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You should be able to find the latest version of this document on my site: http://winane.shinmugen.

net/ You're welcome and encouraged to translate this document into other languages. You may also host or distribute this document if you want, but please make sure you always have the latest version of it, and please don't make any modifications without my approval (unless I've disappeared from the Mugen world). This file contains all the pieces of the 3 or 4 variable version of the AI activation code, which is designed to be: 1. as safe and reliable as possible; 2. as fast as possible, given 1; 3. as efficient as possible, given 1 and 2; 4. compatible with both DOS and Linux Mugen. If you find that the above conditions are not met (particularly #1), please inform me, providing as much in the way of relevant details from empirical testing and/or explanation of logical analysis as possible. You can contact me by e-mail: name = winane domain = The code makes use of four different AI activation methods to achieve the above goal: 1. The IsHomeTeam method (instant, but doesn't work in all situations) 2. the ID ("Unfair") method (instant, but only helps in one situation) 3. the KeyCtrl Helper method (very fast, but not 100% reliable) 4. the XOR-ed Commands method (slow, but it serves as backup in case the other methods fail) The code requires 3 or 4 of your character's variable indices. In the example code, the variables are: var(58) = the primary AI variable. var(57) = the GameTime variable, required by the helper method. var(56) = the HitPauseTime variable, used by the XOR-ed commands method. var(0) = the simplifier variable, optional but helpful. Of course, you can remap these to whatever indices you want, if you know what you're doing. If your character already uses all available indices, I'd suggest trying to use bitwise operations to make more efficient use of your variables, in order to free up a couple slots. (If you can't afford four slots, then omit the simplifier variable.) (If you really can't afford three slots, then use the version of the code specified in "AI activation code - 2 var.txt".) (If you really can't afford two slots, then omit the GameTime variable, all the XOR code, and all the helper method code.) (If you really can't afford even one slot, then you'll have to use only the IsHomeTeam method, by using something like: triggerall = IsHomeTeam && ((TeamSide = 2) || (MatchNo > 1)) with each of your AI directives.) When implementing the code, please be sure to read all of the comments I've included. There are many possible ways to screw up the code, and the comments explain how to avoid doing so. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Credit and thanks to:

ANMC, Bagaliao, FlowaGirl, YongMing, Kamek, and Luchini, for concepts. [E] and Roque, for help and testing. Elecbyte, for doing everything in their power to prevent CPU-control detection from being fast, easy, and reliable. =P Shin ShadowH, for the web space. -Winane

;*************************************************************************** ; AIR ;*************************************************************************** ; For the sake of compatibility with other characters that use the helper AI ; activation method, please don't change the number of these next two Anims. [Begin Action 9741] -1,0,0,0,-1 ; Include the following Anim if AND ONLY IF you've put the requisite 18 commands ; at the very top of your character's CMD. If you've only included the first 11 ; of those commands, then include Anim 9741, but omit 74140108. ; (See accompanying CMD for details.) [Begin Action 74140108] -1,0,0,0,-1

;*************************************************************************** ; CMD ;*************************************************************************** ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; These 11 Single Button and Hold Dir commands must be placed here at the top of the CMD, above all other commands, and in the standard order shown here, in order for the "Compatibly Partnered" version (9742) of the helper AI activation method to work with different partners in simul team mode. (When the partner is not compatible, then it's best to just use the regular version (9741) and rely on the XOR method for backup in case a human partner's input turns off the CPU partner's AI.) (Now, even if you do not intend to give your character any custom AI, it would still be nice if you would place the commands at the top of your CMD, for the sake of other characters which do use this AI activation method. And then, define Anim 9741 in your AIR file to indicate to other characters that your character is compatible. It may slightly increase the chances of faulty AI activation if the user is using characters with a poor implementation of the old humanly-impossible commands AI activation method when fighting against your character, but other than that, there's really no particular reason not to. And you can change the names of the commands if you want. For compatibility, all that really matters is the "command" and "time" parameters.) Another important point to make, is that if you want to add additional definitions for any of these basic command names, then there are limits on what kind of parameters you can use, in order to ensure the reliability of the helper method. That is, if you redefine any of these first 11 commands, then you must follow these rules when doing so: - Don't use any command string that includes any tildes. (e.g. no "~x", no "~30D") - In the command string, don't include any direction that isn't preceeded by

