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Latar belakang: STEMI merupakan suatu kegawatdaruratan medis yang sering menyebabkan kematian mendadak. Terapi yang cepat dan tepat menjadi hal utama dalam penatalaksanaan STEMI. Namun, kejadian mortalitas dan morbiditasnya masih tinggi walaupun telah dilakukan upaya medis untuk memperbaiki perfusi darah pada miokardium. Terapi reperfusi, baik fibrinolitik maupun PCI, memiliki peranan penting, tetapi modalitas terapi ini dibatasi oleh risiko komplikasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komplikasi yang terjadi pada pasien yang mendapat maupun tidak mendapat terapi reperfusi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pasien STEMI yang datang ke RSUP Dr.Kariadi dari Januari sampai Desember 2011. Data diperoleh dari catatan medik pasien STEMI yang mendapat maupun tidak mendapat terapi reperfusi. Hasil: Dari 105 kasus STEMI, terdapat 12 kasus pasien STEMI yang dilakukan Primary PCI dan 9 kasus yang diberikan fibrinolitik, sedangkan 84 kasus yang tidak mendapat terapi reperfusi. Pada pasien yang mendapat terapi reperfusi, komplikasi yang sering terjadi antara lain perdarahan minor (19,05%), gagal jantung (14,29%), dan kematian (9,52%). Pada pasien yang tidak mendapatkan terapi reperfusi, komplikasi yang terjadi adalah gagal jantung (25%), kematian (15,48%), dan henti jantung (15,48%). Banyak pasien dengan waktu onset serangan ke terapi lebih lama, dengan door-to-needle time >30 menit (80%) dan door-to-balloon time >90 menit (75%). Simpulan: Sebagian besar pasien STEMI di RSUP Dr.Kariadi tidak mendapatkan terapi reperfusi. Time window antara onset nyeri dada sampai pasien tiba di rumah sakit secara umum >12 jam. Komplikasi yang paling sering pada pasien STEMI yang mendapat terapi reperfusi adalah pendarahan minor, sedangkan pada pasien yang tidak menerima terapi reperfusi adalah gagal jantung. Kata kunci: STEMI, terapi reperfusi, komplikasi.



Background: STEMI is one of medical emergencies, often leads to sudden death. Correct and immediate therapy thus become critical point in its management. However, its incidence of mortality and morbidity is still high, despite medical efforts that have been done to improve blood perfusion in myocardium. Reperfusion therapy, either fibrinolytic or PCI plays important role, but the use of this therapy modalities is limited by its risk of complications. Evaluation on the incidence and type of complication thus needed. The aim of this study is to know the complications in patient with or without reperfusion therapy. Methods: This is a descriptive study. The subject of this study is STEMI patients who came to Kariadi hospital from January to December 2011. Data were recorded from medical records of STEMI patients, both received and didnt receive reperfusion therapy. Results: From 105 cases of STEMI, there were 12 cases of STEMI patients received Primary PCI and 9 cases received fibrinolytic therapy, whereas 84 cases of STEMI patients did not receive reperfusion therapy. In patients received reperfusion therapy, frequent complications are minor bleeding (19.05%), heart failure (14.29%), and death (9.52%). In patients who didnt receive reperfusion therapy, the complications are heart failure (25%), death (15.48%), and cardiac arrest (15.48%). More patients experienced longer onset to therapy time, with door-to-needle time >30 minutes of (80%) and door-to-balloon time >90 minutes of (75%). Conclusion: Most of the STEMI patients in Kariadi hospital did not receive reperfusion therapy. Generally, time window between onset of chest pain until arriving at the hospital is more than 12 hours. The most frequent complications of STEMI patients who received reperfusion therapy is minor bleeding, while in those who did not receive reperfusion therapy is heart failure. Keywords: STEMI, reperfusion therapy, complication.


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