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IEEE Subsynchronous Resonance Task Force of the Dynamic SystemPerformanceWorkingGroup Power System Engineering Camnittee ABSTRACT
A benchmarkmodel forthestudyofsubsynchronous resonance i s presented along with two t e s t problems for use in canputer program comparison and development. Models were d e v e l o p e dw i t ht h e minimum s o p h i s t>sationneededtoobtainusefulresultsandwithdue r e g a r dt ot h ek i n d so fm a c h i n ec h a r a c t e r i s t i c sg e n e r ally obtainable. The m a c h i n e and c i r c u ip t arameters are real v a l u e s t a k e n f r o m the N a v a j o P r o j e c t .


P r e s e n t l y ,s e v e r a lc a n p u t e rp r o g r a m sa n da n a l y t i cal t o o l s are a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e s t u d y o f SSR caused by t h ei n t e r a c t i o no fm u l t i m a s st u r b i n e- g e n e r a t o r sa n d series c a n p e n s a t e d transmission s y s t e m sO . thers are u n d ed r e v e l o p e n tT . here i s a currenn t eed in the electricpowerindustryto comparestudy results, determinethereasonsfordifferences,andrevisemodels a n dt e c h n i q u e s as deemed n e c e s s a r y . To h e l p meet t h i s n e e d , t h e IEEE SubsynchronousResonanceTaskForcehas p r e p a r e d s t a n d a r d t e s t cases t o f a c i l i t a t e the comparison of calculations and the debugging of cauputer programs. Using t h e N a v a j oP r o j e c t 892.4 MVA genera5 0 0 kV t r a n s m i s s i o n system as a guide, a tors and s t a n d a r dn e t w o r k ,t w ot u r b i n eg e n e r a t o rm o d e l sa n d t o t e s tc a s e sh a v eb e e np r o v i d e d .F l e x i b i l d a t af o r w i t y is provided for addition of new t e s t c a s e s a n d t h e detailed for simulation of modeling i s s u f f i c i e n t l y most aspects of the SSR problem.

P a r a m e t e r se x p r e s s e di n per u n i t on t h e g e n e r a t o r MVA r a t i n g a t 60 h e r t z c o r r e s p o n d t o t h e Navajo-McCullough lineR . eactances are proportionat lo frequencyr ; es i s t a n c e sa r ec o n s t a n t . The i n f i n i t eb u s i s a threephase 60 h e r t z v o l t a g e s o u r c e w i t h z e r o impedance a t Two f a u l t locations ( A and B) a r e all frequencies. d e s i g n a t e d ,a n dt h e r e i s p r o v i s i o nf o ri n c l u s i o no fa are provided: a low f i l t e r . % c a p a c i t o rs p a r kg a p s v o l t a g eg a pt ob y p a s st h ec a p a c i t o rd u r i n gt h ef a u l t , t h e r e b yl i m i t i n gt h ef a u l tc u r r e n ta n dn e t w o r ks t o r e d energy and a h i g h v o l t a g e g a p t o p r o t e c t t h e c a p a c i t o r d u r i n gr e i n s e r t i o n . The low v o l t a g eg a p i s i n s e r v i c e a t a l l times e x c e p td u r i n gt h ep e r i o db e g i n n i n gw i t h the faulc t learance and continuing for a s h o r t time after capacitor reinsertion to avoid restrike. When 60 h e r t z ( m s ) p r u n i vto l t a g e used th , pe roper s e t t i n g s on a l i n e t o n e u t r a l base are 3 . 3 3 X, f o r t h e bypass gap and 5.31 X, f o rt h er e i n s e r t i o ng a p .T h i s network i s u s e d f o r b o t h t r a n s i e n t a n d s e l f - e x c i t a t i o n studies.

mass F i g u r e 2 shows t h e r o t o r c i r c u i t a n d a s p r i n g model p r o v i d e d for transient studies. The e l e c t r i c a l a n dm e c h a n i c a lp o r t i o n s are s i m p l er e p r e s e n t a t i o n s of thenavajorotors,developedwiththe minimum l e v e l o f s o p h i s t i c a t i o nr e q u i r e df o rt h ec a u p u t a t i o n of transientshaft torques. Constant field voltage i s assumed. E l e c t r i c a l t o r q u e v a r i a t i o n s on t h e e x c i t e r are assumed to be zero.

