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The middle path is the way to wisdom.


This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Rumi Love is the Water of Life. Everything other than love for the most beautiful God though it be sugar- eating. What is agony of the spirit? To advance toward death without seizing hold of Water of Life. Rumi There is some kiss we want with our whole lives, the touch of Spirit on the body. Seawater begs the pearl to break its shell. And the lily, how passionately it needs some wild Darling! At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face into mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door, and open the love-window. The moon won't use the door, only the window. Rumi The moon has become a dancer at this festival of love. This dance of light, this sacred blessing, this divine love, beckons us to a world beyond only lovers can see with their eyes of fiery passion. They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.

Once they were particles of light, now they are the radiant sun. They have left behind the world of deceitful games. They are the privileged lovers who create a new world with their eyes of burning passion. Rumi Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Rumi Because of Love I have become the giver of light. Rumi It is Love that holds everything together, Love is everything. Rumi I am your moon and your moonlight too I am your flower garden and your water too I have come all this way, eager for you Without shoes or shawl I want you to laugh To kill all your worries To love you To nourish you. Rumi Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world. Rumi You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi I am in love with Love and Love is in love with me. My body is in love with the Soul and the Soul is in love with my body. I opened my arms to Love and Love embraced me like a lover Rumi

When it's cold and raining, you are more beautiful. And the snow brings me even closer to your lips. The inner secret, that which was never born, you are that freshness, and I am with you now. I can't explain the goings, or the comings. You enter suddenly, and I am nowhere again. Inside the majesty. Rumi Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn't reach into majesty. You set out to find God, but then you keep stopping for long periods at mean spirited roadhouses. Rumi Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight. Rumi The way you make love is the way God will be with you. Rumi Love rests on no foundation. It is an endless ocean, with no beginning or end. Rumi Oh, my friend, all that you see of me is just a shell, and the rest belongs to love. Rumi This divine love, beckons us to a world beyond only lovers can see with their eyes of fiery passion. Rumi

Dear God, Let all Lovers be content Give them happy endings Let their lives be celebration Let their hearts dance in the fire of your Love. Rumi

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always Widening rings of being. Rumi

Although I may try to describe Love, when I experience it, I am speechless. Although I may try to write about Love, I am rendered helpless; my pen breaks, and the paper slips away at the ineffable place where Lover, Loving and Loved are one. Rumi

The lover is a king above all kings, unafraid of death, not at all interested in a golden crown. The dervish has a pearl concealed under his patched cloak. Why should he go begging door to door? Rumi

Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river. Rumi

Whatever pearl you seek, Look for the pearl within the pearl! Rumi Only from the heart Can you touch the sky. Rumi Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet Through Love all that is copper will be gold. Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine Through Love all pain will turn to medicine. Through Love the dead will all become alive. Through Love the king will turn into a slave! Rumi Love is the One who masters all things; I am mastered totally by Love. Rumi They will ask you what you have produced. Say to them, except for Love, what else can a lover produce? Rumi From the beginning of my life, I have been looking for your face, but today, Ive seen it. Today I have seen the charm, the beauty, the unfathomable grace of the face that I was looking for. Rumi I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty and wish to see you with a hundred eyes. Rumi My heart has burned with passion and has searched forever for this wondrous beauty that I now behold. Rumi

Know that my beloved is hidden from everyone Know that she is beyond the belief of all beliefs Know that in my heart she is as clear as the MOON Know that she is the life in my body and in my soul. Rumi Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. Rumi You must marry your soul. That wedding is the way. Rumi You knock at the door of Reality. You shake your thought-wings, loosen your shoulders and open. Rumi There is something in us That has nothing to do with night and day, Diamonds which come from no earthly mine. Rumi If the sun were not in love, he would have no brightness, the side of the hill no grass on it. The ocean would come to rest somewhere. Rumi

What in your life is calling you, When all the noise is silenced, The meetings adjourned... The lists laid aside, And the wild Iris blooms By itself In the dark forest... What still pulls on your soul? Rumi

This is the prayer of each: You are the source of my life. You separate essence from mud. You honor my soul. You bring rivers from the mountain springs. You brighten my eyes. The wine you offer takes me out of myself into the self we share. Doing that is religion. Rumi

I was you And never knew it. Rumi

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself. Rumi This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, To cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First, to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet. Rumi In the orchard and rose garden I long to see your face. In the taste of Sweetness I long to kiss your lips. In the shadows of passion I long for your love. Rumi You are the Essence of the Essence, the intoxication of Love. I long to sing your praises but stand mute With the agony of wishing in my heart. Rumi Do not grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Rumi The real beloved is your beginning and your end. When you find that one, You'll no longer expect anything else. Rumi Of the book of God You are a copying, A mirror, wherein showed The beauty of the King. All God ever wrought Dwell not apart; All you've ever sought, Find it inside your heart. Rumi

Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep. Rumi With passion pray. With passion work. With passion make love. With passion eat and drink and dance and play. Why look like a dead fish in this ocean of God? Rumi Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking. Rumi All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from, And what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, And I intend to end up there. Rumi The Lover comes, the Lover comes! Open the way for Hes Lets looking show him for one. a him! heart, I scream What you come to hunt is me! He says laughingly, 'Im here not to hunt you but to save you.' Rumi Dance, when youre broken open. Dance, if youve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance, when youre perfectly free. Rumi

From the beginning of my life I have been looking for your face But today I have seen it Today I have seen the charm, the beauty The unfathomable grace of the face That I was looking for. Rumi I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty, and wish to see you with a hundred eyes. I am in the house of mercy, and my heart is a place of prayer. Rumi In my vertigo, in my dizziness, in my drunken haze, whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel, I saw myself as the source of existence, I was there at the beginning and I was the spirit of love. Rumi But learn this custom from the flower: silence your tongue. Rumi The garden of Love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh. Rumi Burdens are the foundations of ease and bitter things the forerunners of pleasure. Rumi Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings. Rumi

Your bright face is my day Your dark curls bring the night If you do not let me near you I promise not go to sleep nor rise Your magnificence has made me a wonder Your charm has taught me the way of love I am the progeny of Abraham I'll find my way through fire. Rumi In the body of the world, they say, there is a soul and you are that. Rumi I would love to kiss you. The price of kissing is your life. Now my loving is running toward my life shouting, What a bargain, let's buy it. Rumi Late by myself, in the boat by myself No light and no land anywhere cloud cover thick, I try to stay just above the surface, but I am already under and living in the ocean of your love. Rumi Since I was cut from the reedbed, I have made this crying sound. Anyone apart from someone he loves understands what I say. Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back. Rumi

