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Les mots inconnus

La langue anglaise a subi linfluence du franais au XIme sicle, lors de la conqute normande. Le franais est rest la langue officielle jusquau XIVme sicle. Il en subsiste donc de nombreuses traces dans langlais daujourdhui.

Transparence et ressemblance
De nombreux mots sont semblables en anglais et en franais. Ex: nation, fianc, continent, nature, international Certains mots anglais appartiennent la mme famille que leur quivalent franais. Ils sont issus dune mme origine, mais certaines voyelles ou consonnes sont diffrentes. Ex: Parliament, totally, princess, calm, stupid...
1 Traduisez les phrases suivantes.

Les prfixes et les suffixes La connaissance des prfixes et des suffixes est une aide prcieuse la comprhension dun mot. fiche drivation. Ex He became homeless after he lost his job. home-less: sans abri

I disagree with you. dis-agree: ne pas tre daccord

Les mots accols On peut aussi dcouper un mot pour deviner ce quil veut dire. Ex: He was wearing a backpack. (backpack est

1. 2. 3. 4.

Suddenly she entered. He was an imposing person. Discipline is no problem for him. There is a nature reserve in this place and the animals are protected.

compos de back qui signifie dos et pack un sac backpack : sac dos)
Ces mots ont t jadis des mots composs, juxtaposs, ou relis par un tiret. Mais lusage frquent de ces mots ensemble a fini par les accoler pour nen faire quun seul. Ex: - bed-room

Les indices grammaticaux

Lenvironnement du mot En observant ce qui prcde ou ce qui suit un mot, mais aussi sa place dans la phrase, vous pouvez deviner si cest un adjectif, un adverbe, un nom ou un verbe. Cela vous aide trouver sa signification. Ex: To cross the border, they pay smugglers

- baby-sitter - phone card

bedroom babysitter phonecard

3 Traduisez les mots en gras en les dcoupant

a lot of money.
En raison de la place quil occupe dans la phrase, smugglers ne peut tre quun nom. Il signifie passeurs.

2 Donnez la nature des mots en gras et leur sens possible.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The migrants wrapped their feet in carpet material. In Chicago, you definitely need a car to go to work. The visas go to regions with low rates of immigration. He did not get on with his former employer. It is a very big firm, its annual turnover exceeds 7million.

1. The twins often help with the housework. 2. As they were too noisy, the children were sent to their playroom. 3. He lives on the outskirts of London. 4. Look at that person in the foreground of the picture (fore vient de before). 5. This hat looks different in daylight. 6. Protect your eyes with sunglasses. 7. She was offered a pair of earrings for her birthday. 8. He visited a forest of evergreen trees. 9. A few children were barefoot, but most wore sandals. 10. The store was looking for an experienced salesperson.

Les mots inconnus - Fiche 2


Fiche 2

Les indices contextuels

La prsence de synonymes, dantonymes, de dfinitions sont autant daides la comprhension dun mot. Ex: She spent her day cleaning, mopping, polishing. (mopping est une tche semblable cleaning et signifie ponger) Llucidation dun mot se fait aussi grce la connaissance de la situation et de ce qui logiquement peut tre attendu un endroit donn du texte.
4 Devinez le sens du mot en gras

5 Dites si les pointills correspondent un nom,

un adjectif, un verbe ou un adverbe, puis compltez la phrase de la manire la plus approprie. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Studying abroad was a change for me. I used to be , but now I feel very confident. I have left my parents. When you live abroad, you must adapt to a new You have to differences. I travel alone, but next week Ill travel with a friend.

et dites si vous tes aid(e) : par la prsence dun synonyme, dun antonyme, dune dfinition ; par la connaissance de la situation ; par la logique.

Les faux amis

Il existe cependant des faux amis. La logique vous aidera les dbusquer.
6 Traduisez les mots en gras.

1. He counsels teenagers on all things cool and hip. 2. When you blend eggs with butter, you mix them together. 3. She thought she would be homesick. In fact she didnt miss anything at all. 4. He sells all sorts of items, clothes, shoes, pans... 5. His customers came from different backgrounds. Some were quite rich, others were penniless. 6. The really boring part of the job is stocking items that weigh forty pounds. 7. He was jobless and spent his time hanging out with his friends. 8. You think he works hard, actually he is very lazy. 9. I couldnt give up my job as I had to pay my way through school. 10. Many townwhip dwellers, people who live in townships, are unemployed. 11. The people were roaring and shouting and screaming and jumping up and down.

1. She was making a strawberry pie for her mothers birthday. 2. If you dont wear your helmet, you risk an injury. 3. I thought he was her father, he was actually her husband. 4. The journey to London took an hour only. 5. Drinking and driving is a real hazard for your safety. 6. He was punished because he was rude to his teachers.


Fiche 2 - Les mots inconnus

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