in llis conloxl llal ono loars many modorn
scloIars assorling llal aII four Sunni sclooIs aro oquaIIy vaIid ropro-
sonlalions of llo sharah, and vliclovor sclooI is foIIovod is on llo
rigll lrack. Tlo H
anaf rosponso lo llo issuo is llal oacl mujtahid is nol
rigll and llo lrull is ono, and llis lrull, according lo lloir boIiof,
Iios vill llo Imms and jurisls of llo H
anaf sclooI. As AIIal aIono
knovs vlal llis singIo lrull is, llo H
anaf jurisls framo llo assorlion
as foIIovs: If vo aro askod aboul our opinions and aboul llo opinions
of llo rivaI sclooI, vo viII say by nocossily, Our opinions aro corrocl
vill a probabiIily of our orror (in somo casos), and llo opinions of our
rivaIs aro incorrocl, vill a probabiIily of boing corrocl (in somo casos).
Tlis is slalod by aI-H
askaf in llo oponing claplor of lis book, and is
llo gonoraI viov in llo H
anaf sclooI. In ollor vords, according lo llo
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
86 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
anafs, a porson foIIoving a rivaI sclooI las lo boIiovo llal llo lrull
Iios vill lis sclooI.
Ior llo sako of argumonl, vo may say llal if aII Sunni sclooIs aro
corrocl, vly lavo four sclooIs` Iol us lavo a singIo sclooI vill a lugo
varioly of opinions on ovory issuo in llis Iargo sclooI, and Iol llo poopIo
foIIov vlalovor lloy Iiko. Tlis viII doniloIy croalo a moss, and mako
llo impIomonlalion of llo Iav impossibIo. In llo ond il viII Ioad lo a
silualion vloro lloro aro no sclooIs. Iorlaps, llis is vlal somo groups
dosiro loday, so llal llo ruIo of llo sharah comos lo an ond.
Willoul going inlo furllor dolaiIs, vo may concIudo llal anyono
vlo cloosos an opinion from a rivaI sclooI is cloosing a viov llal is
probabIy incorrocl, and by doing so lo is proforring il ovor a viov llal
is probabIy, and by boIiof doniloIy, corrocl. By doing so lo is vioIaling
llo fundamonlaI qawid of H
anaf Iav.
Tlo llird ruIo is obvious and noods no oxpIanalion, llal is, Il is
prolibilod lo foIIovan opinion nol proforrodal-marjh
bidn and ollors). Tlo ruIo simpIy moans llal onIy llo proforrod
opinion villin llo sclooI is lo bo foIIovod, and aII llo ollor opinions
llal lavo nol boon proforrod aro lo bo lroalod as non-oxislonl. If llis is
llo posilion aboul opinions llal voro basod on llo us
l and qawid of
llo Imam, llon llo viov of ollor sclooIs, basod on rojoclod qawann,
lavo lo bo docIarod as marjh
. Tloro is no vay in vlicl sucl viovs can
bo foIIovod.
Horo, vo may considor somo of llo argumonls advancod by scloI-
ars vlo uploId llo foIIoving of ollor sclooIs vill somo condilions.
Tlo basic condilion lloy imposo is llal of nocossily and nood, and aIso
boing a mallor of vidosproad uso. Tloro is a dolaiIod ruIing on llo caso
of cruoIly lo vivos vloro vomon voro advisod lo rosorl lo aposlasy
for sooking roIoaso from lloir cruoI lusbands vlon aII ollor avonuos
of sooking roIiof voro cIosod in Brilisl India. Tlo basis vas nocossily.
Tlo issuo vas sollIod by MavIn Tlnvav. Il is nol propor lo ar-
guo vill llo Ioarnod MavIn, for lo vas a jurisl of a vory ligl slalus,
bul vo nd llo argumonl basod on nocossily somovlal unconvincing.
Iurllor, il can Ioad lo llo oponing of ollor doors. Ior oxampIo, a man
divorcos lis vifo llrico in a slalo of angor, or by vay of josl, or in a slalo
of voIunlary inloxicalion and Ialor roaIizos llo consoquoncos of vlal
las lapponod, lo is lorrorizod oul of lis vils duo lo llo prospocl of
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 87
Iosing lis vifo and llo vloIo vorId of llo voman coIIapsos around
lor. Is llis nocossily onougl lo movo lo ollor sclooIs` Tlo nocossily
appoars lo bo oxaclIy simiIar lo llo ono advancod in llo caso of vivos
rosorling lo aposlasy. If il is, llon many of llo ruIos of llo sclooI, so
carofuIIy craflod, viII sland orodod.
Iurllor, talfq on many occasions may lavo a simiIar nocossily. Tako
llo oxampIo of wud
quolod abovo. Il is somolling llal is a mallor
of gonoraI nocossily, for ovory vorslippor is aoclod. As comparod lo
llis, llo caso of vivos discussod in llo provious paragrapl aro Iossor in
lorms of gonoraIily. Wly llon is llis talfq prolibilod, bul il is pormil-
lod vlon llo nood is vidor` Iurllor, il is dicuIl lo undorsland vly
cloosing smaII parls of opinions fromrivaI sclooIs amounls lo pIaying
vill roIigion and cloosing a vloIo opinion doos nol. Tloso argumonls
aro dicuIl lo digosl.
Tlo concIusion is llal aII opinions of a rivaI sclooI aro lo bo lroalod
as marjh
. Wloro llo opinions coincido, llo issuo is nol roIovanl.
Tlo fourll ruIo porlains lo voak opinions or ovidoncos, llal is, Il is
prolibilod lo foIIov a voak opinion (or dall). Tlo jurisls aro in agroo-
monl aboul llis ruIo. Tlo issuo is vlollor llo viovs of a rivaI sclooI
can bo pIacod in llis calogory. Tlo vay llo H
anaf jurisls lurn dovn
llo argumonls of rivaI sclooIs in lloir books can oasiIy Ioad us lo llo
concIusion llal as llo ollor sclooI is IikoIy lo bo vrong mosl of llo
limo, llo viovs of llo ollor sclooI aro voak (d
af ), and il is forbiddon
lo foIIov a viov llal is d
Horo vo may lako llo opporlunily lo monlion llal llo juslicalion
for talfq is dorivodfromllo viovof Ibn Nujaym, andllo viovaboul llo
pormissibiIily of picking and cloosing in gonoraI is aIso slrongllonod
llrougl lis viovs. Ibn bidn las parlIy rojoclod Ibn Nujayms vork,
ospociaIIy lis al-Ashbh wa-al-Naz
ir, on llo grounds llal il roIios on
llo viovs of rivaI sclooIs on many occasions. Il is lruo llal Ibn Nujaym
copios copiousIy from ollor sclooIs, ospociaIIy llo Sl sclooI. Il is
for llo samo roason llal Ibn bidn counlors lim on many occasions.
Wo lavo rocordod a fov in llis documonl, ospociaIIy llo viov aboul
foIIoving llo viovof llo ImmaIono. Tlo poinl is llal ovon if llo vork
of Ibn Nujaymis doomod roIiabIo, lis opinion cannol sorvo as a basis for
juslifying talfq as comparod lo aII llo ruIos and viovs llal lavo boon
quolod abovo. An inlorosling poinl, lovovor, is lo bo nolod llal Ibn
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
88 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Nujaym approvos llo foIIoving of llo viovs of ollor sclooIs and aIso
approvos talfq, bul llon conlradicls limsoIf on llo issuo of clanging
sclooIs. Tlus, lo says llal if a porson Ioavos our sclooI and goos lo llo
Sl sclooI, bul llon comos back, vo viII givo lim tazr for going lo
a Iossor (adwan) sclooI. Is lo saying llal llo viovs of llo Sl sclooI
aro lo bo pIacod in llo calogory of llo d
af ` Wo boIiovo llal is vlal lo
is saying.