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? Rumi A rose's rarest essence lives in the thorn. Rumi There are amazing things in the ocean, and there is one who is the ocean. Rumi Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Rumi There is no Love greater than Love with no object. For then you, yourself, have become love itself. Rumi Because of your love I have lost my sobriety I am intoxicated by the madness of love. Rumi In the garden I see only your face From trees and blossoms I inhale only your fragrance. Rumi

Drunk with the ecstasy of love I can no longer tell the difference betweeen drunkard and drink Between lover and Beloved. Rumi

Because the idol is your face, I have become an idolater. Because the wine is from your cup, I've become a drunkard. In the existence of your love, I have become nonexistent. This non-existence, linked to you, is better than all existence. Rumi Many hearts have sought refuge from this love, but it drags and pulls them to its own refuge Love so needs to love, that it will endure almost anything, even abuse, just to flicker for a moment. Rumi I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? Rumi

Are you searching for the river of your soul? Then come out of your prison. Leave the stream and join the river that flows into the ocean. Rumi Love is reckless; not reason. Reason seeks a profit. Having died of self-interest, Love risks everything and asks for nothing. Rumi The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along. Rumi I am an ark in the swift flood of time, and my companions, a fellowship. Who throws in with us sails into light. Rumi

My place is the Placeless, my trace is Traceless, 'Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved Rumi You were born with potential You were born with goodness and trust You were born with ideals and dreams You were born with greatness You were born with wings You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings Learn to use them, and fly. Rumi A moment of happiness, you and I sitting on the verandah, apparently two, but one in soul, you and I. We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden's beauty and the birds singing. Rumi That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful. Rumi From the clear center of my heart there are no edges to my loving you I've heard it said there's a window that opens from one mind to another but if there were no wall, what need of installing a window? Rumi If the wind had taken me to you, I would have held tight to the skirts of the wind. I miss you so much that I would fly to you faster than a bird; But how can a bird with a clipped wing fly? Rumi

There comes a holy and transparent time when every touch of beauty opens the heart to tears. This is the time the Beloved of heaven is brought tenderly on earth. This is the time of the opening of the Rose. Rumi Remember any night of all of our nights but don't remember things I've said. Rumi What was whispered to the Rose to break it open Last night, Was also whispered to my heart. Rumi Stop learning. Start knowing. The rose opens And opens And when it falls Falls outward. Rumi

I was dead I came alive I was tears I became laughter all because of love. Rumi love said you are a candle attracting everyone gathering everyone around you. Rumi love said you already have your own wings I will not give you more feathers. Rumi My heart is burning with love All can see this flame My heart is pulsing with passion like waves on an ocean. Rumi Im at home wherever I am And in the room of lovers I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances. Rumi

Behind the veils intoxicated with love I too dance the rhythm of this moving world I have lost my senses in my world of lovers. Rumi

Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death. Tomorrow, when resurrection comes, The heart that is not in love will fail the test. Rumi

Suddenly the drunken sweetheart appeared out of my door. She drank a cup of ruby wine and sat by my side. Seeing and holding the lockets of her hair My face became all eyes, and my eyes all hands. Rumi

Work. Keep digging your well. Don't think about getting off from work. Water is there somewhere. Submit to daily practice. Your loyalty to that Is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and the joy inside Will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there. Rumi

When I am with you, we stay up all night, When you're not here, I can't get to sleep. Praise God for these two insomnias And the difference between them. Rumi I have phrases and whole pages memorized, but nothing can be told of love. You must wait until you and I are living together. In the conversation we'll have patient...then. Rumi When the sweet glance of my true love caught my eyes, Like alchemy, it transformed my copper-like soul. I searched for Him with a thousand hands, He stretched out His arms and clutched my feet. Rumi There is a smile and gentleness inside. When I learned the name and address of that, I went to where you sell perfume. I begged you not to trouble me so with longing. Come out and play! Flirt more naturally. Teach me how to kiss. On the ground a spread blanket, flame that's caught and burning well, cumin seeds browning, I am inside all of this with my soul. Rumi

Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be. Rumi

When your chest is free of your limiting ego, Then you will see the ageless Beloved. You cannot see yourself without a mirror; Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror. Rumi We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain both. We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours. Rumi I want to hold you close like a lute so we can cry out with loving. You would rather throw stones at a mirror? I am your mirror, and here are the stones. Rumi You bewilder us with your grace, all evils transformed into goodness. You are the master alchemist. You light the fire of love in Earth and Sky, in heart and soul of every being. Through your loving, existence and non-existence merge. All opposites unite. All that is profane becomes sacred again. Rumi When it's cold and raining, you are more beautiful. And the snow brings me even closer to your lips. The inner secret, that which was never born, you are that freshness, and I am with you now. I can't explain the goings, or the comings. You enter suddenly, and I am nowhere again. Inside the majesty. Rumi

When you find yourself with the Beloved, embracing for one breath, In that moment you will find your true destiny. Alas, don't spoil this precious moment Moments like this are very, very rare. Rumi

And just the moment when you are all confused leaps forth a voice hold me close I'm love and I'm always yours. Rumi

Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. Love has no cause; it is the astrolabe of God's secrets. Lover and loving are inseparable and timeless. Every moment is made glorious by the light of Love. Rumi

A lover knows only humility, he has no choice. He steals into your alley at night, he has no choice. He longs to kiss every lock of your hair, don't fret, he has no choice. In his frenzied love for you, he longs to break the chains of his imprisonment, he has no choice. Rumi

A lover asked his beloved: Do you love yourself more than you love me? Beloved replied: I have died to myself and I live for you. I've disappeared from myself and my attributes, I am present only for you. I've forgotten all my learnings, but from knowing you I've become a scholar. I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able. I love myself...I love you. I love you...I love myself. Rumi

I am your lover, come to my side, I will open the gate to your love. Come settle with me, let us be neighbors to the stars. You have been hiding so long, endlessly drifting in the sea of my love. Even so, you have always been connected to me. Concealed, revealed, in the unknown, in the unmanifest. I am life itself. You have been a prisoner of a little pond, I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me, leave this world of ignorance. Be with me, I will open the gate to your love. Rumi

You have been a prisoner of a little pond, I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me, leave this world of ignorance. Be with me, I will open the gate to your love. Rumi

I desire you more than food or drink. My body my senses my mind hunger for your taste. I can sense your presence in my heart although you belong to all the world. I wait with silent passion for one gesture one glance from you. Rumi

