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Demons And Cookies By Maquis Leader Rated PG Authors note: Set in Angels future after the BtVS epi

Chosen and after the Angel epi Home. In this universe, Spike is still dead. Cordy came out of her coma when Connor killed Jasmine, the AI gang did not make a deal with Wolfram and Hart, and Connor is I dunno where. Okay, okay, hes out killing demons on his own after Angel stopped him from killing the people in the store. Less angst there for Angel And Spike is still dead. Thank you Cress for the name of the demons. And did I mention that Spike is still dead? Guts! Ick! Guts! Get down! Angel pushed Cordelia out of the way and leaped on the Cresil demons back. Hed killed one Cresil already, slicing it open with the two handed long sword he favored. Unfortunately, the demons death throes had included splattering Cordelia with its insides as they became its outsides. Gunn and Wes had another Cresil cornered. Despite their differences since Fred had married the former Watcher two years ago, the two men worked well as a demon killing team. Gunn drew the demons attention while Wes slid his sword into its hearts. The demon reached up and tried to snatch Angel off his back. Twisting to one side, he drove the point of his sword down through the demons neck. Die, damn it! He twisted the blade viciously. Screaming in pain, the Cresil reached up again; this time his claws raked across Angels back and shoulder, slicing through the leather coat and snagging deep in the vampires flesh. With a roar, the demon flung Angel across the cavern and against the wall. Slamming into the unforgiving rock, Angel slid down to lay stunned on the dirt floor. Ow! Shit! Shit! That hurt! Angelus yelped. Get up! Get up! Groggily, Angel staggered to his feet as the Cresil demon lumbered toward him. He could see Cordelia and Lorne hustling the little girls out of the cave. He smiled despite the pain in his head and back. Cordelias vision had led them to the lair of a clan of Cresil demons who had snatched a group of Girl Scouts from their campground. A familiar tingle at the base of Angels spine had alerted him even before he saw the little girl standing in front of her terrified fellow scouts. She was brandishing a large chunk of wood, and the demons were circling warily, already sporting a bloody mark or two. He had smiled when her eyes widened and her head snapped toward him. She felt him as he felt her. Then the blue eyes had narrowed and he knew she had listed him over in the enemy column. Hopefully when this was over, shed understand he was one of the good guys and wouldnt try to stake him The little girl was one of the Slayers given her powers when Willow had used the scythes power to cast a spell that changed the Slayers destiny. Never again would there be one lone lonely Slayer. Well yea and rah rah! Now this things going to fucking kill us! Angelus snarled. And we

didnt even get any cookies! Theyre not made with real Girl Scouts anyway. Angel raised his sword as the demon closed on him. Theyre not? No. He blocked the razor sharp claws as they sliced down at him. Well that sucks. Angelus pouted. Oh, watch the tail! Angel jumped up as the barbed tail whipped toward him. I saw it! He swung the sword down, chopping most of the tail off. There you go, stumpy! Stumpy? Is that the best youve got? There was a mental yawn. Ive never eaten a girl scout. Ill bet theyre full of sugary sweetness. And youre never going to find out! Leaping up over the Cresil, Angel landed behind it. Before the demon could turn, he wound up like a pro golfer and sliced the creatures head off. Fore! Angelus snickered as the three eyed head bounced across the floor. And they say vampires cant play sports. Laughing at the absurdity of the situation, Angel wiped his sword off on the demons body. He was walking toward the cave entrance, a smile on his face as he heard Lorne singing Kumbyah with the little girls theyd saved, when the pain hit. A scream of agony tore from him. Dropping the sword, he fell to his knees, clutching at his chest. No no oh God Angelus howled in pain as well, but he rejoiced in it. Get out, Soul Boy! I wasnt wasnt Angel fell back in the dirt. No I wasnt that happy Too bad! Hed suffered this pain before, lying face down in a dark alley, rain pouring over him as his soul was ripped free. Stumbling from the bed where hed made love to Buffy! Ill take good care The razor sharp pain choked off the demons thoughts. Angel! Cordelia knelt next to him. Oh God! That thing must have hurt him! Hell be fine, Cordy. Gunn threw down his axe and helped Wes roll the suffering vampire over onto his belly. He aint dust. Get get away get Angel reached up to push Cordelia away as she touched his face. Angelus It cant be. Wes shook his head. I doubt that saving girl scouts, as rewarding as that is, is going to give Angel a moment of perfect happiness. Buffy He grabbed Wes shirt. Love tell her love her Angel, youre going to be fine. The other man patted his shoulder. The demon must have poisoned you. Tell her! He grunted out between the painful tears of his soul. Buffy knows you love her, Angel. Cordelia stroked a hand through the dark hair.

