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the Twilit Lands

Lyredragon Productions
Chronicles of Kharayim

By Stephanie Ferguson
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the Twilit Lands
By Stephanie Ferguson

Enraya Concept, art, stories

by Stephanie Ferguson
Karayim concept by Stephanie Ferguson
Cover by Stephanie Ferguson
Kalen Concept by John Pyke
Logos by Stephanie Ferguson
Graphic Design by Stephanie Ferguson

With special thanks to Heather Isenhart, Ken Walz, and Jeff Huston for putting up
with me at Origins 2007 and for putting me up at the last minute, and for Al and Mary
Simpson, who let me use their car

Thanks also to Tom Mays, Ms. Hadlock, Paul, my Teachers at ITT tech. Their expert
instruction made this possible

This book fulfills part of the required work for the Capstone Course part of the require-
ments of the Multimedia Degree at ITT tech, Omaha Campus, Summer Quarter 2007

Players and Playtesters: John Pyke, Livvia Bechtold, Dan Bechtold, Joseph Sanpino,
Amanda Sanpino, Brad Sanpino, Chris, and Josh Tausz

Chronicles of Karayim

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Table of Contents

Aureus d’Or, in youth

Chapter 1: the Twilit Lands of Enraya x

Enrayan Atlas 1
Culture of Enraya 3
Drownedlanders 10
Other Races 12

Chapter 2 Deities of Enraya 15

Creation: the Sun, the Moon and the Stars 17
Deities of Enraya 19
Myridan’s Crusade 30
Chapter 3: Monsters of Enraya 33
Marion 35
Narghai and Simghai 37
Krzhyii 38
Dire Werelion 49
Mezarch 52
Half-Mezarch 54

Index 56
Credits ii
Open Gaming Liscense iii
About Kharayim vii

A Courtly Lady
Introduction: About Kharayim:
Kharayim is a fantastic world which is contested, not simply by mortals, but by pantheons of
gods, all vying to be the principal pantheon or deity controlling the world.
The truth of the mortal races is lost in history, but all pantheons claim to be the legitimate
creators or receivers of the races, and all claim to be the creators of the world. The truth is that
the world is probably older than even these deities. Nobody other than the deities know their
origin, and they are not telling anything. In fact, most even deny that they were created at all.
The reason for this is that long before recorded history, for lost and forgotten reasons,
the gods present today killed or imprisoned the elder gods of this multiverse, and then fell to
squabbling amongst themselves over the creatures that inhabited it. The second wars concerned
the division of races amongst the gods, and the third wars were between the gods that wished
to claim one race. In the present age, only the oldest of celestials and infernals remember these
wars, and how they almost destroyed the material plane.
After the third war, the gods settled into factions and began sharing their mythology with
their mortals, with each pantheon attempting to convince their mortals that their mythology was
truth, and other mythologies were false. Each pantheon inhabits their own realm in the outer
planes, to which the souls of their faithful go, if allowed.
What resulted among the mortals is factions, nations, and races all convinced that their
version of creation was true, and with no proof to the contrary on the material plane, or perhaps
anywhere but the astral plane, where those gods who are dead lie hidden, and the realms
beyond the outer planes where those gods who are imprisoned were placed, unable to escape or
influence the multiverse.
So, what pantheon is true? Which was chosen to inherit? All and none. Since history
was first recorded the pantheons have used their mortals like game pieces to extend their
influence. When the followers of one pantheon or singular god conquers and subjugates the
mortals of another pantheon or god, the losing pantheon or deity absorbed the followers, and
made the choice to either extend their pantheon or destroy the losing god or gods.
As a result, not only are the gods not perfect, but also, their mythologies are often flawed,
and every-so-often mortals fond of traveling and seeking knowledge will come across these
gaping flaws. Some will become confused, some will leave their gods, and some will plug the
holes in their theology with their own perception. To a follower of a particular pantheon, all
other outer realms are considered lower realms. Unfortunately, because of the early wars, each
of the outer planes is nearly impenetrable to anything that does not resonate with that plane.
This means that those who leave the worship of the gods are doomed to wander the astral plane
for eternity, unable to enter the outer realms. Over the eons, this has made the astral plane a
very dangerous place, full of lost, deranged spirits, as well as creatures that prey on souls.
Some of these find their way into the elemental planes and become elementals, some
find their way to the positive plane and dissolve, becoming parts of new souls, and some are
drawn into the negative plane, where the only the most powerful can prevent being sucked into
oblivion. There these powerful remnants of souls take on fell form as the multiverse’s most
dangerous undead monstrosities.
As for the major sentient mortal races of the material plane, all pantheons agree on the
order of creation. Dragons, Elves, and Dwarves came first, Fey, Orcs, and Gnomes came
second, Humans, Halflings, and Lizardfolk came third. All the other sentient races, such as:
giants, merfolk, locath, kobolds, and other sorts of things with sentience either evolved from
beasts, or were the result of a blending of the nine races and elementals or other magical things,
or they were an enhancement brought upon by curse or blessing.
The undead native to the material plane or its coexistent planes are not inherently evil,
because negative energy is not evil. In truth the negative plane is a necessary part of existence
to balance the influx from the positive energy plane. With undead, just as with the living, their
actions and appetites determine their alignment. Undead native to the negative energy plane are
always evil, as are undead who have been described as being evil—but this is because of other
factors involved in their existence. Zombies, for example, are neutral.
Elementals, being spirits of mortals who found their way to the elemental sources, do
not have cultures of any particular kind, but once a spirit has taken an elemental form, it can be
summoned or it can leave the plane to wander the other planes as immortal elemental spirits.
Only a summoner can give these spirits a form other than that of “elemental.” Mortals can also
interbreed with them, and produce offspring, or a mortal might tap the source of an elemental
plane and become transformed by it. Corporeal living or undead creatures, however, cannot
visit the elemental planes. Once they are beyond the bounds of the core planes (the material
and its coexistent planes) they are always drawn to the negative energy plane, from where they
draw their source of continued existence.
As for the outer planes, angels and demons inhabit the same planes, it is just a matter
of where. Each of the outer planes is infinite in its own right, but the difference is that each
outer plane is inhabited by a pantheon, rather than a loose collection of gods and outsiders.
There is only one gate in and out of each outer plane, opening onto the astral, due to the wars
in prehistory. Most pantheons have a gatekeeper, or a series of keepers to guide their faithful
souls to their plane. It is even rumored among the outsiders that there are two gates out of the
multiverse itself, but the pantheons who have access to them aren’t going to reveal or share.
Chapter 1
The Twilit Lands
of Enraya
The Twilit Lands

Enrayan Atlas
Country: Empire of Enraya
Capital: Eschall Falls est cities: Delta City, Anj, Kanbo, and Lur.
Chapter 1

Total Area: 453,816 sq mi Enraya means “Lands of the peo-

Population: 50,894,732 (Humans 40%, ple of the Delta.” Civilization began here
Drownedlanders 20%, gnomes 20%, half-hu- over 10,000 years ago in the region of Del-
mans 10%, locaths 7% other races 3%) ta City, which now lies in the Sea of Sor-
Languages: Draconic (official), Gnomish row. The State religion asserts that the coun-
(secondary official), Enrayan (common), try of Enraya was founded by the gods.
aquan(of the drownedlanders) The land rises unsteadily from the wa-
Literacy: 27% ters edge into swamplands. There are over 1000
Religions: Enrayan Pantheon(state religion) named rivers that come through the land from
folk religions and ancestor worhship, various various places, and most them used to drain into
cults the Kalen River between Eschall Falls and Del-
Government type: Parlimentary Magocracy ta City. Now, they drain directly into the bay.
Currency: Cenizhon(pp), Lorizhon(gp), At the area around Eschall falls, the land
Havinan(sp), Folchin(cp) rises sharply forming the great Eschall Cliffs,
which extend 400 miles around the northern
end of the bay of Enraya, and slope downward.
Enraya is an ancient, human controlled coun-
These cliffs separate the forest from the swamp-
try straddling the equator, and bordering the
land around the area of Eschall Falls, but else-
country of Rudir to the east, Therangia to the
where, the land steps quietly from swampland
west, and the Terubor Forest to the north. In
to grassland to forest, and eventually into the
the distant north is the Trade City of Kalen, the
mountain ranges that form the border of Enra-
nearest human civilization north of the equator.
ya: the Iltair in the east and the Marthair in the
The country sits on the remains of a pen-
west. The Iltair is the taller of the two moun-
insula, with the capital of the Barony of the Hu-
tain ranges, with some peaks reaching 15,000 ft
man Controlled Lands of the Terubor, Five Oaks,
above sea level in the northernmost reaches of
lying directly on the equator, and the capital of
the Barony of Iltair. The Marthair is an ancient
Enraya, Eschall Falls, lying 70 miles south at
range, with no peak reaching higher than 7000
the present mouth of the Kalen River. They also
feet, and most of its slopes covered in deep jun-
control the entirety of the Sea of Sorrow and the
gles on the windward side, and steep crags on
Bay of Enraya, as well as numerous crags and
the leeward side. West of the Marthair, the land
coral atolls in the bay, bordering the Raashyi Sea.
sweeps down into harsh desert and scrubland.
The majority of land inhabited by
The Terubor Basin is home to na-
humans lies in swaths of swampland dot-
tions and tribes of many different species. It
ted with islands of stone, where the major-
is a seasonally flooded tropical swamp forest
ity of cities are located. Other cities lie
lying between the two mountain ranges where
along the coasts or on the islands themselves.
the runoff from the mountains, natural springs
Drownedlanders occupy the Sea of Sorrow,
living among the ruins of Enraya’s great-

Enrayan Atlas

region, Moisture comes over the Eschall cliffs

from the bay of Enraya. The area is covered
and rain drain directly into the Kalen River be- in clouds for much of the year. The Terubor
fore cascading in an awesome waterfall above forest is only roughly 500 miles at its widest,

Chapter 1
Eschall Falls. Further upriver, the Kalen river but it stretches northward, joining with decidu-
has cut wide canyons as the land rises into ous forests and evergreen dry forests to create
high steppes and decid- uous forests, a swath of forests almost 2000 miles long. The
while on the slopes of the moun- entirety of the 3000 mile stretch of river from
tains bordering the forest, cloud for- Eschall Falls to Kalen has been made navigable
ests dominate the land- scape. over the years. Without magic, there would
The Ter- u- be no trading along the river from the
bor Forest sea, as right above Eschall Falls is the
is a spooky, primal region filled waterfalls that gave the city its name.
with mangroves, figs, ferns, Above the falls, the river is
orchids, and other more sinis- ter navigable by seagoing vessels as far
plants, such as assassin vines. as Five Oaks, and by river barg-
The massive Eternal Oak grows es all the way to Lake Kalen.
in the depths of the basin, and is The city of Eschall Falls strad-
sacred to the elves, while the huge, dles the estuary created by the
saffron colored, dinner plate sized Kalen in the decades after a magi-
lilly, the Ris’lon, grows along the cal cataclysm sunk a majority of the
main river channel and is sacred to the country under water. None know
humans. There are incredibly diverse exactly what caused the cata-
species, as there are in almost all rain clysm, but all suspect it to have
forests. Enraya’s borders are not set in originated with the arcane ex-
the Terubor. The humans of that region periments being conducted at the
are generally seasonally nomadic if they Delta City College of Magic.
are not residents of Five Oaks, and gener- What all know is that it
ally co-exist with other sentient species, crippled the economy of En-
though tribal skirmishes are common. raya, destroyed 80% of its ar-
Historically, it has been a bad idea for able land, irrevocably changed
humans to try to claim a solid border the climate of the lowlands,
in that region, as it has led to and changed the nature of the
numerous wars in the past be- humans in its path to crea-
tween elves, lizardfolk, and fey. tures with the aquatic subtype.
The trees in the basin grow 250 years ago, Eschall
tall quickly, as the shadows from the mountains Falls was simply a major stop along the riv-
shorten the days. Farther up on the slopes, er. Here, ships would move their goods from
shorter, denser trees dominate. Throughout the ocean vessels to river barges for transport up
the river. The ancient locks of Eschall Falls are

The Twilit Lands

one of the wonders of the world. Long ago,

before the catyclysm, when trade was new,
and there was a need for large vessels to navi- Human Culture in Enraya
gate the Kalen, gnomish engineers created a
Chapter 1

system of magical locks that transports ships

from the lowlands, up the falls and onto the
Enraya operates on a caste system, with noble
houses on top, magic users making up the so-
main river channel on their way to Kalen City.
cial classes, normal folk making up the work-
All the upper river trade is done by gnomes.
ing classes, and possessing an underclass of
non-entities that are responsible for the menial
work and are worse off than slaves. Enraya
does engage in slavery, as a form of indentured
servitude, punishment, or as a place to include
prisoners of war or spoils of conquest into so-
ciety. In the Red Quarter of Eschall Falls, the
country’s largest slave market exits, guard-
ed carefully by the harsh, evil eye of
the Red Faction guards.
Here are the castes, in order from
greatest to least:

The Inner Court:

The members of
the inner court are
the highest rank-
ing nobles. The
true titles of the
head of these fami-
lies are “Noble Bar-
ons” and these houses
are considered to be the
royal houses. There are specif-
ic families that these folks belong
to, each with specific traits and specific
tracts of land:

House Arren: The ancestral house Arren

hails from the eastern borders. They guard

Enrayan Culture

protected along the river, so Aureus, the current

head of the house, has had the honor of con-
these borders against incursions from the east tinuing communications and diplomacy to the
and from the sea. Their barony is known as northern kingdoms. Pure blooded members of

Chapter 1
Thavumet and has long felt the whip of oppres- the house are known for their golden to plati-
sion as the members of the house have become num hair, grey or yellow eyes and long lives,
increasingly under scrutiny. Some say that a on average living about 60 years beyond the
deed performed a curse upon the house, for no average human. Most attribute that to mixed
drylanded member of the house (to their knowl- genealogy.
edge) has borne a child in the last 40 years.
Members of the Arren house are well known for
House Arolell: House Arolell has been
flame red hair and pale blue eyes. The current
the backbone of the country for the past 200
head of the house is not Trajan as most outsid-
years. Not affected by the disaster, their num-
ers would think, but his cousin Judaret. Arren
bers are strong. They rule over the marshes of
minds are usually very clinical and not prone
the Ghe’mar. Noble Baron Demair Arolell is
to rage, though they are very famous in their
the head of the house there. House Arolell is
dealings with their enemies. Rumors have been
known for either black hair and violet eyes or
hinted at, though never openly, that the family
platinum white hair and pink or piercing blue
has dealt with demons, and there are some ru-
eyes. Arolell has the most insular house, and
mors, though people fear to bring it up, that the
it shows in the number of albinos born to the
Arren house has been experimenting with hu-
man lives. It is death to those caught repeating
these, including the rumor that the disaster was
in fact caused by the house. House Shivess: The land belonging to House
Shivess was entirely lost to the disaster. Their
barony now lies underneath the bay of Enraya.
House d’Or: The tracts inhabited by the
Once fertile farmland is now drowned in salt-
house d’Or include the Terubor Forest and the
water and covered in a layer of sand. Members
Kalen River to the north of Eschall falls. The
of the house who escaped the disaster chose to
human city of Eschall Falls itself used to be-
turn from the land entirely and bred with the
long to the d’Or family, in fact it was once the
newly changed Drownedlanders. There is now
capital of the barony, but it was given up to the
not even one member of the house who does
state for the good of the kingdom.
not sport gills. Resh Nadair Shivess rules the
The d’Or house is the least insular of
house. Their baron is chosen by pooling and
the noble houses and has regularly intermin-
choosing the most powerful of the amphibious
gled with elves, fey, and even angels. In fact,
members. Members of this drownedland house
every few generations, an aasimar child shows
have blond hair tinted green, hazel eyes and al-
up in the birth roster, a testament to the past
most unnaturally translucent skin.
goodness of the line. The d’Or house is also
responsible for keeping trade reasonable and
House Enalli: The other house lost to the
disaster was entirely transformed. They used