; a slash. (e.g. no "F", no "$D") ; - Don't put any non-slashed buttons in a command string overloading one of ; the Hold Dir command names. ; - Using a command string that includes any commas (e.g. no "a,b"), and/or ; setting the time parameter to greater than 1, may be safe, but I wouldn't ; risk it. ; An example of what is permissible, is redefining the "z" button like so: ; [Command] ; name = "z" ; command = y+b ; time = 1 ; Other than that particular common type of redefinition, it's probably best ; to simply avoid adding definitions for these 11 command names altogether. ; And remember, this paragraph just has to do with the helper method. You'll ; still need to make changes to the XOR code, no matter what type of overloading ; you use with the commands used by it. ; ;-| Single Button |--------------------------------------------------------[Command] name = "a" command = a time = 1 [Command] name = "b" command = b time = 1 [Command] name = "c" command = c time = 1 [Command] name = "x" command = x time = 1 [Command] name = "y" command = y time = 1 [Command] name = "z" command = z time = 1 [Command] name = "start" command = s time = 1 ;-| Hold Dir |-------------------------------------------------------------[Command] name = "holdfwd";Required (do not remove) command = /$F time = 1 [Command]

name = "holdback";Required (do not remove) command = /$B time = 1 [Command] name = "holdup" ;Required (do not remove) command = /$U time = 1 [Command] name = "holddown";Required (do not remove) command = /$D time = 1 ;-| Hold Button |---------------------------------------------------------; Please define Anim 74140108 in your AIR file if AND ONLY IF you place these ; 7 Hold Button commands immediately after the 11 Single Button and Hold Dir ; commands at the very top of your CMD list, as demonstrated here. ; In this version of the AI code, these commands are only used by the XOR ; method, and thus are optional. But there remains a possibility that a ; future version of the helper method might be helped by having these ; commands placed here, and Anim 74140108 would then be used to indicate ; that a partner character has a compatible CMD. [Command] name = "holda" command = /a time = 1 [Command] name = "holdb" command = /b time = 1 [Command] name = "holdc" command = /c time = 1 [Command] name = "holdx" command = /x time = 1 [Command] name = "holdy" command = /y time = 1 [Command] name = "holdz" command = /z time = 1 [Command] name = "holdstart" command = /s time = 1 ;-| CPU |--------------------------------------------------------------

; ; ; ; ; ;

Note that if you make any changes to the basic one-button or recovery commands, you'll need to make the same changes to their matching commands here and/or in the XOR VarSet controller. That includes things like, for example: * changing the recovery command to use a different combination of buttons. * renaming the b button command as "d", or the start button command as "s". * switching the button names around, e.g. so button y triggers "a" and button a triggers "y". ; * having more than one way to trigger the same command name. ; If you understand how the XOR method works, the proper changes should be obvio us. ; If you don't understand it, then simply disable the lines in the XOR VarSet ; controller that correspond to the commands you've altered. [Command] name = "a2" command = a time = 1 [Command] name = "b2" command = b time = 1 [Command] name = "c2" command = c time = 1 [Command] name = "x2" command = x time = 1 [Command] name = "y2" command = y time = 1 [Command] name = "z2" command = z time = 1 [Command] name = "start2" command = s time = 1 [Command] name = "holdfwd2" command = /$F time = 1 [Command] name = "holdback2" command = /$B time = 1 [Command] name = "holdup2"

command = /$U time = 1 [Command] name = "holddown2" command = /$D time = 1 [Command] name = "holda2" command = /a time = 1 [Command] name = "holdb2" command = /b time = 1 [Command] name = "holdc2" command = /c time = 1 [Command] name = "holdx2" command = /x time = 1 [Command] name = "holdy2" command = /y time = 1 [Command] name = "holdz2" command = /z time = 1 [Command] name = "holdstart2" command = /s time = 1 [Command] name = "recovery2" command = x+y time = 1 ; Here add matching commands for any moves that must never be used randomly ; by the computer, such as suicide moves and super moves, and add the pairs ; to the XOR VarSet controller in State -3. ; ; ; ; ; If you're desperate to make sure that the AI always gets turned on as soon as possible, you can add more equivalents for your own commands here too, and add to the XOR VarSet controller's triggers accordingly. You should use button-only commands before using any commands with directional components, as the latter apparently doesn't work in Linux Mugen 2002.04.14.

