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International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.

Teaching of advanced wave propagation phenomena in passive waveguide
devices using MATLAB GUIs


C. Bachiller, H. Esteban, A. Belenguer, J.V. Morro, A. Vidal and V. E. Boria, Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera S/N 46024 Valencia SPAIN,

-897,.9 The use of interactive graphics and animations is a fundamental tool for teaching electromagnetic
concepts, especiallv for the studv of wave propagation, since the propagation properties of waves are hard to understand
with oral explanations or simple static chalk drawings in the blackboard. The traditional blackboard or the more recent
slides are increasinglv giving wav to the use of electronic material for illustrating propagation phenomena in the
classroom. Matlab has been chosen to design several Graphic User Interfaces (GUI), since thev ease the creation of
wave propagation animations under user specified conditions. These GUIs have been successfullv assessed for the
teaching of a subfect on Electromagnetic Fields and Waves at the Universidad Politecnica de Jalencia.
The improvement in the teaching-learning process obtained bv the use of GUIs in that subfect encouraged the design of a
new GUI for a PhD subfect on Advanced Microwave Engineering. One of the main contents of this subfect is the
knowledge of the principal techniques used in the analvsis, design and fabrication of passive microwave devices in
rectangular waveguide technologv. The GUI that has been designed enables the visuali:ation of wave propagation inside
a rectangular waveguide with arbitrarv H-plane obstacles and discontinuities, which is a tvpical configuration of manv
communication devices (such as filters, power dividers, multiplexers). Therefore, the GUI can be used to illustrate some
propagation phenomena that need to be understood previouslv to undergo the design of such microwave circuits

3/0%0728 time harmonic fields, electromagnetism teaching, graphical user interfaces.


The use oI interactive graphics and animations is a Iundamental tool Ior teaching electromagnetic concepts, especially Ior
the study oI wave propagation, since the propagation properties oI waves are hard to understand with oral explanations or
simple static chalk drawings in the blackboard. The traditional blackboard or the more recent slides are increasingly
giving way to the use oI electronic material Ior illustrating propagation phenomena in the classroom. Several works
where computer tools are used in order to improve electromagnetic teaching have already been published: Mathematica
(see |8|,|18|), Maple, Mathcad, Java, Matlab, MeIisto (see |17|), VRML (see |13|). From all these tools, Matlab |16| has
been chosen to design several Graphic User InterIaces (GUI) (see |14|), since they ease the creation oI wave propagation
animations under user speciIied conditions. These GUIs have been successIully assessed Ior the teaching oI a subject on
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. The objectives oI the subject are the
knowledge oI the main parameters oI plane and guided waves and the understanding oI the main propagation phenomena
oI these two types oI waves. InIormation about this experience can be Iound in |2|.
The improvement in the teaching-learning process obtained by the use oI GUIs in that subject encouraged the design
oI a new GUI Ior a PhD subject on Advanced Microwave Engineering. One oI the main contents oI this subject is the
knowledge oI the principal techniques used in the analysis, design and Iabrication oI passive microwave devices in
rectangular waveguide technology. The GUI that has been designed enables the visualization oI wave propagation inside
a rectangular waveguide with arbitrary H-plane obstacles and discontinuities, which is a typical conIiguration oI many
communication devices (such as Iilters, power dividers, multiplexers). ThereIore, the GUI can be used to illustrate some
propagation phenomena that need to be understood previously to undergo the design oI such microwave circuits.
In the Iollowing sections the method Ior the analysis oI passive waveguide devices is described. Then GUIs
developed on the basis oI the analysis tool are presented, together with the teaching scenario Ior the subject on Advanced
Microwave Engineering.
Finally the improvements in learning results obtained by using the developed GUIs are outlined.


Analysis of 2-D open space problems and arbitrary H-plane rectangular waveguides

H-plane obstacles and discontinuities in waveguiding structures have been traditionally a key element oI many
microwave devices, such as maniIold diplexers and multiplexers placed at the payload oI communication satellites (see
International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.
|9|) and microwave Iilters Ior communication wireless systems (see |4|). ThereIore, the analysis oI these H-plane
obstacles and discontinuities has received a considerable attention in the technical literature. The study oI H-plane
discontinuities has been mainly Iocused in two groups oI techniques. The Iirst one considers only the Iundamental mode
interactions and is very eIIicient computationally, (see |15|). On the other hand, the second group takes into account
higher-mode interactions but is less eIIicient numerically. In this second group we can Iind the well known mode-
matching technique, (see |11|), a method based on a multimode admittance matrix representation, (see |1|) and more
recently an eIIicient integral equation technique (see |10|). For the analysis oI H-plane posts a classical single-mode
method based on an integral equation can be already Iound in |12|, and a multimode technique combining mode-
matching and the boundary contour method has been recently presented in |3|.
We have developed a new and eIIicient hybrid multimode technique Ior the analysis oI H-plane obstacles and
discontinuities with arbitrary geometry. This new technique combines properly an open-space spectral method with the
well known mode-matching technique. The spectral method is used Ior the accurate characterization oI the H-plane
problem under consideration. Then the mode-matching technique is used to eIIiciently obtain a multimode scattering
matrix representing the problem. Proceeding in this way, H-plane obstacles oI any shape (triangular or square, Ior
instance), arbitrary H-plane steps and also H-plane bends can be eIIiciently and accurately analyzed. The method can also
be used to analyze arbitrarily shaped 2-D open space scattering problems, such as 2-D horn and reIlector antennas.

