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Name: Mi Corporal punishment

Issue In Society

We can meet corporal punishment everywhere in the world. Even we might not want to see it or we have the law for against corporal punishments. But it never exists from our world. We still hear corporal punishment problem. Some people might see it from movie or their own eyes. Even people said that it is not right thing to punishment other people by using physical punishment. Even though some people thought they can use physical punishment to people in their own power. So, corporal punishment never been exists from this world because people still thinking that we can use corporal punishment to other. What is corporal punishments mean? It is a form of physical punishments that involves the deliberate infliction of pain for offence, or for the purpose of reforming a wrongdoer, or to stop the attitude that people unacceptable. The term of corporal punishment is referring to judicial, domestic, and education settings. Corporal punishments are divided in to 3 main types. It has Parental or domestic corporal punishment, school corporal punishment, and judicial corporal punishment. This three main kind are the thing that easy to make the law for help people who get corporal punishment. Also we have various national and international Campaigns against corporal punishment. Many countries in the world have their own law to help people in their own country. However, many people still get corporal punishment. Even though we have law and we know that which the corporal punishment is. Corporal punishment have stay with human for long times. We dont when it was started. In my opinion, every people had have learn ancient Greek, Rome, and Egypt stories. We can see that many people were used for build the palace, to be slave, or solider. In ancient times doesnt have equipment like present. We has technology to build house, do house work, or fight. So, they use human to make the thing that they want. In Medieval Europe, corporal punishment was encouraged by attitude of medieval church toward human body. This had influence on school to use corporal punishment in school. In eleventh century Saint Anselm of Archbishop of Canterbury was speaking against the thing that he saw. He thought that it cannot accept people who use corporal punishment to children. However in still continued until nineteenth century in Europe and North America. Most people thought about corporal punishment was an serious problem, because it had two significant cases, the death of Private Frederick john White, who died after a military flogging in 1846 [1] and the death of Reginald Cancellor, who was killed by school master in 1860[2]. That made corporal punishment in Britain unpopular. So, many countries made the law to protect people who get corporal punishment. In the 1870s, courts in the United was cancel the rule that husband had the right to use corporal punishment his wife in order to keep his wife did her own duty. So, corporal punishment had been with human for the long times. In the paragraph above, I already show part of corporal punishment that is in common with us. Because it showing that people are always using corporal punishment to people in their own control like it is normal to do it. Also, people are continuing doing because they can see people in the past was doing the same thing. I same like we are continue doing it because it is still success to doing it. Even though many people are saying that using

Name: Mi

Issue In Society

corporal punishment isnt right thing to do. But when people saw other people harm children because they are father and child. We are stopping to help that kid. It has only feel people who try to help those kids. If we help people who get corporal punishment we would not have Reginald Cancellor in our world. In the paragraph below, I will show you about 3 main types of corporal punishment. It is the easy way to understand corporal punishment by separates them into the group. In my opinion, it should have more than three main types of corporal punishment, because people nowadays are weirder than before. First is corporal punishment in the home or domestic corporal punishment. Which mean parents use physical punishment to their own children. It means parents are spanking, whipping, smacking, or slapping their own children. Spanking can be have the child lying, stomach down, and hit the childs buttocks. It has many country against the corporal punishment in the home, but it still have many country in the world are legal to have corporal punishment in the home in their country. Some languages have a specific word for buttocks. For example are fesee in French, nalgada in Spanish, and klaps in Polish. Some of countries use the word because the sound likes buttocks. It has many countries in the world that has been increasing number of outlawed. However, my country in the world has been restricted corporal punishment. In the paragraph below I will tell you some of the countries the corporal punishment are legal and illegal in their country. In the United States, some of African and Most Asian nations are currently legal for parents to spanking, whipping, smacking, or slapping their own child. It is also legal to use belt or paddle to hit their own child. In Canada, Spanking by their own parents is legal, as long as those kids are not under 2 years or over 12 years of age. They can use only bare hand. In the United Kingdom, spanking or smacking is legal. But they cannot leave a mark on children body. In Scotland, it has been illegal to use corporal punishment to their own child since October 2003. In Wales, the National assembly have voted to completely ban corporal punishment in their own country. But the law is unlikely to be use before the end of this assembly term. In Pakistan, Section 89 of Pakistan Penal code is allowing corporal punishment. So, the Government of Pakistan has not changes their own law yet. In my opinion, Corporal punishment in the home should be illegal because every people have their own opinion. Even though there are kid or adult. So, we should to listen to each other first before we punishment them. Also, Punishment is not the only to fixes the problem. We should to give chance to people who doing something wrong first. Also, if you think your own child doing something wrong. You should to teach them right way first before punish them.

Name: Mi

Issue In Society

The second type of corporal punishment is corporal punishment in school. Many countries in the world are not allows corporal punishment. It is including spanking, striking the student on buttocks and striking the student palm. In Singapore teacher can have permission to use caning for boys only. In my opinion, Corporal punishment should have in the school, but it should not live mark on it. The point why I thinking like this because I think the way teacher can live mark on student body will use many power to hit their own children. So, if they just hit the student for punishment it is the good way to keep them think about what are they doing. I think teacher will not hit student by the first times that student are doing wrong. Because most of teacher knew that somehow they might not know that are wrong. The third is judicial or Quasi-judicial punishment. Judicial means to have corporal punishment as a result of sentence by court of law. The Judicial corporal Punishment is refers to fluffing, caning, birching, whipping, or strapping to the prisoner. Many Asian African and Middle Eastern are allow judicial corporal Punishment to be legal. 33 countries are still using judicial corporal punishment. It is including a number of territories such as Botswana, Malaysia, Singapore and Tanzania. I think judicial corporal punishment should to legal because they should to thinking first before they doing something wrong. They might not just doing by unconscious. Most people who get in jail should to be adult. They should know which the wrong or right thing is. Even though they might not have a choice to doing that but they should to find other way for solve their own problem. In my opinion, Corporal punishment also came from ritual. I saw the movie the Da Vinci Code. We knew that some people believe in punishment their self for God of them. They want to hurt same like their own god. But corporal punishment in ritual is difference because they make punishment by themselves. I think ritual doesnt did anything wrong but people force to get punishment by themselves. Even though many countries create the law to against the corporal punishment, but it still has peopled who this corporal punishment with their own control. I think people should to understand that we cannot punishment other, because it will become abuses. I would be related corporal punishment to the universal declaration of human right by article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. I think people shouldnt not get punishment if they dont do anything wrong like killing people or make someone died. Every people have right to didnt something by themselves. Even though it was right to do it or not. In my opinion, I want people to understand that corporal punishment should did with people who always doing the same thing wrong. I mean like prisoner. Parents shouldnt make corporal punishment to their own child. Because parents should to be the one who help them to understand this world. You shouldnt punishment them like prisoner. Also the same as corporal punishment in school, because if they knew the good thing or bad thing why was they come to school. I think teacher should to teach student how to be the good person and which is the thing that you should or shouldnt do.

Name: Mi

Issue In Society

Corporal punishment will not happen. If we are helping other people like when you saw someone make corporal punishment to the kids or other people. We should to understand that every people have their own right. Even though they did something that you dont like it. I think corporal punishment also came from ritual. But ritual would not be happen if human doesnt though of that. So, either ritual or human by itself it is the same.

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