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Atlas of Human Anatomy

Head, trunk, and arm muscles, at the anterior surface of the body.

a) Skull, with galea aponeurotica. b) Zygomatic bone. c) Mandible. d) Thyroid cartilage. e) Trachea. f) Clavicle. g) Sternum, manubrium. h) Sternum, body. i) Coracoid process. k) Acromion. l) First rib cartilage. m) Second rib cartilage. n) Third rib cartilage. o) Fourth rib cartilage. p) Pubic symphysis. q) Anterior superior iliac spine. r) Humerus. s) Interclavicular ligament. t) Rhomboid ligament. u) Coruscantia ligaments. v) Claviculoacromial ligament. w) Coracoclavicular ligament. 1. m. frontalis. 2. m. procerus. 3. m. auricularis superior. 4. m. auricularis anterior. 5. m. orbicularis palpebrum, strata external and internal. 6. m. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (and compressornasi). 7. m. levator labii superioris proprius. 8. m. zygomaticus minor. 9. m. zygomaticus major. 10.m. levator anguli oris. 11.m. masseter. 12.m. buccinator. 13.m. triangularis menti (depressor anguli oris). 14.m. quadratus menti. 15.m. levator menti. 16.m. orbicularis oris. The facial muscles are seen in Plate 9, figures 1 and 4. 17.m. platysma. 18.m. sternocleidomastoideus. 19.m. sternohyoideus. scalenes. The neck muscles are seen in Plate 9, figures 2, 3, and 4. 21.m. pectoralis major. 22.m. pectoralis minor. 23.m. subclavius. 24.m. serratus anterior. 25.m. external abdominal oblique (s. descendens). 26.linea alba and navel. 27.m. rectus abdominis.

28.tendinous inscriptions. 29.m. pyramidalis. 30.m. internal abdominal oblique. 31.m. inguinal ligament (pouparts). 32.inguinal ligament, lateral crus. 33.inguinal ligament, medial crus. 34.intercrural fibers, abdominal annulus. 35.posterior inguinal annulus. 36.inguinal canal. 37.m. deltoid. 38.m. coracobrachialis. 39.m. biceps brachii, short head. 40.m. biceps brachii, long head. 41.m. biceps brachii. 42.m. subscapularis. 43.m. brachialis. 44.m. triceps, medial head. 45.m. pronator teres. 46.m. brachioradialis. 47.m. flexor carpi radialis. 48.m. palmaris longus. 49.m. flexor carpi ulnaris. 50.m. flexor digitorum superficialis. 51.m. flexor pollicis longus. 52.flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament). ball of thumb (m. flexor and abductor pollicis brevis). 54.m. palmaris brevis. 55.m. adductor pollicis. 56.m. extensor carpi radialis longus. 57.m. extensor carpi radialis brevis. 58.m. abductor pollicis longus. 59.m. extensor pollicis brevis. 60.m. extensor pollicis longus. 61.m. extensor indicis proprius. 62.m. extensor digitorum communis. 63.m. external interosseous I. lumbricles. 65.m. abductor digiti quinti (V). 66.femoral fascia, fascia lata. 67.fossa ovalis. 68.Fascia lata, falciform border.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the neck, back, and dorsal surface of the arm.