Tlo fll and llo Iasl ruIo is: Anyono vlo cloosos opinions from
rivaI sclooIs or undorlakos talfq is in vioIalion of llo qawnn us
vlicl roprosonl llo ossonco of taqld and dolormino llo moaning of a
sclooI of IsIamic Iav. Tlis is a ruIo llal las boon assorlod again and
again in aII llo provious moduIos and ovon in llis moduIo. Wo lavo
boon arguing llrougloul lloso moduIos llal a sclooI is a body or ruIos
of inlorprolalion or ils us
l. Tloso us
l boing an inlornaIIy consislonl
sol llal givos riso lo a sclooI sland smaslod vlon movomonl villin
sclooIs is nol roslriclod. Tlo foIIoving labIo iIIuslralos vlal a porson
vlo cloosos viovs from dioronl sclooIs al random may bo doing in
roaIily. Wo lavo closon onIy llroo ruIos lo iIIuslralo llo acl of a porson
vlo is cloosing from llo Sl sclooI.
Principle Binding?/
Not Bind-
ing?/ Not
Opinion of a Companion Yos Yos
sn Yos Yos
mm is Qat
Yos Yos
Tloro aro numorous ollor conicls in llo ruIos of inloprolalion as
oxpIainod in llo provious moduIos. If llis is nol llo pursuil of haw,
llon vlal is` Iicking and cloosing is, lloroforo, bt
il and so is talfq,
nol onIy for llo muqallid bul aIso for llo mujtahid villin llo sclooI, bo-
causo lloro can bo no mujtahid mut
laq loday. Wlon somo loxls poinl oul
llal llo mujtahid can foIIovanollor sclooI, il appIos lo an absoIulo mu-
jtahid or llo mujtahid mut
laq. Tlo roason is llal llo mujtahid mut
laq las
lis ovn principIos of inlorprolalion llal aro dioronl from lloso of llo
anaf sclooI. Tlo lrull is llal il is binding on llis mujtahid lo foIIov
lis ovn ijtihd, lo cannol foIIov llo H
anaf sclooI for any ruIo. As for
llo mujtahid l-madhhab, lo foIIovs llo principIos of inlorprolalion of
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 89
llo H
anaf sclooI and las llo froodom lo dior vill llo Imm on llo
basis of lis ovn ijtihd, bul lo cannol opl for llo viovof anollor sclooI
as llal vouId bo a gravo vioIalion of llo principIos of inlorprolalion.
6.4.3 Giving up the View of the School on the Basis of Urf and the
Changes Over Time The Nature of the Change Expected
In llo provious soclion vo lavo oxaminod llo silualion vloro llo
muft allompls lo go againsl llo viov of llo sclooI by bringing in a
viov from oulsido llo sclooI boundarios. Tlo prosonl soclion doaIs
vill silualions vloro llo proforrod viov of llo sclooI is givon up in
favour of a viov llal aIroady oxisls villin llo sclooI and vlicl is nol
llo proforrod viov of llo sclooI. Tlis procoss goos againsl llo oslab-
Iislod qidah llal says: al-marjh
kal-adam (llo viov nol proforrod is
non-oxislonl). Il may aIso lappon llal llo viov adoplod doos nol ox-
isl al aII villin llo sclooI, bul is brougll in lo ovorlurn llo oxisling
viov of llo sclooI, ovon if llis is llo viov of llo Imm or lis immo-
dialo discipIos. Tlis is a vioIalion of vlal vo said in llo rsl claplor
aboul llo ruIings of llo rsl Imms bocoming binding procodonls for
Ialor jurisls. Tlo signicanco of llis ruIo vas llal if llis procoss is aI-
Iovod and bogins occurring froquonlIy, llo H
anaf sclooI as vo knov
il viII disappoar and vill il viII disappoar llo ruIos of inlorprolalion
llal aro omboddod in lloso docisions. NovorlloIoss, vo monlionod llo
ruIings of Imm aI-T
v vlo did bring in lis ovn viov in profor-
onco lo lloso of llo oarIior Imms on a fov occasions. If llo sclooI las
lo bo prosorvod, a Iino las lo bo dravn somovloro and llo ruIings of
llo poriod abovo llo Iino lavo lo bo docIarod as xod. Somo of llo vril-
ors lavo suggoslod llal taqld bocamo onlronclod in llo fourll conlury
of llo Hijral. Wo vouId suggosl llal llo Iino bo dravn liII llo ond of
llo fll conlury, and aII llo ruIings boforo llis poriod bo docIarod xod
binding procodonls, llal is, ruIings llal cannol bo ovorlurnod. The Meaning of Urf as the Basis of Change
Having said llal, vo may nolo llo casos llal Ibn bidn las idon-
liod in vlicl llo ruIo proforrod las boon sol asido and a nov pro-
oxisling ruIo las boon proforrod or in vlicl an absoIuloIy nov ruIo las
boon brougll in lo ovorlurn llo viovprovaiIing in llo sclooI. Boforo vo
Iook al llo acluaI casos, il is bollor lo idonlify llo mollodoIogy rocog-
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
9O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
nizod by Ibn bidn on llo basis of vlicl llo ruIos lavo boon amondod
or clangod. Ibn bidn las idonliod llo basis as urf or llo provaIonl
praclico. Urf is nol lo bo confusod vill llo concopl of ago-oId cus-
lom provaiIing in llo EngIisl common Iav, vlicl is doomod lo bo
Iav by somo, so mucl so llal llo courls aro considorod bound lo roc-
ognizo il. In IsIamic Iav urf is considorod many dioronl llings. Ior
oxampIo, if llo poopIo lavo slarlod using a vord dioronl from nikh
lo moan nikh
, llon urf considors llis cuslomary usago llal musl bo
rocognizod by llo Iav. In ollor casos, il convoys llo concopl of marf
or vlal is considorod good by llo poopIo. Il is aIso considorod in lorms
of llo provaIonl praclico of llo poopIo or vlal lloy lavo bocomo usod
lo, vlollor or nol llis is an ago-oId cuslom. Al limos, nood of llo
poopIo las aIso boon associalod vill llis moaning if nol compIoloIy
absorbod in llo moaning of urf. To simpIify llo concopl vo may say
llal urf is usod in llo sonso of marf or vlal llo poopIo lavo como lo
considor good praclico, vlollor or nol llis is ancionl praclico. Tloro is,
lovovor, a vory basic condilion allaclod lo considoralion of sucl good
praclico. Wo may Iook al llo loxl of lvo jurisls lo undorsland llis bollor.
Tlo rsl slalomonl is from aI-Sarakls:
Our Slaykl, llo Imm, usod lo roIalo from lis loaclor llal
lo usod lo rondor llo vordicl of pormissibiIily for llo saIo
of shirb villoul llo Iand. Ho usod lo add llal lloro is a
manifosl urf in il in our Iand, for lloy usod lo soII valor on
ono-laIf. Tloroforo, on llo basis of manifosl urf lo usod lo
issuo llo fatw of pormissibiIily. Irf, lovovor, is considorod
vloro lloro is no nas
(loxl) opposing il. Tlo proscriplion
aboul llo saIo vill gharar is cIoarIy opposod lo llis urf.
