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Introduction to the EIA process A successful EIA will look at 5 key areas: Identify the Proposal to be assessed a clear definition of the service reform and its aims; Screening - Collect data to evidence the type of barriers people face to accessing services (research, consultations, complaints and/or consult with equality groups; Prioritising Impact reaching an informed decision on whether or not there is a differential impact on equality groups, and at what level, Action Planning develop an action plan to make changes where a negative impact has been assessed Measuring outcomes stating how you will monitor and evaluate the financial option to ensure that you are achieving the expected outcomes for all groups. 2. Name of the Proposal: Reform of Directly Provided Day Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) 3. List main activities of the Proposal: This is a major service reform to modernise LD day services to bring this directly provided service into line with the ongoing implementation of Personalisation. 4. Who will be the main beneficiaries of the Proposal: All adults with a learning disability currently accessing the day services and potential users of the service in the future. 5. Name of officer completing Proposal screening Karen McGregor 6. Screening Verified by _______ _______________________________DATE__________ ____________ DATE: 18 February 2013


EVIDENCE/ENGAGEMENT The best approach to find out if the proposal is likely to impact negatively or positively on equality groups is to look at existing research, previous consultation recommendations, studies or consult with representatives of those groups. This will provide you with what do you need to know that will provide you with evidence of the needs of the diverse population and their needs. Please name any research, data, consultation or studies referred to for this assessment: Please state if this reference refers to; Gender, BME, Disabled people, LGBT, older people, children & young people or faith & belief. Disabled people (Adults with Learning Disabilities)
Final Proposal Paper LD Day Se...

Do you intend to set up your own consultation? If so, please list the main issues that come from this consultation.

Gender, BME, Disabled people (Adults with Learning Disabilities), faith & belief.
EQIA of LD Day Service Reform ...

Disabled people (Adults with Learning Disabilities), older people

S:\OPPD\Service Reformand Re-design\EDRMS LD Day Services\Responses to Engagem ent questions\Consultation Analysis.doc

DIFFERENTIAL IMPACT Use the table below to tick where you think the proposal has either a negative impact (could disadvantage them) or a positive impact (contributes to promoting equality or improving relations within an equality group), based on the evidence you have collated There are too many faith groups to provide a list, therefore, please input the faith group e.g. Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc. Consider the different faith groups individually when considering positive or negative impacts.


Positive Impact it could benefit an equality group GENDER Women

Good Practice/Promotes Equality or improved relations

Negative Impact it could disadvantage an equality group




White Asian


Other ethnic group


Encouraging service users to access community activities may increase their visibility and give them increased opportunity to mix with the general public. Overtime, this can help change the attitude of the public in a positive way and reduce the discrimination experienced by people with learning disabilities. Equally, it can provide them with more opportunities to be involved in gender specific activities. Encouraging service users to access community activities may increase their visibility and give them increased opportunity to mix with the general public. Overtime, this can help change the attitude of the public in a positive way and reduce the discrimination experienced by people with learning disabilities. Equally, it can provide them with more opportunities to be involved in gender specific activities. There is a potential benefit to increase awareness of opportunities to develop other interests and mix with people from other cultures. The proposal is underpinned by values that aim to support people from the most excluded parts of our society towards social inclusion and a better quality of life. In this sense the reform may have a positive impact on BME people who are an excluded group. The proposal is underpinned by values that aim to support people from the most excluded parts of our society towards social inclusion and a better quality of life. In this sense the reform may have a positive impact on BME people who are an excluded group. The proposal is underpinned by values that aim to

Positive Impact it could benefit an equality group

Good Practice/Promotes Equality or improved relations

Negative Impact it could disadvantage an equality group


Mixed or multiple ethnic group


Physical disability

Sensory Impairment (sight, hearing, )

Learning Disability

support people from the most excluded parts of our society towards social inclusion and a better quality of life. In this sense the reform may have a positive impact on BME people who are an excluded group. The proposal is underpinned by values that aim to support people from the most excluded parts of our society towards social inclusion and a better quality of life. In this sense the reform may have a positive impact on BME people who are an excluded group. There are a significant number of people with a learning disability who have a secondary impairment as a presenting need. For example they may be physically disabled or have a long term health condition. It will be important to recognise that the health inequalities experienced locally mean that we need to do some targeted work with health colleagues in improving outcomes for people as they undergo their assessment through Personalisation. There are a significant number of people with a learning disability who have a secondary impairment as a presenting need. For example they may be physically disabled or have a long term health condition. It will be important to recognise that the health inequalities experienced locally mean that we need to do some targeted work with health colleagues in improving outcomes for people as they undergo their assessment through Personalisation. This could include the involvement of the CSIP or other appropriate organisations. Potential benefits of the reform are more

Positive Impact it could benefit an equality group

Good Practice/Promotes Equality or improved relations

Negative Impact it could disadvantage an equality group


integration of people with learning disabilities into their local communities, the opportunity for them to increase their expectations and the chance to challenge them to leave their comfort zones. As the focus of the new service model is on people with higher more complex needs, one can argue that the proposals are likely to have a differential outcome for disabled people, and potentially, can have an adverse effect on some of them, in particular people with a milder learning disability who may have been attending the day services for long periods of time. Mental Health Issues There are a significant number of people with a learning disability who have a secondary impairment as a presenting need. For example they may be physically disabled or have a long term health condition. It will be important to recognise that the health inequalities experienced locally mean that we need to do some targeted work with health colleagues in improving outcomes for people as they undergo their assessment through Personalisation. The reform aims to promote social inclusion and access to community facilities. This approach is likely to create networking opportunities for people with learning disabilities to meet other people with similar interests and sexual orientation, enabling them to explore their sexuality without fear of being stigmatised.


Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexual, Transgender



Older People (60 +)

Positive Impact it could benefit an equality group

Good Practice/Promotes Equality or improved relations

Negative Impact it could disadvantage an equality group


Younger People (1625)

Children (o-16) RELIGION & BELIEF Input *

There are currently 19 older people attending LD day services and the proposal is to have age appropriate services for this group. The onset of age can bring about other issues for people with a learning disability and the Older Peoples teams have the skills needed to ensure that older people regardless of impairment are supported to remain in their home for as long as possible with care and support. We know through consultation and frequent engagement that disabled young people want the same as non-disabled young people an independent life, relationships, money, a job or education. Our LD teams have the expertise is supporting young people and their families in creating pathways that explore the issues for young people with a learning disability. Out with the scope of the service Personalisation offers a unique opportunity to improve people with a learning disabilities access to religious or belief opportunities, as the principles of self directed support and support planning enable the person to assess and access what is important to them in their life. This will mean that more people are supported to access places of worship through using their personal budget or PA to support this action. In addition this will raise the profile of people with a learning disability across multi-faith communities. We know from research that the majority of carers are women. The reform may offer them more

Other (e.g Carers pregnancy/maternity,


Positive Impact it could benefit an equality group caring responsibilites)

Good Practice/Promotes Equality or improved relations

Negative Impact it could disadvantage an equality group


flexible and responsive services. To promote this equality there needs to be the development of relations with all carers to alleviate anxiety around the changes proposed and reassurance about future options. Glasgow has an ageing population of people with a learning disability who are still living at home with parents in their 70s and 80s. There is a need to work with the service user and their families through this reform proposal to make choices which enable the service user to gain independent living skills and remove the burden of worry the carers experience about who will look after their children when they die.

Continue to answer or tick the following questions where the initial screening (above) indicated that there may be a negative impact on certain equality groups. ** Equality Legislation listed a back of this document. IMPACT HIGH There is substantial evidence and/or concern that people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected by the proposal. MEDIUM There is some evidence and/or some concern that people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected


NO 1

LOW There is little or no evidence that some people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected. Does the negative impact breach any of the equality legislation? ** The negative impact requires action to be taken Immediately To be determined Within next 6 months To be determined

TAKING ACTION PROPOSAL SCREENING ACTION PLAN Proposal Name Reform of Directly Provided Day Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) Issues Could you remove the negative impact from the project, policy or strategy? Action Required Communication Plan with relevant stakeholders. Framework Tender for appropriate support providers to ensure community alternatives that take account of discrete groups and provide responsive services. Ensure carers are made aware of the range of services and supports available. Lead Officer Karen McGregor Timescale Feb 2013 Completed/date of review Ongoing

Debbie Miller



Ann Cummings

Feb 2013



Reform of Directly Provided Day Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities (LD)

Could you change the project, policy or strategy to have a positive impact? If you can do neither of the above, please recommend the next steps to be taken.

Development of Citizens Portal information. Will be determined on approval of proposal through political process.

Debbie Miller David Williams

March 2013 March 2013

March 2013 March 2013

MEASURING OUTCOMES The equality impact assessment screening is not an end in itself but the start of a continuous monitoring and review process. It is our responsibility to identify any current, new or developing issues raised by the community.


Legislation The UK Governments Equality Act 2010 replaces the existing equality legislation and brings anti-discrimination laws together in a single Act. It simplifies the law and removes inconsistencies making it easier for people to understand and comply with it. The Equality Act protects people on the basis of protected characteristics specified in the Act. Theses are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. A key measure within the Act is the Public Sector Equality Duty which came into force on 5 April 2011. This Duty requires public bodies to be proactive in tackling discrimination by eliminating discrimination, pro-actively promoting equality of opportunity and by fostering good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. The intention is to prevent discrimination by bringing equality into the mainstream and taking the Equality Duty into consideration before, during and while making a decision on the development of policy options The Equality Duty is supported by the specific duties set out by Scottish Ministers to apply to some public authorities including local authorities. The specific duties require public bodies to publish information to show their compliance with the Equality Duty. One of the specific duties relates to Equality Impact Assessment. Public Authorities in Scotland are required to carry out impact assessments of any proposed new or revised policy or practice. Policy is used as shorthand for a range of different types of functions including strategies, plans, services or proposals as well as provisions, criteria and practices. For example, setting budgets, developing high-level strategies, changing organisational practices such as internal restructuring or proposals for any of the above. Impact assessments should be based on relevant evidence and the results should be published,


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