a) Skull with galea aponeurotica. b) Occipital superior semicircular line. c) Mandible, ramus. d) Spinous process, cervical vertebra. e) Spinous process, thoracic vertebra. f) Spinous process, lumbar vertebra. g) Os sacrum. h) Iliac crest. i) Ischial tuberosity. k) Os ischium. l) Os ilium. m) Greater trochanter of humerus. n) Clavicle. o) Scapular spine. p) Scapula, dorsal edge. q) Acromion. r) Os brachii, greater tubercle of humerus. s) Os brachii (humerus). t) Ulna, olecranon process. u) Humerus, medial condyle. v) Humerus, lateral condyle. w) Ulna. x) Common palmar carpal ligament y) Common dorsal carpal ligament. z) Twelfth rib (costa ultima). 1. m. fromtalis. 2. m. palpebrum orbicularis. 3. m. auricularis superior (attolens). 4. mm auricularis posterior (retrahentes). 5. m. auricularis anterior (attrehens). 6. m. masseter. 7. m. occipital. 8. m. sternocleidomastoid. 9. m. splenius capitis. 10.m. splenius cervicis. 11.m. semispinalis cervicis. 12.m. levator scapulae. 13.m. trapezius. 14.m. rhomboideus minor. 15.m. rhomboideus major. 16.m. latissimus dorsi. 17.m. serratus posterior inferior. 18.m. serratus anterior. external intercostals. 20.m. iliocostalis. 21.m. external abdominal oblique. 22.m. internal abdominal oblique. 23.m. gluteus maximus (right side removed). 24.m. gluteus medius. 25.m. pyriformis. 26.m. superior gemellus. 27.m. obturator internus. 28.m. inferior gemellus.

29.m. quadratus femoris. 30.m. obturator externus. 31.m. vastus lateralis. 32.m. semimembranosus. 33.m. adductor magnus (with gaps for perforant rami of profundus femoris artery). 34.m. supraspinatus. 35.m. infraspinatus. 36.m. teres minor. 37.m. teres major. 38.m. deltoid. 39.m. triceps brachii. 40.m. triceps brachii, long head. 41.m. triceps brachii, lateral head. 42.m. triceps brachii, medial head. 43.m. anconeus. 44.m. brachialis. 45.m. brachioradialis. 46.m. extensor digitorum communis. 47.m. extensor carpi ulnaris. 48.tendons of mm. extensors carpi radialis. 49.m. extensor pollicis brevis. 50.m. abductor pollicis longus. 51.m. extensor pollicis longus. flexors (carpi and digitorum) on the volar surface of the forearm.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the upper and posterior abdominal and pelvic wall, the diaphragm extending from the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity.

a) Inferior wall of the thorax. b) Sternal xiphoid process. c) Opened abdominal wall (mm. obliqui and m. transverses abdominis are seen). d) Pubic symphysis. e) Pubic bone, horizontal ramus. f) Lumbar vertebra. g) Sacral bone. h) Coccyx. i) Iliac crest. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. diaphragm, costal part (muscular). diaphragm, central tendon (s. speculum Helmontii diaphragmatis). diaphragm, lumbar part, medial cruz (leg). diaphragm, lumbar part, middle cruz diaphragm, lumbar part, lateral cruz (Passing between the lateral and middle crus, sympathetic nerves, vena azygos, linkage with the vena hemiazygos; between the medial and middle cruz, the greater splanchnic passes as well as links of vena hemiazygos, and the lesser splanchnic nerve pierces the middle cruz). 6. foramen quadratum (for the vena cava). 7. foramen esophageum (for the esophagus and vagal nerves). 8. Aortic hiatus (for the aorta, thoracic duct, and occasionally vena azygos or hemiazygos. 9. m. psoas major. 10.m. psoas minor. 11.m. quadratus lumborum. 12.m. transverses abdominis (with fascia transversa). 13.m. iliacus interna. 14.m. pyriformis. 15.m. levator ani. 16.m. sartorius. 17.m. rectus femoris. 18.m. pectineus. 19.m. adductor longus. 20.m. tensor fascia lata. 21.m. gluteus media.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the male perineum and anus.

a) Ischial tuberosity. b) Ischial bone, ascending ramus. c) Sacrotuberous ligament. d) Os coccyx. e) Corpus cavernosum urethrae (bulbocavernosus). f) Corpus cavernosum (penis). g) Anus (s. orificium intestini recti). h) Penis. i) Ductus deferens and associated structures. 1. m. bulbocavernosus. 2. m. ischiocavernosus. 3. m. transverse perinaei. 4. m. sphincter ani externus. 5. m. levator ani. 6. m. coccygeus (s. ischiococcygeus). 7. m. adductor longus. 8. m. gracilis. 9. m. adductor magnus. 10.m. gluteus maximus.