E x t e n s i v e SSR s t u d i e so f t h e N a v a j oP r o j e c t revealed that a simple radial RLC c i r c u i t , properly and s e l f - e x c i t a t i o n t u n e d ,c a np r o d u c eb o t ht r a n s i e n t intheanalysisof problems as s e v e r e as anyobserved t h ea c t u a ls y s t e m . The s i n g l el i n ed i a g r a m shown i n F i g u r e 1 r e p r e s e n t ss u c h a s i m p l e c i r c u i t . T h e c i r c u i t


Fig. I

Network for Subsynchronous Rescmonce Studies

77 102-7. A paper reccanrended and mprvved by the IEEE P a r e r Sys+e.. Ergkneering Cannittee of the I E E Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New Y&, N.Y., January 30February 4, 1977. Manuscript submitted Septdxr 7, 1976; nnde available for printing N o v e n h r 4, 1976.

Fig. 2

Rotor Model for Transient Studies


TABLE I Rotor Circuit Parameters For Transient SSR Studies Parameter 0.326 0.062 3 7 7 4 5.3 Xf 377% 3.1 k' a' XL

TABLE I1 Generator Impedances and Time Constants X = 1.79 d




Tdo Tio T' qo T" qo

= 4.3

0.53 1.54 0.0055 1.66

Xd = 0.169 pu Xi = 0.135 pu 0.095 1.58 0.13 XL = 0.13 X


= 0.032 s = 0.85 = 0.05 = 0.0


pu pu


= 1.71

Table I shows theimpedances for the rotor circuit expressed in per unit on the machineMVA base. Current, voltage, torque and rotor speed are also expressed in per unit. For transient representation, divide reactance in ohms by 377 to obtain the inductance in henries.

X' = 0.228 pu

X" = 0.200 pu q

TABLE I11 The generator standard impedances and time conRotor Spring Mass Parameters stants from which the circuit parameters of Table I were derived are shown in Table 11. The term XL is armature leakage reactance. Circuit parameters are Inertia Spring Constant obtained from the standard impedances and time constants by an iterative process outlinea in the appenMass Shaft H(seconds) K_o dix. Where the treatment of these standard machine impedances and time constants is not mathematically HP 0.092897 reducible to the rotor network defined in Figure 2 and HP-IP 7,277 Table I, the results will differ. IP 0.155589 13,168 IP-LPA Table I11 shows the inertias and spring constants LPA 0.858670 for the spring mass model. Inertia is expressed in 19,618 LPA-LPB terms of the inertia constant H based on rated kVA. LPB 0.884215 The base torque is that required at synchronous speed 70 26,713 LPB-GEN to deliver mechanical power i n kilowatts equal to the GEN 0.868495 rated (base) kVA value. Base angle is 377 radians, the 1,064 GEN-EXC angle of shaft rotation in one second (the.base time). EXC 0.0342165 The spring constantK is given in per unit where base spring constant is defined as base torque divided by base angle. The simple second order torque equation in this system of units is: *D T(pu) = 2 H5

pu Torque/rad
19.303 34.929 52.038 .E58 2.822




The spring constant is also given in per unit torque For transientstudies,themechanical per radian. damping is assumed to be zero. The steady state mechanical torque is apportioned among the turbine sections HP, IP, LPA andLPB, respectively as follows: 30%, 26%, 22% and 22%. The exciter steady state torque is assumed to be zero. ROTOR MODELSFOR SELF-EXCITATION S'WDIES


A simpler version of the rotor circuitry is provided (see Figure 3) for self-excitation studies. The rotor circuit provided for transient studies is inadebe quate for self-excitation studies because it cannot fitted satisfactorily to the rotor impedance versus frequencycharacteristicsfurnished by themachine manufacturer. The model provided follows the trend in the industry to improve the representation by using simple but separate models for each mode rather than a single butm r e complex model to cover the entire range of torsional frequencies.

CircuitparametersforFigure3areshown in V . Note that the elements XL, Xad, and Xaq are Table r model. The generator the same as for the transient rotor impedances at the torsional frequencies to which elements of Figure 3 were fitted are shown in Table V.

