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PeeTeAITUREL DRAWING A FRoFité ee / oo HEAD SHAPE @,> Block in ANGLES to determine the accurate ies the { \@ Itibp® of the i, Head \ \ CHIN ae bbe face Sight They va @) Te be J J EQUAL! Fh tn Fhe. negative Sjpuce, Gg bye eS oe Leo ee forehead ye nose "b nese oe hn ee ~ chin — Sight The angle hes g dhe Hp Peatteres, LBeur Mew @D @ Genter Line As \ BP \ | el porte otal, } lal neck. | | | * Pe Sight the width ae the head Oe A. eS NEx) © a pane Pa © O@ Sight Ae he fee Hyd re of the face | ( @& Com = SQ x ae {ir +) } eS \ \e 4 ia ? KE ahs / Qe Tee - Ar CT ts oreet % — (ante EM with Sdes tu oft |) Davide | into thirds -Pfeirline - Brow -Nese - Chin Fd the 2 deufer ne for the eyes B nose es are ai} iP fen! nt dape s. Care ficth s draw ee | trapped portion. = Comer of ae dlewn 1s ppt ie Carer of y tuck Nohce where Le ee en the neck yeu disappears go when drawing behind is shorter Bar — because it de the back in A the : Wp sok fer cer er renee amt

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