Human Anatomy

Deep forearm and hand muscles on the volar (palmar) side.

a) Os brachii (humerus), distal end. b) Os brachii (humerus), lateral condyle. c) Os brachii (humerus), medial condyle. d) Radius, capitulum. e) Radius, neck. f) Radial styloid process. g) Ulnar styloid process. h) Os pisiform. i) Os hamate, hamulus (hook of hamate). k) Interosseous membrane. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. m. flexor pollicis longus. m. flexor digitorum profundus, communis (s. perforans). m. pronator quadratus. m. adductor pollicis. m. interosseus II, palmar. m. interosseus III, palmar.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Deep forearm and hand muscles on the dorsal surface.

a) Os brachii (humerus), distal end. b) Os brachii (humerus), lateral condyle. c) Os brachii (humerus), medial condyle. d) Olecranon (ulna). e) Radial capitulum. f) Radius. g) Ulna. h) Carpus (wrist bones). 1. m. brachialis. 2. m. anconeus (quartus). 3. m. supinator. 4. m. abductor pollicis longus. 5. m. extensor pollicis brevis. 6. m. extensor pollicis longus. 7. m. extensor proprius indicis. 8. mm. extensors carpi radialis. 9. m. flexor carpi ulnaris. 10.m. interosseus I, dorsal. 11.m. interosseus II, dorsal. 12.m. interosseus III, dorsal. 13.m. interosseus IV, dorsal. 14.m. adductor pollicis. 15.tendons of m. extensor digitorum communis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Tendons and tendon sheaths on the dorsum of the right hand.

a) Ulna. b) Radius. c) Dorsal carpal ligaments. d) Carpal bones (carpus). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. vagina (sheath) for mm. abductor longus and extensor pollicis brevis. vagina for mm. extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis. vagina for m. extensor pollicis longus. vagina for mm. extensor digitorum communis and indicis proprius. vagina for m. extensor digiti minimi. vagina for m. extensor carpi ulnaris.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Volar surface of the right hand with its palmar fascia (palmar aponeurosis).

a) Radius. b) Pisiform bone. c) Thenar eminence. d) Hypothenar eminence. 1. m. palmaris brevis. 2. m. palmaris longus. 3. volar carpal ligament communis. 4. volar carpal ligament proprius. 5. Palmar aponeurosis. 6. Tendon of palmar aponeurosis. 7. Transverse palmar ligament. 8. vaginae and ligaments of mm. flexor muscles. 9. tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris. 10.tendon of m. flexor carpi radialis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Volar surface of the right hand, from which the aponeurosis and proximal muscles have been removed.

a) Os pisiform. b) Volar carpal ligament (proper). c) Os metacarpal, pollicis. 1. m. abductor pollicis brevis. 2. m. flexor pollicis brevis. 3. m. opponens pollicis. 4. m. adductor pollicis. 5. m. flexor pollicis longus. 6. m. abductor digiti minimi. 7. m. flexor digiti minimi brevis. 8. mm. flexor digitorum communis. 9. Tendons of m. flexor digitorum superficialis (s. perforati). 10.Tendons of m. flexor digitorum profundus (s. perforantis). 11.m. lumbrical I (arises from the tendon of the preceding muscle and inserts on the radial side of the first phalanx). 12.m. lumbrical II (arises from the tendon of the preceding muscleand inserts on the radial side of the first phalanx). 13.m. lumbrical III (arising from the tendon of the preceding muscle and inserts on the radial side of the first phalanx). 14.m. lumbrical IV (arises from the tendon of the preceding muscle and inserts on the radial side of the first phalanx). 15.Tendon of m. flexor carpi radialis. 16.m. pronator quadratus. 17.m. flexor carpi ulnaris. 18.m. interosseous I, palmar.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The left palmar deep hand muscles.

