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PREAMBLE Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the

human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, therefore,

The General Assembly,

Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11 Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offense was committed. Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Article 14 Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15 Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Article 16 Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Article 17 Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. Article 21 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret

vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23 Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Article 26 Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27 Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29 Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

[English Version] Source: United Nations Department of Public Information

See the alphabetical listing of all TRANSLATIONS (337) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Salman reported that the Prophet said: "Nothing but supplication averts the decree, and nothing but righteousness increases life," and "Your Lord is munificent and generous, and is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of a servant when he raises them to him." Tirmidhi transmitted them.

Shah Waliullah
Shah Waliullah

Full name Born

Shah Waliullah February 21, 1703 August 20, 1762

Died (aged 59) Era Region School Notable ideas Mughal Era Islamic Philosopher/Islamic Scholar Sunni Islam, Hanafi, Sufi, Evolution of Islamic Philosophy

Influenced by[show]


Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703 August 20, 1762) was Islamic scholar and reformer. He worked for the revival of Muslim rule and intellectual learning in South Asia, during a time of waning Muslim power.He despised the divisions and deviations within Islam and its practice in India and hoped to "purify" the religion and unify all Indian Muslims under the "banner of truth". He is also thought to have anticipated a number of progressive, social, economic, and political ideas of the modern era such as social reform, equal rights, labour protection, welfare entitlement of all to food, clothing, housing, etc.


1 Lineage & Early Life 2 Education 3 Achievements and Services 4 Literary career 5 Literary works 6 Shah waliullahs 4 basic principles of economics

7 Family 8 Death 9 References

[edit] Lineage & Early Life

Shah Waliullah is a descendent of the Quraish tribe of Arabia and his genealogy can be traced to the second khalifa of Islam, Umar on his paternal side. His father, Shah Abdur Rahim, named his son 'Qutbuddin Ahmad'. He was dubbed as 'Shah Waliullah' because waliullah means "friend of God" and he was a pious individual. He was from the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah and was an adherent of Hanafi jurisprudence. His complete name was Shah Waliullah Qutbuddin Ahmad and he was born in Phulat, a town in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India on February 21, 1703.

[edit] Education
Shah Waliullah received his education at Madrasa Rahimiyya. His father was his teacher and source of spiritual guidance. He commenced his studies at the tender age of five and completed the recitation and memorization of the Qur'an by the age of seven. Thereafter, he commenced primary lessons in Persian and Arabic, which were completed in a year. Then, he studied the grammar and syntax of Persian and Arabic. He completed his studies in philosophy and theology at the age of fifteen and then commenced his studies in mantiq, fiqh, hadith, tibb, algebra, mathematics, kalaam, spirituality, mysticism, oratory and metaphysics under his father. Thereafter, he was inducted into the tradition of bay'at by his father and, by the age of seventeen, he was permitted to provide spiritual guidance to and reform his fellow Muslims. On the death of his father when he was hardly seventeen years old, he became a mudarris (teacher) at Madrasa Rahimiyya. He held this position for twelve years. Then, in 1731, Shah Waliullah performed Hajj. He reached Makkah on May 21 and performed Hajj, after which he proceeded to Medina. There, he attended Shaikh Abu Tahir Muhammad bin Ibrahim Kurdi Madani's discourses on hadith. Shah Waliullah studied Sihah Sitta, Mu'atta Imam Malik, Masnad Da'armi, and Imam Muhammad's Al A'saar under him. Thereafter, he returned to Makkah, performed another Hajj, studied Mu'atta Imam Malik for a second time under Shaikh Wafadullah Maliki Makki, and attended the discourses of Shaikh Tajuddin Hanafi Qala'i Makki on Sihah Sitta. Then, he was permitted to teach all of the kitabs of hadith by Shaikh Tajuddin. Thereafter, Shah Waliullah returned to India. His journey back to India lasted six months and he reached Delhi on January 1, 1733.

[edit] Achievements and Services

During his sojourn in Makkah, Shah Waliullah had a dream in which Muhammad commanded him to reform the organization and emancipation of Muslims in India. Thus, after he returned to Delhi, he started his work in earnest. This was in a period when Muslims in India were passing through the most critical phase of their history and their entire social, political, economic and spiritual fabric was torn to pieces. On his arrival in Delhi, he started to train his pupils in diverse branches of Islam and entrusted them with the mission of enlightening people with the true nature of Islam. He embarked upon the task of authoring standard works on Islam and was able to complete a number of works on Islam. Shah Waliullah rose to be an eminent scholar of Islamic studies. He was a prominent intellectual figure whose mission was to reform the Muslims he saw as misguided. His activities were not confined to spiritual and intellectual spheres only. He lived in troubled times and witnessed a number of rulers occupying the throne of Delhi. With his keen political insight, he observed the deterioration of Muslim rule in India and

wrote to a number of political dignitaries to attempt to bolster the political life of Muslims in India. He established several branches of Madrasa Rahimiyya in Delhi in order to effectively disseminate his knowledge.

[edit] Literary career

Shah Waliullah was a prolific writer as well. In the realm of Islam, he produced a number of memorable literary works and, within a period of thirty years, he wrote a total of fifty-one works of merit, twenty-eight in Arabic and twenty-three in Persian. Some of these are still unsurpassed in the domain of Islamic literature. His most valuable service to Islam was that he codified the vast store of Islam under separate heads. Both in thought and prediction, his works occupy an outstanding position. His works can be classified into six categories. The first deals with the Qur'an. It includes his translation of the Qur'an into Persian. According to him, the object of studying the Qur'an is to reform human nature and correct wrong beliefs and injurious actions. The second category deals with hadith, in which he has left behind several works such as commentaries on Mu'atta Imam Malik in both Arabic and Persian. Shah Waliullah also wrote a number of works and pamphlets on hadith. The third category deals with fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence, which includes lnsaaf fi Bayaan-e-Sahoobul Ikhtilaf, a brief yet informative history of Islamic jurisprudence over the five centuries before his life. The fourth category deals with mysticism. The fifth category pertains to his works on Muslim philosophy and kalaam. He also wrote a pamphlet on the principles of ijtihad (independent interpretation) and taqlid (conformity). In his principles of ijtihad, he clarifies whether it is obligatory for a Muslim to adhere to one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence or whether he can exercise his own judgment. Shah Waliullah's greatest work is Hujjatullahil Baligha, which deals with such aspects of Islam that are common among all of the Muslim countries. The sixth category deals with his works on the problems between Shias and Sunnis. His theories pertaining to economics and socialism are of revolutionary nature. The miserable condition of Indian Muslims inspired him to improve their character, raise their morale, and inculcate a feeling of selflessness and love for their fellows in them. He overhauled the educational system and separated faith from unlawful invented traditions and unnecessary and unwanted suspicions regarding Islam. He presented what he considered pure and pristine Islam to people.

[edit] Literary works

The biographers of Shah Waliullah state that the number of his published literary works are above fifty. Shah Waliullah was a prolific writer who wrote extensively on several Islamic topics. His literary masterpieces are as follows: 1. Fathur Rahman fi Tarjumatul Quran: A translation of the Qur'an into Persian. A collection of 40 ahadith which are brief yet of inclusive character.

Al Irshad ila Muhim

2. Al Faudhul Kabir fi Usoolut Tafsir: A booklet in Persian that follows his Persian translation of the Qur'an. It contains the nucleus of the Qur'an, the rules of interpretation, and interpretations of the Qur'an by various eminent scholars. 3. Hujjatullahil Baligha: Shah Waliullah's greatest literary work. Its title is derived from the Qur'an (Suratul An'aam:149). It is a two-volume Arabic manuscript and elaborates about the jurisprudence from the hadith and necessities of the Sharia. A partial list of the rest of his works is as follows:

Arba'een (Arabic): matul Ilmul Isnad (Arabic): This work is about the scholars of Hijaz who taught

Shah Waliullah. Izalatul Khafa'an Khilafatul Khulafa (Persian) At Tayyabul Naghm fi Madh-e-Sayyidul Arab wal Ajam (Arabic): A collection of odes eulogizing Muhammad, which display Shah Waliullah's poetic talent and love towards Muhammad. Altaaful Quds (Persian): This work deals with esoteric principles of mysticism. Al Imdad fi Ma'athirul Ajdaad (Persian): A brochure outlining Shah Waliullahs genealogical table and containing brief notices about some of his ancestors. Al Intibah fi Salaasil ul Auliaullah (Persian): A book which details the history of and a brief introduction to various mystic orders. Insanul 'Ain fi Mashaaikhul Haramayn (Persian) Al Insaf fi Bayaanul Asbabul Ikhtilaf (Arabic) Anfaasul Arifeen (Persian) Al Budurul Bazigha (Arabic): This work on theology employs philosophical terminology in discussing human nature and social behaviour. Bawaariqul Wilaaya (Persian): This tract forms part of the Anfaasul Arifeen, in which Shah Waliullah has described the life and spiritual attainments of his father, Shah Abdur Rahim. Tawillul Ahadith (Arabic): It recount the stories of different prophets mentioned in the Qur'an in order to draw out lessons and rules of Shari'a from the Qur'anic description. Tuhfatul Mu'ahhidin: This is a Persian tract explaining the creed of tauhid. Taraajimul Abwaabul Bukhari (Arabic): It expounds the principles which would be found helpful in understanding certain difficult portions of Sahih al-Bukhari. At Tafhimatul Ilahiya (Arabic and Persian): This is a mystical work, partly in Arabic and partly in Persian, detailing the mystical experiences of Shah Waliullah. Al Juz ul Latif fi Tarjumata ul Abdul Dha'if (Persian) Husnul Aqidah (Arabic): The fundamental creed of Islam, as accepted by the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jam'aat sect, has been expounded in this work according to the Qur'an and hadith. Al Khair ul Kathir (Arabic): This work on the philosophy of religion elucidates the concept of ma'arifah and the wisdom of divine names, revelation, etc. Ad Duroos Thama'in fi Mubashshiratul Nabi'ul Amin (Arabic): A collection of the glad tidings that Shah Waliullah and his ancestors received from Muhammad. Diwanul Ashar (Arabic): A collection of the Arabic poetry of Shah Waliullah. Risala: This pamphlet was written in reply to certain mystical issues raised by Shaikh Abdullah bin Abdul Baqi. Risala Danishmandi (Persian): A valuable tract containing detailed directions with regards to the methodology of teaching. Zahrawain: A commentary on Al-Baqara and Al-i-Imran. Sururul Mahzun (Persian): A concise Persian translation of Kitab Nurul 'Uyoonul Aminul Ma'mun, a well-known biography of Muhammad. Sharhul Taraajimul Abwaabul Sahih ul Bukhari (Arabic): An annotation on certain chapters of Sahih al-Bukhari. Shifahul Quloob (Persian): A tract on mysticism. Shawaariqul Ma'arifah (Persian): This is a biography of Shah Waliullah's uncle, Shaikh Abdul Raza. Al Atiyyatus Samadiyya fi Anfaasul Muhammadiyya (Persian): A small brochure which contains a biographical sketch of Shah Waliullah's maternal grandfather, Shaikh Muhammad Phulti. Iqdul Jid fi Aakhamul Ijtihad wat Tajdid (Arabic) Fathul Kabir (Arabic): A glossary of the intricate words of the Qur'an.

Fathul Wadud lil Ma'arifatul Junood (Arabic): It pertains to ethics and mysticism. Al Fadhlul Mubin fil Musalsal min Hadithul Nabi'ul Amin (Arabic) Izalatul Akhfa : An explanation of the Qur'an

[edit] Shah waliullahs 4 basic principles of economics

Shah Waliullah has discussed about the four basic principles of economics; such as Production of wealth, consumption of wealth, distribution of wealth, exchange of wealth. The whole nation is participant in the production of wealth, so it should be distributed in the whole nation. He established the principles for distribution of wealth among people as well as the values that how the wealth should be consumed. That economic system is successful which establishes the principles for these four branches.

The first principle is that people living in specific geographic boundaries has the right over the resources of that area. That economic system in which all the people are equal no single person or specific class can get hold of the resources. He has narrated Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique in Aizaalatul Khifa Equality is better in economics than giving priority to one group over other.

Second principle is that everybody has the right to have limited owner ship as the abilities of every individual are different. Not that the whole nation should have same clothing, food and houses.

Third principle is that any practice which concentrates wealth in certain hands will not be tolerated and the system will oppose it.

Fourth principle is that such a balance should be maintained in these factors that society develop as a whole. Shah waliullah stressed on the creation of a party on such principles which will end the outmoded system and built a new system which ensures the development of society as a whole.

[edit] Family
Shah Waliullah had a son, Shaikh Muhammad, and a daughter, Ammatul Aziz, from his first wife. His second wife bore him four sons: Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi, Shah Rafiuddin, Shah Abdul Qadir, and Shah Abdul Ghani.

[edit] Death
On August 20, 1762, Shah Waliullah died and was buried in the graveyard of Munhadian, beside his father.

[edit] References
33:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


[33:1] O you prophet, you shall reverence GOD and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise. 2.

[33:2] Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you all do. 3.

[33:3] And put your trust in GOD. GOD suffices as an advocate. 4.

[33:4] GOD did not give any man two hearts in his chest. Nor did He turn your wives whom you estrange (according to your custom) into your mothers. Nor did He turn your adopted children into genetic offspring. All these are mere utterances that you have invented. GOD speaks the truth, and He guides in the (right) path.* *33:4 It was a custom in Arabia to estrange the wife by declaring that she was like the husband's mother. Such an unfair practice is abrogated herein. 5.

[33:5] You shall give your adopted children names that preserve their relationship to their genetic parents. This is more equitable in the sight of GOD. If you do not know their parents, then, as your brethren in religion, you shall treat them as members of your family. You do not commit a sin if you make a mistake in this respect; you are responsible for your purposeful intentions. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 6.

[33:6] The prophet is closer to the believers than they are to each other, and his wives are like mothers to them. The relatives ought to take care of one another in accordance with GOD's scripture. Thus, the believers shall take care of their relatives who immigrate to them, provided they have taken care of their own families first. These are commandments of this scripture. 7.

[33:7] Recall that we took from the prophets their covenant, including you (O Muhammad), Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. We took from them a solemn pledge.* *33:7 The covenant is detailed in 3:81. God took a covenant from the prophets that they shall support His Messenger of the Covenant who would come after Muhammad to purify and unify their messages. The Covenant was made before the earth's creation, and was fulfilled in Mecca Zul-Hijja 3, 1391 (December 21, 1971 ). The sum of the Islamic month (12), plus the day (3), plus the year (1391) gives 1406, 19x74. Overwhelming proof identifying God's Messenger of the Covenant as Rashad Khalifa is provided throughout the Quran (Appendices 2 & 26). 8.

[33:8] Subsequently, He will surely question the truthful about their truthfulness, and has prepared for the disbelievers (in this Quranic fact) a painful retribution.


[33:9] O you who believe, remember GOD's blessing upon you; when soldiers attacked you, we sent upon them violent wind and invisible soldiers. GOD is Seer of everything you do. 10.

[33:10] When they came from above you, and from beneath you, your eyes were terrified, your hearts ran out of patience, and you harbored unbefitting thoughts about GOD. 11.

[33:11] That is when the believers were truly tested; they were severely shaken up. 12.

[33:12] The hypocrites and those with doubts in their hearts said, "What GOD and His messenger promised us was no more than an illusion!" 13.

[33:13] A group of them said, "O people of Yathrib, you cannot attain victory; go back." Others made up excuses to the prophet: "Our homes are vulnerable," when they were not vulnerable. They just wanted to flee.


[33:14] Had the enemy invaded and asked them to join, they would have joined the enemy without hesitation. 15.

[33:15] They had pledged to GOD in the past that they would not turn around and flee; making a pledge with GOD involves a great responsibility. 16.

[33:16] Say, "If you flee, you can never flee from death or from being killed. No matter what happens, you only live a short while longer." 17.

[33:17] Say, "Who would protect you from GOD if He willed any adversity, or willed any blessing for you?" They can never find, beside GOD, any other Lord and Master. 18.

[33:18] GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Rarely do they mobilize for defense.


[33:19] Also, they are too stingy when dealing with you. If anything threatens the community, you see their eyes rolling with fear, as if death had already come to them. Once the crisis is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. They are too stingy with their wealth. These are not believers, and, consequently, GOD has nullified their works. This is easy for GOD to do. 20.

[33:20] They thought that the parties might come back. In that case, they would wish that they were lost in the desert, asking about your news from afar. Had the parties attacked you while they were with you, they would rarely support you. 21.

[33:21] The messenger of GOD has set up a good example for those among you who seek GOD and the Last Day, and constantly think about GOD. *33:21 Satan took this verse out of context, and relied on the people's idolization of the prophet Muhammad to innovate a whole set of unauthorized and unreasonable regulations called ``Sunna of the Prophet.'' This created a totally different religion (see 42:21 and Appendix 18).


[33:22] When the true believers saw the parties (ready to attack), they said, "This is what GOD and His messenger have promised us, and GOD and His messenger are truthful." This (dangerous situation) only strengthened their faith and augmented their submission. 23.

[33:23] Among the believers there are people who fulfill their pledges with GOD. Some of them died, while others stand ready, never wavering. 24.

[33:24] GOD will surely recompense the truthful for their truthfulness, and will punish the hypocrites, if He so wills, or redeem them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 25.

[33:25] GOD repulsed those who disbelieved with their rage, and they left empty-handed. GOD thus spared the believers any fighting. GOD is Powerful, Almighty. 26.

[33:26] He also brought down their allies among the people of the scripture from their secure positions, and threw terror into their hearts. Some of them you killed, and some you took

captive. 27.

[33:27] He made you inherit their land, their homes, their money, and lands you had never stepped on. GOD is in full control of all things. 28.

[33:28] O prophet, say to your wives, "If you are seeking this life and its vanities, then let me compensate you and allow you to go amicably. 29.

[33:29] "But if you are seeking GOD and His messenger, and the abode of the Hereafter, then GOD has prepared for the righteous among you a great recompense." 30.

[33:30] O wives of the prophet, if any of you commits a gross sin, the retribution will be doubled for her. This is easy for GOD to do. 31.

[33:31] Any one of you who obeys GOD and His messenger, and leads a righteous life, we will grant her double the recompense, and we have prepared for her a generous provision.


[33:32] O wives of the prophet, you are not the same as any other women, if you observe righteousness. (You have a greater responsibility.) Therefore, you shall not speak too softly, lest those with disease in their hearts may get the wrong ideas; you shall speak only righteousness. 33.

[33:33] You shall settle down in your homes, and do not mingle with the people excessively, like you used to do in the old days of ignorance. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey GOD and His messenger. GOD wishes to remove all unholiness from you, O you who live around the Sacred Shrine, and to purify you completely. 34.

[33:34] Remember what is being recited in your homes of GOD's revelations and the wisdom inherent therein. GOD is Sublime, Cognizant.


[33:35] The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense. 36.

[33:36] No believing man or believing woman, if GOD and His messenger issue any command, has any choice regarding that command. Anyone who disobeys GOD and His messenger has gone far astray. 37.

[33:37] Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by GOD, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence GOD," and you hid inside yourself what GOD wished to proclaim.

Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only GOD. When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man may marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. GOD's commands shall be done. 38.

[33:38] The prophet is not committing an error by doing anything that is made lawful by GOD. Such is GOD's system since the early generations. GOD's command is a sacred duty. 39.

[33:39] Those who deliver GOD's messages, and who reverence Him alone, shall never fear anyone but GOD. GOD is the most efficient reckoner. 40.

[33:40] Muhammad was not the father of any man among you. He was a messenger of GOD and the final prophet. GOD is fully aware of all things. *33:40 Despite this clear definition of Muhammad, most Muslims insist that he was the last prophet and also the last messenger. This is a tragic human trait as we see in 40:34. Those who readily believe God realize that God sent His purifying and consolidating Messenger of the Covenant after the final prophet Muhammad (3:81, 33:7). 41.

[33:41] O you who believe, you shall remember GOD frequently. 42.

[33:42] You shall glorify Him day and night.

*33:41-42 Your god is whatever occupies your thoughts most of the time. Hence the commandment to commemorate God and glorify Him day and night. See Appendix 27. 43.

[33:43] He is the One who helps you, together with His angels, to lead you out of darkness into the light. He is Most Merciful towards the believers. 44.

[33:44] Their greeting the day they meet Him is, "Peace," and He has prepared for them a generous recompense. 45.

[33:45] O prophet, we have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner. 46.

[33:46] Inviting to GOD, in accordance with His will, and a guiding beacon. 47.

[33:47] Deliver good news to the believers, that they have deserved from GOD a great blessing. 48.

[33:48] Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard their insults, and put your trust in GOD; GOD suffices as an advocate.


[33:49] O you who believe, if you married believing women, then divorced them before having intercourse with them, they do not owe you any waiting interim (before marrying another man). You shall compensate them equitably, and let them go amicably. 50.

[33:50] O prophet, we made lawful for you your wives to whom you have paid their due dowry, or what you already have, as granted to you by GOD. Also lawful for you in marriage are the daughters of your father's brothers, the daughters of your father's sisters, the daughters of your mother's brothers, the daughters of your mother's sisters, who have emigrated with you. Also, if a believing woman gave herself to the prophet - by forfeiting the dowry - the prophet may marry her without a dowry, if he so wishes. However, her forfeiting of the dowry applies only to the prophet, and not to the other believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses or what they already have. This is to spare you any embarrassment. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.


[33:51] You may gently shun any one of them, and you may bring closer to you any one of them. If you reconcile with any one you had estranged, you commit no error. In this way, they will be pleased, will have no grief, and will be content with what you equitably offer to all of them. GOD knows what is in your hearts. GOD is Omniscient, Clement. 52.

[33:52] Beyond the categories described to you, you are enjoined from marrying any other women, nor can you substitute a new wife (from the prohibited categories), no matter how much you admire their beauty. You must be content with those already made lawful to you. GOD is watchful over all things. 53.

[33:53] O you who believe, do not enter the prophet's homes unless you are given permission to eat, nor shall you force such an invitation in any manner. If you are invited, you may enter. When you finish eating, you shall leave; do not engage him in lengthy conversations. This used to hurt the prophet, and he was too shy to tell you. But GOD does not shy away from the truth. If you have to ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You are not to hurt the messenger of GOD. You shall not marry his wives after him, for this would be a gross offense in the sight of GOD. *33:53 We are enjoined in 4:22 from marrying women who were previously married to our fathers. Nor can the father marry the divorced wife of his genetic son (4:23). This divine commandment preserves our respect for our fathers and their most private affairs. Similarly, the prophet was a father figure to the believers of his time. For the good of those believers, God enjoined them from marrying women who were previously married to the prophet. Marriage is a sacred and very private relationship, and the prophet's private life was better kept private. 54.

[33:54] Whether you declare anything, or hide it, GOD is fully aware of all things. 55.

[33:55] The women may relax (their dress code) around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence GOD. GOD witnesses all things. 56.

[33:56] GOD and His angels help and support the prophet. O you who believe, you shall help and support him, and regard him as he should be regarded. *33:56 The word ``prophet'' (Nabi) consistently refers to Muhammad only when he was alive. Satan used this verse to entice the Muslims into commemorating Muhammad,

constantly, instead of commemorating God as enjoined in 33:41-42. 57.

[33:57] Surely, those who oppose GOD and His messenger, GOD afflicts them with a curse in this life, and in the Hereafter; He has prepared for them a shameful retribution. 58.

[33:58] Those who persecute the believing men and the believing women, who did not do anything wrong, have committed not only a falsehood, but also a gross sin. 59.

[33:59] O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. Thus, they will be recognized (as righteous women) and avoid being insulted. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 60.

[33:60] Unless the hypocrites, and those with disease in their hearts, and the vicious liars of the city refrain (from persecuting you), we will surely grant you the upper hand, then they will be forced to leave within a short while. 61.

[33:61] They have incurred condemnation wherever they go; (unless they stop attacking you,) they may be taken and killed. 62.

[33:62] This is GOD's eternal system, and you will find that GOD's system is unchangeable. 63.

[33:63] The people ask you about the Hour (end of the world). Say, "The knowledge thereof is only with GOD. For all that you know, the Hour may be close." *33:63 Less than a century ago, only God possessed knowledge about television and space satellites, for example. He revealed this knowledge at the predetermined time. Similarly, God has revealed the time appointed for the end of this world (Appendix 25). 64.

[33:64] GOD has condemned the disbelievers, and has prepared for them Hell. 65.

[33:65] Eternally they abide therein. They will find no lord, nor a supporter. 66.

[33:66] The day they are thrown into Hell, they will say, "Oh, we wish we obeyed GOD, and obeyed the messenger."


[33:67] They will also say, "Our Lord, we have obeyed our masters and leaders, but they led us astray. 68.

[33:68] "Our Lord, give them double the retribution, and curse them a tremendous curse." 69.

[33:69] O you who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses, then GOD absolved him of what they said. He was, in the sight of GOD, honorable. 70.

[33:70] O you who believe, reverence GOD and utter only the correct utterances. 71.

[33:71] He will then fix your works, and forgive your sins. Those who obey GOD and His messenger have triumphed a great triumph. 72.

[33:72] We have offered the responsibility (freedom of choice) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant.

*33:72 The animals, trees, stars, etc. took advantage of this most gracious offer. See Appendix 7." 73.

[33:73] For GOD will inevitably punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idol worshipping men and the idol worshipping women. GOD redeems the believing men and the believing women. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

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CONTEMPLATION OF THE HOLY MYSTERIES : Mashahid al-asrar [Ibn 'Arabi] A major work of mystical literature, this account focuses on 14 visions in the form of dramatic conversations with the divine, interspersed with dazzling visionary episodes regarding the nature of existence, humans' relationship with reality, and the way to achieve true happiness. The introduction presents a resume of Ibn 'Arabi's life and examines in detail the style and symbolism of the contemplations. Presented for the first time in English, this work is a superb example of Ibn 'Arabi's inimitable style and deep perception. { 128pp, 155x235mm, April 2009; DIVINE SAYINGS : 101 Hadith Qudsi [Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi] A collection of 101 hadith sayings, this work is one of the most important and influential early collections of hadith qudsi. Falling into three categories, the first 40 sayings each have a full, unbroken chain of transmission that goes back to God through the medium of the Prophet Muhammad. The second category are sayings mostly taken from well-known written collections. The final section is drawn from similar books, with Ibn 'Arabi adding one extra hadith, orally transmitted. Comprised of a full introduction explaining the meaning of Hadith, the text stresses the importance of this tradition in Ibn 'Arabi's writing. { 110pp, 140x215mm,

January 2004; PB, 13.95, 1905937032:9781905937035 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } DIVINE SAYINGS : The Mishkat al-Anwar of Ibn 'Arabi [Stephen Hirtenstein & Martin Notcutt] These 'Divine Sayings' are universal in nature, expounding the divine root of all goodness and beauty, and can be appreciated by people from any background. Recurring themes include our utter dependence upon God, and His readiness to forgive and embrace those who truly turn to Him. { 218pp, 155x230mm, October 2004; HB, 19.95, 0953451356:9780953451357 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } FOUR PILLARS OF SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION : The Adornment of the Spiriutally Transformed (Hilyat al-abdal) [Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi] Text in English & Arabic. This is the first English translation of Ibn 'Arabi's Hilyat al-abdal, a short work which he wrote in the space of an hour during his Meccan period as something that would be "of assistance for those on the Path to true happiness". Beginning with an anecdote concerning one of his Andalusian companions, Ibn 'Arabi proceeds to explain the exterior qualities of the spiritually transformed (abdal). He particularly focuses on the four essential prerequisites of spiritual discipline: silence, seclusion, hunger and vigilance, describing how these appear among both aspirants and the spiritually realised. One of the most popular of his short works, the Hilyat al-abdal was much copied, and this book includes the first critical edition of the text based on the best manuscripts, including one written in Malatya during the author's lifetime. In addition, it provides a substantial introduction on the abdal saints, and a translation of Chapter 53 from the Futuhat al-makkiyya, which deals with the same subject-matter. Published in association with the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society. { 74pp, 145x210mm, December 2008; PB, 12.50, 1905937040:9781905937042 , Four Corners (Anqa) } GIBRAN, RIHANI & NAIMY : East-West Interactions in Early Twentith-Century Arab Literature [Aida Imangulieva] The three Lebanese writers discussed in this volume -- Kahlil Gibran, Ameen Rihani and Mikhail Naimy -- all emigrated to the USA early in life. There, in the first decades of the twentieth century, together with other Syrian and Lebanese migrs, they were spurred into writing and setting up all Arabic-language press. The result was what became known as the Syro-American School, a fusion of Eastern sentiment with Western forms and, beyond this, a cultural cross-fertilisation in both directions. All three authors wrote in English as -,yell as Arabic, while Mikhail Naimy also wrote in Russian. Many of their works were directed at specifically Arab affairs, and they also wrote much that was of deliberately universal appeal, including a reinterpretation of traditional Arab spirituality. The best-known example of this was Kahlil Gibran's best-seller "The Prophet". A century on, their words on the need for East and West to come to one another's aid are as salutary as ever. This important book by Professor Aida Imangulieva, an Azeri specialist on Arabic literature, was originally published in Russian during the final years of the Soviet