A fov imporlanl poinls aro lo bo nolod loro. Iirsl, llo dosirod urf
musl nol opposo a loxl. Socond, llis opposilion doos nol lavo lo bo
opposilion lo an oxpross slalomonl in llo loxls, rallor il can bo a broad
gonoraI principIo llal arisos oul of llo loxls. Tlo moaning loro is llal
llo principIo of prolibilion of gharar in saIos is nol dorivod froma singIo
oxpross slalomonl, bul fromsovoraI Iiko saIo of birds in llo air or sl in
valor and so on. Tlird, aI-Saraksl goos againsl llo ruIing givon by llo
45. AI-Sarakls, al-Mabst
(Boirul: Dr aI-Kulub aI-IImiyyal, n.d.), voI. 14, 16162.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 91
loaclor of lis Slaykl and Imm villoul bIinking, vloro il is a mallor
of principIos no ono slands in lis vay. Ho llon juslios istis
n on llo
basis of urf.
Tlo concIusion is llal vlal is lakon inlo accounl loro is urf.
Eacl lling in vlicl llo poopIo praclico istis
n is vaIid.
AI-Marglnn says in al-Hidyah llal llo fatw for pormilling
muzraah is on llo viov of llo S
ibayn, bocauso of llo nood of llo
poopIo and aIso duo lo llo praclico provaIonl among llo poopIo. Ho
adds llal qiys is givon up in llo faco of accoplod praclico, jusl as il vas
dono in llo caso of istis
n. Ho monlions nood aIong vill urf, bo-
causo aII good praclicos can bo rocognizod vlon lloro is an undorIying
nood. Tlo qiys lo monlions is ono arising from a singIo loxl vlicl is:
Do nol soII vlal you do nol lavo. Tlo gonoraI impIicalion of llis ruIo
las aIroady boon roslriclod in casos Iiko ijrah making il z
Wo do nol nood lo monlion moro loxls lo undorsland llo naluro of
urf and ils rocognilion. Tvo fundamonlaI poinls llal vo lavo idonli-
od aro of cruciaI signicanco. Tloso aro llo absonco of opposilion of a
loxl or of llo gonoraI principIos arising fromllo loxls. Tlo socondis llal
llo praclico lo bo rocognizod musl bo basod on a gonoraI nood, vlicl
is somolimos lransIalod inlo nocossily (d
arrah) by llo jurisls. Tloso
principIos aro imporlanl, ospociaIIy llo ono aboul llo gonoraI princi-
pIos arising from llo loxl. Today, many llings aro boing brougll up
for rocognilion on llo grounds llal lloro is no oxpIicil loxl prolibil-
ing llom, gonoraI principIos omorging fromllo loxls aro boing ignorod.
Tako llo caso of IsIamic banking in vlicl corlain lypos of rib is boing
jusliod, murbah
ah for llo purclaso ordoror and so on. Iondor ovor
llis (as Ibn bidn aIvays says).
IinaIIy, if llo mollod usod for accommodaling nocossily is basod
on picking and cloosing from ollor sclooIs, llo procoss viII bo gov-
ornod by llo samo ruIos as lavo boon appIiod in llo provious soclion.
In facl, somo scloIars lavo cIaimod il vas llis mollod llal vas usod,
for oxampIo, in llo caso of vagos for loacling llo Qurn.
46. AI-Sarakls, al-Mabst, voI. 15, 1O1.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
92 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI Bringing Order Into the Urf Methodology
Ibn bidn las monlionod aboul lvonly-vo or moro casos as ox-
ampIos of a clango in llo ruIo on llo basis of urf. In addilion lo llis,
lo monlions vords usod by llo poopIo llal aro adoplod as loclnicaI
lorms. Somo of llo ruIos lo monlions aro as foIIovs:
1. Tlo rsl ruIo lo Iays dovn for llo muft is llal lo musl bo fuIIy
avaro of llo lransaclions of llo poopIo. Ho mainlains llal il las
boon slipuIalod for llo muft llal lo bo a mujtahid, bul as sucl
a jurisl is nol lo bo found loday, llo muft musl bo fuIIy avaro
of llo lransaclion and llo IogaI ruIo llal is lo bo aIlorod on llo
basis of urf. Ho mainlains llal il is for llis roason llal il is nol
onougl for llo muft lo bo knovIodgoabIo vill rospocl lo bookisl
knovIodgo aIono, lo musl bo avaro of llo lransaclions and prac-
licos of llo poopIo. Ho givos llo oxampIo of Imm Mul
vlo usod lo visil arlisans or craflsmon in llo markol. Today, llis
vouIdmoan llal llo muft slouIdnol onIy undorslandmorcanliIo
praclico, bul aIso llo Iav llal is appIiod in llo counlry lo govorn
lloso praclicos. Tlo roason is llal mosl lransaclions lavo boon
framod in lorms of IogaI ruIos, and villoul knoving llo Iav llo
lransaclions cannol bo fuIIy undorslood.
2. Tlo noxl ruIo is llal urf musl nol opposo llo sharah, llal is, ox-
pross loxls or llo impIicalions of llo loxl. Ho dividos urf inlo llo
gonoraI andllo parlicuIar. Noillor of lloso cango againsl llo loxl,
bul gonoraI urf can rosuIl in roslricling llo moaning of llo loxl.
Ho givos llo oxampIo of istis
n llal las boon monlionod abovo.
3. If llo urf clangos again, llo ruIo las lo bo clangod again. Ac-
cordingIy, llo ruIo viII rovorl lo vlal il vas originaIIy if llo cir-
cumslancos clango back lo vlal lloy voro in llo rsl pIaco.
A numbor of oxampIos monlionod by Ibn bidn porlain lo proco-
duraI Iav, lovovor, somo subslanlivo ruIos aro aIso monlionod. Wlon
vo anaIyzo llo mollod of urf oIaboralod by llo Ioarnod aullor, vo nd
llal in mosl of llo casos il amounls lo a roinlorprolalion of facls llal llo
ruIo govorns. If llo facls lavo aIlorod, llo ruIo noods lo bo aIlorod. If
llo Ianguago of llo jurisls las lo bo usod, vo viII say llal il amounls
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 93
lo a roovaIualion of llo mant
or a frosl tah
qq al-mant
. Iol us oxamino
ono or lvo casos lo oIaboralo vlal vo moan.
Tlo ruIo llal vagos voro nol lo bo clargod for imparling inslruclion
in llo Qurn vas clangod lo llo vaIidily of clargos for sucl sorvicos
rondorod. Tlo roason givon vas llal limos lad clangod and lloro vas
a dangor of llo Dn going vaslo. ApparonlIy, il moans llal dodica-
lion and commilmonl of poopIo lo lloir roIigion lad gono dovn and if
vagos voro nol providod no ono vouId bo roady lo imparl llo roquirod
inslruclion and llis vouIdIoad lo llo giving up of roIigious vaIuos. Tlo
quoslion lo bo raisod loro is vlollor llis idoa or facl did nol occur lo
llo oarIior Imams. Has llo slipuIalion of vagos roaIIy improvod llo
silualion` Is il possibIo llal if llo ruIo lad nol clangod, il vouId lavo
Iod lo roaIIy dodicalod poopIo onloring llis oId rallor llan lloso vlo
voro moro inloroslod in llo vagos and vorIdIy gains. Tloro is no om-
piricaI sludy llal can supporl a nding oillor vay and il is jusl a vaIuo-
judgmonl. AccordingIy, il is our porsonaI opinion llal llo originaI ruIo
slouId nol lavo boon clangod.