a) Radial styloid process. b) Os pisiform. c) Volar carpal ligament (proprius). 1. m. pronator quadratus. 2. m. opponens pollicis. 3. m. adductor pollicis. 4. m. opponens digiti minimi. 5. m. interosseus I, palmar (s. abductor indicis). 6. m. interosseus I, dorsal (s. adductor indicis). 7. m. interosseus III, dorsal (s. adductor digiti minimi). 8. m. interosseus IV, palmar (s. abductor digiti quarti). 9. m. interosseus III, dorsal (s. adductor digiti quarti). 10.m. interosseus III, palmar (s. abductor digiti medii internus). 11.m. interosseus II, palmar (s. abductor digiti medii externus).

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the anterior surface of the lower limb.

a) Iliac crest. b) Anterior superior iliac spine. c) Greater trochanter of femur. d) Os pubis, symphysis. e) Lesser trochanter of femur. f) Patella. g) Tibial tuberosity. h) Tibial crest. i) Medial malleolus. k) Lateral malleolus (fibular). l) Inferior extensor retinaculum. m) Fibula. n) Linea alba. o) Inguinal ligament (s. Poupartii s. Fallopii). p) Medial cruz, inguinal ligament. q) Lateral cruz, inguinal ligament. r) External inguinal ring (s. anulus abdominalis s. inguinalis inferior). s) Internal inguinal ring (s. annulus abdominalis internus s. inguinalis superioris). t) Posterior wall of the inguinal canal. 1. m. external abdominal oblique. 2. m. transverses abdominis. 3. m. tensor fascia lata. 4. m. gluteus medius. 5. m. internal iliac. 6. m. psoas major. 7. m. Pectineus. 8. m. sartorius. 9. m. adductor longus (s. primus). 10.m. rectus femoris. 11.tendon, extensor digitorum communis. 12.patellar ligament. 13.m. vastus medialis. 14.m. intermedius (with m. articularis genu). 14*. m. vastus lateralis. 15.m. gracilis. 16.m. adductor magnus (s. tertius). 17.m. tibialis anterior. 18.m. extensor hallucis longus. 19.m. extensor digitorum (communis) longus. 20.m. peroneus tertius. 21.m. peroneus longus and brevis. 22.m. gastrocnemius. 23.m. soleus. 24.m. extensor hallucis brevis. 25.m. extensor digitorum (communis) brevis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The superficial and deep muscles of the posterior surface of the pelvis and the thigh and leg.

a) Iliac crest. b) Os Ilium (with the greater sciatic notch). c) Coccyx. d) Ischial tuberosity. e) Os ischium, ascending ramus. f) Os pubis, descending ramus. g) Greater trochanter. h) Os sacrum. i) Sacrospinous ligament. k) Sacrotuberous ligament. l) Femur, linea aspera. m) Os femur. n) Popliteal fossa. o) Fibula. p) Lateral malleolus. q) Medial malleolus. r) Tendon of Achilles on the calcaneal tuberosity. s) Tibial oblique line. 1. m. gluteal maximus. 2. m. gluteus medius. 3. m. pyriformis. 4. m. superior gemellus. 5. m. obturator internus. 6. m. inferior gemellus. 7. m. quadratus femoris. 8. m. obturator externus. 9. m. biceps femoris, long head. 10.m. biceps femoris, short head. 11.Tendon of biceps femoris. 12.m. semitendinosis. 13.m. semimembranosus. 14.m. adductor magnus. 15.Cleft in m. adductor magnus for rami perforantes of the deep femoral (profundus) artery and vein. 15*. Cleft for the femoral artery and vein. 16.m. gracilis. 17.m. sartorius. 18.m. vastus lateralis. 19.m. popliteus. 20.m. gastrocnemius. 21.m. gastrocnemius, lateral head. 22.m. gastrocnemius, medial head. 23.m. plantaris. 24.tendon of m. plantaris. 25.Tendon of Achilles (calcaneal tendon). 26.m. soleus. 27.m. peroneus longus. 28.m. peroneus brevis. 29.m. flexor hallucis longus. 30.m. tibialis posterior. 31.m. flexor communis digitorum (pedis) longus.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the medial side of the lower limb.

