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The Exclusion of Fathers from his own Children Via Government Intervention.

Law acted upon and introduced by the Gillard Government. This is the main function of Julia Gillard's government as they ensure, via feminist doctrine, that Men are relieved of his children, which is actually a form of Child Abuse. This action barely sees the light of day in the media and it takes a non-indoctrinated writer like Andrew Bolt to expose it, as Fairfax Media and it's outlet are more interested in maintaining the feminist doctrine, mantras and meme while promoting just that. Add to that the 1.2 Billion dollar per year ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), a left-wing, obviously biased,sexist and a completely biased, taxpayers paid, media conglomerate and you get the idea why this subject is so often completely ignored. The main aim of the Julia Gillard Government and her pro-feminist ministers and colleagues, ensure that every decision they make and every piece of legislation they introduce and install, is to the detriment of Fathers but positive to the opposite sex only. Nothing has been done, no action has been taken(except some tokenism) at all about the extremely high Male Suicide Rates, the general Health and Well-Being of Men and Boys(That Nicola Roxon promised in 2006, and Julie Bishop in 2013), the serious dropout rate of boys from schools and the reduced access to Colleges and University, is the game plan that feminists have installed over decades of interference and manipulation. They have ensured that only females are given every possible assistance, even lowered marking standards, to make sure they pass, while males have been dropping out at an ever reduced rate while suffering from biased and negative responses by female teachers as they mark boys to a higher or different standard than the girls students. That is what feminism is all about, encouraging hate, malice, manipulation, bias, discrimination and ensuring that females are promoted at every opportunity at the expense of men and boys, meanwhile they take every opportunity to gloat about the results, as if it were some level of achievement, some level of the superiority of females. It is a hollow and shallow victory and effort. That only ensures the battle between the sexes continues and is kept elevated under the fire of their introduced male-hate techniques and mindless manipulations. Even worse, is the endless and mindless abuse aimed at children, as they have been deliberately removed from their Fathers by Family and Common courts for any imaginable reason or false accusations while vindictive females are never held to account in courts for deliberately making false allegations . An action that ensures the child will have a reduced standard of living, reduced education level, will join or are involved gangs, be abusive as mothers normally are, (see Child Abuse Rates and Comparisons at The Australian Bureau of Statistics) also take up drugs and will eventually either end up in prison or be a single young mom. That is the end result, in the majority of cases, where Dads are deliberately removed or forced away from his family or his own child/ren by vindictive biased and sexist laws, biased Judges as well as a vindictive female after divorce. There are no back up services for Men nor are there any legal services available as there are for women. The mother is always assumed to be the victim while the Fathers are always punished under that biased assumption.

Robbing children of a mans care

Andrew Bolt APRIL112013 Great damage has been done by the fashionable push in decades pass to treat every man as

a potential rapist: CHILD abuse is being vastly over-reported in Australia, with the head of the governments family research body identifying a wide gulf between notifications of alleged abuse and the claims being substantiated. Australian Institute of Family Studies director Alan Hayes will today argue that with five times as many abuse allegations as confirmed cases, the nation needs to rethink its approach to child protection by avoiding moral panic. While he does not minimise the significance of the harm that flows from child abuse, which he describes as extremely serious, he believes the system must be improved and that the unanticipated spill over of current policy is the resistance of men to enter professions that have a close engagement with children. He argues that men are discouraged from working with children by a system that has become alarmist, with fear of accusations of sexual abuse being one possible reason for a decline in the proportion of men entering teaching and other child-focused professions. Never before has such actions been instituted, by a biased and sexist government and it's ministers, installed, legislated and introduced by a biased, bigoted, vengeful bureaucratic system designed to remove men from society and therefore only legally recognise the Mothers as the sole parent, fathers can only have their name written on the birth certificate, if it is her wish. This also applies to any legality applied to the child as Fathers are excluded in any communications between the government and the Mother in relation to any activity by the child. The Father just does not even exist as far as they (Government institutions) are concerned. The anti-Father bias, discrimination and obvious sexism is there, written in law, for all to witness, as it cannot be denied in any term or fashion. It is totally ingrained and it needs to be removed and changes need to be made. That actions denes the Father from fundamental human rights of access to his own child or children and this must be altered. Changes need to be made so both parents hae equal access and not just one. Author: Christian J. Site:

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