Union. It examines the influences of foreign literary movements, such as Romanticism and Realism, upon the three authors: Gibran and Rihani in the light of English poets like Wordsworth, Byron and Shelley and American writers such as Emerson and Whitman; Naimy through the lens of the Russian Realist tradition, drawing parallels specifically with the work of Belinsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev and the Chekhovian tradition. The book provides an unusual window onto the Arab world's cultural interaction with Europe, America and Russia in the early twentieth century. It also reaches beyond its academic scope and reveals, from the pages of the three authors, universal elements that speak to all people and go beyond cultural frameworks altogether. { 239pp, 155x230mm, September 2009; PB, 14.99, 190593727X:9781905937271 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } IBN 'ARABI & MODERN THOUGHT : The History of Taking Metaphysics Seriously [Peter Coates] In these global times it is a curious and pertinent fact that the life and writings of Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi, which since the 12th century have incalculably influenced the metaphysical structure of much Oriental thought and practice, still remain relatively unknown and undiscussed in the Western theoretical architecture of the twenty-first century. His remarks on causality, time, contingency, necessity, epistemology, ontology, ethics and aesthetics alone would entice even the most wary of modernity's intellectual authorities. This book deals with the findings of just some of these authorities modern philosophy, social science and psychology in an open discourse between the ancient and the modern, the traditional and the scientific, the industrial and the personal. It is an invitation to reconsider some of the central and defining ideas of modernity in the light of Ibn 'Arabi's writings on the Unity of Existence. The book will be of interest to academics and students in psychology, sociology and philosophy, and to readers with an academic and/or personal interest in Ibn 'Arabi. { 203pp, 155x230mm, January 2002; PB, 13.95, 0953451372:9780953451371 / HB, 19.95, 0953451364:9780953451364 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } NIGHTINGALE IN THE GARDEN OF LOVE : The Poems of Hazreti-i Pir-i ftade [Paul Ballanfat; Translated by Angela Culme-Seymour] This is a translation of the spiritual poems of one of the greatest Ottoman Sufi masters, Mehmed Muhyiddin ftade (1490-1580). ftade was born and lived in Bursa, a hugely important spiritual centre at the height of the Ottoman Empire. He was founder of one of its main dervish orders, the Jelvetiyye, through the training of his famous disciple, Aziz Mahmud Hdayi. In addition, ftade composed a collection of poems, which express his spiritual quest in simple, direct and wonderfully human language, and these are presented here for the first time in English. Paul Ballanfats introduction provides a detailed overview of the main features of ftades life and teachings, and of his cultural background, where sultans were often affiliated to Sufi orders. Particularly prominent in ftades teaching was the thought of "the greatest master", Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, and of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. ftade had a direct spiritual connection with both of

these extraordinary men and a great veneration for them. { 180pp, 150x210mm, January 2005; PB, 13.95, 0953451380:9780953451388 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } SEVEN DAYS OF THE HEART : Prayers for the Nights & Days of the Week [Stephen Hirtenstein & Pablo Beneito] Ibn Arab (1165-1240) has long been known as a great spiritual master. His many works of prose and poetry are beginning to be more accessible in translation in Western languages. They possess the remarkable quality of being able to speak to people of all walks of life and belief, across the apparent barrier of many centuries and differing cultures. Despite this growing interest, the prayers which are attributed to him remain little-known. They provide a most precious glimpse into the real practice of the mystical life within the Sufi tradition. This is the first time that any of Ibn Arab's prayers have been published in another language. This particular collection is one of the most beautiful, having been revered in the Islamic world for centuries. There are fourteen prayers, one for each day and night of the week. They include not only the most astounding expressions of contemplation and devotion to God, but also an unparalleled depth of knowledge of Union (tawhd). As the translators show in their introduction, the very structure of the prayers is a mode of contemplation, since for Ibn Arab the weekly cycle itself is sacred. These prayers are presented with notes and appendices. { 182pp, 155x230mm, January 2000; HB, 22.00, 095345133X:9780953451333 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) } UNVIVERSAL TREE & THE FOUR BIRDS [Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi; Translated by Angela Jaffray] Through the story of the universal tree, representing the complete human being, and the four birds, representing the four essential aspects of existence, Ibn 'Arabi explains his teaching on the nature and meaning of union with God. Providing an excellent initiation into the often complex works of Ibn 'Arabi, this brief, delightful tale is the first English translation of an important, early work, complete with Arabic text, commentary, and notes. { 127pp, 150x210mm, July 2007; PB, 13.95, 0953451399:9780953451395 , Four Corners (Anqa) } UNLIMITED MERCIFIER : The Spiritual Life & Thought of Ibn 'Arabi [Stephen Hirtenstein] Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi (AD 1165-1240) is unquestionably one of the most profound figures in the history of world spirituality, a visionary of superlative wisdom and compassion. Known as the "Greatest Master" (al-Shaykh al-Akbar), he led an extraordinary inner and outer life. He travelled huge distances, from his native Spain to Syria and Turkey, writing over 350 books on the mystical path. His whole life was dedicated to exposing, at the deepest level, the primordial Unity underlying all human and natural existence, and the true degree of human dignity. The book presents a unique portrait of Ibn 'Arabi 'from the inside', using his own writing to tell the story of his life and teachings. The biographical chapters, supplemented with photographs and maps, give a vivid picture of his life and times during the height of medieval culture. These are

interwoven with a series of chapters that portray the central elements of his thought, and highlight their relevance in today's world. This unusual approach gives a direct flavour of Ibn 'Arabi's genius, whose life and thought are inextricably linked. Above all, his deep insights into what it means to be truly human are applicable to people of all times and places. This highly readable and lucid book will appeal to anyone interested in the heart of Sufism or the mystical path and has a unique arrangement of biographical chapters alternating with chapters on major themes in his work. { 289pp, 155x230mm, January 1999; PB, 17.50, 0953451321:9780953451326 / HB, 29.99, 0953451313:9780953451319 , Four Corners (Anqa Publishing) }

ALEXANDER THOM : Cracking the Stone Age Code [Robin Heath] Professor Alexander Thom was a foremost scientist and engineer of the last century. Once Chair of Engineering Science at Brasenose College, Oxford, following an already distinguished career in both the academic and industrial world, during the War he had been Principal Scientific Officer for the design of the High Speed Wind Tunnel at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, and had assisted Sir Barnes Wallace in the design of the famous 'bouncing bomb' of Dambuster's fame. From 1934, Thom became interested in the megalithic culture that had erected the stone circles, rows and other monuments in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain. He began to accurately survey these sites, and in 1967 published Megalithic Sites in Britain (Oxford) where he claimed the builders had been skilled surveyors and astronomers, and had used an identical and accurate unit of length to mark out their constructions throughout Britain, a length he called the Megalithic yard (2.72 feet or 0.829m). Thom also discovered that they were using a geometry based on right-angled 'Pythagorean' triangles, triangles whose sides were whole numbers of this same megalithic yard, or subdivisions or multiples of it. He also proposed that they were observing both the sun and moon using precision alignments to identified sites or natural features on a distant horizon. He even showed that they could have predicted eclipses. The book was described by archaeologist Professor Richard Atkinson as 'a wellconstructed time-bomb dropped through the letterbox of archaeology', and it caused a huge rumpus within the profession. In effect Thom had demonstrated that there was a huge missing component in our understanding of the Megalithic culture, one that archaeologists had totally missed, and that our model of prehistory was flawed and hopelessly inadequate. In 1970, The BBC made a fulllength documentary about Thom under its flagship 'Chronicle' series. Magnus Magnusson amiably presented Thom's discoveries for the first time to a nonspecialist audience. Once out in the open, the archaeologists increasingly closed ranks while the informed public were enthralled. Despite the top statistician of

the day validating the Megalithic yard at the Royal Society and British Academy, and despite several leading archaeologists supporting Thom, he was increasingly marginalised, airbrushed from the subject and forgotten. Apart from the Chronicle documentary, Thom's story has never properly been told until now "Alexander Thom - Cracking the Stone Age Code" takes this fascinating subject beyond Thom's lifetime, the author showing how and why the archaeology profession missed a huge opportunity to embrace a remarkable aspect of our prehistoric past, one which carries huge implications for our modern culture. { 256pp, 165x245mm, June 2007; PB, 14.99, 0952615142:9780952615149 , Four Corners (Bluestone Press) } POWERPOINTS : Secret Rulers & Hidden Forces in the Landscape [Robin Heath] This book from Robin Heath injects the controversial subject of alignments (leylines) back into focus and demonstrates how these enigmatic features still influence the siting of important cultural and industrial powerpoints today. Many original photographs and graphics make the book simple to read yet profoundly disturbing in its implications for modern culture. A reality shift! { 126pp, 125x200mm, December 2005; PB, 9.95, 0952615134:9780952615132 , Four Corners (Bluestone Press) }

ALCHEMY OF HAPPINESS [Hazrat Inayat Khan] Inayat Khan always insisted that spiritual or mystical aspirations are of no avail if one's life is not lived as it should be. Under this title, forty lectures are collected that deal with life in all its aspects. { 302pp, 140x215mm, January 1996; PB, 9.95, 085692217X:9780856922176 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) }

ART OF PERSONALITY [Hazrat Inayat Khan] Four books containing the substance of Inayat Khan's teaching on human relationships. Education; Rasa Shastra; Character Building and the Art of Personality; Moral Culture. { 262pp, 140x215mm, January 1982; HB, 9.95, 9060775708:9789060775707 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) }

BLAVATSKY & HER TEACHERS : An Investigative Biography [Jean Overton Fuller] Few nineteenth century figures have aroused such controversy as Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-91), co-founder of The Theosophical Society. Accepted by some as a spiritual teacher, outstanding occultist and pioneer of the present New Age movement, she was denounced by others as an impostor, a secret agent for her native Russia, or a deluded fanatic. In this fulllength biography, the first to be published in England for many years, Jean Overton Fuller has used Russian language material, and is the first biography to have had access to the archives of the London Society for Psychical Research. But she has found the explanation for the life and work of Madame Blavatsky, not in New York where The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875, nor in London where she died, but in the attempts of an oriental fraternity to influence the spiritual climate of Europe in its most materialistic phase. She throws new light on the real identities of Madame Blavatsky's teachers, and their relationship to the complex world of Tibetan Buddhism. She portrays a woman struggling against immense personal and social difficulties to fulfil a mission that was scarcely understood by her closest associates. In her impartial scrutiny of evidence, Miss Overton Fuller has been obliged to reject as spurious some 'Blavatsky ' letters published by The Theosophical Society itself, but she has also uncovered the real authorship of the notorious 'Coulomb' letters which attempted to implicate Madame Blavatsky in fraud. The appearance of this biography coincides with the centenary of Madame Blavatskys's main work The Secret Doctrine (1888), which offered a profound spiritual interpretation of evolution, in contrast to Darwinism, and brought a new dimension into western thought. { 270pp, 155x230mm, January 1988; HB, 14.95, 0856921718:9780856921711 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } BOOK OF THE WONDERS OF INDIA [G S P Freeman-Grenville] Captain Buzurg ibn Shahriyar, a shipmaster from the Persian province of Khuzistan compiled this collection of sailors tales between 900 and 953. This new translation captures all the charm and spontaneity of the original text. Dr Freeman-Grenville has supplied an informative introduction, gazetteer, and bibliography. { 124pp, 160x240mm, January 1981; HB, 9.99, 0856920630:9780856920639 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } DRAMA OF THE SOUL [Shabaz Britten Best] The ever recurring question that each succeeding generation has asked are: Why did God create the universe? Is there a peaceful destiny pre-ordained for mankind? If so, what is the best and happiest means of accomplishing this ideal? A solution to these queries will reveal the drama of the human soul. Throughout the ages there have been outstanding individuals, wise men, prophets and messengers of God, who have brought to the world answers to these questions. Their explanations were presented in two aspects: First of all they gave exoteric and ethical teaching of a practical mode of living, based on good-will and co-operation. Then secondly the form of their message comprised of sacred doctrines concerning God, creation, nature, man and the purpose of life, which were only taught in secret to worthy

seekers. This book will give the reader unusual information to such startling questions as: Was Jesus The Original Author of The Gospel?; Were the Wise Men really wise?; Was John The Baptist really Jesus?; What is the meaning of The Transfiguration?; What is the hidden meaning in The Marriage in Cana story?; What really happened at The Crucifixion?; What happened at The Resurrection and Ascension? { 165pp, 135x210mm, January 1980; PB, 4.95, 085692072X:9780856920721 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } INNER LIFE : Three Classic Essays on the Spiritual Life by the Beloved Teacher Who Brought Sufism to the West [Hazrat Inayat Khan] The Indian Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927) was the first teacher to bring Sufism -- Islamic mysticism -- to the Western world. His teaching was noted for its stirring beauty and power, as well as for its applicability to all people, regardless of religious or philosophical background. This book gathers together three of Inayat Khan's most beloved essays on the spiritual life from among the fourteen volumes of his collected works: "The Inner Life": Inayat Kahn's sublime portrait of the person whose life is a radiant reflection of the Divine; "Sufi Mysticism": in which the author identifies and shatters the common misconceptions about mysticism to reveal its true meaning; "The Path of Initiation and Discipleship": What it means to set out on the spiritual path and how to find and maintain the right relationship with a teacher. { 176pp, 140x215mm, January 1997; PB, 9.99, 1570622094:9781570622090 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } MEMOIRS OF AN ARABIAN PRINCESS [Emily Said-Ruete] Originally published in 1888, this is the first known autobiography of an Arabian woman, and the only known autobiography of an Arabian princess. Set in mid-nineteenth century Zanzibar, where Arab and African cultures met, it provides a view no official account could possibly reveal, into the intrigues of court life, the struggles for political power, and the world of the harem. For the love of Heinrich Ruete, a young German consulate official, Princess Salme bint Said chose to forsake, at the risk of death, her privileged place in a Muslim society. In 1886 they fled to the West, where tragically, three years later he died. She remained in Germany with their three children, and there, in a characteristically lively style, wrote of her experience. { 224pp, 135x195mm, January 1996; PB, 9.95, 0856921475:9780856921476 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } MUSINGS FROM A SUFI [Kismet Dorothea Stam] A Sufi classic. { 62pp, 125x190mm, January 1980; PB, 7.95, 0856920258:9780856920257 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) }

NATURE MEDITATIONS, 3RD EDITION [Hazrat Inayat Khan] The Nature Meditations were dictated by Hazrat Inayat Khan to his secretary, Sheikh Sidar van Tuyll, at his first summer school in the wheat field of Wissous, France, in 1921. In this book Hazrat Inayat Khan gives us a means of experiencing in our everyday routine a new way of thinking and feeling, phrases were given out so they could be repeated slowly on the breath as a form of spiritual practise. { 92pp, 110x150mm, December 2005; PB, 5.95, 093087272X:9780930872724 , Four Corners (East-West) } PAGES IN THE LIFE OF A SUFI [Musharaff Moulamia Khan] "This book is published to give its readers a little taste, a marvellous perfume, a stolen glance into an India which is all these romantic and spiritual things. A nation where saints were produced and souls are elevated. We can never be sufficiently grateful for this priceless little book, for in these pages we can find what no camera can capture and no roaming to live sadhus or sages can achieve. The Sufi Message brought to the West by Inayat Khan, the eldest brother of the author, Musharaff Khan, bears in itself some of the subtleties and glowing aspects which these pages will inspire within us. No doubt to the Sufis, this book will be an invaluable treasure to help understand the Sufi Messenger, the Sufi Message and the Sufi Movement." -- Mashaikh Fazal Inayat Khan. { 155pp, 140x215mm, January 1982; PB, 4.95, 9062716628:9789062716623 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } PRAYER MEDITATION SILENCE [H P van Tuyll] This book deals with the need for prayer, meditation and silence to develop inner peace and nearness to God. The desire to follow a spiritual path, to seek guidance from a spiritual teacher, and to change one's life so that there is sufficient time and space for spiritual practices are described in this book. The teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the great Sufi mystical teacher are explained and many practical indications for prayer and meditation are given. { 277pp, 145x205mm, January 1999; PB, 9.99, 9053400567:9789053400562 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } RAYS [Kismet Dorothea Stam] This book has been written by one of the close collaborators of the great Sufi master, Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, who brought the Sufi Message to the Western world in the years 1910-1926. In these memoirs the accent is not so much on the historical sequence of events, but rather on the atmosphere of the great teacher and how he spoke and behaved in various life-circumstances. { 148pp, 140x215mm, January 1996; PB, 3.95, 0856920150:9780856920158 / HB, 5.50, 9070104229:9789070104221 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) }

SACRED MOUNTAIN : The Complete Guide to Tibet's Mount Kailas [John Snelling] Mount Kailas remains fascinating, lying as it does on the far side of the main Himalayan range in a remote region of Tibet. It is one of the most sacred mountains in all Asia. It was venerated by the great religions (Hindus, Buddhists, Jains) and many ardent pilgrims make the long and hazardous pilgrimage to it, the consummation of which was a 32 mile circumnavigation along a route replete with monasteries and sites of profound religious significance. { 458pp, 140x215mm, January 1991; PB, 19.95, 0856921734:9780856921735 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SHORT STORIES FROM RABINDRANATH TAGORE [Pratima Bowes, Translator] The sixteen short stories collected here were written between 1891 and 1917 by the Bengali poet, writer, painter, musician and mystic, Sir Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). Throughout these stories, Tagore's main interest is people and the kaleidoscope of human emotions, as men and women struggle with the restrictions and prohibitions of contemporary Hindu society. { 249pp, 135x220mm, January 1999; PB, 9.95, 0856921440:9780856921445 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SOUL WHENCE & WHITHER [Hazrat Inayat Khan] The lectures present here are a revision of earlier publications that were undertaken in the light of verbatim reports found in the archives of the Nekbakht Foundation. These documents include the questions and answers which were raised after Hanrat Inayat's talks. The work falls naturally into three parts: the journey of the soul before its arrival on earth, the soul during its stay on earth, and finally the return journey of the soul on its passing beyond its terrestrial experience. { 240pp, 140x215mm, January 1985; HB, 9.95, 0856921343:9780856921346 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SPIRITUAL LIBERTY [Hazrat Inayat Khan] A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty; Aqibat, Life after Death; The Phenomenon of the Soul; Love, Human and Divine; Pearls from the Ocean Unseen; Metaphysics. Early collections of Inayat Khan's teachings, mostly intended for his pupils who had gathered round him during the First World War. They contain a wealth of information about different aspects of Sufi mysticism. { January 1979; HB, 9.95, 9063250959:9789063250959 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SUFI MESSAGE OF SPIRITUAL LIBERTY, VOLUME 4 : Health & Healing -The Purificationof Mind & Body [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This volume contains Health; Mental Purification; The Mind World. These books explain the Sufi teachings concerning the influence of the mind on the body and the possibilities to restore rhythm and tone of a person through spiritual healing. When Health, the first book of this volume, was published in 1931 it met with great interest, for it is as rare to find a book on spiritual healing in which the advance of modern medical science is appreciated, as to find acknowledgement of spiritual healing in a medical text-book. Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Sufi mystic, has set

forth in the lectures and other papers included in Health, which were originally intended only for his pupils, the basic laws, governing the divine healing power as well as several methods it application. As with all mystical knowledge, the printed word alone can never confer the power and knowledge of healing upon anyone; a guide, a teacher is essential; but the reader will find in Inayat Khan's hitherto unpublished lectures on the workings and hygiene of the mind and kindred subjects. This volume ends with The Mind-world, a book which was first published separately in 1935 and reprinted in 1955; its title speaks for itself. While Volume 3 contains most of Hazrat Inayat Khan's books and lectures on human relationship, Volume 4 may be considered as a continuation of Volume 2, which deals principally with the metaphysical aspect of creation, tracing a line from its origin, to the human mind. { 288pp, 140x215mm, May 2005; PB, 9.95, 0856922757:9780856922756 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SUFI TEACHINGS : The Smiling Forehead [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This volume contains lectures on the different stages of spiritual development; the process of spiritual awakening, free will and destiny, the tuning of the heart, the law of life and action and the soul, its origin and unfoldment. { 277pp, 140x215mm, January 1996; HB, 9.95, 0856922161:9780856922169 , Four Corners (EastWest Publications) } SUFI TEACHINGS : The Art of Being [Hazrat Inayat Khan] A collection of lessons and addresses given by Inayat Khan between 1914 and 1919, hitherto unpublished lectures, and articles which appeared in Sufi periodicals during the 1920's. Subjects of discourse include: self-discipline, the Sufi's aim, the different stages of spiritual development, harmony, balance, judging, the privilege of being human, evolution, the law of life, karma and reincarnation, the ego, the deeper side of life, conscience, happiness, selflessness, the heart, love, the awakening of the soul, and many more. { 275pp, 140x215mm, January 1991; PB, 9.95, 1852300973:9781852300975 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } SUFISM IN ACTION : Achievement, Inspiration & Integrity in a Tough World [Dr H J Witteveen] For those who seek to reconcile the quest for material gain with the search for spiritual fulfilment, Sufism -- the mysticism of Islam -- may provide an answer. Written by an eminent economist who is vice president of the International Sufi Movement, this illuminating work shows how it is possible to be active in the modern world while remaining faithful to ideals and in touch with the divine spirit. It focuses on the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Indian mystic and musician, who brought a message to Western culture that harmonised East with West and emphasised the universal character of all religious ideals. Through universal Sufism, individuals can discover the inner world and achieve a fuller and more satisfying life. { 192pp, 155x205mm, January 2003; PB, 8.99, 1843336936:9781843336938 , Four Corners (EastWest Sufi) }

TALES [Hazrat Inayat Khan] In true Sufi tradition, Hazrat Inayat Khan used teaching stories as a means of making his spiritual and psychological insights more accessible and memorable for his disciples. The first section is drawn from dervish parables, fables, legends of ancient gods, kings and heroes, stories of prophets, sinners and saints. The second section contains experiences and anecdotes of Inayat Khan's own life and travels, from youthful journeys among the palaces and shrines of turn-of-the-century India, to encounters with the great and the humble all over the world. { 248pp, 140x215mm, November 1990; PB, 10.99, 0930872371:9780930872373 , Four Corners (East-West) } UNIVERSAL SUFISM [Dr H J Witteveen] There is more to Sufism than mere words or ideas. Sufism is not a theory. It possesses no dogma. Simply said Sufism is a way of life, an attitude towards living. Its roots are deep in the rich spiritual soil of ancient Egypt but the flowering of Islam brought forth further developments which led to its status as a holy way of living; an ideal which strives to keep the balance between the inner and outer world. This highly accomplished and deeply spiritual book is an exploration of the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the great Indian mystic who modernised the age-old wisdom of Sufism at the turn of the century. To this end he created the Universal Worship with the aim of joining all religions together in one inspiring religious service. Written with a heartfelt passion, this book is an enlightening journey through the inner wisdom of Universal Sufism, which also manages to cast a light on the development of Sufi mysticism with a special emphasis on the teachings and writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. As more and more people seek a sense of inner and outer peace this beautiful book makes for essential reading. { 178pp, 140x215mm, January 1997; PB, 8.99, 1862040931:9781862040939 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } USE WHAT YOU ARE : A Chinese Fable [Fun-Chang] A Chinese Emperor is wrestling with the question of the meaning of life... He meets an old Sage, who uses some surprising methods to help to expand his consciousness and catch a glimpse of the extraordinary ways in which civilisations rise and fall, one after another, on this earth... With the Sage's help, the Emperor begins to be guided by his intuition. learns to live in the present and to use what he is... { 78pp, 140x215mm, January 1992; PB, 5.95, 0856921777:9780856921773 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) } VISION OF GOD & MAN [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This volume contains a set of addresses on varying subjects by the founder of the Sufi Movement, given at different times during his stay in the West and covering a wide field of his teaching. The second part of the book consists of Inayat Khan's Confessions or reminiscences which he dictated around 1918, while in the third part the reader will find four short plays, written principally to be performed by his pupils in the course of their training. { 274pp, 140x215mm, January 1982; HB, 9.95, 9063251009:9789063251000 , Four Corners (East-West Publications) }

DISCOURSES WITH MALACHI : Opening to Spiritual Guidance [David Davidson] During morning meditations David Davidson began a mental dialogue with a spiritual teacher named Malachi. Over the course of three years Malachi explained exactly how and why this dialogue was happening. This book is primarily a book about the relationship between two people: one a spiritual teacher who lived eight thousand years ago and one a psychologist who is alive now. Through David, Malachi speaks with authority and depth. Whether his words are poetic, sympathetic or uncompromising, they are always inspiring and always spoken from the heart. This book provides a valuable guide and handbook for those who wish to enter into a dialogue with spirit. The addition of Malachi's predictions, his patience and his rather dry sense of humour make his explanations about how spirit communicates with humankind both stimulating and thought-provoking. { 128pp, 150x230mm, January 2000; PB, 7.99, 0953200760:9780953200764 , Four Corners (Leaders Partnership ) } MEMORIES OF JOSEPHES : Soul Memories of a Cousin of Jesus [David Davidson] This book is made up of the memories of Josephes, the eldest son of Joseph of Arimathea. During meditation David Davidson began to see vivid glimpses of the life and times of Josephes, who lived 2000 years ago in Jerusalem and Cyprus. What makes these memories special is that Josephes was the eldest son of Joseph of Arimathea. He was close cousin of Yeshua (Jesus), they were brought up together and were constant boyhood companions and lifelong confidants. Over the course of three and a half years the story of Josephes life emerged, chronicling his struggles, his mistakes, his triumphs but above all his intense relationship with his cousin which was linked to his own ultimate death. This book presents a beautiful, poetic and at times, deeply moving account, not of the life of Josephes but also of the trials of Yeshua and his family as he grew, realised, and fulfilled his destiny. { 256pp, 155x230mm, January 1997; PB, 11.99, 0953200701:9780953200702 , Four Corners (Leaders Partnership ) } WAY OF THE SOUL, PART 1 : Joseph of Arimathea Speaks [David Davidson] In this book, Joseph of Arimathea, uncle and guardian of the young Yeshua, who was to become Jesus the Christ, speaks through a deep-trance, direct voice channel who also channels Father Abraham and The prophet Elijah of the Old Testament. In this book Joseph maps out a spiritual architecture that towers above creation like a cathedral of light. The nature of God, the origin of soul, the sphere of light and life after death, parallel worlds, reincarnation and the purpose of life itself, all are discussed from the perspective of soul. Step by step he takes us through the stages of creation to this critical turning point in history

and how best we can manage the challenges it presents us. With additions from over twenty years of teaching this book creates a clear picture of the place and progress of humanity as part of a vast spiritual reality. It will be of interest to all with an inquiring mind, whether philosophical, scientific, religious or artistic in nature, the truths contained within these pages transcend the boundaries of culture or religion. The source of these revelations are collated from transcripts of tape recordings of a deep-trance, direct-voice channel, who started channelling over twenty years ago. As time went by and she became more adept, one particular Spiritual Teacher began to speak through her at first regularly and then exclusively. The quality of the teaching was recognised as profound and soon built a following of people who came regularly to listen to the being who identified himself as 'the Master'. { 128pp, 150x230mm, January 1986; HB, 8.99, 0953200744:9780953200740 , Four Corners (Leaders Partnership ) } WAY OF TRUTH : Conversations with a Master of Light [Graham Timmins] This book offers an explanation of the simple spiritual truths underlying some of the most perplexing scientific and existential riddles facing humanity today. During a series of conversations with a channelled Master of Light, Graham Timmins gradually enters into an experience of truth. This verbatim account of their dialogue enables the reader to walk beside Graham, to experience with him a discussion which moves from questing to co-operation and finally towards a sense of deep knowing. { 187pp, 155x230mm, January 2001; PB, 9.99, 0953200736:9780953200733 , Four Corners (Leaders Partnership ) }

EMBRACING HEAVEN & EARTH : The Liberation Teachings of Andrew Cohen [Andrew Cohen] This is an original contemporary expression of the timeless wisdom of Enlightenment. The fruition of Andrew Cohen's fifteen years as a spiritual teacher, this book presents a radical psychology of liberation. It takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery that reveals not only the liberating fact of our true nature, but the way to live that truth in this world. { 102pp, 155x230mm, January 2000; PB, 12.95, 1883929296:9781883929299 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } EMBRACING HEAVEN & EARTH AUDIOCASSETTE : The Five Fundamental Tenets of Enlightenment [Andrew Cohen] In this extraordinary talk recorded at Naropa University, in Boulder, Colorado, Andrew Cohen lays out the complete foundation of his teachings of liberation -- what he refers to as 'The Five Fundamental Tenets of Enlightenment'. A perfect companion to his widely acclaimed book Embracing Heaven & Earth, this audiocassette gives listeners a

rare and intimate view of his discovery that these profound spiritual laws, conveying their immediacy, significance and life-transforming potential. Approximate running time: 96 minutes. { January 2001; CA, 6.95, 1883929342:9781883929343 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } ENLIGHTENMENT IS A SECRET : Teachings of Liberation [Andrew Cohen] This collection of dialogues and excerpts taken from Andrew Cohen's teachings, is a manual for personal liberation. It explores every question crucial to the spiritual quest in deeply illuminating way. Love, renunciation, surrender, humility, detachment, the mind, spiritual practice and many other topics are addressed with a clarity so powerful that it constantly challenges the reader to go further and further. One of the most original expressions of awakened understanding by western teacher in our time -- a book for endless study and contemplation. { 283pp, 155x230mm, January 1995; PB, 12.95, 1883929083:9781883929084 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } IN DEFENSE OF THE GURU PRINCIPLE [Andrew Cohen] In this time of confusion and cynicism about spiritual authority, Andrew Cohen speaks with unusual candour and passion about his own experience as a spiritual mentor and the rare challenge that this role presents when lived without compromise. { 40pp, 140x195mm, January 1999; PB, 4.95, 188392927X:9781883929275 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT AUDIOCASSETTE : Spiritual Life in the 21st Century [Andrew Cohen] Andrew Cohen concludes his recent book, Living Enlightenment, with a big question -- and an even bigger answer. What is the purpose of enlightenment? "Thats simple," Andrew responds. "Evolution!" This companion audiocassette picks up where the book left off, plunging listeners into the dynamic current where the thrill of evolution meets the ecstasy of enlightenment. In a talk and dialogues recorded at the launch of Living Enlightenment, Andrew challenges us to leap beyond tradition and embrace a revolutionary new vision for spirituality in the twenty-first century. Approximate running time: 96 minutes. { January 2003; CA, 11.30, 1883929407:9781883929404 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } UNCONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIP TO LIFE : The Odyssey of a Young American Spiritual Teacher [Andrew Cohen] A strikingly original and powerfully experiential journey through the modern spiritual world, both East and West. Describing the evolution of his own understanding through his meetings with teachers from various traditions. Andrew weaves and expos that is simultaneously provocative and uplifting. Through questioning many of the current spiritual paradigms, he opens a door to a deeper understanding, revealing what the goal of liberation actually is, unencumbered by the usual myths and superstitions that are so prevalent in the spiritual world today. Andrew's bold call to think independently challenges the reader to look beyond that which may have become all too familiar. { 160pp, 155x230mm, January

1995; PB, 9.95, 1883929040:9781883929046 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) } WHO AM I? & HOW SHALL I LIVE? [Andrew Cohen] There are two fundamental spiritual questions that all true seekers want to know the answer to. The first is: "Who am I? Who am I beyond the mind, beyond the personality, beyond any fixed notion of self?" The second question is: "How shall I live? How can I live in a way that manifests the spiritual vision of profound simplicity, dynamic freedom and perfect oneness?" All the questions that have been asked of spiritual masters throughout history in the end refer to these two questions alone: Who am I? and How shall I live? { 30pp, 145x145mm, January 1998; PB, 4.95, 1883929245:9781883929244 , Four Corners (Moksha Press) }