Youre going to be fine. You can call her and tell her. No He looked up at her, blinking as she appeared to fade away. Bye bye, Soul Boy! Angelus grunted in pain. This was taking longer than the first time. Ill tell her for you Buffyll be real loved No! Angel dug his fingers into the dirt floor in a vain attempt to anchor himself. Protect protect The girls are safe, Angel. Wes assured him as he cut the leather coat open to expose more of Angels wounded back. Little Emily is quite the little Slayer. She almost took Lornes head off with that log shes carrying. Gunns laugh choked off as he saw Angels back. Oh, damn, those cuts are ugly. Get out get out Angelus was shrieking in pain and joy. Get out! Buffy protect Angel reached out blindly and found a hand. Please kill me! Stake me! Angel, no. Cordelia winced as he crushed her hand. Its just nasty demon goo, youre going to be real embarrassed later, you know. And okay, I just had my nails done. Angelus No Angelus, no grr. She put her free hand under his face to protect it from the rock and dirt he was lying in. Wes will fix it. Wont you, Wes? Wes? Buffy Shes safe, Angel. Cordelia didnt like the look on Wes face. He looked scared suddenly. Buffy's retired now, remember? I dont understand this. Wes muttered. The cuts arent that bad, and Cresil demons dont secrete poison. They did somethin. Wes! Fix it! Come back here, Emily. Leave the nice vampire alone, sugar cookie. Their voices were getting fainter, fading away. Angel blinked, but he could no longer see. He could no longer feel Cordys hand. Buffy I love you -- dont forget me Ill make sure she wont Angelus voice was a faint whisper. No no no No! His scream startled him. Angel rolled over. He could feel again. See and hear. Oh God what have I done? Nothing! I cant Angelus growled in frustration. What have I done this time? Angel searched frantically through his memories looking for his newest crimes. He couldnt find the gap. How long this time? Your time is up. What? He turned, but there was no one there. He was alone in a small stone cell. I cant find it! Find it! Angelus demanded. Did I go to Buffy? Did I kill her?

A chill ran down Angels spine. He scrambled through his memories. Lying in the cave. Here. Lying in the cave. Here. Where is it? Damn it! The demon snarled. They couldnt have shoved you back in that fast! There wasnt enough time. Angel couldnt find a single memory between the cave and here. Wherever here was. Your time is up. Where are you? He looked around. Where am I? Where do you want to be? Not here. Angel turned around again, searching the stone walls for a door. There wasnt one. Then where? Who are you? He demanded. Choose. Choose? Tilting his head back, Angel studied the ceiling looking for grates or openings. There werent any. Did I kill her? Did I? Look! Angelus demanded again. Do I just not remember? What the fuck is going on? Find it! Shut up! He shoved the demon down. I cant think! Who are you? Why are you holding me here? Who who did I kill? Your time is up. Choose. Choose what? Angel turned around, his hands held up in a gesture of helplessness. What are my choices? What do you desire? Thats always a trick question. Angelus warned. You ask for water and you drown kind of thing. I know that. Shut up! When you say desire He doesnt understand. A different voice said. Softer and feminine. What do you expect from a lower being? I know that voice Angels eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Yeah I know you. He went back through his memories while Angelus searched from the past forward. I know you. The Oracles! Yes. A woman appeared before him. Golden with blue runes etched onto her skin. Youre dead. He stared at her. So are we. We are not the same as you. The male Oracle appeared beside her. We cannot die. Can we try again, just to be sure?

