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1. Mr Badrul, 39 years old, came to outpatient clinic to continue the anti-TB drugs medication.

He followed the DOTS programmes for 2 months and being given therapy 0f 1st category, routinely continued every months. Every visit to the hospital, the doctor should monitor on mr. Badrul? A. Bacteriology result B. Radiologic C. Mantoux test D. Side effect of the drug E. Estimated sendiment rate 2. A man, 35 years old, admitted to hospital because of SOB,. Prolonged cough for 1 month, night sweating. Past history illness: ever taken , anti-drug for 6 months, completely, finished 6 months ago. Physical examination BP 110/70mmhg, pulse rate 120x/min, respiratory rate 28x/min. temperature 37.3 degree celcius, chest x-ray: infiltrate suphilar dextra, cavity, costophrenicus.. sharp. Laboratory examination : positive result Acid Fast bacilli Smear. Management? A. Start anti TB Drugs, 1st category B. Start anti TB Drugs, 2nd category C. Start anti TB Drugs, 3rd category D. Start anti TB Drugs, 4th category E. Start anti TB Drugs, 5th category

3. A woman, 25 years old, routinely visit outpatient clinic for taking anti TB drugs. The doctor prescribes her the therapy of anti-drugs, second category. Probably this patient have this therapy because: A. New smear- positive patients B. New smear-negative patients C. Treatment after interruption D. Severe concomitant HIV diseases E. Extensive parenchymal involvement

4. A man, 50 years, visits the puskesmas routinely every months while taking anti TB drugs. He follows the DOTS programme that running in the PUskesmas. The component of DOTS for TB include: A. Case detection by sputum culture among symptomatic patients B. Supply of anti-tuberculosis drugs especially Rifampicin and isoniazid C. Government commitment to participate especially in prepares microscopy equipment. D. A standard recording and reporting that allows assessment of treatment result E. Standardized treatment regimen of 8 months, with DOTS for at least the initial 1 months.

5. A man, 44 years old, came to outpatient clinic with complaint haemoptysis. After complete examination, the doctor established TB diagnosis and decided to start anti TB drugs, first category. How long the patient should complete the therapy: A. 6 months, 4 months for intensive phase and 2 months for continuation phase B. 6 months, 2 months for intensive phase and 4 months for continuation phase C. 8 months, 2 months for intensive phase and 6 months for continuation phase D. 8 months, 4 months for intensive phase and 4 months for continuation phase E. 8 months, 3 months for intensive phase and 5 months for continuation phase 30. Compilation of Caldwell Luc: A. B. C. D. E. Devitalation teeth Dacryocystitis Facial parathesia Oroantral fistula Osteomyelitis

Cause of transudation effusion except: A. B. C. D. E. Heart failure Hypoalbuminemia due to malnutrition Nephrotic syndrome Lung TB Liver cirrhosis

COPD treatment: A. B. C. D. E. Amiodipine Anti choligernic Beta 2 agonist and anti choligernic Corticosteroid and amiodipine He receptor antagonist

39. A patient came to the emergency unit suffering from severe difficult of breathing. From inspection showed asymmetric chest and chest x-ray show collaps of dextra hemithoraxs. A. capiller endothel cell B. septal cell C. clara cell D. thin flat alveolar cell E. debu cell

42. a baby born premature send by village region hospital to city hospital with complaint difficult of breathing. The baby born history: normal process with body weight 1750 g. from chest x-ray show

soft granuler spotted mark in both of lung with air bronchogram +. Disease that the baby suffered caused by: A. uncomplete air blood barrier form B. uniform alveolaris porus C. forming disorder of alveolus squamousa cell (type 1 cell) D. forming disorder of dust cell E. forming disorder of surfactant (alveoli macrophage)

43. The wrong statement about bronchioles respiratorius: A. proximal part of mucosal B. thin cilia cell cubical flat.. C. thigh D. the end of conduction system E. mucous with respiratorius.

90. the goals on nutrition intervention on acute respiratory distress syndrome is : A. gain the weight B. decrease DCO2 C. decrease catabolism of respiratory muscle mass D. optimize gas exchange E. decreased inflammatory response

91. Nutrition care in acute respiratory failure is: A. parenteral nutrition is preferred B. fluid restriction C. adequate in carbohydrates D. adequate in fat E. adequate in omega-6

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