GOLDEN SHRINE, GODDESS QUEEN : Egypt's Anointing Mysteries [Alison Roberts] This book explores ancient Egypt's feminine anointing mysteries and how these are reflected in both royal art and ritual life. It also traces their subsequent influence in early Christianity. This means there are five broad audiences for the book in addition to those interested in Egyptology, ancient history and archaeology. Religion -- the book provides new insights in religion and mythology. It includes a detailed study of the New Year ritual of anointing the pharaoh , so it will appeal to readers interested in ritual and ancient mysteries. As a discussion of the oldest known African religion it is also relevant to black history. Women's Studies -- the book carefully elucidates the place of feminine divinity and the Egyptian queen in these anointing mysteries. Emphasising the crucial role of the feminine in Egyptian ritual life, it gives a new perspective on women's theology and women's history. Early Christianity -- the book traces the influence of the Egyptian New Year rites in the Christian anointing mysteries, as recorded both in the canonical gospels and the alchemically inspired Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library. It is therefore relevant to readers interested in early Christianity, Christian sacramentalism and the Nag Hammadi writings. Alchemy and Hermeticism -- the book's study of the relationship between early Christianity, Graeco-Egyptian alchemy and Hermeticism will interest those drawn to early esoteric traditions. Fine Arts -- the book will also appeal to readers interested in a history, since it gives a high priority to visual images for understanding Egyptian religion. It includes many striking colour illustrations, which are closely Integrated within the text. { 160pp, 185x230mm, November 2008; PB, 18.99, 0952423324:9780952423324 , Four Corners (Northgate Publishers) }

HATHOR RISING : The Secret Power of Ancient Egypt [Alison Roberts] Drawing together temple art, myths, rituals and poetry, Hathor Rising reveals a rich tradition of feminine divinity. It explores how the sexual polarity of Hathor and the sun god manifests in the Pharaoh's life' as well as Hathor's connection with Isis and the moon cults. The serpent cult was given a new impetus by Hatshepsut, the innovative female Pharaoh whose remarkable reign, early in the 15th century BC, laid the foundations for the cultural splendour of New Kingdom Egypt. Ecstatic, musical, heart-centred -- the serpent tradition was interrupted only by the reign of Akhenaten who suppressed much of the serpent cult in favour of a trinitarian father god. { 186pp, 185x235mm, January 1995; PB, 13.99, 0952423308:9780952423300 , Four Corners (Northgate Publishers) } MY HEART MY MOTHER : Death & Rebirth in Ancient Egypt [Alison Roberts] This book explores the pivotal place of the fiery serpent-eye goddess, HathorSekmet, in the mysteries of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead. Weaving together myths, rituals and temple art, it recreates the craft world of ancient Memphis, with its heart-centred religion and vitalising feminine divinities. The author reveals the rich and complex temple life of New Kingdom Egypt in a compelling account of the soul's return to primal origins in the Ancestor Ritual, a little known royal death and rebirth ceremony. My Heart My Mother breaks new ground with its analysis of Egyptian sacred architecture. Seti I's temple at Abydos is shown to be an image of heaven, built to correspond with the cosmic 'maps' of living and dying depicted on the remarkable Nut ceilings in Theban royal tombs. Each part of the Abydos temple is a focus for transformation in the ancestral rites. Despite great social changes this heart wisdom continued long after the rule of Pharaohs ended. The book traces its profound influence in alchemy, presenting fresh evidence to support the alchemists' own belief in the Egyptian roots of their tradition. { 265pp, 185x235mm, January 2000; PB, 16.99, 0952423316:9780952423317 , Four Corners (Northgate Publishers) }

HARMONISE WITH LIFE : A Guide for Finding Your Own Path to Inner Peace, Joy & Love [Tycho Photiou] This book is written for the independent truth seeker -- that rare breed of person who questions all accepted dogma and forms their own opinions by combination of open-minded awareness, intuition, experience and constant questioning. Within these pages we will be dealing with questions such as: What are we? What is holding us back? What practical steps can we take which will help us live life more fully, with more love and joy in our lives. We need to question whether religious dogma, scientific dogma, social dogma, or

any other belief system which may be thrown at us as if it is 'the truth' is actually serving us. We must ask whether the beliefs that we are holding are assisting our spiritual evolution or opposing it. We are truly unlimited beings, our potential is infinite, and once we awaken to this fact, life becomes an exciting adventure full of inspiration, adventure, joy and most of all love. { 148pp, 130x190mm, January 2002; PB, 6.95, 1902422058:9781902422053 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) } INSPIRATIONAL POETRY, RHYME & VERSE : On Life & Love [Emily C Harris] If we tried to categorise this book, it could be said that it belongs on an easyreaders bookshelf and hovers somewhere between love sonnets, the travellers tale and old-fashioned rhyming verse. And if we were to describe what it expresses, we could say it combines ancient allegory and home-spun philosophy with a smattering of new age principles, human emotions and life questions. { 121pp, 105x150mm, January 2001; PB, 3.95, 190242204X:9781902422046 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) } INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS, VOLUME 1 : A Compilation of Wonderful Quotations for Your Personal Growth, Second Edition [Tycho Photiou] The principles and beliefs we choose to live by, inevitably determine our state of mind, our health and our relationships with others, this, in turn, influences the quality of our lives. Therefore our thoughts and beliefs are fundamental to our well-being and the direction of our life's journey. This book is a compilation of moments of inspiration and insight in the lives of many wise people, some of whom have had a great influence on the creative and social development of mankind. { 122pp, 105x150mm, January 1998; PB, 3.95, 1902422015:9781902422015 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) } INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS, VOLUME 2 : A Compilation of Wonderful Quotations for Your Personal Growth [Tycho Photiou] The principles and beliefs we choose to live by, inevitably determine our state of mind, our health and our relationships with others, this, in turn, influences the quality of our lives. Therefore our thoughts and beliefs are fundamental to our well-being and the direction of our life's journey. This book is a compilation of moments of inspiration and insight in the lives of many wise people, some of whom have had a great influence on the creative and social development of mankind. The little gems of wisdom that your find within this book, have been carefully chosen for their clarity and simplicity. { 122pp, 105x150mm, January 2001; PB, 3.95, 1902422031:9781902422039 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) }

YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK : A Guide to the Technique of Self-Suggestion, 2nd Edition [Tycho Photiou] This book will help you to create your own reality, and discover the incredible power of self-suggestion which will enable you to improve any aspect of your life by reprogramming your subconscious for health and success. This book will put you on the road to fulfilling your dreams. You will come to realise how you create your reality by your expectations. Your relationships, health, confidence, happiness, learning ability and memory can all be enhanced by the techniques of self-suggestion taught in this book. { 154pp, 130x190mm, January 1998; PB, 6.95, 1902422007:9781902422008 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) } YOU REALLY ARE RESPONSIBLE : A Guide to Self-Empowerment & Improved Relationships [Tycho Photiou] This book is all about self-empowerment. This has nothing to do with control or manipulation of others, it is all about developing the attitude "I am responsible for everything that happens to me in my life" as opposed to "I am the victim of my circumstances over which I have no control". But be careful-taking responsibility if not to be confused with "everything bad that happens to me is my own fault" since blame never gets us anywhere, Response-ability means the ability to respond, so even if you can't change a particular event, you can certainly change the way that you respond to it. { 118pp, 130x190mm, January 1999; PB, 5.95, 1902422023:9781902422022 , Four Corners (Ocean Books) }

ART OF BEING & BECOMING [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This book gathers Hazrat Inayat Khan's teachings on what the Sufis consider the fruit of the whole creation: the divine art of creating the personality. { 280pp, 140x215mm, January 1989; PB, 15.50, 093087241X:9780930872410 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) }

AWAKENING OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This book describes in a thorough and understandable manner the sequence of inner stages which a person goes through in the process of spiritual development. The teaching advocates, not a withdrawal from the world, but making our spiritual ideals a reality in our daily lives. { 206pp, 140x215mm, January 1982; PB, 14.95, 0930872355:9780930872359 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) }

COMPLETE SAYINGS [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This book contains the essence of Inayat Khan's teaching. Many of the sayings were written down following his interviews, so that are not mere spiritual clichs, but expressions of that wisdom which emerges from the mystic vision when confronted by the depth of human longing. { 300pp, 140x215mm, January 2001; PB, 15.95, 0930872398:9780930872397 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } CREATING THE PERSON : A Practical Guide to the Development of Self [Hazrat Inayat Khan] It is an act of love, in our time, to take upon a truly human personality. This book offers an introduction to a range of qualities which are necessary for the accomplishment of that task. Willpower, gratitude, self-control, gentleness and self-respect are among the topics addresses. No dogmas will be found here, for in Hazrat Inayat Khan's words, "no principle must be blindly followed". Rather, direction is given that may enable the reader to develop these qualities in his or her everyday life. { 123pp, 140x215mm, January 1995; PB, 11.95, 0930872517:9780930872519 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } DRUNKEN UNIVERSE : An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry [Peter Lamborn Wilson & Nasrollah Pourjavady] Sufism can be seen to have functioned as a positive and healthy reaction to the overly rational activity of the philosophers and theologians. For the Sufis, the road to spiritual knowledge could never be confined to the process of purely intellectual activity, without the direct, immediate experience of the Heart. In this book we are concerned with one art that the Sufis made peculiarly their own: poetry. Why should Sufis in general, and Persian Sufis in particular, choose to write poetry? When they wanted to 'be themselves', lovers of the Truth, they needed a language more intense, closer to the centre of human awareness than prose. Truth is beautiful, so when one speaks of it, one speaks beautifully. As the lover sings to his beloved, so did the Sufis to theirs. Love itself creates a taste for this language, so that even the prose writers of Sufism scatter verse throughout their works and create poetic prose. The overwhelming theme of this poetry is the Love relationship between the individual, the lover, and his Beloved, God. { 170pp, 130x230mm, January 1999; PB, 12.95, 0930872657:9780930872656 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } HAND OF POETRY : Five Mystic Poets of Persia [Coleman Barks, Translator] The book offer entrance into a world and beauty and truth. Its method is twofold. First it presents five important lectures on Persian poetry given by Pir-oMurshid Inayat Khan, who brought Sufis to the West. Then it offers fresh translations by the poet Coleman Barks of some of the poetry Inayat Khan discusses, designed to provide readers with ready access to at least a sample of this wondrous literature, still not easy to find in English. Thus the book presents a brief, but reasonably comprehensive, introduction to one of the great literatures of the world, until recently ignored in the West. { 188pp, 140x215mm, January 1993; PB, 9.95, 0930872479:9780930872472 , Four

Corners (Omega Publications) } HISTORY OF CYPRUS : From Foreign Domination to Troubled Independence [Dr Stavros Panteli] For over three thousand years the history of Cyprus has largely been a story of foreign invasion and occupation. In this newly revised edition of a much-praised work, the author brilliantly chronicles the turmoil of Cyprus past and explores the troubled prospects for the islands future. A particular focus of the book is the period beginning with the British Occupation in 1878 through to current events. Drawing on many unpublished documents and letters, the text provides an incisive political and economic history of the modern period. { 384pp, 160x215mm, January 2000; PB, 12.99, 0856922188:9780856922183 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } IMAGES OF INAYAT [Sophia Saintsbury-Green] Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan introduced Sufism to the Western World, travelling and teaching in Europe and the United States from 1910 through 1926. In this brief book one of his disciples sketches from her experience several aspects of being in his presence. These Images of Inayat present a beautiful and revealing portrait of a major spiritual influence of the twentieth century. { 60pp, 125x205mm, January 1992; PB, 7.95, 0930872460:9780930872465 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } MAN OF LIGHT IN IRANIAN SUFISM [Henry Corbin] In the Sufism of ancient Iran, the quest for the dawning of light in the cosmic North symbolises the mystic's search for realisation. In this spiritual journey, the light arising in man's inner darkness -- the Northern Light or Midnight Sun -- represents the impartial but brilliant light of truth, that which sets us free from egotism and from slavery to material existence. { 174pp, 140x215mm, January 1994; PB, 13.95, 0930872487:9780930872489 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } MASTERY THROUGH ACCOMPLISHMENT [Hazrat Inayat Khan] A good place to begin working with Inayat Khan's teachings. Many consider 'Mastery' to be the most practical place to begin working with the teachings of Inayat Khan. In the words of the author: "It is not necessary for man to leave all the things of the world and go into retreat. He can attend to his business, to his profession, to his duties in life and yet at the same time develop this spirit in himself which is the spirit of mastery. Mastery is not only a means of accomplishing the things of the world, but it is that by which a person fulfils the purpose of his life." { 320pp, 155x230mm, January 1978; PB, 15.50, 0930872401:9780930872403 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) }

MUSIC OF LIFE [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This is the definitive collection of Hazrat Inayat Khan's teachings on sound, presenting the Sufi Master's vision of the harmony which underlies and infuses every aspect of our lives. With deep insight and wisdom, he explores the science of breath, the law of rhythm, the creative process, and both the healing power and psychological influence of music and sound. { 353pp, 140x215mm, January 1988; PB, 17.50, 093087238X:9780930872380 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } PEARL IN WINE : Essays on the Life, Music & Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan [Pirzade Zia Inayat Khan] The thirteen essays in this volume collectively bring to the fore Hazrat Inayat Khan's remarkable multidimensionality. The figure that emerges eludes easy categorisation. We are confronted with a paragon of high Mughal culture who was equally a forerunner of post-nationalist cosmopolitanism; a performer of sacred music and a sage with a musical message; a tradition-sanctioned Chishti initiator inspired with an urgent transcendental vision of radical ecumenism and global spiritual renewal. { 506pp, 150x230mm, January 2001; PB, 28.95, 0930872703:9780930872700 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } SOUL'S JOURNEY [Hazrat Inayat Khan] The book brings a modern Sufi perspective to the essential questions about the nature and meaning of life, exploring the experience of the soul as it extends outward toward manifestation, during its life on earth, and finally as it draws back to its source in the one being. In this book, Inayat Khan offers the spiritual seeker an authentic and invaluable map of the territory we call human life. He presents abstract and complex issues with a simplicity that is engaging and even disarming. 'The Soul's Journey' is an illuminating guide for anyone seeking to understand the depths of his or her own true nature. Where did we come from? What are we doing here? Where are we going? And what is the meaning of it all? { 290pp, 155x230mm, January 2003; PB, 13.50, 0930872533:9780930872533 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY [Hazrat Inayat Khan] This is the most comprehensive gathering of Inayat Khan's teachings on the mind and its potential, and contains material which has not been published elsewhere. { 244pp, 140x215mm, January 1988; PB, 14.95, 0930872363:9780930872366 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) }

STORY OF LAYLA & MAJNUN [Nizami] The story of Layla and Majnun is one of the best-known legends of the Orient, both a touching love story and a profound spiritual allegory. The two lovers of this classic tale are remembered to this day in the poems and songs from the Caucasus to the interior of Africa, and from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. The Persian poet Nizami collected a number of folk versions and shaped them into a single narrative poem of some 4000 stanzas near the end of the twelfth century. Compared for its beauty and genius to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the Sufis consider Nizami's Layla and Majnun an important parable of religious experience. Majnun, through his great love for Layla, is able to transcend individual identity and becomes the Beloved. This translation was previously published by Shambhala in 1978. { 177pp, 130x230mm, January 1997; PB, 11.95, 0930872525:9780930872526 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) } THAT WHICH TRANSPIRES BEHIND THAT WHICH APPEARS : The Experience of Sufism [Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan] This step-by-step guide to the discovery and unfoldment of the soul is both profound and practical. It consists of the teaching given by a Sufi Master during a three-day spiritual retreat. It is an extraordinary document that speaks to everyone who is, or wants to be, travelling a spiritual path. { 211pp, 140x215mm, January 1994; PB, 14.95, 0930872495:9780930872496 , Four Corners (Omega Publications) }


DIVINE RENAISSANCE, VOLUME 1 [John Todd Ferrier] This is the first of two volumes dealing with the mystery of our spiritual constitution, the approach to that mystery and the description of Divine events within the Soul. We are told how our spiritual constitution is mirrored in the physical form, its wonderful organs and its realm of heart and mind -- even its substances being an accommodated form of spiritual substance. Every part of the physical vehicle corresponds to a higher function in the spiritual vehicles through which we also live. So, in searching for the inner reality, the Spirit or Life-stream, which is love in its dual flow, is able to move with increasing freedom through the substance of all our vehicles. Thus love becomes embodied in Life. This is the mystery of which the Mass speaks, an inner reality, a continuous process wherein the life of Love takes form. { 385pp, 135x205mm, January 1988; HB, 14.99, 090023508X:9780900235085 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) }

DIVINE RENAISSANCE, VOLUME 2 [John Todd Ferrier] This is the second of two volumes concerned with the infinite spiritual realms to be found within us. These teachings restate the traditional Christian message in a way which reveals its essential spirituality and shows it to be universal in scope. The subject matter is frequently Biblical in its terminology although the message it reveals is cosmic in nature and applied to all life. Here one will find many church events, festivals, practices and history reinterpreted and shown to be earthly manifestations of Divine events within the Soul. All of these manifestations are resident within us as truths to be restored, for we learn that all Souls have had many lives, and these truths, which are lodged in our spiritual memory, may be recovered if we seek the life of which they speak. { 566pp, 135x205mm, November 1963; HB, 15.99, 0900235098:9780900235092 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } EZEKIEL : A Cosmic Drama [John Todd Ferrier] Ezekiel's messages concerns the spiritual history of the Planet, its relationship to the Divine World and the process of its restoration to its one-time pristine estate. The prophecy opens with the transcendent vision from the Apocalypse wherein are beheld the Four Living Ones and the Wheels within Wheels. In the re-interpreted prophecy it is shown that the Apocalyptic vision corresponds directly to the inner life of each Soul who seeks God, by whatever name. It is to these Souls that Ezekiel speaks. They are those of all races and creeds who seek to rekindle the Divine visions within themselves. In the prophecy they are called Israel, no earthly race, but men and women who recognised the Divine call, and through many lives have followed ways of simplicity, purity and compassion in services. They are the seekers of Truth in all things and to them Ezekiel calls. { 265pp, 135x205mm, January 1988; HB, 13.99, 0900235101:9780900235108 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } ISAIAH : A Cosmic & Messianic Drama [John Todd Ferrier] Prior to the Manifestation by the Master known as Jesus Christ, there were many Prophets of whom Isaiah was one. All the prophetic writings in the Old Testament are cryptic. They often present the Eternal One in terms contrary to the ways of Divine Love, ascribing human failings to the Divine World. In this volume the text of Isaiah is re-interpreted with many profound and illuminating notes. The main themes of the prophecy are explained in the accompanying text which forms the major portion of the book. From it we learn that Isaiah's message and the later teachings of the Master are one. The prophecy is addressed to those who can recognise it as that which they once knew, but had forgotten. It is a clarion call to Israel, not an earthly race, but those who embodied Issa-Ra-El, the presence within them of the Living Flame and Radiance of the Lord Presence. Isaiah appeals to them to awaken and arise in consciousness to reclaim their spiritual inheritance. The narrative removes events from local and geographical constraints. It is a story of the Eternal World and its ministry to this planet through great ages. { 416pp, 135x205mm, January 1949; HB, 14.99, 090023511X:9780900235115 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) }

LIFE'S MYSTERIES UNVEILED [John Todd Ferrier] This is an anthology of talks given to friends. The subject matter is wide in scope, and is concerned with the spiritual life and its recovery as a living power. All the themes are touched upon elsewhere in the many books produced by the author. { 474pp, 135x205mm, January 1992; HB, 14.99, 0900235071:9780900235078 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } LOGIA : or Sayings of the Master [John Todd Ferrier] The chief sayings of the Master, known as Jesus Christ, are presented here in a new version. This will be of deep interest to seekers for spiritual truth. The author makes no claim to academic authority, through this is nevertheless a work of great scholarship. There are significant variations from traditional texts, all of them consistent with the book's purpose, which it to show that the Master's teaching revealed a way if life completely pure, imbued with compassion for all creation and full of the healing power of Divine Love. The sayings, however simple, are profound, because they speak of eternal verities which have correspondences within every soul, of whatever race of creed. { 412pp, 135x205mm, January 1991; HB, 14.99, 0900235063:9780900235061 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } MASTER : His Life & Teachings [John Todd Ferrier] Many book have been written on the life and work of the one known as Jesus Christ, usually from an historical, biblical or academic standpoint -- or a combination of these. This volume belongs in another context, being an entirely mystical portrayal of that life. In it we learn that the terms Jesus and Christ refer to no individual, but rather to states of consciousness, Jesus being the life of selfless love and Christ, the radiance which that life brings. All Souls in such estates may truly bear these names, which are impersonal, for that is what they have become in consciousness. { 605pp, 135x205mm, January 1980; HB, 15.99, 0900235055:9780900235054 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } MINOR PROPHETS [John Todd Ferrier] In this book are the teachings of many Testament prophets, other than those of Isiah and Ezekiel which are represented in separate volumes by the same author. These re-interpretations are brought together from the many writings of the Reverend John Todd Ferrier. Each prophecy concerns as aspect of the Divine, for the true prophet is completely identified with the message to be given and thus bears the name which it symbolises. { 240pp, 140x220mm, January 1976; HB, 13.99, 0900235403:9780900235405 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) } MYSTERY OF THE LIGHT WITHIN US [John Todd Ferrier] { 228pp, 205x255mm, January 1967; HB, 16.99, 0900235128:9780900235122 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) }

SPIRITUAL HEALING [John Todd Ferrier] { 131pp, 140x205mm, January 1984; PB, 7.99, 0900235667:9780900235665 , Four Corners (Order of the Cross) }

ANTHOLOGY OF INNER SILENCE [Charles Jessel] There are 365 quotations -one for each day of the year -- garnered from many different nations and cultures and spanning the centuries. Within this selection, from poets, writers, philosophers, saints and also discarnate teachers, each reader will find favourite passages for meditation and contemplation. These will become the individual and, in time, familiar landmarks along the personal road of liberation: a constant source of healing wisdom, an antidote for stress. { 117pp, 135x205mm, January 1990; HB, 8.95, 0946259372:9780946259373 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } ASTROLOGICALLY SPEAKING [Ingrid Lind] This book is not addressed to the established astrologer but to those who seek to deepen their acquaintance with its living reality. Living and lived; for it is by drawing on her experience as a counsellor over three decades that Ingrid Lind is able to demonstrate how astrology works. { 267pp, 155x230mm, January 1982; PB, 6.95, 0852433662:9780852433669 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } BARBANELL REPORT : Transmitted to Marie Cherrie [Paul Beard (ed)] Typically, before Maurice Barbanell died, he entered into a mutual pact with Paul Beard that the first to depart would attempt to convey as lucid an account as possible of what he found. The Report is the result of their pact and is of deep serenity. It is a seminal volume that will appeal to all thinking Spiritualists and have far-reaching effects upon the future of their Movement. { 204pp, 130x205mm, January 1987; HB, 9.95, 0946259232:9780946259236 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

DECISIVE TESTIMONY [Raynor C Johnson] The first half of the book is devoted to an account of Ambrose Pratt's colourful and surprising life. He was a highly unusual man of keen intellect and massive integrity who occupied important roles both in the East and West. The second half records the messages received by Geraldine Cummins, the best of all writing mediums. By their depth of answer to his questions these messages finally convinced Dr Johnson that he now had veridical personal evidence that all his friend had indeed survived death with his questing mind and philosophical insight intact. { 92pp, 140x215mm, January 1988; HB, 6.95, 0946259291:9780946259298 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } EVOLUTION IN A NEW LIGHT : The Outworking of Cosmic Imaginism [Robert J Gilson] The Creator -- the ultimate Source -- is seen as the Divine Imaginal; and the whole thrust of this book, whilst seeing evolution in a new light, adds further weight to the Fawcett hypothesis as well as to the later work of its verification in the field of science by Raynor Johnson in his 'Nurslings of Immortality'. { 177pp, 140x215mm, January 1992; HB, 14.95, 0946259402:9780946259403 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } FACING THE FUTURE : Towards Planetary Welfare [D M A Leggett] This book explores the spiritual implications of today's environmental threats. It also provides a readily understandable and comprehensive review of the more material aspects. { 145pp, 130x195mm, January 1990; PB, 6.95, 0946259364:9780946259366 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

FORGOTTEN TRUTH : A Spiritual Vision for Modern Man [D M A Leggett & M G Payne] With calm appraisal the authors -- two eminent academics -- consider the fact of man's material existence being subordinate to his spiritual, that man is primarily a spiritual being, and the far reaching implications of this difficult but important concept. { 175pp, 155x230mm, January 1986; HB, 10.95, 0946259143:9780946259144 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } GERALDINE CUMMINS : An Appreciation [Charles Fryer] Geraldine Cummins was a highly gifted sensitive whose particular mediumship manifested as 'directed writing' where, controlled by discarnate beings the sensitive is enabled to write with authority on matters outside his or her own knowledge. Altogether, the book presents a searching account of perhaps the foremost exponent of the psychic faculty of directed writing. { 153pp, 140x225mm, January 1990; HB, 10.95, 0946259321:9780946259328 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

GROWTH INTO BEING [Margaret Holmes] There is a simplicity about this book which belies its profundity. It is a practical guide to greater spirituality, based on the life and teachings of Jesus. It recognises the immense power of thought and the benefit of meditative stillness. It also recognises out need for continual appraisal, whereby we acquire new values and increased sensitivity. Still within the Christian framework, it moves back from dogma to the simple words of Jesus, and without abstruse argument, restates His basic teaching for today's reader. For all of us there is one objective -- our growth in being -- and this is our raison d'etre. { 89pp, 125x190mm, January 1984; HB, 5.95, 0946259054:9780946259052 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } HIDDEN MAN [Paul Beard] Paul Beard studies the contribution of discarnate teachers who seek to clarify something of the meaning and worth of life upon this tangled earth. They are never dogmatic, leaving each person entirely free to consider, to accept or to reject, as he wills. Each must find his own path through what is shown to be a very long journey over many lives. The book completes the trilogy that began with 'Survival of Death' wherein Paul Beard presented some of the evidence for a continuing life. Then Followed 'Living On', discussing evidence we posses about the nature, quality and meaning of life beyond death. { 139pp, 135x200mm, January 1986; HB, 8.95, 094625916X:9780946259168 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } HUMAN PERSONALITY & ITS SURVIVAL OF BODILY DEATH [Frederic W H Myers] This current edition is a replica of the abridged version, first published in 1919, with the exception that the unabridged Epilogue as contained in Myers' original work has now been included in full. This amendment enhances the 1919 edition as the full Epilogue contains some of Myers' most forward and impassioned thinking on the subject so close to his heart. { 298pp, 155x230mm, January 1992; HB, 14.95, 0946259399:9780946259397 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } IMPRISONED SPLENDOUR [Raynor C Johnson] Raynor Johnson -- the author of many scientific papers and books -- wrote this, his first philosophical work 'in an attempt to order my own thinking'. Such thinking was always original, searching and bold; The book, bridging as it does the data of natural science, physical research and mystical experience, is now rightly regarded as a classic in its field. { 424pp, 155x230mm, January 1989; HB, 14.95, 0946259305:9780946259304 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } INNER EYE, LISTENING EAR : An Exploration into Mediumship [Paul Beard] In this book the author does not describe a training programme for mediumship. This, he considers is a task best left to the professionals. Nevertheless his research and advice are particularly valuable to all who would aspire to mediumship; to every pupil undergoing mediumistic training within a development circle. Finally we are shown how important is the work of serious mediumship in its contribution to our search for the deeper values behind

everyday living. We are presented with an aspect that should be required reading for many who wish to enhance their awareness of life's spirituality. { 142pp, 140x215mm, January 1992; HB, 10.95, 0946259410:9780946259410 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } LIGHT OF ALL LIFE : Thoughts Towards a Philosophy of Life [Raynor C Johnson] This, the last of Raynor Johnson's book, is based on a series of lectures delivered in America and London. In his gentle style he draws upon more than eighty years of life experience, during half of which his thinking bridged both science and philosophy. { 128pp, 155x230mm, January 1984; HB, 9.95, 0946259070:9780946259076 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } LIVING ON : A Study of Altering Consciousness After Death [Paul Beard] This book presents many different accounts of post-mortem experiences and in his examination of these, Paul Beard brings to bear an exceptionally wide experience of physical research. The result is an account which is deeply interesting and highly readable. It is the second book of his trilogy and follows naturally on from 'Survival of Death' which studies the evidence for and against a continued existence with fairness, insight and integrity. { 202pp, 140x215mm, January 1987; HB, 7.95, 0946259240:9780946259243 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } MAN MADE PERFECT : The Science of Spiritual Evolution [Mabel Beatty] The first three chapters of this book impart a deep understanding of the spiritual significance of numbers. The rest of the book ranges widely across a vast field of perennial spiritual problems, all of them urgent today, providing a much valued textbook for all who seek to understand life's wider issues. { 254pp, 155x230mm, January 1987; HB, 11.95, 0946259224:9780946259229 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } MANKIND'S LATENT POWERS [Phoebe Payne] This book was first published in 1938 and has remained an authoritative work for all those engaged in mediumship who value their profession. It is written by one who, as a child, was fascinated by the different emanations she saw radiating from flowers and assumed such experience to be commonplace. With this background Payne's approach is essentially matter of fact, and it is evident that once she realised the nature of her gift she subjected it to some very critical analysis. An innate integrity pervade her every observation and there is very little that escapes her notice. She sees her talent as being on a par with any other: as one requiring a high level of dedication to its training and later, when sufficiently developed, to its correct professional use. { 269pp, 125x190mm, January 1998; HB, 11.95, 0946259429:9780946259427 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

NOT TOO NARROW... NOT TOO DEEP [Richard Sale; Foreword by Sir George Trevelyan] Ten convicts escape from their tropical penal settlement in a desperate bid for freedom, but who is the eleventh man? Uninvited, he joins them and becomes their leader and, although unknown to his companions, he seems to know them better than they know themselves. What is this man of such extraordinary powers? Who is Jean Cambreau? { 167pp, 130x205mm, January 1984; HB, 6.95, 0946259127:9780946259120 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } NURSLINGS OF IMMORTALITY [Raynor C Johnson] In this book the author enlarges on the subject of imaginism, the name given to the philosophy originally expounded by Douglas Fawcett. { 279pp, 155x230mm, January 1993; HB, 15.50, 0946259437:9780946259434 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

OTHER WORLD [Albert Pauchard] The author gave much of his life to examining evidence of communication after death and to spreading its truth in his homeland of Switzerland. Continuing this important work here he describes the experiences, some quite unusual, which met him after his own death. An intellectual and a man of probity, Pauchard found himself confronted by much that was both unexpected, searching and rather different from the somewhat undemanding picture often described. He treats reincarnation as an established fact and emphasises that our development on earth determines the kind of experience awaiting us thereafter. A fascinating account of adventures of the soul in realms which all of us must eventually traverse. { 168pp, 125x190mm, January 1976; HB, 7.95, 0946259186:9780946259182 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } QUEST RENEWED [Bernard Eyre-Walker] Well-known in the Lake District as a landscape artist Bernard Eyre-Walker also devoted much of himself in probing deeply into the mysteries of life. These searchings found the subject of his book, 'Quest'. Since his death more of his writing has been found and forms that companion volume. the material -- subtle, searching, probing always for new meanings -- deals with many of the most important issues in his life, and will be welcomed by all who wish to share this search by a good man for the inner realities. It will become for many a valuable record of spiritual experience. { 63pp, 140x215mm, January 1983; PB, 1.75, 0946259046:9780946259045 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