Vocah had hacked them to death, their blood staining the stone floor of their temple. But I saw What we wanted you to see. She said. Why? So that you would not come to us with every meaningless problem. The male said loftily. We have issues of greater concern. And yet, here you are. We were here if you truly needed us. The female looked chidingly at her brother. But we did not wish to be a crutch. I understand. Angel nodded. And he might have run to them many times over the years if he had been able to. I had to do things myself. Now, what do you choose? Again with the choosing! The demon snorted. I dont understand. Angel said carefully. Powerful beings could be both literal and capricious. Your time is up. She said. And you must choose. Do they have to be so damned cryptic? Angel ground his teeth in frustration. You want a straight answer? Oh master of the ' Evil's coming. It's dangerous.' warning. Angelus laughed. Did I die? Am I dead? You are already dead, lower being. The male smirked. Listen, asshole Angel grabbed his head as Angelus screamed in agony. Quiet, demon. The male brushed an imaginary speck from his immaculate robe. Youre awfully brave there, toga boy. The demons voice was weak, but still defiant. Shut up. While he hadnt felt the demons pain, Angel had heard it and didnt care for a repeat of the experience. Okay, Im already dead, but am I did I Cease to exist on that plane? She smiled. No. The damage to your physical form was not that severe. Okay, so the choice isnt hell or limbo or Or paradise? The male shrugged. It can be if you so choose. Heaven? Angel thought about that. To be free of the guilt and loneliness. Are there babes? Cos it aint paradise if there aint babes. Choose. I I dont know His mind was blank, and Angel couldnt speak the words. Your reward! The male said impatiently. Choose your reward!

Your time is done, Champion. Your service to us has ended. The female said gently. Now you may choose that which you most desire. Cryptic much? Angels knees weakened, and he stumbled over to lean against one wall. The cool stone against his face helped clear his mind. My desires? Anything? Anything. The male waved his hand. Riches? Possessions? Power? Isnt that what you lower beings typically desire? He desires none of these things. She smiled coyly. He desires the female. Yes! Pushing away from the wall, Angel went to her. Yes, thats what I want! A female? The male sneered. Is that all lower beings ever want? Not merely a female. Tossing her head, his sister glared at him. The Slayer. His mate. Yes! Buffy, want Buffy! Angelus growled. Want her bad! Is that all you want? The male asked. We shall give her to you. Yes! Angel said again. What about me? What about what I want? There was a sigh. On her knees, begging for me to Begone, demon. The female waved a hand dismissively. Your time is done as well. There was a mental yelp and then silence echoed through Angels mind. Look into your heart, Champion. She cupped Angels face in her hands. Show me your hearts desire. Every dream, every wistful fancy, every hot and sweaty fantasy rushed through his mind. Angel relived the forgotten day in an instant, the memories driving him to his knees. Their one night of love passed in the blink of an eye, every kiss, every touch, every soft word, every glance swept through him. You wish to be human. To be with the Slayer. She tilted her head and smiled. To love her and keep her safe. Yes. He whispered. All these things we grant you. An enigmatic smile crossed her lips. "Except that which is already yours. "What do I have?" Angel asked. "Something already freely given."She stepped back and took her brothers hand. Speak her name and it is yours. Angel smiled.

Buffy. Hey, Angel. Buffy tucked the phone under her chin as she rinsed the last dish and put it

in the drainrack. I need to talk to you. Sure. Talk. Is something wrong? No. Nothings wrong. Okay, good. Her life had been quiet for the last few years. The Hellmouth was gone the one in Sunnydale anyway, as Giles liked to remind her and with so many Slayers active, she had been able to go to school and build herself a life while they took care of the vampires and demons and werewolves, oh my! that populated the world. Not that you shouldnt call me if there is a problem. Theres no problem, Buffy. Oh. Angel had been reluctant to have her help him since she retired. He acted like shed break or something. Cos you know Id help. I need to see you. Sure. A smile curved her lips. She and Angel talked on the phone a lot and saw each other from time to time. Dinner, talking, the occasional smoochies and groping session. All a good part the best part of her life. When? How about now? Are you driving down tonight? There was a knock at the front door, and Buffy walked from the kitchen through the living room toward the door. Or do you want me to come up? She opened the door to see Angel standing there, cell phone to his ear. Not exactly. He said, the familiar half smile on the sensuous lips. Angel? She giggled. Angel with a cell phone was something shed never gotten used to. The phones were like doll toys in his big hands, and he looked like her Dad had years ago when she had made him play Barbies with her. You look silly. Youre so not good for my ego. He folded the cell phone up and tucked it into his jacket pocket. Sorry. It just doesnt go with the whole dread creature of the Oh my God! It was midday, and the sun gilded Angels shoulders. The phone fell from her fingers. Get in here! Angel stumbled as she pulled him into the house. He grabbed her shoulders to catch his balance. Are you crazy? Buffy ran her hands over him, looking for smoke or burns. Are you hurt? Are you nuts? No. He grabbed her hands. I need to tell you something Something that couldnt wait until dark? How did you Buffy How did you get from the car to the porch? She peered out at where Angels black convertible sat in the driveway with the top down. You The top was down. The. Top.

