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Jan - March 2013

Moving Forward By Faith in Africa

Dear Pastors, Prayer Partners & Donors, We greet you in the Name of Jesus. We apologize for the delay in getting our newsletter to you. Anita and I have been traveling to visit new and supporting churches in California and Arizona. MOZAMBIQUE FLOODS: The severe flooding in Mozambique has taken a toll. Many lost homes, family, livestock as the devastation spread, leaving thousands destitute without shelter, food and water. Many towns were evacuated and the road closed so that relief teams couldnt get in. Most of the businesses removed all their content from the stores as precautionary measures were taken to avoid a repeat of the devastating floods in 2000. Many people were removed from the Limpopo River flood plains and in remote areas people died. The roads that were rebuilt after the floods in 2000 werent completely destroyed, and when the waters receded, Relief Teams were able to get back in to assist people affected by the flood. Missions Relief Coalition formed in 2000 was re-mobilized to assist refugees, who will need basic assistance with water, food and clothing. Volunteer Teams were able to assist in preparing Care Buckets consisting of basic needs, soap, hand towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, small plastic basin for bathing, salt, sugar, tea, beans, soup, rice pasta, oil, Vaseline, candles, matches, candy for children, drinking water & water purifying drops, scripture portions and tracts; The Care Buckets were a great blessing to the poor and needy people of Mozambique, but it takes a lot of hard work to make it happen. Thank you to all who helped - doers of the Word of God and not hearers only, working tirelessly to love and care for the poor and needy. Thank you to all who prayed faithfully. May the Lord bless you. There are many stories to tell, but Ill just share one or two with you to give you an idea of what is going on. Because of corruption and greed in Africa, the government and officials make it very difficult for us to help the people. Relief teams have been trying to get documentation from the Mozambican Embassy in Pretoria to exempt them from paying import tax for the relief donations taken through the border to help their own people. The Embassy still hasnt complied, which means that each time they cross the Border, many hours are wasted, trying to work through the red tape. Border Agents want bribe money or to put the donations in quarantine so that they can help themselves to it. By Gods grace the team got through in the end. Once they arrived, the local authorities wouldnt allow the brethren to distribute the donations, but rather to leave everything with them to distribute. Teams managed to bypass this by arranging distribution to recipients in groups of 10 or 12, sharing the gospel and tracts with them before handing out the care buckets. Problems were encountered by teams bringing Care Buckets from Pretoria & Johannesburg. A trailer wheel came off and a wheel nut hit the windshield of an oncoming truck and the wheel itself hit another oncoming truck. Thankfully there was no major accident, but it took 4 hours to unload everything into another truck and get the brethren back to Pretoria. Noe, Xavier and Moises are continuing with the Proclaimer Bible studies and ministry; Noe will continue with the Inhambane Church Plant Project as soon as the roads are open. Pray for accommodation for Paradzia and his family to start his Nehemiah Ministry training program. Currently they are still in Cahora Bassa waiting to come down south. The plan is that he will plant a church in Cahora Bassa after the training. Inhambane Outreaches

News Updates Prayer Requests Our Mission Emphasis Tools Of Evangelism: CORN GRINDER $500.00 HARVEST KIT $300.00 BICYCLE $100.00 DONKEY TAXI $100.00 Pastor Supt $100.00 P/Month Pastor Study Bible $50.00 BIBLE STUDENT $50.00 P/Month NEW TESTAMENTS $5.00 ORPHANS $10.00 P/Month

Moving Forward by Faith in Africa

Field y News: South Africa: 24 Students graduated from Bible School in 2012. Lesotho & Swaziland: 1000 Bibles distributed to Pastors for new converts in 2012. Malawi: 4 new churches established in 2012. Zimbabwe: Pastors and churches threatened by Rebel forces and severely beaten. Zambia: 2 Couples graduates 2011 have established 2 powerful preaching/teaching discipleship centers with opposition from local witchdoctors. Mozambique: Severe flooding has affected many parts of the country. Relief efforts and help from South African Christians who donated food, water clothing and medicine has been a tremendous blessing to the field. We thank all who prayed, donated, and participated in the disaster relief efforts to help the people and refugees. Botswana: Bushmen people - 400 Bibles distributed to new converts amongst nomadic Bushmen tribes. Namibia: Pastor Daniel established 6 churches in Mozambique, and 9 in Namibia, has reported of 4 new preaching points planted in the Northern regions of Namibia, to plant these churches later this year. Angola: Bible School reopened Jan 15, 2013, with 19 first year students this will be a three year course in Bible training and they will receive a diploma in Divinity when they graduate Dec 2015. Indigenous Pastors will set a date during their conference, to consider amalgamating with the S. African brethren. Late Extra Gifts: Sent in the form of 4 Corn Grinders, above and beyond the 24 that were distributed 2012. These Pastors from 2009-2012 struggled to get their churches and villages moved to areas with electrical outlets They pleaded for the Corn Grinders to help evangelize their areas At the same time 3 other Indigenous Pastors requested $500.00 each to help move their 3 villages out of the Limpopo River flood plain areas. These late requests received Oct/Nov 2012 came at the right time, as the Lord touched the hearts of various prayer partners and donors during Oct/Nov/Dec we were able to send finances to help with the above late requests. These 3 pastors and church members were saved from the floods as mentioned above. Pastors Christmas Gifts: Thank you for your generous extra love gifts to Indigenous Pastors and their families to bless them at Christmas. Bibles: Due to the tremendous move of the Lord in Southern Africa, we were able to send the extra money for 2000 Bibles in 5 different languages for converts and for those who attended Discipleship/Soul Winning Course. Please pray with us for the Lords prolonged provision during this revival time in Africa. Tools for Evangelism: Anita and I are led to help the Indigenous work in Africa. Tools for Evangelism & Bibles is a priority. Pray for all Discipleship teams as they reach out to witness in unreached areas to 3-4 people each day. Pray for Indigenous Pastors and Evangelists for safety/protection as they travel to various areas where they surely will encounter witchdoctors and witchcraft = That God would strengthen them physically and spiritually with power and authority to rebuke the devil and preach the Word, for the extension of the Kingdom of God in Africa. Pray for John & Anita as we travel to raise extra support for the field in Southern Africa. Because Africa Needs Jesus, John & Anita Newton. BUT THIS I SAY, HE WHICH SOWETH SPARINGLY SHALL REAP ALSO SPARINGLY; AND HE WHICH SOWETH BOUNTIFULLY SHALL REAP ALSO BOUNTIFULLY. 2 COR. 9:6. Thank You for being a part of our Prayer Family.

Page 2 Our Mission Emphasis is

To serve the Indigenous Church in Africa. Our Method is to let God present a need . . . and for us to match it with passion to serve. Support for Christ For Africa Ministries comes from gifts by friends like you. We are not funded or endowed by any group or Corporation, as we are an Independent Faith Mission.

John & Anita Newton Hold to the King James Bible CHRIST FOR AFRICA MISSION
P.O. Box 536 Tahlequah OK 74465-0536
E-mail : Your Prayer requests prayed for daily including needs for the field in Africa.

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