RELIGIOUS OUTLOOK FOR MODERN MAN [Raynor C Johnson] In attempting the hazardous task of answering those many questions about life which are often pondered but then shelved Raynor Johnson recognises that all religions gather to themselves dogmas and doctrines that often obscure the essential truth. { 220pp, 155x230mm, January 1988; HB, 11.95, 0946259275:9780946259274 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } REVEALING LIGHT [Margery Eyre] Over many years Margery Ayre became receptive to the voice of her inner spiritual teachers, finding him a being very close to her. In this way she obtained and recorded these spiritual lessons which, though personal to her, have proved invaluable to many leading an often lonely life and facing difficult spiritual problems. The first edition, published in 1962. spoke truly to their condition and today's reprint will make a similar appeal to all who share those same inner needs. { 114pp, 140x215mm, January 1983; PB, 3.95, 0946259038:9780946259038 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } SACRED QUEST : By Experiment & Experience -- The Next Step [D M A Leggett] This lucid work challenges the pessimism of scientific materialism and endeavours to bridge the chasm which so frequently separates the scientific and religious interpretation of life. It is a balanced treatise in which Dr Leggett first considers the professed aims of higher education before focussing the readers attention upon the evidence which suggests survival and reincarnation and which is provided by poetry, mysticism and the paranormal. With an extensive bibliography, this is an excellent book for those who are trying to formulate a personal philosophy. { 237pp, 155x230mm, January 1987; HB, 10.95, 0946259194:9780946259199 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } SHINING BROTHER [Laurence Temple] First published over 50 years ago, "The Shining Brother" remains as fresh as ever thanks to its dynamic but gentle message. It includes many scripts and messages purporting to come from St Francis with deeply interesting comments on his life in Assisi and communicated to Laurence Temple, a practising architect. Their simplicity bears the hallmark of authenticity and this is enhanced by Temple's over practicality and humility. { 192pp, 120x185mm, January 1998; PB, 6.95, 0946259348:9780946259342 / HB, 9.95, 094625933X:9780946259335 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } SURVIVAL OF DEATH [Paul Beard] Many physical researchers consider that severe difficulties exist in obtaining conclusive evidence of our continuing existence after death But when "Survival of Death" was first published in 1966 Paul Beard was accorded high praise for the analytical detachment with this he discussed the evidence for and against. { 177pp, 140x215mm, January 1988; HB, 9.95, 0946259259:9780946259250 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }

SWAN ON A BLACK SEA : The Cummins-Willett Scripts [Geraldine Cummins] This remarkable collection of writings ilcludes much correct, detailed and vivid information of the earth life and strong emotions of the formidable Mrs Willett . She herself had been a directed writer for members of the Society for Physical Research who had themselves investigated communication with scientific rigour. { 168pp, 155x230mm, January 1986; HB, 9.95, 0946259178:9780946259175 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } UNFOLDING JOURNEY [Elizabeth Farrell] Elizabeth Farrell's life until her midforties was that of the conventional middle-class wife and mother. At one moment the supportive hostess to he husband's business associates and next the linchpin of the family caring for the upbringing of two daughters with their disparate interest. Then slowly and an awareness of psychic matters awakened and through many extremely difficult situations she developed her mediumistic gifts. Her innate integrity shines through this autobiography with its totally honest self-assessment as step-by-step she unfolds the testing experiences she has undergone. { 129pp, 135x205mm, January 1990; HB, 9.95, 0946259356:9780946259359 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } WATCHER ON THE HILLS [Raynor C Johnson] First published in 1969, reprinted in 1971 and again in 1988, this book is largely based on the private mystical and semi-mystical experiences confided to Dr Johnson by people in the everyday world who, recognising the validity of his work, were impelled to write to him. New, thoughtful readers, concerned to find out the truth about life, will find here the tolerant understanding which was his hallmark. The book -- already a classic in its field -- includes a solid core of mystical experience which Dr Johnson classifies in ascending order of depth and importance. { 188pp, 155x230mm, January 1988; HB, 11.95, 0946259283:9780946259281 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } WAY OF THE SERVANT This edition have been reset, completely unaltered from the 1918 edition. The authorship and the manner in which the 'Directions' were received are not known. The content speaks for itself; each 'Direction' becomes a signpost along the way, an indication of the Path that all must tread. { 61pp, 120x160mm, January 1986; HB, 4.95, 0946259151:9780946259151 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } WHEN A CHILD DIES [Sylvia Barbanell] In the words of Silver Birch to those who mourn the loss of a child: 'Do not weep . . . rejoice that freedom has come to a young soul who will never be distressed by the many miseries that afflict your world. Do not grieve for the child; grieve if you will for your own loss, for you will miss the little radiant face, the childish prattle, the diminutive figure. But through your physical eyes cannot see, and your physical ears cannot hear, you child is ever present. If you stop shedding tears that create a mist in front of your eyes, you will see the truth that in God's great Kingdom there is no death and all continue to live in far better conditions in a world which is richer and

sweeter than anything you have ever dreamed. Do not sorrow for the child. Know that an all-loving God has given angels to protect her or him and the child will, in fullness of time, be reunited with you.' { 228pp, 120x185mm, January 1984; PB, 6.95, 0946259089:9780946259083 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } WITHOUT DOGMA OR CREED [John Pearson] The purpose of this small book is to offer thinking people, who are disenchanted with the presentation of organised religion, a concise philosophy that is logical as well as being a practical structure upon which to build a worthwhile life. { 63pp, 115x155mm, January 1989; PB, 2.95, 0946259313:9780946259311 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) } WRITING ON THE GROUND [Wellesley Tudor Pole] In this book the author takes us beyond the familiar Gospel narratives and suggests that many seemingly everyday events in the life of Jesus were in reality a cosmic import. He sees the spiritual impulse of 2,000 years ago as a continuing process, as potent today as ever. { 172pp, 155x230mm, January 1984; PB, 5.95, 0946259097:9780946259090 , Four Corners (Pilgrim Books) }


DIVINE ADJUSTMENT : How Divine Law Works in Our Life [Henry Thomas Hamblin] There is an ever-present principle of perfection which, when cooperated with, brings our own personal life into a state of order. There is beneath the surface of things an inner harmony into which we can enter, and with which we can become at-one. This is the Inner Secret of all true religions -to show people how to find this interior order and harmony. and to become adjusted to them, and at one with them. Many today are finding their life discordant: nothing goes smoothly: everywhere they go they find trouble, and everything they do is done with strain and friction. The cause of all this disharmony is that they are out of adjustment with the principle of order; they are not working in agreement with the laws which govern their being: they are not thinking and living in accord with the interior harmony which is beneath the surface of things. They all desire that their outward life should be adjusted and harmonised, but before this can become possible they must themselves become inwardly adjusted to the laws and principles of life. Infinite Wisdom is always ready and willing to lead us into the way of order and peace. Infinite Love for ever calls us to enter the Inner Harmony which is the Reality. Also, all the experiences of life have the same object in view; to bring us into a state of Divine Adjustment. The object of this book is to help people to find their way by an understanding of life and the laws and principles which govern it. { 156pp,

120x185mm, January 1998; PB, 4.80, 0953159760:9780953159765 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } HAMBLIN BOOK OF DAILY READINGS [Henry Thomas Hamblin] This book of daily readings is carefully chosen. It is divided into the four quarters of the year, and then sub-divided into months each of which is devoted to a particular aspect of the spiritual life. So far this valuable work has been reprinted eight times. { 187pp, 125x175mm, January 1993; PB, 4.80, 0953159752:9780953159758 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } HIS WISDOM GUIDING : Daily Readings [Henry Thomas Hamblin] This book is filled with practical and inspiring daily readings, many of which make fruitful seeds for meditation. Handy to keep on the bedside table, this work has proved to be another favourite. { 127pp, 125x180mm, January 1979; HB, 6.50, 1903074010:9781903074015 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) }

INNER TEMPLE : Meditations to Heal & Inspire [Hanne Jahr] This book gives a beautifully simple and spiritual portrayal of the process of meditation, addressing the many doubts and questions that often come up as we practice, and offering many guided meditations whose simplicity and directness will delight your heart. A brief run through the table of contents will whet your appetite: there are chapters on finding a teacher and following the heart, controlling our emotions, tests on the path, angels and guardians, the use of aromatherapy and crystals as aids to meditation, inner communion, and sounding our true note. The book is illustrated throughout with lovely, delicate line drawings, also by Hanne Jahr. { 138pp, 150x205mm, January 1998; PB, 9.50, 095315971X:9780953159710 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } LIFE WITHOUT STRAIN : Third Edition [Henry Thomas Hamblin] This is comprised of a series of letters and articles on different themes. Although these were written amidst the stress of the Second World War, they speak clearly today with their message. A comforting and insightful work for anyone in a war torn situation or undergoing conflict of any nature. "If we act in love, and be Love always, especially at times of critical decision, then we cannot go wrong." writes Hamblin. { 112pp, 115x180mm, January 1974; PB, 3.00, 0953159795:9780953159796 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } LITTLE BOOK OF RIGHT THINKING [Henry Thomas Hamblin] This work was first published in the 1920 's by Henry Thomas Hamblin who as a friend and contemporary of Joel Goldsmith was one of the pioneers in the New Thought Movement. This is the 17th reprint, now in revised form and made available through the sheer weight of public demand. Its appeal is in its simplicity, practicality and accessibility to all people. As Hamblin writes: Right thinking is about living in the consciousness that all is well. It is to know in one's very soul that God's ways are perfect, that He makes no mistakes and that everything is

working together towards the complete fulfilment of the divine purpose. Right thinking is to know that perfection exists as a reality now, and to think in the consciousness of this knowledge. { 98pp, 105x150mm, January 1999; PB, 4.95, 1903074002:9781903074008 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } MESSAGE OF A FLOWER : The Divine Immanence in Nature [Henry Thomas Hamblin] This is the tenth and revised reprint of a work which was first published in the States in 1920. Today, with its emphasis on nature and the environment, the work holds even greater relevance than it did in the 1920s. Written by a man, who although a contemporary and friend of Joel Goldsmith, was shy of publicity, his broad spectrum of writing that honoured the Divine in all life was to have far reaching impact on the lives of many thousands. He was in fact one of the pioneers of the New Thought Movement. This beautifully illustrated little book with original full colour paintings from Joan Ackroyd, his daughter, reveals nature through the lens of a man who lived close to nature and had the rare capacity to perceive and interpret the message of the flowers. The message conveyed is one of hope, regeneration and deep beauty that lingers like a rare perfume in the mind of the reader. { 89pp, 105x150mm, January 2000; PB, 4.95, 1903074037:9781903074039 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } MY SEARCH FOR TRUTH [Henry Thomas Hamblin] An anthology of wisdom and beauty. This beautifully illustrated compilation of writings by four major contributors, Henry Thomas Hamblin, Derek Neville, Clare Cameron and Stephanie Sorrll, makes a most cherished gift to the heart and soul. Its popularity amongst many of our readers has earned it a status it well deserves. { 224pp, 135x210mm, January 1986; PB, 7.00, 0953159779:9780953159772 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } OPEN DOOR : 4th Edition [Henry Thomas Hamblin] It is the less easy and accessible door which leads us to our vision of Truth, our hearts vision. This book provides the key. Chapters include: Living Dangerously; There is a Power and The Love That Never Fails. "If we play for safety -- in the spiritual life, the result is the same as the material life -- we court disaster and ruin by so doing," writes Hamblin. Basically, this is all about taking risks and stepping through that door. { 158pp, 125x185mm, January 1998; PB, 4.80, 0953159736:9780953159734 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } POWER OF THOUGHT [Henry Thomas Hamblin] The power of thought is an amazing energy which mankind has at its disposal. The world today is in its present state simply as a result of mankind's collective thinking; each nation is in its present state of either peace and prosperity, poverty, murder and anarchy, simply as a result of its thinking as a nation; and each individual's quality of life is the result of their thinking. What a person thinks is the mainspring of all their actions. The power of thought can make the unsuccessful successful in the battle

of life. It is the power which can make the loftiest achievement possible. It is the power by which difficulties can be overcome, disadvantages of birth and parentage surmounted, and the life beautified and inspired and energised with God-given powers. In this small book Hamblin shares with the reader his experience and insights into the nature of thought. It is hoped that the many insights contained within will assist the reader to come into harmony with the Divine Idea. When this is accomplished, life will blossom like the rose, "he shall be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break before them into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." { 94pp, 100x155mm, January 1989; PB, 4.95, 1903074029:9781903074022 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } RIVER THAT KNOWS THE WAY : An Anthology of Wisdom & Beauty [Stephanie Sorrll (ed)] This beautifully illustrated compilation of writings by four major contributors, Henry Thomas Hamblin, Derek Neville, Clare Cameron and Stephanie Sorrll, makes a most cherished gift to the heart and soul. Its popularity amongst many of our readers has earned it a status it well deserves. { 111pp, 145x205mm, January 1998; PB, 9.50, 0953159701:9780953159703 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } STORY OF MY LIFE [Henry Thomas Hamblin] The Story of my Life is the human autobiography of Henry Thomas Hamblin where he shares his struggles on the personality level and his experiences of being a successful business man in the early 1900s. { 237pp, 140x215mm, January 1998; PB, 7.00, 0953159787:9780953159789 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) }

TRUSTING THE PROCESS [Stephanie Sorrll] This beautifully presented book is a collection of some of Stephanie's most loved writings. Everything in life is process, so richly expressed in nature which I believe is the deepest expression of God ever manifesting in form. Where there is death and decay the seeds of new life await the beginning ... The book has been divided into five central sections: Trusting the Process, Prayer, Nature and the Divine. Becoming Real and Beyond thought. Stephanies writing is inclusive rather tha n exclusive in its approach to life and beliefs. This book will bring healing and renewed faith to those who read it. { 159pp, 145x210mm, January 2000; PB, 8.99, 1903074045:9781903074046 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) } WITHIN YOU IS THE POWER [Henry Thomas Hamblin] The object of this book is to help men and women bring their inward powers of mind and spirit into expression, wisely and in harmony with universal law; to build up character, and to find within themselves that wondrous Self, which is their real self, and which, when found, reveals to them that they are literally and truly sons and daughters of the Cosmos. This work does not offer vain promises of an easy life -- for, if this were possible, it would be the greatest of all disasters. Rather, it endeavours to show how to become so strong that life looks almost easy by comparison (the

life or fate does not necessarily change or become easier, but the individual alters and becomes stronger), yet it does show the reader how to avoid making his life more difficult than need be. Most people's lives would be less filled with trouble and suffering if they took life in the right spirit and acted in harmony with the Universal Process. It is hoped that this book may assist many to come into harmony with the rhythm of life and thus avoid much needless suffering: to find the Greater Self within, which discovery brings with it a realisation that within you is the power. { 64pp, 145x210mm, January 1998; PB, 4.95, 0953159728:9780953159727 , Four Corners (Science of Thought Press) }

ARCHITECTURE, MYSTICISM & MYTH [William Lethaby] This remarkable book, explains to the novice and professional alike the symbolism that underlies so much of 'classical' architecture. Real architecture is more than the geometry of space, it expresses in material form the myths and archetypes of the human unconscious. Clearly and cleverly written, 'Architecture, Mysticism & Myth' provides a window into what is, for most of us, a closed world -- the mysticism inherent in great architecture. { 224pp, 140x215mm, January 1994; PB, 11.99, 1873616058:9781873616055 , Four Corners (Solos Press) } DOCTRINE OF THE SUBTLE BODY IN THE WESTERN TRADITION : An Outline of What the Philosopher Taught & Christians Thought on the Subject [G R S Mead] This book is unique because it provides an outline of the classical sources for the belief in a Subtle Body. It makes it clear that this belief was not an invention of 19th century spiritualists but has a long history going back to ancient Greece and beyond. The author provides extracts from many ancient texts to support his argument. { 109pp, 120x180mm, January 1993; PB, 5.99, 1873616015:9781873616017 , Four Corners (Solos Press) } GNOSIS : or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures [William Kingsland] In a clear and logical manner this book reveals the hidden gnosis in Christianity and relates the Christian tradition to the much earlier mystery schools of Egypt and elsewhere. It will help readers get over any guilt feelings they may have about moving away from mainstream Christianity to pursue a more esoteric path. It will make clear many of the hidden meanings contained in the scriptures. { 226pp, 135x215mm, January 1993; PB, 10.99, 1873616031:9781873616031 , Four Corners (Solos Press) }

HERMETICA : The Writings Attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, Second Edition [Walter Scott (ed)] The Hermetica is the name given to an extraordinary collection of writings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek name for the legendary teacher, prophet and scribe deified by the Egyptians as the god Thoth and known to the Hebrews as Enoch. When in about 1460 AD a Greek manuscript of the Corpus Hermeticum came into the possession of Cosimo de Medici, Duke of Florence, he ordered Marsilio Ficino to leave aside the works of Plato and concentrate instead on these 'Lost works of Hermes'. Later scholarship indicates that these writings are not as old as was thought, in fact they probably date from only the second and third centuries AD. However, they are clearly the work of an esoteric school involved in self-development and it is very likely that this school belonged to a tradition going back to the earlier Egypt of Hermes. The Hermetica can be studied from many different angles. They were a source of inspiration to C G Jung when he was developing his system of depth psychology, they are clearly one of the main sources of Gurdjieff's cosmology and they are in close agreement with the doctrine gleaned from the readings of Edgar Cayce. For the reader today the Hermetica are still alive and vital. Like the Upanishads of India they have the power to uplift the soul and to open the mind to wider horizons. { 253pp, 140x215mm, January 1997; PB, 14.99, 1873616147:9781873616147 , Four Corners (Solos Press) }


RIVER OF LIGHT : Articles & Harmonic Writings [Stanley Peele] An eclectic collection of short articles based on the author's life-time experience as a healing facilitator, counsellor, mediator, judge, mentor and graduate of the school of hard knocks and soft smiles. The book is uplifting for people of all ages, and makes a wonderful gift. It is a blessing to those who are stressed or anxious, and it is a tonic for those who are suffering. Read it in the morning to pep-up your day; or in the evening to help you sleep soundly. This world may appear to be filled with fear, violence, greed and destruction. If allowed to grow, it can be a ocean of darkness. Yet, there is a power that can overcome all of it. That is the power of The River of Light. { 125pp, 155x230mm, July 2007; PB, 8.99, 0971246718:9780971246713 , Four Corners (Stanley Peele Publications) }


ABRAHAM : The Initiator on Spirit, Will & Ego [Judy & Larry Sutherland] Thia discourse explains the nature, function and relationships of spirit, will, ego and minds. Spirit is our true nature and ego is the "error of creation". We must each exercise our will to express spiritual principles and block the destructive expression of ego. { 276pp, 140x210mm, January 1988; PB, 12.99, 0962524107:9780962524103 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } ALL THERE IS [Tony Parsons] Seeking is the most effective way to avoid liberation. The contents of this book are totally radical and uncompromising. This message is a rare and singular expression of absolute non-dualism. It bypasses the mind and speaks directly to the very core of a wisdom that is imminent in all of us. When there is a readiness to hear, all seeking and need for personal endeavour falls away, leaving simply the wonder of what is. { 242pp, 145x210mm, January 2003; PB, 12.00, 0953303225:9780953303229 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } ALTRUISM IN NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS : The Jesus Army & the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order in Britain [Keishin Inaba] By presenting the case study of two new religious movements, the Jesus Army and the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, this book examines whether Christianity and Buddhism change people's attitudes of mind and behaviour towards altruism, what factors bring this about, and the ways in which the two religions change members, attitudes towards altruism. REVIEW: "Dr Inaba provides one of the first in depth comparative studies of altruism in relation to Buddhist and Christian new religions. The topic -- a comparative study of altruism in a Buddhist and Christian new religion -- is not only original but is also researched with great thoroughness. I recommend this book unreservedly to all those interested in and involved in the study of new movements..." -- Peter B Clarke, Professor emeritus, of the history and sociology of religion, Kings College, University of London and Professor in the Faculty of Theology University of Oxford. "The thesis provides a clear, detailed and original descriptive account of two new religious movements in comparative perspective. The movements, one Christian, one Buddhist, are similar in number of important respects and therefore well chosen for comparative analysis. The account provided here facilitates comparison between these two and other new religious movements. - Dr. Bryan Wilson, University of Oxford & Professor Brian Bocking, SOAS, University of London { 234pp, 150x210mm, May 2005; HB, 19.99, 4887306040:9784887306042 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } BECOMING INSPIRED [Srinivas Arka] At the start of the twenty-first century, the material Age of the Mind is now fading and the more advanced Age of Consciousness is dawning. In this new stage of evolution the infinite powers of human consciousness will be discovered. This is the conviction of Srinivas Arka, the author of Becoming Inspired. In his own unequivocal writings, which are the texts of inspirational addresses given to growing audiences world-wide, Arka blends scientific understanding and mystical insights in a way that is making a

significant contribution to this process of historical change. Each of us, he says, has an important role in expanding our consciousness to help create a new evolutionary phase in the life of the universe. Doing this will also enable us to discover our own inner treasures and fulfil our true outer potential. { 202pp, 155x230mm, January 2003; PB, 10.00, 0954541804:9780954541804 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } CATCH A RISING STAR : An Astrological Guide to Parenting in the 21st Century [Helena Francis] Twenty years ago Helena Francis asked herself the question: If modern science cannot provide an answer to our confusion, then can the ancient art of astrology help us fi nd a solution? This book amply demonstrates that it both can and does. It is important that the reader understands that this is not the same kind of astrology that fills our newspapers and magazines. Helena has applied her researches to what has become known as psychological astrology. During the latter half of the twentieth century, the emerging discipline of psychology was allied to astrology, itself once the 'psychology' of the ancient world. Astrology underwent a massive reworking as many astrological ideas of the past were challenged and revised. The results were spectacular -- the combination of astrology and psychology confirmed the validity of both subjects. Astrology used in this way becomes a reliable decoder of human character. { 146pp, 165x250mm, January 2004; PB, 12.99, 0952615169:9780952615163 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } COSMIC WISDOM BEYOND ASTROLOGY : Towards a New Gnosis of the Stars [Adrian G Gilbert] This new approach to astrology explores the way that astrological ideas have influenced the art philosophy religion and culture of the west revealing many startling discoveries. Gilbert uses astrology as a guide to the inner life a way to the personal revelation that in ancient times was given the name gnosis. With its many diagrams and accessible style this book requires no previous knowledge of either astronomy or astrology. { 185pp, 140x215mm, February 2005; PB, 12.99, 1902733061:9781902733067 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL : Know Your Destiny [Peter Malcolm] This nonreligious book reveals and describes the timeless program of the soul from its first incarnation on earth as animal-man. It then traces the many stages of personality development, leading to the third and final phase wherein the individual treads the path of spiritual return back to their Source and the ultimate achievement of their magnificent destiny. This history reveals that when the soul or Self was first formed, it was in a dormant, seed-like condition. Its inherent faculties were all potential but not yet actual, and its awareness was in a vague, dim dreamy state. Mankind therefore was originally little more than an animal with a few dimly sensed but higher feelings. During repeated cycles of incarnations on earth and being planted in the school of material life, the impacts of the environment beating against consciousness gradually evoked the awareness of the soul, and the struggle to survive in a difficult and often hostile

environment, so its powers and capacities began to unfold. As the soul's awareness of its own God-like nature awakens, so it comes increasingly into conflict with its savage, instinct-driven animal-man scaffolding, that was initially necessary for its survival on the earth. As the seed-like Self increasingly penetrates consciousness and develops its abilities and creativity, so people evolve out of the animal-man stage in which they are just one of a herd and become more individual and therefore different. This creates the conflict of personality development, and this is the evolutionary phase in which mankind is now engaged. This chronicle of the fundamental stages of the plan and purpose of the soul then goes on to describe the third phase of treading the steep and narrow path of self-knowledge. This finally leads to conscious union with the fully grown and unfolded soul, and culminates in the sublime attainment of Selfrealisation and cosmic or God-consciousness, which is the ultimate purpose of human life on earth. { 341pp, 145x210mm, January 1994; PB, 11.99, 0646190105:9780646190105 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } GINA, THE WOMAN WITHIN : A Truly Remarkable Story & A Wake-Up Call to Society [Gina Large] Gina Large, a real life transsexual, relates her traumatic and very reluctant transgender journey of self-discovery, as it really happened, from May 2001, giving a powerful insight into the suffering of gender dysphoria and the inevitable gender identity crisis. In her previous life, Gina was outwardly successful, but inwardly, unknown to the World, a very unhappy soul, existing in a permanent and severe anxiety state (medical symptoms). Incredibly, it wasn't until shortly after her 54th birthday, that Gina suddenly realised what had been wrong all her life. She believes the widespread prejudice, ridicule, blind ignorance and hostility which still persists against transsexuals is rooted in a basic lack of understanding. Gina spoke at the 2002 Gendys International Conference and the Police Diversity Training National Conference, and recently appeared, with partner Joan, on the BBC's Kilroy Programme. She is now training to carry out further work with police forces in the UK, helping officers to gain more understanding of diversity in society. { 224pp, 140x210mm, March 2003; PB, 8.95, 0954435206:9780954435202 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } I TALK TO THE ANIMALS [Barbara Morrison] This book presents a collection of amazing transcriptions of Barbara's conversations with owners of pets which have become lost, have health problems, or are ready to die. She has found that animals have many things to say about life, including their frustrations, fears and concerns which are often clues to behaviour problems or depression. Pet owners and other animal lovers will be moved by these enjoyable and enlightening vignettes. While treating her many family pets with energybalancing techniques and herbal supplements, animal psychic Barbara Morrison discovered that animals communicate with her spiritually, providing clues as to what is wrong with them. Recognising that animals have voices to be listened to, and by understanding their unique points of view, Barbara is able to see a more complete picture of what they need for well being. I Talk to the Animals presents a collection of amazing transcriptions of Barbara's conversations with

owners of pets which have become lost, have health problems, or are ready to die. She has found that animals have many things to say about life, including their frustrations, fears and concerns which are often clues to behaviour problems or depression. Pet owners and other animal lovers will be moved by these enjoyable and enlightening vignettes. { 266pp, 140x215mm, January 2001; PB, 13.99, 0970644906:9780970644909 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } LIVE ISSUES : Reflections on the Human Condition [Mavis Klein] Mavis Klein does something truly original in her enthralling and challenging "Reflections". In imposing on herself a constraint of exactly 150 works for each thought bite, she gifts the reader with a page-by-page lifeline of uncommon sense, growing emotional clarity and valuable insight. In this powerful and provocative little book, a modern theorist takes an important step forwards in providing the simple truth of an ancient proverb -- namely that 'no cat or dog ever drowned that could see the shore'. { 162pp, 145x210mm, January 2002; PB, 7.99, 0954398904:9780954398903 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } LIVING A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE [Bola Dauda] In this little booklet, which is destined to become a classic, you will discover how powerful and simple principles can help you to succeed and generate wealth, joy and total freedom beyond your wildest dreams and expectations. Read it (twice!). Then share it with everyone you know. Teach it by practising the principles. The 67 Aikido Principles are proven and tested immutable rules of the game of life. You get better and better in the game the more you practice and sharpen your attitudinal tools, skills and knowledge. Have fun with the easy, simple and practical way to choose, create and grow a joyful life of abundance, total freedom and immortality. Remember, those who lived their dreams with purpose are forever alive, they never die, they simply pass on and live in the eternity of their works, words and wills! { 78pp, 105x175mm, May 2006; PB, 5.00, 1904843123:9781904843122 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } LOVE IT OR HATE IT : But Don't Ignore the American Way [Bola Dauda] Writing in a personal, anecdotal style, Dauda recounts his experiences in America, interweaving them with his thoughts on life, happiness and selffulfilment. The author concludes that there is much to learn from "the American way" in terms of personal change and realising your dreams. { 304pp, 140x215mm, January 1997; PB, 9.95, 096502752X:9780965027526 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } MATRIX OF CREATION : Technology of the Gods [Richard Heath] Destroys the current belief that the solar system is an accidental formation. This astonishing book reveals that the planetary environment of Earth is a numerical creation, well known to ancient cultures. Ancient civilisations encoded their secret knowledge of the skies within mythology, music, monuments, and sacred measures, each of which were based upon the god-like powers of the Sun, Moon and planets. Richard Heath has now revealed the numerical thread running

throughout the planetary realms, and successfully related this to classical mythology, megalithic architecture and Pythagorean musical scales. { 99pp, 165x245mm, January 2002; PB, 10.99, 0952615126:9780952615125 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } MEASURE OF ALBION : The Lost Science of Prehistoric Britain [Robin Heath & John Michell] In this book, two experienced researchers into prehistoric culture have made a remarkable breakthrough in understanding the system by which prehistoric monuments were designed and placed on the landscape. This system, a precision geodetic science, enabled the megalith builders to mark out vast geometric shapes across the landscapes. At key points they erected their magnificent stone temples and markers, whose dimensions and locations encoded their knowledge of the Earth and sky. Key Points: Prehistoric Britons knew the dimensions of the Earth and had undertaken an accurate survey of the British Isles, pre-3000 BC; The major time periods of the Sun and Moon were encoded within their monuments, measures and system of land surveying; This prehistoric system was still being applied in the Middle Ages, and remnants survive today as the English Foot, Nautical Mile and Knot. { 144pp, 165x245mm, April 2004; PB, 12.99, 0952615150:9780952615156 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } OPEN SECRET [Tony Parsons] 'Throughout my early life I felt that there was another possibility which, once realised, would transform all and everything. One day that possibility became a reality, and it was simple and ordinary, magnificent and revolutionary. It is the open secret that reveals itself in every part of our lives. But realisation does not emerge through our attempts to change our lives, it comes as a direct rediscovery of who it is that lives. The Open Secret is a singular and radical work which speaks of the fundamental liberation that is absolutely beyond effort, path, process or belief.' { 52pp, 145x210mm, January 2000; PB, 7.00, 0953303209:9780953303205 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } PAUL DELME [Thomas Owen] A retrospective of eight years of painting, this book illustrates the different periods in the development of the artist. Born in Uccle, his creativity belong to no official school and it allied to no known territory. No aggressive monsters or harsh and vivid colours but rather an atmosphere of silence, a gentle palette that exhausts all the nuances of the monochrome so as to lead you by the hand. Text in English, French and German. { 152pp, 300x245mm, January 2003; PB, 19.99, 2871030820:9782871030829 , Four Corners (Tapestry) }

