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Gravitational strings beyond quantum theory: Electron as a closed string.

Alexander Burinskii
Laboratory of Theor. Phys. , NSI, Russian Academy of Sciences, B. Tulskaya 52 Moscow 115191 Russia, The observable parameters of the electron indicate unambiguously that its gravitational background should be the Kerr-Newman solution without horizons. This background is not at and has a non-trivial topology created by the Kerr singular ring. This ring was identied with a closed gravitational string. We discuss the relation of this string to the low energy string theory and show that the traveling waves along the Kerr closed string may lie beyond the Dirac theory of electron. Gravitational strings form a bridge between gravity and quantum theory, indicating a new way to consistent Quantum Gravity. We argue that the predicted closed string in the core of electron may be probed by the novel experimental method of the nonforward Compton scattering.

arXiv:1109.3872v3 [hep-th] 12 Oct 2011

PACS numbers: 11.27.+d, 04.20.Jb, 04.60.-m, 04.70.Bw



Modern physics is based on Quantum theory and Gravity. The both theories are conrmed experimentally with great precision. Nevertheless, they are conicting and cannot be unied in a whole theory. One of the principal contradictions between Quantum theory and Gravity is the question on the shape and size of an electron. Quantum theory states that electron is pointlike and structureless [1, 2], and it is experimentally supported by the high energy scattering. In the same time, gravity based on the Kerr-Newman (KN) solution indicates unambiguously that electron should forms a closed string of the Compton size. Contrary to the Schwarzschild solution, which displays that t size of a gravitating body (radius of the horizon rg = 2m) is proportional to the mass, [40] the KN geometry of the rotating bodies presents a new dimensional parameter a = J/m, which grows with angular momentum J and has the reverse mass-dependence. As a result, the zone of gravitational interaction is determined by parameter a and increases for large angular momentum and small masses, turning to be essential for elementary particles. Reason of that, it a specic structure of the KN gravitational eld, which is concentrated near the Kerr singular ring, forming a closed gravitational waveguide a type of the closed gravitational string [3]. In 1968 Carter obtained that the KN solution for the charged and rotating black holes has g = 2 as that of the Dirac electron, [4, 5], which allowed one to consider KN solution a consistent with gravity electron model, [3 18]. Mass of the electron in the considered units is m 1022 , while a = J/m 1022 . Therefore, a >> m, and the black hole horizons disappear, opening a nontrivial topological defect and twosheeted spacetime generated by the naked Kerr singular ring. Gravitational eld of the KN solution concentrates near the Kerr singular ring and forms a closed gravitational waveguide an analog of the closed gravitational strings [3]. Kerrs closed string

takes the Compton radius, corresponding to the size of a dressed electron in QED and to the limit of localization of the electron in the Dirac theory. There appears rst question: how does the KN gravity know about one of the principal parameters of Quantum theory? The second question is: while does Quantum theory works successfully on the at spacetime ignoring the stringlike peculiarity of the KN gravitational eld. It can be understand that a small and slowly varying gravitational eld could be ignored. However, the stringlike KN singularity forms a branch line of the spacetime and creates the twosheeted topology, ignorance of which cannot be justied. A simple answer to these questions is to assume that there is a general underlying theory providing the consistency of quantum theory and gravity. In this paper we suggest a resolution of these problems on the base of the rather unexpected point of view, that the underlying theory is the Einstein-Maxwell gravity as a fundamental part of the theory of superstrings. In this case, quantum theory should follow from the theory of superstring, and we make a rst step in this direction, showing emergence of the Dirac equation from the model of traveling waves, propagating along the KN circular string. So far as gravity predicts the existence of the closed Kerr string on the boundary of the Compton area, such a string, is really exists, should be experimentally observable, and there appears the question while it was not obtained earlier by the high energy scattering. We try to give an explanation to this fact and argue that the KN string may apparently be detected by the novel experimental method based on the theory Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) [19, 20] which represents a new regime for probing the transverse shape of the particles by the nonforward Compton scattering [21].