; And of course, if you've run out of unique command labels (Mugen allows ; 128), you can remove as many of these as you want. You'll of course need

; to modify the XOR VarSet controller's triggers accordingly, but Mugen ; will let you know if you forget to do so. :) ;[StateDef -1] ; ; The main purpose of having these next two controllers here at the top of ; StateDef -1 is to make sure the AI helper never changes to a different state, ; but they also improve efficiency by preventing Mugen from wasting time ; processing the entire State -1 for the helper. [State -1, AI Helper Check] type = ChangeState trigger1 = IsHelper(9741) value = 9741 [State -1, AI Helper Check 2] type = ChangeState trigger1 = IsHelper(9742) value = 9742 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; This is generally the best place to put most of your AI directives. For example, this controller would only be executed when the CPU is in control: [State -1, Haha!] type = ChangeState trigger1 = var(0) ; (Or use "var(58)>0" if you've chosen not to ; use the Simplifier variable/controller.) trigger1 = ctrl trigger1 = (StateType = S) trigger1 = (MoveType = I) trigger1 = (P2MoveType = H) trigger1 = (NumEnemy = 1) trigger1 = (Enemy,GetHitVar(HitTime) > 60) trigger1 = (PrevStateNo != 195) trigger1 = (Random < 99) value = 195 And of course, most human-only command-based ChangeStates also belong in State -1. For example, this move would only be performable by a human: [State -1, Death Before Dishonor] type = ChangeState trigger1 = (command = "suicide") trigger1 = !var(0) ; (Or use "var(58)<1" if you've chosen not to ; use the Simplifier variable/controller.) trigger1 = ctrl trigger1 = (StateType != A) trigger1 = (MoveType = I) value = {suicide state number}

;*************************************************************************** ; CNS ;*************************************************************************** ;[Data] ; IntPersistIndex = 58

;Set this to at most the index of your primary AI variab


;*************************************************************************** ; ST ;*************************************************************************** ; (Credit to ANMC, Bagaliao, and FlowaGirl for the basic helper method concept.) ; ;-----------------; AI Activation Helper State - Primary Version ; (Credit to YongMing for the basic HitPause bugfix concept.) ; ; var(1) - First tick button activation prevention. ; var(2) - Used for pause/superpause and custom state check, basically. ; var(3) - (Super/)Pause & custom state-triggered dir detection disabler. ; var(4) - Persistent direction command detection enabler (due to 2002.04.14). ; var(9) - AutoTurn bug fixer. ; parent's var(57) - Parent's GameTime var, for pause and custom state check. ; parent's var(58) - Parent's primary AI variable. ; ; The code in this state is mostly simply copy/pasteable. ; But if you're using different indices for the parent's variables, ; or if you change your character's basic commands' names, you'll ; of course need to change the code in this state accordingly. [StateDef 9741] type = S movetype = I physics = N anim = 9741 ctrl = 0 [State 9741, Safety]; Just in case your opponent is very poorly coded. type = SelfState trigger1 = !IsHelper value = 0 [State 9741, PauseCheck] type = VarSet trigger1 = (GameTime>(Parent,var(57))) trigger2 = !(Parent,Alive) trigger3 = (RoundState != 2) trigger4 = Parent,var(58) trigger5 = (var(3):=0) var(2) = (var(3):=1)+(var(4):=0) [State 9741, Facing] type = Turn trigger1 = (var(9):=(Facing != Parent,Facing)) [State 9741, DirTurnOnAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = !var(3) triggerall = !var(9) trigger1 = (Parent,command = "holdfwd") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "holdback") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "holdup")

trigger4 = (Parent,command = "holddown") trigger5 = !(var(4):=1) var(58) = var(4) [State 9741, DirTurnOffAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = !var(3) triggerall = Parent,var(58) trigger1 = (command = "holdfwd") trigger1 = (Parent,command = "holdfwd") trigger2 = (command = "holdback") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "holdback") trigger3 = (command = "holdup") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "holdup") trigger4 = (command = "holddown") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "holddown") var(58) = (var(4):=0) [State 9741, ButtonTurnOnAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = var(1) triggerall = !var(2) trigger1 = (Parent,command = trigger2 = (Parent,command = trigger3 = (Parent,command = trigger4 = (Parent,command = trigger5 = (Parent,command = trigger6 = (Parent,command = trigger7 = (Parent,command = var(58) = 1