PUSHING ULTIMATES : Fundamentals of Authentic Self-Knowledge [Lew Paz] "To be truly ignorant, be content with your own knowledge." This dictum, attributed to Chuang Tzu circa 300 BC, is more relevant than ever today. Research gathered from various directions has shown far too many people remain content with a limited input of knowledge, relying on what they glean from mass media, formal education and church, without any idea that continuing philosophical inquiry is a significant aspect of inner growth. As the 21st century dawns, it has become apparent that authentic self- knowledge requires revelations from varied fields of research which would take years to accumulate. Is there a solution? Yes. Author, poet, artist, Lew Paz set out forty years ago to pursue a life of Zorba the Greek adventure merged with Socratic questioning of all knowledges, which developed into a spiritual quest of the most compelling sort. After four decades of hard road travel over half the earth, including countless sunup to sunset days in libraries great and small, deeply delving for truth and wisdom, Paz spent seven years condensing his accumulation of knowledge into one truly informative work, 'Pushing Ultimates'. This book was chosen as Editors Choice by James Cox, Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Midwest Review, and is gradually being internationally recognised for it's original approach to the ultimate questions concerning the human situation. This is a challenging, enriching journey, encompassing the evolution of consciousness, while skilfully weaving mysticism, theology, psychology, philosophy, quantum physics, neurology, music, art, into meaningful and relevant patterns of clarification. Throughout this amazing odyssey, Paz never loses sight of the central theme -- the endeavour to realise bottom line truths concerning our place amid the wild wonder of it all, and he accomplishes this without succumbing to New Age credulity or sterile scientific scepticism. His book skilfully condenses the essential elements of all vital fields of knowledge into 400 clarifying pages. Every person truly concerned with the essence of philosophical inquiry and spiritual growth should have a copy close at hand. { 398pp, 140x220mm, July 2006; PB, 11.99, 0977373398:9780977373390 , Four Corners (Tapestry - PlumBell Publishing) } QURAN [M J Gohari, Translator] This is a new translation which seeks to state clearly and accurately the meaning of the original texts in words and form that are widely accepted by people who use English as a means of communication. The translation attempts to present the Quranic content and message in standard, everyday, natural English. The aim of this translation is to given today's readers maximum understanding of the content of the original text. This translation has been made available for use throughout the world. People everywhere will not only find increased understanding through the reading and study of this translation, but will also find a saving hope through faith in God who made this translation of His book possible for all people. { 510pp, 135x195mm, January 2002; PB, 9.99, 0953671674:9780953671670 , Four Corners (Tapestry) }

RAINBOW OF LIFE [Chrissy Greenslade] 'Rainbow of Life' is the first in the series of seven poetry gift books written by Chrissy Greenslade. { 64pp, 145x210mm, January 1999; PB, 6.99, 0953431908:9780953431908 , Four Corners (Tapestry) }

SIMPLE GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL HEALING [Stanley Peele] Many people would like to heal others by touch as was done by Jesus 2000 years ago. Spiritual healing can be done by the use of simple concepts. It is not necessary to join secret societies; nor to memorise long phrases. Healing power is readily available. The process of spiritual healing is described in detail. Nothing is hidden. The book is of interest to all who wish to heal others, all who wish to be healed. It does not espouse the rejection of the normal medical procedures, but works together with doctors and other healing professions. This book shows that spiritual healing is a natural ability, available to everyone. Historically, spiritual healing has been wrapped in mystery. Yet healing can be done without the repetition of arcane phrases or entering into a secret society. Simple guide-lines are given in order to re-awaken the power to heal that lies unused within us. The actual healing technique that is used by the author is described in detail. Nothing is hidden. The author has made a surprising discovery: cancer is one of the diseases that responds very well to spiritual healing. The toughest one to heal? The common cold! Factored into the book are subjects of anger, forgiveness, meditation and preparation for healing. Also covered are the subjects of diet, fasting, sincerity and death. Perhaps the most difficult section in the book is the part that deals with facing one's dark side. All that is given in this book leads up the most important chapter: the subject of love. Each book is given a blessing by the author which is signified by a small letter "b" inside the back jacket. Those who will be interested in this book are: those interested in spiritual pursuits, those trying to increase their boundaries, those seriously ill, those wishing to heal, medical practitioners, and those looking for a miracle. { 128pp, 150x230mm, January 2001; PB, 8.99, 097124670X:9780971246706 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } SIRIUS PAPERS : Book One [Ray Logan] This is a most unusual book that will challenge world-thinking on almost every aspect of human existence, highlighting the hypocrisy and confusion that is wide-spread today throughout the planet. Within these pages are eight hundred and twenty nine practical human questions, all answered by alien intelligences that are over three million years ahead of our evolution. Topics include: Our purpose in the grand scheme; The origin of the human race; How to communicate with the Universal Mind; Genetic manipulation by higher intelligences; Inter-galactic space travel; Historical events unveiled; Startling information on gender issues; World religions and their present status; Global Myths; Human Hybrids; The Men In Black; Who are the 11-hour people?; Our possible destruction. { 211pp, 300x210mm, January 2003; PB, 15.99, 0954417100:9780954417109 , Four

Corners (Tapestry) } SUN, MOON & STONEHENGE : Proof of High Culture in Ancient Britain [Robin Heath] How did the builders of Stonehenge predict eclipses to within a minute of accuracy? Why did they bring stones all the way from West Wales? Why does the Bible contain a story which is the solution to marriage of the Sun and Moon, a geometrical solution to a calendric and astronomical paradox? Why did the old testament prophet Enoch take observations of the Sun from the latitude of Stonehenge? Why did Jesus die at 33? Beautifully illustrated and concise with original artwork and extensive research and appendices, nothing like this book has appeared for a very long time. { 239pp, 165x245mm, January 1998; PB, 12.99, 0952615177:9780952615170 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } THAT POSITIVE SPIRIT : A Practical Philosophy for the Promotion of Spiritual Evolution [Harry Sylvester] This book carries a powerful and optimistic message for the future of mankind. It turns on its head much conventional thinking relative to man's salvation and is refreshing in its positive approach to solving the problems mankind faces today. In simplistic terms, Sylvester shows us that each of us has a 'spiritual caring element' irrespective of our faith, race or status. He calls this our Positive Spirit. But so often this is frustrated from emerging by a self-centred macho culture which projects caring, forgiveness, kindliness and compassion as weak traits, wimpish, liberal, soft, feminine, etc. Like hunting, shooting and fishing, these are remnants of cavemen genes, well past their sell-by-date. The solution, Sylvester says, is to review our spiritual worthiness and "recognise the vital seed of Godwill within ourselves". From infancy, the spark of the "original infant mother love" can be nurtured through childhood into adulthood and so create a more caring and compassionate adult being. Sylvester emphasises that positive changes can definitely emerge through new kindlier feelings towards our farmed animals, endangered wildlife and dispossessed tribes. But the main thrust of change will come from "soul enhancing education" and a common religion based on global ethics. He describes this as the building blocks for world harmony by 2050. He predicts that this will happen but harnessing the power of our Positive Spirit can make it all happen sooner rather than later! Harry Sylvester's writings contain a healthy mix of philosophy spirituality and psychology with much common sense input, and is wonderfully illustrated throughout with numerous cartoon drawings by Annette Kelly. { 288pp, 145x210mm, January 1997; PB, 7.50, 1902043006:9781902043005 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } THOUSAND STEPS TO NOWHERE [Anne D Reid PhD] This is a book of Love offered as a gift to all who are serious seekers of Self-Realisation as well as to those who are seeking self-understanding or a sense of peace and selfforgiveness. The principle teaching is that by unconditionally loving and accepting our inner Self, we love the one Self who is Love, and so are brought Home to Love ... where we belong and where, in Reality, we already are. Written in the form of a dialogue between the unenlightened author and her Enlightened

Self, A Thousand Steps To Nowhere speaks the truth about the Truth in addition to speaking to all of us no matter where we are on our journey Homeward. This loving book will definitely speak to you. { 390pp, 135x210mm, January 1999; PB, 13.99, 0965189511:9780965189514 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } WHY AM I HERE? [Bola Dauda] Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? For over thirty years Dr Dauda has asked himself for answers to these questions as he struggled through his own trials and adversity. Before you consider giving up trying to know yourself, why not find time to read the odyssey of Dr Dauda, the son of a peasant farmer, who was born because his father refused to give up. { 280pp, 130x200mm, December 2004; PB, 10.00, 1904843018:9781904843016 , Four Corners (Tapestry) } WISDOM TRILOGY [April Ryedale] This composite volume of 'The Wisdom Trilogy' is a mythical story about the family of Wisdom, which is in effect a poetic study of the emergence of consciousness in human form. The unfolding of consciousness becomes apparent as the Wisdom generations make response to their Earth experience, largely of race, gender, and environment. The concepts of ascent and descent are major themes which are made explicit throughout the story, while modes of perception are embodied in human form as this holds the key to the dramatic story of evolution. The story has been speeded up to cover the period from 1900 to the middle of this present century, thus giving the reader some familiar points of reference to work with. { 174pp, 145x210mm, April 2002; PB, 12.60, 0953213544:9780953213542 , Four Corners (Tapestry) }

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Boleh didapati di MPH, Popular Bookstore dan kedai-kedai buku berhampiran kediaman anda, atau secara online di, insyaAllah. Hubungi Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd di no 0362754070 untuk maklumat lanjutCommentaries Since the times of al-Radi, Nahj-ul-Balagha has been a subject of study and interpretation. As reported earlier al Sayyid al-Murtada's daughter used to narrate her uncle's work, and the book had become a subject of study in academic circles. The Kitab nameh yi Nahj-ul-Balagha published in 1359 Sham./1980 in Persian from Iran, enlists 370 titles of various commentaries, translations, selections and books dealing with its madarik and masadir (sources) in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Turkish, English, Gujrati and French. This bibliography cannot be considered to be complete in any way, for it is compiled in Iran and the compiler depended on secondary sources such as al-Dhari'ah, Kakh-e dilawiz, Nuqaba' al-bashar, etc., as he had no access to the works in other languages, particularly Indian languages. A large number of titles could have been added to this list with some research in the languages unfamiliar to the Persians. A selected bibliography on the basis of this Kitab-nameh and two other books was compiled and published in al-Tawhid, vol. II, no. 2. Selected Commentaries on Nahj-ul-Balagha

Alam Nahj-ul-Balagha by al-Sayyid 'Ali ibn Nasir al-'Alawi, reportedly a contemporary of al-Radi. Firstly, this book refers to some other commentaries, which means it may not be the first. Secondly, its style is not that of the fifth century and the book may belong to a later period.

Ma'arij Nahj-ul-Balagha by Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Abu al-Qasim Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali al:Bayhaqi al-Nishaburi, popularly known as Farid-e Khurasan (d. 565/1169). This sharh is supposed to be based on the copy of Nahj-ul-Balagha that was approved by al-Radi himself.

Hada'iq al-haqa'iq: al-'isbah fi Sharh Nahj-ul-Balagha by Abu al-Hasan Muhammad ibn al-Husayn alBayhaqi al-Nishaburi, known as Qutb al-Din al-Kundari, compiled in 576/1180. Its one manuscript is in Madrasah-ye Fadiliyyah, Mashhad.

and 5. Al-Ma'arij fi Sharh Nahj-ul-Balagha (also called al -Mi'raj) and Minhaj al-bara'ah (written in 556/1170) by Qutb al-Din al-Rawandi (d. 573/1177).

An incomplete commentary by Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (543 or 44-606/1149-50-1209), mentioned in Ta'rikh al-hukamd by Jamal al-Din al-Qifti.

A commentary attributed to 'Abd al Jabbar al-Mu'tazili, and also three other scholars contemporary of al-Shaykh al-Tusi (385-460/995-1067-68)

Sharh by Diya' al-Din Abu al-Rida Fadl Allah ibn 'Ali al-Rawandi (d. after i58/1065-66).

Sharh 'Izz al-Din ibn Abi al-Hadid al-Mu'tazili(d. 656/1258). This is the most famous commentary on which several commentaries have been written. This has been translated into Persian, French and most probably in Urdu. Its selection Iltiqat al-durar al-nukhab was compiled in 1283/1866-67. Commentaries written on it number at least fifteen, among the authors of which are such eminent names as Ahmad ibn Tawus (d. 637/1239), Sayyid Hashim al-Bahrani (d. 1107/i695-96), Shaykh Yusuf al-Bahrani (1186!17723), Shaykh Muhsin Karim 'Abd al-Husayn ibn Musa, Mahmud Mallah and others. Critiques of his commentary were mainly directed against his position regarding the caliphate. Though Ibn Abi al-Hadid recognized al-Khutbat al-Shiqshiqiyyah as genuinely attributed to al-'Imam 'Ali (as), he, however, tried to interpret it in accordance with Sunni belief in the legitimacy of al-Khilafat al-Rashidah.

Al-Sharh al-kabir by Ibn al-Maytham al-Bahrani (d. 679/1280). Ibn al-Maytham wrote other commentaries on the book also viz. Mishah al-saliEfn and its abridgement Mukhtasar Misbah al- salikin, and Minhaj al-'arifin, a commentary on Mi'at kalimah li-'Amir al-Mu'minin by al Jahiz.

Al-Dibaj al mudi' fi sharh Nahj-ul-Balagha li al-Radi by Imam al-Mu'ayyad bi Allah Yahya ibn Hamzah al'Alawi al-Yamani (d. 749/1348-9) which deals with the difficult words occurring in Nahj-ul-Balagha.

Mulhaq Nahj-ul-Balagha, a commentary written around the beginning of the eighth/ fourteenth century by Ahmad ibn Yahya, a manuscript of which copied in 729/1328-29 is in the Kitabkhaneh-yi Astaneh-yi Quds Ridawi, Mashhad.

Sharh al-nafa'is by an unknown Sunni author written in 759/1357-58 available in the Kitabkhaneh-yi Astaneh-yi Quds Ridawi Mashhad.

Sharh by Kamal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-'Ata'iqi al-Hilli compiled in 770/1368-69.

Minhaj al-fasahah by Kamal al-Din Husayn ibn Khwajah Sharaf al-Din 'Abd al-Haqq al-'Ardebili Ilahi (d. 950il543-44).

Minhaj al-wilayah by Mulla 'Abd al-Baqi al-Sufi al-Tabrizi al-Khattat, known as Danishmand (d. 1039/1629-30).

Sharh by Abu Talib Taj al-Din 'Ali ibn Anjab, known as Ibn Sa'id (d. 674/l275-6).

Sharh by al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al Saffati (d. 650/1252-3).

Al-Tuhfat al-'Aliyyah fisharah Nahj-ul-Balaghat at-Haydariyyah by Muhammad ibn Habib Allah, grandson of Khalifah Sultan, compiled ih 881/l476.

Al-Mawdhib al-Ilahiyyah by al-Sayyid Afsah al-Din Muhammad al-Shirazi (the 9th century H.).

In later centuries, numerous commentaries were written in Arabic and Persian, details of which can be found in the Kitabnameh-yi Nahj-ul-Balagha and al-Tawhid (English), vol. II, no.2. In addition to these several other works were compiled with regard to the sources of the contents of Nahj-ul-Balagha in Arabic, Urdu and Persian, among which the following can be mentioned here: Commentaries available in Persian

Rida Ustadi, Bahthi kutah piramun-e Nahj-ul-Balagha wa madarik-e an (1396/1976).

Kitabnameh-yi Nahj-ul-Balagha by the above-mentioned author (1359 Sham./ 1980).

Barrasi-yi Nahj al-baldghah wa asnad-e an by Sayyid Jawad Mustafawi.

Pizhuhishi dar asnad wa madarik-e Nahj-ul-Balagha by Sayyid Muhammad Ja'fari (1356 Sham./ 1977).

Commentaries available in Arabic Mustatrafat Nahj al-baldghah by Shaykh Fakhr al-Din al-Turayhi (d. 1085/1674).

Masadir Nahj-ul-Balagha by 'Abd al-Zahra' al-Husayni al-Khatib, in four volumes (1386/1966-67).

Madarik Nahj-ul-Balagha by al Shaykh Hadi Kashif al Ghita' (d.1361/1942), printed in 1354/1935.

Madarik Nahj-ul-Balagha by al Shaykh 'Abd Allah Ni'mah, published from Beirut

Mustadrak Nahj-ul-Balagha by Shaykh Kashif al Ghita, printed in 1354/1935.

Masadir Nahj-ul-Balagha by Hibat al-Din al Shahristani (1301-1386/1883-84-1966-67),

Ma huwa Nahj-ul-Balagha by al Sayyid Hibat al-Din al-Shahristani, compiled in 1352/1933-34 and printed the same year. Also translated into Persian and published twice.

A number of translations and commentaries on the Imam's letter to Malik al-'Ashtar have been written in Persian which number around fifty, of which some were in verse. The authors of some of these shuruh are persons of eminence like Mulla Muhammad Salih Rawghani, Muhammad Husayn Furughi Dhaka' al-Mulk (d. 1325/1907-08), Mirza Muhammad 'Ali Furughi (1257-1321 Sham./ 1878-1942), Ahmad ibn Hafiz Qatil Kirmani, known as Adib (d. 1329/ 1911), Sharif al-'Amili, and al-'Allamah al-Majlisi (d. 1111/1699-1700). The complete text of Nahj-ul-Balagha was also translated in verse many a time. In Arabic, too, the letter to Malik al-'Ashtar was commented upon by numerous scholars. Al-Khutbat al-Shiqshiqiyyah had been also attracting the attention of Arab commentators and Persian translators. Nahj-ul-Balagha's Persian translations started to appear much earlier than the Safawids

came to power. Husayn ibn Sharaf al-Din Ardebili, a contemporary of Shah Isma'il Safawi, translated Nahj-ul-Balagha which was published in 1355/1936 with the Arabic text. Among the popular Persian translations we can name the ones by Sayyid 'Ali Naqi Fayd al-'Islam, Jawad Fadil, and Asad Allah Mubashshiri. Among the early translations one was done by Nizam al-Din 'Ali ibn al-Hasan al-Gilani, which was completed in 1036/1626-27. The earliest Persian translation is by Mulla Fath Allah al-Kashani (d. 988/1580-81) under the title Tanbih al-ghafilin, a third printing of which came out of the press in 1313/1895-96. A popular revolutionary leader and scholar Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmud Taliqani (d. 1399/ 1979) also translated Nahj-ul-Balagha and published it with his commentary in 1326 Sham./1947.

Urdu translations of Nahj-ul-Balagha

al-'Isha'ah by Sayyid Awlad Hasan ibn Muhammad Hasan Amruhawi (d. 1338/1919-20), Nayrang-e fasahat by Dhakir Husayn Akhtar Dehlawi, and three other translations by Zafar Mahdi ibn Sayyid Warith Husayn Ja'isi, Ra'is Ahmad Ja'fari (a Sunni author), and Mufti Ja'far Husayn. All these translations were accompanied by notes and comments.

I'jaz Husayn Badayuni (d. 1350/1931-32) compiled a book to explain difficult words of the book under the name Hall-e lughat-e Nahj-ul-Balagha.

Imtiyaz 'Ali Khan 'Arshi's Istinad-e Nahj-ul-Balagha has already been discussed. Aqa Buzurg al-Tehrani, in al- Dhari'ah ila tasanif al-Shi'ah, has referred to another Tarjumah wa sharh in Urdu by Sayyid 'Ali Azhar Khajwi al- Hindi (d. 1352/1933-34).

Sayyid Sibt al-Hasan al-Hanswi's work Minhaj Nahj-ul-Balagha is rated among the best of its kind in Urdu. A few years ago Mahmud Husayn Qaysar Amruhawi published a lengthy article in many parts in an Urdu journal on the sources of Nahj-ul-Balagha and the authenticity of the ascription of its contents to al-' Imam 'Ali (as). There are, of course, a number of articles and booklets compiled about Nahj-ul-Balagha in Urdu.

Quid-e-Millat Marhoom Allama Mufti Jaffar Hussain

Allama Zeeshan Haider Jawadi Marhoom

English Translation of Nahj-ul-Balagha Translated by Askari Jafri published by Islamic Seminary Publications. It is in 12th Edition, published in 1999 with 700 pages Bosphorus Bridge From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Bosphorus Bridge

Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, connecting Europe (left) and Asia (right). Crosses Bosphorus strait Locale Istanbul Designer Sir Gilbert Roberts and William Brown Design Suspension bridge Material Steel Total length 1,510 m (4,954 ft) Width 39 m (128 ft) Height 105 m (344 ft) Longest span 1,074 m (3,524 ft) Clearance below 64 m (210 ft) Construction begin February 1970 Construction end 30 October 1973

Coordinates 410242N 290202E / 41.045N 29.03389E / 41.045; 29.03389Coordinates: 410242N 290202E / 41.045N 29.03389E / 41.045; 29.03389

The Bosphorus Bridge, also called the First Bosphorus Bridge (Turkish: Boazii Kprs or 1. Boazii Kprs) is one of the two bridges in Istanbul, Turkey, spanning the Bosphorus strait (Turkish: Boazii) and thus connecting Europe and Asia (the other one is the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, which is called the Second Bosphorus Bridge.) The bridge is located between Ortaky (on the European side) and Beylerbeyi (on the Asian side). It is a gravity anchored suspension bridge with steel pylons and inclined hangers. The aerodynamic deck is hanging on zigzag steel cables. It is 1,510 m (4,954 ft) long with a deck width of 39 m (128 ft). The distance between the towers (main span) is 1,074 m (3,524 ft) and their height over road level is 105 m (344 ft). The clearance of the bridge from sea level is 64 m (210 ft). The Bosphorus Bridge had the 4th longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1973, and the longest outside the United States. At present, it is the 16th longest suspension bridge span in the world.

Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Current status 2.1 Transportation 2.2 Other uses 3 Image gallery 4 See also 5 Notes and references 6 External links

[edit] History

Since April 2007, a fully computerized LED lighting system of changing colours and patterns, developed by Philips, illuminates the bridge at night.The idea of a bridge crossing the Bosphorus dates back to antiquity. For Emperor Darius I The Great of Persia (522 BC - 485 BC), as recorded by the Greek writer Herodotus in his Histories, Mandrocles of Samos once engineered a pontoon bridge that stretched

across the Bosphorus, linking Asia to Europe, so that Darius could pursue the fleeing Scythians as well as move his army into position in the Balkans to overwhelm Macedon.[1] The first project for a permanent bridge across the Bosphorus was proposed to Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II by the Bosphorus Railroad Company in 1900, which included a rail link between the continents.[2]

The decision to build a bridge across the Bosphorus was taken in 1957 by Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. For the structural engineering work, a contract was signed with the British firm Freeman Fox & Partners in 1968. The bridge was designed by the renowned British civil engineers Sir Gilbert Roberts and William Brown who also designed the Humber Bridge, Severn Bridge, Forth Road Bridge, Auckland Harbour Bridge and the Volta River Bridge. The construction started in February 1970, the ceremonies were attended by President Cevdet Sunay and Prime Minister Sleyman Demirel. The construction was carried out by the Turkish firm Enka Construction & Industry Co. along with the co-contractors Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Co. Ltd. (England) and Hochtief AG (Germany). Thirty-five engineers and 400 men worked on the project.

The bridge was completed on 30 October 1973, one day after the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, and opened by President Fahri Korutrk and Prime Minister Naim Talu. The cost of the bridge amounted to USD 200 million.

At the time the bridge was opened, much was made of its being the first bridge between Europe and Asia since the pontoon bridge of Xerxes in 480 BCE. That bridge, however, spanned the Hellespont (Dardanelles), some distance away from the Bosphorus.

Bosphorus Bridge and the skyline of Istanbul as seen from amlca Hill, with Levent financial district in the center, and Maslak financial district at right.[edit] Current status [edit] Transportation

Bosphorus Bridge and the Moon. Bosphorus Bridge and the Moon. Bosphorus Bridge and the Moon. O1 Motorway and the Bosphorus Bridge connecting the European (in the background) and Anatolian (in the foreground) sides of Istanbul.

Bosphorus Bridge at night.The highway bridge has a total width of eight lanes. Each direction has three lanes for vehicular traffic plus one emergency lane and one sidewalk. On weekday mornings, commuter traffic flows mostly westbound to the European part, so four of the six lanes run westbound and only two eastbound. Conversely, on weekday evenings, four lanes are dedicated to eastbound traffic and two lanes only to westbound.

In the first four years, pedestrians could walk over the bridge, reaching it with elevators inside the towers on both sides. No pedestrians or commercial vehicles like trucks are allowed to use the bridge today.

Nowadays, around 180,000 vehicles pass daily in both directions, almost 85% being automobiles. On 29 December 1997, the one-billionth vehicle passed the bridge. Fully loaded, the bridge sags about 90 cm (35 in) in the middle of the span.

The Bosphorus Bridge is a toll bridge, and a toll plaza with 13 toll booths is situated near the bridge on the Asian side. A toll is charged for passing from Europe to Asia, but not for passing in the reverse direction. Since 1999, some of the toll booths (#9 - #13), located to the far left as motorists approach them, are unmanned and equipped only with a remote payment system (Turkish: OGS) in order to speed up traffic. In addition to OGS, another toll pay system with special magnetic cards (Turkish: KGS) was put in service for use at specific toll booths in 2005. From April 3, 2006, toll booths will accept only KGS and OGS. From this date on, cash payments will be accepted only at the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, about five kilometres to the north. In 2006 the toll was 3.00 YTL or about $2.00.

Since April 2007, a fully computerized LED lighting system of changing colours and patterns, developed by Philips, illuminates the bridge at night.

[edit] Other uses

Daytime view of the bridge.The Intercontinental Istanbul Eurasia Marathon, organized annually in October, starts from the Anatolian part of Istanbul, crosses the Bosphorus on the bridge and ends in the European part during which the bridge is closed to the vehicular traffic.

Visitors to Istanbul in October can sign up for the 'fun run' at many points round the city and take the opportunity to cross the bridge by foot - many take picnics to enjoy the view.

The bridge was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 1000 lira banknotes of 1978-1986.[3]

On 15 May 2005 at 7.00 a.m. local time, U.S. tennis star Venus Williams played a show game with Turkish standout pek enolu on the bridge, the first tennis match ever to be played on two continents.[4][5] The event was organized as a promotion ahead of the 2005 WTA Istanbul Cup and lasted five minutes.[4] After the exhibition, they both threw a tennis ball into the Bosphorus.[4][5]

On 17 July 2005 at 10.30 a.m. local time, British Formula One driver David Coulthard drove his Red Bull racing car on the bridge first from the European side to the Asian side, and then turning with a spectacular powerslide at the toll plaza back to the European side for show.[6][7] He parked his car in the garden of Dolmabahe Palace where his ride had started.[6][8] While crossing the bridge with his Formula 1 car, Coulthard was picked up by the automatic surveillance system and charged with a fine of 20 Euros because he passed through the toll booths without payment.[7] His team accepted to pay for him.[7]

[edit] Image gallery Bosphorus Bridge and the skyline of Levent financial district in Istanbul, as seen from amlca Hill.Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge

Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge

Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge Bosphorus Bridge

[edit] See also Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, the second bridge over the Bosphorus, located about 5 km north of the Bosphorous Bridge Turkish Straits Marmaray, the Bosphorus undersea railway tunnel under construction [edit] Notes and references

Reverse of the 1000 lira banknote (1978-1986)1.^ Project Guthenberg. The History of Herodotus Volume 2 Retrieved on 19 March 2010. 2.^ 1900'deki kpr projesinde rayl sistem de vard. Sabah. 2009-07-17 Retrieved on 19 March 2010. (Turkish) 3.^ Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. Banknote Museum: 6. Emission Group - One Thousand Turkish Lira - I. Series, II. Series, III. Series. Retrieved on 20 April 2009. 4.^ a b c "Venus Williams' match stretches two continents". Hrriyet. 2005-05-15. Retrieved 2009-06-25. 5.^ a b "Venus Williams Plays Tennis on Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul". Argus Photo Ltd.. Retrieved 2009-0625. 6.^ a b "Coulthard smokes 'em over Bosphorus". Motoring. 2005-07-18. Retrieved 2009-06-25. 7.^ a b c "Bridge too far for Coulthard". BBC. 2005-07-26. Retrieved 2009-06-25.

8.^ "F1: 2005 Turkish GP". Motorsport. 2005-07-17. 05&O=0. Retrieved 2009-06-25. *hide+v d e Fifty civil engineering feats in Turkey

Regional development Turkish Railway Turkish Highways Southeastern Anatolia Project

Buildings Ankara Railway Station Mersin Halkevi Building Antkabir (Atatrkss mausoleum) TBMM (Parliament Building AKM (Atatrk Cultural Center) ODT (Middle East Technical University campus) Ankara 19 Mays Stadium stanbul Abdi peki Arena stanbul Atatrk Olimpiyat Stadium stanbul Galleria Shopping center Kzlay Emek Business Center stanbul Bankas Towers

Transportation Ankara Metro Bosphorus Bridge Kmrhan Bridge Antalya International Airport (International services terminal) stanbul Atatrk International Airport (International services terminal)

Hydrology ubuk-1 Dam Keban Dam and Hydroelectric Plant Karakaya Dam and Hydroelectric Plant Atatrk Dam and Hydroelectric plant Oymapnar Dam and Hydroelectric plant anlurfa Irrigation Tunnels Yeilay Drinking Water Plant Mersin Harbor

Industry BTC (Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan) pipeline and Yumurtalk terminal Erdemir (Ereli Iron and Steel Plant)

[edit] External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Bosphorus Bridge

WowTurkey: Bosphorus Bridge Photos (Daytime) WowTurkey: Bosphorus Bridge Photos (Night)

Live traffic camera pictures Bosphorus Bridge at Structurae Satellite image from Google Bosphorus Bridge Panoramics In Istanbul | Turkey Retrieved from "" Categories: Template-Class Turkey articles | Bosporus | Bridges completed in 1973 | Bridges in Istanbul | Buildings and structures illustrated on Turkish banknotes | Suspension bridges in Turkey | Toll bridges Hidden categories: Articles containing Turkish language textPersonal tools Log in / create accountNamespaces ArticleDiscussionVariantsViews ReadEditView historyActions Search

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(Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, 27) Hazrat Mahdi (as) will notice something extraordinary

The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Hazrat Mahdi (as)is one of the Ahl al-Bayt. ALLAH WILL PURIFY [MATURE] HIM IN ONE NIGHT."(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 19)

He is called the Mahdi BECAUSE HE HAS A SECRET POWER THAT CANNOT BE KNOWN BY ANYONE. (AlMuttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 19)

One account speaks of the blessed Mahdi (as) as MATURING IN ONE NIGHT, while another reveals that he possesses a special knowledge. These statements suggest that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will attain extraordinary knowledge in that night. It appears Hazrat Mahdi (as) will further mature by way of that extraordinary knowledge he possesses and that his faith will be perfected.