The Twilit Lands

to hold the land around Delta City itself. When

the disaster struck, none of these folks survived
unchanged. They are a people embittered house Shivess to help cement ties between the
against the land, claiming that the gods are land and sea, but a secret deal with house Enalli
Chapter 1

punishing Enraya for hidden misdeeds. More turned it over to that house. House Xavis are
often than not, they will point the finger at the the magistrates and governors of Orange quar-
house Arren, claiming that their recent sterility ter, but their power is granted by house Enalli,
and the past disaster are somehow intercon- much to the dismay of house Arren.
nected. Caudivar DeShan Enalli, the head of Notable minor houses: Xavis of Orange Quar-
house Enalli, is trapped in Eschall falls, and the ter, Hanshi of Vallish, Uluun of the Terubor no-
king has made elaborate baths for both him and mads, Foston of the High Iltair
Resh of Shivess, but neither of them has been
allowed to return to the ocean, not even to visit The Council of Mages:
the orange quarter. If there was ever a house to
secede from the kingdom, it would be this one.
House Enalli is to the good peoples of the sea
The closest thing that Enraya has to a senate,
House of Commons or parliament is the coun-
what house d’Or is to the land. There has been
cil of mages. Any common (not landed) citi-
a lot of interbreeding with the sea elves, and this
zen who has graduated from any of the colleges
has affected the mindset of the House, which
of magic in Enraya has a chance to become a
still inhabits the ancient palace of Enraya in the
representative of the people. The Council of
sunken ruins of Delta City. Members of house
Mages has a chancellor who represents a col-
Enalli are quite likely to be half sea elven.
lege, and the representatives are mages from
every barony, county, and municipality. The
The Outer Court: Delta College is less powerful at the moment,
being entirely underwater, but they speak for
Minor nobles make up the outer court. These the Drownedlanders. The Eschall academy
are families that the noble houses, in time, were members speak for the Drylanders. The Crag
given land. Some now rival the power of the Island mages were barred from a seat on the
noble houses, while some have little more than council after Trajan’s attack. The chancellors
town home within a greater city. All of them report to the council Chair, who is granted a po-
are patroned by a noble house, but the patron- sition in the inner court for the duration of his
age can be passed from noble house to noble tenure. This is the only way that a commoner
hose as bargaining chips if they so choose. For can have any say in the government. The Chair
example, house Xavis is a minor house that is considered to be the voice of the people.
rules the Orange Quarter of Eschall falls. Once
it was patroned by House d’Or, but after the di- The Council of Divinity:
saster, the family was transformed. When Es-
chall Falls was turned over to the state, the house
came under the protection of the royal house Operating much like the council of mages in
Arren. House Arren turned over patronage to

Enrayan Culture

orcs, even if they are of magical ability, are not

given a say. They are considered second-class
terms of election and positions, the council of citizens. Innate magical ability in a half-orc is
divinity represents the clerisy. Though the in- usually only enough to buy his freedom from

Chapter 1
ner court favors arcane magic over divine mag- slavery and only Crag Island once accepted the
ic, none of them are stupid enough to rare intelligent one as a student of arcane art.
discount the voice of the gods. More often than not, however, they make ex-
cellent psy-warriors. Halflings are transient,
The Voting Popula- and are barred for that reason. Elves, merfolk,
and dwarves have their own nations, though
tion: the sea elves are considered full citizens
by House Enalli for their favors to their
There are magic users out aquatic people and they are represented
there who have no position by that house through a delegate in the
on the council. Citizens outer court.
who were trained out of the
country, who never attend- The Armed Forces:
ed the schools, or have
become citizens by oath,
cannot sit on the council,
The only way for a mun-
dane man to carve his
but they can vote in gen-
name in the history of the
eral elections put on
country is to ascend the
by the councils. To be
ranks of the armed forc-
a member of the voting
es. This is the only part
population of Enraya,
of society where physi-
you have to be a citizen,
cal might is considered
of at least partial human
greater than magical ap-
or gnomish lineage, and
you have to have proof of
magical or ability through ar-
The Army: as with
cane magic, psionics, divine
any country, Enraya has
magic, or spell-like or psi-like
a standing army. All
ability. Druids, wizards, cler-
mundane human citi-
ics, sorcerers, rangers, paladins,
zens may join for five
and the like all qualify as well as
years following the at-
aasimars, tieflings, half-dragons,
tainment of adulthood.
half-celestials, half-fiends, elans,
Voting citizens enter
or other human crossbreeds that
as low ranking officers.
can legally fill the requirements. Half
Free half-orcs are pressed into service for
10 years following their age of majority and

The Twilit Lands

are given no special rank unless they can be-

come battle oriented arcanists or clerics. The
army has many different jobs, including but down from the nobility and infused itself into
not exclusive to infantry, cavalry, archers, and this group. Most are normally good folk who
Chapter 1

aerial assault (hippogriff cavalry and featherfall just happened to be trained for war. They are
troopers) the oldest of the factions and represent, in their
opinion, the glory of the ancient country.
The Navy: Enraya has a top notch navy. They
are constantly patrolling for pirates and defend- The Red Faction: All of these soldiers
ing the borders from threats from are the roughest, most iron fisted fight-
the sea. They also have a very spe- ing men Enraya has to offer, and have
cial group that serves as an underwa- slowly come to power over the last
ter army--mundane Drownedlanders five-hundred years or so. Historically,
are required to join this instead of the they protected the country’s borders
army. Mundane dryland citizens from invasion, but since there have
living on the coastlands may opt to not been any challengers to the
join the Navy instead of the army. might of Enraya in over a mil-
Inland citizens are not given the lenium, they have turned their
option. attentions inward. Recently,
they have mushroomed in num-
The Civil Patrol: The agents bers as people are eager to prove
of justice in the towns, they may themselves to Trajan. The Ar-
be known as watchmen, guards, ren house has long supported
officers, constabulary, cops, or the Red Faction, though none
patrolmen. This is a paid posi- but the heads of the family
tion open to any who have know exactly why. They are
shown an aptitude for it the newest of the factions,
after their term of service and are of course, in constant
is over. conflict with the Blue fac-
tion who would like to see them
violently eradicated, because they
The Blue Faction: The blue are unnecesary. The Blue Faction
faction is that part of Enraya’s
reluctantly obeys the king’s desire
armed forces who have historically
to keep the Red Faction. Early in
protected the contry from threats
his reign, Trajan clearly defined
within its borders. In modern En-
the roles of the two, but with the
raya, however, the Blue Faction
favor he gives to the Red, the
has come to be known for its
red faction has been exploiting
aspirations to the higher
loopholes in the definitions.
ideals. The concept of
honor and duty trickled

Enrayan Culture


They represent, in their opinion, the might and Artisans: Singers and performers (not bards),
strength of the present system, and they chal-

Chapter 1
dancers, actors, painters, storytellers and mun-
lenge anyone to say that Enraya is in decline. dane performers all make up this class. Though
The king openly favors that view. they have much in common with this class,
Bards do not belong to this class, because they
The Green Faction: The green faction are can use inherent magic, and belong to the vot-
primarily scouts, rangers and the like. They pa- ing population.
trol the high roads, the mountains, and the for-
ests. They are not allied to either of the other Laborers: Farmers, porters, miners, herders,
factions, concerning themselves with the pro- paid servants, and basically any other honest
tection of Enraya’s frontiers and roads. professions that people do that don’t require ed-
ucation and aren’t on the list of tasks shunned
by society. Laborers are bound to the place they
The Common Citizens: are born, and are not usually let out without
permission. This is the lowest class of people
These people make up the bulk of the popu- allowed to use manufactured weapons.
lation. With no vote and a minimum of five
years of armed service under their belt, they re- Slaves: Captured in battle, folks serving a
tire to their businesses and farms. Commoners prison sentence, paying off debts, or being a
do everything that commoners do, as business- half-orc are reasons for people to enter slavery
men, farmers, miners, merchant sailors, and in Enraya. Being a slave isn’t all bad. Though
tradesmen. Common children in Eschall falls you are at the mercy of your owner, the owners
are required to go to school, where they will are required to provide all the basic amenities
learn what they need in order to survive before for life: food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual
they are dumped into the military or into their fulfillment. Apprentices, road workers, gladia-
trades. tors, builders, kagamen and forced laborers all
form the slave class. Only half-orcs are denied
The Merchant Class: merchants are not freedom from birth. It is possible for a slave
to be freed, and only half-orcs are bred for this
required to do military service, and are never
class. The rest either serve their term of their
given a vote. They do however, comprise some
slavery or die in it and any resulting children
of the most affluent citizens in Enraya. They
enter the unnamed class as orphans.
may have money, but money cannot buy a posi-
tion in a country that demands the use of magic.
Typical merchants have a good that they sell. The Unnamed: criminals, bandits, street
Slavers, paint peddlers, spice merchants, and urchins, orphans, meat processors, grave dig-
arms dealers are examples of merchant class gers, whores, executioners, street cleaners, and
so forth are the lowest of the low. These folks
are constantly in danger of being captured, be-

The Twilit Lands

ing slaughtered, or being taken for sacrifice by

unscrupulous individuals. The Unnamed are
lower than the slaves. They have their free-
Chapter 1

dom, but nothing else. They have no lineage,

and may be publicly slain by anyone for no par-
ticular reason at all. The advantage of being
unnamed is that they may go anywhere. They
are only bound to themselves, and as long as
they can gather the funds to leave their lot, they
can travel without permit, like an animal. In
Enrayan society, that is what these people are.
They are never allowed manufactured weap-
ons, not even a knife to cut their food. On a
highway, such folks can be seen as beggars or
robbers, bearing rough hewn stone tools. There
is danger, however, for them to be caught be-
cause being seen with anything manufactured
is a sure way to invite death.

Monks: Monks are outside of the caste sys-

tem. Monasteries in the Iltair Mountains, the
Drowned Chasm, the Deep Terubor, and Varruth
hills admit only those of the unnamed who can
reach their walls. Anyone wishing to be a monk
must declare himself unnamed before being al-
lowed entry. For an unnamed, this is a very dif-
ficult, but very rewarding path to choose, be-
cause once one becomes a monk, one gains the
use of a name given by the Monastery. For
a person forsaking his or her given name,
it is equally difficult, because the fam-
ily of the one giving up his name re-
gards that person as dead. Monks
are prized in Enraya for their knowl-
edge of combat, and are often called
upon for their wisdom. Retired career
soldiers often choose this path. Monks
are technically still unnamed, because
the monastery owns the names, not the
people they are given to, but monks are


hair on their heads and in males, on their faces.

Many of them now file their teeth to points.
Races of Enraya Part 2: They have also lost the ability to sweat.
Other Races

Chapter 1
Their mode of cooling is through their former
respiratory system. A Drownedlander’s lungs
cannot process oxygen, but can provide an ef-
About Drownedlanders fective heat exchange. When cooling, They ap-
pear to be panting, but they pant at a faster pace
Drownedlander: than any medium size air breather could without
Medium Humanoid (aquatic) passing out. When observing a Drownedland-
er, a character can make a DC 25 spot check to
Drownedlanders are new subspecies of hu- notice this unnatural respiratory rate.
man, the result of the same arcane disaster that They wear waterproof clothing in much
formed the Bay of Enraya. the same style as normal humans do. They are
considered adults at age 15 and can live to be
Personality: Drownedlanders enjoy the same around 130 years.
tastes and aspirations as any human. Like reg-
Alignment: any. As with humans, they favor
ular humans, they run the gamut of personali-
no alignment, not even neutrality.
ties and physical traits. All of them, however,
revere magical ability above all abilities. It is
Drownedlander Lands: The Bay of Enra-
a fascination common to the Enrayan culture,
ya and the Sea of Sorrow are the only places
whether terrestrial or aquatic. Drownedlanders
Drownedlanders truly call home.
are also quite insulted to be called nonhuman.
Religion: Drownedlanders worship the Enray-
Physical Description: The average an Pantheon.
Drownedlander looks in height and structure
much like their terrestrial counterparts, though Language: Common and Aquan. Drowned-
a bit taller, thicker and exceptionally more mus- landers receive Aquan as an automatic language.
cular, averaging between 5’5”-7’0” and 150- Their association with the sea and the magic
350 lbs. They have only two toes connected surrounding their unique transformation grants
by thick cartilaginous webbing and are only them an innate ability to speak the language.
slightly longer than dryland feet. Their hands Bonus languages: elven, draconic, all languag-
are longer and wider than the average human es of sentient aquatic creatures. Drownedland-
hand, with webbing connecting clear up to the ers wasted no time in exploring the mysteries of
first joint of their fingers. Eye color is almost the deep once they figured out how to survive,
always blue or gray. Their skin is pale, rubbery and readily took to the languages of sea.
to the touch like dolphin skin, and waterproof.
The only hair they retain past childhood is the Names: Drownedland names are as varied as
human names, but they all have at least two or

The Twilit Lands

three. The first is the surface name, the second

is the aquatic name, and the third is usually a --superior low light vision: Drownedlanders
family name. Drownedlanders keep extensive can see four times better than a human in star-
records of their history and origin; lest it be lost
Chapter 1

light, moonlight, torchlight, or similar condi-

as have other races’. tions.

Drownedlanders as Characters: --Human blood: for all effects related to race,

(the following creature is open content) a Drownedlander is considered human. A
Drownedlanders have the following racial drownedlander recieves 1 bonus feat at first
traits level.
--Medium Size
--weapon familiarity: due to their environ-
--ability score adjustments: Str +2, dex –2. ment, nets are considered martial weapons
Living in the water has made these human sub-
species strong, but their minimal adaptations --Special adaption: 1 in 100 drownedlander
make them somewhat clumsy in and out of wa- children are born amphibious. To the drowned-
ter. landers, this is always a fortuitous occasion. A
Drownedlander character can take the Amphib-
--aquatic subtype: a Drownedlander has a ious (ex) special ability in place of its character
swim speed of 30 ft. Drownedlanders can creation feat only. This represents an inherited
drink from and survive in both freshwater and trait. An amphibious Drownedlander is born
saltwater. lacking the webbing between its fingers, and
its hands are the size of an average human. It
--land speed 20 ft, and cannot run on land. can breathe air through its gills, but still can-
While they walk well enough and can fit into not sweat, and still pants like its purely aquatic
shoes to disguise their unique feet, their feet kin. Its feet are not any better adapted to land
are not fully able to support their bodies well travel. Amphibious Drownedlanders are usu-
enough to allow for running. They have a –5 ally adventurers.
penalty to jump checks on land but take no pen-
alty when jumping out of water. They also take Skills: A Drownedlander has a +8 racial bonus
a –2 penalty to dexterity based skill checks in- on any Swim check to perform some special
volving the legs on land. In the water they have action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose
no such penalties to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted
. or endangered. It can use the run action while
--gills: Drownedlanders can survive out of wa- swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
ter for 1 hour per point of constitution unless it The drownedlander warrior presented here had
has the amphibious trait--see special adaption. the following ability scores before racial ad-
(After that refer to the suffocation rules in the justments: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis
DMG) 9, Cha 8.



