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Overview of Library Lessons Stage 2 Term 1 2013

Outcomes By the end of the term, students should be able to: 1. demonstrate the correct borrowing and returning procedures 2. know the sections of the library and their differences 3. know the location of books based on their identification label 4. identify and understand the purpose of chapters, contents and index pages in books 5. use an enquiry terminal to locate resources 6. know the difference between a dictionary, encyclopedia (recognise headings and sub headings and thesaurus) 7. independently locate an encyclopedia volume using the spine label 8. use a dictionary and thesaurus to complete work 9. write keywords from a passage of information (developed from an encyclopedia) 10. use keywords to answer literal questions (that they have asked) Concepts The above outcomes will be achieved through activities focusing on the following concepts and link in with the class unit Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 2012 classes Chinese New Year craft and story Library Bunting flags (Outcomes 2,3 & 4) Planning week. Complete (flags and lanterns) Library sections & labels (Outcomes 2,3 & 4) contents & index Encyclopedia/Keywords/Questions (Outcomes 6 & 7) Writing keywords (Outcome 9) Using keywords (Outcome 9) Dictionary / My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 5, 6 & 8) Thesaurus /My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 5, 6 & 8) (Easter Monday) Catch up / My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 1-10)

Term 1, 2013 Plan Stage 2

Wk Lesson 1 Classes not formed Taking 2012 classes 2 Introduction/Shelf markers (Outcomes 1) Procedure Read The race for the Chinese zodiac by Gabrielle Wang ; illustrated by Sally Rippin and Regine Abos Demonstrate craft procedure Review Library rules, Revise shelf markers and how to use them in various situations Create flag with library, book or reading themed slogan e.g. Love 2 read at Copa Library Read book or book review of new book in collection Complete Bunting flags and lanterns Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: The location of chapters, contents and index pages. The ability to use them effectively. Five main section of the library, their differences and labels Information on the spine label Shelf organisation Complete worksheets ( 3 pages) Resources Craft materials Copies of lanterns and dragons Shelf markers Bunting flags

3 4

Planning week Contents & index pages. Library sections and labels (Outcomes 2, 3 & 4)

Shelf markers Shelf markers Workbook

Encyclopedia / Keywords Read book or book review of new book in collection / Questions (Outcomes Discuss with students: How encyclopedias are organised both in terms 6 & 7) of volumes, headings and sub headings Complete practical examples before students complete worksheets Using a round robin technique students develop a list of keywords based on their class topic Students write questions including these keywords

Shelf markers Workbook

Wk Lesson 6 Writing keywords (Outcome 9)

Using keywords (Outcome 9)

Dictionary/ My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 5, 6 & 8)

Thesaurus/My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 5, 6 & 8)


Revision/ My Library Web Enquiry (Outcomes 1-10)


Catch up (Easter)

Procedure Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: The Research task the resources students will use Demonstrate how to record information in keyword notes and bullet points and assist students to lay out their page. Create mind map ( use colour, branches etc.) Complete research Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: Questions (on IWB) the students will answer and how keywords will be used to help answer them. The use of full sentence Complete worksheet Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: The purpose of a dictionary and how to use it effectively How to access and use My Library Web Enquiry through DET portal Complete worksheet while I help small groups access My Library WE Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: The purpose of a thesaurus and how to use it effectively How to access and use My Library Web Enquiry through DET portal Complete worksheet while I work with small groups at the ETs Read book, or book review of new book in collection Discuss with students: The purpose and use of encyclopaedias, dictionaries and thesauri The use of keyword notes and bullet points How an enquiry terminal is used Read book, or book review of new book in collection

Resources Shelf markers Workbook Non Fiction Text Electricity & magnetism By Steve Parker

Shelf markers Workbook 3 Questions on IWB to answer See Appendix A Shelf markers Workbook Netbooks/ computers

Shelf markers Workbook Netbooks/ computers

Shelf markers Workbook Netbooks/ computers

Name: _____________________________ Class: ________


There are five main sections in the library, each with their own indentification on the SPINE label. Can you name the five sections to match their labels?

____________________________ Story books for young children.


____________________________ Books to help teachers.

____________________________ Stories for older readers


____________________________ Information books for older readers

550 GOF R 320 LAM

____________________________ Information books that stay in the library

Design your own spine label for the non fiction section of the library

This contents page is from a Non Fiction book called Electricity and Magnetism By Steve Parker. Use this contents page to answer the questions below.

Where is a contents page found? _________________________________ On what page would information containing the following be found? poles, magnetic __________________ magnetism_________________ energy _________________ electromagnetism _________________

This index page is from a Non Fiction book called Electricity and Magnetism By Steve Parker. Use this index page to answer the questions below.

Where is an index page found? __________________________________ On what page would information containing the following be found? About Magnetism ___________ Index _______________ Making Electricity ____________ Electronics_________________

An encyclopedia set is a series of books that contain information about many different places, people and objects in our world. To make them easier to use, the huge amount of information is broken up into volumes. Each volume contains the information starting with one letter of the alphabet. This vaires in a few volumes. The letter of the alphabet is written on the spine of the book. In which volume of the encyclopedia set will I find information about Keyword Letter Volume

magnets forces electromagnets compass magnetic poles

Here is an example of how each volume is set out. Colour the volumes you used for the previous question. A B C-Ch Ci-Cz D E F G H I 1 J-K 11 2 L 12 M 13 3 4 N-O 14 P 15 5 Q-R 16 6 7 S-Sn So-Sz 17 18 8 T 19 9 U-V 20 10 W-X Y-Z 21

What does a dictionary tell you? _________________________________ __________________________________________________________ When do you use a dictionary? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ How is a dictionary organised? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Using a dictionary, find the meanings of 3 keywords. If there is more than one meaning, write the first meaning given. Keyword magnetism Meaning



What does a thesaurus tell you? _________________________________ __________________________________________________________ When do you use a thesaurus? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ How is a thesaurus organised? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Using a thesaurus, find other words for 3 keywords. If many are given, choose three Keyword attract Other Words



KEYWORD NOTES-make a mind map

Using the space provided below, write keyword notes about the subject the class is researching. Each time you write a new piece of information use a different colour or make a new branch to clearly show each



Copy the questions from the board carefully and then use your keyword notes from last week to answer them. Your answer must be written in full sentences. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Question 4. Draw your Diagram here

Appendix A

Answer these Questions using the information you have found in the Encyclopaedias, the dictionary and the thesaurus.

1. Why does the needle on a compass spin? 2. What is magnetism? 3. Explain why magnets repel or attract each other? 4. If you have time, draw a diagram that shows the forces when magnets repel or attract.

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