The Kerr-Newman solution in the Kerr-Schild form has the metric


g = + 2Hk k ,


2 where H= r2 mr e /2 , + a2 cos2


and is metric of auxiliary Minkowski space in the Cartesian coordinates (t, x, y, z ), and the Kerr coordinates r and are the spheroidal oblate coordinates. The function H is singular at r = 0, cos = 0, corresponding to the Kerr singular ring. The KN electromagnetic potential A KN = Re e k , r + ia cos (3)

was realized as a regular soliton-like model [6], formed by a domain wall interpolating between the external KN solution and a at pseudovacuum state inside the bubble. Alternatively, from the very beginning, there were considered the stringlike models of the KN source, which retained Kerrs twosheeted topology, forming a closed Alice string [3, 8, 23, 26]. The Kerr singular ring was considered as a waveguide for electromagnetic traveling waves generating the spin and mass of the KN solution in accordance with the old Wheelers geon model of mass without mass [10, 11, 27, 28].

is aligned with null direction k . It is also singular at the Kerr ring, which forms a branch line of the Kerr spacetime in two sheets, corresponding to r > 0 and r < 0 in the Kerr oblate coordinate system. Vector eld k forms Principal Null Congruence (PNC) of KN space [41]. The Kerr PNC is smoothly propagated via the Kerr disk r = 0 from the negative sheet (r < 0) of spacetime to the positive one (r > 0) (see Fig.1), and therefore, it covers the KN space twice: k (+) for r > 0 and k () for r < 0, leading to dierent metrics and dierent electromagnetic eld on the positive and negative sheets [24]. Therefore, the Kerr ring creates a twosheeted background topology.

Exact solutions for electromagnetic excitations on the Kerr-Schild background, [2325], showed that there are no smooth harmonic solutions on the KN background. The electromagnetic wave excitations are generated by the complex potential A = (Y, ){ 1 k dx + (Y )dY }, r + ia cos (4)

10 10 5 0 0 5 10 10 5 5 10

FIG. 1: Vortex of the Kerr congruence. Twistor null lines are focused on the Kerr singular ring, forming a circular gravitational waveguide, or string with lightlike excitations.

This twosheetedness forms a principal puzzle of the Kerr geometry over a period of four decades. In 1968 Israel truncated negative KN sheet, r < 0,, replacing it by the rotating disklike source at r = 0, spanned by the Kerr singular ring of the Compton radius a = /2m, [9]. Then Hamity assumed in [22] that the disk is to be rigidly rotating, which led to a reasonable interpretation of the matter of the source as an exotic stu with the zero energy density and negative pressure. The matter distribution was singular at the disk boundary, forming an additional closed string source, and L opez suggested in [12] to regularize this source, covering the Kerr singular ring by a disklike ellipsoidal surface. As a result the KN source was turned into a rotating and charged oblate bubble with a at interior, and further, the bubble source

where (Y, ) is a holomorphic functions of a complex projective angular coordinate Y on celestial sphere, Y = , and is a complex retarded time.[42] In the ei tan 2 nontrivial Kerr-Schild solutions, the function contains at least one pole in Y, which creates a singular beam i in the corresponding angular direction Yi = eii tan 2, 1 Due to the factor r+ia cos , any electromagnetic excitation of the KN geometry generates the traveling waves along the Kerr singular ring (at r = cos = 0), and simultaneously, the pole in Y creates an axial singular beam, which is topologycally coupled with the Kerr ring, see Fig.2. Therefore, any excitation of the KN background has a paired character, creating simultaneously the circular traveling waves coupled with the propagating outward axial traveling waves.[43] The vector eld k is constant along the axial beams, and asymptotically (by r ) the beams tend to the well known pp-wave (plane fronted) solutions, for which k is a covariantly constant Killing direction. The pp-waves take important role in superstring theory, forming the singular classical solutions to the lowenergy string theory [29]. The string solutions are compactied to four dimensions, and the singular pp-waves are regarded as the massless elds around a lightlike fundamental string. It is suspected that the singular source of the string will be smoothed out in the full string theory which should take into account all orders in . Meanwhile, it was shown that the pp-waves have remarkable property that all the - corrections in the string equation of motion are automatically zero [29]. In the nonperturbative approach based on analogues between the strings and solitons, the pp-wave solutions are considered as fundamental strings [30]. The pp-waves may carry traveling electromagnetic and gravitational waves which represents

3 strings and the heterotic superstrings was rst mentioned by Witten in [34]. The KN string is closed, charged and has the lightlike current. Its excitations form the lightlike circular modes traveling in only one direction, and all that was indicated in [34] as the characteristic peculiarities of the O(32) or E8 E8 heterotic strings.[44] The stringy analog to the Kerr-Newman solution with nontrivial axion and dilaton elds was obtained by Sen [35], and it was shown in [14], that the eld around the singular string in the axidilatonic Kerr-Sen solution is very similar to the eld around a heterotic string. This proximity of the pure gravitational strings [3] to the lowenergy string theory allows us to consider the Kerr singular ring as a closed heterotic string and the corresponding traveling waves as its lightlike propagating modes. The averaged dilaton eld < e > corresponds to the string tension, and therefore, obtaining of the exact solutions to the low energy string theory with a nontrival dilaton eld represents a very important problem, which may allow us to estimate the mass-energy of the excited string states. The structure of the Lagrangian (5) shows that the axion eld involves the dual magnetic eld, and therefore, the complex axidilaton combination may generate the duality rotation and create an additional twist of the electromagnetic traveling waves. However, the exact solutions of this type are unknown so far. The low energy string theory is classical one, and assuming that the lightlike string forms a core of the electron structure, we have to obtain a bridge to quantum theory of electron. The lightlike traveling waves along the KN closed string generate the spin and mass of the KN particle. Physically, it is resembling the original Wheelers idea of a geon, [27], in which mass without mass emerges from the system of circulating massless particles. Because of that, the corresponding quantum theory of the massless elds could be adequate.

