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Michael McKinnon

Michael, affectionately called Mickey, was the oldest of the McKinnon children. Unlike his two younger sisters, he favored his father in looks; having his dark brown hair and almond colored eyes. Similar to Misha, he also had his fathers mellow and calm attitude. Born 1953 While his parents were constantly guilt Died 1967 (Age 14) ridden about his lack of magical abilities, Cause Internally bleeding substained after Death Michael didnt seem to be bothered by it at Eater Attack. all. He went to a Muggle school and took a great deal of pleasure in telling stories about a magical world of Wizards. In contrast to Muggle-Borns, he knew how to fit in both worlds rather well. He was very protective of both his little sisters but was closer to Misha, having more in common with her. This, unbeknown to him, caused Marlene to be resentful and cling to her parents. On the 26th of December 1967, his mother and sisters went to visit his grandmother Tessa in the asylum while his father was at work. Their grandmother, in an attempt to be playful, jumped in Mishas face and screamed. Marlene and their mother laughed but Misha was terrified and rushed out of the room crying. Michael rushed after her, catching up with her just outside of the hospital. When she refused to go back in their with that mean old lady he relented and suggested they go find some ice cream. Unaware of how dangerous of an area they were in, him and Misha walked about a mile, looking for a place to find ice cream. While working, they passed an argument between two Wizards (which would later be discovered to be a Death Eater & Blood Traitor.) The Wizards began dueling and Michael, not paying attention, was hit by a stray blasting curse. The Aurors arrived about a half an hour later and tired to get information from Misha but she was too terrified to speak. They rushed Michael to St. Mungo and at first had good hopes for his recovery; it was discovered that he had internal bleeding but they had gotten him in soon enough. They gave him the necessary potions and put him on the monitor before going back to Misha and attempting once more to find out who they were. It wasnt until one of the nurses noticed a name tag on Michaels jacket that she realized they were the McKinnon kids. She quickly alerted her supervision who got in contact with Lexton.

It wasnt until an hour later that one of the healers realized they had made a grave mistake; Michael McKinnon could not be treated the same way a normal Wizard would and the monitors would not work on him. By the time they checked on him again his heart was barley beating and he stopped breathing. They tried to resurrect him but he was to far gone and died a few minutes later. St. Mungos and their liability for his death In 1965, a law was passed that all hospitals must check the magical status of every patient and manually check their medical status to make sure treatment was taken. This was largely due to an act passed in attempts to protect Squibs. St. Mungos as the time was very understaffed and often bypassed this law, thinking the Squib populations were too low to make it practically. Chances are that if they had followed it Michael would not have died. Lexton perused legal charges against St. Mungos, calling for the doctors on duty to face jail time. Though they were found criminally not guilty, they were forced to pay a heavy fine to the McKinnon family and lost their licenses. That event partly persuaded the Ministry to take more control of the hospital, transferring it from privately operated to Ministry sanctioned.

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