I am so small I can barely be seen. How can this great love be inside me? Look at your eyes. They are small, But they see enormous things. Rumi Oh lovers, where are you going? Who are you looking for? Your beloved is right here. She lives in your own neighborhood. Her face is veiled. She hides behind screens calling for you, while you search and lose yourself in the wilderness and the desert. Cease looking for flowers, there blooms a garden in your own home. While you go looking for trinkets, your treasure house awaits you in your own being. There is no need for suffering, God is here! Rumi In love...nothing is eternal, but drinking your wine. There is no reason for bringing my life to you, other than losing it. I said, I just want to know you, and then disappear. She said, knowing me does not mean dying. Rumi

This is how I would die into the love I have for you: As pieces of cloud dissolve in Sunlight. Rumi

Look at me and hear me, because I am here... just for that! Rumi

Oh God! I have discovered love! How marvelous! How good! How beautiful it is! My body is warm from the heat of this love. Rumi

In love, nothing is eternal but drinking your wine, There is no reason for bringing my life to you, other than losing it I said 'I just want to know you, and then disappear' She said,"Knowing me does not mean dying" Rumi . My heart is on fire In my madness I roam the desert The flames of my passion devour the wind and the sky My cries of longing My wails of sorrow Are tormenting my soul You wait patiently Looking into my intoxicated eyes You accept my passion with the serenity of Love You are the Master of Existence One day I shall be a Lover like You Rumi

Since you will come and throw kisses at my tombstone later why not give them to me now this is me that same person. Rumi

My love for you has driven me insane I wander aimlessly the ruins of my life, my old self a stranger to me Because of your love I have broken with my past My longing for you keeps me in this moment My passion gives me courage I look for you in my innermost being. Rumi Cease looking for flowers, there blooms a garden in your own home. Rumi

Die, die, die in this love. If you die in this love your soul will be renewed. Rumi

You come to us from another world From beyond the stars and void of space. Transcendent. Pure. of unimaginable Beauty. Bringing with you the essence of Love. You transform all who are touched by you. Mundane concerns, troubles and sorrows Dissolve in your presence. Bringing joy to ruler and ruled. To peasant and king. Rumi

Tonight is a night of union for the stars and of scattering, scattering, since a bride is coming from the skies, consisting of a full moon. Rumi

My sweet heart, you have aroused my passion, your touch has filled me with desire, I am no longer separate from you, these are precious moments, I beseech you, don't let me wait, let me merge with you. Rumi

Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the moons reflection. Rumi

You amuse me with your touch although I can't see your hands. You have kissed me with tenderness although I haven't seen your lips You are hidden from me. But it is you who keeps me alive Perhaps the time will come when you will tire of kisses I shall be happy even for insults from you I only ask that you keep some attention on me. Rumi

The agony of lovers burns with the fire of passion. Lovers leave traces of where they've been. The wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God. Rumi

The wine we really drink is our own blood. Our bodies ferment in these barrels. We give everything for a glass of this. We give our minds for a sip. Rumi

Come to the orchid in Spring. There is light and wine, and sweethearts in the pomegranate flowers. If you do not come, these do not matter. If you do come, these do not matter. Rumi

I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any origin story. My place is the placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body nor soul. I belong to the beloved. I have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being. Rumi I was a tiny bug. Now a mountain. I was left behind. Now honored at the head. You healed my wounded hunger and anger, and made me a poet who sings about joy. Rumi

Nightingales are put in cages because their songs give pleasure. Whoever heard of keeping a crow? Rumi

Most people guard against going into the fire, and so end up in it. Rumi

Pale sunlight, pale the wall. Love moves away. The light changes. I need more grace than I thought. Rumi I burn each second of my life to love, Each second of my life burns out, in love, In each leaping second, love lives afresh. Rumi

I have a thirsty fish in me that can never find enough of what its thirsty for A house of love with no limits, a presence more beautiful than Venus or the moon, a beauty whose image fills the mirror of the heart. Rumi

We are the night ocean filled With glints of light. We are the space Between the fish and the moon, While we sit here together. Rumi

I've torn the cloth to shreds and thrown it away. If you're not completely naked, wrap your beautiful robe of words around you, and go back to sleep. Rumi

There is only one way to win him, this Beloved of mine Become his. Rumi

The springtime of Lovers has come, that this dust bowl may become a garden; the proclamation of heaven has come, that the bird of the soul may rise in flight. The sea becomes full of pearls, the salt marsh becomes sweet as kauthar, the stone becomes a diamond from the mine, the body becomes wholly soul. Rumi

With Your sweet Soul, this soul of mine has merged as water does with wine. Who can part the water from the wine, or me from You when we combine? You have become my greater self; how can smallness limit me? You've taken on my being, how shall I not take on Yours? Forever, You have claimed me that forever I may know You're mine. Rumi Your love has pierced me to the depths, its ecstasy entwines both bone and nerve. Rumi

O Sun, fill our house once more with light! Make happy all your friends and blind your foes! Rise from behind the hill, transform the stones To rubies and the sour grapes to wine!

O Sun, make our vineyard fresh again, And fill the steppes with houris and green cloaks! Physician of the lovers, heaven's lamp! Rescus the lovers! Help the suffering! Show but your face - the world is filled with light! But if you cover it, it's the darkest night! Rumi I said, 'O sweet beloved, you are the refuge of my soul.' He said, 'If you belong to me, don't talk of your own soul.' I said, 'Why do you cut me with your sharp words?' He said, 'My words wouldn't hurt you if you weren't in love with yourself.' Rumi Beating your wings and feathers, you broke free from this cage. Rising up to the sky you attained the world of the soul. Rumi O heart, what a wonderful bird you are. Seeking divine heights, Flapping your wings, you smashed the pointed spears of your enemy. Rumi The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi never lose hope when the Beloved sends you away. If you're abandoned if you're left hopeless tomorrow for sure you'll be called again. If the door is shut right in your face keep waiting with patience don't leave right away. Seeing your patience your love will soon summon you with grace raise you like a champion. Rumi Should Love's heart rejoice unless I burn? For my heart is Love's dwelling. If You will burn Your house, burn it, Love! Who will say, 'It's not allowed'? Burn this house thoroughly!