2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 4 2 4 0 2 4 1 2 1 0 3 2 5

J k kout


FIG. 2: Skeleton of the Kerr geometry [23] formed by the topologically coupled circular and axial strings.

propagating modes of the fundamental string [31]. In particular, the generalized pp-waves represent the singular strings with traveling electromagnetic waves [23, 32]. It has been noticed that the eld structure of the Kerr singular ring is also similar to a closed pp-wave string [3, 11]. This similarity is not incidental, since many solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell theory turn out to be particular solutions to the low energy string theory with a zero (or constant) axion and dilaton elds. Indeed, after compactication the bosonic part of the action for the four-dimensional low-energy string theory takes the form, [33], 1 ), d4 x g(R2()2 e2 F 2 e4 (a)2 aF F 2 (5) and contains the usual Einstein term S= Sg = d4 x gR (6)

completed by the kinetic term for dilaton eld 2()2 and by the scaled by e2 electromagnetic part e2 F 2 . The last two terms are related with axion eld a and represent its nonlinear coupling with dilaton eld 1 e4 (a)2 2 (7)


and interaction of the axion with the dual electromagnetic eld = F . F (8)

It follows immediately that any solution of the Einstein gravity, and in particular the Kerr solution, is to be exact solution of the eective low energy string theory with a zero (or constant) axion and dilaton elds. Situation turns out to be more intricate for the Einstein-Maxwell solutions since the electromagnetic invariant F 2 plays the role of the source of dilaton eld. Similarly, the term F F turns out to be the source of the axion eld. The relationship between the classical cosmic superconducting

The Wheelers model of geon represents a cloud of the lightlike particles, which are held by own gravitational eld. A microgeon with the Kerr geometry [11] represents a degenerate case of a sole photon (or other lightlike particle) circulating on the lightlike orbit of the Compton size. It may be considered as a corpuscular analogue to traveling waves along the KN gravitational string. The observable parameters of the electron indicate unambiguously the Kerr-Newman background spacetime and the Compton radius of the corresponding Kerr string. On the other hand, the Compton radius plays also peculiar role in the Dirac theory, as a limit of localization of the wave packet. Localization beyond the Compton zone creates a zitterbewegung aecting ...such paradoxes and dilemmas, which cannot be resolved in frame

4 of the Dirac electron theory... (Bjorken and Drell, [36]). Dirac wrote in his Nobel Prize Lecture : The variables (velocity operators, AB) also give rise to some rather unexpected phenomena concerning the motion of the electron. .. It is found that an electron which seems to us to be moving slowly, must actually have a very high frequency oscillatory motion of small amplitude superposed on the regular motion which appears to us. As a result of this oscillatory motion, the velocity of the electron at any time equals the velocity of light. These words by Dirac may be considered as a direct hint regarding the inner structure of the electron, the core of which should therefore be represented by a circulating lightlike particle, and consequently, its wave function should satisfy the massless wave equation, while the mass should appear as an averaged energy of the circular motion. It corresponds also to generation of the mass in stringy models from excitations of the traveling modes. Therefore, the local 4-momentum of a massless particle circulating around z-axis has to be lightlike,
2 2 2 p2 x + py + pz = E ,

have the usual de Broglie periodicity. In the same time, the l.h.s. of (14) yields the equation
2 2 (x + y )M(x, y ) = m 2 M(x, y ),


which determines a factor of internal structure M(x, y ). The corresponding periodic cylindrical solutions are determined in polar coordinates , [45] by the ) of index , Hankel functions H ( m M = H ( m ) exp{i}. (18)

z = Functions M are eigenfunctions of operator J i with eigenvalues Jz = . For electron we have Jz = /2, = 1/2, and the factor M1/2 = 1/2 exp{i( m 1 )} 2 (19)


while the eective mass-energy has to be related with an averaged orbital motion,
2 < p2 2. x > + < py > = m


Averaging (9) under the condition (10) yields the relation

2 2 2 < p2 2 + p2 x + py + pz > = m z =E .