Fig. 3

Rotor Model for Self-Excitation Studies


Where t h e treatment of these rotor impedances i s not m a t h e m a t i c a l l yr e d u c i b l et ot h er o t o rn e t w o r kd e f i n e d IV, the results w i l l differ. i nF i g u r e3a n dT a b l e
The r o t o s rpring mass model used fot rr a n s i e n t studies is alsousedforself-excitationstudiesexcept f otrhien c l u s i o n of mechanical damping. Individual

turbinedampingsandshaftdampings are n o t o b t a i n a b l e . as o b t a i n e d by test are p r o v i d However,modaldampings decremenf t actor un. S i n c et h e s e ed i n terms of t h e v a l u e s are load dependent they are f u r n i s h e d a l o n g w i t h they can be adjusted for t h e case d e s c r i p t i o n where load. No l o am d echanica dle c r e m e n ft a c t o rfs o tr he f i r s t f o u r modes a r e shown i n F i g u r e 4. F u l l l o a d v a l uesrangeuptotwentytimeslarger. As a n a l t e r n a t i v e a n d f o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e o f t h o s e wishing to check their calculations by hand, a modal mechanicalmodelhasbeenprovidedfor the f i r s t f o u r modes (see F i g u r e4 ) . The mass Hn h a sb e e na d j u s t e dt o s t o r et h e same mode energy as t h e sixlnass model when its v e l o c i t yd e v i a t i o nc o r r e s p o n d st ot h a t of t h eg e n e r a t o r mass. With n e g l i g i b l ee r r o r ,e l e c t r i c a lt o r q u e s when a p p l i e d i n p h a s e w i t h t h e a n g u l a r d i s p l a c e m e n t a n d a n g u l a rv e l o c i t yo f mass Hn w i l l c h a n g et h e mode f r e quencyand mode damping by t h e same amount a s i f t h e s e mass i n t h e sixt o r q u e sw e r ea p p l i e dt ot h eg e n e r a t o r mass model. The per u n i ts y s t e m f o rt h er o t o r electrical and mechanical models is identical to that described for is assumed. transient studies. Constant field voltage are assumed Electrical torque variations on the exciter to be zero. TRANSIENT CASE DESCRIPTION


Rotor C i r c u i t Per Unit Impedance a t 60 Hz f o r S e l f - E x c i t a t i o n S t u d i e s Mode 32.28 25.55 20.21 Frequency 15.71 (hz)



0.13 0.00587 0.04786 1.66 0.00884 0.04742 1.58

Rrd PU X r d p' xad PU Rrq PU Xrq Pu Xaq P U

0.13 0.00686 0.04401 1.66 0.00936 0.04648 1.58


0.00764 0.04080 1.66 0.00998 0.04556 1.58

0.13 0.00825 0.03823 1.66 0.01081 0.04469 1.58

P e r Unit Rotor Impedance a t SubsynchronousFrequency M u l t i p l i e d by ( 6 0 / f n )

T a b l e V I shows t h e minimum a d d i t i o n a li n f o r m a t i o n required to specify a t r a n s i e n t case. Study results should show a t leasthe following as a f u n c t i o n of time : a) Generator phase currents b)Phasevoltagesonbus A (see F i g u r e 1) cC ) a p a c i t ov ro l t a g e s d) Generator rotor speed deviation e) E l e c t r i c atlo r q u e f) S h a f tt o r q u ef o re a c hs h a f ts e c t i o n For case 1-T, X, i s t u n gtd a op p r o x i m a t e l y 40 hertz both during and after the faulto excite the s e c o n dt o r s i o n a l mode. The f a u l t impedance XF hasbeen a capacito transien vt oltage adjuste p to d roduce a p p r o a c h i n gt h el o w e rg a ps e t t i n gd u r i n gt h ef a u l t . A f a u l t d u r a t i o n of.075seconds(fourandone-halfcycles a t 60 h e r t z ) was chosen t o p r o d u c e a n o t c h i n t h e g e n of t h e e r a t o r power e n v e l o p el a s t i n g three h a l f c y c l e s r o t o rs e c o n dt o r s i o n a lf r e q u e n c y .T h i sn o t c h i si n t e n d ed t o i n c r e a s e t h e s h a f t t o r s i o n a l r e s p o n s e .