The lover's house improves with fire. From now on I will make burning my aim, From now on I will make burning my aim, for I am like the candle: burning only makes me brighter. Abandon sleep tonight; traverse fro one night the region of the sleepless. Look upon these lovers who have become distraught and like moths have died in union with the One Beloved. Look upon this ship of God's creatures and see how it is sunk in Love. Rumi Sometimes I wonder, sweetest love, if you Were a mere dream in a long winter night, A dream of spring-days, and of golden light Which sheds its rays upon a frozen heart; A dream of wine that fills the drunken eye. And so I wonder, sweetest love, if I Should drink this ruby wine, or rather weep; Each tear a bezel with your face engraved, A rosary to memorize your name... There are so many ways to call you back Yes, even if you only were a dream. Rumi Once a beloved asked her lover: 'Friend, You have seen many places in the world! Now - which of all these cities was the best?' He said: 'The city where my sweetheart lives!' Rumi From myself I am copper, through You, friend, I am gold. From myself I'm a stone, but through You I am a gem! Rumi Lover whispers to my ear, 'Better to be a prey than a hunter. Make yourself my fool. Stop trying to be the sun and become a speck! Dwell at My door and be homeless. Don't pretend to be a candle, be a moth, So you may taste the savor of Life And know the power hidden in serving.'

Rumi Show me your face I crave flowers and gardens open your lips I crave the taste of honey come out from behind the clouds I desire a sunny face. Rumi In every breath if youre the center of your own desires youll lose the grace of your beloved but if in every breath you blow away yourself claim the ecstasy of love will soon arrive. Rumi in every breath if youre the center of your own thoughts the sadness of autumn will fall on you but if in every breath you strip naked just like a winter the joy of spring will grow from within. Rumi all your unfulfilled desires are from your greed for gain of fulfillments let go of them all and they will be sent as gifts. Rumi fall in love with the agony of love not the ecstasy then the beloved will fall in love with you. Rumi A true Lover doesn't follow any one religion, be sure of that. Since in the religion of Love, there is no irreverence or faith. When in Love, body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist. Become this, fall in Love, and you will not be separated again. Rumi Before coming to this world we were in heaven. We were friends of the angels. There is our real homeland, and we will return to it. Rumi

I will soothe you and heal you. I will bring you roses. I too have been covered with thorns. Rumi You twist my heart, dwell in my mind and fill my eyes, you are my joy I cant be without you. You are my sleep, my rest, the water I drink. You are my clarity, my dignity, my world I cant be without you. Rumi Your fragrant breath like the morning breeze has come to the stillness of the garden You have breathed new life into me. Rumi The world is a prison and we are the prisoners: dig a hole in the prison and let yourself out! Rumi The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart. Rumi In truth everything and everyone Is a shadow of the Beloved, And our seeking is His seeking And our words are His words... We search for Him here and there, while looking right at Him. Sitting by His side, we ask: 'O Beloved, where is the Beloved?' Rumi

He is a letter to everyone. You open it. It says, 'Live!' Rumi

If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God, will see only their own faces in it. Rumi Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real Sufis just laugh: nothing tyrannizes their hearts. What strikes the oyster shell does not damage the pearl. Rumi

I bow to you for the dust of your feet Is the crown on my head And as I walk towards you Every step I take is a blessing. Rumi Since in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening. Rumi O tongue, you are an endless treasure. O tongue, you are also an endless disease. Rumi The intelligent desire self-control; children want candy. Rumi Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them. As the Prophet said, 'The faithful are mirrors to one another.' Rumi Whoever gives reverence receives reverence. Rumi If you are wholly perplexed and in straits, have patience, for patience is the key to joy. Rumi

Dissolve in the Being who is everything. Rumi

There is no worse sickness for the soul, O you who are proud, than this pretense of perfection. Rumi

The world's flattery and hypocrisy is a sweet morsel: eat less of it, for it is full of fire. Its fire is hidden while its taste is manifest, but its smoke becomes visible in the end. Rumi

How should Spring bring forth a garden on hard stone? Become earth, you may grow flowers of many colors. For you have been a heart-breaking rock. Once, for the sake of experiment, be earth! Rumi

O heart, if you want to join us, raise yourself to the dome of the inner sky Enter the fortress that no one can break. Rumi

Why should I be weary when every cell of my body is bursting with life? Why should I be a donkey's slave when I ride upon a magical horse? Why should I be less than the Moon when there are no scorpions at my feet? Why should I stay at the bottom of a well when a strong rope is in my hand? Rumi I am the rays of the Sun dancing through the windows of every house. Rumi

I am the glorious Sun, the ocean laden with pearls. Within my heart is the grandeur of heaven. Rumi The truth of what you see is written all over your face! Rumi I come to you without me, come to me without you. Self is the thorn in the sole of the soul. Merge with others, If you stay in self, you are a grain, you are a drop, If you merge with others, you are an ocean, you are a mine. Rumi Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam or Eve or any origin story. My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body nor soul, as I belong to the Beloved. I have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being. Rumi I drank that wine of which the soul is its vessel. Its ecstacy has stolen my intellect away. A light came and kindled a flame in the depth of my soul. A light so radiant that the sun orbits around it like a butterfly. Rumi In generosity and helping others be like a river. In compassion and grace be like sun. In concealing others' faults be like night. In anger and fury be like dead. In modesty and humility be like earth. In tolerance be like a sea. Either exist as you are or be as you look. Rumi Let silence take you to the core of life. Rumi

The soil is faithful to its trust: whatever you have sown in it, you reap the same. But until springtime brings the touch of God, the soil does not reveal its secrets. Rumi

Close the language-door, and open the love-window The moon won't use the door, only the window. Rumi

Go my friend Bestow your love Even on your foes If you touch their hearts What do you think will happen. Rumi

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Rumi In the midst of making form, love made this form that melts form, with love for the door, soul the vestibule. Rumi Watch the dust grains moving in the light near the window. Their dance is our dance. Rumi I have died many times, but your breath made me alive again. Rumi I am the Spirit Moon with no place. You do not see me for I am hidden inside the soul. Rumi

I am the garden of all gardens I speak as the King of all flowers I am the spring of all waters. My words are like a ship and the sea is their meaning. Come to me and I will take you to the depths of spirit. Rumi My soul is screaming in ecstasy Every fiber of my being Is in love with you Your effulgence Has lit a fire in my heart. Rumi My arrow of love has arrived at the target I am in the house of mercy and my heart is a place of prayer. Rumi No longer a stranger, you listen all day to these crazy love-words. Like a bee you fill hundreds of homes with honey, though yours is a long flight from here. Rumi A thorn in the foot is hard to find. What about a thorn in the heart? If everyone saw the thorn in his heart, when would sorrow gain the upper hand? Rumi Don't take a wooden sword into battle. Go, find one of steel; then march forward with joy. Rumi Love, the life-giving garden of this world. Wherever Beauty looks, Love is also there. Rumi

Beauty and Love are as body and soul. Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond. They have together since the beginning of time-Side by side, step by step. Rumi

This is a gathering of Lovers. In this gathering there is no high, no low, no smart, no ignorant, no special assembly, no grand discourse, no proper schooling required. There is no master, no disciple. Rumi

