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alimony Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR Assignment and Transfer of Shares Certificate assignor breach of contract collective bargaining agreement contract termination disclosing party employment agreement End User License Agreement EULA exclusion clause foreclosure letter of intent LOI lien limitation clauses memorandum of understanding MOU non-disclosure agreement prenuptial agreement Rental Agreement shareholder's agreement statutory redemption term sheet

en-US acronym

EN Context

EN Source

The new law decides whether alimony will be, if at all, based not on a wide variety of criteria -- such as the Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom This Assignment and Transfer of Share Certificate is executed by a shareholder who is transferring some or all of c The assignor transfers to the assignee. For example, a party (the assignor) that enters into a contract to sell a piece Breach of contract is one of the most common causes of law suits for damages and/or court-ordered "specific perf Agreements reached through collective bargaining are called collective agreements and they often mean a change A contract can be terminated when something unforeseeable occurs that prevents the parties from following thro 10.1.2 is in the possession of the Receiving Party without restriction in relation to disclosure before the receipt d A written employment contract is a document that you and your employee sign setting forth the terms of your rel This EULA describes the terms and conditions under which you may (i) use the Software; (ii) subscribe to, access an The following real estate listing exclusion clause has been adopted for utilization by the relocation industry to en There are many options available to help you make your mortgage payments more affordable or to avoid foreclos A letter from one company to another acknowledging a willingness and ability to do business. A letter of intent is m In law, a lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt or per A clause to limit a contractor or a professional consultant's liability to the reasonable costs of repair, renewal and This revised memorandum of understanding (MOU) is entered into by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS A non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement is used when you have an unpatented idea that you nee You don't have to be a Rockefeller or Trump to need a premarital agreement. A person who has managed to save This Rental Agreement and/or Lease shall evidence the complete terms and conditions under which the parties wh Providing stock options is a great tool to obtain and retain top talent, and having a well-drafted shareholders' agre STATUTORY redemption allows the mortgagor redeem the mortgage even after foreclosure sale. A non-binding agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions under which an investiment will be made. A


pt-BR acronym

penso alimentcia arbitragem instrumento particular de cesso e transferncia de aes cedente inadimplncia acordo coletivo de trabalho extino dos contratos parte divulgadora contrato de trabalho acordo de licena de usurio final EULA clusula excludente da responsabilidade civil execuo de hipoteca protocolo de intenes garantia clusulas limitativas memorando de entendimento ME contrato de confidencialidade pacto antenupcial contrato de locao contrato de acionistas direito de remio acordo de Investimento

PT Context

PT Source

A penso alimentcia, nos moldes da legislao vigente, tanto poder ser exigida pelo cnjuge feminino quanto pe Arbitragem um meio de resoluo de controvrsias alternativo ao Poder Judicirio que privilegia o sigilo, a flexib Constatando-se ao final que estes bens nao foram declarados, CTG os havia cedido a AA por instrumento particula O instituto da cesso da posio contratual consiste no negcio jurdico pelo qual ocorre a transferncia de posi Fica revogada a Lei Municipal n 1420/90, de 19 de maro de 1990, por inadimplencia da donatria, devendo o im As partes fixam a vigencia do presente Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho no periodo de 1o de novembro de 2011 a 31 d Os contratos extinguem-se, desde logo nos termos do art. 406 CC, que o regime geral, por mtuo consenso, isto 10.1.2. esteja na posse da Parte Receptora sem restricao em relacao a divulgacao antes da data de recepcao da Pa O contrato individual de trabalho o ajuste de vontades pelo qual uma pessoa fsica (empregado) se compromete Boa parte dos programas possuem uma EULA, isto , um acordo que notifica ao usurio a poltica de privacidade, Clusula Excludente de Responsabilidade por Evico luz do artigo 448 do CC, nos casos de vcios redibitrios. Ao de execuo hipotecria. General Brands, fabricante dos sucos Camp, anunciou ontem, (24), a fuso com a Nutrimarcas proprietria da IC Direito real de garantia o direito conferido a seu titular de obter o pagamento de uma dvida atravs de um bem O PROBLEMA DA ADMISSIBILIDADE DE CLUSULAS LIMITATIVAS E DE EXCLUSO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM FACE As partes poderao realizar consultas, a fim de promover o seu dialogo bilateral analisar a aplicacao do presente M O Contrato de Confidencialidade um instrumento jurdico completo em si mesmo e no depende de outros instr O pacto antenupcial um acordo, feito mediante escritura pblica, em Tabelio de Notas, que visa regular o regim A Brazil Hospitality Group (BHG) firmou com a Zeta Energia contrato de locao de imvel para avaliao do poten Dessa forma, deve-se distinguir o contrato de acionistas do contrato de sociedade, no considerando este como p A remio da hipoteca consiste em liberar o bem do vnculo que o prende ao pagamentoda dvida, pagando-se ao o que detalha os termos legais e financeiros do investimento e qualifica, em nmero e outros indicadores, o valo

Subject Field 1
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Subject Field 2
Family Law Dispute Resolution Law Corporate Law General Law General Law Labor Law General Law Patent Law Labor Law eCommerce Civil Law Civil Law Corportate Law General Law Civil Law General Law Patent Law Family Law General Law Corporate Law Civil Law Finance

Subject Field 3
right process title contract contract agreement contract contract contract contract contract legal process agreement contract contract contract contract contract contract agreement right agreement

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