Was. Down. Buffy. Angel took a deep breath. Something has happened. Something She jerked her hands free of his and laid them on his cheeks. Youre youre warm One hand slid down to grasp his throat. Beneath her fingers was a steady pulse of life. You you have a pulse? Youre Human. He reached up to touch her face. Alive. Buffy turned away. Angel felt his heart collapse under the weight of the pain. This was what hed been afraid of. On the drive from LA, hed almost turned around a dozen times. Despite what the Oracles had said, Buffy had moved on and no longer loved him. I just wanted to tell you. Not over the phone. There was no answer from her. Buffy wrapped her arms around herself and bowed her head. She didnt make a sound. I just wanted to tell you. He turned to walk away. Now what do I do with the rest of my new life? The breath was forced out of him as Buffy hit him in the back, knocking him to the floor and then flipping him over. Stunned, he lay watching as she tore his shirt open and laid her head on his chest. Her cheek was wet and he brought up a hand to wipe her tears away. Beneath her ear was a strong, steady heartbeat, and Buffy felt her own heart beating in the same rhythm. Moving up over him, she looked down into his eyes. No more curse? No more curse. No more liquid diet? No more liquid diet. Angel laughed. Oh wait, do milk shakes count? I like Her kiss cut off his treatise on the joys of milk shakes. Buffy kissed him hot and hard, pushing her tongue into his mouth to taste him. Returning her kiss eagerly, Angel slid his hands down her back to cup her bottom and mold her to his body. When she broke away to rain kisses over his face and throat, he lay under her, panting for air. Does this mean You try to leave me again and I break your legs. She growled as she nipped his earlobe. Are you He gathered his courage. Are you asking me to move in? No. Oh. That was a bit quick, stupid! Hi, Im human, can I move in? Im saying There was the impish Buffy grin. You cant leave. Angel stared up at her, not saying a word, and she felt the grin slip off her face. If you want do you want? Only if you marry me. How old fashioned, Angel. Leaning down, she gave him a soft kiss. Cant we just live in sin? Shock the neighbors?

Im an old fashioned kind of guy. He couldnt hold back a smile. And I fully intend to shock the neighbors. Actually, youre just old. The full on Angel smile was blinding. Are you still old? Technically, yes. But bodywise? He grinned as he arched up against her. Not so much. Whew! The green eyes glimmered mischievously. Cos at two-fifty plus youd be all wrinkly and icky. So, youll marry me? Only if you keep me fat She kissed him again. And we make babies. Lots of em. Deal. He tangled his fingers in her honey blond hair and pulled her back to him for a kiss, nibbling and sucking on her lips until she was squirming on top of him. That wasnt the most romantic proposal Ive ever had. I thought about candlelight and champagne but then I thought well thats not really Buffy's style. Weve seen way too much of each other by candlelight, Angel. She rubbed against him as she kissed him again. Um hmm He frowned against her lips. How many proposals have you had? Ill never tell Buffy shrieked as he rolled her over and pinned her to the floor. Did I mention I got to keep the grr strength? Angel settled himself comfortably between her thighs. Reaching up over her head, she pushed the door shut. Lets not shock the neighbors! So long as you have the grr stamina. Depends. The chocolate eyes were serious. Are you cookies yet? Bite me. He laughed against her lips. Wasnt that supposed to be eat me? Even better.

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