Drownedlander, 1st-Level Warrior

Chapter 1
Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares, cannot run on land), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 leather), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Net +2 melee (1d8+1) or longspear +2 ranged (1d8/x2)
Full Attack: Net +2 melee (1d8+1) or longspear +2 ranged (1d8/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Human blood, weapon familiarity(nets), special adaption (Amphibious),
superior low-light vision, gills
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will –1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +0, Spot +1, Swim +12
Feats: amphibious(feat option as per special adaption feature), Dodge
Environment: Equatorial aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Party (2–4), Marine Unit (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level lieutenants and 1 cap-
tain of 3rd–6th level), or Marine Squadron (30–60 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 privates, 5
5th-level lieutenants, 3 7th-level captains, 1 12thlevel colonel, and 20 sea elf auxillia)
Advancement: by class level

Favored Class: Ranger A Drownedlander is Elves

innately interested in his new environment, and There are all varieties of elf living in Enraya,
since Humans have had limited access to the but the most common are the Wood Elves, na-
deeps, these folk are far traveling and explorers tive to the Terubor, and the Sea Elves, native to
of the most curious sort. the Sea of Sorrow, and also to the Bay of Enra-
ya. Sea Elves in the Bay live alongside humans,
and were instrumental in helping them to adapt
to their new ecological niche. The language of
each elven subtype is different from every other
elf, so for elves in Enraya, they receive not sim-
ply Elven, but high elven, Wood Elven, Sea El-
ven, or other such subtype of language accord-

The Twilit Lands

ing to their own subtype. It is considered an

inherent language, so a high Elf raised among ern capitals on Karayim.
wood elves would still have High Elven as an
automatic language along with common, which
Chapter 1

is learned, and for the elf, they would still have

Halflings are transient gypsies. They are this
to take wood elven as a bonus language.
way throughout Karayim. This is because long
Elven Religion is one of nature, primar-
ago, they had wings, but for some reason, they
ily. The elves of Enraya believe that they were
lost them. Halflings have no written history, and
descended from gods that came from other re-
the truth has been lost to legend. The Halflings
alities, and died here millennia ago from natural
of Enraya believe that they angered the sky god
causes. There are some cults that still adhere
Imaris, and he cursed them to a terrestrial exis-
to these dead gods, but for the most part, elves
tence. Every once in a while, to prove the fact
do not concern themselves with formalized re-
that they did once have wings, a Halfling child
ligion. It is not known what happens to Elves
will be born with wing stumps protruding from
after they die, but their souls never make it to
its back. These are little more than bumps, but
the outer planes.
the musculature that should provide for flight is
all intact in these children. They have worked
Half-elves wit the gnomish technomancers to create me-
Half Elves are somewhat cursed. Their souls chanical wings that are functional once applied.
are an unnatural blending of a mortal being of These children are the Skyborn, and they are
this multiverse, and a mortal being that was sacred to all Halflings as prophets of Imaris.
originally not part of this multiverse. In life,
they are too elven to be human, and too human
to remain among their elven kin. Their souls
There is only one enclave of Elans, and it lies
after death have a hard journey to make. They
at the base of the Crag Island spire. There, they
can reach the outer planes, but it takes them
host a monastery for humanoid with psionic tal-
longer to find the gate that lead to the afterlife,
ent. Unlike most Elan enclaves, the Crag Island
and so most don’t even try to make it.
Elans do not have a list of petitioners wanting
Gnomes to become Elan. Instead, every human who
Gnomes are one of the Middle Races, Meaning comes to study there gets to be on the list, and
they were among the second group of sentient the council chooses from among them, making
races to inhabit the Material Plane. For the an offer secretly to those they elect. If ever any
most part Gnomes are as they are everywhere. human learns of the true purpose of the monas-
In Enraya, however, they have become more tery, the Elans act quickly, wiping their minds
cosmopolitan. Gnomes share citizenship in of any knowledge. Thus they have kept them-
Enraya, and are an integral part of society. Es- selves secret for millennia.
chall Falls used to be mostly gnomish in popu- Originally, Elans were developed in
lation, and the architecture of the city reflects Therangia, but to all other countries, that coun-
it. Gnomes being expert crasftsmen and inven- try is a legend. Only the Elans know why some
tors, the city is probably one of the most mod-

Other SentientRaces

rounding civilizations, no other culture has the

tolerance for, or even the variety of sentient un-
left that place. dead present among the Enrayans. In Eschall
Falls, though it has always been the sorrow of

Chapter 1
Dwarves the gnomes, the humans have built an entire
The history of dwarves in Enraya is a quarter--the black quarter, to sentient undead.
very sad tale. They warred with other creatures In Eschall falls, the Black Quarter is
that shared their darkened realms, conquering contained. In order to pass by the cemetary gate
and invading cavern after cavern. This brought and into the quarter, You need to pass through
thim into conflict with Dragons, who were the Pair. These are two huge stone idols, one
equally greedy. depicting a gynosphynx, and the other depict-
Eventually, the Dwarves lost out. Their ing an androsphynx. These represent the two
empires crumbled and they were forever forced gatekeepers, Quixar-aa and Nheb-Sept. The
into the light of day. Dwarves in Enraya live living come into the Black quarter at their own
a tribal life in the depths of the forests of the risk. The undead, however, are not allowed to
Terubor, and have developed a superstitious enter the living quarters without paperwork.
dislike for caves. There are also certain types that are le-
gal, and others that are not. Typical undead,
meaning those corporeal undead that have no
Lizardfolk other designation are the most revred of un-
Lizardfolk tribes are quite common in dead. These are always those who have peti-
the Terubor, but little is known about them. tioned directly with Meridan, the god of death.
They have a tribal society, and their priests all By dedicating themselves solely to him, they
favor a yellow powder they call Kurak. It gives are given an afterlive away from Kai-re’oh, the
them visions, so they claim, but human apothe- realm of the dead. They gain unlife for as long
caries see it as nothing but ordinary sulfur rock. as they wish, but they pay a stiff price. Once
The lizardfolk disagree however, and they can undead, their souls can never return to the up-
indeed tell the difference between Kurak and a per planes.
normal lump of sulphur. Named types of undead are all restrict-
ed. Undead that have spawning abilities are
Half-Races banned. Liches aer also banned, but because
Aasimar, Tiefling, half-dragon, half-Celestial, they have usurped Meridan’s authority and
and Half-demon. Enraya venerates crosses be- have stolen his gifts. Incorporeal undead are
tween magical races and the human race. As hunted wherever they are found. They are con-
long as it brings a sense of inherant magic to the sidered to be evading their fate or lost on the
bloodlines of mankind, Enrayans tolerate it. way, or insane. There is even a division of un-
dead dedicated to hunting them.
The Undead
An ancient rumor about Enraya is that it
is the origin of the first undead. Of all the sur-

Chapter 2
Deities of Enraya
Deities ofEnraya

The Enrayan Pantheon

simple fact that the domains of these are shared
The country of Enraya is ancient. They by every creature, and so by existing, a sentient
Chapter 2

are a race of humans that are usually pale of creature brings honor to these beings. The prin-
skin, but easily tanned and not inclined to cipal four are not likely to be seen personally by
freckle. Their hair and eye color is usually any the sentient races with the exception of one, but
color but brown. Their people are arranged into they still grant power to their patroned clerics.
a caste system with spontaneous magic users The lesser pantheon Deities still seem to de-
on the top and mundane humans on the bottom, mand some form of attention. While the Gods
with clerics, soldiers, and merchants some- of the greater pantheon are neutral, the lesser
where in the middle. gods have an aspect of law or chaos, but are
They are a people that revere dragons as all neutral, being neither good nor evil. Clerics
the root of the purest members of their ances- of the pantheon will always claim one deity as
try, although over the years, Enrayans have not their patron, through which his or her domains
been shy in coupling with other magical and are drawn, but all the deities are given honor
outsider races. The progeny from such a join- as a true pantheon. Clerics who have claimed
ing are welcomes into civilization and encour- one of the greater pantheon as their patron de-
aged to breed into the population to enhance the ity have no alignment restriction. Clerics who
magical nature of the people. have claimed one of the lesser pantheon must
Most of the lore surrounding Enrayan be within one step of their patron, and Clerics
religion has been lost, usurped, tainted, or dis- who have claimed an eternal servant must be
placed by other cultures’ influence, and the in- the exact alignment as their patron.
fluence of the outsiders and magical creatures
have warped the purity of the religion. The Sun, Moons, and Stars
The oldest written documents are on An Enrayan creation myth
carved stone tablets and obelisks in Delta City,
and are believed to be over 4000 years old.
There is still a sizable following of the panthe- According to Enrayan Mythology,
on, and even if Enrayans worship other deities, Eons ago, before the creation of the first race,
all of them will pay passing homage. The pan- Yvara had a monopoly on sex, and she began to
theon is an ancient part of their culture. When abuse the privilege of being the only principal
asked they will say “Oh, I follow so and so, and Goddess. The Gods viewed incest as distaste-
I am Enrayan.” ful, so they formed their own Mistresses in se-
Folk who worship the Enrayan pantheon cret. Myridon had a special powder that would
worship it as a pantheon, rather than the loose give their creations life and Godly status.
collection of deities seemingly favored by the Imaris distracted Yvara as Dovram and
rest of humanity. Myridon created their two beings. They were
There are 3 principal deities, and one head de- beautiful, luminous creatures. They named
ity. These four do not seem to need the adher- them H’rashi and Lorei and they hid them in
ent worship demanded by other deities for the

Creation Myth

Yvara attacked, raking her nails down Shiman-

dra’s face and gouging out her right eye. To
this day, she still bears the scars, and with her
the sky. Imaris charged his daughter Shiman-

Chapter 2
one eye, can never aim her lightening with the
dra to guard them and hide them from Yvara.
perfect accuracy she once had.
As Dovram and Myridon returned to their plac-
Wounded, Shimandra retreated, and
es, Imaris came into the workroom. Finding
Yvara saw the moons. Enraged that these beings
all the ingredients laid out for him, he began
had broken her monopoly, she tried to destroy
to form his own, but not being skilled in using
them. The Gods were too slow, and they knew
Dovram’s materials, Imaris’s woman looked
that Yvara would kill their creations. In an-
larger than the others.
guish, Imaris ordered Noctiri to save them, and
He thought about destroying the model,
so she did, covering them with the cloak. They
knowing that it would be hard to hide such a
began to run, but Yvara persued them, rending
large creature. He lifted his hammer to destroy
the cloak when she could touch it. When she
it, but as he moved his feet to steady himself,
saw the Shi’phari through the tattered cloak,
he bumped the table, and the powder jar shat-
her anger was boundless, and she became ber-
tered all over the statue. Instantly it came to
serk, doubling her efforts.
life, dazzling Imaris’s eyes with a blinding ra-
Shi’phari, H’rashi, Lorei and Noctiri
dience. She shined so brightly that he feared
would have made it together, had not Sarvis
nothing could hide her from Yvara. In his
remembered her whip and struck out with it,
haste, he threw his cloak over her, and set Noc-
catching Shi’phari’s ankle. Shi’phari fell, to
tiri, one of his servants, to guard her with its
the maniacal glee of Yvara, and Noctiri ran far-
life. Since there was nothing else that he could
ther away, not realizing that one of her charges
do, he named the being Shi’phari. Noctiri took
was gone. The instant Yvara touched Shi’phari,
the cloak and made sure that she was well cov-
however, she screamed in agony and retreated.
Shi’phari was so bright that she had burned
Meanwhile, Yvara was already suspicious. Shi-
Yvara’s hands and arms. Yvara stopped, pain
mandra had been gone a long time. This would
wracking her. The skin on her arms grew back
have worried her but little if only she hadn’t
scarred and discolored. To this day, whenever
seen the flash from Dovram’s workroom. When
the sun touches the ocean, it turns red, pink,
Imaris came home with Dovram’s clay on his
purple and orange, the same color of her scarred
hands, she knew instantly what was happening,
and followed Imaris to the secret place. When
Dovram caught up to Yvara first and
she saw Shimandra there, became enraged at
subdued her. Defeated and seeking the cold
her daughter for betraying her by assisting.
water to cool her burns, she dove into the ocean
She laid in wait again, her anger boiling, until
and wept bitterly, her tears turning the sea to
Imaris left. Then she raced out and demanded
salt. She swore never again to let her brethren
that Shimandra let her see what she was hiding.
touch her. Bessina felt her mother’s pain and
Shimandra would not let her see. In her anger
comforted her in her own deep domain. As for
Shi’Phari, seeing that she had evaded capture,

Deities ofEnraya

tried desparately to catch up to Noctiri and the

moons, but they were too far away.
Yvara found that she could not leave uncles in creating the celestials, Yvara imposed
the waters. Her burns hurt too badly, and her a limit on her so that Shimandra could not stray
Chapter 2

hair was sodden and heavy, weighing her down. far or long from her and possibly hide another
Noctiri, seeing that her foe was subdued, tried creation. Shi’phari, learning these boundaries,
to stop, but found that when she did, they began tends to linger in places far from Yvara, and
to fall from the sky. Yvara noted this also and these places, the deserts, burn with her heat be-
tried to catch them again. Noctiri knew that cause she lingers there. .
they were doomed to run for all eternity. If they
ever stopped, they would fall, and Yvara would
kill them.
Imaris knew this too, and dedicated his
service to assisting them. He patched up the
cloak, but sewing on the run is shoddy work The Greater Pantheon
and the cloak was still full of little holes where
sun’s light still shines through. The moons, Imaris
desparate to see their lovers, come out of Imaris is the Principal God of the Sky. Eons
Noctiri’s arms and run for awhile, but ago, he left the sphere of the gods to keep watch
because they are injured, have to return over the Sun and moons. His symbol is the star.
to her arms to rest. Thus held they are Acording to mythology, the stars are his gaze
hidden, but when they run, Yvara sees peering at the world through the cloak of Noc-
them and tries to grab them, should tiri He is known as the watcher, the lord of
they come too close or fall.. Thus time, the dancemaster, the weaver of fate.
the waters are ever affected by the Domains: air, sun, oracle(CD)
The sun forever follows
Noctiri, never catching up, and for-
Dovram is the principal god of the Earth.
ever incurring the wrath of Yvara,
Eons ago, he fell asleep to attempt to heal him-
who never strikes out for fear of
self from Myridon’s attack upon him. When
getting burned again, though she
he wakes, the earth trembles, and when he is
might reach for her out of a deep-
stirred to anger, the people suffer. Due to the
seated need for revenge. The avarice
prolonged battle with his fellow god, he is
between the sun and the waters was so
a twisted, scarred abberation marked as if
great that Shimandra took pity on the
from years of torture. He is known as the
sun and covered her while she races over
man of the mountains, the twisted wan-
the waters until she can find safety on the
land, but since she is also injured, she can-
Domains: Earth, Destruction,
not keep up with her forever. Not only that,
but as a punishment for aiding her father and

Deities of Enraya

Appearance: She is a gorgeous, sensual de-
ity with robin’s egg blue skin and silvery hair.

Chapter 2
She wears no clothes other than a pair of el-
Myridan is the principal god of the underworld,
bow length white gloves which cover horrible
known as Kai’re-oh. Eons ago Myridan was
actually responsible for the creation of humans,
Yvara is the principal goddess of the waters and
but humans shied away from worshipping him,
of life. Ancient texts say she was also the god-
instead turning their attentions toward Dovram,
dess of all women and of sexuality in general.
who could offer plants and soil that could
Because she is the only female of the principal
sustain a mortal’s life. Myridan grew
dieties, she is also referred to as the head,
jealous of the attention to Dovram.
though she has no more true power than
Humans began to pay Dovram
her contemporaries. Due to the mythol-
all obecience, while Myridan
ogy behind her eternal wounds, She is
became relatively forgotten by
also the bringer of sorrow, and is known
them. In his jealous indignation,
as the weeping mother, the burned one,
he launched a war against his cre-
the lady of a thousand suitors.
ation. This, arguably, is what brought
Domains: Healing, Water
evil into the world, and he was branded as
such for a long time, for he commanded his
immoral servants to take, posess, and drag near- The Lesser Pantheon
ly all humans down to their master. Dovram These gods are so named because they are the
called out in anguish, for he had come to love true get of the principal gods.
humans, and was aided by Imaris. Together,
they pushed Myridan back to his domain. Karvu
But his mark remained upon the human race. Appearance: He is the father of the Naeris, a
Death was to be an eternal part of life, so that strange deity that appears almost like a stone
humans might never forget him. Never again giant and is responsible for volcanoes, earth-
was the name of Myridan forgotten, for each quakes, and blizzards, the winds from the dry
mortal must meet him. He has the head and places as well as the things which are associ-
wings of a black dragon, but the pale, sinuous ated with the mountains. He is also the patron
arms of a comforting mother. His long robes deity of beer.
always cover his feet and body. He seems al- Alignment: CN
ways to hover, part shadow, part corporeal, his Domains: Chaos, Cold
unblinking eyes the milky color of the blind orb Weapon: Hammer
Myridan is known as the Jealous one, the blind Symbol: stylized mountain
judge, the master of equality, the scorned. Father: Dovram
Domains: Death, Fire, Pestillence