Patience is the key to joy. Rumi

You think the shadow is the substance. Rumi

That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility. Rumi

People of the world don't look at themselves, and so they blame one another. Rumi One need not worry or fret about any secret magic To begin to unlock her inner soul. It will respond to the one who seeks it. Rumi You wander from room to room. Hunting for the diamond necklace. That is already around your neck. Rumi In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you. Rumi With every breath I plant the seeds of devotion I am a farmer of the heart. Rumi Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel I am the carpenter of my own soul. Rumi O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now, Be all worlds dissolve into your stainless endless radiance, Frail living leaves burn with your brighter than cold stares Make me your servant, your breath, your core. Rumi Whoever brought me here will have to take me home. Rumi

I am a sculptor, a molder of form. In every moment I shape an idol. But then, in front of you, I melt them down. I can rouse a hundred forms and fill them with spirit, but when I look into your face, I want to throw them in the fire. Rumi

My souls spills into yours and is blended. Because my soul has absorbed your fragrance, I cherish it. Rumi

I merge with my Beloved When I participate in love. Rumi

In this house of mud and water, My heart has fallen to ruins. Enter this house, My Love, Or let me leave. Rumi

Because your sighs have fermented my blood I need no wine. Rumi I begin the Night Journey in your eyes toward the wild desert fragrance I longed for all day. Rumi We are each others' search for what's between our mirrors. Rumi On the wick of your eye, you lit me: I danced out in your seeing. From the golden oil in my bones I kindled you. Rumi

A soul for my soul, you gushed through my hollow places. Anoint me now! Stream down this broken necklace of dangling pearls from throat to thigh. Unite the sea and setting sun. Rumi

When dawn comes, we'll whisper which of us was stillness, which the dancer. Rumi Reason is the shadow cast by God; God is the sun. Rumi What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, which somehow contains the entire universe. Rumi There is no reality but God, Says the completely surrendered sheik, Who is an ocean for all beings. Rumi I can't stop pointing to the beauty. Every moment and place says, 'Put this design in your carpet!' Rumi I am filled with you. Skin, blood, bone, brain, and soul. There's no room for lack of trust, or trust. Nothing in this existence but that existence. Rumi A prince is just a conceit until he does something with generosity. Rumi Why use bitter soup for healing when sweet water is everywhere? Rumi

I am God's Lion, not the lion of passion.... I have no longing except for the One. When a wind of personal reaction comes, I do not go along with it. Rumi

Come, seek, for search is the foundation of fortune: every success depends upon focusing the heart. Rumi

Everything you possess of skill, and wealth and handicraft, wasn't it first merely a thought and a quest? Rumi

My heart is expanding a thousand fold. Every cell, taking wings, flies about the world. All seek separately the many faces of my Beloved. Rumi

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about. Rumi If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? Rumi

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. Rumi You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi

What you seek is seeking you. Rumi Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death. Rumi When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you're not here, I can't go to sleep. Praise God for those two insomnias! And the difference between them. Rumi When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. Rumi

Dont grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Rumi The wound is the place where the Light enters you. Rumi Knock, And He'll open the door Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything. Rumi In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. Rumi My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Rumi Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Rumi

Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. Rumi Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. Rumi There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? Rumi This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet. Rumi Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth. Rumi

A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home. Rumi

Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure. Rumi I want to see you. Know your voice. Recognize you when you first come 'round the corner. Sense your scent when I come into a room you've just left. Know the lift of your heel, the glide of your foot. Become familiar with the way you purse your lips then let them part, just the slightest bit, when I lean in to your space and kiss you. I want to know the joy of how you whisper "more Rumi

I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think. Rumi That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful. Rumi Silence is the language of God, All else is poor translation. Rumi Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Rumi We come spinning out of nothingness, Scattering stars like dust. Rumi People want you to be happy. Don't keep serving them your pain! If you could untie your wings and free your soul of jealousy, you and everyone around you would fly up like doves. Rumi

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Rumi Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love. Rumi Sit, be still, and listen, because you're drunk and we're at the edge of the roof. Rumi Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison When the door is so wide open? Rumi Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words. Rumi Either give me more wine or leave me alone. Rumi Reason is powerless in the expression of Love. Rumi

An eye is meant to see things. The soul is here for its own joy. A head has one use: For loving a true love. Feet: To chase after. Love is for vanishing into the sky. The mind, for learning what men have done and tried to do. Mysteries are not to be solved: The eye goes blind when it only wants to see why. A lover is always accused of something. But when he finds his love, whatever was lost in the looking comes back completely changed. Rumi Two there are who are never satisfied the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge. Rumi Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come. Rumi Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself. Rumi But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.

Rumi Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you. Rumi A mountain keeps an echo deep inside. That's how I hold your voice. Rumi Beauty surrounds us. Rumi I didn't come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way. Whoever brought me here will have to take me home. Rumi Who could be so lucky? Who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of moon. Rumi

I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside. Rumi

You try to be faithful And sometimes you're cruel. You are mine. Then, you leave. Without you, I can't cope. And when you take the lead, I become your footstep. Your absence leaves a void. Without you, I can't cope. You have disturbed my sleep, You have wrecked my image. You have set me apart. Without you, I can't cope. Rumi This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor... Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honorably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Rumi And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself? Rumi

Travel brings power and love back into your life. Rumi You wander from room to room Hunting for the diamond necklace That is already around your neck! Rumi

Be like melting snow -- wash yourself of yourself. Rumi Take someone who doesn't keep score, who's not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality: he's free. Rumi Inside you theres an artist you dont know about say yes quickly, if you know, if youve known it from before the beginning of the universe. Rumi I know you're tired but come, this is the way. Rumi The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you Don't go back to sleep! You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep! People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch, The door is round and open Don't go back to sleep! Rumi

In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves. Rumi Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy. Rumi Remember. The way you make love is the way God will be with you. Rumi On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day. Rumi All people on the planet are children, except for a very few. No one is grown up except those free of desire. Rumi

Within tears, find hidden laughter Seek treasures amid ruins, sincere one. Rumi Birds make great sky-circles of their freedom. How do they learn it? They fall and falling, they're given wings. Rumi They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls? Rumi Is it really so that the one I love is everywhere? Rumi And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with love like that. It lights up the sky. Rumi At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door and open the lovewindow. The moon won't use the door, only the window. Rumi

You are a volume in the divine book A mirror to the power that created the universe Whatever you want, ask it of yourself Whatever youre looking for can only be found Inside of you Rumi Only from the heart can you touch the sky. Rumi Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave 'til it gets to shore. You need more help than you know. Rumi Here is a relationship booster that is guaranteed to work: Every time your spouse or lover says something stupid, make your eyes light up as if you just heard something brilliant. Rumi

For ages you have come and gone courting this delusion. For ages you have run from the pain and forfeited the ecstasy. So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. Although you appear in earthly form Your essence is pure Consciousness. You are the fearless guardian of Divine Light. So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, Return to the root of the root of your own soul. You descended from Adam, by the pure Word of God, but you turned your sight to the empty show of this world. Alas, how can you be satisfied with so little? So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. Why are you so enchanted by this world when a mine of gold lies within you? Open your eyes and come --Return to the root of the root of your own soul. You were born from the rays of God's Majesty when the stars were in their perfect place. How long will you suffer from the blows of a nonexistent hand? So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. You are a ruby encased in granite.