Anollor oxampIo llal is monlionod is llal of llo muzraah or lon-
ancy. Imm Ab H
anfal considorod il unIavfuI, vliIo llo lvo disci-
pIos doomod il IavfuI. Tlo appIicabIo ruIo vas basod on llo opinion of
llo lvo discipIos. In our book on llo IsIamic form of parlnorslips, vo
lriod lo assoss llo roaI undorIying basis for lloso ruIos. Our concIusion
vas llal llo appIicabIo ruIo vas al-kharju bid
amn or onlilImonl lo
rovonuo or oarning is basod on llo corrosponding IiabiIily for boaring
Ioss. Tlo Imm probabIy assossod llal vlon Iand is conlribulod from
ono sido lloro is no acluaI Ioss or risk of Ioss. In llo absonco of sucl
risk, llo rovonuo oarnod is nol IavfuI. Tlo S
ibayn probabIy assossod
llal lloro is somo kind of Ioss as llo Iand givos up somolling during
cuIlivalion and doos nol rocovor unIoss il is Iofl uncuIlivalod for somo
limo. Scionlisls loday viII agroo vill llom, lovovor, llis Ioss is lom-
porary as llo Iand gains back ils povor. Anollor poinl may bo llal llo
foudaI syslom lad sol in Ialor and ils prossuros roquirod llal muzraah
bo pormillod, ollorviso a big Ioss vouId bo causod lo llo poor lonanls.
Today, if llo foudaI syslomgivos vay lo corporalo farming, llo ruIo Iaid
dovn by llo Imm slouId bo roimposod. AIIal knovs bosl.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 7
Ibn bidn croalod a romarkabIo documonl on llo subjocl of fatws and
mufts. Ho las gallorod so many roforoncos in lis book llal llo nood
lo rofor lo ollor sourcos is oIiminalod. Wo viII, lloroforo, roIy onIy on
llis book and lry lo oxlracl corlain ruIos from il, and prosonl llom in a
syslomalic mannor lo mako llom usofuI.
Il is lo bo nolod loro llal mosl jurisls, incIuding Ibn aI-Humm, con-
sidor llo mut as a porson vlo is a mujtahid. AIllougl, llis mujtahid
muft oporalos villin llo sclooI, lo las llo abiIily lo landIo aII nov
casos on llo basis of takhrj or ollor comprolonsivo mollodoIogy foI-
Iovod by llo H
anaf sclooI. In llo opinion of lloso jurisls, llo prosonl
day muft is moroIy a lransmillor of llo viovs of llo Imm in a form
llal can bo foIIovod by llo quoslionor. NovorlloIoss, lloro aro many
individuaIs loday, and lavo boon lloro in ovory ago, vlo foIIov somo
formof mollodoIogy for addrossing novissuos. Tlis procoss can novor
como lo anondandlloro lavo lo bo individuaIs vlo lavo lo riso lo mool
llis urgonl nood of llo popuIaco (Soo MavIn Tlnav). Il is for llis
roason llal aI-Sll
ib says llal llo ijtihd knovn as tah
qq al-mant
novor como lo an ond.
Tlo ruIos givon boIov, lloroforo, appIy nol onIy lo llo muft vlo
is a lransmillor of llo viovs, vliIo lo is in llo procoss of moving lo
llo slalus of a porson vlo can addross nov issuos, ovon if lo las nol
roaclod llal slalo, bul aIso lo llo porson vlo las acquirod llal abiIily.
Tlo porson vlo las roaclod llis slago of oxporliso is nol of llo samo
slalus as llo Maslikl, bul lo is a quaIiod individuaI, and llougl
llo mollodoIogy lo ompIoys may nol bo as comprolonsivo as llal of
llo Maslikl, il is a mollodoIogy llal can sollIo nov casos. Tlo ruIos
givon boIov, llus, appIy lo boll lypos of oxporls.
96 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
7.1 Basic Rules for the Muft
Rule 1: The muft is to rst consult the mutn mutabarah, and
these are: bidyat al-mubtadi, mukhtas
ar al-qudr, al-mukhtr
lil-fatw, al-nuqyah, al-wiqyah, kanz al-daqiq and multaq al-
abhur. (p.6O)
Tloso books conlain villin llom llo Z
hir al-Riwyah or llo masil
l. Tloy aIso rocord llo proforrod viov of llo sclooI, and il is llis
proforrod viov llal is llo Iav for llo sclooI. Tlo ruIos llal lavo nol
boon proforrod aro aIso monlionod on occasions, bul lloso aro nol llo
Iav. Il is incumbonl upon llo muft lo foIIov llo viov proforrod by
llo Maslikl in lloso mutn irrospoclivo of llo viov boing llal of llo
Immor ono or moro of lis discipIos. Tlo opinion nol proforrod is non-
oxislonl for purposos of llo fatwal-marjh
Rule 2: The muft must consult the commentaries (shurh
) for
what is stated in the mutn, and issue the fatw only when he under-
stands the meaning of what he is conveying to the questioner, even
if the muft is a mere transmitter of the view contained in the mutn.
It is better if the muft mentions the matn on which he has relied, in
the fatw and also the sharh
. Al-Ksns Badi al-S
ani is also a
for this purpose. If there is conict in the shurh
, the muft is
to rely on Imm al-Sarakhss commentary called al-Mabst
, which
is a commentary on the primary matn called al-Kf.
Rule 3: If the rule is not to be found in the mutn, the muft is to
consult the fatw literature of the Mashikh. The highest priority
is to be accorded to Fatw Qd
Khn. In case of conict between
the fatw and the commentaries, the viewin the commentaries is to
be preferred. Recourse is again to Imm al-Sarakhss al-Mabst
resolving a continuing conict.
Rule 4: The muft must develop expertise in consulting the mutn
and the fatw for recognizing the preferred view of the school, be-
cause such a rule may sometimes not be clear where two or more
views on an issue are stated. Each text has its own unique way of stat-
ing the rules, although the method of doing so is sometimes stated
in the texts themselves.
Uqd Rasmal-Muft givos llo ruIos for assossing llo proforrod
viov from llo mutn, shurh
and fatw, bul no amounl of guidanco is
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 97
onougl unIoss llo muft gains oxporliso llrougl oxporionco. Tlis ox-
porionco is usuaIIy allainod undor llo suporvision of an oxporl muft. Il
is for llis roason llal Ibn bidn mainlains llal simpIy roading books,
boing laugll by llo mosl rospoclod loaclors, vlicl moans golling cor-
licalos and dogroos in our limos, is nol onougl for boing abIo lo givo
a fatw. Training is noodod for issuing fatws, and llo roason obviousIy
is coming lo knov llo naluro of llo loxls llal yioId llo proforrod viov.
Tlo ruIos slalod by Ibn bidn aro many, for oxampIo, il is llo rsl viov
llal is llo proforrod viov in Fatw Qd
Khn and in Multaq, vliIo il
is usuaIIy llo Iasl viov in Badi. Tlo inslruclions givon by lim slouId
bo sludiod. Il las lo bo romomborod llougl llal llis knovIodgo and
oxporliso is noodod vlon lloro is moro llan ono viov slalod.
Rule 5: If no rule is to be found for the question asked in the
mutn or the fatw, then it is a newquestion. Amuft should not at-
tempt to answer the new question if he feels that he does not possess
the expertise to settle the matter in the light of the us
l and qawid
of the school. It is better to say, I do not know, however, if the muft
knows of another muft who can, then he should consult him, even
if such a muft lives in a dierent city.
Rule 6: The newquestion may be taken up by the muft who feels
that he can settle the new issue in the light of the us
l and qawid
of the school. In case he chooses to do so, he must give detailed le-
gal reasoning for arriving at the rule. This legal reasoning is meant
not only for the questioner but also for fellow mufts with equiva-
lent or better skills who may make suggestions for improvement or
Il musl bo monlionod loro llal lloro is a dislinclion bolvoon llo
l and llo qawid of llo sclooI. Tlo us
l aro irrobullabIo and aro llo
basis of taqld. Tlo jurisl villin llo sclooI, vloovor lo may bo, cannol
go againsl llo us
l of llo sclooI, bocauso lloy aro llo basis of taqld.