Rotor Frequency fn 0.02119 15.71 20.21 0.01932 0.01708 25.55 0.01465 32.28



+ +

j0.0468 0.03182 j0.0431 0.02621 j0.0400 0.02214 jO.0375 0.01900

+ + + +

j0.0467 j0.0456 j0.0446 j0.0437


T r a n s i e n t Case D e s c r i p t i o n
Case 1-T

Generator power o u t p u t Po Generator power f a c t o r PF F a u l tr e a c t a n c e XF, (L-G)

Mode 27.8 6.92
I 2 3

0.9 0.9 0.04

pu pu ( l a g g i n g ) P U


fn (hZ) %(no b d ) 15.71 20.21 25.55 32.28 0.05 0.11 0.028 0.028

Fault location Type o f f a u l t Prefault phase voltage

Clear 1st p h a s e , i = 0 C l e a r 2nd phase Clear 3rd phase
Xc Cap ra ec aictto arn c e Capa bcy v i u p o ts ( o a le n t r sd a o sg ) te C a p a c i tro eri n s e r t i v oo n l t a( gn e u oste d )

B ( F i g u r e 1) Simultaneous 3L-G


= 0


.07 a5 ff t sa eu r lt n e x t current z e r o nextcurrentzero pu 0.371

Fig. 4

Modal MIckonical Spring Mau Modd


SELF-EXCITATION CASE DESCRIPTION Table VI1 shows the infomation required to specify a self-excitation case. Note that each case pertains to the investigation of a single torsional mode. Study results should include one or all of the following :

ator mass and the cal model. Their

other member used the modal mechanistudy results are sunmarized below: Six-Mass nodel Modal Model


Coupled electrical-mechanical system decrement factor

The torsional mode decrement factor Uric (reciprocal time constant), for the entire coupled electrical-mechanical system. 2. The additional mechanical damping required to just obtain sustained torsional oscillation, expressed in terms of incremental decrement factor ADn or incremental damping factor 4. For consistency, apply all dash pot damping on the generator mass of the six-mass model.
R 1 The additional armature resistance A required to just obtain sustained torsional oscillation.

A u (per ~ ~second)




Additional mechanical damping for sustained oscillations

A u (per ~ second)
b3(per unit) 3.

2.743 75.9

2.722 15.3

Additional armature resistance for sustained oscillations ARl(per unit) 0.465 0.461




Reduction in network series compensation AXc to just obtain sustained torsional oscillation.

Reduction in series compensation for sustained oscillations AXctper unit) 0.0465 0.0470

Data shown f o r case 1-S was calculated to produce maximum negative damping of the third torsional mode. For case 1-S, use circuitparameters shown in Table IV under mode 3. For study of other modes use the appropriate modal data shown in Table IV and Figure 4. TABLE VI1 Self-Excitation Case Description Case 1-S Generator power output Po Generator power factor PF Mode Rotor decrement factor Mechanical damping 41 Capacitor reactance 0.287 Xc Filter

CONCLUSIONS Simple models and test cases have been presented for the study of subsynchronous resonance. The models and test cases provide a basis for comparison of computational results of the various programs now being applied in the industry. In addition, the models and test cases are useful in computer program development, in the investigation of more sophisticated modeling, and in the discussion of other aspects of.the subsynchronous resonance problem. The task force plans to develop more complex system models for future application. 3


0.028 0.77504 pu none

The chairman wishes to acknowledge the contribution of Eli Katz who provided the major portion of the effort in the-preparation of the benchmark model and comparison of case studies. APPENDIX The rotor network parameters are obtained from the generator standard inpedances and time constants by solution of the following simultaneous equations which l ] : are based onthe material contained in reference [


Transient response curves for case 1-T based on the rotor model defined in Figure 2 and Table I were provided by three task force members using different computer programs and problem formulations. The results were overlayed and found to be in close correspondence. From among the sixteen curves specified, five were selected for presentation and these are shown in Figure5. The solid line is a composite of the response curves submitted by thesethree task force members.
A fourth task force member provided response curves based on a treatment of the rotor circuits which was not mathematically equivalent to that used by the other three members. These response curves, shown dashed in Figure 5, indicate the variation in response that can occur with a different modeling technique.

