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Algebra 2B: Section 8.3 1. Basic Information Common Core Standards F.IF.

7d (+) Graph rational functions, identifying zeros and asymptotes when suitable factorizations are available, and showing end behavior.* High School Algebra 2B Tuesday February 19, 2013 80 min class period Prior Knowledge? Students will use knowledge that they have about simplifying rational expressions from the previous sections of this chapter Students will use concepts of graphing equations on coordinate planes from previous math courses Rationale: Students need an understanding of how to graph rational function to prepare them fro future math concepts in Algebra 2. Materials: Students need to have books and paper and pencils for taking notes. Teacher needs materials to write on the board, books, worksheets, and example problems that are worked out. 2. Procedures A. Anticipatory Set (20 min) Students will pick up half sheet partner checks and work with a partner to answer the questions Teacher will walk around and assist students with the problems, which are a review from last week. Teacher will select students to present their answers on the board and explain to the class Students will go over homework problems and answer any questions before passing in the homework from Friday B. Objective After listening to the lecture and working on practice problems, students will attempt all of the questions on thee assigned worksheet, 9 out of the 11 attempted will be done correctly.

C. Input (15-20 min) Students will pass in quizzes and get out notes to start the day Go over definitions with students o Rational functions, breaks in continuity, asymptote, point of discontinuity Give examples of problems which when graphed create holes or asymptotes D. Modeling (10 min) See attached notes sheet for the modeling problems for students E. Check for Understanding (5 min) Ask students throughout the lesson for their answers to the problems that we are working through. If you were the teacher what would you do next? F. Guided Practice (5 min) Guide students through problems in the notes G. Independent Practice (10-15 min) Students work on assigned homework problems on 8.3 Worksheet. H. Closure (3 min) Wednesday we will be moving into section 8.4, which covers variation, the test will be a week from today, next Tuesday Feb. 26th. 3. Assessment and Reflection The assignment will be completed as homework, and the objective will be checked the next time that they have class and homework is collected.

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