"a") "b") "c") "x") "y") "z") "start")

[State 9741, ButtonTurnOffAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = !var(2) trigger1 = (command = "a") trigger1 = (Parent,command = "a") trigger2 = (command = "b") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "b") trigger3 = (command = "c") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "c") trigger4 = (command = "x") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "x") trigger5 = (command = "y") trigger5 = (Parent,command = "y") trigger6 = (command = "z") trigger6 = (Parent,command = "z") trigger7 = (command = "start") trigger7 = (Parent,command = "start") var(58) = -1 [State 9741, UnPauseCheck] type = VarSet triggerall = var(2) trigger1 = (Parent,command trigger2 = (Parent,command trigger3 = (Parent,command trigger4 = (Parent,command trigger5 = (Parent,command trigger6 = (Parent,command trigger7 = (Parent,command

= = = = = = =

"a") "b") "c") "x") "y") "z") "start")

trigger8 = (var(2) = 2) trigger8 = (var(2):=0) var(2) = 2 [State 9741, Goodbye] type = DestroySelf triggerall = (var(1):=1) trigger1 = Parent,var(58) trigger2 = !(Parent,Alive) trigger3 = (RoundState != 2) ;-----------------; AI Activation Helper State - Compatibly Partnered Version ; ; var(1) - First tick dir activation prevention ; var(2) - Used for pause/superpause and custom state check, basically. ; var(3) - (Super/)Pause & custom state-triggered dir detection disabler. ; var(4) - Hitpause check. ; var(5) - No button on previous tick. ; var(6) - Any dir on this tick. ; var(7) - Any button on this tick. ; var(8) - Matching partner button detected. ; var(9) - AutoTurn bug fixer. ; parent's var(57) - Parent's GameTime var, for pause and custom state check. ; parent's var(58) - Parent's primary AI variable. ; ; The code in this state is mostly simply copy/pasteable. ; But if you're using different indices for the parent's variables, ; or if you change your character's basic commands' names, you'll ; of course need to change the code in this state accordingly. [StateDef 9742] type = S movetype = I physics = N anim = 9741 ctrl = 0 [State 9742, Safety]; Just in case your opponent is very poorly coded. type = SelfState trigger1 = !IsHelper value = 0 [State 9742, PauseCheck] type = VarSet trigger1 = (GameTime>Parent,var(57)) trigger2 = !(Parent,Alive) trigger3 = (RoundState != 2) trigger4 = Parent,var(58) trigger5 = (var(3):=0) var(2) = (var(3):=1) [State 9742, Facing] type = Turn trigger1 = (var(9):=(Facing != Parent,Facing)) [State 9742, ParentDirCheck] type = VarSet trigger1 = (Parent,command = "holdfwd")

trigger2 trigger3 trigger4 trigger5 var(6) =

= = = = 1

(Parent,command = "holdback") (Parent,command = "holdup") (Parent,command = "holddown") (var(6):=0)

[State 9742, ParentButtonCheck] type = VarSet trigger1 = (Parent,command = "a") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "b") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "c") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "x") trigger5 = (Parent,command = "y") trigger6 = (Parent,command = "z") trigger7 = (Parent,command = "start") trigger8 = (var(7):=0) var(7) = 1 [State 9742, SameButtonCheck] type = VarSet triggerall = var(7) triggerall = !var(2) triggerall = NumPartner trigger1 = (Parent,command = "a") trigger1 = (Partner,command = "a") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "b") trigger2 = (Partner,command = "b") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "c") trigger3 = (Partner,command = "c") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "x") trigger4 = (Partner,command = "x") trigger5 = (Parent,command = "y") trigger5 = (Partner,command = "y") trigger6 = (Parent,command = "z") trigger6 = (Partner,command = "z") trigger7 = (Parent,command = "start") trigger7 = (Partner,command = "start") trigger8 = (var(8):=0) var(8) = 1 [State 9742, DirTurnOnAI] type = ParentVarSet trigger1 = var(1) trigger1 = var(6) trigger1 = !var(3) trigger1 = !var(4) trigger1 = !var(9) var(58) = 1 [State 9742, DirTurnOffAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = var(6) triggerall = !var(3) triggerall = Parent,var(58) trigger1 = (command = "holdfwd") trigger1 = (Parent,command = "holdfwd") trigger2 = (command = "holdback") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "holdback") trigger3 = (command = "holdup") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "holdup")