Deities ofEnraya

Appearance: She is a drawn and deathly pallid
deity with long flowing hair and navy eyes with
Chapter 2

phosphorescent whites. She wears a flowing,

translucent covering that flows around her in the Myridon’s assult upon humanity was halted at
water. Her eyes are deep and troubling, filled last by an arrangement. The three gods all saw
with the horrors of the darkness and silence of that indeed, Myridon was being slighted, but
the deep ocean. Her face is careworn, from his humans refused to worship death. They all
comforting her mother. She rides her Great enjoyed life and demanded the extended time
Whale over all the ocean, and she is moody enjoyed by the other races.
and solitary. Her priestesses are the pilots of allDefeated by his siblings at the end of his war,
ships. She is the Goddess of the Deep ocean Myridon ceased killing off mankind and let
and sea lanes. them worship Dovram in life. He left man-
Domains: Law, Travel kind to do as they pleased, promising
Weapon: Harpoon never again to actively destroy hu-
Symbol: counterclockwise, mans. The price to humans was
wavy spiral the effect of their lifespan, so
Father: Myridon that they might never forget
their destiny. To seal this pact,
Shimandra Dovram and Myridon took a
Appearance: Shimandra, the piece of themselves and created
Mother of the Daelis, has the Vellorn. Vellorn appears to be
head and feet of a golden eagle, a large, grey werewolf in hybrid
and a muscular body the same form. However, despite his ap-
color as the black storm clouds she pearance, he is well spoken and dip-
commands. Her fingers are taloned. Her lomatic. He wears the rough clothes of a
forearms are feathered with pinions. She wears farmer and carries a scythe.
nothing but a loincloth and a short tunic. She is Vellorn is the god of the crops, the god of mach-
quick tempered and deadly fast. She has only inations, and the god of waste. He is the har-
one functional eye though. Yvara, in her an- vester, the sentinel, the master of the hounds,
ger, blinded her right eye. Shimandra is the the oathbinder.
God of ocean borne Storms, Lady of the rains, Alignment: LN
bringer of the hurricanes and Typhoons. Also Symbol: a sheaf of grain
the life bringer, mistress of the gentle rains and Domains: Healing, Protection
the cloaked lady of the mists Weapon: natural attack (bite)
Domains: Destruction, War
Alignment: LN
Weapon: Javelin
Symbol: lightening bolt
Father: Imaris

Deities of Enraya

they are too powerful to be servants, but are

not powerful enough to have earned a place on
Eternal Servants the lesser pantheon. Some myths say that they

Chapter 2
were the illicit get of the greater gods incestu-
The eternal servants represent some aspect of ous behavior, others say that these are the re-
the deities of the pantheon, or are peripherally sult of pairing with anonymous gods from other
associated with them. They have no temples pantheons, and still others to nature spirits.
of their own, instead occupying alcoves within
a specific deity’s shrine. A cleric claiming an
eternal servant as a patron can choose not only The Daelis
the domains specific to the Servant, but also the The lads, the north winds, the dry
domains of the Lesser or Greater pantheon de- Lesser Deities(Neutral)
ity it is ascociated with. These beings can be of The Daelis are the sons of Karvu: a trio of dei-
any power from hero deity to demigod. Here ties that act as one. They are seen sometimes
are the most famous of them: as gnomes and sometimes as human men, but
more often as satyrs or as cloud giants. They
are represented by three stars in the plow--
the major constellation in the dry season sky.
These are male deities, and all clerics are male.
the father of Rice Spirits
The names of the three are Tonsis, Ekris, and
Rice is the staple crop of Enraya. It is little
Darthir. As the myth goes, they fell in love with
surprise that the Enrayan Pantheon has a deity
the Naeris and so chased after them. They in-
dedicated to rice. Ris’ is a son of Vellorn. His
vented the boat in order to better persue their
sons are the spirits of the rice plants, his daugh-
love, and humans saw it, and reproduced it,
ters are the Ris’an, the huge yellow flowers that
and so are revered as the protector of ships and
herald the planting season. Just recently, the
shipping. The Daelis chased the Naeris far out
spirits of the kelp plant Ris’lon were declared
to sea, but they ran out of fresh water and were
to be the grandsons of Ris’.
too far removed from the Earth that sustained
Domains: Life, plant
them, and so were forced to turn back. Each
Alignment: neutral Good
year they try to go out, but they can never catch
Ascociated Deity: Vellorn
the Naeris. They rule over the North Winds
that bring the dry season. They are never wor-
The Naeris and the Daelis shipped as seperate deities.
The origins of the nation of Enraya Symbol:: Three stars in the constellation of the
Enrayans are so ancient that they have made plow.
myths to explain their creation. Whether or not Portfolio: the north wind, ships, fresh water,
these are true, the Deities they associate with commerce
the origin of their country are indeed real. Domains:: Air, Earth, travel
These two trios are given enough attention that Prayers:: worshippers don’t often pray formal-
ly, except to ask for a safe journey and to bless

Deities ofEnraya

the harvest. All prayers to them are done facing

summer. They are not evil deities, simply natu-
Rites:: clergy of the Lads christen ships, peti-
ral ones, and those who worship them accept
Chapter 2

tions the Daelis for profitable commerce, and

that. They are NEVER worshipped as seperate
blesses the fields in the dry season.
deities. Most of her clergy are now Drowned-
Temples:: The main temple to the Daelis sits in
three parts: two parts as twin spires on either
Symbol:: Three stars in the constellation of the
side of the Kalen mouth in White district and a
third spire in Royal district. Seen from the air,
Portfolio: the south wind, saltwater, growth,
the spires align with the stars on the winter sol-
Domains:: Air, Water, Destruction
Herald and Allies:: the Daelis use a trio of sa-
Prayers:: worshippers don’t often pray formally,
tyrs as their heralds
but all prayers are done facing the south. People
Favored Weapon: hammer (expectation),
often pray to them to endure disease brought by
greatsword(north Wind), kamas(trial and need)
the rainy seasons
Rites:: clergy of the Maidens bless the fields
The Naeris for planting, ask for good weather on a voyage,
The daughters of the Sea, the water Maidens or purify water. The most interesting rite in-
Lesser Deities(Neutral) volves embarkation on a ship. There is always
The Naeris are a trio of deities that act as one. a Cleric of the Naeris on every Enrayan ship,
They are the daughters of Shimandra, but they and her sole job is to stand in the bow at sunrise
were stolen away at birth by Bissina to be raised and sunset and “convince” the Naeris that the
by Yvara. They are represented by three stars ship does not bear the Daelis, thereby avoiding
in the Anchor--the major constellation in the the storms they might throw in the path of the
wet season sky. These are female deities, and ship.
all clerics are female. The names of the three Temples:: The main temple to the Naeris sits in
are Trana, Ilanna, and Havinne. According to three parts just as the temple to the Daelis, but
mythology, the Naeris were fond of playing it sits in the drowned Capital of Delta City. In
upon the shores of Enraya until the Daelis spot- Eschall Falls, The temple to the Naeris sits at
ted them frolicking and gave chase. The Naeris the mouth of the bay of Sin, a huge edifice of
fled from them, and are ever persued, though coral below and of white stone above. The top
they love to play by the land and return to it of the Eschall Falls temple is a beacon that can
when the Daelis return to their nothern home be seen not only out to sea, but from the river
beyond the mountains. As they were fleeing north of the falls. it is officially in the Orange
from the Naeris, they threw up storms to block quarter, and all ships must pass it as they enter
or destroy the ship, hindering the Daelis to the the harbor from the Bay of Enraya.
point of futility. The Naeris represent the south Herald and Allies:: the Daelis use a trio of
winds that bring not only rain and heat for the sylphs as their heralds
growth of crops, but also the pestillence and Favored Weapon: tridents(authority, tradewind,
disease that is common to swamplands in the ) net (lifesnare)

Deities of Enraya


Chapter 2
The jade moon
The Heavenly Bodies H’rashi is the green moon, originally intended
to be Dovram’s mistress. Her prominence is
Three servants form the heavenly bodies. En- celebrated in the spring, when her color turns
rayans use their positions in the sky to deter- truly turquoise. Since farmers depend largely
mine which God is of more prominence in any on luck and prayers when it comes to planting
given time of the year. The stars are not deities and growing crops, she has become ascociated
at all. They are merely consulted to determine with luck.
the will of the Watcher, Imaris. Domains: Luck
Alignment: neutral
Noctiri Ascociated Deity: Dovram
The enfolding night
Noctiri is quite simply the night sky. Lorei
Her tattered cloak hides the moons The pale moon
and the sun Lorei is the smaller, pale
Domains: Protection, travel moon originally intended
Alignment: Chaotic Good to be Myridon’s mistress.
Ascociated Deity: Imaris Her prominence is cele-
brated after the harvest, when
Shi’phari the fields lie fallow. Funer-
The lady sun als in Enraya always invoke
Lady Shi’phari is one Lorei, as it is believed that
of the tragic trinity of she guides pure Enrayan souls
the night sky. Originally to her master, Myridon.
intended to be Imaris’s Domains: death
mistress, she is instead Alignment: Neutral
eternally pursued by Acociated Deity: Myridon
Domains: Sun
Alignment: Neu-
Ancestor Worship
Ancestor worship is common
in Enraya as an extension of
Ascociated Deity:
the worship of Myridon. Every
family keeps extensive track of
the ancestors, making little shrines to
them in their houses. They commonly petition
their ancestors to plead for them, and to per-
form minor blessings. Theologically, this actu-

Deities ofEnraya

ally comes from Myridon and his servants, but

the truth is that since Myridon is a dead god,
and his servants are all bound to his dominion,
underworld elsewhere, guards the gate against
Chapter 2

he requires the dead to petition for the living.

intrusion, and against unregulated exit.
He instructs his dead to standby and be inter-
Alignment: Neutral Good. Nheb-Sebht has
mediaries. The ancestors listen, and carry the
been known to consume souls that he finds
prayers to the servants, who, given enough im-
particularly despicable. Though he is bound
portance, may take the message on to Myridon
to guard the gate and judge souls, he is neutral
or may bestow a miracle upon that ancestor to
regarding law and chaos. His job balances his
deliver to the living.
otherwise chaotic nature. He can be persuad-
ed to allow the living to pass in and spirits to
Nheb-Sebht pass out, given the proper incentive. Bargain-
The underworld guardian , god of the far gate ing with him is an art form that living mediums
and the dead with enough motivation must
Nheb-Sebht (ne-HEB sept), an An- master if they with to communicate or
drosphynx, was one of the ear- travel beyond their native plane.
liest creatures ever to roam Portfolio: meduims, guards,
the multiverse. He is the souls
guardian of the second gate Worshippers: Sphynxes, hu-
between the material plane mans, guards
and Myridan’s realm. His Cleric Alignments: LG, NG,
gate lies upon the approach CG
Kai-re’oh, the Enrayan pan- Domains: Repose, Protection
theon’s underworld. Nheb- Favored weapon: Natural attack
Sebht is also the patron of (claw)
all ancestors. He is the deity
humans pray to when they wish
to send spirits and the undead from the Legend: Nheb-Sebht was a martyred hero in the
material plane onward and when they want to battle between Imaris and Myridan. His deeds
invoke their ancestors for favors. have since been forgotten with time, but after
his death, Myridan put Nheb-Sebht in charge
Symbol: An Androsphinx, rampant, in front of of judging souls and sending them to the proper
an adimantium gate sections of his domain. Nheb-Sebht accepted it
Home Plane: the astral plane. Nheb-Sebht in- with honor, but while he accepted this position,
habits a permanent demiplane within the astral his wife remained mortal, and began to pine for
plane that all souls must pass by in order to en- him. She became a medium in order to speak
ter the underworld. His job as the guardian of with him, but this attention distracted him from
the far gate is to judge a soul and open the gate his task, and Myridan was displeased.
into its proper place, sending it onward into the
underworld. He also allows traffic from the

Deities of Enraya

to ever enter Myridan’s domains. Too much of

her was no longer living. Instead, he granted
her the position of guide and guardian over the

Chapter 2
At first, Myridan wished to simply kill gate at the beginning of the journey. In this
Quixar’aa, but Nheb-Sebht convinced him of way, the pair has been allowed to remain to-
the foolishness of that choice. With him at the gether, seeing each other on rare times when
gates, Quixar’aa would simply continue to dis- the paths are aligned, and the way between the
tract him, continually sneaking up to the gates gates is clear.
in order to remain close. He loved her dearly
and did not want to see her suffer.
Meanwhile, Quixar’aa had already sac- Quixar’aa
rificed her body to the whim of arcanists to The intermediary, the guardian at the cross-
unnaturally extend her life through the use of roads, the queen of riddles, the clockwork
magical clockworks. As he stood guard over dreamer, the patron of wizards
the gates, he developed a plan to set her
permanently within his sight with- Symbol: A gynosphynx curled into a
out distracting him. He watched fetal position, lying on her left
many souls struggle to reach side against the background
him, often becoming lost of a gear
or being consumed by fell Home Plane: the astral
creatures along the way. plane. Quixar’aa inhab-
His heart ached to see these its a permanent demi-
losses, but with the task he plane within the astral
was set to do he could not plane that all souls must
leave his post, and so he pass by or risk becoming
watched helplessly as soul lost upon the astral plane.
after soul lost their way. Her job as the guardian of
His plan was simple. He the near gate is to nudge a
sat at the far gate, but no creature sat soul upon the path it must
at the near gate, ready to direct and guide take to get to the far gate. She also
souls, and to rescue lost souls. He presented knows the safest paths and gates to enter every
his idea to Myridan, who was intrigued by the other plane.
idea. It was a known fact that the journey from Alignment: Neutral. She teaches balance be-
the material plane to Myridan’s plane was the tween all alignments, for to accept any align-
most perilous journey any mortal would make, ment other than neutrality is to blind one’s self
and the addition of another guardian would ex- to all the possible solutions to all riddles.
pedite the process of delivering souls to the un- Portfolio: wizards, travel, riddles
derworld. One night, as the pale moon waxed Worshippers: Sphynxes, lore, travellers
in the sky, Myridan came to visit Quixar’aa. Cleric Alignments: N, CN, LN, NG, NE Align-
Unfortunately, in her state, she was ineligible ment does not matter to her as it does to her
husband Nheb-Sebht. She merely considers

Deities ofEnraya

everyone as they come, ensuring that all who

come through her plane actually go through the turning eternally counter-clockwise.
gate of testing from wherever they come. Dogma: The first word that comes to
Domains: Death, Magic, Knowledge
Chapter 2

the mind when mentioning Quixar’aa is indif-

Favored weapon: Natural attack (claw) ferent. She has spent so long inviting spirits to
move through her realm that she feels she has
Description: seen everything in the multiverse.
Quixar’aa is a deity ravaged by her choices She hardly ever leaves her demiplane,
from when she was mortal. In the war, she was she does not care to ex-
terribly disfigured, but did not die. While her tend her influence, she
husband became the guardian of the far accepts all who wish
gate, she was forced to survive on the to worship her, but
material plane. At some point in time, she doesn’t care to
she will never quite reveal when, in- formalize that wor-
stead of accepting regeneration, ship. She simply ex-
she and a few wizards devel- ists, presenting a riddle to the
oped arcane clockworks that living who seek
mimicked life and could re- her out. It is only
place flesh for those willing through her that
to accept the concequence. She the dead may have a
was half-Mezarch: a creature who has arcanely shred of assurance of reaching the
attached crystal, gold, and mithral clockworks far gate, but she also offers safe pas-
to its flesh body. By the time Myridan came to sage for the living between the planes.
offer her a position she was a construct, inca- She teaches, like many deities of knowl-
pable of reaching the far gate. edge, the quest for all knowledge, but unlike
Her form is still somewhat tortured in other deities, she has a special inclination to-
appearance. Her left hind leg, her wings, and ward forbidden knowledge hidden beyond the
parts of her face are obviously mechanical, but planes. Her major tenet is that her followers
intricately crafted. Her right front leg is coated should attempt to find the answer to every rid-
in her original flesh, but is also mechanical, as dle, the solution to every puzzle, and the truth
evidenced by her claws, which are made of adi- behind every mystery. She also teaches that
mantium. Her eyes are twin jewels of topaz, while evil and good must balance each other,
made to look just like her original eyes. just as law and chaos must balance each other,
The flesh from her right side is stretched
across her back to be clamped, snapped, and
riveted to her left side, giving her the appear-
ance of being entirely clockwork over which
some careless creator has strapped the only part
of a pelt he had. Over her chest, a window re-
veals her mechanical heart, its wheels and gears

Deities of Enraya

That being said, her clerics tend to de-

pend less on faith than most clerics of other
a cause which attempts to make the multiverse deities and more on what is seen and known