Tlo qawid, on llo ollor land, aro dioronl. Tloso aro prosumplions
llal aro gonoraIIy accoplod in llo sclooI, bul an individuaI jurisl may
somolimos go againsl a gonoraIIy accoplod prosumplion if in lis viov
llo facls aro lo bo inlorprolod dioronlIy, or limo las passod and a bol-
lor approcialion of llo facls is avaiIabIo. Il is for llis roason llal Ibn
bidn, quoling Ibn Nujaym, says llal il is nol pormillod lo sollIo ruIos
moroIy on llo basis of llo qawid and d
. In anollor pIaco lo says
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
98 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
llal llo S
ibayn somolimos vonl againsl llo qawid of llo Imm. Ho
llon assorls llal llis doos nol lako llom oul of llo foId of taqld. Tlo
roasonis obvious, lloro is nolling vrong villinlorproling llo facls dif-
foronlIy vlon nov informalion is avaiIabIo. Wo lavo dovolod a vloIo
moduIo lo llis issuo, and llo roador may lavo rocourso lo il for a bollor
7.2 Who are the Mashikh
Rule 7: The fatw issued by the muft is not to be conned exclu-
sively to the qawl of the Imm, rather it is to be based on what the
Mashikh have preferred as the view of the H
anaf school. Tlis las
boon oIaboralod in somo dolaiI abovo.
Rule 8: The fatw issued by the muft cannot overturn or go
against the ruling issued by the Mashikh with respect to the views
of the earlier Imms. If there is a conict between the views of the
Mashikh, the muft should try to reconcile the views through a re-
course to Imm al-Sarakhss text if he has the ability for takhrj; if
not, he should consult a muft who has such ability.
Rule 9: The jurists of the school may also be viewed as three
types: the Imm, his immediate disciples and the Mashikh. The
Mashikh are those who fall into grades three to ve described by
Ibn bidn, however, later jurists are wiling to grant a similar status
to Ibn al-Humm as well.
Rule 10: The Mashikhwere all mujtahids, who stayedwithinthe
school and practised the methodology of takhrj. Every muft should
try to acquire expertise in this methodology.
Tlo Maslikl aro mujtahids up lo llo fll grado, up lo Marglinani.
Wo vouId say llal somo of lloso in llo sixll grado voro aIso quaIiod
mujlalids. Tlo IovoIs of oxporliso go on docroasing llo farllor vo movo
avay from llo us
Ior oxampIo, loday, dospilo our oxporliso in galloring informalion,
vo do nol lavo accoss lo aII llo informalion llal llo oarIior jurisls lad.
Il viII bo dicuIl for us lo dolormino diroclIy vlal is llo aullonlic nar-
ralion and vlal is nol, and vlal is llo slrongor viov and vlal is nol.
Il is for llis roason llal vo lavo lo roIy on llo Maslikl.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 99
7.3 Additional Rules
Rule 11: It is not permitted to choose opinions from other schools
whether existing or extinct. This applies to the muft as well as the
layman and all institutions, commercial or other. The jurists within
the school must undertake takhrj to solve all new issues. In partic-
ular, they should use a revaluation of earlier facts, which has been
called urf. A judgment of the qd
or modern judge based on pick-
ing and choosing is not to be recognized as valid. Any law made by
the modern state that is based on picking and choosing is not to be
granted legal validity by the community of jurists. Ajurist indulging
in such methods is not to be recognized as a H
anaf jurist.
Rule 12: It is not permitted to indulge in talfq. This applies to
the layman, muft, courts, institutions and the state.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
cnrrrn 8
In llo claplors llal lavo procodod, vo lavo lriod lo assoss llo naluro of
llo discussions llal llo jurisls lavo rocordod in roIalion lo fatws and
llo sclooIs. Tloro aro lvo imporlanl poinls llal vo vouId Iiko lo add
by vay of oxpIanalion lo compIolo llis documonl. Tlo lvo poinls aro
cruciaI from our porspoclivo.
8.1 Training for Dealing With Variation in Facts
Il musl lavo bocomo obvious lo llo roador llal llo main lask of llo
muft is lo ascorlain llo ruIo llal is approvod by llo sclooI on an is-
suo. Tlo sourcos from vlicl llo muft las lo discovor llis ruIo aro nol
loo many. Tlo main loxls aro a Iimilod numbor of mutn, somo com-
monlarios on llom and a fov accIaimod fatw loxls. Tloro aro inlrica-
cios invoIvod in soarcling for llo oslabIislod ruIo, bul lloso aro by no
moans insurmounlabIo for a good rosoarclor, vlicl llo muft musl bo.
In slorl, llo ruIo can bo ascorlainod by a muft vlo las rocoivod lis ba-
sic oducalion and las sponl somo limo undorlaking aclivo rosoarcl un-
dor llo guidanco of an oxporl or llrougl somo ollor lraining mollod.
NovorlloIoss, vo soo a proIiforalion of fatw Iiloraluro in oacl ago.
}usl Iook al llo vork of llo mufts in llo Indian Sub-Conlinonl aIono
in llo Iasl ono lundrod or moro yoars. Tloro aro lugo coIIoclions of
fatws llal lavo boon producod by mufts during llis poriod. Somo
of lloso coIIoclions aro sproad ovor many voIumos. Wlal is llo nood
of sucl Iiloraluro vlon llo basic loxls aro fov and roIalivoIy oasy lo
accoss, as slalod abovo`
Tlo ansvor lo llo abovo quoslion concorns llo vory coro of llo
muft s lask and funclion. To aII lloso vlo doaI vill llis aroa, or ovon
lloso vlo doaI vill llo Iav, il is quilo obvious llal idonlifying llo
basic ruIos approvod by llo sclooI is nol onougl, somolling moro is
noodod. Tlis somolling moro concorns llo varialion in llo facls. Il
viII raroIy bo llo caso llal llo muft viII bo prosonlod vill a sol of
1O2 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
facls lo vlicl llo ruIo can bo appIiod moclanicaIIy. Eacl caso viII bo
uniquo and llo sol of facls conlainod in llo quoslion viII appoar Iiko a
nov caso. Tlo ruIo can onIy bo appIiod lo llo nov sol of facls llrougl
a procoss llal jurisls lavo idonliod as tah
qq al-mant
. In simpIo lorms,
llis moans ascorlaining or vorifying lovllo idonliod oslabIislod ruIo
viII appIy lo llo nov sol of facls. Tlis procoss is nol lolaIIy moclanicaI
and noods addilionaI skiIIs on llo parl of llo muft.
Tlis probIomaIso oxpIains vly modorn mufts lavo boon favouring
Ialor books Iiko llo Fatw Hindiyyah and Hshiyah by Ibn bidn. Tlo
roason is llal lloso vorks andollors Iiko llomconlain moro dolaiI. Tlo
muft vlo roIios on llom doos so in llo lopo llal llo caso lo is facing
viII bo found in sucl books vill a ruIing. Tlo muft doos nd many of
llo usuaI casos monlionod in lloso dolaiIod books. Tlo lrull, lovovor,
is llal no book can ovor koop up vill llo ondIoss varioly of casos llal
koop on arising. In facl, il is llis ondIoss varioly of casos vill uniquo
facls llal koops llo muft in businoss.
To mool llis nood and lo roduco lis roIianco on dolaiIod books, vlal
llo muft noods lo do is lo undorsland llo undorIying roasoning and llo
ralionaIo of llo basic ruIos llal aro found in llo mutn. Onco sucl roa-
soning and ralionaIo is undorslood, llo muft, vlollor lo is lransmillor
or mujtahid, viII bo abIo lo landIo oacl uniquo sol of facls on lis ovn.
His roIianco on llo dolaiIod fatw books viII bo considorabIy roducod
as lis oxporliso in IogaI roasoning incroasos.