This information imparted in the hadith indicate that in one respect the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have ilm al-Ladun, while in another he will possess special knowledge not known to anyone else. Keywords that are used most of the time to find website are these: , , followed by and that are also used to find in search engines.

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Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the fourth most populous city in California and the 12th most populous city in the United States, with a 2009 estimated population of 815,358. The only consolidated city-county in California, it encompasses a land area of on the northern end of the San Francisco Peninsula, giving it a density of 17,323 people/mi (6,688.4 people/km). It is

the most densely settled large city (population greater than 200,000) in the state of California and the second-most densely populated large city in the United States. San Francisco is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San Francisco Bay Area, a region of more than 7.4 million people. Philosophy and religion : The A to Z of Islam


The Reviewers Janice M. Krueger, Electronic Resources, Serials and Reference Librarian, University of the Pacific, USA


Review Subject:The A to Z of Islam Ludwig W. Adamec

Publisher Name:Scarecrow Press

Place of Publication:Lanham, MD

Publication Year:2002

ISBN:ISBN 0 8108 4505 9

Price:$24.95 paperback

Article type:Review

Pages:xxix + 298 pp.

Keywords:Dictionaries, Islam

Emerald Journal:Reference Reviews





Copyright: Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Adamec, professor of Middle Eastern studies at the University of Arizona and a respected authority on Afghanistan, updates the text of his Historical Dictionary of Islam (Adamec, 2001) with this briefer, more concise, paperback version. He provides the researcher with a chronology of the major events in the Islamic religion, and overviews the historical and political movements of the Islamic world in a succinct fashion. The map included at the very beginning of the text, although hard to read and distinguish between the shades of grey and small print, graphically illustrates the extent of the Islamic world today. These elements serve the lay or student researcher well as they present a thorough overview of important aspects of the interaction of Islamic history, religion, people, and culture.

Of particular value and interest to the serious researcher is the extensive bibliography that appears at the end. The arrangement of materials moves from general reference resources to major works on particular subjects. Adamec presents quite an extensive list of compiled bibliographies, encyclopedias, handbooks, and biographies of key figures. He then leads the reader to major works in three broad categories: history, Islam, and Islamic politics and society. Works concerning the Arab world, Iran, the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, South Asia, and Central Asia are listed under the history category, while books on Islamic studies, Muhammad, the Koran, mysticism, and modernism are presented under the general category of Islam. Resources on political Islam and women are outlined extensively under Islamic Politics and Society. General overview titles are also presented under the first two categories, History and Islam.

Updating the Historical Dictionary of Islam in the A to Z format characteristic of dictionaries for Buddhism, Catholicism, and Hinduism allows for the inclusion of references to the attack on the World Trade Center in the chronology and the main entries for Taliban and Usama Bin Ladin. The A to Z format also facilitates use by a larger audience at public and small academic libraries. The alphabetical arrangement, along with the numerous see and see also references, provide the user with enough tools to retrieve the basic, essential information on various beliefs, customs, and historical events of the Islamic people. The A to Z of Islam is a valuable and useful tool for both the non-scholar and the beginning researcher. This versatile, noteworthy reference book can be used for general inquiries, exploring the various components and basic beliefs of the Islamic religion, or gaining an overall perspective on the major historical events of the Islamic people. This appeal for a variety of research levels attracts a wide audience and contributes to its value in a public or academic library reference collection.


Adamec, L.W. (2001), Historical Dictionary of Islam, Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD.

The effects of Islamic law on business practices


The Authors Sabina Cerimagic, Bond University, Varsity Lakes, Australia Abstract Purpose The purpose of this paper is to give professionals working in Islamic countries a better understanding of the legal system in those countries. As a rule, multinational companies are more equipped in dealing with problems when governed by Western legal philosophies and jurisprudence. However, when certain issues fall on the jurisdiction of an Islamic country they have to address it by using the Islamic laws (Shariah laws) maintained in the Qur'an.

Design/methodology/approach The source of material for this paper is literature review based on texts and references sourced in the business environment. The literature used is Islamic literature in the Bosnian and English languages.

Findings The findings are that Islamic laws compel companies to be wary of interest, uncertainty or risk. This means that companies that rely on compelling interest on the consumer are prohibited in operating in Islamic states. The law is there to protect the welfare of all the parties involved. The strict nature of these laws often seeks to provide justice and fairness to both parties. Thus, for organisations and international companies who intend to deal with companies based in Islamic countries and adhere to Shariah law should always be mindful of the fairness of their offers and the fairness of the outcomes of these agreements.

Research limitations/implications Islamic laws tend to adhere strictly on the principles and values intimated in the Qur'an and Hadith. This paper summaries the core of Islamic business laws. However, this research is limited to theory alone. For this reason, future research perhaps could look at case studies and see if what works in theory indeed does work in practice too. The review has been limited to Bosnian and English language texts. In addition, this paper has some limited literature review on such a complicated and sensitive topic.

Originality/value This paper will provide important business factors that will essentially assist international businesses in their understanding of the legal standards in this region.

Article Type:Literature review

Keyword(s):Law; Finance; Business environment; Islam; International business.

Journal:Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues





Copyright Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Allah God (God in Arabic).

Believers Muslims.

Muslim Adherents of the Religion of Islam.

Islam A religion (second largest religion in the world).

The word Islam means submission.

Qur'an Religious text of Islam.

The holy book Qur'an.

Introduction Islam has been considered as perhaps one of the oldest religions in the world, and notably it has acquired a significant number of followers (Najeebabadi, 2001). In the Middle East, some countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) adhere to Islamic customs. Simultaneously, the UAE implements the laws on which the Qur'an commands Allah has made business lawful for you (Qur'an 2:275). Since Islamic laws are implemented this means that the UAE implements its own set of laws which is considerably distinct to the other jurisprudence in other Arabic states (Williams, 1992). Normally, multinational companies are more equipped in dealing with problems when governed by western legal philosophies and jurisprudence. However, when certain issues fall under the jurisdiction of an Islamic country they have to address it by using the Shariah laws maintained in the Qur'an. According to Carnegie Endowment, in the UAE the law is not only based on Islamic legal principles, but it is also influenced by English common law as well as Egyptian legal traditions. It is mainly influenced by the English since the UAE and the UK had a treaty relationship which lasted for about 20 years (Al Abed and Hellyer, 2001). This paper will describe the elements of the Shariah laws implemented in the Middle Eastern countries mainly focusing on the UAE. At the same time, it will review certain parts of the Qur'an and identify a number of provisions pertaining to the conduct of business in these countries. In doing so, this paper will provide a review of the important business factors that will assist international businesses in its understanding of the legal practices in this region.

Laws in the UAE To this day, there are still some traditionally Islamic countries such as Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which continue to use the jurisprudence of the Shariah law (Williams, 1998; Idris, 2007). Conversely, there are other Islamic countries such as Egypt, Libya and the UAE that have taken steps to accommodate the demands for reform by instituting a dual system in their court proceedings with secular courts and religious courts (Robinson, 2003). The UAE's law system is based on the Egyptian law system, which in turn is French based. The UAE has evolved its existing laws over time and incorporated the principles of Shariah law.

In the UAE the federal court has three levels:

1.The Federal Supreme Court. 2.The Courts of First Instance. 3.The Appellate Courts. Completing the Supreme Court and Courts of First Instance are the emirate-based Shariah courts (Williams, 1998). In the UAE the Federal Supreme Court judge is appointed by the ruler of the UAE and this is followed by the supreme council of rulers approval. The Federal Supreme Court can consist of up to five judges and one chairman (Williams, 1998). The Federal Supreme Court only occasionally deals with commercial cases, this court deals with very serious crimes against the UAE federation, constitutional matters and disputes that may arise in the emirate and federal governments. It is the job of the Courts of First Instance to deal with matters such as; criminal, commercial civil and personal disputes.

Presiding over those courts is the emirate-based Shariah courts. The Shariah courts deal with breaches of religious law, moral crimes matters that, for example, involve blood money (diya; Williams, 1998). Those courts are presided over by religious scholars who identify and interpret the tenets covered by a crime or misdemeanour provided by the Qur'an and the Sunna; this is very different from judicial courts in common law and civil law countries (Kurzman, 1998). Moreover, the implemented laws differ significantly from their western counterparts. Given that the edicts of these laws are more often than not based on centuries-old principles, and sometimes their punishments can be rather severe. Additionally, in other democratic countries civil liberties have a different interpretation to some of those countries in the Middle East such as the UAE.

The Shariah law's effect on business As it has been indicated in the earlier parts of this paper, the Shariah has a considerable effect on every single aspect of Muslim culture. Some scholars have to some extent indicated that the religion of Islam is very comprehensive, seeing it as influencing the realm of business with its special provisions. Verse 2:275 of the Qur'an, states that Allah permits people to conduct commerce. This practice has been seen even in ancient periods, where Muslim traders have circled the globe with their merchandise. It is believed that this has triggered the surge of Islamic foundations in countries in the Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia and Indonesia (Hefner and Horvatich, 1997). However, whilst the Qur'an states that Allah permits trade, it has certain restrictions, which still apply. The relevant restrictions and specified guidelines will be discussed in the following parts. Likewise, the implications on doing business in the UAE will be highlighted in the process.

Shariah law and its effects on contracts In Islam, commitments between people are held highly. For instance, the Qur'an characterised the believers (Muslims) of the faith (Islam) as being trustworthy especially those with goods or currency deposited to them and the agreements that they make (Qur'an 23:8). Another verse in the Qur'an intimated that even the initiator has to hold true to his commitments. Furthermore, verse 5:1 of the same book, states that the believers are compelled to fulfil their obligations. Comparable to the western ideals of contracts as a binding document, Islamic laws have placed more weight on it. As it does not constitute fulfilment of any of the common law requirements; like offer, consideration, and acceptance. In the context of Islamic law, an agreement is equivalent to an obligation. Based on the words of Allah failing to take certain steps to fulfil that obligation is a clear violation of the laws. In this regard, dealing in Islamic countries international businesses have to take certain measures to ensure that they keep track of their agreements.

Written agreements and the necessitate of witnesses According to the Qur'an, Islamic societies are obliged to make written proofs in instances where they engage in financial transactions. In verse 2:282 of the Qur'an, there is a detailed set of guidelines on how to avert any possibility of breaking an agreement. The said verse intimates two possible financial transactions that require being written down. These include those involving immediate transactions and those that involve credit:

*+ When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down *+ And get two witnesses out of your own men. And if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you agree for witnesses, so that if one of them (two women) errs, the other can remind her *+ You should not become weary to write it (your contract), whether it be small or big, for its fixed term, that is more just with Allah; more solid as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves *+ take witnesses whenever you make a commercial contract *+ (verse 2:282 of the Qur'an).

In the context of immediate transactions, it is suggested to write down the actual agreement, and it must be emphasised that the presence of a witness is required. It may appear that these practices are taxing for the parties doing the transaction. However, in instances where huge multinational corporations and other major businesses are involved, this essentially makes perfect sense. Having a witness in these types of situations as well as written agreements will basically establish the reality and validity of a contract.

The principles surrounding Islam requires its believers to adhere to deep-seated moral values which are intimated in the verses of the Qur'an (Benthall, 1999). This is done by making sure that the terms of the contract are fair and at the end of transactions, no party exceeds the other in terms of the acquired benefits in the transaction.

In the case of transactions involving credit, witnesses are also required. Specifically, the Qur'an (2:282) states:

When you deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligation in a fixed period of time reduce them to writing and get two witnesses out of your own men and if there are not two men, then a man and two women.

Basically, this is interpreted by several studies in the context where females in the Islam religion tend to have limited acquaintance with labour, employment and other business transactions. Additionally, there is also the interpretation that one party may marry the other witness, thus making any later testimony on her behalf biased.

On the part of non-Muslim businesses, this piece of information is significant as it builds on how these companies rely on evidence so as to compel the other party to honour the commitments held in a particular contract. In the same regard, companies must make their legal representative converse with the other party and make sure that the terms provided in the contract fits what the two parties have actually agreed upon.

The good faith principle Essentially, the thorough process on which Islamic law provides for those engaging in financial transactions tends to discourage any possibility of a breach. In the same manner, it also indicates that there is always a presumption of good faith in every transaction. More than that, the principles surrounding Islam requires its believers to adhere to deep-seated moral values which are intimated in the verses of the Qur'an (Benthall, 1999). These are normally called the taqwa. Basically, the taqwa is used to collectively describe the respect of an individual to the moral principles triggered by faith and belief in God. Thus, every international organisation that seeks to make legal transactions with Islamic companies has to make sure that the terms of the contract display good faith. This is done by making sure that the terms of the contract are fair and at the end of transactions, no party exceeds the other in terms of the acquired benefits in the transaction.

Financial arrangements Islamic countries have their own form of financing and banking which originates from the system of belief of the Qur'an (Maurer, 2002). A major area of business that is affected by the Shariah laws is finance and banking. Predominantly, there are certain investments that are considered unacceptable in Islamic states, but normally would be seen as standard in other parts of the world. For this reason, there are only a few types of investments that can be executed in Islamic countries. For this reason, nonMuslim investment companies have a social responsibility to follow the standards of the specific Islamic countries.

Places such as the UAE which have immense wealth and investments in the oil industry have developed their own means of finance and banking to safeguard their assets. According to Siddiqi (2002), the Arabs have established two ideas for these kinds of situations: the riba and the gharar. The riba can be deciphered as the thought of leaning at exorbitant interests. Conversely, the term gharar is associated with the idea of risk and uncertainty. On the whole, those conditions elucidate the accepted type of arrangements in Islamic countries, arrangements which are fair in terms of the risks that the parties face and the repugnance to any agreement that relates to riba or gharar.

In this view, financial companies that deal with equity financing have to tread carefully in their operations in Islamic states. At its core the application of interests as well as offering insurance premiums normally falls on the classifications of riba and gharar. In the case of interest, Siddiqi (2000) states that it should be seen a way to reward the one who provided the loan, meaning that interest payments should not be forced and the payee should give it voluntarily. Moreover, in the case of insurance, its uncertain nature falls on what has earlier been described as gharar. Though, one should take note that there are certain financing arrangements that are not permissible in Islamic states and some that are permitted.

The mudarabah: sharing losses and gains The mudarabah is a type of arrangement that establishes a partnership of one entity to another (Maurer, 2002). The partnership is based on capital provision and commercial investment. According to Khorshid (2004), in Islamic terms, the capital provider is called the rabb-ul-maal while the partner who invests it to a commercial enterprise is called the mudarib (Khorshid, 2004). In this partnership, there is the possibility that the capital provider will provide a specific type of business that the mudarib could invest in. However, this is not always the case, as some capital providers tend to give the mudarib free rein on the type of business he/she intends to build. This means that the mudarabah could be restricted

or unrestricted. The common denominator in these types of arrangements is that the distribution of profit is predetermined.

In this sense, profit-and-loss sharing between these partners determines the dynamics of the business (Aggarwal and Yousef, 2000). This arrangement is also seen in banks operating in Islamic states. However, before investing in a set of mutual funds, the investments are often screened by the parties involved to fit the requirements of Shariah law. With the prerequisite of pre-determined profit and loss sharing, this means that instead of a percentage of the capital amount, the investors are to receive a fixed return (Maurer, 2002).

The musharakah: partnership among equals Like the mudarabah, the musharakah also denotes sharing of both profits and losses among the parties involved. In non-Muslim states, this arrangement is equivalent to partnership and joint stock ownership. One type of arrangement of the same kind to the musharakah is the declining balance shared equity partnership (Siddiqi, 1997). This is considered as the most common type of home acquisition method available for Islamic states. In this context, the financial institution gives a certain percentage of the capital required by the other person. In this arrangement, there is an assumed understanding that the two will essentially share the profits and losses based on a prescribed formula agreed upon by the parties involved (Starr and Yilmaz, 2007). In the case of real estate purchases, the principle behind musharakah are to make the homebuyer pay a certain fee on a regular basis to the investor to reach the latter's equity, and in return, the homebuyer is allowed to live in the said property. Musharakah also exists in non-Islamic states; however it is noted as a lease-to-own arrangement. Additionally, there is also an understood agreement between the investor and the buyer that the latter will be purchasing the property from the former in the future. Since this takes place in a Shariah setting, then the agreement is assumed to be equivalent to a binding contract (Siddiqi, 1997).

The 'ijarah principle According to Smith (2007), in Islamic jurisprudence, the definition of ijarah connotes the definition provided in hire, rent, or lease contracts. Normally, this principle is applied in the context of a property, a house or a car leased to a particular person. It is said, that the principle of ijarah is completed when two parties are involved (Khorshid, 2004). This principle should constitute an offer and consequent acceptance of the agreement. Moreover, the agreement also entails the specification of the reimbursement pattern or possible compensation requirements in the process. Along with these elements, the procedure will have to be specified to keep the other party informed and maintain transparency in the agreement. It is of high importance to note that without any of these factors, the ijarah is deemed null and void.

In the same manner, there are certain conditions that transacting non-Muslim parties should be aware of. For instance, the property under lease has to be in a condition that is usable (Khorshid, 2004). This means that the property will have to at least operate based on the intended purpose of the lessee. Second, the jirah principle applies only to goods that are classified as inconsumable. In addition, the lessee is not allowed to damage the subject or use it as an entity not specified by the contract (Smith, 2007). For instance, a residential property described in the contract is not permitted to be converted into a commercial space or anything other than a place of residence.

Exemption to the gharar rule: salam and 'istisna As mentioned in the earlier parts of the paper, in Islamic countries the element of uncertainty or gharar is avoided by many in the business sector. This is particularly true when it comes to commodities that are intended to be sold by a seller. The principle of gharar maintains that these commodities, which are intended to be sold, should actually be or constructively remain in the ownership of the seller. However, a certain condition regarding the validity of sale appears to be the exemption in this rule: salam and 'istina. However, these are hardly ever seen in the form of financing.

In the case of salam, it comprises a sale, whereby the seller accepts the assignment to provide certain goods to the buyer on a specified date in the future provided that the exchange is paid immediately in full (Siddiqi, 1999). In today's business terminology, this is tantamount to a pre-paid transaction. Initially, the principle of salam is implemented to help small business owners and keep them from engaging in loans that would render them helpless in the future. However, in the current setting, transactions made in salam normally provide a lower price from the buyer and allow the seller to acquire the sale price immediately.

Istisna, on the other hand, is relevant to the transactions on the field of manufacturing. This usually comes in instances where the manufacturer is ordered to make a particular product for the purchaser (Siddiqi, 2006). This is manifested in made-to-order garments and other commodities. In any case, the contract is binding and may not be cancelled unilaterally.

Conclusion The intended goal of this paper is to give professionals working in Islamic countries a review of the key factors influencing business transactions in Islamic countries. Through this it is hoped that a better understanding of the legal system operating in those countries can be gained. Better business

relationships are likely to develop if western companies appreciate the key factors in doing business in Islamic countries. The rules are often not more onerous, but introduce universal concepts of fairness and transparency into the practices and relationships between buyer and seller or provider and receiver of services. As a rule, multinational companies are better equipped in dealing with problems when governed by western legal philosophies and jurisprudence. However, when certain issues fall on the jurisdiction of an Islamic country they have to address it by using the Islamic laws (Shariah laws) defined in the Qur'an.

Islamic laws tend to adhere strictly on the principles and values intimated in the Qur'an. Nevertheless, based on the discussion above this paper has observed that many of the principles and practises noted at the core of Islamic law are, and can, be related to the practice of business in Islamic countries. The law is there to protect the welfare of all the parties involved. The clearly stated nature of these laws can make business easier and have less risk. A central tenet of Islamic law is that it seeks to provide justice and fairness to both parties. Thus, for organisations and international companies who intend to deal with companies based in Islamic countries and wish to adhere to Shariah they should always be mindful of being open or transparent in their dealings and to ensure the fairness of their offers and the fairness of the outcomes of these agreements is maintained.

References Aggarwal, R., Yousef, T. (2000), "Islamic banks and investment financing", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 32 No.1, pp.93.

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Al Abed, I., Hellyer, P. (2001), United Arab Emirates: A New Prospective, Trident Press, London, .

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Benthall, J. (1999), "Financial worship: the Qur'anic injunction to almsgiving", Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 5 No.1, pp.27.

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Hefner, R., Horvatich, P. (1997), Islam in an Era of Nation-States: Politics and Religious Renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, .

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Idris, A. (2007), "Cultural barriers to improved organizational performance in Saudi Arabia", SAM Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 72 No.2, pp.36.

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Khorshid, A. (2004), Islamic Insurance: A Modern Approach to Islamic Banking, RoutledgeCurzon, New York, NY, .

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Kurzman, C. (1998), Liberal Islam: A Source Book, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, .

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Maurer, B. (2002), "Anthropological and accounting knowledge in Islamic banking and finance: rethinking critical accounts", Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 8 No.4, pp.645.

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Najeebabadi, K.S. (2001), The History of Islam, 3rd ed., Dar-us-Salam, London, .

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Robinson, C.F. (2003), Islamic Historiography, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, .

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Siddiqi, M. (1997), "Banking on principles", The Middle East, May, pp.26.

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Siddiqi, M. (1999), "The growing popularity of Islamic banking", The Middle East, No.291, pp.33.

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Siddiqi, M. (2000), "Islamic mutual funds: equity culture among Muslim investors", The Middle East, April, pp.37.

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Siddiqi, M. (2002), "Banking on Shari'ah principles: Islamic banking has witnessed remarkable growth from its humble beginnings in the early 1970s into a 21st century multi-billion dollar global niche industry", The Middle East, July-August, pp.34.

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Siddiqi, M. (2006), "The Islamic dimension", The Middle East, No.371, pp.40.

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Smith, P.A. (2007), "Islamic capital markets set to soar: Pamela Ann Smith reports on the increasing interest in Shari'ah-compliant financial dealings, which are poised to break all records this year, not only in Muslim countries but across the globe", The Middle East, October, No.382, pp.42.

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Starr, M., Yilmaz, R. (2007), "Bank runs in emerging-market economies: evidence from Turkey's Special Finance Houses", Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 73 No.4, pp.1112.

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Williams, G. (1992), Changing Patterns of Finance in Higher Education, The Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press, Buckingham, .

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Williams, J. (1998), Cross-Cultural Considerations for Business and Life in the Gulf, Motive Publishing, Dubai, .

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Further Reading Ali, A.Y. (2000), The Holy Qur'an, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, .

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Ali, M.M. (2005), A Manual of Hadith, Dublin RoutledgeCurzon, London, .

[Manual request] [Infotrieve]

Corresponding author Sabina Cerimagic can be contacted at: Sufism: a guide to essential reference resources


The Authors Danilo Francesconi, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Acknowledgements In 2007 UNESCO organized a day of commemoration to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Mawlana Jalal-ad-Din Balkhi-Rumi, one of the greatest poets, philosophers, and Sufi masters of Islamic civilization. It is important today to remember him, a man who gave priceless contributions to the spiritual advancement of humankind. This guide is dedicated to him and to all the great spiritual masters of always and everywhere.

Abstract Purpose The purpose of this paper is to give a starting point to non-specialists to understand Sufism by introducing the essential works about this broad subject.

Design/methodology/approach The paper identifies and lists bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks about Sufism.

Findings Interest in Sufism is growing, and references to books, articles, essays, and even theses and dissertations under the subject headings Sufism and Sufis are now considerable. Resources are scattered, posing challenges to students and scholars, as well as librarians. Additionally, there is a deficiency of specialized databases, bibliographies, and indexes related to Sufism.

Originality/value To date, this is the only guide of this kind.

Article Type:

Keyword(s):Reference services; Librarians; Students; Islam.

Journal:Reference Services Review





Copyright Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Introduction Sufism is a term indicating the esoteric core of Islam. The first followers of the mystical path of Islam used to wear garments made up of wool; the Arabic word for wool is sauf (sawf). Therefore, they were called Sufis; this last term also indicates all the spiritual Muslim orders.

Today there is a renewal of interest in both Islam and in Sufism. In the 1970s and 1980s in America there was a burgeoning interest in Buddhism, especially Zen, and in Hinduism among spiritual seekers. But as reported in an article published in Publishers Weekly (Summer, 1995) in the 1990s it was Sufism as the spiritual side of Islam that gained attention and popularity in the United States. In this century, the events of September 11, 2001, also in part also spurred a continuing interest in Sufism.

This guide provides a starting point to understand Sufism by introducing the essential works about this broad subject, its fundamental doctrinal concepts, its basic ritual practices, its ethics, and the history of the main Sufi masters and their groups. Some of the sources highlight its linguistic, architectural, and musical aspects as well. This guide includes publications in English (including translations) in electronic and printed format. The primary aim is to identify and list bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks.

In contrast to other guides on the topic, more suitable for scholars and others conducting research in religious subjects, this guide focuses on books, essays, and articles that make Sufism more comprehensible to non-specialists. The only general annotated bibliographies currently available are those by two well known specialists Massignon and Schimmel, which are not of an introductory nature and are not up-to-date. This guide can also help small public libraries develop individual collections on the topic.

Sufism: a brief historical outline Traditionally, Sufism is the esoteric teaching of the Prophet Muhammad. He gave it to those among his followers who were able to attain the direct and intellectual knowledge of God. This teaching was transmitted from master to disciple through the centuries. This transmission was above all oral and secret, as usual in an esoteric path, which requires an initiation, the transmission of a spiritual influence, along with a doctrine and a method. Nonetheless, some writings appeared even in the first generation of Sufis, such as those of Uwais al-Qarni, Hasan Basri, and Sayid ibn al-Mussib. Only in the early Middle Ages the Sufis and their teachings were organized into institutional orders (tarqt). The most important were the Yasawi order, named after Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi, and the Kubrawiya Sufi Order, named afterNajm al-Din Kubra, both originating in Central Asia, the Qadiriya Sufi Order, named after 'Abd al-

Qadir al-Jilani who was born in Iraq, the Mawlawiyah Sufi Order, founded in Turkey by the followers of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, the Naqshbandiya order, named after Baha al-Din Naqshband, and the Chistiya order, named after Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, these last two still originating in Central Asia. Different modalities of method and teaching developed over time, according to the wisdom of different masters and the historical and cultural tradition of the orders. However, every existing Sufi order today claims to have a spiritual link through its chain of transmission (silsila) back to the Prophet Muhammad.

The challenge of doing research on Sufism The challenge for the reference librarian is, as almost always, to give qualitative information, and thus to distinguish between reputable and lesser publications. The challenges are different today because of the dramatic growth of scholarly publications and electronic resources. Roughly speaking, it might be said it is merely a matter of choosing the correct databases. The general adult reader or the undergraduate student would be well served by starting with a general idea about Sufism, its history, and its cultural background. These can be found in the basic reference resources, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries. It is indeed crucial to have the necessary foundation for going further ahead. On the other hand, with the involvement of Islam as a whole in politics and fundamentalism, it is important for the user to understand that Sufism is essentially a spiritual way whose pillars are the doctrine, the method, and the practice of virtues. Books dealing more deeply with these fundamental aspects are significant in number.

Sufism and the reference process The fundamental reference challenge is to locate the appropriate works of the most renowned authors on the subject, while trying at the same time to cover the different perspectives from which Sufism may be interpreted. Subject specialists and general reference librarians will be able to advise and help identify information. Library catalogs have on average about one hundred and more books under the general subject heading Sufism, and this obviously has no usefulness for the user whose knowledge o f the topic is scant or negligible. A few crucial directions are therefore mandatory.

Seeing the already aforementioned tensions between certain sectors of Islam and Western world, some users would probably be interested in finding information about what is going on in the Muslim world, and Sufism is of course a related issue. The challenge for the reference librarian in this scenario is to find out if the user wants to obtain insights through historical accounts and developments or through contemporary material. For most advanced users such as faculty or doctoral students, another difficulty might be in looking up titles in Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish, or Urdu. In this scenario an appropriate transliteration scheme is necessary for the reference librarian to be helpful.

Sufuism and the www The World Web can most likely offer answers to the other two aforementioned needs by a series of web sites which are maintained by historically important Sufi, or by associations referring to them. Of course, these sites have to be carefully reviewed by the reference librarian or subject specialist who is best positioned to guide users in order to avoid recommending those that might contain links to fundamentalist material. But once this problem is resolved, these online resources will certainly provide the history of their order, and perhaps the way a traditional spiritual institution can face contemporary issues in Muslim countries, and/or also in Western countries.

Sufism and databases Besides the specialized religion database ATLA Religion Database, many other databases provide ample references to books, articles, essays, and even theses and dissertations under this subject heading. And here lies the greatest challenge many of these sources are scattered and it is not easy to locate them. Actually there is a deficiency of special databases, bibliographies, and indexes related to Sufism. This is not only a problem for the reference librarian, but also for researchers and above all students attending class or doing projects on Sufism. The best and only help a reference librarian can give is to be able to focus on exactly the aspects the user is dealing with. If the user is looking for material about Sufism and its particular religious and esoteric features, probably the best databases to locate this kind of information are the aforementioned ATLA Religion Database, Index Islamicus, and Philosopher's Index. If the query is Sufism related to world history, then Historical Abstracts would be the place to search. Its cultural and sociological characteristics will be treated in publications indexed by general humanities databases such as Academic Search Premier, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, British Humanities Index, or JSTOR. More specific topics on the anthropology of Sufism in the proper geographical context will be found in eHRAF World Cultures.

Online material Reference resources All the articles contained in this section are taken from electronic encyclopedias or dictionaries, either general or specialized, and some are available in print as well. They provide general information, from the most concise and simplest to the most comprehensive and detailed, as is evident from the numbers of pages dedicated to the topic. The content is usually divided into etymology, history and development, doctrine and practice, and Sufi orders. The most inclusive articles also include information about Sufi masters and Sufi literature. These kinds of reference sources, as the printed ones cited in the following Printed Material section, are good points of departure for those who know little about the topic. Indeed, they introduce Sufism in a way that avoids complications, making the subject as plain as possible. The language is simple and understandable, without too many technical terms:

A New Dictionary of Religions (1995), Sufism, available at: Treasure House of India's Culture and Heritage, Sufism, available at: Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2005), Sufism, available at: = Encyclopaedia of Islam (2006), Ta?awwuf, available at: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (2000, 2003), Sufi, available at: The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (2003), Sufism, available at: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2008), Sufi, available at: Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Sufism, available at: Web sites These internet resources have been selected primarily for their content and arrangement. Authority also was a criterion. Since the topic is vast and the scope of this guide is only to find items that provide essential and accessible information about it, websites have been chosen which include in their homepage a link to some introductory articles or brief outlines about the main issues of Sufism (all accessed 17 November 2008).