a) Iliac crest. b) Anterior superior iliac spine. c) Genu of the lateral condyle (femur and tibia). d) Tibia. e) Patella. f) Tarsal cruciate ligament. g) Retinaculum musculorum extensorum inferius. h) Retinaculum musculorum flexorum. 1. m. tensor fascia lata. 2. fascia lata. 3. m. gluteus medius. 4. m. gluteus maximus. 5. m. sartorius. 6. m. rectus femoris. 7. m. vastus lateralis. 8. m. biceps femoris (long head). 9. m. biceps femoris (short head). 10.m. tibialis anterior. 11.m. extensor digitorum (communis) longus. 12.m. extensor hallucis longus. 13.m. peroneus tertius (s. parvus). 14.m. peroneus longus (s. primus). 15.m. peroneus brevis (s. secundus). 16.vagina (sheath) of the retinaculum of the peroneal (fibular) muscles retaining the tendons of peroneus longus and brevis as they cross the lateral malleolus of the ankle. 17.m. soleus. 18.m. gastrocnemius. 19.m. tendon of Achilles (s. calcaneal tendon). 20.m. extensor digitorum (communis) brevis. 21.m. abductor digiti minimi.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the medial surface of the pelvis, as well as the right thigh and leg.

a) Iliac crest. b) Os sacrum. c) Os coccygis. d) Internal iliac arcuate line (innominate arcuate line). e) Symphysis pubis. f) Obturator foramen. g) Sacrotuberous ligament. h) Sacrospinous ligament. i) Greater sciatic foramen. k) Lesser sciatic foramen. l) Os pubis, descending ramus. m) Os ischium, ascending ramus. n) Anterior sacral foramen. o) Ischial tuberosity. p) Medial condyle (femoral and tibia). q) Patella. r) Tibia (medial superficial). s) Medial malleolus. t) Medial laciniatum tarsal ligament. u) M. gluteus maximus. 1. m. psoas major. 2. m. internal iliac. 3. m. obturator internus (it passes through the greater sciatic notch). 4. m. piriformis (it passes through the greater sciatic notch). 5. m. sartorius. 6. m. adductor longus (s. primus). 7. m. gracilis. 8. m. vastus medialis. 9. m. rectus femoris. 10.m. adductor magnus (s. tertus). 11.m. semimembranosus. 12.m. semitendinosus. 13.m. gastrocnemius (medial head). 14.m. soleus. 15.tendon of Achilles. 16.m. flexor digitorum (communis) longus (s. perforans). 17.m. flexor hallucis longus. 18.m. tibialis posterior. 19.tendon of m. tibialis anterior. 20.tendon of m. extensor hallucis longus. 21.m. adductor hallucis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The aponeurosis of the plantar surface of the right foot, from which only the skin is removed.

a) Calcaneus. b) Plantar fascia. c) Plantar flexor retinaculum extends from the calcaneus as five bands, it extends toward the toes, and connects to d) transverse bands. e) Sheath of m. abductor and flexor hallucis brevis. f) Sheath of m. abductor and flexor digiti V (quinti) brevis. g) Cutis (skin) and m. abductor hallucis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The superficial muscles of the plantar surface of the foot.

