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APPENDIX B: Activity Analysis Sheet Unit 4, All-Star 31 (Money and Consumer Issues)

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Reading/Writing Strategies


1 A. TURN-TAKE Initiate Respond Not Required B. FOCUS on Language system (rules or form) Meaning Meaning/system relationship Strategies (e.g., reading/writing, learning,
thinking, communication)

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C. MENTAL OPERATION Repeat identically Repeat selectively Repeat with substitution Repeat with transformation Repeat with expansion Retrieve from Short-Term Memory Retrieve from Intermediate-Term Memory Retrieve from Long-Term Memory Formulate items into larger unit Decode semantic/propositional meaning Select information Calculate Categorize selected information Hypothesize/Develop Questions or Solutions Compare samples of language Analyze language form Formulate language rule Apply stated language rule Apply general knowledge Review own FL output

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Adapted from Littlejohn (1998), p. 210. I substituted activity for task, to allow analysis of the wider range of Unit 4 elements that do not fully include all of the components of Nunans (1987) definition (input, goal, activities, roles, and outcomes). Note: Lesson 7 is not included in this chart, since it is of a different type than all other parts; it includes listening and vocabulary review/assessment tools, and a box-check learning log.

Attend to example/explanation
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

Lesson 6 R/W Strategies

Lesson 5


1 Teacher and learner(s), whole class observing Learner(s) to the whole class Learners with whole class simultaneously Learners in pairs/groups; class observing Learners in pairs/groups, simultaneously Learners individually in classroom setting 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

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A. INPUT TO LEARNERS Graphic Words/phrases/sentences: written Words/phrases/sentences: oral Extended discourse: written Extended discourse: oral B. EXPECTED OUTPUT Graphic Words/phrases/sentences: written Words/phrases/sentences: oral Extended discourse: written Extended discourse: oral C. SOURCE Materials Teacher Learners D. NATURE Metalinguistic Comment Linguistic Item Personal Information/Opinion Fiction Non-fiction Metacognitive Comment Mathematical Element*

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