How long will you deceive Us with this outer show? O friend, We can see the truth in your eyes! So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. After one moment with that glorious Friend you became loving, radiant, and ecstatic. Your eyes were sweet and full of fire. Come, return to the root of the root of your own soul. Shams-e Tabriz, the King of the Tavern has handed you an eternal cup, And God in all His glory is pouring the wine. So come! Drink! Return to the root of the root of your own soul. Rumi Soul of all souls, life of all life - you are That. Seen and unseen, moving and unmoving you are That. The road that leads to the City is endless; Go without head and feet and you'll already be there. What else could you be? you are That. Rumi Love comes with a knife, not some shy question, and not with fears for its reputation! Rumi When someone is counting out gold for you, don't look at your hands, or the gold. Look at the giver. Rumi

My lips got lost on the way to the kiss that's how drunk I was. Rumi Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be. Rumi Like a sculptor, if necessary, carve a friend out of stone. Realize that your inner sight is blind and try to see a treasure in everyone. Rumi The moon stays bright when it doesn't avoid the night.... Rumi Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty. Rumi Pain is a treasure, for it contains mercies... Rumi

Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged Rumi The ground's generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty! Try to be more like the ground. Rumi Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door with open. Rumi There is a secret medicine given only to those who hurt so hard they can't hope. The hopers would feel slighted if they knew. Rumi The lion is most handsome when looking for food. Rumi If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God Will see only their own faces in it. Rumi

If anyone asks you how the perfect satisfaction of all our sexual wanting will look, lift your face and say, Like this. When someone mentions the gracefulness of the night sky, climb up on the roof and dance and say, Like this. If anyone wants to know what "spirit" is, or what "Gods fragrance" means, lean your head toward him or her. Keep your face there close. Like this. When someone quotes the old poetic image about clouds gradually uncovering the moon, slowly loosen knot by knot the strings of your robe. Like this. If anyone wonders how Jesus raised the dead, dont try to explain the miracle. Kiss me on the lips. Like this. Like this. When someone asks what it means to "die for love," point here. If someone asks how tall I am, frown and measure with your fingers the space between the creases on your forehead.

This tall. The soul sometimes leaves the body, the returns. When someone doesnt believe that, walk back into my house. Like this. When lovers moan, theyre telling our story. Like this. I am a sky where spirits live. Stare into this deepening blue, while the breeze says a secret. Like this. When someone asks what there is to do, light the candle in his hand. Like this. How did Josephs scent come to Jacob? Huuuuu. How did Jacobs sight return? Huuuu. A little wind cleans the eyes. Like this. When Shams comes back from Tabriz, hell put just his head around the edge of the door to surprise us Like this. Rumi

Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings. Rumi

I, you, he, she, we In the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions. Rumi Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, " I know you're tired, but come. This is the way. Rumi You are the Truth from foot to brow. Now, what else would you like to know? Rumi The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi

I don't get tired of you. Don't grow weary of being compassionate toward me!

All this thirst equipment must surely be tired of me, the water jar, the water carrier. I have a thirsty fish in me that can never find enough of what it's thirsty for! Show me the way to the ocean! Break these half-measures, these small containers. All this fantasy and grief.

Let my house be drowned in the wave that rose last night in the courtyard hidden in the center of my chest. Joseph fell like the moon into my well. The harvest I expected was washed away. But no matter. A fire has risen above my tombstone hat. I don't want learning, or dignity, or respectability. I want this music and this dawn and the warmth of your cheek against mine. The grief-armies assemble, but I'm not going with them. This is how it always is when I finish a poem. A great silence comes over me, and I wonder why I ever thought to use language. Rumi The universe and the light of the stars come through me. Rumi The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it's gone. Rumi Give your weakness to one who helps. Rumi

Oh sky, without me, do not change, Oh moon, without me, do not shine; Oh earth, without me, do not grow, Oh time, without me, do not go. ...Oh, you cannot go, without me. Rumi The world's flattery and hypocrisy is a sweet morsel: eat less of it, for it is full of fire. Its fire is hidden while its taste is manifest, but its smoke becomes visible in the end. Rumi The cure for pain is in the pain. Rumi A strange passion is moving in my head My heart has become a bird which searches in the sky. Every part of me goes in different directions. Is it really so that the one I love is Everywhere? Rumi When you go through a hard period, When everything seems to oppose you, When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert! Rumi You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. Rumi

Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see. Rumi We can't help being thirsty, moving toward the voice of water. Rumi Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go. Rumi I want to be where your bare foot walks, because maybe before you step, you'll look at the ground. I want that blessing Rumi Flow down and down in always widening rings of being. Rumi

The Prophets accept all agony and trust it For the water has never feared the fire. Rumi Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief disappears into emptiness with a thousand new disguises Rumi My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless ; 'Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved. I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one; One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call. Rumi You're water. We're the millstone. You're wind. We're dust blown up into shapes. You're spirit. We're the opening and closing of our hands. You're the clarity. We're the language that tries to say it. You're joy. We're all the different kinds of laughing. Rumi Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon; How much it can fill your room depends on its windows. Rumi

O my choice beauty youve gone But your love remains in my heart your image in my eye O guide on my winding road I keep turning round and round in the hopes of finding you Rumi The same wind that uproots trees makes the grass shine. The lordly wind loves the weakness and the lowness of grasses. Never brag of being strong. The axe doesn't worry how thick the branches are. It cuts them to pieces. But not the leaves. It leaves the leaves alone. Rumi Respond to every call that excites your spirit. Rumi Without you the instruments would die. One sits close beside you. Another takes a long kiss. The tambourine begs, Touch my skin so I can be myself. Let me feel you enter each limb bone by bone, that what died last night can be whole today. Why live some soberer way, and feel you ebbing out?