trigger4 = (command = "holddown") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "holddown") var(58) = 0 [State 9742, ButtonTurnOnAI] type = ParentVarSet trigger1 = var(5) trigger1 = var(7) trigger1 = !var(2) trigger1 = !var(8) var(58) = 1 [State 9742, ButtonTurnOffAI] type = ParentVarSet triggerall = var(7) triggerall = !var(2) triggerall = !var(8) trigger1 = (command = "a") trigger1 = (Parent,command = "a") trigger2 = (command = "b") trigger2 = (Parent,command = "b") trigger3 = (command = "c") trigger3 = (Parent,command = "c") trigger4 = (command = "x") trigger4 = (Parent,command = "x") trigger5 = (command = "y") trigger5 = (Parent,command = "y") trigger6 = (command = "z") trigger6 = (Parent,command = "z") trigger7 = (command = "start") trigger7 = (Parent,command = "start") var(58) = -1 [State 9742, UnPauseCheck] type = VarSet triggerall = var(2) triggerall = !var(4) trigger1 = var(7) trigger2 = (var(2) = 2) trigger2 = (var(2):=0) var(2) = 2 [State 9742, Goodbye] type = DestroySelf trigger1 = Parent,var(58) trigger2 = !(Parent,Alive) trigger3 = (RoundState != 2) [State 9742, HitPauseCheck] type = VarSet trigger1 = var(6) trigger2 = var(7) trigger3 = !(Parent,HitPauseTime) var(4) = Parent,HitPauseTime [State 9742, Delay] type = VarSet trigger1 = (var(1):=1) var(5) = !var(7)

;[StateDef -2] ; ; Within StateDef -2, none of your own AI-related code should be placed ; above these next two controllers. [State -2, StopAI] type = VarSet triggerall = (var(58) > 0) trigger1 = (RoundState != 2) trigger2 = !Alive var(58) = -2 IgnoreHitPause = 1 ; This controller is optional. It allows you treat the AI flag as a boolean ; value rather than an integer value, letting you trigger your AI directives ; with "var(0)" instead of "var(58)>0", and letting you make moves usable only ; by humans by using "!var(0)" instead of "var(58)<1", thus slightly improving ; the size and efficiency of your code. ; Another benefit is that it makes it much easier for users to disable your AI, ; if they so choose. [State -2, Simplifier] type = VarSet trigger1 = (var(58) = 1) trigger2 = (var(0):=0) var(0) = 1 ; Another option is to replace 1 with something like MatchNo, if ; you want to design your AI to have varying levels of difficult y. IgnoreHitPause = 1 ;[StateDef -3] ; ; Kamek and Luchini appear to have been the first ones to use the IsHomeTeam AI activation concept. ; Feel free to move this controller to your character's intro state for slightly better efficiency. [State -3, SetAI] type = VarSet triggerall = !RoundState triggerall = IsHomeTeam trigger1 = (TeamSide = 2) trigger2 = (MatchNo > 1) var(58) = 1 ; Feel free to move this controller to your character's intro state for slightly better efficiency. ; Note that it may give P2 a slight unfair advantage in simul team vs mode, so y ou ; may want to disable it. But then, since when has Mugen been about fairness? = P [State -3, Unfair]; Is this reliable? type = VarSet trigger1 = !RoundState trigger1 = (var(58) != 1) trigger1 = NumPartner trigger1 = (ID > Partner,ID) trigger1 = (TeamSide = 2) var(58) = 1