Chapter 2
uniform, by means rooted in any alignment, is to be granted within the multiverse, while they
a cause worthy to be opposed. expect mystery and wonder from what lies be-
She offers sanctuary to those magic us- yond.
ers that use a form of magic not normally ac-
cepted or mages that are misunderstood and
Umara Rayfallow
hunted. She is also the patron deity of travelers
The teacher, the forgiving, the redeemed one
and roads and her name is often invoked at the
beginning of every journey.
Symbol: a skull with a crown of chains, drip-
Clergy and temples: the bulk of
ping golden tears
Quixar’aa’s clergy are humans and sphinxes.
Home Plane: Material
Most of her clerics and priests are multiclassed
Alignment: Lawful Good
wizards, Mystic Theurges, and Cosmic Descry-
Portfolio: forgiveness, magic, judgement
Worshippers: rare and scattered throughout the
Her temples are nonexistent. She
multiverse wherever her influence as a lesser
doesn’t desire them. Sphynxes are not inclined
being is still felt. Centralized in Enraya, where
to build structures, but they are willing to in-
her magic college, the Crag Island School, still
habit or explore structures that have been built.
stands as her residence and her displaced liv-
Instead, her clergy will usually hold
ing and undead students still roam the
their services in their own homes or
workrooms. Generally her clerics
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN
will announce a formal service
Domains: Magic, knowledge,
as a riddle contest, or as a con-
templation of the mysteries.
Favored weapon: Whip (righ-
Her worship is open, inviting
teous rebuttal +5 holy, thun-
to all who are called to come,
dering, axiomatic)
whether they worship her or
not. She invites the question-
Umara Rayfallow is a
ing of motives, creates a forum
new Deity in the vast pantheon
for understanding, and an oppor-
of man. Once an ancient and ter-
tunity for warring parties to explore
rible Lich, her schemes extended across
the truths existent within each faction, and
the multiverse. These mad plans ended when
thereby come to understanding. Above all, she
Umara was captured and tested by Meridan.
never proselytizes, believing and teaching that
After struggling and fighting through
religion must be a choice born of exploration,
the tests of Quixar’aa’s labrynth, and believ-
discovery and study, not blatant demand, force
ing herself the first to pass the goddess’s many
or blind acceptance.
tests, she stood before the Nheb-Sebt, only to
find herself unable to enter Kai-Re’oh. Still, to

Deities ofEnraya

reward her for her faith in coming as far as the

gate, Meridan decided to spare her unlife. He and students as well as the undead who reach
had sent his servants out, and had captured her her island.
Chapter 2

Meridan commanded her to build and
maintain an arcane school for the living on
The worship of Umara is not entirely solidified.
the material plane with the stipulation that she
Outside the church, only a very few know her
could not deliberately train her students to be
worship as anything other that a splinter sect of
evil. Umara did so, upon the rocky crags of
Meridan’s church. Outwardly, that would
a tiny island roughly a hundred miles off the
appear to be true. Umara teaches that
former coast of Enraya. Recently, when
forgiveness is a law greater than ei-
this school was attacked by Enraya, she
ther magic or death. Forgiveness
saved some of her students and prodi-
can break a pattern of evil and/or
gies from death by stepping in and taking
chaos more thoroughly than retri-
blows intended to kill. That act was the
bution. Umara also teaches that
first selfless, altruistic act she had ever
unrestrained emotion is the
committed in her long, horrid years of
most dangerous aspect of life,
and should be controlled at
Immediately, she left to begin
all times, lest judgment be
undoing the evils of her long existence,
clouded and the purity of law
but Meridan’s avatar was not far behind,
chasing her down. Umara was pressed
As for Umara’s impris-
back to the school, where, in order to
onment upon the material plane,
keep her there, was granted godhood to
she takes it as her due, knowing that
relieve her of her obligation to her past
she is still being tested. Maybe one
sins, but was sealed there to contain her
day, Meridan will declare her free of
new and growing powers. In this way,
testing and free to make her home
perhaps she will never escape Wee Jas’s
among the other members of the
testing, being forever in that deity’s
pantheon, the third undead to reach
the outer planes.
Umara Rayfallow appears
Central to the teaching of Uma-
as a beautiful, copper skinned,
ra is the idea of forgiveness and
raven haired woman of inde-
redemption. Umara believes
terminate age. Her eyes are
that even the most vile of
the only clue to her past, being
evildoers, like she once was, if it was ever once
without orbs, but containing white light. Alter-
capable of good, is worthy of an attempt to re-
natively, at her choice, she can also appear as a
deem them--even if the creature has even gone
dessicated corpse wearing the tattered remains
beyond into undeath. They are not stupid in this
of her grave linens. This second form is what
belief, however, and know that the best method
she uses to appear before her closest folowers

Deities of Enraya

man petitioners.
But the deities soon grew bored of eternally
of redemption often involves the slaying of said watching mortals as The world settled from its

Chapter 2
creature to free its tortured soul. Umara does early days. Imaris retreated into the heavens
not expect a reformed one to become good, she to watch the flight of the mistresses. Myridan
simply encourages evildoers to put aside their contented himself with his plane. Occasional-
evil before other forces make it even harder to ly, he would gaze up at his moon, and his moon
do so. would peer out of the cloak and both would
Always cool headed and calculating, long for one another.
Umara judges each case before her, always de- Yvara nursed her wounds in the depths
liberating with the painstaking methodology of her daughter’s domain, weeping in anguish
she acquired through her millennia. She will and rage. After a few generations passed,
always gently persuade with diplomacy and Imaris and Myridan grew complacent in their
reason in order to turn an evildoer or an agent attentions, and began to take their creations for
of chaos away from their (in her opinion) de- granted. Their attentions were divided between
structive paths. the earth and their planar duties.
This was not unnoticed by Dovram, who
Clergy and Temples could not readily escape the prescence of the
Umara’s churches are as yet nonex- creations. Earth was, after all, his domain. He
istent, but her followers congregate in secret began with the humans, believing that Myridan
places as cult gatherings or at the Crag Island would not notice because Myridan, more than
School, where they can worship her, as she re- the other two, was fascinated by his home in
sides there, incarnate. Many (of the rare) good- Kai’re-oh, and with the numbers of the dead
aligned necromancers who know of Umara are that went there. Yvara was too widely loved by
drawn to her worship. Of the martial classes, her folloewrs, for her early clergy was nothing
she attracts monks more than paladins. The less than a fertility cult practiced by all races.
paladin’s calling to deliver Law and Good at the Speaking through his immortals,
end of a weapon is highly distasteful to her. Dovram began to reveal himself to humans.
Special: Umara’s clerics cannot be- He led followers away from Myridan, promis-
come neutral in respect to law and chaos. ing himself to be an attentive god. This was
pleasing to the humans, who suffered from
Myridan’s lack of attention in life, and then he
Myridan’s crusade(a short myth)
began to plot ways to steal away Imaris’s fol-
Human souls were the creation of Myridan,
This was noticed after some time by
the gnomes were of Dovram, and the halflings
Myridan, who noted the decline of souls to his
were of Imaris. What is known is that original-
realm. He quickly discovered Dovram’s treach-
ly the four deities were worshipped separately,
ery and reported it to Imaris, who scoffed.
and enjoyed an equal following, and in the end,
“There has not been a decline in my
would all gather to them the host of their hu-
souls. In fact, among those in my care are some

Deities ofEnraya

of yours! You need to better care for your crea-

tures, my brother. They do not seem to enjoy
leaving the sphere as much as you want them treachery.”
to. Go on. I am busy.” “I do not see Dovram’s treachery. I saw
Chapter 2

“There is not yet decline because of that you ruthlessly attempt to destroy all life after
crafty Dovram’s plotting! You must listen.” we so carefully created it.
But Imaris was already departing, watching the “You are wrong, Imaris, you have been
heavens against Yvara. watching the wrong things. If you had been
Snubbed by Imaris, Myridan seethed. paying attention to your little ones, your half-
His numbers were declining, and he had to get lings, as you should have, this would not have
Imaris’s attention and expose Dovram’s treach- included them, but they have betrayed you as
ery. He emptied his realm of his immortals, surely as my humans have me. I do not intend
raised the dead bodies of his humans and loosed to let this happen again.”
them upon the earth. “You are subdued. What do you intend
Dovram was caught by surprise as to do?”
hordes of demons and legions of undead deci- “I intend to return to my domains with
mated the land. The sentient creatures fought my prize. I have won this war, Imaris, though
back valiantly, even the elves, dwarves, and you may have pinned me now. All souls belong
dragons who were created by other gods. to me: your halflings, Dovram’s minions, my
Dovram retaliated by bolstering the numbers of own humans. . . We shall see who is the treach-
the living with subhuman races and the power erous one. The stinking bodies of the living I
of his immortals, but it was inneffective. leave to this plane. Take of it what you will.”
Myridan’s armies raged across the land, With that statement, he unleashed a plague upon
leaving destruction in their wake. He caught the world, affecting all creatures. Laughing in
Dovram on the highest peak, in full sight of victory, he departed.
Imaris, and cut him apart. Gloating over the Imaris called the children to reassemble
body of his fallen brother, he claimed all the Dovram quickly, for they needed to find a way
souls who were once loyal to Dovram. Too late, to undo the plague. The children tried to piece
Imaris saw the treachery, and percieved it to be him, but not well. In their haste they pieced
solely Myridan’s. him roughly, and when he stood, whole, he was
He came down in rage, the force of his the twisted form he is known as in the present
own armies combining with the remnant of age. Meanwhile, Imaris was taking count of
Dovram’s to push back the foul armies of Myri- the dead and discovering the truth of Myridan’s
dan. Yvara however, was too lost in her grief accusation. Fury welled up in him, but he knew
and wounds to participate. The odds proved that in truth. His anger directed towards the
impossible for Myridan. He was captured and halflings, his creations, he ripped the wings
his armies were bound to his plane, But Myri- from their backs, cursing them to forever walk
dan still claimed victory over the fallen the earth. Myridon saw this and appeared be-
“I asked for your help Imaris, and you fore Imaris.
would not give it. Now you share in Dovram’s Dovram tried as hard as he could, but

Myridan’s Crusade

“I am sorry. You were right. What

should we do about this?” he swept his hand
Myridan, the lord of death, was too crafty. His out to include the whole ruined world.

Chapter 2
plague could not be cured by anyone. As Myri- “Seal our arrangements. This should
dan approached, he leaned on his staff. His eyes never happen again. We are too powerful to
were full of sadness, as if he wished it had not wage war against one another. Our immortals
come to this kind of punishment, but there was are indisposed, our races are decimated, our
also the resolution of a god who had detemined own bodies are. . .well. . .you got out of this
taht though the cost was awful, the lesson was fairly well. . .” he touched his own face, and
worth the price. realized that he was not alive. “Ah ha. . .how
“I did warn you, Imaris.” Myridan ironic eh? I wonder if my humans will still
said. Still enraged, Imaris asaulted Myridan, worship me now that I am undead.”
grabbing him by his draconic neck. His fist Imaris looked at Myridan, horrified.
smashed through Myridan’s face, through one “You. . .but of coursethey will. Ah, Myridan,
eye socket and out the other. Myridon howled I am wounded too. we should create one last
and spasmed, unable to free himelf. time to seal this decision.” They agreed. Grab-
“End this plague! How dare you!” bing leftover pieces of Dovram and donated
Myridan laughed at Imaris, gurgling as blood pieces of Myridan, they created Vellorn. This
washed down his throat. act bound their pact never to war on the mate-
“Very well. Since you finally see. . .”he rial plane again. Because they feared another
said in a strained whisper. Imaris withdrew his war amongst themselves, They left the material
fist, covered in the gore of his brother.Myridan, plane in charge of their children.
who dropped to his hands and knees, blinded
and wracked with agony. Black blood
gushed out of his mouth, and death over-
took him. Imaris’s vision cleared. The
anger drained from him and he saw the
result of his rage. It horrified him and he
sank down beside Myridan, but Myridan
was already dead.
Panicked, he sent Myridan to
Kai’re-oh and stood vigil over him, partly
out of shock and grief, and partly because
the gods of the other species feared that
he was mad and unpredictable, but since
Kai’re-oh was the realm of the dead, Myri-
dan twitched and rose again into unlife,
rather than life. Imaris fell on his face in
abject relief and apology, not yet realizing
that Myridan was not truly alive.

Chapter 3
Monsters of Enraya
Monsters of Enraya

Medium undead
HD: 6d12(40hp) ing them that they could be better with specisl
treatment. This treatment leads to their deaths.
Chapter 3

Init: +13
Speed: 30ft Once they become undead, they lack a
AC: 16 (+3 natural, +3 Dex) true will of their own. This is not to say that
Bab/Grapple: +6/ +8 they are without will, they are just incredibly
Attack: Slam(+8/1d6+2) brainwashed and nearly always dominated.
Full Attack: Slam(+8/1d6+2) In fact, the creators of these monstrosities let
Space/reach: 5ft/5ft them retain some of their will so that they will
Special Attacks: Poisonous blood, sneak attack be able to return to their assigned safehouses if
(3d6) their puppetmaster is killed.
Special Qualities: Lifelike, Strings, darkvision They appear as hauntingly beautiful
60ft, undead traits humanoids. They are always dressed to fit the
Saves: fort+7, Ref+5, Will+2 fashion of the courts, and can be programmed
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con --, Int 10, Wis 6, to talk about the relevant issues as if they were
Cha 20 true members of the court. To that end they can
Feats: Improved initiative, Dodge, Mobility, appear to be very lifelike, but vapid. Without
spring attack programming, their most intersing conversa-
Skills: Balance +8 Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, tions involve nothing more than what would
Disguise +20, Listen +9, Knowledge Nobility amont to small talk.
and royalty + 16, Knowledge Etiquette +16, Their true danger comes in their pur-
Move Silently +10, Hide + 10, pose. They are designed to masquerade as
courtiers, but they are meant to kill or spy upon
Marion are special creatures. They are assas- important persons.
sins, but they have no will of their own. The Marions are controlled by their puppet-
Rainbow School, which is a front for the Pris- master. This is usually one of the members of
mic Light Syndicate in Eschall Falls. On the the syndicate.
surface, this school is a charm school for rich
merchant’s children and low ranking nobility. Special traits
Underneath that peaceful fron lies a deeper, Lifelike: Marions were created to imitate and
more sinister motive. infiltrate. Before a mission, they are injected
The Rainbow School creates these crea- with a chemical that reacts with what passes
tures from the bodies of street kids. The name for their blood, giving them a body tempera-
is a shortened form of marionette, and that is ture. They even breathe, and are capable of
exactly what they are. eating, though they require neither. They have
The Prismatic Light Syndicate chooses been known to imitate sleep. The truth is that
ther children carefully. They search for children the rainbow school never tells them that they
that are unusually attractive. They train these are dead. When captured and questioned, so
girls and boys to be vapid and vain, convinc-

Unique Undead

combined with other chemicals to imitate the

thourough is their programming that they can- warmth of living flesh, it preserves that Marion
not be convinced that they are not alive. It takes without a need for magical means that could

Chapter 3
a DC 30 spot check after an hour of watching otherwise be detected. It keeps them supple,
them move to determine that they are anything and able to move even more lithely than they
other then normal, flighty human courtiers. were capable of in life. The blood has one oth-
er side effect. It is poisonous to humanoids.
Strings: Marion are controlled by a puppet- Contained in the cocktail of dead blood and
master. The puppetmaster is a trained member chemicals is the very poison that killed these
of the Prismatic Light Syndicate tasked with individuals.
controlling and coordinating a mission Marion blood is one of the deadliest
involving the marions. These individu- poisons available. It is both an ingested
als are tattooed with a magical tattoo and and an injurty delivered poison. There
in the shape of a lilly somewhere on is no initial symptoms. It is a dc 25 fort
their bodies. This allows them to actu- save against the poison when applied
ally have the marions be commanded by injury and a dc40 when injested
under them. Each puppetmaster can directly. The only problem with it
control about 8 of them, and as the is that it is useless when com-
puppetmaster, it is his job to coordi- bined with other substances.
nate the attack and the escape. The normal way that a mark
As long as a Marion is com- ingests the blood is when the
manded, it registers in the same mark tries to seduce the mar-
status as its puppetmaster. Not all ion, or the marion is ordered
of the puppetmasters are alive, and to seduce a mark, and dur-
not all of them are from the material ing the process, the Marion
plane. If the puppetmaster is alive and bites open its tounge. At
human, for example, they will not reg- any rate, there is no initial
ister as undead to those who can sense effect. A week later, how-
undead. This also means that if there is ever, the victim suffers 3d6
a demon puppetmaster, they will register wisdom drain and also 2d4
as demons to those who can sense outsid- constitution damage. Vic-
ers. Only after the puppetmaster is killed, tims are usually found still
or while they are not being commanded, can warm, even hours later, eyes
they actually be sensed as being what they wide and dilated, and the body have not yet
are. begun to quit breathing, even though its heart
and mind have completely stopped. Even if
Poisonous Blood: Marion blood is not blood the victim survives, it is likely that it will nev-
at all, it a liquid formed of emblming fluids and er recover. Most survivors remain in a coma,
chemicals that has many purposes. It can be robbed of all their wisdom and therefore thier