o = o = o =
1 Xa-377T;i0qd

+- 1

(5) (6)



Two members of the task force have provided results for the self-excitation case. One member used the six-mass model with a single dash pot on the gener-

+- 1
+- 1



( a ) Capacitor Voltage,

A Phase


5 0



( b ) Generator Current,

Phase A

( c )Torque Electrical Generator

, 4

( dS l h a fT t o r q u eL , P AL - PB


GEN-EXC Torque, ( e ) Shaft

O_I 9

----Fig. 5 Response Curves For Transient Case

Rotor circuit os defined in Fig. 2 and Table I Different rotor circuit modeling


o =

1 1 -377T" R fg q foq


+Xa q

xkq-377T;0%q 1 X,d-377T!&d

1 o = Xfd-377ThRfd


+ -'ad I + -1 L '
+ 2 + I_


1 o = xkq-377T'S( Xfq-377T'R



O =

1 Xfd-377TxRfd

1 Xkd-377T'& 1 X kq -377T"\ q

1 + 1 +-



L '

o = x


+1 +
L '


[l] Bernard Adkins, The

General Theory of Electrical Machines. London: Chapan & Hall Ltd., 1957, pp. 101-124, pp. 145-151.

Equations (5) through (8) d e f i n et h e open c i r c u i t time c o n s t a n t s w h i c h a r e d e r i v e d by s e t t i n g t h e o p e r a t i o n a la d m i t t a n c eo ft h e three p a r a l l e lb r a n c h e sf o r e a c hr o t o rn e t w o r kt oz e r o .E q u a t i o n s( 9 )t h r o u g h (12) d e f i n et h es h o r tc i r c u i t time c o n s t a n t s which are der i v e d i n t h e same way e x c e p t t h a t t h e l e a k a g e r e a c t a n c e i s added i p n a r a l l ew l i tt hho e t h eb rr a n c h e s . For cases where the m a t u r e resistance R1 is notzero,the XL i n e q u a t i o n s ( 9 ) through armatureleakageimpedance (12) is replacedby: X~-377TR1 where T is t h e a p p r o p r i a t e t i m e c o n s t a n t .
An i t e r a t i v e me.thod i s r e q u i r e df o rs o l u t i o no f To start t h ep r o c e s s ,t h e f o l l o w t h e a b o v ee q u a t i o n s . i n g approximations may be used:

R. G. Farmer, Chairman ArizonaPublicService Company

C. E. J. Bowler

G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c Company
C. V. C h i l d e r s ,S e c r e t a r y

Idaho Power Company


C. H a l l Southern California Edison Capany

Shawky Hammam Clarkson College

R. A. Hedin Allis-Chalmers Corporation

John S. Joyce Allis-Chalmers PowerSystems,Inc.


L o s AngelesDepartmentof

Water and Power

Lee K i l g o r e W e s t i n g h o u s eE l e c t r i cC o r p o r a t i o n
D. G. Ramey WestinghouseElectricCorporation

Caleb H. D i d r i k s e n , Jr. C h a r l e s T. Main I n c .E n g i n e e r s Robert Quay GeneralElectric Harlow Peterson Salt River Project K. R. Shah Commonwealth Associates, I n c . Rfd Company

Xfd + xad 377Tho

Xfq +

John DOrney Public Service

Company o f New Mexico


xaq 377T' qo


Edgar R. T a y l o r , Jr Westinghouse E l e c t r i c C o r p o r a t i o n John M. U n d r i l l Power Technologies,Inc. Richard H. Webster P a c i f i c Gas a n d E l e c t r i c Audrey J . Smith B e c h t e l Power Company EdwardKimbark B o n n e v i l l e Power A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Company