To acquiro maslory insuclroasoning, llo muft musl conslanlIy con-
suIl vorks Iiko lloso by aI-Saraksl, aI-Ksn and aI-Marglnn as
voII as ollors. TolaI roIianco on dolaiIod fatw vorks las lakon llo
mufts avay from llo vorks of llo groal maslors. Tlo muft, if lo las lo
bo a roaI muft, musl lurn back lo lloso groal maslors.
8.2 Methodology for Areas Not Covered by the School
}urisls of llo H
anaf sclooI, or lloso of any ollor sclooI, did nol Iay
dovn llo compIolo Iav. Indood, lloy couId nol lavo dono so bocauso
nov silualions and casos ariso in ovory nov ago. Il is impossibIo for
jurisls of ono ago lo Iay dovn llo onliro Iav for aII limos. In our book,
Theories of Islamic Law, vo oxpIainod llis silualion in dolaiI.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 1O3
Tlo main idoa oxprossod in llal vork vas llal IsIamic Iav las a
conlraI coro. Tlis coro las boon Iaid dovn by llo Qurn and llo Sun-
nal. RuIos dorivod from lloso loxls by vay oxlonsion and llo uso of
ralionaI mollods aro aIso parl of llis coro. Somo of llo silualions doaIl
vill by llo Iav dorivod by llo jurisls did appIy lo vlal may bo caIIod
novsilualions, bul lloso voro landIod adoqualoIy by llo jurisls. In llo
modorn ago, many nov silualions lavo arison and somo probIoms llal
voro nov for llo fuqah lavo clangod forms. Evon in llo parl llal Iios
al llo conlraI coro, for oxampIo llo ibd
t, somo nov silualions lavo
Tlo unclarlod aroa nol covorod by llo fuqah vas landIod by llo
govornmonls of dioronl agos undor lloir siysah jurisdiclion. Tlis roIo
kopl on oxpanding vill llo passago of limo, and loday il las oxpandod
lo lako ovor many aspocls of luman Iifo. AII lloso aro aroas in vlicl
slalos pass IogisIalion or mallors llal llo courls landIo. AII lloso nov
silualions roquiro ruIings from llo mufts. Tlo prosonl day muft las
connod limsoIf lo llo ibdt and issuos of famiIy Iav. Ho musl como
oul of lis sloII and slarl landIing aII lloso mallors, ollorviso poopIo
villoul llo nocossary quaIcalions viII lako ovor mallors in llo namo
of IsIam, llo vacuumcroalod by llo muft is bound lo bo IIod by somo-
Tloro is a vory imporlanl quoslion llal noods lo bo ansvorod. Tlo
quoslion is llal if llo fuqah didnol addross corlain issuos andIofl llom
for llo ruIor, and lloro aro ollor issuos llal lavo arison aflor lloir limo,
llon lov aro lloir books or ruIings roIovanl for llis lask` Tlo ansvor
lo llis quoslion is llal vlal vo nood lo rolriovo from lloso books aro
llo gonoraI principIos and proposilions rocordod by lloso jurisls. Il is
onIy lloso gonoraI principIos llal viII onsuro llal llo Iav lo bo dovoI-
opod viII bo in conformily vill llo norms of llo sharah. Tlo rsl lask
of llo modorn jurisl llon is lo slarl calaIoguing and oIaboraling llo os-
sonliaI principIos of IsIamic Iav. Tlo jurisls lavo Iofl a lroasuro of sucl
principIos for us, aIong villllo maqs
id al-sharah as uIlimalo prinipIos.
Tlo guro boIovis oxpoclod lo oIaboralo llo mollodoIogy for doriving
lloso principIos and for issuing nov ruIings.
Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo
1O4 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee
The Imams
and the works
of Imam
Hidayah and
Fatawa Qadi
on Hidayah
Later Mutun
All Later
All Later
and Later
To landIo aII lloso nov silualions, and llis giganlic lask, llo muft
noods a mollodoIogy. In llo provious moduIos vo lavo lriod lo idon-
lify llis mollodoIogy in somo dolaiI. Tlo mollodoIogy noods lo bo
adoplod, ronod and dovoIopod furllor if llo modorn muft las lo jus-
lify lis purposo.
In addilion lo llo abovo, il is nocossary for llo muft, vlon rondoring
a fatw on a nov issuo, lo givo lis dolaiIod roasoning. Tlis dolaiIod
roasoning may lako llo form of slaling llo facls, idonlifying llo issuos,
slaling llo govorning ruIo or ruIos, and anaIysis of llo ruIos in roIalion
lo llo facls, foIIovod by llo slalomonl of llo fatw.
Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo
Dabbs, Imar ibn s. Kitb Tass al-Naar. Cairo: Maklabal aI-Klnj,
kaf, Mul
ammad ibn AI. al-Durr al-Mukhtr Sharh
Tanwr al-Abs
Boirul: Dr aI-Kulub aI-IImiyyal, 2OO2.
Ibn bidn, Mul
ammad Amn. Radd al-Muh
tr al al-Durr al-Mukhtr
Tanwr al-Abs
r. 12 voIs. Riyadl: Dr Iam aI-Kulub, 2OO3.
. Sharh
Uqd Rasm al-Muft. Karacli: Maklabal aI-Buslr, 2OO9.
Karkl, Ab aI-asan. Us
l al-Karkh. Cairo: Maklabal aI-Klnj, 1994.
Ksn, Ab Bakr. Kitb Adab al-Qd
. In. VoI. 5 of Badi al-S
ani f
Tartb al-Shari, odilod by Mul
ammad Adnn ibn Ysn Darvsl,
438461. Boirul: Dr Il
y aI-Turll aI-Arab, 2OOO.
Marglnn, Burlan aI-Dn Ab Bakr. al-Hidyah: The Guidance. Trans-
Ialod by Imran Alsan Nyazoo. 4 voIs. BrisloI: AmaI Iross, 2OO6.
Nyazoo, Imran Alsan Klan. Islamic Jurisprudence. IsIamabad: IodoraI
Iav Houso, 2O13.
. Theories of Islamic Law: The Methodology of Ijtihd. IsIamabad:
IodoraI Iav Houso, 2OO7.
Tlnav, Aslraf AI. Ijtihd-o-Taqld k khir Fayslah. Karacli: Zamzam
IubIislors, 2OO4.
Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 1O9
anaf Sources: Us
l al-Fiqh
Ab H
anfal, aI-Numn ibn Tlbil ibn Zl
(d. 15O/767). Al-Fiqh
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Samval (d. 819/1416). Jmi al-Fus
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- . .(/ )

iI aI-BuIdaj, Ab aI-Iad
I Majd aI-Dn Abd AIIl ibn Mal
ibn Mavdd, aI- (d. 683/1284) Al-Mukhtr in Al-Ikhtiyr li-Tall
al-Mukhtr. 5 voIs. Cairo, 1386/1966.
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Cairo, 1386/1966.]
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Nasaf, H
aI-Dn Ab aI-Barakl Abd AIIl ibn Al
mad ibn
md, aI- (d. 71O/131O) Kanz al-Daqiq f al-Fur. Cairo,
1328. |AIso on llo margin of Ibn Nujaym (97O/1563). Al-Bahr
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Kanz al-Daqiq. 8 voIs. Cairo, 1333. AIso roprinl
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ZayIa, Iaklr aI-Dn Illmn ibn AI ibn Miljn aI-Bar, aI- (d.
743/1342). Tabyn al-H
aqiq: Sharh
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bb, Ibayd AIIl ibn Masd (d.
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md ibn Mul
ammad aI-Mal
bb (grandfallor of formor
and brollor of aI-Marglinn)). On llo margin of Abd aI-H
aI-Afgln. Kashf al-H
aqiq: Sharh
Kanz al-Daqiq. 2 voIs. in 1.