a) Calcaneus. b) Tuberosity of metatarsal V. c) Head of metatarsal I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. m. flexor digitorum brevis. tendon m. flexor digitorum communis longus. m. abductor hallucis. m. flexor hallucis brevis. m. abductor digiti minimi. m. flexor digiti minimi brevis. tendon m. flexor hallucis longus. mm. lumbricles.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The middle muscle layer of the sole of the right foot.

a) Tuberosity of the calcaneus. b) Tuberosity of metatarsal V. c) Tuberosity of navicular bone. d) Lacinate ligament ( s. internal annular ligament, NA retinaculum musculorum flexorum), deep layer. e) Lacinate ligament, superficial layer (NA retinaculum musculorum flexorum). f) Ligaments of metatarsal heads. 1. tendon m. flexor digitorum communis longus. 2. m. quadratus plante. 3. mm lumbricles. 4. tendon m. flexor hallucis longus. 5. tendon m. peromeus longus. 6. m. abductor hallucis. 7. m. flexor hallucis brevis. 8. m. flexor digiti V (minimi) brevis. 9. m. interosseus internus III. 10.m. adductor hallucis, transverse head.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The deep muscle layer of the sole of the right foot.

a) Calcaneal tuberosity. b) Metatarsal bone V, tuberosity. c) Navicular bone, tuberosity. d) Calcanealcubital ligament. e) Tendon m. peroneus longus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. m. flexor hallucis brevis. m. adductor hallucis. m. tranversus pedis. m. abductor digiti minimi. m. flexor digiti V (minimi) brevis. mm. dorsal interosseus pedis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The muscles of the back of the right foot.

a) Calcaneus. b) Talus. c) Metatarsal V bone, tubersity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. m. extensor hallucis brevis. m. extensor digitorum communis brevis. m. dorsal interosseus I. m. dorsal interosseus II. m. dorsal interosseus III. m. dorsal interosseus IV. m. abductor digiti V (quinti).

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Superficial face and neck muscles, seen from the front.

a) Frontal bone. b) Zygomatic process. c) Zygomatic bone. d) Zygomatic arch. e) Maxilla. f) Mandible. g) Nasal cartilage. h) Clavicle. i) Inferior lip. k) Upper lip. l) Lower eyelid. m) Medial palpebral ligament. 1. frontal m. 2. galea aponeurotica. 3. procerus m (s. pyramidalis nasi m. in continuity with the frontal m). 4. orbicularis oculi m., internal stratum. 5. external stratum of orbicularis oculi m. 6. corrigator supercilii (covered by orbicularis oculi). 7. m. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. 8. m. levator labi superioris propria. 9. m. zygomaticus minor. 10.m. zygomaticus major. 11.m. levator anguli oris. 12.m. levator palpebrae superioris. 13.m. buccinator. 14.m. orbicularis oris (s. sphincter oris). 15.m. depressor anguli oris (s. triangularis menti). 16.m. depressor labi inferioris (s. quadratus menti). 17.m. levator menti (s. mentalis). 18.m. masseter. 19.m. temporalis. 20.m. sternocleidomastoideus. 21.m. sternocleidomastoideus, clavicular portion. 22.m. sternocleidomastoideus, sternal portion. 23.m. sternohyoideus. 24.m. sternothyroideus. 25.m. trapezius, anterior portion. 26.m. omohyoideus. 27.m. levator anguli scapulae. 28.m. scalenus anterior. 29.m. scalenus media. 30.m. auricularis anterior. 31.m. compressor nasi (s. nasilis).