\q %q =

xkq'fq 'aq 'aq (377T" (X + X 90 fq aq



= aT h ,


Discussion Yao-nanYu and M. D. Wvong (University of British Columbia, Vancouvei, Canada): The authors are to be congratulated for the excellent work they have done in developing this first benchmark model for computer simulation of SSR. It is not only useful for comparing computer programs, but also convenient for stabilizer design. We would appreciate comments upon thefollowing points: (a) It appears that the exciter electric torque must be specified if the exciter mass is to be included in the linear multi-mass model for computerprogramcomparison.andthatthesupplementalexcitation control, if included, could create a very large electric torque on the exciter shaft. (b) The parameter equations based upon the simple parallel circuits of Figs. 2 and 3 of the paper are clearly and concisely expressed in equations (1) through (24). We would like to point out that theleakage reactance XL must be properly defined. Some details may be found in reference [ A ] . REFERENCE

electrical power, which in per-unit would be generator torque, is the sum of the products of instantaneous phase current and voltage. If this torque is applied to a spring-mass model of the rotor, theresulting transient waveforms are as shown below.

.e P

0 0

9 c

(a) Capacitor Voltage, A Phase

(bJGenerator Current, A Phase




(c) Generator Electrical


(d) Shaft Torque, LPA LPB

c . 2

[A] Yao-nanYu and H. A. M. Moussa, Experimental Determination of Exact Equivalent Circuit Parameters of SynchronousMachines, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-90, pp. 2555-2560, Nov./Dec. 197 1.
Manuscript received February 2 2 , 1977

(e) Shaft Torque, Gen Ex

Fig. 1. Response for IEEE Test Case I-T These waveforms are very similar to those in Fig. 5 of the paper. There isless than 10 percentdifferencein the magnitudeofthetransient shaft torque peaks, so the same engineering decisions would result. The primary difference between the simulation technique described aboveand that suggested by thepaper is thatthe torsional oscillation df thegenerator rotor wouldinfluence the magnitudeof subsynchronous voltages, currents, and torques in the more complete modeldescribed in thispaper. With the generatorrepresented as a 60 Hz voltage source, this interaction is neglected. The close match in transient magnitudes and waveforms between the two methods shows that the error in this simplification is of secondary importance in transient torque studies. REFERENCE
[ 11 L. A. Kilgore, D. G. Ramey, M. C. Hall, Simplified Transmission

D. G . Ramey (Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, PA): The stated objective of this paper is to provide reference test cases t o facilitate the comparisonofcalculationsand the debugging ofcomputer programs for studying subsynchronous resonance problems. Two test cases are provided including solutions that can be duplicated precisely if the machine and system models outlined in the paper are used. It is of considerable interest t o most researchers t o know the sensitivity of the solution to variations in the models or in the data used in the models. We have found that very much simpler models than those implied in this paper can give quite accurate results and at the same time impart more understanding of the physical processes involved in the SSR phenomenon [ 11. The study of self-excited oscillations involving generator torsional interactions canbe performed using the concept of steady-state electrical impedances. The major assumptions are that the mechanicaltorsional resonantfrequency will not besignificantly altered when it is coupled to the electrical system, and that the only components of the interaction between electrical and mechanical quantities that must be considered are the oscillating torquecomponent in phase with velocity and the oscillating current component in phase with voltage. Additionally, the generator is modeled by the induction machineequivalentcircuit forthesynchronous plusandminus the torsional resonant frequency. When the electrical interaction is expressed as a mechanical damping coefficient, the total damping becomes

and Generation System Analysis Procedures for Subsynchronous Resonance Problems, IEEE Paper No. F 77 066-4, presented at the 1977 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Power Meeting, January 30-February 4, 1977.