International Association of Sufism,, published by International Association of Sufism This Sufi association is a non-profit organization affiliated with the United Nations, and designed to promote peace and knowledge in the spirit of ancient wisdoms of Sufism. The homepage contains information about the association itself, but also has several articles that introduce the reader concisely and clearly to the study, practice and discipline of Sufism. The most significant among them are: An essential principle in Sufi teaching, Introduction to Sufism, Practical Sufism and philosophical, and Tarighat: the way.

Living Islam Islamic tradition,, published by K.N. Omar

The intention of this site is to give a vision of Islam as the middle path, offering neither extremist viewpoints, nor modernist interpretations. In order to fulfill this purpose it presents authentic texts of the Islamic tradition and references. Among the latter, a Concise Sunni Glossary, which gives short definitions of basic terms of the Sunni tradition, the major branches of Islam, an alphabetical index of Hadiths, and also a page under the heading Reference with links to subject categories as Spiritual excellence (Tasawwuf, that is, Sufism), Women, Family Life, Muslim Role in Western Society, and Terrorism Not Islamic. There are several articles about Sufism. In the first one entitled What is Sufism?, the answer to this classic question is original, saying that Before asking what is Sufism we should ask what is ReligionReligion is an orchard of which the fence is the Law, the inner grove is the Path (that is, Sufism), and the fruit is the Reality (that is, the Truth).

Sufism, Sufis, Sufi Orders: Sufism's many paths,, published by The University of Georgia The focus is on a hypertext essay by Dr Alan Godlas of the University of Georgia, which provides an introduction to Sufism. It provides definitions of key concepts, and also treats issues important to it, such as obstacles and internal struggles, remembrance of God, and the relationship with Islam. There also are two sections dedicated to the main Sufis Shaiks (that is, Masters, the equivalent of Gurus in Hinduism), and to Sufi Orders. The site also provides links relating to Sufi orders, books, and other resources.

The Naqshbandi Sufi Way, This site is maintained by the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order of America. This order claims to be related through the initiatory chain to the very important Sufi master Bayazid al-Bistami. The home page presents briefly this order, and a link allows the reader to get the Tariqa page that provides What is Sufism?, a concise explanation of Islam and Sufism. In the same web page it is possible to find an account about the origins of this Sufi order, the biographies of its living masters, its activities in America, and a list of its centers around the world. Its useful search box helps readers find any kind of information about Islam, Sufism, and Sufis.

The Nimatullahi Sufi Order,, published by Khaniqahi Nimatullahi This site is maintained by The Nimatullahi Sufi Order. It is the direct emanation of an existing Sufi Order, with its own Shaykh and members. The homepage introduces the reader to the organization of this order, its magazine, books, and centers. It also provides very interesting articles about Sufism. In particular the introductory article What is Sufism is very clear and understandable, giving the meaning, the practice, and the definition of Sufism in only seven lines. Other articles of interest are Asceticism

and Sufism, and The Spiritual Path. The latter explains briefly what Spiritual Poverty is, and that the essential practice of Sufism is the incessant and selfless Remembrance of God.

The Sufi Study Circle of the University of Toronto,, published by The Sufi Study Circle of the University of Toronto This site is produced by a group from Canada related to the Chishti Sufi order, one of the first Sufi Orders to be established in Western countries in the 20th century. Along with news about their activities, is possible to find very interesting introductory articles about Sufism just by typing Sufism in its search box. Among them: Introduction to Sufism, The Quranic roots of Sufism, Adab: the courtesy of the path, and Zikr The remembrance of Allah. All of them, written by many different authors, are recommended for their readability, and as a very good source of essential information about Sufism, the path that leads not only to salvation, but to God Himself.

The Threshold Society,, published by The Threshold Society This is a non-profit organization with an affiliation to the Mevlevi Order, a Sufi group related to the famous Persian Sufi Shaik Rumi. In its site index it is possible to find a link to introductory articles on Sufism. Among them the most interesting is What Sufism is, in which Sufism is presented as an experience and way of life that was born and developed within the Islamic Revelation. The author, speaking of Sufi western groups, points out that there is a chain of transmission going back to the Prophet Muhammad that links all the orthodox Sufi orders. All Sufi Masters, even though they may disagree about the breadth or narrowness of interpretations of Islam, never questioned the essential validity of the Quranic Revelation. Nor were they fundamentalist by rigidly interpreting that Revelation or discrediting other faiths. On the contrary, the Sufi Orders were a force of tolerance and moderation within the Islamic culture.

The Way to Truth Understanding Islam Religion,, published by The Way to Truth This site provides information to help non- and new- Muslims understand the essentials of religion, God, belief, destiny, resurrection, the meaning of life in general, and Islamic faith. There is a site navigation which is very useful for easily finding any kind of information about Islam. There is also a category index, and by clicking on Sufism it is possible to retrieve a dozen articles about it. Among them, three are most important: Tasawwuf or Sufism, Sufi, and The origin of Tasawwuf. The first one begins with a compilation of definitions of Sufism, according to different point of views, and ends talking about its main concepts. The second one also begins by giving a series of definitions, this time about Sufi, and continues talking about different categories of Sufis. The last one is a very short historical essay which argues that Sufism was originally strictly related to the Islamic Law and its rules.

World of Tasawwuf,, published by Al Ashrafiya Order This site is an emanation of a Sufi Order, namely, the Al Ashrafiya Order, which claims to be linked (through the Silsila, the initiatory chain) to an ancient and reputable Sufi order, the Qadiriya. It has, along with news about the activities of this Order, a series of brief articles treating most of the basic issues of Sufism. Among them: What is Tasawwuf?, Sufi Symbolism, Shaik and Murid, Purification, Dhikr. Particularly remarkable is the passage on the homepage in which is stated that just as Kabbala is a mystical dimension of Judaism, or Tantra is an esoteric dimension of Hinduism *+, Sufism is the mystical dimension of Islam *+, where it is implicitly recognized the universal value of the other world religions.

Databases The reader who is interested in broadening his or her knowledge may consult the following databases for information in the fields of religion or philosophy.

Academic search premier, 1975-, daily, published by EBSCO Industries Inc Probably the most important academic database in Humanities, it contains full text of more than 4,500 academic and scholar journals, including more than 3,700 peer-reviewed titles in all these fields. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for all the 8,250 journals in the collection. It has moreover PDF backfiles to 1975 for over one hundred journals, and cited references are provided for nearly 1,000 titles. It holds over eight hundred articles related to Sufi and Sufism from Academic journals. It is also in printed format (accessed 18 November 2008).

Arts and Humanities Citation Index, 1975-, weekly, published by Thompson Scientific This is a multidisciplinary citation index of over one thousand of the most prominent international arts and humanities journals; it provides access to both current and retrospective bibliographic information and cited references. It includes nearly 680 references on Sufism and Sufis in areas such as Religious Studies, Philosophy, Asian studies, History, Anthropology, Social Science, Literature, Music, and Art from journal articles, books reviews, reviews, and letters (accessed 18 November 2008).

ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serial, 1949-, published by EBSCO Industries Inc, and American Theological Library Association

This database focuses only on religious publications. It contains citations to books, journal articles, and book reviews in all fields of religion, biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues, with a very good date coverage dating back to 1949. Nearly 1,500 references to Sufi and Sufism are recorded (accessed 18 November 2008).

British Humanities Index. BHI, 1994-, monthly, published by CSA Illumina/ProQuest and CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals This database indexes and abstracts periodical literature from humanities journals, magazines, and newspapers published in the UK. It includes a wide variety of topics on the humanities and arts, with links to the full-text for some of the entries. It records almost ninety journal articles and one book review about Sufism and Sufis. It is also in printed format (accessed 18 November 2008).

eHRAF World Cultures, 1997-2008, annually, published by Human Relations Area Files Inc., Yale University This database contains information on all aspects of cultural and social life in many different cultures. Information is arranged by cultures and ethnic groups, and the full-text documents are given according to the subject at the paragraph level, and it is thus useful to find information on a particular culture or cultural trait. It includes thousands of pages of text from books, articles, and unpublished manuscripts as well as English translations of foreign texts available exclusively in eHRAF World Cultures. A total of 470 paragraphs in 92 total documents in 39 cultures about Sufism and Sufis are to be found in this particular database by using its special search tool eHRAF Search (accessed 18 November 2008).

Historical Abstracts, 1955-, three times per year, published by ABC-CLIO Even though it covers modern world history, its subject categories comprise Religious Studies, and also geographical areas of interest to the topic through Central Eurasian Studies, India Studies, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, and African Studies. It currently indexes about 2,000 journals, with indexing also for some books and dissertations, and most of the article citations include abstracts of 75-100 words. Almost four hundred articles, 22 books, and 32 dissertations/thesis on Sufism and Sufis are contained (accessed 18 November 2008).

Index Islamicus, 1906-, quarterly, published by EBSCO Industries Inc. and Brill Academic Publisher This is an international list of publications in European languages that deals with all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages, and literature. The database contains indexing for 3,470 titles with coverage starting from 1906. An impressive amount of references

to Sufi and Sufism: 3,059 journal articles, 1,110 books, and 220 books reviews. It is also in printed format (accessed 18 November 2008).

JSTOR, 1891-, published by JSTOR This is a database produced by a not-for-profit organization established with the assistance of The Mellon Foundation which provides full-text of complete series of hundreds of important journals in more than 30 arts, humanities, and social science disciplines starting with the first volume. It includes content from these journals up to three-five years ago, although some journals have a fixed ending date. There are 8,410 articles, 4,283 book reviews, and 21 editorials in this database about Sufism and Sufis (accessed 18 November 2008).

Philosopher's Index, 1940-, quarterly, published by Bowling Green State University Philosophy Documentation Center and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts It is a bibliographic database that covers scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, including Religious studies, published in journals, books, anthologies, bibliographies, biographies, and textbooks, whereas book reviews are indexed only in the print version. Over 480 journals from 38 countries are included in this electronic resources. The database, with abstracts, cites works in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. More than 160 publications on Sufi doctrine and philosophy are quoted. It is also in printed format (accessed 18 November 2008).

Printed material Reference resources These resources are available in print and range from brief outlines of the main features of Sufism to short essays on the subject. However, what these articles share along with the previously cited electronic reference resources, is the aim to plainly and clearly introduce the inexperienced reader to this topic.

Aubin, F. (2005), Sufisme, in Bearman, P.J., Bianquis, T., Bosworth, C.E., Van Donzel, E. and Heinrichs W.P. (Eds),The Encyclopedia of Islam, new ed., Vol. 10, Brill, Leiden, NV, pp. 313-38. Awn, P.J. (2005), Sufism in Jones, L. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed., Vol. 13, Thomson Gale, Detroit, pp. 8809-25. Chittick, W.C., Johansen, J.E.A. and Othszuka, K. (1995), Sufism, in Esposito, J.L. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, Vol. 4, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 102-133.

Hitti, P.K. (2002), Sufism, in Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 25, Scholastic Library Publishing, Danbury, CT, pp. 848-50. Nicholson, R.A. (1979), Sufis in Hastings, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 12, Charles Scribner'Sons, New York, NY, pp. 10-17. Raef, Y. (1997), Sufism in Brower, J. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, University Press, Oxford, pp. 925-926. Rastogi, T.C. (1990), Sufism: A Dictionary with Profiles of Saint-poets, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi. Renard, J. (2005), Historical Dictionary of Sufism, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, MD. Schimmel, A. (2005) Islamic mysticism, Sufism in The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., Vol. 22, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago, IL, pp.. 18-24. Various authors (2003-) Sufis, Sufism in Suad, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Brill, Leiden, Boston, MA. Books A difficult and profound topic such as Sufism requires a great level of erudition in order to make it understandable to people who are not accustomed to or conversant in the subject. Therefore, the scholarship of the authors was the most important criterion for choosing these books. All of them are introductions written by well known specialists and scholars in Religious Studies, Islam, and Sufism. All are strongly recommended for their readability. These books also cover the two main perspectives through which Sufism may be interpreted. The first one sees Sufism as strictly related to its Islamic religious framework, a deepening of it through zeal and fervor. The other, even though it considers as fundamental the link with the Islamic tradition which constitute a guarantee of orthodoxy and then of legitimacy, sees Sufism as much more free from it. From this perspective, Sufism is above all related to the Perennial Philosophy, whose central idea is that Divine Truth is one, timeless, and universal, and that the different religions are but different languages expressing it. And of course the reader can find different degrees of emphasis in one direction or the other between the two perspectives.

Burckhardt, T. (1988), An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine, Kazi Publications, Chicago, IL The point of view is not that of pure scholarship, but rather the effort to understand the permanent and universal truths of which every sacred doctrine is an expression. Sufism, as Burckhardt points out, has always recognized that Divine Revelation takes on different forms corresponding to the diverse aptitudes of the human groups which receive it, the essence remaining always the same. The core of the book is the chapter The Doctrinal Foundation dealing with the metaphysics of Sufism, which according to the author is the basis of everything, whereas the method is treated only in broad outline. There is no mention of its history. Reference is made above all to the writings of the Very Great Master Muhyddin

ibn Arabi, the famous medieval Sufi, and one of the most important figures of Sufism. The book has also a very useful glossary of Arabic terms and concepts used in the text.

Chittick, W.C. (2008), Sufism: A Beginner's Guide, Oneworld Publication, Oxford This book includes several topical areas within Sufism, including its history, growth, and relationship to Islam; the mystical and spiritual properties of music and dance; the beliefs, practice and philosophies of Sufism as seen through the eyes of several major figures, and Sufism in the modern world. For the author there is no doubt that the Sufi perspective comes from the Quran and the Hadiths (sayings) of Muhammad, sources that generations of Sufi teachers have amplified and adapted, but keeping their key points. As regards Sufi practice, its foundation is to be found in the last of the basic dimensions of Islam, the ihsan, which is defined by the author as doing the beautiful. Coming after the two previous dimensions, that is, the islam (submission), and the imam (faith), it represents their profound and sincere realization, and then the heart of Islamic religion. The final indexes provide the reader good references to understand more easily the issues discussed.

Lings, M. (1993),What is Sufism?, Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge To this classical question, the author answers in nine chapters. Among them, the first two, The Originality of Sufism and The Universality of Sufism, underline both the particular form and the universal substance of Sufism. The Book discusses the Quran as the root of Sufism's doctrine and method, which are treated in other two chapters. The Messenger, a chapter dedicated to Muhammad, points out that the Prophet was an incarnation of the revealed Book, and then, in the last analysis, the root of Sufism is to be found in him. In The Exclusiveness of Sufism, Lings makes a distinction between the sacred and the profane. The former is attributed exclusively to spiritual paths such as Sufism, whereas profane is not only atheism and agnosticism, but also the collective domain of a religion, with its tendency to worldliness. The last chapter outlines briefly the Sufism's history through its most important Sufi masters.

Nasr, S. H. (1991), Sufi Essays, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY In this volume the author, a renowned Islamic scholar, combines his knowledge of Sufism's history and doctrine with a discussion about the spiritual significance of Sufism today, as a living tradition. Nasr tries to show the pertinence of Islamic and Sufi teachings to clarifying and resolving contemporary problems in such fields as comparative religious study or ecology, while giving an answer to the moral and spiritual poverty of the present.The starting point of his reasoning is that Sufism, inseparable from its Islamic framework, covers nearly every aspect of spiritual life, and represents one of the most complete traditions that have survived in the modern world. According to Nasr, it is only in returning to the

tradition, and above all to the spiritual means it gives, that the modern man can find the solution to his major and urgent problems.

Nicholson, R.A. (2007), The Mystic of Islam, Kessinger Publishing Company, Whitefish This work is widely recognized as a classic introduction to Sufism from a well known scholar, and one of the most important specialists in Islamic studies of the 20th century. According to the author, Sufism, which unifies the two ways of Love and Knowledge, is founded upon many of the most beautiful verses in the Quran, as well as the sayings (Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad. Nonetheless, he partially accepts the thesis of some external influence on it, namely, from Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The main chapters deal with Sufi Path, Gnosis (or Knowledge), Divine Love, and the Unitive State, and in all of them Nicholson mainly relies upon famous treatises by Sufi masters, as well as upon quotations from Arab and Persian Sufi poems that he translates personally. This is the most important side of the book, especially for a reader who has the possibility to begin to know Sufism directly by its wisest and most poetical voices.

Schimmel, A. (1975), Mystical Dimension of Islam, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC This volume is one of the most important contributions to the knowledge of Sufism written by an outstanding specialist in Islamic and Sufi studies. The author believes that Sufism was essentially the result of Islam evolving in a more spiritual direction. From this point of view, in the chapter What is Sufism the author states that Sufism meant in the formative period, mainly an interiorization of Islam, that of tawhid, to declare that God is One. (p. 17). Overall this book is a comprehensive historical survey of classical Sufism, and its most eminent representatives. In and through her account, Schimmel explains the foundations of the Sufi path, with all its stations and stages, the Sufi psychology, and the meaning of the Sufi communities. An interesting chapter discusses Persian and Turkish mystical poetry. Useful indexes of quotations from the Quran and the prophetic traditions, and a subject's index, are added at the end of the volume.

Schuon, F. (1994), Understanding Islam, World Wisdom Books, Bloomington, IN Schuon is the most outstanding representative of the Perennial Philosophy, a school of thought that began in the Twenties with the French philosopher Ren Guenon, to which Schuon has given its integral and definitive expression. The key idea of this school is that a timeless Truth underlies the diverse religions and spiritual traditions, which are nothing other than different modalities of its manifestation. This book is divided into several chapters dedicated to different subjects such Islam, the Quran, the Prophet, and the Way (the Sufi path), and for each of them Schuon gives its essential and universal meaning. So, Islam is the meeting between God as such and man as such, The Prophet is the human norm Essentially he is equilibrium and extinction: equilibrium from the human point of view and

extinction in relation to God, and the Way presents itself as the polarity of doctrine and method, or as metaphysical truth accompanied by contemplative concentration; in short intellection and concentration or discernment and union.

Schuon, F. (2006), Sufism: Veil and Quintessence. A New Translation with Selected Letters, World Wisdom Books, Bloomington, IN In this book Schuon separates what is substantial in Sufism and belongs to its quintessential truth, from what is accidental and represents rather a sort of veil that prevents in many cases a true comprehension of it. He then analyzes and peels away all these veils, which are linguistic characteristics of Arab language, ethnic and psychological types, confessional attitudes, and other cultural factors. Thus he leads step by step the reader to the kernel of Sufism, especially in the last two chapters, The Quintessential Esoterism of Islam and Hypostatic Dimension of Unity. The volume also includes in the Appendix several letters of the author that further clarify many of the points presented in the book.

Sedgwick, M.J. (2001), Sufism: The Essentials, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo The author asserts the essential relationship between Sufism and Islam. Indeed, the scholars who have seen syncretism or philosophy as its origin have far from proven it. According to the author, the ideas that Sufism borrowed elements coming from Aryan cultures do not enjoy any historical support. Sedgwick on the contrary thinks that Sufism's objectives tell us what Sufism is, and they do not differ significantly from the objectives of Islam as a whole. What is distinctively Sufi is the different emphasis and special techniques. And chief among these objectives are submission to the will of God, and preparation for the Final Day. In conclusion, to understand Sufism is to understand Islam itself, not as its political and fundamentalist ramification, but as lived religion.

Stoddart, W. (1976), Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Method of Islam, Samuel Weiser, New York, NY This book is the simplest of all the introductory works listed here. The author makes it immediately clear in the introduction that there is no Sufism without Islam. In reality, there is no spiritual path separated from its own religious framework, as claimed by various Western groups supposedly referring to Sufism as well as Yoga or Zen. Indeed, Sufism is nothing but the inward or supra-formal dimension of Islam, which is its outward support, and this is also true for any other kind of authentic spirituality. Three dimensions, three chapters: The Religion of Islam, Shariah or The Law, which Stoddard compared to a circle. The Islamic Esoterism, Haqiqa, the Inner Truth which is the center of the circle and constitutes the Sufi doctrine. Finally, The Mystical Path, Tariqah, the ray proceeding form the circumference to the center, which is the Sufi method leading from the external form to the internal realization. The Appendix provides the reader with many important quotations relating to Sufism taken from traditional sources.

Conclusion Sufism has begun to be more and more popular in the Western world in these two last decades. Actually scholarly interest for Sufism dates back to the end of 19th century, and has increased exponentially during the 20th century, as shown by the great number of publications that are listed in catalogs, bibliographies, and indexes under the subject headings Sufism and Sufis. However, Sufism remains a subject for specialists, for the very experts in the field. This guide attempts to bridge this gap by giving the reader the means for understanding its essential elements: the doctrine, the method, and its origins and developments. They are to be found above all in the encyclopedias and dictionaries in electronic and printed format, while more profound, but still very understandable, philosophical, linguistic, and cultural analysis, are to be seen in books. The websites related to Sufism are recommendable in particular for imparting information about what is going on in the Sufi's world; moreover they are very useful for locating very simple and general introductions about Sufism. Databases allow the reader to go beyond these introductory references and broaden his or her knowledge. As every guide to reference resources, this work is not intended to be exhaustive, but only to give some directions to those who seek to begin to understand this profound and interesting subject.

Corresponding author Danilo Francesconi can be contacted at: Asalaam Wa'alykum

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Hazrat Mahdi (as) will call people to the Qur'an and teach them that true justice can be obtained by observing the rights of all parties >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will be noteworthy for their intelligence and elegant dress >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not preserve people's existing situations; as a manifestation of Allah's title of Hadi, he will be instrumental in their guidance >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) will return as a follower of Islam and the Sunna of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Abdulkadir Badilli, a close follower of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Said that the master was not a sayyid >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) night service (lessons) >>>

It is revealed in verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa' that before the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) dies, no member of the People of the Book will not believe in him >>>

It is revealed in the Qur'an that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die and was not killed in any way >>>

Those who say that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) died and was spiritually raised into the presence of Allah are mistaken; the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, and was raised into the presence of Allah in body and soul >>>

Those who ignore the hundreds of portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will never believe even if they see Hazrat Mahdi (as) accompanied by angels >>>

Why will the Prophet Jesus (as) not be recognized when he returns to Earth? >>>

Why will Hazrat Mahdi (as) not be recognized when he appears? >>>

Who are the personages of the End Times? >>>

Very few people will recognize the Prophet Jesus (as) when he returns to earth >>>

The antichrist will attempt to prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) from being recognized by using indoctrination, hypnosis and similar deceptive methods >>>

Those who propagandize the error that the Prophet Jesus (as) is dead will be one reason why he is not recognized >>>

The views of Islamic Scholars regarding Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The views of contemporary writers and commentators >>>

The error behind Osman Unlu's idea of the third millennium >>>

The suggestion that he will return not as a person but as a 'collective personality' will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) being recognized >>>

The sources of the hadiths about Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The same slander techniques were also employed against Bediuzzaman Said Nursi >>>

The Prophets sent throughout history have been subjected to slanders >>>

The Prophets sent in the past were also not recognized by their communities >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) will eliminate the fitnah of the antichrist >>>

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says that the Prophet Jesus (as) will come as an individual, not as a collective personality >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear when all hope of their coming has been abandoned >>>

The propaganda of the antichrist will play a major role in the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) not being recognized >>>

The pressure placed on society by eminent individuals will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) being recognized >>>

The numbers of people believing in the Prophets in the past were always very small >>>

The Mahdism is a subject needing to be widely broadcast rather than kept hidden >>>

The golden age that will be enjoyed in the time of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The fact that he comes in human form will prevent some people from recognizing the Prophet Jesus (as) >>>

The fact that he appears at a time when people are completely distanced from the moral values of the Qur'an will prevent Hazrat Mahdi (as) being recognized >>>

The fact that Christianity has become corrupted will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) from being recognized >>>

The claim that Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a collective personality will prevent him being recognized >>>

The antichrist's violent and oppressive practices will prevent people following the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The antichrist's influence over the majority of people will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) being recognized >>>

The antichrist will prevent the recognition of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) by whispering to people >>>

The antichrist will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) from being recognized by supporting materialist ideologies against them >>>

The antichrist will prevent people following the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) by pretending to want the best for them >>>

The antichrist will gather support by offering material benefits, thus preventing the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) from being recognized >>>

The antichrist will conceal his true face and prevent the recognition of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) by using technology >>>

Statistics regarding the hadith and accounts about Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Some people will leave Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community >>>

Protection against the fitnah of the Antichrist >>>

None of the portents of the End Times that took place one after the other in 1400 had come about in the time of Imam Rabbani >>>

Injustice and slander will prevent Hazrat Mahdi (as) being recognized >>>

In the past the so-called men of religion also failed to recognize the Prophet Jesus (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have around 300 followers >>>

Excuses stemming from worldly desires will prevent people following Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi used the term the followers of the Mahdi who will come a century from now in his risale to refer to Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will appear in hijri 1400 and his followers >>>

The antichrist will prevent the recognition of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) by deceiving people with various extraordinary powers >>>

Although the superior moral values and incomparable actions of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be evident, very few people will support him >>>

Ahl-al Sunnah sources published about Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The numbers of the Prophet Jesus' (as) community will be very small >>>

The fact that the Prophet Jesus (as) will rule with the Qur'an will prevent him from being recognized >>>

The auspicious and wise aspects of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) not being recognized >>>

The appearance of false Messiahs will hinder the recognition of the Prophet Jesus (as) >>>

The Antichrist will not be recognized either when he first appears >>>

The Antichrist: The negative force opposed to The Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the End Times >>>

As in the past, the presence around him of people who tend towards disbelief will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) from being recognized >>>

Accounts regarding Hazrat Mahdi (as) are 'Mutawatir' >>>

Professor Huseyin Hatemi: Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in Istanbul >>>

Love and unity will prevail in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah will use Hazrat Mahdi (as) as His instrument in the destruction of the intellectual system of the sufyan >>>

Lives will be longer in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

It will rain in abundance in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

It is an error to explain the hadiths regarding the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in a superstitious manner >>>

Information in the hadiths referring to the date of the Day of Reckoning that might appear contradictory is actually transcription errors, one must look for the common points in what the hadiths relate >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will restore and beautify the world >>>

Hadiths, accounts and statements referring to ignorant scholars in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Goods will be given without being counted in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

By how many means is the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) concealed? >>>

Bediuzzaman said that the accounts in the treatises were sufficient concerning all matters >>>

Bediuzzaman has told, with full supporting evidence, those who imagine him to be the Mahdi (as) that he is not the Mahdi (as) >>>

Bediuzzaman has stated several times in his works that the Mahdi (as) will be a sayyid, and that he is not a sayyid, but a Kurd. >>>

All conflicts and disagreements will end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

A response to the claim that "one must know Arabic and the proper recitation of the Qur'an in order to understand the Qur'an and the hadiths": Hazrat Mahdi (as) will use internet knowledge >>>

The return of the Prophet Jesus (as) to Earth >>>

The return of the Prophet Jesus (as) to Earth in the hadith >>>

How are Prophets' deaths recounted in the Qur'an? >>>

Allah's Purification of the Prophet Jesus (as) of the Unbelievers >>>

Allah foiled the unbelievers' plot against the Prophet Jesus (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of the Risale-i Nur in his work >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of technology in obtaining information about events in the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will expound hadiths of our Prophet (saas) about the End Times in the truest manner >>>

There will be people from the children of Israel with Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Which great Islamic scholars have said, on the basis of the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), that the lifespan of the world is 7000 years? >>>

At the End Times, Allah will demolish and cause the ideology of all superstitious beliefs to collapse, through the scientific activities that are carried out against Darwinist, materialist and atheist philosophies >>>

The life of the Prophet Joseph (as) contains references to Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Signs to technology in the End Times from the hadiths about the antichrist >>>

References in the hadiths to the years 1997 and 1999 >>>

Other verses of the Qur'an referring to the global dominion of Islam >>>

Electronic communications in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Cars in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

With advancing technology and the spread of the internet in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), information will become easily accessible >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spiritually conquer Rome, there will be a great earthquake in Vatican >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will free the world from evils and oppressive systems, and will cause love and peace to reign among people >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will eliminate division among Muslims and unify the Islamic world >>>

The fact that our Prophet (saas) has given various timings regarding Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the hadiths indicates that there will be various periods in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) life, intellectual struggle and spiritual dominion based on the moral values of the Qur'an. >>>

The physical features of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) has the ''Seal of Prophethood'' on his shoulder >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will eliminate all strife, conflict and division between Muslims and make Muslims brothers >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will call on people to friendship and alliance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be an orphan >>>

Where allegiance will be sworn to Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The significance of the year 1956 in terms of the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) brow will be broad and open >>>

Hear the glad tidings of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is beautiful and radiant >>>

The reign of the oppressors will come to an end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The Companions of the Cave will be Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers >>>

Heretical systems will be destroyed in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

A group from the east will prepare the way for the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a majestic individual >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be arab in complexion, in other words, he will be darkish white >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will definitely appear >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will understand and explain the Qur'an and the hadiths very well >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not spill blood >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will not be harmed by those who leave them >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will disclose true Islamic moral values >>>

Certain features of Hazrat Mahdi (as) that resemble our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear secretly and suddenly >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a mole on his forehead >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will cause Islamic moral values to prevail through his intellectual activities >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people living by 'true and deep love' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) weapons are faith and love >>>

There will be false religious scholars who demand money to serve the religion in the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a mark (scar) on his forehead >>>

The spiritual side of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will be very powerful >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) the morality of Islam will be restored to its true form, all religious schools will be removed >>>

The cleansing of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community from the hypocrites >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will be made up of those believers from whom Allah takes a monument in Qalu Bala >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) being out of people's sight >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be followed and watched and they will try to pressurize him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be subjected to plots and slanders from the unbelievers, like all the Prophets and true Muslims >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) skin will be bright >>>

One of the pieces of wisdom behind people's inability to recognize Hazrat Mahdi (as) is that he is under Allah's protection >>>

Some characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers >>>

Hypocrites being the troublemakers and coldhearted >>>

How the hypocrites in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community follow the Antichrist >>>

Only some of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will speak Arabic >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will raise no difficulties regarding the decisions he makes >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will have no material or spiritual interest in worldly things >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will have a very powerful faith >>>

Slander and false witness will be widespread prior to the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

There will be a mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek >>>

There will be negative propaganda about Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will be very select >>>

Difficulties and oppression will not wear Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers down >>>