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. .(/
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anaf, Najm aI-Dn Ab Isl
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asan AI ibn Al
mad ibn Abd aI-S
amad, aI- (d.
758/1356) Anfa al-Wasil il Tah
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ammad ibn Mal
md, aI- (d. 786/1384)
al-Inyah al al-Hidyah. Commonlary on llo margin of
Ibn aI-Humm (d. 861/1457) Fath
al-Qadr al al-Hidyah. 1O
voIs. Cairo, 1389/197O.
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Ibn AI, aI-Iim (d. 786/1384). Al-Fatw al-Ttrkhnyah. Karacli:
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Abbd aI-H
addd , Ab Bakr ibn AI, aI- (d. 8OO/1397). Al-Jawharah
al-Nayyirah al Mukhtas
ar al-Qudr. 2 voIs. Isl
nbI: Mal
md Bik, 13O1/1884. |AIso Cairo, 13221323.]
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/ : .
MuII Miskn aI-Harav, Mun aI-Dn Mul
ammad ibn Ibrlm aI-
Iarl (d. circa 811/14O8). Sharh
al Kanz al-Daqiq. Cairo, 1343.
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Mun al-Dn al-Haraw. Cairo, 1328/191O.]
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Ibn Qd
Samval, Badr aI-Dn Mal
md ibn IsrI (d. 819/1416)
Jmi al-Fus
layn. 2 voIs. AI-Tabal 1. BIq: aI-Mal
baal aI-
Kubr aI-Amryal, 13OO-13O1/1882-84. |AIso Karacli: IsIm
Kulubklnal, 14O2/1982.]
. .( / )
-/- :
Bazzz aI-Kurdur, H
aI-Dn Mul
ammad ibn Mul
ammad, aI- (d.
827/1424) Al-Jmi al-Wajz or al-Fatw al-Bazzziyah. On llo
margin of voIs. i, ivvi of Avrangzob Iamgrs Commission.
al-Fatw al-lamgryah. 6 voIs. BIq, 131O.
. .( / )
arbuIus AI aI-Dn Kavsaj Ab aI-H
asan aI-H
anaf, AI ibn KlaII,
aI- (d. 844/144O). Mun al-H
ukkm fm yataraddadu bayn al-
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l al-Fiqh 123
mayn min al-Ah
km. AI-T
abal 1. BIq: aI-Mal
baal aI-
ryal, 13OO/1883 & 1393/1973.
.(/ )
: .
Ayn aI-Aynlb aI-H
anaf, Ab Mul
ammad Mal
md ibn Al
ibn Ms ibn Al
mad ibn H
usayn ibn Ysusf Badr aI-Dn, aI- (d.
855/1451). Ramz al-H
aqiq: Sharh
Kanz al-Daqiq. 2 voIs. in 1.
BIq: Dr aI-T
ibal aI-miral, 1285/1868 & 132O.

: . : .(/ )
Ibn aI-Humm aI-Svs aI-Iskandar, KamI aI-Dn Mul
ammad ibn
HummaI-Dn Abd aI-Wl
id ibn Abd aI-H
amd (d. 861/1457).
al-Qadr al al-Hidyah: Sharh
Bidyat al-Mubtad. 1O voIs.
Cairo, 1318/19OO. |AIso AI-Tabal 1. Cairo: Mus
af aI-Bb aI-
aIab, 1389/197O. AIso Boirul: Dr S
dir, 1972. AIso Sharh
al-Qadr lil-jiz al-Faqir. Boirul: Dar aI-Kulub aI-IImyal, 1985.]

. : .(/ )
MuII Klusrav, Mul
ammad ibn Iarmurz ibn AI (d. 885/148O). Du-
rar al-H
ukkm f Sharh
Ghurar al-Ah
km. 2 voIs. Cairo, 13293O.
.(/ )
- .
}amI, AI aI-Dn AI ibn Al
mad, aI- (d. 931/1525). Adab al-Aws
On llo margin of Ibn Qd
Samvinal (d. 819/1416). Jmi al-
layn. 2 voIs. Cairo, 13OO, boginning al p. 81 of voI. 2.
. .(/ )
Sad AIIl s Sad SlaIab (d. 945/1538). Hshiyah. Commonlary
accompanying Ibn aI-Humm (d. 861/1457). Fath
al-Qadr al
al-Hidyah. 1O voIs. Cairo, 1389/197O.
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. . .(/ )
SlibI, Slilb aI-Dn Al
mad, aI- (d. 947/154O). Hshiyah al Tabyn
aqiq. On llo margin of aI-ZayIa (d. 743/1342). Tabyn al-
aqiq Sharh
Kanz al-Daqiq. 6 voIs. BIq, 1313-1315.
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- .
Klisln, Slams aI-Dn Mul
ammad (d. 952/1546). Jmi al-Rumz
alladh kna Sharh
an li-Mukhtas
ar al-Wiqyah. IslnbI: Mal
ammad Yal
y, 1289/1873. |AIso IslnbI: Mul
Efond, 13OO/1883.]
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ir. Cairo, 1322/19O4 & 1387/1968. |Roprinl Boirul,
n.d. Roprinl Dimaslq: Dr aI-Iikr, 1986. AIso al-Ashbh wa-al-
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. .
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. . .
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/ . .
zdal, Slams aI-Dn (d. 988/158O). Natij al-Afkr f Kashf al-
Rumz wa-al-Asrr. Commonlary in voIs. 8-1O in Ibn aI-Humm
(d. 861/1457). Fath
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/ .
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anaf, Slams aI-Dn, aI- (d. 1OO4/1595). Tan-
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r. Cairo, n.d.
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abaqt al-Sanyah f Tarjim al-H
anafyah. Cairo: aI-MajIis aI-AI
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: .
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n Mul
ammad, aI- (d. 1O14/16O5). Sharh
Mull Al al-Qr. Cairo, 1871. |AIso Fath
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Kitb al-Nuqyah. 1967.]
. .(/ )

AsadSlayklaI-IsImibnAbBakr aI-Qaysarn aI-Iskandarn, aI- (d.
1O57/1647). Uddat Arbb al-Fatw (Organizod by Ab aI-Sud
ammad ibn AI Eondi aI-Slirvn (12O7/1792)). BIq,
.(/ )
Ibn H
amzal, Abd aI-H
aIm ibn Ir Qadam (d. 165O`). Kashf Rumz
Ghurar al-Ah
km wa-Tanwr Durar al-H
ukkam. BIq: Dr aI-
ibal aI-miral, 1853.
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126 Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
.( / )
: .
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anaf, Ab aI-IklIs
asan ibn Ammr aI-Waf, aI-
(d. 1O69/1658). Ghunyat dhawi al-Ah
km. In llo margin in MuII
Klusrav (d. 885/148O). Durar al-H
ukkm f Sharh
Ghurar al-
km. 2 voIs. Cairo, 1329-3O.
.(/ )
- . .
. Kitb Marq al-Falh
Nr al-d
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aI-IImyal, 1315/1897. |AIso Cairo: aI-Malbaal aI-miral,
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: . .
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mn ibn Mul
ammad ibn SuIaymn (d.
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ur. 2 voIs.
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1. BuIaq, 13OO. IarlIy lransIalod by H. Sauvairo. El Falawa l
Khayryeh: Les Fetwas de Khayr-ed-Dyn. Livre des Ventes. AIoxan-
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. Al-Lal al-Durryah f al-Fawid al-Khayryah. BoIov llo
loxl in Ibn Qd
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layn. 2
voIs. Cairo, 13OO.
. . .
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Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 127
kaf, AI aI-Dn ibn Al
mad ibn Mul
ammad, aI- (d. 1O88/ 1677).