The simplest quantum analog of this model corresponds to the wave equations obtained from the operator version = i , E = i t . of these relations: p p We start from the solutions of the scalar massless equation = 0, (12)

creates a singular ray along z -axis, which forms a branch line, and we note two peculiarities: i/ the wave function turns out to be twovalued, ii/ the wave function propagates along a singular string formed by the singular structure factor M , while the usual plane wave solutions 0 (z, t) of the Klein-Gordon equation [46] = m2 represent only a modulation of this string. The resulting wave equations and solutions may be generalized in diverse directions. First of all, there may be obtained the corresponding wave functions based on the eigenfunctions of the operator of the total angular momentum and simultaneously of the spin projection operator. Next, the treatment may be considered in a Lorentz covariant form for arbitrarily positioned and oriented wave functions. And nally, the corresponding solutions of the massless spinor equation = 0 (20)

which should satisfy the wave analog of the constraint (10),

2 2 (x + y ) = m 2 .

may be constructed from the scalar wave functions and 0 , (15). In particular, the known two basic plane-wave solutions of the Dirac equation = m corresponding to positive energy E > 0,[47] i r (x) = wr (p) exp{ p x }, where p = (E, 0, 0, pz ), 1 0 0 1 0 (22) (21)


For the considered orientation of spin, the system of the equations (12) and (13) is equivalent to the system
2 (x

2 y )

=m =

2 (t

2 z ),


which shows explicitly that the variables may be separated by the ansatz = M(x, y )0 (z, t). (15)

The r.h.s. of (14) yields the equation for the wave func2 2 tion of a massive particle, (t z )0 = m 2 0 , and the corresponding plane wave solutions i 0 (z, t) = exp (zpz Et), (16)

w1 =

pz E +m

w2 =

z Ep +m


being modied by singular function M (x, y ), yield the wave functions i r (x) = Mr (x, y )wr (p) exp{ p x }, (24)

5 satisfying the massless Dirac equation (20). One sees that like the massless scalar solutions, the wave functions of the massless Dirac equation form the singular strings, modulated by the usual Dirac plane wave solutions. It should be emphasized that separation of the variables allows us to obtain the ordinary Dirac theory with the massive Dirac equation and the usual Dirac plane waves from the solutions of the massless underlying theory which regards zitterbewegung as a corpuscular analog of the traveling waves. Emergence of the Dirac equation from gravitational model of the traveling waves circulating along the closed Kerr string indicates a principally new point of view that gravitation and superstring theory may form some more fundamental theory lying beyond the Dirac theory of electron. On the level of the low energy string theory, the Dirac eld losses the meaning of the wave function and should be considered as a source of the charge and currents for the Maxwell equations. The fundamental heterotic strings are charged, and the charges are trapped by the string. Therefore, the corresponding fermion elds should be localized at the string core. The mechanism of such localization is going beyond the low energy string theory and belongs to an (unknown so far) eective theory of more high level. There are evidences that this mechanism may be related with superconductivity of the strings described by the Higgs mechanism of broken symmetry, as it was suggested in the Witten model of the superconducting cosmic strings [38] and exploited in the KN model of gravitating soliton [6] discussed briey in the next section. smooth phase transition from the external KN solution to a at false vacuum state inside the bubble. This phase transition is formed by a supersymmetric system of the chiral elds i , [6] and by the potential V (r) generated from the specially adapted superpotential W, which provides the smooth transfer from the external KN vacuum state, Vext = 0, to a at internal pseudovacuum state, Vint = 0.[48] The electromagnetic KN eld is regularized by the Higgs eld = || exp{i}, forming a superconducting condensate inside the bubble. Interaction of the KN electromagnetic potential A with the Higgs eld is controlled by the equations A = I = e||2 (, +eA ), (25)

where the current I should be set zero inside the bubble , I = 0, while || > 0. It yields A = 0, , +eA = 0, (26)

which shows that gradient of the Higgs phase , eats up the eld A , expelling the eld strength and currents to the string-like boundary of the bubble, where it gives two conditions: = ,0 = eA0
(str )

, = eA

(str )


