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Book Club Final Hero-Myth Cycle

Phileas Fogg is the protagonist in the book Around the World in 80 Days, and I think that he is not a hero. The book starts with him taking on a quest, Do you believe the main character in like in the Hero-Myth cycle, except this quest your classic novel is a true hero? helps nobody but himself. Nobody will gain Make your point clear. anything other than the experience. It is a selfish quest. Phileas Fogg has Passepartout as his Explain companion, but Phileas is more of a mentor to Passepartout than him to Phileas. There are many Discuss why you believe the main trials, and some of them Mr. Fogg fails. He did character is (or isnt) a hero. save Aouda, but not by himself. Actually, Phileas Connect at least one example Fogg didnt risk his own life in the sketchy plan, from our Hero-Myth Cycle Sheet but Passepartouts! If Passepartout was killed; with the actions of the main Phileas would have been perfectly safe and character in your novel. hidden. In the book, Jules Verne wrote, It was Passepartout himself, who had slipped upon the pyre in the midst of the smoke and, profiting from ExpertCitation the still overhanging darkness, had delivered the Please quote a line from the novel and young woman from death! This quote shows that include a brief explanation after. the rescue should be mostly credited to SUPPORT YOUR POINT! Passepartout. Another quote states, Mr. Fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow, who, Ex: The hero was bravely rescued the opening a door unperceived by Indians, princess and returned home, succeeded in slipping under the car; and while the (56). This quote proves that the struggle continued, and the balls whizzed across main character was able to complete the quest and return each other over his head, he made use of his old home a true hero. acrobatic experience, and with amazing agility worked his way under the cars, holding onto the chains, aiding himself by the brakes and edges of the sashes, creeping from one car to the other Review with marvelous skill, thus gaining the forward end of the train. This quote shows how Passepartout, Sum up your paragraph and restate your initial point regarding theme. not Phileas Fogg, saved and entire train of people Sum up your paragraph using a from a gruesome death by risking his own life in a transitional expression at the time of great risk. This is why Phileas Fogg is not beginning of your last sentence. a hero.


Ex: Overall, In sum, Clearly, In all

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