T. J. Hammons (Glasgow University, Glasgow G12 8Q0, U.K.): The

authors are to be commended for their effort in developing a benchmark model to provide a basis for comparison of computational results of the various programs now under development. Peak shaft torques fluctuate cyclically in a complex manner following fault clearance or faulty synchronization,and the highest torques do not necessarily occur in the first few cycles after fault clearance. They must be calculated over a period long enough to ensure that the highest peaks have been found. These peaks usually occur in the shaft assembly at different times. Shafts and couplings must be designed to withstand these torques without immediately failing, but as shaft torque oscillates, the possible effects of cumulative fatigue should be carefully assessed. Since shaft torques depend very much of the mechanical parameters of the shaft assembly, each generator must be investigated in detail, even for stipulated fault conditions in a given supply network. In general, torque values are greatest at the generator/turbineinterface, and decrease progressively along theturbineshaft. Since shaft diameters tend to decrease in a similar manner, stresses may nevertheless be high. The oscillatory torques in the exciter may become excessively large. Faulty synchronizing at a displacement angle of approximately 120 also givesrise to high shaft torques. These torques may or may not exceed those resulting when a 3-phase fault on the HV busbar is cleared. Peak torques increase as networkandfaultimpedancesare made lower, and can become excessively large if subsynchronous rescnance occurs. One method of limiting the torques on shafts and couplings is by means of generator coupling bolts that shear at a torque below that which might occur under the worst conditions, or when damage might otherwise result in the shaft. Use of such couplings have been shown to produce a significant reduction in torquesalong the shaft. Proper means must be employed, however, to avoid excessive axial float-of the generator rotor after the bolts fail.
Manuscript received March 1, 1977.

In this equation the impedances R+ and Xt are those of the series electric circuit formed by the induction machine circuit of the generator, the unit transformer, and the external systemimpedance at the synchronousfrequency(fs)plusthe torsional frequency(fn).The impedancesR- and X- are the impedancesof the same circuit at frequency fs - fn. This formula can be easily compared with the results given in the paper for case I-S. For this comparison the average of the D and Q axis generator rotor resistances for the third torsional mode is used in the induction machine model. This gives an induction machine resistance (Rr/s) of -0.01 126 at 34.45 Hz and +0.02796 at 85.55 Hz. The corresponding total systemresistanceandreactances are R- = 0.00874, X- = 0.0, R+ = 0.04796, and X+ = 1.0268. When these values are substituted in the above formula,they resultin a value of D equal to -76.29. Thus, AD3 (per unit) = 76.29 compared with a value of 75.9 using an eigenvalue program. Similar checks can be madeoftheamount of series resistance which must be added and the amountof reduction in series capacitance necessary to make AD3 = 0. The values are A R 1 = .464 p.u. and AXc = ,0507. The largest deviation from the values given is less than 10 percent. This small error shows that the major SSR interaction can be expressed by use of a single algebraic equation. The dominant factor in the transient torque SSR problem is the magnitude and frequency of the stator current that is induced by the application or removal of the short circuit i.n the transmission system. This can be seen by representing the generator as a 60 Hz voltage source behind subtransient reactance for the transient case I-T. Instantaneous
Manuscript received February 28. 1977


Peak acceleration of the last LP turbine section following shearing of the generator/turbine coupling bolts can be excessively large. In one case, which has been examined, [A] the peak acceleration was found to be 1600 rad@, the corresponding acceleration under non-shearing conditions being 750 rad@. The frequency of the vibration set up in the last LP stage by coupling failure was 103 Hz. The hgher acceleration which results on coupling failure may be acceptable provided the structural limitations of the LP blading are not exceeded. It may therefore be necessary to consider for these higher accelerations pulsating at high frequency the inertia stresses induced in the blades by movement of their roots. Similar phenomena m g h t be induced by subsynchronous resonance which could lead to displaced resonant frequencies and additional material damping which would effect system response. An up to date assessment of this phenomena in relation to subsynchronous resonance and related transient peak shaft stresses would be timely in this case. REFERENCE [AI Hammons, T. J., Effect of Three-phase Faults and Faulty Synchronization on the Mechanical Stressing of Large TurbineGenerators, Rev. Gen. Elect., Vol. 86, (749, July - August 1977, pp 558-580.

chines such as the Navajo units which, because of their pole face damper windings, are nearly symmetrical. Less accuracy can be expected for machines not so equipped. T o illustrate how the symmetrical and nonsymmetrical interaction compare, we have remn the self-excitation case using the modal model but this timewith rotor circuitparameters based on manufacturers data furnished for the same machine before the pole face damper was added. Table VI11 shows the parameters for the new rotor circuit and the parameters forthe symmetricalcomparison case which was o b tained by averaging the direct and quadrature axis elements. The circuit series capacitor was increased from .287 per unit to .3 1 per unit to compensate forthe addedcircuitinductance andthereby maintain maximum third mode interaction. Table IX shows the change in third mode decrement factors for these two cases as the line resistance is varied from .01 to .6 per unit. Using Mr. Rameys equation, the line resistance for zero damping was calculated to be S 2 2 4 which corresponds closely to that shown for the symmetrical rotor. For the nonsymmetrical rotor, the comparable line resistance is .4429. Table