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Tanwr al-Abs
r. 2 voIs. in 1. Bombay:
baal aI-H
aydaryal, 13O9/1891. |AIso Cairo, n.d. AIso
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allav (1231/1816). Hshiyah al al-Durr al-
Mukhtr. 4 voIs. BIq, 1254. Roprinl. Boirul, 1395/1975. AIso
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/ : .
. Al-Durr al-Muntaq. In llo margin in Slayklzdl (d.
1O78/1667). Majma al-Anhur. 2 voIs. Cairo, 1328.
. . .
Kavkib, Mul
ammad ibn aI-H
asan, aI- (d. 1O96/1685). Al-Fawid
al-Samyah f Sharh
um al-Musamm bi-al-Farid
f Fur al-Fiqh al Madhhab al-Imm Ab H
anfah al-Numn. AI-
abal 1. BuIq: aI-Mal
baal aI-Kubr aI-Amryal, 1322
.(/ )
: .
Anqirv, Mul
ammad ibn H
usayn, aI- (d. 1O98/1687). Fatw al-
Anqirw. 2 voIs. BIq, 1281.
. .(/ )
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anaf aI-
aIb, aI- (d. 11O7/1695). Wqit al-Muftn or Aml al-Jm
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Commission of aI-SuIl
n Mul
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1O69-1118/1659-17O7). Al-Fatwa al-Alamgryah. 6 voIs. BIq,
131O. |AIso Dooband: Maklabal Iayd
aI-Qurn, 1968. AIso
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l al-Fiqh Moouir VI
A Digest of the Whole Law, Prepared by Command of the Emperor Au-
rungzebe Alumgeer. Iondon, 185O. AIso lransIalod in parl in BaiI-
Iio, NoiI. A Digest of Moohummudan Law on the Subjects to Which
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Translated from the Fatawa Alumgeeree. Ialoro, 1979.
. ( ) .
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ammad ibn Sud, aI-. Fath
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ammad Mull Miskn. Cairo: Mal
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: . .

Kldim, Ab Sad Mul
ammad ibn Mus
af ibn Illmn, aI- (d.
1176/1762). H
shiyah al-Durar al al-Ghurar. Cairo, 131O.
.( / )
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af ibn Mul
ammad, aI- (d. 1192/1778). Tawfq al-Rah
mn. In
llo margin in aI-Ayn (d. 855/1451). Ramz al-H
aqiq. 2 voIs. in
1. Cairo, 132O.
. . .( / )

v, Al
mad ibn Mul
ammad, aI- (d. 1231/1816). H
shiyah al
al-Durr al-Mukhtr. BuIaq, 1254. |AIso Roprinl. 4 voIs. Boirul,
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. .( / )

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ammad ibn Mul
ammad (d. 1247/1831). Al-H
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ammad Isl
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iddq MIik Kulubklnal, 19`
: . .( / )

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Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 129
Ibn bidn, Mul
ammad Amn ibn Illmn ibn Abd aI-Azz (d.
1252/1836). Minh
at al-Khliq al al-Bah
r al-Riq. In llo margin
in Ibn Nujaym (97O/1563). Al-Bah
r al-Riq. 8 voIs. Cairo, 1333.
.( / )
. .
. Radd al-Muh
tr al al-Durr al-Mukhtr: Sharh
wr al-Abs
r. 8 voIs. Cairo, 138689/196669. |AIso Cairo:
af aI-Bb aI-H
aIab 1966. AIso H
shiyat al-Allmah
al-Faqh al-Fahhmah al-Nabh Khtimat al-Muh
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ammad Amn al-Shahr bi-Ibn bidn, al-Musamm Radd al-
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- . : .
. Al-Uqd al-Durryah f Tanqh
al-Fatw al-H
midiyah (Ial-
lor by H
mid ibn Mul
ammad aI-Qaslamn aI-Qunav (d.
985/1577)). 2 voIs. BIq, 1236, 1238, & 13OO. |AIso roprinl
Boirul: Dr aI-Marifal, 1974.]
. .
. Majmt Rasil Ibn bidn. Isl
nbI: Slarikal S
Illmnyal Mal
si, 1325/19O7. |AIso Boirul: Muassasal
Iud, 1978.]
: . .
Maydn, Abd aI-Glan, aI- (d. 1268/1851). Al-Lubb f Sharh
4 voIs. Cairo, 1383/1963. |AIso in llo margin in aI-Abbd (d.
8OO/1397). Al-Jawharah al-Nayyirah li-Mukhtas
ar al-Qudr. 2
voIs. Cairo, 13221323.]
. .( / )
Commission of Olloman }urisls (1867-77). Al-Majallah. Conslanlino-
pIo, 13O5. AIso lransIalod by C. A. Hoopor. The Civil Law of Pales-
tine and Trans-Jordan. 2 voIs. }orusaIom, 1933. AIso lransIalod by
Tysor, C. R. & Domolriados, D. G. & Haqqi, IsmaiI. The Mejelle.
Ialoro, 1967.
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13O Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
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Ibn bidn, AI aI-Dn (d. 13O6/1888). Qurrat Uyn al-Akhyr Tak-
milat Radd al-Muh
tr al al-Durr al-Mukhtr. In voIs. 7 & 8 in Ibn
bidn (d. 1252/1836). Radd al-Muh
tr al al-Durr al-Mukhtr.
8 voIs. Cairo, 138689/196669.
.( / )
-/- . .

Abd aI-H
ayy aI-Iaklnav, Ab aI-H
asanl Mul
ammad (d. 13O6/
1888). Sharh
al-Wiqyah maa H
shiyat Umdat al-Rayah. Quolla,
.( / )
Qadr Isl aI-H
anaf, Mul
ammad (d. 13O6/1888). Al-Ah
km al-
Sharyah f al-Ah
wl al-Shakhsyah. TransIalod by Wasoy Slorry
& N. Abcarius. Code of Mohammedan Personal Law According to
the Hanate School, by Mohammed Kadir Pasha. Iondon, 1914.
.( / )
Abbs aI-H
anaf aI-Mald aI-Mis
r, Mul
ammad, aI- (d. 1315/1897).
al-Fatw al-Mahdyah f al-Waqi al-Mis
ryah. 7 voIs. Cairo,
.( / )
- .
Abd aI-H
akm aI-Afgln. Kashf al-H
aqiq: Sharh
Kanz al-Daqiq. 2
voIs. in 1. Cairo: aI-Maklabal aI-Adabyal, 1318 & 1322. |AIso
Karacli: Idral aI-Qurn va-aI-IIm aI-IsImyal, 1987.
: . : .
AI Eondi. Fatw Ali Eendi. 2 voIs. ConslanlinopIo, 1245.
. .
b, Davd ibn Ysuf. Al-Fatwa al-Ghiythyah. AI-T
abal 1. Bu-
Iaq: aI-Mal
baal aI-Amryal, 1322. |AIso Quolla: Maklabal Is-
Imyal, 14O3/1983.]
: . .
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Moouir VI Nyazee on the Secrets of Us
l al-Fiqh 131
Suvays, Abd aI-Ral
mn, aI-. Talkhs
al-Bahyah min al-Fatw
al-Mahdyah. Cairo, 1318.
. .
arbuIus aI-H
anaf, Mul
ammad KmiI ibn Mus
af ibn Mal
aI-. Al-Fatw al-Kmilyah f al-H
awdith al-T
arbulusyah. Cairo,
/ .
r, Mul
ammad ibn H
usayn ibn AI, aI-. Takmilat al-Bah
r al-Riq:
Kanz al-Daqiq. In voI. 8 in Ibn Nujaym (d. 97O/1563).
r al-Riq. 8 voIs. Cairo, 1333.
. . : .

Advancod IogaI Sludios Inslilulo Imran Alsan Klan Nyazoo

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