The hybrid method

The general layout oI the problem to be analyzed is depicted in



II a %
excitation is assumed the H-plane guided structure oI Figure 1.(a) can be reduced to an equivalent 2-D
scattering problem, as depicted in Figure 1.(b), since both the Iield and the geometry are invariant in height. In order to
characterize the scattering behavior oI the structure in Figure 1.(b) an open-space spectral Iormulation is used, thus
expressing the incident and scattered electric Iields as two series oI cylindrical modes.
The 2-D structure in Iigure Figure 1.(b) is split into several individual scatterers, and a multiple scattering problem is
obtained. Each scatterer is characterized individually using the analytical solution Ior canonical geometries, and the
numerical Method oI Moments (MoM) Ior non-canonical objects. The coupling among objects is solved using the new
spectral technique proposed in |7|, obtaining a Iull-wave characterization oI the whole structure in terms oI open-space
spectral modes. A joint transIer Iunction that Iully characterizes the objects is obtained. This transIer Iunction is a matrix
that relates the spectra oI the incident and scattered electric Iields .
In order to obtain the Generalized Scattering Matrix (GSM) that relates guided modes oI the standard rectangular
guide in all ports, the new Mode-Matching procedure described in |6| is applied.


The teaching scenario

On the basis oI the results obtained Irom the previous section, a Matlab GUI was designed Ior being used in the subject
on Advanced Microwave Engineering. This subject is part oI the PhD program on Communications oI the Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia (UPV). The number oI students attending this subject Iluctuates yearly around ten.
International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.
The main goals when designing the GUI were:
N To take proIit oI the new analysis tool, developed at the UPV, that allows the analysis oI 2-D open-space problems
and arbitrarily shaped obstacles and discontinuities in H-plane rectangular waveguides.
N To create a tool that can visualize some complex propagation phenomena that must be understood beIore the design
oI some waveguide devices explained in the Advanced Microwave Engineering subject.

The Matlab GUI designed Ior this subject also enables a user-Iriendly visualization oI a results database previously
created with the analysis tool developed at the UPV.

Advanced GUI on propagation in open space and rectangular waveguides with H-plane objects and

This GUI enables the visualization oI complex propagation scenarios both in open space and in rectangular waveguides
with H-plane obstacles and discontinuities. The GUI can represent results previously stored in a results database. These
results have been generated using the hybrid mode-matching/numerical technique described in the previous section. This
technique can be applied to the analysis oI open space 2-D problems (see |5|) and to the analysis oI H-plane problems in
rectangular waveguide (see |7|).
For instance, some results already stored in the database are:
N Empty guide (%

N Empty guide (%

N H-plane metallic circular post (%

N H-plane metallic circular post %

N H-plane lateral step
N H-plane cavities Iilter (band-pass Irequency)
N H-plane cavities Iilter (band-stop Irequency)
N H-plane cavities Iilter considering rounded corners appearing in the manuIacturing process
N H-plane cavities Iilter with dielectric resonators
N H-plane iris
N H-plane window
N H-plane circular bend
N 45 H-plane bend
N H-plane T-junction
N H-plane T-junction compensated with a circular dielectric post
N H-plane T-junction compensated with a circular metallic post
N H-plane directional coupler

There are also some open-space results stored in the database which can be oI interest Ior the already mentioned
subject on Advanced Microwave Engineering, as well as Ior other subjects with contents on Antenna Theorv. They are
the Iollowing ones:
N 2-D parabolic reIlector Ied by a line source placed at Iocus
N 2-D parabolic reIlector Ied by a line source placed oIIside the Iocus
N 2-D parabolic reIlector excited by a plane wave
N 2-D horn antenna Ied by a line source