Monsters of Enraya

though Narghais rot, they do not stink. Their rot

hurts them as if it were a permanent injury, and
Chapter 3

Narghai and Simghai all Narghai suffer from 5 HP worth of damage

per HD until they become preserved through
Narghai and Simghai are undead monsters natural mummification, or become skeletal--at
bound to serve the state of Enraya. In almost which point they naturally become Simghai.
every way they are the oppoite of Marions.
This template can be applied to any humanoid Turning: Narghai and Simghai can be turned,
but it is not wise to do so. A Narghai or
Adjust as follows: Simghai’s master will know immediately what
Creature type changes to undead has happened to his property, no matter the dis-
Will -6: these creatures are meant to be con- tance between them. The penalty for unlawful
trolled because of the crimes they committed commanding or unlawful destruction is impris-
in life. They have practically no will to do what onment of 3 years and a 400pp fine within En-
they wish. In addition, they are bound to a no- raya.
ble and commanded from the moment they rise
as undead. At the end of their sentence, they are Burden of Sin: Narghais and Simghais retain
destroyed--or they are supposed to be. Far too all skills, feats, spells, and abilities they had
many Simghais wind up polished and sterilized in life. It is simply that its owner may or may
and used as slaves for less scrupulous nobles. not choose to allow such skills to be employed.
Having no flesh, they are ideal for handling They retain all their attributes, and even their
things that need to be sterile. memories. In fact, Narghais and Simghais have
a special curse placed upon them. If their mas-
Simghais are skeletal. They receive damage ter should let it go without a task to be doing,
reduction 5/bludgeoning and cannot speak un- or if the creature ever has willful thoughts of
less the power is granted. A Simghai’s ability to rebellion, the creature simply stops moving,
speak is supernatural. and the litany of the crimes it has committed
in life play over and over in its mind culminat-
Unlike corpse creatures or zombies that remain ing with the memory of its painful demise. At
preserved at whatever state of decay they were this point, only its master or a cleric of Myridan
raised, Narghai are not preserved, and continue can free them from this state. After being freed,
to decay even after being made undead. Given the creature ALWAYS suffers a -8 to its intel-
enough embalming fluid or the correct spells, ligence for 1d6 days following its release.
they can stave off rot as long as their masters
will it, but the creators of this monster felt it Narghai and Simghai can always be freed or de-
fitting that due to the nature of those who are stroyed by their masters at the end of their sen-
made into such creatures, it is a most fitting tance. A freed Narghai or Simghai can choose
punishment. It is most important to note that


psionic race, using telepathy to communicate

with each other within the hive. Some even de-
to life out its unlife however it wishes, and los- velop the ability to communicate with others of

Chapter 3
es both their hit to wisdom ond their burden of different hives or species telepathically.
sin, and essentually become common undead. The most numerous are the Cefalyi,
Krzhyii the larvae. These creatures are roughly
Krzhyii are a race of intelligent, symbiotic the size and shape of a human head, and
or parasitic, squid-like aberrations that have ten tentacles sprouting from their
readily attach themselves to vertebrates. ventral side. They often appear to be oc-
They inhabit deep colonies on the ocean topuses at first glance, but closer inspec-
floor. Their name means “The chang- tion will reveal that the four tentacles on
ing ones” and they are an ancient the Cefalyi’s front, right below its huge,
race. They worship their ancestors, binocular eyes, are specialized. The
in particular the queens of their middle pair is horn tipped and hollow,
people. They were discov- and is used for cracking through bone
ered by the Drownedland- and rock. The outer pair of front ten-
ers, who brought the first of tacles are long and elastic, tipped with
them to the mainland. From a suckered foot used for grasping prey
them they learned that the and drawing it to the mouth. Their
Krzhyii have been existing mouth is a sphincter in their ven-
by integrating their larvae tral side that can open as wide as
with the survivors of sinking its body. It opens directly upon
ships for centuries, living the stomach. On their back
quietly and fighting the evils side, they also have a hollow
of the deep, keeping the shal- stinger. In their larval state, they
lows safe from the worst things are free swimming. Krzhyii do
bound to the black depths. not care for their young the way hu-
Over the years, they mans do. From the moment they
have used many different are born, they are free to go where
species as their hosts, they please, and return to the hive
but the preferred spe- only when they are developed
cies to join with is enough to accept a host. This
human. Their culture usually occurs around the time
is a radical mix of hu- they reach age 20.
man philosophy and the Cefalyi have no gender. They
primitive, yet far-sighted mentality shaped by depend on their hosts to provide the hormones
the will of the queens. Theirs is a hive society, that allow them to exhibit sexuality. Cefalyi
though it is loosely so. Their roles in society are have only one purpose and that is to join with
dictated by their physiology. Krzhyi are also a a host. Other than that, they are like any oth-
er invertebrate creature subsisting in the wild.

Monsters of Enraya

They are carnivorous scavengers by nature, eat-

ing not only dead creatures but living mollusks,
anemones, starfish, and smaller vertebrate fish. ping every fold and memory. It also begins
Their preferred habitat is coastal reefs, where to alter the human’s physiology. The human
Chapter 3

there is an abundance of life that is easily ac- sprouts functional gills and a sphincter open-
cessible. ing on its belly, just below its diaphragm. This
As the Cefalyi matures, it becomes more sphincter is the size of a human fist, and is at-
intelligent. Newborn Cefalyi are no more intel- tached to the stomach. It is essentially a second
ligent than animals, but by the time they are 20, mouth during this phase. When it is functional,
their brains have matured to the point where the Cefalyi becomes mostly dormant, ceding
they are about as intelligent as the average hu- control of its body to the human. The moment
man. They maintain that level of intelligence the pair wakes, it is declared Mastorchyi. For
until they successfully bond. A Cefalyi lives three years, the human and the Cefalyi will
for exactly 60 years, and then it dies unless it learn what it is as an aberration. The human
joins with a host. It does not age physically; relearns to eat, and function as a member of the
it simply dies any time within 1d4 years after hive as its body slowly becomes less human.
reaching age 60. This age of death is perfectly The most remarkable thing about this
timed. Therlchyi queens come into estrus once brief period is that the human gives back one
every 60 years, and the elder Cefalyi die just as limb, usually an arm, to the control of the Ce-
the new ones emerge. Usually, the unbonded falyi. The Cefalyi uses this as its only point of
Cefalyi die close to the hive, where they can contact with the physical world. The Cefalyi
become food for the younger generation. usually takes the host’s non-dominant arm, and
Mastorchyi are the next stage in devel- mutates it so that each finger sprouts nimble
opment, and this is the briefest stage. When a tentacles. The closer to the end of the Mas-
Cefalyi bonds to a human, it attaches itself to torchyi phase, the more the Mastorchyi will be
the human’s head. The horn-like tubes on its able to use both arms in the way it used them as
first pair of tentacles bore into the eyes and eye a human.
sockets. The stinger on the back side attaches Estorchyi: The drone mutations from Mas-
to the human’s spine, and it settles its gaping torchyi, Estorchyi resemble their Mastorchyi
mouth around the human’s head. The first forms most closely. The only difference is the
thing the Cefalyi does is to sedate the human so twin tentacles that jut from their backs. These
that it does not feel the changes that are about tentacles drape down, each as long as their bod-
to take place. The Cefalyi has three weeks of ies. They are prehensile and more powerful
constant work ahead of it. During this phase, than their arms, and can grab, slam and con-
the Cefalyi uses its stomach acids to dissolve strict, but they cannot manipulate fine or com-
the flesh and bone of the human’s head. When plex objects, such as weapons or lock picks.
it has done this, its stomach functions cease. When Mastorchyi near the end of their
Then, from the horned front tentacles comes development, they begin to crave the mussels
threadlike filliments that stabilize the human’s and barnacles that are the staple of their diet.
brain as they worm their way through it, map-

manages to make it into adulthood. They are
fertile once every 60 years, and when the win-
What they are truly after is the proteins that ning male comes to mate with her, having won

Chapter 3
form the natural glue these creatures manufac- his right to her after incapacitating all other
ture. When the time is right, they begin heav- males, she mates with him. Mating is a violent
ing this substance all over themselves, form- affair, and by the end, the male is permamantly
ing a watertight cocoon out of this glue and paralyzed and and wrapped up in a fibrous goo
the crushed shells of their prey, which they similar to spider webs. At first, the female car-
eat whole. What results is a sort of giant egg. ries the eggs. During her pregnancy, she begins
Slowly ,the Mastorchyi’s vital functions all but to force feed the male, making him as fat as
cease, and it begins to fully transform. After possible. A male can gain over 1000 pounds
three months of metamorphosis, the adult form as she feeds him over the course of her preg-
emerges. Estorchyi are the most common form nancy, but when the eggs are ready to hatch,
of Krzhyii adult. They are sterile, and tend to she implants them in the male by injecting the
live about 100 years. male with a special poison that puts the male in
Therlchyi are the adult form that emerg- a coma, shutting down almost all bodily func-
es from its metamorphosis fully sexually func- tion, and then she lays her eggs in the male’s
tional. These are rare mutations, occurring in stomach. She can lay up to 700 eggs at a time.
only 1% of the Krzhyii population. Both male The acid in the male’s stomach will dissolve the
and female Therlchyi possess deadly venom, shell, and the infant Cefalyi will emerge to eat
which they secrete from the suckers on their the male until they grow big enough, at which
tentacles and from the fanged tentacles that point the male’s skin splits, and the infants
drape from either side of their nose. emerge, swimming off as the next generation
It is these that are truly impressive. Whereas of Cefalyi.
with Estorchyi, their head structure still reflects Males usually live an average of 300
the dual origin of the creature, the face of the years, as eventually they will be mated with and
Therlchyi appears as though the Cefalyi has eaten, but if denied the ability to mate, they can
formed a mask in front of a normal face. live as long as the queens. Queens live about
Consorts are the males, and they are large, 1000 years before they either die or enter the
naturally armored monsters that are normally final stage of development.
highly intelligent, unless there is a fertile fe- Xanchyi are the overqueens, and their
male present. At that time, they lose all their minds are vast, as are their bodies. After a
sentience and enter a mating frenzy, in which thousand years, a queen will either die, or she
they will battle every other consort until they will start craving silicon rather than carbon.
are either incapacitated or they emerge as the This is the sure sign of the change. Soon, she
strongest male. slows and stops, becoming infertile, and encas-
Females are called Queens, and they are ing herself in a sort of glass coffin. At this point
in charge of the hive. They have a telepathic she is declared Xanchyi, even as the transfor-
link with every one of their own children that mation she is undergoing puts her into another
hibernation. Xanchyi are sessile, and grow like

Monsters of Enraya

corals. Their bodies actually form the structure

of a Krzhyii hive. They feed off of decaying vision, they do not have normal vision. They
matter and microbes, and sustain and cement see in the ultraviolet spectrum and in the infra
Chapter 3

the hive. They form an incorporeal represen- red, but they lack the ability to see in the visible
tation of themselves to more easily interact color spectrum. This means that the only colors
with the beings living within their body. To be they are seeing are the colors that humans can-
Xanchyi is to be nearly a goddess in Krzhyii not see.
society. Xanchyi have a nearly unlimited lifes-
pan. Legends say that the eldest of Xanchyi Gills: Cefalyi cannot survive for long outside
have been around for millions of years, though water. Exposed to water thei immediately be-
they are mortal. gin to suffocate.

Krzhyii Aquatic: Cefalyi have a swim speed of 30’,

and can use the run action in the water provid-
Cefalyi: ed they move in a straight line. Cefalyi cannot
Tiny abberation, aquatic move on land more than 5’ per round. Usually
HD: 1d8(5hp) this movement is used up in trying to get back
Init: +1 into the water.
Speed: 30ft(swim) 5’(surface)
AC: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex) Parasite: At the end of its cycle, a Cefalyi
Bab/Grapple: +0/+7) changes from a free swimming organism to a
Attack: Slam(+3/ 1d3+1/x2) parasitic one in need of a human host. A Ce-
Full Attack: Slam(+3/1d3+1 x2), beak (- falyi has an exact lifespan of 80 years. 20 of
1/1d4+1 x3) them are spent developing, 40 are spent looking
Space/reach: 5ft/5ft for a host, and the final 20 are spent insuring
Special Attacks: Attatch, constrict (1d3 x2), the survival of the next generation of Cefalyi.
Special Qualities: colorblind, gills These stages are referred to as Larvae, Seeker,
Saves: fort+0, Ref+2, Will+0 and Herder, respectively. Cefalyii do not follow
Abilities: Str 16, dex 12 con 10, int 4, will 8, normal aging tables. When a Cefalyi
cha 6 finds a host, they join and become Mastorchyii.
Feats: improved Grapple This is where Krzhyii societies differ. The good
Skills: hide: +3, move silently +3, Listen +3, societies take a symbiotic approach, and some
spot +3, tumble +5 ones take a dominating approach.
Addvancement: (by age of creature) larvae A symbiotic Cefalyi seeks to blend its
(age 0-20 as above stats) Seeker (age 21-60 experiences with the human. A parasite seeks
as above stats but +8 int), herder (age 61-80 as to entirely consume the brain and inhabit the
above stats but +16 int, size changes to small, body. The parasitic approach is quicker, but the
adjust attack bonuses accordingly, use penalties base creature loses all skills, feats, memories,
for venerable age) and class levels, and its soul departs for the af-
terlife as if dead.
Color blind: while Mastorchyii do have dark-

mutually, through symbiosis, the mastorchyii
gains the benefit of the highest base stats from
Mastorchyii each creature. The base creature does not lose

Chapter 3
any of its class levels, skills or abilities, except
Use sats as follows: as adjusted.
Mastorchyii is a template that can be added to If the Cefalyi instead uses the parasitic
any human. Adjust as follows fromthe base method, the creature retains its physical stats,
creature: but its other stats change to Int 12, wis 8, cha
creature type changes to Aquatic Abberation 6. The Mastorchyi then is free to begin its life
anew, as a level 1 creature.
Ability adjustments: +2 strength, -4 dex, -6
charisma Adult Krzhyii

Special Abilities: Adult Krzhyii fall into 2 different muta-

two minds, One body: this special ability is tions: Estorchyii and Thrlchyii. Estorchyii are
only available to those who become mastor- sterile workers, though they do have superficial
chyii symbiotically. A parasitic, dommineering gender as a residual effect of their paring with a
cefalyi is alone in the shell of its host, and can human host. Thses creatures are nominally tied
rework the body to suit it. At this stage in sym- to their hive structure, but unless the queen has
biotic development, however, the cefalyi mind orders, they are usually free to continue as they
and the human mind are seperate, but they share will.
the same set of eyes, the same respiratory sys- Thrlchyii are the mating mutation, and
tem, and the same digestive tract. The cefalyi fall into two distinct forms based on gender.
also makes use of the base creature’s off hand. Consorts are the males, and hey also function
A symbiotic Mastorchyii, then, gains as the fighting force of a Krzhyii hive. Queens
a second attack per round at its highest bonus, are the females, and their job is the ruling of the
but that second attack does not benefit from any hive, and also reproductive duties.
feats or proficiencies the base creature might The change to the adult form comes
have. A symbiotic mastorchyii also has a -4 after the mastorchyii gains 4 class levels as a
penalty to skills and abilities involving the use mastorchyii. Then the player must roll a d100.
of two hands working in tandem, such as using For male characters, if the roll comes up 90
a 2 handed weapon or holding a rope. or higher, the character becomes a Thrlchyii.
For female characters, roll a d100, but only
Aquatic: A Mastorchyii breathces water and on a 100 does the muttion to Thrlchyii occur.
has a swim speed of 20’. Due to its clumsi- This gender bias is done to reflect the fact that
ness, it cannot yet run underwater. Queens are incredibly rare by necessity, since
too many queens would be bad for the hive, but
Origin of the creature: this monster has two more Consorts are needed because they have to
different paths of origin. If the pair connected protect the hive as well as mate.

Monsters of Enraya

Medium Abberation (aquatic)

Estorchyii is the most common mutation from Aquatic: Estorchyii are aquatic, and have a
Chapter 3

the Mastorchyii form. Like all adult Krzhyii, swim speed of 40’, and can run x5 in the water
this is a complete reworking of the structure of as long as movement is in a straight line. They
the creature. The process is time consuming also benefit from freedom of movement while
and very hard on the soul, and so the creature in the water.
loses 1 level upon awakening as an Estorchyii.
Estorchyii is a new template Amphibious: Estorchyii can breathe water and
that replaces the Mastorchyii template. air equally well, though they prefer water over
Completely remove the mastorchyii template air.
and replace it with this one.
Telepathic: all Krzhyii are telepathic between
Strength +4, con+2 will -2, cha -4 one another. This is an effect of the hive
Speed 30’, run x3 structure. If a Krzhyii has taken levels in
a psionics class, it can also communicate
Special abilities: telepathically, at will, to any sentient creature.