The spacelike component A(str) of the KN vector poten(str ) (str ) = (A0 , A(str) ) is tangent to the Kerr string tial A (str ) and forms a regular ow in -direction, A , creating a closed Wilson line along the Kerr string. As a result of (27), the KN gravitating soliton exhibits two important peculiarities: the quantum Wilson loop eA d = 4ma results in quantization of the total angular momentum of the soliton, J = ma = n/2, n = 1, 2, 3, ..., the Higgs eld inside the bubble turns out to be oscillating with the frequency = 2m, and therefore, it forms a coherent vacuum state, similar to that of the oscillon bubble models. The Compton size of the bubble does not contradict to the dressed QED electron, however, there is an essential dierence. The dynamics of the virtual particles in QED is chaotic and can be conventionally separated from the bareelectron, while the vacuum state inside the KN soliton forms a coherent oscillating state joined with the closed Kerr string. Therefore, the bubble source of the KN soliton and the Kerr String represent an integral coherent structure which cannot be separated from the bare particle.
(str )



Regularization of the KN singular ring was performed in the model of gravitating soliton [6], which represents a regular version of the L opez bubble model [12]. The KN solution near the Kerr singular ring is replaced by a charged and rotating domain wall bubble covering the Kerr singular ring. Interior of the bubble is assumed to be at which removes the Kerr singularity. The bubble boundary is determined from the matching of the external KN metric with the at interior and xed by the equation H = 0 in (2). It yields r = re = e2 /(2m), where r is the Kerr ellipsoidal radial coordinate, and the bubble takes the form an oblate disk of the Compton radius a = /(2m) with the thickness re = e2 /(2m), corresponding to the known classical size of the electron. The Kerr singular ring is regularized (in particular, the (str ) vector potential is bounded, |A | e/re = 2m/e,) and radius of the regularized closed string turns out to be slightly increased, being shifted to the boundary of the bubble. This position of the string conrms the old suggestions that the heterotic strings have to be formed on the boundary of a domain wall [34]. The domain wall boundary of the bubble provides a



We have showed that gravity denitely indicates presence of a closed string of the Compton radius a = /(2m)

6 in the electron background geometry. This string has gravitational origin and is close related with the fundamental closed strings of the low energy string theory. Starting from the corpuscular aspect of the underlying model of traveling waves along the Kerr string, we showed emergence of the Dirac equation. The original Dirac theory is modied in this case, and the wave functions acquire the singular stringlike carriers, so the Dirac plane wave solutions turn out to be propagating along the axial singular strings. Contrary to the widespread opinion that quantum theory predominates over all other theories, the considered model indicates opposite point of view that gravity, as a basic part of the underlying superstring theory, may lie beyond quantum theory. Therefore, the Kerr-Newman solution and its closed string interpretation form a bridge between gravity, superstring theory and the Dirac quantum theory, displaying a new way towards unication of quantum theory and gravity. The observable parameters of the electron determine unambiguously the KN background of the electron, presence of the Kerr string and its Compton radius. This size is very big with respect to the modern scale of the experimental resolution, and it seems, that the string should easily be experimentally detected. However, the high-energy scattering detects only the pointlike electron structure down to 1016 cm. One of the reasons of this fact was considered earlier in [7]. It was argued that the pointlike character of the interactions for the KN particles may be caused by their interactions via the axial ppstrings, corresponding to a real intermediate photon with 2 = 0.[49] Such inthe lightlike momentum transfer q12 teraction corresponds to an action-at-a-distance, when the points of the interacting objects x1 and x2 are related
2 by the lightlike interval s2 12 (x1 x2 ) = 0, which is equivalent to the contact (pointlike) interaction. To recognize the extended shape of the particle, the hard con2 dition q12 = 0 should be weaken, i.e. the shape should be probed by a virtual photon. Specically, it is necessary two special conditions:

b) the momentum transfer should be relatively low to provide a coherent diractive scattering with the wavelengths comparable with extension of the string. Both these conditions are satised in the novel approach, the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS), or a non-forward Compton scattering, [19, 20]. In the last decade it was suggested as a new regime of the high energy scattering, which should be eective for tomography of the inner structure of the elementary particles [21]. If the predicted Kerr-Newman closed string will be really detected in the electron structure, it could lead to essential progress in understanding of Quantum theory and its development towards Quantum Gravity.

a) the scattering should be deeply virtual, which means 2 very large Q2 = q12 , and p q12 , while the Bjorken variable 2 = Q /(P q12 ) is nite.

Author thanks M. Bordag, A. Efremov, D. Stevens, O. Teryaev and F. Winterberg for conversations and useful references, and also A. Efremov, D. Galtsov, Yu. Danoyan, Yu. Obukhov, O. Selyugin and K. Stepaniants for useful discussions, and especially to A. Radyushkin for clarications concerning the GPD application.

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[19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]


[26] [27] [28]

[29] [30]

[31] [32]

[33] [34]

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