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Reviewing the chapter

1. How do the chemical characteristics of carbon affect the characteristics of organic molecules? They are always contain carbon and hydrogen.Every one is made out of organic molecules. 2. Give examples of functional groups, and discuss the importance of their being hydrophobic or hydrophilic. Hydrophobic is when its not able to connect with water, and hydrophilic is when it does connect with water. Ethanol is hydrophilic because it soluble with water and Ethane is a hydrophobic because it isn't soluble.

3. What molecules are monomers of the polymers studied in this chapter? How do monomers join to produce polymers, and how are polymers broken down to monomers? The polymers are the biggest of the macromolecules. Monomers are joined together to make polymers and when polymers take away from monomers. 4. Name several monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides, and give a function of each. How are these molecules structurally distinguishable? Glucose they have six carbon atoms, Sucrose is sugar for plants, and glycogen is storage for animal.

5. What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid? Explain the structure of a fat molecule by stating its components and how they join together. Saturated fats do not have a double bond between the carbon, and Unsaturated fats do have a double bond between the carbon. Fatty Acids consist of a long hydrocarbon chain.

6. How does the structure of a phospholipid differ from that of a fat? How do phospholipids form a bilayer in the presence of water? Phospolipids have a polar and non-polar ends. The non-polar ends go to the water because they are hydrophobic and they go to the water. The other ends of the phospholipids do not go near the water. Phospholipids are somewhat like fat.

7. Describe the structure of a generalized steroid. How does one steroid differ from another? A steroid is a lipid that has entirely different structures from those of fats. Cholesterol is a component of an animal cell and is the precursor of several other steroids. Testosterones is the formed primarily in the testes of females sex bond.

8. Draw the structure of an amino acid and a peptide, pointing out the peptide bond. Amino acids are bonds to a hydrogen atom and also to three different groups. A peptide is a two or more amino acids bonded together. Cant draw

9. Discuss the four possible levels of protein structure, and relate each level to particular bonding patterns. The first structure of the protein structure is the primary structure, the secondary structure, the tertiary structure, and the quaternary structure. The first one is when it turns into a polypeptide the second one is an Alpha helix the third disulfide and the fourth is the same as the third

10. How do nucleotides bond to form nucleic acids? State and explain several differences between the structure of DNA and that of RNA. DNA is the genetic thing that makes you, and RNA is a monomer that makes up DNA. Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides with a specific function in cells.

11. Discuss the structure and function of ATP. ATP is (adenosine triphosphate) is mainly energy for the cells to go around the body to give off energy.

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