Naturally Psionic: Estorchyii emerge as Automatic languages: Aquan, Krzhyii. The

naturally psionic creatures and have 2 pp extra Krzhyii language is a sucking, splorching,
as long as they take levels in a psionics class buzzing, clicking language combined with
telepathics and hand gestures only possible
Tentacles: a Krzhyii’s tentacles are not with the Krzhyii’s tentacled fingers. It is
dexterous enough to handle weaponry, but impossible for humanoids to speak or to
they are prehensile, and can be used to climb. understand, and it has no written form.
An Estorchyii has no actual climb speed, but Fortunately, Krzhyii adults can speak other
they can take 10 on a climb check even when languages with only a little effort.
Aging: the average lifespan of an estorchyii is
Multiple attacks: Estorchyii gain 2 natural around 180 years in addition to the years it had
attacks from the body length tentacles on its as a Cefalyi and as a human. Counting from
back. These tentacles give the estorchyii slam the time of emergence, estorchyii reach middle
attacks that deal 1d6 per tentacle in addition to age at 80, old age at 150, and venerable age at
its normal attack. If the Estorchyii connects 210. They generally die within 2d6 years of
with both tentacles, it can initiate a grapple as reaching venerable age.
a free action
Thrlchyii Consort
Improved grapple: Estorchyii gain improved Large Abberation :Aquatic
grapple as the feat

speed, but they can take 10 on a climb check
even when stressed.

Chapter 3
Thrl Medium Abberation (aquatic)
Multiple attacks: Thrlchyii Consorts gain 2
natural attacks from the body length tentacles
Thrlchyii Consort is the sexually dimorphic
on its back. These tentacles give the Thrlchyii
male mutation from the Mastorchyii form.
Consort slam attacks that deal 2d6 per tentacle
Like all adult Krzhyii, this is a complete
in addition to its normal attack. If the
reworking of the structure of the
Thrlchyii Consort connects with both
creature. The process
tentacles, it can initiate a grapple as a
is time consuming
free action
and very hard on
the soul, and so the
Improved grapple:
creature loses 1 level
Thrlchyii Consorts gain
upon awakening as an
improved grapple as the feat
Thrlchyii Consort.
Thrlchyii Consort
Poison: a Thrlchyii consort
is a new template that
has a poison that it secretes
replaces the Mastorchyii
from the suckers on its
template. Completely
tentacles. This is an injury
remove the mastorchyii
poison with a dc 45 fort save
template and replace it
to avoid. The initial effects
with this one.
are immediate 1 point of
constitution damage. The
Strength +8, con+4
second effect occurs 2 combat
Speed 60’, run x3
rounds later, and requires a fort save
of dc 20 or the effect is immediate
Special abilities:
paralysis for 1d4 days. The application
of blood of the consort who
Naturally Psionic: Thrlchyii
administered the poison to the site
Consorts emerge as naturally
of the poisoned wound neutralizes
psionic creatures and have
this effect. This poison is not meant
2 pp extra as long as they take
to be lethal, but it is meant to be hard
levels in a psionics class
to overcome. This poison is meant to be used
against other consorts during the mating ritual,
Tentacles: a Krzhyii’s tentacles are not
but can also be used against other creatures at
dexterous enough to handle weaponry, but
the consort’s will.
they are prehensile, and can be used to climb.
An Thrlchyii Consort has no actual climb
Carapace: Consorts have hard, horny skin that
serves as natural armor. A consort gains a +2

Monsters of Enraya

natural armor bonus and damage reduction

Krzhyii language is a sucking, splorching,
buzzing, clicking language combined with
Chapter 3

Mating ritual: all consorts sense their queen

coming into estrus, no matter where they telepathics and hand gestures only possible
are. This occurs once every 60 years in the with the Krzhyii’s tentacled fingers. It is
hive. When this occurs, all Consorts become impossible for humanoids to speak or to
automatically enraged. This rage lasts until understand, and it has no written form.
the consort either succumbs to paralysis or Fortunately, Krzhyii adults can speak other
successfully mates with the queen. The target languages with only a little effort.
of the consort’s rage is always other consorts.
They can sense one another through their Aging: the average lifespan of an Consort is
telepathic bonds and will fight against each around 500 years in addition to the years it had
other until one comes out as the victor. During as a Cefalyi and as a human. Counting from
this time, a consort’s poison is always active. the time of emergence, estorchyii reach middle
Generally, the victor will rip the tentacles off age at 200, old age at 450, and venerable age
of the loser and consume the tentacles. This at 550. They generally die within 2d12 years
victor then goes on to mate with the queen. of reaching venerable age, but most dont even
make it into middle age, as they are killed
Regeneration: a Krzhyii can regenerate its lost offin mating and fighting.
tentacles in 1d4 weeks. Other body parts do
not regenerate. Thrlchyii Queen
Large Abberation :Aquatic
Aquatic: Thrlchyii Consorts are aquatic, and
have a swim speed of 80’, and can run x5 in Medium Abberation (aquatic)
the water as long as movement is in a straight
line. They also benefit from freedom of Thrlchyii Queen is the fertile female mutation
movement while in the water. from the Mastorchyii form. Like all adult
Krzhyii, this is a complete reworking of the
Amphibious: Thrlchyii Consorts can breathe structure of the creature. The process is time
water and air equally well, though they prefer consuming and very hard on the soul, and so
water over air. the creature loses 1 level upon awakening as
an Thrlchyii Queen.
Telepathic: all Krzhyii are telepathic between Thrlchyii Queen is a new template
one another. This is an effect of the hive that replaces the Mastorchyii template.
structure. If a Krzhyii has taken levels in Completely remove the mastorchyii template
a psionics class, it can also communicate and replace it with this one.
telepathically, at will, to any sentient creature.
Strength +8, con+4, cha +6
Automatic languages: Aquan, Krzhyii. The

the queen’s poison does not get a fort save to
Speed 60’, run x3 avoid the secondary effect.

Chapter 3
Special abilities: Carapace: Queens have hard, horny skin that
serves as natural armor. A queen gains a +2
Naturally Psionic: Thrlchyii Queens emerge natural armor bonus and damage reduction
as naturally psionic creatures and have 6 pp 5/bludgeoning.
extra as long as they take levels in a psionics
class Mating ritual: when the queens come into
estrus, they wait for a consort to emerge
Tentacles: a Krzhyii’s tentacles are not victorious. When she has mated, this sense
dexterous enough to handle weaponry, but dissipates, and the hive life can return to
they are prehensile, and can be used to climb. normal.
An Thrlchyii Queen has no actual climb speed,
but they can take 10 on a climb check even Regeneration: a Krzhyii can regenerate its lost
when stressed. tentacles in 1d4 weeks. Other body parts do
not regenerate.
Multiple attacks: Thrlchyii Queens gain 2
natural attacks from the body length tentacles Aquatic: Thrlchyii Queens are aquatic, and
on its back. These tentacles give the Thrlchyii have a swim speed of 80’, and can run x5 in
Queen slam attacks that deal 2d6 per tentacle the water as long as movement is in a straight
in addition to its normal attack. If the line. They also benefit from freedom of
Thrlchyii Queen connects with both tentacles, movement while in the water.
it can initiate a grapple as a free action
Amphibious: Thrlchyii Queens can breathe
Improved grapple: Thrlchyii Queens gain water and air equally well, though they prefer
improved grapple as the feat water over air.

Poison: a Thrlchyii Queen has a poison that Hive queen: a thrlchyii queen can
it secretes from the suckers on its tentacles. communicate with any creature telepathically,
This is an injury poison with a dc 45 fort save at will. Furthermore, a queen automatically
to avoid. The initial effects are immediate dominates (as per the spell domination) any
paralysis for 1d4 rounds, and requires a dc 10 estorchyii in her hive. Other queens can try to
fort save afterward, or this paralysis becomes break this domination with an exertion of the
permanent. This poison is meant to be used queen’s will. A queen wishing to dominate an
against other queens during the mating ritual, estorchyii not her own must turn the estorchyii
but can also be used against other creatures at the way a cleric rebukes or commands undead.
the queen’s will. A thrlchyii consort struck by She can do this 3/day+ cha modifier. The
queen must succeed in commanding the
estorchyii, or the attempt fails, and the queen

Monsters of Enraya

who owns the estorchyii will automatically

sense the attempt.
levels upon awakening as a xanchyii. Her
Automatic languages: Aquan, Krzhyii. The memory of her past life is vivid initially, but
Chapter 3

Krzhyii language is a sucking, splorching, fades within the first century following her
buzzing, clicking language combined with emergence as a xanchyii. She is then free to
telepathics and hand gestures only possible take on any class that she can. For the most
with the Krzhyii’s tentacled fingers. It is part this is usually a psionic class.
impossible for humanoids to speak or to Xanchyii is a template that is added to
understand, and it has no written form. the Thrlchyii Queen template. This change
Fortunately, Krzhyii adults can speak other usually occurs after the Thrlchyii queen
languages with only a little effort. reaches 1000 years.

Aging: the average lifespan of a Thrlchyii Adjustments from the base creature (Thrlchyii
Queen is around 1000 years in addition to Queen)
the years it had as a Cefalyi and as a human. Str -- Dex – con +10 Int +20, wis +30, cha +
Counting from the time of emergence, 10
estorchyii reach middle age at 500, old age HD 20 d12
at 700, and venerable age at 1700. They
generally die within 2d6 decades of reaching Special abilities:
venerable age. There is one other thing.
Rarely, when a Quenn reaches her milleniom, Sessile: a xanchyii cannot naturally attack,
she starts to display signs of change. She move, or do any skill that requires physical
begins to grow, and takes on a shine, coated in movement, unless she uses her psionics
a silicon based substance. This is an occasion abilities. They are a source of shelter and
for celebration. These rare queens are structure for their hives, and mediate disputes
becoming Xanchyi between the thrlchyii queens. The xanchyii
are like colossal living hives, with sentience
and power all their own. They can no
Xanchyii longer feel pain, nor can they communicate
Collossal Abberation :Aquatic
physically, and their systems become passive
rather than active.
Xanchyii is a sterile, sessile, silicon-based
mutation of the Thrlchyii queen. Like all adult
Heart stone: All xanchyii have a heart stone,
Krzhyii, this is a complete reworking of the
which is a massive crystal, eternally glowing
structure of the creature. The process is time
and pulsing with light. The color of this light
consuming and very hard on the soul, and in
is unique to each xanchyii, so one can usually
the end the creature is so radically different
tell whose body one is walking through by the
from its previous form that the creature
usually spends the first century or so adjusting
to its new form. The creature loses all class

the combined bodies of several xanchyii.
Xanchyii never stop growing, and are like
color of the vein-like lines of light that run corals in that respect. Even the thrlchyii

Chapter 3
through the walls. In the center of the heart queens must bow to the xanchyii. A new hive
stone is the body of the xanchyii’s thrlchyii starts when a thrlchyii queen begins to develop
form, eternally encased in silicon crystal. To the symptoms of becoming xanchyii, and
kill a xanchyii is very difficult, because one swims off with a contingent of males, young
must first fight through the hordes of her hive, thrlchyii queens, and estorchyii. She generally
and then generally one would have to mine finds a place close to heat vents in the deep
their way through the xanchyii’s body to get ocean and settles herself down, attaching to
to the heartstone/. Once there, the Xanchyii the rock
is not entirely powerless, as she can always
dominate, manifest abilities, and cause parts Silicon body: the xanchyii’s body is made of
of her body to cave in on you. Then you have rock, essentially.
to chip away at the heartstone to reach her
thrlchyii body, and remove its head to kill her. Automatic languages: Aquan, Krzhyii.
Naturally Psionic: xanchyii emerge as Xanchyi are entirely telepathic and can use
naturally psionic creatures and have 12 pp telepathy at will.
extra as long as they take levels in a psionics
class Aging: the average lifespan of a xanchyii
is around 3,000,000 years in addition to the
Vision of the queen: at will, the xanchyii years it had as a Cefalyi and as a human and
can manifest an incorporeal image of her as a Thrlchyi queen. Xanchyi do not age,
former thrlchyii form anywhere within her but instead slowly become inert. Usually the
body and to a radius of about 1 mile from passing from life is not immediately noticed,
her body. This form is useless other than to but after death, the Xancyii’s light will slowly
provide the creatures within her with a point fade from its body intill her part of the hive is
of reference. It is polite to address this image nothing but cold rock. The reason this is not
when addressing the xanchyii. A xanchyii can initially noticed is because Xanchyi are also
see everything in and around her body, and can referred to as “the sleeping ones” and they are
see beyond it for up to a mile. known for sleeping through centuries before
they are awakened, usually by the emergence
Aquatic: Xanchyii grow in the deep oceans of a Thrlchyii queen. At the moment of death,
and cannot leave once they are attached to only other Xanchyii can sense the passing, but
their rocks. they don’t generally mourn.

Overqueen: the Xanchyii is the foundation

of the hive. The Therlchyii live inside

Monsters of Enraya

Dire Werelions
sample werelion: height 7’3” at shoulder, 13’8” long, 3000lbs
Chapter 3

Chanyta Leona d’Or (age 15) AC: 17(10+2dex+6nat-1size)

Half elf/Dire Werelion(natural)—Dawn Init +4 HD 1d8+5 plus 1d8+5 plus 8d8+40
Clan(humanoid, shapechanger) Ali: LG (112 hp)
Aristocrat 1/Druid 1; Deity: Ehlonna Fort+13, Ref+10, Will+14
BAB/Grapple: +6/+20,
Dire Werelion, Half Elf form Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14
Size: Medium; space/reach 5’/5’; Speed 30 Attack: Claw + 17(1d6+10melee) or bite +11
Height 5’1”, Weight 105lbs (1d8+5)
AC: 14=(10+2(dex)+2(nat))* Full Attack: 2 claws +17 (1d6+10), and bite
Init: +2 1d8+2 plus 1d8+2 plus 8d8+16 (82 +11 (1d8+5)
hp) Special Attacks: Improved Grab, pounce, rake
Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +14 +16 (1d6+5), curse of Lycanthropy, roar 3/day
BAB +6/Grpl +2/Ranged att +8 dam+2/Melee Special Qualities: Half-elf traits, alternate
att+8 dam +2** form, lion empathy, low light vision, scent
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14 Animal Companion, nature
Special Qualities: Half-elf traits, alternate Sense, Wild empathy, damage reduction
form, lion empathy, low light vision, scent, 10/silver
Animal Companion, nature Sense, Wild Skills
empathy Climb +15, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +7,
Special Attacks: ---------- Survival +9, Move Silently +13***,
Skills Hide +13*** Knowledge Nature +4, listen
Climb +8, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +7, spot +7, speak language (2)
+7, Survival +9, Move Silently +7, Hide +7 Feats: Iron Will, Alertness, Run, Weapon
Knowledge Nature +4, listen +7, spot +7, Focus(claw), Natural Spell, endurance, track
speak language (2) ***a dire werelion gains +4 to hide and move
Feats: Iron Will, Alertness, Run, Weapon silently.(already figured in) In areas of tall
Focus(claw), Natural Spell, endurance, track grass or heavy undergrowth, this increases to
Languages: Common, Elven, Druidic, +8(add +4 to current total bonus)
Celestial, Sylvan Dire Werelion;Hybrid Form (humanoid,
*this is AC before applying Armor. Wearing Shapechanger)
armor will alter this Size: Large; space/reach 10’/10’; speed 40ft,
**these are the base attack and damage 14’8” tall, 3000lbs
bonuses using MW or enchanted weapons will AC: 17(10+2dex+6nat-1size)*
alter this Init +4 HD 1d8+5 plus 1d8+5 plus 8d8+40
Dire Werelion;Lion Form (humanoid, (112 hp)
Shapechanger) Fort+13, Ref+10, Will+14
Size: Large; space/reach 10’/5’; speed 40ft, BAB/Grapple: +6/+20,

during the full moon.
Curse of Lycanthropy: any humanoid or
Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14