I won't do it. Either give me enough wine or leave me alone, now that I know how it is to be with you in constant conversation. Rumi Thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives. Rumi There are thousands of wines that can take over our minds. Don't think all ecstasies are the same! Jesus was lost in his love for God. His donkey was drunk with barley. Rumi Because I cannot sleep i make music in the night Rumi Stars burn clear all night till dawn. Do that yourself, and a spring will rise in the dark with water your deepest thirst is for. Rumi

This that is tormented and very tired, tortured with restraints like a madman, this heart. Rumi Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. Rumi I am your moon and your moonlight too I am your flower garden and your water too I have come all this way, eager for you Without shoes or shawl I want you to laugh To kill all your worries To love you To nourish you. Rumi Hear this if you can: If you want to reach him You have to go beyond yourself And when you finally arrive at the land of absence Be silent Dont say a thing Ecstasy, not words, is the language spoken there Rumi

let's get away from all the clever humans who put words in our mouth let's only say what our hearts desire. Rumi I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there. I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not. With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation. Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even. Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range. I fared then to the scene of the Prophet's experience of a great divine manifestation only a "two bow-lengths' distance from him" but God was not there even in that exalted court. Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else. Rumi We love that s why life is full of so many wonderful gifts. Rumi

Bring the pure wine of love and freedom. But sir, a tornado is coming. More wine, we'll teach this storm A thing or two about whirling. Rumi

You soak up my soul and mingle me. Each drop of my blood cries out to the earth. We are partners, blended as one. Rumi Each moment from all sides rushes to us the call to love. We are running to contemplate its vast green field. Do you want to come with us? Rumi Rumi Love isn't the work of the tender and the gentle; Love is the work of wrestlers. The one who becomes a servant of lovers is really a fortunate sovereign. Don't ask anyone about Love; ask Love about Love. Love is a cloud that scatters pearls. Rumi I would love to kiss you. The price of kissing is your life. Rumi Rumi We were green: we ripened and grew golden. The Sea terrified us: we learned how to drown. Rumi

Sadness to me is the happiest time, When a shining city rises from the ruins of my drunken mind. Those times when I'm silent and still as the earth, The thunder of my roar is heard across the universe. Rumi beyond the rightness or wrongness of things there is a field, I'll meet you there Rumi Everything you possess of skill, and wealth, and handicraft, wasn't it first merely a thought and a quest? Rumi The fault is in the one who blames. Spirit sees nothing to criticize. Rumi Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes. Rumi The ear participates, and helps arrange marriages; the eye has already made love with what it sees. The eye knows pleasure, delights in the body's shape: the ear hears words that talk about all this. When hearing takes place, character areas change; but when you see, inner areas change. If all you know about fire is what you have heard see if the fire will agree to cook you! Certain energies come only when you burn. If you long for belief, sit down in the fire! When the ear receives subtly; it turns into an eye. But if words do not reach the ear in the chest, nothing happens. Rumi Let silence take you to the core of life. Rumi Where lowland is, that's where water goes.

All medicine wants is pain to cure. Rumi Work on your strong qualities and become resplendent like the ruby. Practice self-denial and accept difficulty. Always see infinite life in letting the self die. Your stoniness will decrease; your ruby nature will grow. The signs of selfexistence will leave your body, and ecstasy will take you over. Rumi I was a thorn rushing to be with a rose, vinegar blending with honey Then I found some dirt to make an ointment that would honor my soul Love says, You are right, but dont claim these changes. Remember, I am wind. You are an ember I ignite. Rumi Be quiet now and wait. It may be that the ocean one, the one we desire so to move into and become, desires us out here on land a little longer, going our sundry roads to the shore. Rumi Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames Rumi Make your last journey from this strange world soar for the heights where there is no more separation of you and your home God has created your wings not to be dormant as long as you are alive you must try more and more to use your wings to show you're alive Rumi

Everyone has been made for some particular work and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Rumi Love from the soul. Rumi You think of yourself as a citizen of the universe. You think you belong to this world of dust and matter. Out of this dust you have created a personal image, and have forgotten about the essence of your true origin. Rumi

One night a man was crying, Allah! Allah! His lips grew sweet with the praising, until a cynic said, "So! I have heard you calling out, but have you ever gotten any response?" The man had no answer to that. He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep. He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide of souls, in a thick, green foliage. "Why did you stop praising?" "Because I've never heard anything back." "This longing you express is the return message." The grief you cry out from draws you toward nion. Your pure sadness that wants help is the secret cup. Listen to the moan of a dog for its master. That whining is the connection. There are love dogs no one knows the names of. Give your life to be one of them. Rumi

Anyone who knows me, should learn to know me again; For I am like the Moon, you will see me with new face every day. Rumi We gather at night to celebrate being human. Sometimes we call out low to the tambourine. Fish drink the sea, but the sea does not get smaller! We eat the clouds and evening light. We are slaves tasting the royal wine. Rumi You are the drop and the ocean, you are kindness and the anger, you are sweetness and poison; Do not make me more disheartened. You are the chamber of the sun, you are the abode of Venus, you are the garden of all hope. Oh, Beloved, let me enter. Rumi For the thirst to possess your love, Is worth my blood a hundred times. Rumi Body is not veiled from soul, neither soul from body, Yet no man hath ever seen a soul. Rumi What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle. Rumi

This mirror inside me shows. I cant say what, but I cant not know. I run from body. I run from spirit. I do not belong anywhere. Rumi O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now, Be all Worlds dissolve into your stainless endless radiance, Frail living leaves burn with your brighter than cold stares Make me your servant, your breath, your core. Rumi Today I'm out wandering, turning my skull into a cup for others to drink wine from. In this town somewhere there sits a calm, intelligent man, who doesn't know what he's about to do! Rumi Nothing I say can explain to you Divine Love Yet all of creation cannot seem to stop talking about it. Rumi Soul receives from soul that knowledge, not by book nor from tongue. If knowledge of mysteries come after emptiness of mind, that is illumination of heart. Rumi Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place. Rumi The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind. Rumi

Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that. Rumi except in your mind. A craftsman pulled a reed from the reedbed, cut holes in it, and called it a human being. Since then, it's been wailing a tender agony of parting, never mentioning the skill that gave it life as a flute Rumi Every moment a taste of that beauty in our mouths, another stashed in a pocket. Impossible to say what: no cypress so handsome, no sunlight, a lonely hiddenness. Other pleasure gathers a crowd, starts a fight, lots of noise there. But soul beauty stays quiet.. His amazing whereabouts unknown inside my heart. Rumi What the sayer of praise is really praising is himself, by saying implicitly, My eyes are clear." Likewise, someone who criticizes is criticizing himself, saying implicitly, "I can't see very well with my eyes so inflamed. Rumi Dancing is not just getting up painlessly, like a leaf blown on the wind; dancing is when you tear your heart out and rise out of your body to hang suspended between the worlds. Rumi Your magnificence has made me a wonder. Your charm has taught me the way of love. Rumi