Third Torsional Mode Decrement Factors Comparison of Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Machines X,= .31 pu Line Resistance Per Unit Decrement Factor Nonsymmetric Rotor Symmetric Rotor

Eli Katz: Messrs. Yu and Wvong have suggested correctly that exciter
torques are important when dealing with the effects of the power system stabilizer or when designing the exciter controls for damping rotor oscillations. The important role played by the exciter in the self-excitationproblem is illustrated by the need to remove the power system stabilizers from service at the Navajo Plant, because of their destabilizing tendency, until they could be equipped with filters to desensitize them to torsional frequencies. As noted in the paper, self-excitation studies require arotor model withaccurate rotor impedance atthemodal frequencies. When the exciter is permitted to play arole, the modelmust a1.w accurately represent the variation in h d caused by variations in Efd at each torsional frequency. These machine characteristics are not generally available, but they can be obtained by test or calculated by the machine designer. When these characteristics are available, I believe that a simple three parallel branch model might be satisfactorily fitted for the study of one modeat a time. The variation in field current caused by armature current variations need not be precisely modeled so long as thtre is a damper winding. Exciter torques produced by this field current are comparatively inconsequential in both self-excitation and transient studies. For transient studies, the exciter torque caused by exciter voltage variation cannot be ignored unless the exciter is desensitized to those torsionai frequencies with large exciter motion. If this is not done, theexciter can play a dominant role in shaft torque buildup. D. G . Ramey presents some very useful approximations which impart considerable understanding of the SSR phenomena. His interaction equation gives the added generator mass dampbg required for the interaction to just sustain oscillations. Although the equation is derived for a machine with a symmetrical rotor, it is also quite accurate for maTable VI11 Mode 3 Rotor Circuit Per Unit Impedances at 60hz for Self-Excitation Study Pole Face Damper Removed Nonsymmetric Rotor Symmetric Rotor XL Rrd xrd xad Rrq .135274 xrq xaq .13 BO7841 .050268 1.66 .057250 .220280 1.58 .13 ,0325455 .135274 1.62 .0325455 1.62

.o 1

.030355 .030356 .036985 .036990 .04 .05 .1 .2

- .83243 - 1.21123 - 1.93901 - 1.97398 + 1.83941

+ 1.13938

- .76104 - 1.00821

- 1.45696

+ + +

.442905. .5 324378 .6

.76016 .23850 .07502 ,00655 0 ,00699 .01603

- 2.020 12 + 1.8896 1 + 1.63349 + 1.08284 + .33285


.lo796 .01997 .00312 0



Manuscript received April 18,1977.

Mr. Rameys transient response curves speak for themselves. Unfortunately they were not available in time to be included in Figure 5 along with those submitted by other members of the Task Force. Mr. T. J . Hammons hasprovided an interesting review of the mechanical problems related to faulty synchronizing, an allied subject which the Task Force has elected to exclude from its scope of activity. In his discussion, Mr. Hammons raises the hope of using shear bolts to limit shaft torque caused by subsynchronousresonance,an idea that also occurred to some of us in 1972 when we were up to our ears in this problem. However, engineers who are familiar with turbine-generator design tell us that it is a very bad idea for the following reasons: 1. Shear bolt failure would subject the turbine buckets to large bending stress because of the sudden release of shaft-stored energy. 2. Sudden loss of generator load and inertia would result in excessive turbine overspeed subjecting the longer blades to excessive radial stress and possible contact with stationaryparts. 3. It would be nearly impossible to design the shear bolts so they would have sufficient strength to withstand normal full load torque and atthe same time provide reliable protection against the relatively modest cyclical torques which are capable of causing shaft failure. Because of the serious consequences of Items 1 and 2 above, we could not accept the risk of an occasional unnecessary failure of shear bolts. On behalf of all the task force members, I wish to thank the discussers for their thoughtful and informative comments.


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