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Neck muscles, on the right side of the neck.

a) Mandible, body. b) Mandible, angle. c) Mandible, ramus. d) Mastoid process. e) Occipital bone (superior semilunar line). f) Clavicle. g) Scapula. h) Acromion. i) Coracoid process. k) First rib. l) manubrium sterni. m) Hyoid bone (body s. basis). n) Hyoid bone, greater horn. o) Styloid process. p) Larynx (thyroid cartilage). q) Thyroid gland. r) Trachea. s) Esophagus. 1. m. digastric, anterior belly. 2. m. digastric, posterior belly. 3. hyodigastric membrane (sling). 4. m. mylohyoideus. 5. m. hyoglossus. 6. m. stylohyoid. 7. m. digastricus, posterior belly (passing through tendon of the stylohyoid muscle). 8. m. styloglossus. 9. m. stylopharyngeus. 10.m. middle pharyngeal constrictor. 11.m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor. 12.thyrohyoid membrane. 13.m. thyrohyoid. 14.m. sternohyoid. 15.m. sternothyroideus. 16.m. omohyoideus, superior belly. 17.m. omohyoideus, inferior belly. 18.m. omohyoideus, intermediate tendon. 19.m. longus colli. 20.m. rectus capitis anterior major. 21.m. anterior scalene. 22.m. middle and posterior scalene. 23.m. levator anguli scapulae. 24.m. spenius capitis. 25.m. sternocleidomastoideus. 26.m. obliquus capitis superior. 27.m. obliquus capitis inferior. 28.m. trapezius (s. cucullaris). 29.m. deltoideus.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Neck muscles of the anterior surface.

a) Mandible. b) Hyoid bone. c) Larynx. d) Thyroid gland. e) Trachea. f) Mastoid process. g) Clavicle. h) Manubrium sterni. i) Tongue. 1. m. digastricus, anterior belly. 2. m. digastricus, posterior belly. 3. hyodigastric membrane. 4. m. mylohyoideus. 5. m. hyoglossus. 6. m. stylohyoid. 7. m. styloglossus. 8. m. stylopharyngeus. 9. m. geniohyoideus. 10.m. thyreohyoideus. 11.m. sternothyroideus. 12.m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor. 13.m. sternohyoideus. 14.m. omohyoideus, inferior belly. 15.m. omohyoideus, superior belly. 16.m. cricothyreoideus. 17.m. longus colli. 18.m. scalenus anterior. 19.m. scalenus medius. 20.m. scalenus posterior. 21.m. levator anguli scapulae. 22.m. splenius capitis.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The deep neck muscles of the right side of the neck.

a) Mastoid process. b) Hyoid bone (s. linguale bone). c) External auditory meatus. d) Mandible. e) Styloid process. f) Atlas, transverse process. g) Maxillary bone. h) Hyoid bone. i) Larynx. k) Trachea. l) Clavicle. m) Rib, first. n) Acromion. o) Coracoid process. p) Esophagus. q) Scapular spine. 1. m. orbicularis oris. 2. m. buccinator. 3. m. superior pharyngeal constrictor. 4. m. styloglossus. 5. m. stylopharyngeus. 6. m. middle pharyngeal constrictor (ceratopharyngeus). 7. m. hyoglossus. 8. m. stylohyoideus. 9. m. thyreohyoideus. 10.m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor. 11.m. thyreohyoid membrane. 12.m. cricothyreoideus. 13.m. rectus capitis anterior major. 14.m. scalenus anterior. 15.m. scalenus media. 16.m. scalenus inferior. 17.m. levator anguli scapulae. 18.m. splenius capitis. 19.m. serratus posterior superior. 20.m. superior rhomboid. 21.m. trapezius. 22.m. supraspinatus. 23.m. sternothyreoideus.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the (mandible), seen from behind.

a) Occipital bone. b) Temporal bone, petrous part. c) Mandibular ramus. d) Hyoid bone. e) Thyroid cartilage. f) Thyrohyoid ligament. g) Esophagus. h) Trachea. i) Styloid process. k) Stylomandibular ligament. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. m. superior pharyngeal constrictor. m. middle pharyngeal constrictor. m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor. m. stylopharyngeus. m. styloglossus. m. mylohyoideus. m. internal pterygoid. m. masseter. m. buccinator.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the palate, jaw, and larynx, seen from behind after removal of the posterior wall of the pharynx.