Chapter 3
giant bit by Chanyta’s bite in animal or hybrid
Melee attack/damage +16/+10, Ranged attack/ form must succeed on a DC 15 fortitude save
damage +10/+4**** /** or contract Lycanthropy.
Natural Attack: Claw + 17(1d6+10melee) or Improved grab/pounce/rake: these attacks
bite +11 (1d8+5) can be foundin the MM
Natural Full Attack: 2 claws +17 (1d6+10), Half Elf Traits: as per PHB
and bite +11 (1d8+5) Lion Empathy: Communicate with lions and
Special Attacks: curse of Lycanthropy, Roar Dire Lions and a +4 racial bonus on Charisma
3/day based checks against lions and Dire Lions (this
Special Qualities: Half-elf traits, alternate bonus does stack with a druid’s wild empathy)
form, lion empathy, low light vision, scent
Animal Companion, nature Dire Werelions: Stately and regal in bearing,
Sense, Wild empathy, damage reduction these werecreatures are some of the most
10/silver frightening creatures on the material plane.
Skills Their need to eat meat is very powerful, and
Climb +15, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +7, extends even into their base form. In hybrid
Survival +9, Move Silently +9, form, standing as tall as a giant and bearing
Hide +9 Knowledge Nature +4, listen +7, spot fang and sword, they take on their enemies
+7, speak language (2) like kings and generals. They polish their
Feats: Iron Will, Alertness, Run, Weapon bony ridges to a gleaming shine and are
Focus(claw), Natural Spell, endurance, Track fastidious groomers. In Animal form they
*this is AC before applying Armor. Wearing epitomize the phrase “king of Beasts”, as
armor will alter this up to 8’ at the shoulder and 15’ long, they
**these are the base attack and damage can manage to slink unnoticed through the
bonuses using MW or enchanted weapons will grasslands and forests alike, ready to deliver
alter this a devastating pounce. Dire Werelions in
****the hybrid can use weapons just as it can any form have an instinctual need to be
in human form working with a group of others, preferably
Descriptions of odd special qualities and other werelions, and tend to be very clannish.
descriptions and other miscellanea Unlike other lycanthropes, even normal
Alternate Form: Chanyta can assume the werelions (who are all lawful Neutral) there
form of a dire lion or a bipedal hybrid form are two distinct branches of Dire Werelion:
of a dire lion. Initiating the change is a Dawn Clan, and Dusk Clan
standard action (like a spell) and the actual Dusk Clan Dire Werelions are
change occurs on the next turn. As a natural ALWAYS lawful evil, and are the elder clan.
werecreature(unlike her afflicted mother), Originally all Dire Werelions were evil, but
Chanyta has full control over her form, even due to events that are now lost to history, a
branch of these creatures managed to escape

Monsters of Enraya

their nature and turn the alignment of their

affliction to good. Dusk clan Dire Werelions
are darker in color, their hair and fur color of lights was ruined by the undead, she has
ranging from black to brown, to their most been under the tutelage of a group of druids.
Chapter 3

coveted color: a red the color of old blood. When last she was seen by civilized
Dawn Clan Dire Werelions are society, she was somewhat shy and very
ALWAYS Lawful Good. Nobody knows or troubled by her then-recent capture. Other
remembers how the first Dawn Clan Dire than that she was a bouncy, lively, normal
werelions came to redeem themselves, but girl. . .except for the fact that she was born as
they have been staunch agents of law and a dire werelion. All that is guessed about her
goodness ever since. Dawn clan features is that at this point, she should be nearing her
are fair, from yellow gold to tawny, and full growth, and in a few years, she should
even to pure white. Though they are lawful re-emerge from the forest as a druid of the
Good, they are still mistrusted and feared by Terubor.
almost all mortals for what they are. Only the Chanyta is a half-elf, but she tends to
Leonals seem to trust them implicitly, and call be more elf-like than human-like, owing to the
them “little cousins” though leonals are very fact that while her father has human ancestry,
rarely seen on the material plane. he is not human. In half-elf form, she is quite
These two clans are entirely separate, thin, with pale skin and hair. By all standards,
and eternally at war. As for contracting elven and human, she is mysteriously
lycanthropy, once the afflicted creature beautiful, as if a trace amount of her father’s
becomes aware of the curse and does not cure celestial nature flows in her blood. Her eyes
it, the alignment shift corresponds to the clan are green like almost all elves, but within
that bit him. Even the most evil of humanoids the pupils, when the light shines in just the
will become Lawful good under the bite of the right way, the red light of her cursed nature is
Dawn clan. revealed.

Chanyta Leona d’Or, daughter of Allhembra

d’Or and Aureus d’Or, independent nobles
of the ceceeded human clans of the Terubor,
former Barons of Five Oaks and the human
controlled portions of the Terubor, Natural
werelion, squire under Alhembra, knight
protector of the good sentient races of the

Chanyta is the half elf daughter of Alhembra

and Aureus d’Or. She has an infant brother
that she has never seen: an Aasimar child,
Yelerehn. Ever since the year that the festival

Mezarch is immune to any spell or spell like ability that

Chapter 3
Mezarchs are a type of construct made from
allows spell resistance.
clockworks. The technomancers who created
Rewind(su):A mezarch can function for
them wished to make a construct that could be
20 hours without suffering any penalty.
used to perform delicate, but programmable
After that, it must enter a 4 hour period of
repetitive tasks that required simple precision
inactivity, during which time its charisma
and in situations that were too compact or too
modifier drops to 0 and it cannot be repaired
visible for a standard, large, ugly, bulky golem.
of this drain. During this time, its springs
Each one represents the pinnacle of a mezarch
are magically, automatically reset and its
specialist’s talent in crafting constructs and so
damage is completely repaired. A mezarch
each is, in itself, a priceless work of art. Even
can work beyond 20 hours, but for every hour
though there are external variances, such as
it remains active beyond 20 hours, it loses
gender appearance, according to the tastes and
1 point of dexterity until it becomes inert,
crafting of its maker, every mezarch stands
at which point its charisma also drops to 0
precisely 5’5” tall and weighs around 235lbs.
and it automatically enters its rewind cycle.
These mezarchs are always medium size and
Since this is a Supernatural ability, this ability
cannot be advanced.
is suppressed within an antimagic field. A
mezarch that cannot rewind and reaches the
Combat end of its dexterity becomes an inert object
mezarchs were not made for combat, but until its rewind cycle can resume, at which
instead to highlight the creator’s skill as a point it enters its 4 hours of Rewind.
mezarch crafter and as an artist. They are,
however, capable of defending themselves Construction
when provoked or commanded. A mezarch is the pinnacle of achievement in
Energy Ray(su): The mezarch can shoot mezarch creation as an art form. Each gear
twin rays from its eyes. These rays shoot from and spring must all be of at least masterwork
the mezarch’s eyes to a distance of 35’ and are quality. In fact, each tiny component that
of both fire and electricity. Each of its two makes up a mezarch’s body is in itself a work
rays is a ranged touch attack which deals 4d6 of art, and often these contain jewels and other
damage with no save. The mezarch must fire precious substances, just like a prized pocket
these rays simultaneously, but it can attack watch would. Sometimes the gears are even
more than one target as long as these targets made out of crystal. In total the gears, springs,
are not more than 30’ of each other. cogs, and wheels that make up the internal
Weapon Proficiency: mezarchs are workings are always precise and specific to
proficient with whatever weapons its the mezarch, and are worth a minimum of
commander is proficient in 50,000gp. These are protected by plates of
Immunity to Magic: like golems, a mezarch

Monsters of Enraya

rare metals, most commonly mithral and gold, BAB/Grapple (+7/+2)/+11

worth at minimum an additional 20,000gp. Space/reach: 5’/5’
Applied to the mezarch, they are often Special Attacks: Energy Ray
Chapter 3

removable or hinged so that the creator can Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision
show off the internal workings. In addition 60’, immunity to magic, low-light vision, ,
it requires two jewels the size of human eyes Rewind
and of exceptional quality(15,000gp each, Attack: 2 slams (+10/+5 for 1d8+3 each)
minimum). The most common jewels used Full Attack: 2 slams (+10/+5 for 1d8+3) plus
are ruby or emerald. The color of the eyes energy ray (+14 ranged touch for 4d6 fire and
affects the color of the energy ray. Finally electricity, no save)
special oils, glues, and bindings are required to Saves: Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +3
complete the body, worth 500 gp. It requires Abilities: Str 16, Dex 24, Con--, Int--, Wis 12,
a craft(metalworking) check of dc35 and a Cha 1
knowledge architecture and engineering check Skills:--; Feats:--
of dc30. The xp requirement is higher than for Environment: any
all other golems, but then again, a construct Organization: solitary or gallery (1 mezarch
specialist undertaking the task of creating this plus 2-3 other constructs of various types)
mezarch usually does not mind devoting the CR 10
portion of his XP. Ali: Always Neutral
CL 12 craft Construct, cat’s grace, Treasure: Triple Standard (in mezarch parts)
False Life, Geas/quest, Lightening bolt, Advancement:--
scorching ray caster must be 12th level. Price: Level Adjustment:--
3,500,000gp Cost; 150,500gp + 10,800xp

Sample Mezarch
This mezarch appears as a perfectly
proportioned female human, however it is
obviously made from finely crafted plates
of rare metals, gems for eyes, and obvious,
though tasteful, gears and fittings. When it
moves, the clear, smooth hum of well oiled
gears and springs can be heard, as well as a
rhythmic, metronomic tick, like a clock, almost
eerily mimicking a heartbeat

Medium construct
HD: 10d10+20(120hp)
Init: +7
Speed 40’(6 squares)
AC: 27 (+7 dex, +10 natural)


the limb to the body, making it a half-mezarch,

as well as the body to the soul. The living
Half-Mezarch person truly does take its mechanical parts as

Chapter 3
The lifelike nature of the mezarch attracted part of the very nature of its being, and in so
many to the thought of creating Mezarch doing, binds its soul to its body.
limbs as a suitable replacement for body parts.
Unfortunately, due to the cost, only the very Rewind: like a mezarch, a half mezarch
rich, or certain special circumstances, allow can function for 20 hours a day without
for the creation of these limbs. Chances are trouble, after which he needs 4 hours per day
that the recipient of the limb could have, at to rewind his gears. Normally this occurs as
far less cost, had regeneration performed part of the creature’s natural sleep, but if not,
on him or her, but the individual has chosen the parts have as many hours as the creature’s
otherwise. Far from being reviled, as other dexterity score before the limbs become
half-golems are, a half-mezarch proudly useless, and dangle ineffectually from the
shows off his mechanical parts as a symbol of half-mezarch’s body. During the time after 20
wealth and strength of will. hours and before his limbs become inert, the
Added danger: half-mezarch is considered exhausted until he
The creation of a half-mezarch is perilous allows his parts to rewind. If his parts are
enough, and for half mezarchs there is no allowed to become inert, in addition to being
exception. Instead it is usually killed by its exhausted, he loses 4 points of dexterity per
creator, as usually the creator will demand limb from the loss of use. In addition, he also
nothing less than balance. Only a True loses 1 point of intelligence per hour until he
Resurrection, Wish, or Miracle can restore passes out. The ability loss cannot be healed
it to life as the creature it once was before in any way, and the exhaustion cannot be
becoming a half mezarch. A creature returned eased by any means other than the 4 hours of
to life in this manner can never become a rewind.
half-mezarch again. Occasionally, however,
a creator will let a failed half-mezarch remain Natural Armor: a half-mezarch gains a +5
alive for some reason. natural armor bonus

Special Traits of the Half Mezarch: Energy Ray: when the creature attains his
The cost for the parts and ritual is 75,000 gp + first limb, the creator of the half-mezarch’s
5000 xp parts will also pluck one eye and replace it
with a gem, granting the half-mezarch the
Creating a half mezarch involves exactly the benefit of one ray, which deals ranged touch,
same processes as creating other mezarchs, 4d6 fire and electricity damage.
and the same template is acquired with the
following additions and caveats: half Mezarch appearance:
A half mezarch’s mezarch parts are always
Man vs. machine: The ritual not only binds exposed, with the skin of the creature stretched

and connected to its mezarch parts by
rivets, snaps and clamps, giving the creature
the illusion of having additional internal
mechanical parts with hide stretched to cover
Chapter 3

them. Its hide or skin does not usually become

pale or corpse-like, but it may become shiny as
if covered by a layer of gold or mithral leaf, or
glittery as if coated with gold or mithral dust.
Its hair or fur usually does take on the luster of
mithral or gold as well.
In addition, during the final ritual, after
the eye has been replaced, and all of the limbs
are attached, right at the level of the creature’s
heart, the ribs are removed and the lung
hiding the heart is replaced with a smaller, but
equally functional, mechanical one, revealing
the creature’s beating heart. The removed
ribs are replaced with a plate containing a
clear window. This is the only piece that is
covered by the creature’s flesh, and it offers no
penalty, weakness, or strength, other than that
the living, beating heart is always visible to
anyone the half-mezarch chooses to expose his
chest to. The purpose of this window is vital.
A half-mezarch begins his life as a half-
mezarch in his four hours of rewind, during
which time he is in a coma brought on by the
ritual. At this time, the ritual’s required will
saves are made as if he was awake to make
them, with no penalty due to his state. If he
fails his will save to maintain his person, the
heart will stop, and the creature will lose his
constitution score and wake as a construct.
Needless to say, though the will saves occur
within the first hour, a creator will usually do
little else than watch that precious heart for
the entire four hours, hoping and waiting with
bated breath that the organ does not cease its
function. After that, the window is a curiosity
unique to half-mezarchs.

Aasimar, 14 Half-Mezarch Noctiri, 24

Ancestor worsip, 24, 25 Half-Orcs, 13 Quixar’aa, 26

Artisans, 8 House Arolell, 4 Ris’, 22

Aureus d’Or, 4 House d’Or, 4 Ris’lon, 1

Bay of Enraya, 1 House Enalli, 4 Sea of Sorrow, 2

Bissina, 21 House Shivess, 4 Shimandra, 21

Cefalyi, 41 House Xavis, 5 Shi’phari, 24

Chanyta d’Or, 49 H’rashi, 24 Simghai, 37

Council of Mages, 5 Humans, 3 Slaves, 8

Delta city College of Magic, 2 Iltair, 1 Terubor Basin, 1

Dire Werelion, 49 Imaris, 19 Terubor Forest, 2

Dovram, 19 Kalen River, 2 The armed Forces, 6

Drownedlanders, 10 Karayim, vii The army, 6

Dwarves, 13 Karvu, 20 The blue Faction, 7

Elans, 13 Krzhyii, 38 The civil patrol, 7

Elves, 12 Laborers, 8 The common citizens, 8

Enraya, 1 Lake Kalen, 1 The council of divinity, 5, 6

Eschall Academy of Magic, 2 Lizardfolk, 14 The Daelis, 22

Eschall cliffs, 2 Lorei, 24 The green faction, 8

Eschall Falls, 2 Marion, 35 The Naeris, 23

Estorchyii, 43 Marthair, 1 The navy 7

Eternal Oak, 2 Mastorchyii, 42 the outer Court 5

Eternal Servants, 22 Merchants, 8 The red faction, 7

Gnomes, 13 Mezarch The Sun, the moon, the stars, 17

Half-celestials, 14 monks, 9 The Unnamed, 8, 9

Half-demons, 14 Myridan, 20 the voting population, 6

Half-dragons, 14 myridan’s crusade, 30 Therangia, 1

Half-elves, 13 Narghai, 37 Thrlchyii Consort, 43

Halflings, 13 Nheb- Sebht, 25 Thrlchyii Queen, 45

Tieflings, 14 Fidelus, 32

Umara Rayfallow, 28 Ah’kon-ic (beast of burden), 34

Vellorn, 21 Estorchyii, 38

Xanchyi, 47 Thrlchyii Queen, 44

Yvara, 20


Aureus d’Or, in youth, v

a courtly lady, vi

Temple of Swords, ix

Map of Enraya, x

Sentinel of the Blue Faction, 2

seal of Aureus d’Or, 3

Undead, 6, 36

Soldier, 7

Monk, facing away, 9

Sword Hand, 19

Skull, 20

Holy Symbol of Shimandra, 21

Lorei, 24

Holy Symbol of Nheb Sebht, 25

Holy Symbol of Quixar’aa, 26

Alchemy, 27

Holy Symbol of Umara Rayfallow,


Umara Rayfallow, 29
Welcome to Enraya
Inside this book you will find the eldrich
kingdom of Enraya, where magic is a way
of life, and heroes are needed to rebuild
the crumbling kingdom. Will you help it
toward its destruction, or will you save its
glorious and infamous history?

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