[State -3, AI Helper (Compatibly Partnered Version)] type = Helper trigger1 = !var(58) trigger1 = !NumHelper(9742) trigger1 = (RoundState = 2) trigger1 = Alive trigger1 = NumPartner trigger1 = Partner,SelfAnimExist(9741) HelperType = normal name = "AI Helper (Simul Version)" ID = 9742 pos = 9999999,99999 StateNo = 9742 KeyCtrl = 1 PauseMoveTime = 999999999 SuperMoveTime = 999999999 ; If you want to use the Guard mode, Dummy mode, Distance, or Button jam dummy c ontrol ; options in Training mode without activating the dummy's AI while working on yo ur ; character, then all you need to do is temporarily disable this controller. ; Or, if you want to permanently disable this controller in Training mode, ; then you could use the Training mode detection code available on my site ; ( ), and then just add a "(var(59)&63)>30" ; triggerall to this controller. [State -3, AI Helper] type = Helper triggerall = !var(58) triggerall = !NumHelper(9741) triggerall = (RoundState = 2) triggerall = Alive trigger1 = !NumPartner trigger2 = !(Partner,SelfAnimExist(9741)) HelperType = normal name = "AI Helper" ID = 9741 pos = 9999999,99999 StateNo = 9741 KeyCtrl = 1 PauseMoveTime = 999999999 SuperMoveTime = 999999999 [State -3, TurnBackOnAI] type = VarSet trigger1 = (var(58) = -2) trigger1 = (RoundState = 2) trigger1 = Alive var(58) = 1 ; According to Roque, this method works in Linux Mugen version 2002.04.14, ; whereas the old humanly-impossible commands method does not. ; It is very important that this controller NOT be moved to State -2. ; Note that this part won't work if AI.Cheat is turned off in mugen.cfg. [State -3, XOR] type = VarSet triggerall = var(58)!=1 triggerall = !var(56) triggerall = (var(57) = GameTime-1) trigger1 = (command = "a") ^^ (command = "a2")

trigger2 = (command = "b") ^^ (command = "b2") trigger3 = (command = "c") ^^ (command = "c2") trigger4 = (command = "x") ^^ (command = "x2") trigger5 = (command = "y") ^^ (command = "y2") trigger6 = (command = "z") ^^ (command = "z2") trigger7 = (command = "start") ^^ (command = "start2") trigger8 = (command = "holda") ^^ (command = "holda2") trigger9 = (command = "holdb") ^^ (command = "holdb2") trigger10 = (command = "holdc") ^^ (command = "holdc2") trigger11 = (command = "holdx") ^^ (command = "holdx2") trigger12 = (command = "holdy") ^^ (command = "holdy2") trigger13 = (command = "holdz") ^^ (command = "holdz2") trigger14 = (command = "holdstart") ^^ (command = "holdstart2") trigger15 = (command = "holdfwd") ^^ (command = "holdfwd2") trigger16 = (command = "holdback") ^^ (command = "holdback2") trigger17 = (command = "holdup") ^^ (command = "holdup2") trigger18 = (command = "holddown") ^^ (command = "holddown2") trigger19 = (command = "recovery") ^^ (command = "recovery2") ;Add more as desired. (See my notes in the CMD.) var(58) = 1 ; This controller must be placed here, after the above XOR VarSet ; controller and before the below GameTime VarSet controller. [State -3, fiXOR] type = VarSet trigger1 = !HitPauseTime trigger2 = (var(57) < GameTime-1) var(56) = HitPauseTime IgnoreHitPause = 1 ; It is very important that this controller NOT be moved to State -2, as putting ; it there would defeat the entire purpose of the controller, allowing the ; helper method or the XOR method to erroneously set the AI variable. ; And within State -3, don't put any ChangeState controllers before this ; controller, lest you unnecessarily delay your character's AI activation. [State -3, GameTimeVar] type = VarSet trigger1 = 1 var(57) = GameTime IgnoreHitPause = 1 ; Within StateDef -3, none of your own AI-related code should come after the cod e ; provided here (and putting it before the code is also generally a bad idea). ; It's better to use State -1 (or, in special circumstances, State -2) instead. ; ; ; ; And finally, for lack of a better place to put this until I get around to writing an actual tutorial to go with the code: Many thanks to Roque for extensive testing in Linux Mugen. Also thanks to [E] for some help.

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