a) Occipital bone, basilar part. b) Temporal bone, petrous part. c) Mandible, ramus. d) Styloid process. e) Nasal choanae. f) Mandible, condyle. g) Lingula (tongue). h) Epiglottis. i) Larynx, posterior wall. k) Esophagus. l) Trachea. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. m. superior pharyngeal constrictor. m. middle pharyngeal constrictor. m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor. m. uvulae (azygos uvulae). m. levator veli palatini. m. tensor veli palatini. m. posterior cricoarytenoid. m. palatopharyngeus.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the tongue, seen from the right side.

a) Mandible, body. b) Mandible, ramus. c) Styloid process. d) Hyoid bone. e) Larynx. f) Lingula. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. m. lingualis. m. genioglossus. m. hyoglossus. m. styloglossus. m. stylopharyngeus. m. geniohyoideus. m. mylohyoideus (s. digastricus). thyrohyoid membrane.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The masseter muscle of the posterior surface of the mandible.

a) Sphenoid bone. b) Temporal bone, petrous part. c) Mandible, condyle. d) Mandible, ramus. e) Mandible, body. f) Hard palate. h) Nasal choanae. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. m. internal pterygoid. m. external pterygoid. m. masseter. m. mylohyoid. m. genioglossus. m. geniohyoid.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the soft palate, seen from the inner side and from behind.

a) Sphenoid bone, body. b) Temporal bone, petrous partion. c) Mandible, condyle. d) Mandible, ramus. e) Hard palate. f) Pterygoid process. g) Pterygoid hamulus. h) Nasal choanae. i) Auditory tube. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. m. external pterygoid. m. levator veli palatini. m. tensor veli palatini. m. uvulae. m palatopharyngeus.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Deep neck and spinal muscles, after removal of shoulder blades (scapulae).

a) Occipital bone. b) Mastoid process. c) Seventh cervical vertebra, spinous process. d) First rib. e) Twelfth rib. f) Iliac bone. 1. m. semispinalis, medial head. 2. m. semispinalis, capitis. 3. m. longissimus capitis. 4. m. longissimus cervicis. 5. m. iliocostalis, cervicis. 6. m. iliocostalis. 7. m. longissimus thoracis. 8. m. iliocostalis. 9. m. spinalis, thoracis (dorsi). 10.m spinalis, cervicis. 11.m. semispinalis thoracis. levator costarum (ribs). intercostals. 14.m. superior capitis oblique.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Middle of the nape of the neck, after removal of m. trapezius.

a) Occipital bone. b) Superior semicircular line. c) Mastoid process. d) Atlas, first cervical vertebra. e) Seventh cervical vertebra. f) First, thoracic vetebra. g) Eighth thoracic vertebra. h l) First to fourth ribs. m) Ligamentum nuchae. n) Apical ligaments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. m. splenius capitis. m. splenius colli. m. serratus posterior superior. m. semispinalis capitis, medial head. m. semispinalis capitis. m. longissimus, cervicis. m. longissimus, thoracis (dorsi).

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Deep neck muscles.

a) Sphenoid bone, body. b) Temporal bone, petrous portion. c) Atlas, anterior tubercle. d) Atlas, transverse process. e) Vertebra, first thoracic. f) Rib, first. g) Rib, second. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. m. longus colli. m. rectus capitis anterior major. m. rectus capitis anterior minor. m. rectus capitis lateralis. m. anterior scalene. m. middle scalene. m. posterior scalene. mm. intertransversarii.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Deep muscles of the neck.

a) Occipital bone. b) Mastoid process. c) Atlas, posterior tubercle. d) Atlas, transverse process. e) Axis, transverse process. f) Axis, spinous process. g) Vertebra (seventh cervical), spinous process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. m. rectus capitis posterior minor. m. rectus capitis posterior major. m. superior oblique capitis. m. inferior oblique capitis. m. interspinales. m. multifidus (spinae), cervical.

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