Knowledge that is acquired is not like this. Those who have it worry if audiences like it or not. It's a bait for popularity. Disputational knowing wants customers. It has no soul... The only real customer is God. Chew quietly your sweet sugarcane God-Love, and stay playfully childish. Rumi And patience flees my heart, And reason flees my mind. Oh, how drunk can I get to be, without your love's security? Rumi There came one and knocked at the door of the Beloved. And a voice answered and said, 'Who is there?' The lover replied, 'It is I.' 'Go hence,' returned the voice; 'there is no room within for thee and me.' Then came the lover a second time and knocked and again the voice demanded, 'Who is there?' He answered, 'It is thou.' 'Enter,' said the voice, 'for I am within. Rumi

There is a way between voice and presence, where information flows. In disciplined silence it opens; with wandering talk it closes. Rumi Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment. Rumi This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Rumi Love asks us to enjoy our life For nothing good can come of death. Who is alive? I ask. Those who are born of love. Seek us in love itself, Seek love in us ourselves. Sometimes I venerate love, Sometimes it venerates me. Rumi

Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, 'I know you're tired, but come. This is the way. Rumi God calls himself "Baseer" [Observant], so that the knowledge that He is watching you may keep you from sinning. Rumi And watch two men washing clothes, one makes dry clothes wet. The other makes wet clothes dry. They seem to be thwarting each other, but their work is a perfect harmony. Every holy person seems to have a different doctrine and practice, but there's really only one work. Rumi These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them. Rumi The angel is free because of his knowledge, the beast because of his ignorance. Between the two remains the son of man to struggle. Rumi Though Destiny a hundred times waylays you,in the end it pitches a tent for you in Heaven. It is God's loving kindness to terrify you,in order to lead you to His Kingdom of safety. Rumi Some Hindus have an elephant to show. No one here has ever seen an elephant. They bring it at night to a dark room. One by one, we go in the dark and come out saying how we experience the animal. One of us happens to touch the

trunk. A water-pipe kind of creature. Another, the ear. A strong, always moving back and forth, fan-animal. Another, the leg. I find it still, like a column on a temple. Another touches the curve back. A leathery throne. Another, the cleverest, feels the tusk. A rounded sword made of porcelain. He is proud of his description. Each of us touches one place and understands the whole in that way. The palm and the fingers feeling in the dark are how the senses explore the reality of the elephant. If each of us held a candle there, and if we went in together, we could see it. Rumi

If I can only recount the story of my life right out of my body flames will grow Rumi We may know who we are or we may not. We may be Muslims, Jews or Christians, but until our hearts become the mould for every heart; we will see only our differences. Rumi I'm in love! Your advice, what are they? Love has poisoned me! Your remedies, what are they? I hear them shout: "fast, Bind him feet!" But if my heart that has gone mad! Those strings on my feet What is the point? Rumi

Listen, O drop, give yourself up without regret, and in exchange gain the Ocean. Listen, O drop, bestow upon yourself this honor, and in the arms of the Sea be secure. Who indeed should be so fortunate? An Ocean wooing a drop! In God's name, in God's name, sell and buy at once! Give a drop, and take this Sea full of pearls. Rumi If we come to sleep we are His drowsy ones And if we come to wake we are in His hands If we come to weeping we are His cloud full of raindrops And if we come to laughing we are His lightning in that moment If we come to anger and battle it is the reflection of His wrath And if we come to peace and pardon it is the reflection of His love Who are we in this complicated world? Rumi Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Rumi

feel any sorrow. Never will a Lover's robe be touched by mortals. Never will a Lover's body be found buried in the earth. To Love is to be God. Rumi I cannot sleep in your presence In your absence, tears prevent me you watch me my beloved on each sleepiness night and Only you see the difference Rumi Suddenly the drunken sweetheart appeared out of my door. She drank a cup of ruby wine and sat by my side. Seeing and holding the lockets of her hair My face became all eyes, and my eyes all hands. Rumi Be certain that in the religion of Love there are no believers and unbelievers. LOVE embraces all. Rumi There are thousands of wines that can take over our minds. Don't think all ecstasies are the same! Rumi

Go back, go back to sleep. Yes, you are allowed. You who have no Love in your heart, you can go back to sleep. The power of Love is exclusive to us, you can go back to sleep. I have been burnt by the fire of Love. You who have no such yearning in your heart, go back to sleep. The path of Love, has seventy-two folds and countless facets. Your love and religion is all about deceit, control and hypocrisy, go back to sleep. I have torn to pieces my robe of speech, and have let go of the desire to converse. You who are not naked yet, you can go back to sleep. Rumi

On the path of Love We are neither masters nor the owners of our lives. We are only a brush in the hand of the Master Painter. Rumi Be a helpful friend, and you will become a green tree with always new fruit, always deeper journeys into love. Rumi Oh you, straying heart, just come! Oh you, aching liver, just come! If the path to the gate is closed, Take the way by the wall, but come! Rumi Oh sky, without me, do not change, Oh moon, without me, do not shine; Oh earth, without me, do not grow, Oh time, without me, do not go. Others give you the name of Love, And me the sultan of that love. Higher than such illusions, Oh, you cannot go, without me. Rumi When the rose is gone and the garden faded you will no longer hear the nightingale's song. The Beloved is all; the lover just a veil. The Beloved is living; the lover a dead thing. If love withholds its strengthening care, the lover is left like a bird without care, the lover is

left like a bird without wings. How will I be awake and aware if the light of the Beloved is absent? Love wills that this Word be brought forth. Rumi If people but knew their own religion, how tolerant they would become, and how free from any grudge against the religion of others. Rumi There is loneliness more precious than life. There is a freedom more precious than the world. Infinitely more precious than life and the world is that moment when one is alone with God. Rumi Oh you, unceasing sun, to me your particles communicate The luminous essence of God., Are you our God? I do not know. Intoxicated, I say nought, Bewitched by the magic potion. I cannot differentiate between my drunk and sober state. Rumi to The me luminous your particles essence communicate of God., Are Intoxicated, Bewitched you our by I God? say the nought, magic Iand do not potion. know. I between cannot differentiate my drunk sober state. Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise. Whoever feels himself walking on the path, and refuses to praise that man or woman steals from others every day is a shoplifter! The sun became full of light when it got hold of itself. Angels only began shining when they achieved discipline. The sun goes out whenever the cloud of not-praising comes. The moment the foolish angel felt insolent, he heard the door close. Rumi

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