The GUI is easily started by typing in the MATLAB environment: '~~ advanced.
Once the GUI is started a control windows appears (see Figure 2). The uicontrols included in the window are:
N 09#08:9Pushbutton. When pushed, the user is invited to select a result Irom the results database.
N 0/ This Irame contains three excluding check boxes. They are used to select whether the exciting, scattered or
total Iield must be represented.
N Amplitude or phase Two excluding check boxes are used to select whether the amplitude or phase oI the electric
Iield must be represented.
N $.,0 Two check boxes. Linear or logarithmic scale can be selected.
N $,/3 Two check boxes. They switch between raw or interpolated representation oI data.
N 780. Edit text. Sets the Irames per second rate used Ior animations.
N 907,9438 Edit text. Sets the number oI temporal periods to be represented in the animations.
N !494-0.98 Push button. When pushed, it plots in the nearby window the segmentation used by the hybrid method
|5|,|7| to generate the corresponding result.
N !49 Push button. Plots the amplitude/phase oI the exciting/scattered/total electric Iield in the selected scale.
International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.
N 32,90 Push button. Generates an animation visualizing the temporal variation oI the electric Iield intensity.
N 9 Push button. Exits the program.


This GUI can be used by the students to visualize wave propagation phenomena through complex structures. Some
interesting results that can be appreciated using this GUI are:
N the eIIect oI a compensating dielectric or metallic post in an H-plane T-junction (see Figure 3),
N the diIIerent behaviour oI an H-plane cavity Iilter at band-pass and band-stop Irequencies (see Figure 4),
N the eIIect, on the propagation inside the Iilter, oI the rounded corners that appear as a consequence oI the
manuIacturing process (see Figure 5),
N the greater transmission Ior the %

mode than Ior the %

mode when a metallic circular post is placed in the

center oI the guide (see Figure 6), etc.

The open-space results also enable the visualization oI interesting phenomena, such as the edge diIraction in a
parabolic reIlector or the impedance transIormation between the Ieeding guide and open space in the radiation oI a horn
antenna (see Ior instance Figure 2) , etc.

International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.



A) TE10 B) TE20
International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.

The introduction oI the GUIs in the subject has improved the teaching-learning process. This improvement has been
assessed through an annual survey perIormed among the students.
Figure 7.(a) depicts the cumulative results obtained by the survey in the last three years. The majority oI the students
had previous experience with microwave simulation GUIs, so their opinions on the GUI used in the PhD subject was
based on the comparison with another GUIs, which made them more valuable Ior the study. The overall satisIaction oI
the students with the GUI is very high since all oI them assured to preIer simulation GUIs to traditional teaching
methods, and considered that the GUI had helped them to get better understanding oI the concepts. Waveguide
propagation and incident/scattered Iields in antennas are examples oI these concepts that the students stated in the survey.
Nevertheless just about 55\ oI the students declared that the usage oI the GUI had helped them in their research work,
and the same percentage would improve the GUI with additional Iunctionality. The most desired Iunctionality to be
included is the ability to change structures and dimensions. Other capabilities as changing the dielectric permitivity oI the
medium, visualizing TM modes, providing some examples oI the practical application oI the structures or linking the
GUI with the simulation tool are also mentioned by the students. Certainly the addition oI these capabilities in the GUI
would improve the usability oI the tool and would help more students not just in their learning process but also in their
research work.
100, 00%
Previous experience
with simulati on GUs
Preference of GUs vs
tradi tional methods
Best underst anding of
conc epts
Usefulness of the GU Cont ribution to the
student's res earch work
GU must be improved
with additional
func tionality
Results of the survey made to the students

difraction incident and
scattered field
in antennas
phase of the
Concepts that GUI heIps to understand
structures &
TM modes practical
of structures
link with
Preferences for additionaI functionaIity

B) C)


The use oI electronic material such as animated plots can highly improve the teaching-learning process, specially when
teaching concepts related to the propagation oI electromagnetic waves. Matlab can be used to create user-Iriendly
interIaces that enable the user to simulate advanced propagation phenomena under user-speciIied conditions. A new
analysis and simulation tool has been developed Ior the study oI propagation phenomena in open space and waveguide
structures. The Matlab GUI created on the basis oI the simulation results has had a positive impact on the teaching-
International Conference on Engineering Education 1uly 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland.
learning process oI a subject on advanced microwave engineering. The interactivity oI the new GUI will be improved in
the Iuture by linking the GUI to the simulation tool, which will allow the students to assess the eIIect oI changing the
geometric parameters oI the structures under analysis.
Once the learning improvement obtained by using the GUI has been assessed, the interactivity oI the GUI will be
improved by linking it to the simulation tool and enabling the user to speciIy a custom geometry over a grid, and other
parameters such as operating Irequency, dielectric constant oI posts, etc. When the geometry and the rest oI the
parameters have been set by the user, the simulation tool will produce a new result. The user will be able to visualize this
new result together with the already stored in the database.


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