Certain shaven-headed, false scholars will appear in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and deviate from the moral values of Islam by their statements >>>

The 33rd verse of surah Maryam is one of the most important signs in the Qur'an of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)' second coming to earth >>>

It is a requisite of Qur'anic morality and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas) that Mr. Adnan Oktar devotes a special place to the domination of Islamic morality and Mahdism in his speeches >>>

The verses 32 and 33 of the Surat al-Jathiyya bear signs regarding the End Times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The Appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) after the hypocrites have left >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule the world, just like Dhu'l qarnayn (as) and The Prophet Solomon (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble Khidr (as) and Dhu'l-qarnayn (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will know the science of abjad (numerology) >>>

Inspired by Allah, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will know 'the best behavior for earning Allah's approval' and will act accordingly >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have superiorforesight and, by Allah's will, possess secret knowledge >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be spoken of everywhere >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be much loved by people >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be an instrument of abundance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resolve matters very fast >>>

Most people in the end times will keep their distance from Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) love of plants and animals >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will love and understand animals >>>

His assumption of all responsibility >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will initially be reluctant for his name to be known >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) forehead will be bright >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) being subjected to troubles and difficulties >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community will be few in numbers >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have two occultations >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be visible to people, but Allah will for long conceal the fact that he is Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Violence and anarchy in society and PKK terror will appear during Hazrat Mahdi's (as) occultation >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will uphold the truthagainst cruelty >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not tell people of his needs >>>

There will be no shame or cruelty in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) work >>>

The nation among whom Hazrat Mahdi (as) serves >>>

The name of Allah will be much remembered in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) home >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will unearth the ark of the covenant >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) knows what is lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) morality is similar to that of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Administrative systems will be destroyed and there will be economic collapse before the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) banner >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will never be defeatedin any way; Nobody will be able to harm Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a powerful urge to defend Islam >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) gratitude is only to Allah >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) benevolence toward people >>>

Believers adopt Hazrat Mahdi's (as) moral virtue as a role model >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) appearance with the holy relics >>>

Allah will purify Hazrat Mahdi (as) in one night >>>

Allah will inspire Hazrat Mahdi (as) with the truest law >>>

'The style of speaking' that Allah informs in the Qur'an >>>

Mr. Adnan Oktar refuses to be called 'the Mahdi' >>>

How great Islamic scholars have interpreted various verses of the Qur'an referring to Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the global dominion of the moral values of Islam >>>

The Walayat (saintship) will come to an end with Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Our Prophet's (saas) hadith saying that 'I came at the afternoon prayer of mankind:' >>>

Our Prophet's (saas) addresses to Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

He will have a mole shaped like a leaf on his back >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will use his hand to emphasize what he is saying >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have slanted eyes >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) thighs will be broad >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) stomach will be wide >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be single >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be someone with green eyes and whose beard is sparse at the sides >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have few brothers >>>

Hazrat Mahdis (as) feet will point outward as he walks >>>

Hazrat Mahdis (as) eyebrows will be curved >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is descended from the line of the Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a black mark on his right leg >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have black hair >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) beard will be copious and thick >>>

Hazrat Ali reveals in Al-qasidat Al-urjuzah that our Prophets (saas) name is Adnan >>>

Astonishing details regarding Hazrat Mahdis (as) Physical appearance and how to recognize Him >>>

The signs of the End Times taking place one after the other are significant portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Saying that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at the beginning of the Hijri 1400s does not mean that he will be recognized as soon as he appears >>>

Our Prophet (saas) revealed that the life span of the world was 7000 years >>>

It is revealed in verses of the Quran and hadiths that the moral values and virtues of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas) will rule the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be recognized immediately after his appearance in Hijri 1400. It will take some 40 years for him to be fully recognized. >>>

Bediuzzaman indicated that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at hijri 1400 >>>

A mujaddid (reviver)will come in every century >>>

32nd verse of Surat at Tawba speak of the End Times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The Courthouses and the Prisons Will Be Emptied in the Time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Mass realization of the portents of the End Times in the last 30 years confirms that the life span of this world is 7000 years. >>>

Our Prophet (saas) has described the time and signs of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) coming, his moral and physical attributes and even his name in great detail >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not know Arabic >>>

Our Prophet (saas) told that 55th verse of Surat an-Nur points at the domination of moral values of Islam over the world with the hand of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The day of Judgment is close after the Messenger of aAlah (saas) >>>

Allah will clear Hazrat Mahdi (as) of slanders pointed at Him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as)'s whole body will be wide >>>

Sincere Muslims will love and appreciate Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his students in time >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will possess innate sciences >>>

The holy appearance that will identify Hazrat Mahdi (as) to people >>>

The mention in the gospel of 'a man carrying a jar of water' refers to Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will purge the subsequent bi'dah (innovations) in Islam and guide people to live by the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas) >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) people will live by the religion of Islam in the same way as in the time of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spiritually conquer the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be unaffected by certain peoples negative comments and will make no concessions regarding behaving in accordance with the Quran >>>

It is written in the gospel that the Prophet Jesus (as) will return to earth this century >>>

Verses 1-3 of Surat al-Fath contain references to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will possess secret knowledge like the hidden knowledge (ilm al-ladun) from the presence of Allah >>>

Bediuzzaman's words concerning the timing of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah refers to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in Surat an-Nasr, verses 1-3 >>>

During Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle that will begin in Istanbul there will be a Meccan period, a Jerusalem period and a roman period >>>

Verse 9 of Surat as-Saff refers to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Verse 13 of Surat as-Saff refers to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Verse 139 of Surah al 'Imran refers to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Knowledge of the unseen (ghaib) >>>

Verse 105 of Surat al-Anbiya' refers to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

When Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, all the sects will swear allegiance to him, because Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the greatest guide of the Islamic world >>>

The great guide Ismail Haqqi al-Burusawi describes the savage climate in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Mahdi's (as) profound knowledge >>>

The hadith regarding the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the dominion of the moral values of Islam are completely reliable >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will be made up of young people and will be few in number >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a light beard at the sides And long at the front >>>

Verses 89-91 of Surat al-Hijr refer to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Verse 10 of Surah Ta Ha refers to the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will distant Islam from atheist currents and innovations, and will call on people to have faith >>>

People in many different cities will be able to hear Hazrat Mahdi (as) preach the word at the same time >>>

Verses 14 and 15 of Surah Ibrahim contain references to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Seventy thousand scholars wearing turbans will support the antichrist against Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Our Prophet (saas) has drawn Muslims attention to the hypocrites >>>

References to the end times and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in verse 55 of Surat an-Nur >>>

References to the era of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the torah >>>

Allah will cause Islamic morality to rule the world, even if the unbelievers are unwilling >>>

As a blessing from Allah, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be equipped with secret knowledge, such as ilm alladun >>>

Like our Prophet (saas), Hazrat Mahdi (as) will wear, white, bright and very clean clothes >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in an increase in people's reason >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is like a sun, illuminating people >>>

Any Muslim who wishes to be one of the people of Hazrat Mahdi (as) must possess fortitude, taqwa and moral virtue >>>

The last protector is Hazrat Mahdi (as) and sovereignty will come to an end with him >>>

Our Prophet (saas) revealed that for someone to say he had a dream that he did not is a lie >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be of medium stature >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be broad and majestic >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spread the moral values of Islam in a city with giant shopping centers containing thousands of stores >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a small and thin nose >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will appear in the end times is the Messiah awaited by both Jews and Christians >>>

There will be fast means of transportation in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Rasulullah (saas) heralded the usage of the atomic bomb before the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The word paraclete mentioned in the gospel >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) complexion will be white mixed with red, like that of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not speak Arabic very well, but he will bear a close moral resemblance to our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will earn people's love and concern, even at time when he is unknown to them, and he will never leave their minds >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will act as imam (prayer leader) to the Prophet Jesus (as) >>>

The position of some ignorant scholars in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Surah Taha verse 10 is a verse betokens Hazrat Mahdi's (as) appearance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be visible to people, but Allah will for long conceal the fact that he is Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Our Prophet (saas) kept the name of Hazrat Mahdi (as) secret >>>

In the end times there will be spurious clergymen who will claim a fee for their religious services >>>

In the End Times some shaven headed people, who know the Qur'an very well, will emerge and they will struggle against the moral values of the Qur'an >>>

There will be a crooked old man between our Prophet (saas) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have links to the Jews >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule the Jews with the laws of the Prophets David (as) and Solomon (as) >>>

Bird and swine flus are portents of the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when people complain about the troubles and oppression they suffer >>>

Very few people will believe in Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the time of his occultation, and everyone else will harbor deep suspicions about him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will establish the dominion of Islamic moral values under very difficult conditions >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will also be the imam of the Prophet 'Isa (as) >>>

When Hazrat Mahdi (as) causes the moral values of the religion to rule there will be nobody left to deny that our Prophet (saas) is the last Prophet >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) face will be pearly white, radiant and clean >>>

The moral values of Islam will rule the whole world in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), from a village house to a tent in the desert >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will cause the moral values of Islam to rule the entire world >>>

Verses in the Qur'an denoting the end times, Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) and their numerological analysis >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a great blessing for mankind >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a shining brow >>>

Through his preaching, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be a means whereby Jews become Muslims >>>

Through his preaching, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be a means whereby Jews become Muslims >>>

During the time of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) occultation people whose faith is weak will doubt his coming and claim he will never appear >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a clean and peaceful countenance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear with the signs of the Prophets >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people having faith, but those whose hearts are unseeing will turn away from the moral values of the Qur'an >>>

Very few people will follow Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the greatest guide and the greatest possessor of knowledge, and he will assume complete charge of Muslims >>>

Peace, ease and security will rule the world in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble our Prophet (saas) with his nature and moral virtues >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) front teeth will be very bright >>>

If some ignorant people claim that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will supposedly never come, he will then appear like a star >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be tied to any sect, and all sects will swear allegiance to him when he comes >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a fair complexion and two marks the same color as those on our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule the Christians with the Injil, the Jews with the torah and the Muslims with the Qur'an, and there will be great plenty and abundance in his time >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a mark on his head and a dark mole between his shoulders >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will speak to people over live internet, television and radio connections >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will preach from his own home >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) communications will be established using videophone and computer systems >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring out the real torah and a jewish community will become Muslim through him >>>

There will be plentiful rain and abundance in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), and peace will reign all over the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) identity will remain secret to people even though he is living in their midst >>>

Various numerological calculations regarding the end time by Ahmed Feyzi Kul Efendi, a student of the Risale-i Nur -2 >>>

All the cities of the world can be seen in great detail using satellite technology over the internet >>>

Passages from Said Nursi referring to Hazrat Mahdi (as) as an 'individual,' not a corporate entity >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not come with unbelievable characteristics, contrary to the law of Allah; he will come like all the Prophets, in agreement with the law of Allah >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will save the world from evils and wicked philosophies, and will establish the rule of peace and love among men >>>

In his intellectual struggle against Darwinism and materialism, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will show people the proofs of creation, and will point to the verses of the Qur'an and trustworthy hadiths handed down from our Prophet (saas) as evidence in his lectures >>>

Garden in the words of the Prophet (saas) >>>

Some evidence of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the hijri 1400s, the century we are living in now, rather than in Imam Rabbani's time >>>

Portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Said Nursi has stated that Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophet Isa (as) are both individual people >>>

Believers would wait for the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as) with aspiration >>>

Clothes of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be luminous and light in color >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a working group of 30 people >>>

The Prophets also awaited Hazrat Mahdi (as) and told their peoples of his coming >>>

Some important event to take place during the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Different opinions concerning Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be put forward but these opinions will then be united >>>

Islam is the religion of peace and love. The time of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be one of peace and security >>>

The environment of peace in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) as related in the hadith >>>

Justice during the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Peace and tranquility during the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) according to the torah >>>

It is impossible for doomsday to be 120 years after the sun has risen from the west >>>

Dabbat al-ardh described in the Qur'an and the hadith denote to computer and internet technology (Allah knows the truth) >>>

Describing creation through computers and the internet will be one of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Not 100 but nearly 200 signs prove the emergence of Mahdi in the end times >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very compassionate and affectionate >>>

People will live longer in the end times in which Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear >>>

A rise in lightning strikes is a major portent of the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the Risale-i Nur collection >>>

Qur'anic verses pointing to the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will ally with the Christian world and defeat irreligion >>>

The recent earthquake and flood in china are both signs of the end times >>>

In the end times there will be some false scholars who will struggle with Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi stated that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will ally with Christians >>>

The error of once again awaiting all the signs of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) that have already come about >>>

The hypocritical character from the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle against the system of the dajjal in the end times in the hadiths >>>

Pairs in Surat al-Kahf >>>

It is impossible to understand the events of the end times without learning these analyses of Said Nursi >>>

Garden in the verses of the Qur'an >>>

Our Prophet (saas) refers to the beginning of a new calendar in the words 'the 7,000-year life span of the world' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) Meccan period >>>

In his book the great Sunni scholar Suyuti relates trustworthy hadith regarding that the life of the world lasts 7000 years >>>

It has been clearly revealed that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in the year 1400 according to the Islamic calendar >>>

Great ahl al-Sunnah scholars stated that 'The life span of the Islamic community will be up until the year 1500 (the hegira style)'' >>>

Various numerological calculations regarding the end times by Ahmed Feyzi Kul, a student of the Risale-i Nur >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will continue his work even during the time of his occultation >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will make use of technology in the End Times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers will not fear the pressure put upon them >>>

Information about the structure of the earth and the universe will be obtained in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be chosen >>>

The significance of the year 1956 in terms of the end times >>>

Correct rulings will be inspired in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) heart >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will preach the moral values of Islam using the most sincere words >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) will help Hazrat Mahdi (as), and will descend from the sky in order to express his devotion to Hazrat Mahdi (as) and perform prayer (namaz) behind him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be born in a large city and then come to Istanbul >>>

During Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle that will begin in Istanbul there will be a Meccan period, a Jerusalem period and a Roman period >>>

At the time when Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, the majority of people will not perform the prayer (namaz) and will even be unaware that wine is unlawful in Islam >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) the blind will get vision, the sick will be cured, longevity will be prevail >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be unaware of the angels that helps him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spiritually capture Istanbul >>>

The great Sunni scholar Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Rasul al-Husayn al Barzanji answers some religious scholars >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear INA period when people cannot find one single person to lead them >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers are young >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very compassionate and generous toward the poor >>>

Islamic moral values will extend everywhere >>>

Some examples of the enormous global impact of the economic crisis described by our Prophet (saas) as one of the portents of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) came to Istanbul during the explosion of the ship the Independenta in 1979 >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is expected to appear 1000 years after the death of our Prophet (saas), not 1000 years after the death of Imam Rabbani >>>

Imam Rabbani has said that many portents described in the hadiths would take place before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), and almost all of these portents have been fulfilled >>>

Prayers of Muslims in the Qur'an >>>

Some superficial ulema interpret the hadith in superstitious way >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be known when he first appears >>>

Two important conditions given by Imam Rabbani regarding the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) taking place in 1400 according to the Islamic calendar have come about >>>

Our Prophet (saas) received no madrassa education and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will receive no madrassa education, and he will simply rule with special knowledge imparted to him >>>

Our Prophet (saas) says that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be an adornment of paradise >>>

The appearance of the angels that will be alongside Hazrat Mahdi (as) is something that will take place in the spiritual world alone, and will therefore be visible only to the angels >>>

Descent from the Prophet can also come from the maternal side as from the paternal >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will emerge from Istanbul >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) name >>>

There will be various stages to Hazrat Mahdi's (as) term of service >>>

Claiming that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not come is a portent of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Various periods of time concerning Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will struggle against the hypocrites, who will occupy the very lowest level of the flames >>>

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has said ''Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have three great duties;'' ''it is Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will perform these three duties together and across the world.'' >>>

An image shaped like a hand will appear in space, and this is a portent of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Belief in the Mahdi in Zoroastrianism >>>

Hazrat Jibril (as) and Hazrat Mikhail (as) will be the helpers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) who possesses the forbearance of Prophet Dawud (as), the patience of Prophet Ayyub (as) has the morality of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Some scholars of religious law will be seriously hostile to Hazrat Mahdi (as) in his time >>>

The sincere style in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) preaching style of the moral values of the Qur'an will be instrumental in people having a profound faith in Allah >>>

The followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be able to communicate with wherever in the world they wish within a few minutes by way of the internet >>>

The followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will compare fossils of dead plants and animals and show them to people; in this way, and by Allahs leave, they will intellectually neutralize Darwinism and materialism >>>

As he did with the Prophet Ibrahim (as), Allah will lead Hazrat Mahdi (as) to safety from all the deniers' snares >>>

The followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will cross the Bosphorus Bridge and travel by plane >>>

Our Prophet's (saas) banner will be beside Hazrat Mahdi (as), and that banner will increase the fear of enemies but deepen the faith of sincere Muslims >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a bright complexion >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule with equity and justice >>>

People who love Hazrat Mahdi (as) will hear his words through television and radio broadcasts in different parts of the world; they will swiftly come to Hazrat Mahdi's (as) side, by plane or by other fast means >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people attaining moral perfection and sincerity >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will possess the knowledge of all the Prophets >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will come from the Caucasus >>>

Those who listen to Hazrat Mahdi's (as) lectures will rise as learned in the morning >>>

Allah will eliminate all the difficulties for Hazrat Mahdi (as) and bestow constant success and victory on him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will tell the whole world of the moral values of the Qur'an and the signs leading to faith by means of the technological means of the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) insight, foresight and understanding will be very powerful >>>

Peace and security will spread to all parts of the world in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be long-lived, like the Prophet Noah (as) and the Prophet Adam (as) >>>

The hypocrites will be fearful of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Some of the young followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will break away from and abandon their families which have become caught up in the corruption of the antichrist due to the pressure and intimidation they subject them to >>>

In the Risale-i Nur collection, Hazrat Mahdi (as) is referred to as a person, an individual, a human being 38 times in 36 places >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will know people very well through Allah's inspiration; his decisions will require no witnesses >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be recognized by his dignity and majesty >>>

A double-tailed comet and natural phenomena to be seen in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Those who say Hazrat Mahdi (as) has 2 duties are lying >>>

Said Nursi clearly states in the Risale-i Nur collection that he is 'not the Mahdi'. It is unlawful for some of the students of the light to say that Said Nursi is the Mahdi >>>

Our Prophet's (saas) line of descent >>>

The year 1956, in which highly significant political and natural events took place, also represents an important time in terms of the lifting of the ban on the Risale-i Nur collection, which had been banned until that date >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be someone whose reason and faith are greatly to be trusted, and sincere people who recognize Hazrat Mahdi (as) will follow him >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) earth will be filled with plenty and abundance >>>

Signs for the end of times >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) people's hearts will be filled with the desire of mutual love and unity, love and kindness will pervade all the nooks and corners of the earth >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) hearts will be free of grief and sorrow >>>

Superior characteristics of the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a slight concavity on his forehead >>>

The visual communications systems in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Contradictory ideas will emerge regarding the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will ensure equality among countries >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have bright clothes and skin >>>

The mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek will resemble that of the Prophet Musa (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spend in the path of Allah very generously >>>

Allah will unite the students of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when polytheism is widespread in society >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be a means to salvation by communicating the word across the world via television, the internet and satellite technology >>>

The coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is foretold in all the divine books, the revelation of Allah >>>

Even unbelievers will attain salvation in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah will make Hazrat Mahdi (as) instrumental in correcting the degeneration in society >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will come having a beautiful visage >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will disseminate the holy Qur'an, which resembles a boundless ocean, to the entire world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will struggle against the hypocrites of the end times, certain scholars of religious law and the dajjal of the end times >>>

Honest people will recognize Hazrat Mahdi (as) from the signs >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a dip between his eyebrows >>>

The Qur'an says that the messengers always acted with someone at their side >>>

The wisdom behind Muslims not moving around alone but together with other believers >>>

When the Prophet Moses (as) learned of the virtue of Hazrat Mahdi (as), he prayed to Allah to be Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah will make Hazrat Mahdi (as) his instrument to prepare perfect books that influence his time and the entire world >>>

The whole world will watch Hazrat Mahdi (as) on television and computers >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the benefactor of all Muslims; plentiful goods and gifts will be distributed to people in his time >>>

In the first instance people will initially be reluctant to approach Hazrat Mahdi (as). But afterward they will literally rush to join him >>>

All oppressive regimes will disappear in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The great majority of people in the end times will fail to appreciate the worth of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) followers >>>


There will be a large number of religious scholars who have fallen under the command of the dajjal, who strives against Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah will separate the students of Hazrat Mahdi (as) from the unbelievers, and will use the activities of the former as a means of establishing the dominion of Islamic moral values in this world >>>

Allah will make books instrumental in Muslims' faith in the end times >>>

By Allah's leave, Hazrat Mahdi's (as) spiritual dominion based on the moral values of the Qur'an will embrace the whole world >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), people in management positions will communicate and research matters of which they are ignorant with palm computers and computerized telephones >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will first appear in Turkey with the Turkish flag; he will then assume the spiritual leadership of other countries with green flags >>>

There will be a rise in drug-related deaths and killings before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>


Hazrat Mahdi (as) will enlighten the Turkish nation with his deep knowledge >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear from turkey and will never leave until the end of his struggle >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will apply the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas rid Islam of superstition added to it subsequently and restore the faith to its true form as in the time of the Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bestow freedoms on Muslims and neutralize the devilish teachings of atheist Zionists and freemasons >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have the staff of the Prophet Moses (as) and the Prophet Solomon's (as) ring >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will show people the true path of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas) >>>

At a time when degeneration is very widespread, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the person with the greatest sincerity, dignity and nobility >>>

When Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, everyone will unite under his spiritual leadership >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not appear much in public at one specific period in his life; he will meet with very few people >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a very beautiful face >>>

The invasion of Azerbaijan is one of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will use the seal of our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will open the cover of a gold-sealed book and read the book aloud to people >>>

Another portent of Hazrat Mahdi (as) revealed by mam Rabbani has come about: the appearance of a double-tailed comet resembling a horn >>>

The PKK terror that reached a peak in the wake of the stopping of the waters of the river Euphrates is one of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear when people are least amicable and most at conflict with one another >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bear the titles of courage, fortitude, loyalty and solidarity >>>

When Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, all people will unite together under his spiritual leadership >>>

All oppressive regimes will disappear in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) ''yellow-white flags on which is written the name of Allah'' will fly all over the world >>>

The Prophet Jesus (as) will descend to earth as a Muslim in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The Prophet 'Isa (as) will follow Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will lead the Prophet 'Isa (as) in prayer (salat) >>>

The name of Dhu'l-qarnayn (as) that appears in the Qur'an will contain signs of Hazrat Mahdi (as) of the End Times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not say, ''I am Hazrat Mahdi (as)'' but he will permit them to grasp ''the truth of the Mahdi'' by lifting the fog of unawareness from their eyes >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will accept no claims regarding his being the Mahdi >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be known all over the world by way of the internet, television and the radio >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people having faith and a profound fear of Allah >>>

People will see Hazrat Mahdi (as) in their homes and on the streets and will frequently watch him; but they will not realize he is Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be followed and watched and they will try to pressurize him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people living by the moral values of the Qur'an in the most perfect manner >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will love Allah more than anything in the world and will have a profound awe and respect for Him >>>

The ''Two Orphans'' in Surat al-Kahf refer to Hazrat 'Isa (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) works of faith-related issues will be instrumental in people attaining salvation in the End Times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will prove Allahs existence, creation, the universe, the Quran and the End Times using very strong evidence and none will have any counter-evidence to offer >>>

It is narrated that when Hazrat Mahdi (as) is absent ''everything on earth will be corrupted'' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) name and renown will constantly spread before his coming >>>

The references in the hadith to ''a hand reaching out from the sky'' and saying ''this is Hazrat Mahdi (as), follow him.'' suggest that Hazrat Mahdi's (as) hand will be seen on the internet and TV >>>

Statistics regarding the hadith and accounts about Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Verse 79 of Surat al-Kahf contains references to the tanker Independenta that sank in 1979 and the climate of anarchy that began in the same year >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will understand and explain the Qur'an and the hadith very well >>>

Various characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

All the pressures and attacks will further strengthen Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The dajjal will collect people around him, suggesting this is in their best interests, and will set them to work against muslins with promises of such gains >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be chained hand and foot >>>

One of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) names will be ''The Lion'' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will begin communicating the religion in hijri 1400 (1980 ad) >>>

The community of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble ''pure and fertile wheat.'' hypocrites, who leave them, on the other hand, will be like ''vile and loathsome weevils in this wheat.'' >>>

The importance of people running to Hazrat Mahdi (as) by all possible means, following and never abandoning him >>>

Allah will eliminate both violence and the philosophy of violence through Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a copper plate around his neck >>>

Because of the pressure environment prior to the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as), nobody will be able to speak the name of Allah with ease >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be recognized by being warm-blooded, loving, affectionate and compassionate >>>

The titles of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The Prophet' Isa (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble one another physically and morally >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be recognized by his powerful faith, grandeur, dignity, noble behavior and the descriptions given by our Prophet (saas) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have strikingly beautiful hair >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is rewarded with paradise >>>

A great portent revealing Hazrat Mahdi's (as) coming to Istanbul >>>

When the Prophet 'Isa (as) returns to earth, he will preach the moral values of Islam with books with seal upon them >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will prove the fact of creation to people by means of fossils >>>

The features of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) car >>>

The Turks will possess great power in the end times >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be born at home >>>

The awaited Mahdi (as) will not come with unbelievable properties - which would be against Allah's law; but as with all the Prophets, he will come with believable characteristics - in conformity with Allah's law >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) first duty will be, like the Hazrat Musa (as) and Hazrat 'Isa (as), to prove creation and demonstrate the falsity of Darwinism >>>


Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in everywhere becoming places in which Allah is worshipped >>>

All systems will be tried before Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear when all hope of him is lost >>>

Disasters, corruption and scourges will afflict the people prior to Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Angels will help blessed Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

The currently fragmented Turkish states will unite and help Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) resembles the Prophet Sulayman (as) >>>

Similarities between Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophets >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), people's eyes will shine with joy >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will recognize people with hypocritical natures from their appearances >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will illuminate the whole world like the sun, and will be instrumental in all 'grief and oppression' coming to an end >>>

People's appearances will be impaired and ugly in the end times >>>

Some people who believe that they are descended from apes by way of evolution will assume the appearance of apes and pigs >>>

The ''raining down of stones and the like'' described in the hadith is taking place with bombings targeting many places in the world >>>

Some so-called religious scholars who espouse Darwinism will be like apes and pigs >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will prove every subject with evidence and no one will have a reason against him >>>

Earthquakes will stop by virtue of Allah's love for Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Allah will bestow a great blessing and power on Hazrat Mahdi (as) in a single day >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will be highly effective through the power bestowed on them by Allah >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not appear with characteristics that eliminate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong (to make decisions based on sound conscience) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have the Prophet Musa's (as) staff and the Prophet Sulayman's (as) ring >>>

Such goodness and beauty will be created in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) that even those who feel themselves to be spiritually dead will be filled with a zest for life >>>

The importance of the glad tidings of Hazrat Mahdi (as) being imparted among Muslims >>>

Allah has made Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers spiritually powerful and effective; by Allah's will, they will be instrumental in the name of Allah being called on all over the world >>>

One characteristic that will establish Hazrat Mahdi's (as) identity is his descent from Hazrat Hassan (ra) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will possess ''knowledge known to none'' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will look young even in advanced age >>>

The rule of tyrants will come to an end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring forth the treasures of the earth >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when ''people are scattered in different places'' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi(as) will enable to think and act on all matters according to the Qur'an; that is, he will encourage them to behave in the best, most accurate, consistent and rational manner >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when people are sick of evil, crime and oppression >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a very powerful body and voice; at the same time his words and speech will have a great impact across the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have deep knowledge possessed by nobody else >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when people complain about everything >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in the whole world attaining salvation >>>

Everyone's minds will open and they will possess greater knowledge in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will immediately tell friend from foe >>>

All wars, oppression and corruption will come to an end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in making the judiciary and the courts fair >>>

Great love will be shown for Hazrat Mahdi (as) when he appears >>>

In the accounts it is revealed that everyone must follow Hazrat Mahdi (as) when he appears >>>

In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), all the entities in the world will be content with him >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear following a time of troubles >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will eat plain food >>>

One of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is people leaving the path of guidance and taking to the right and the left >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very compassionate toward people >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble the children of Israel in appearance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very generous >>>

Bediuzzaman has described people who reject the idea of Mahdism as 'weak in belief' but 'strong in egotism' >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will spread joy and contentment across the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will beautify the world as never before >>>

Our Prophet (saas) gave us the news that in the end times there will be oppression in Palestine >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the solution to everyone's problems and he will hasten to the assistance of all >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a very strong fear of Allah >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be known by his perfect management of works and people >>>

Hazret Mahdi (as) has no goods or property >>>

Qur'anic verses pointing to the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the predominance of the Islamic moral values over the world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the one who has the most knowledge among people and he is the best friend for people >>>

Lovelessness among people in the end times is a portent both of doomsday and of the coming of the Mahdi >>>

People will look for solutions, but will finally attain salvation (by Allah's leave) through the Mahdi >>>

Almighty Allah will guide Hazrat Mahdi (as) with His wisdom, knowledge and the guidance >>>

The bounty of Allah's title of 'Hadi', 'The Guide' is upon Hazrat Mahdi (as) >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble the Prophets in many ways >>>

Imam Rabbani and the time of Mahdi's appearance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will possess a hitherto unseen conception of justice >>>

The time of Mahdi's coming is narrated in the hadith and Islamic scholars 'teachings >>>

There will be no caliph (spiritual leader of Muslims) when the Mahdi appears >>>

Scholars of the people of the Sunnah who have stated that the Mahdi will appear >>>

Economic crisis before the coming of the Mahdi >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will distribute goods and blessings in a just manner; the whole world will be filled with plenty and abundance >>>

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) characteristics are mentioned in the holy books revealed to the Prophets >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will notice something extraordinary >>>

The spiritual leadership of Muslims will come to the Mahdi while he is sitting at home >>>

On the subject of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as), there will be those who say, 'Allah and His Messenger have promised us nothing more than an empty deception.' >>>

The gospel reveals that lovelessness will prevail among people in the end times >>>

Many Jews will become Muslims by virtue of the Mahdi >>>

Mahdi will be the most auspicious person on the earth at his time >>>

Mahdi is one of the sayyids (masters) of the dwellers of paradise >>>

Bediuzzaman has reported that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring justice and veracity to the entire world >>>

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be influenced by anyone, by any idea or any sect >>>

The Prophet 'Isa (as) will follow the Mahdi and the Mahdi will serve as imam in the prayer (salat) to the Prophet' Isa (as) >>>

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