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Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Regional network of Educational Innovations, Network we Innovate Puts on file of Registration for Educational Experiences Name of the Innovation: Intellectual production, a model one sistemico for the Education and the Training personalized by means of the development of a Learning Attended by the Operating Teaching 1. Data of identification
Thematic Area of the innovation: (Circuit or circuits)

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Methodologies of learning and of its teaching Evaluation of learning, evaluation of the process Media and resources in the learning Abilities for the life

Words that describe the innovation

The Intellectual Production proposes the desarrolIo of a learning attended for the students, (from a test of talents and temperaments that identifies its COGNITIVE PROFILE), utilizing an educational management designed by means of the OPERATING TEACHING (Model operating of the managements of learning and of teaching), and applying the TEORIA OF THE USE OF THE TIME for the design of the School periods. Locality and country: Las Condes, Santiago de Chile Responsible person and of Nombre: Juan Arias Farias y Veronica Arias Tapia contact: Direccin: OConnell 70 Dto 92 Las Condes Santiago Chile E-mail: Institution/is that develops/n Name: INTELECTUS the innovation: Type: PrivadaCarcter: Educational Collaborating institutions: Universidad Jose Santos Ossa Antofagasta and Universidad Catolica del Norte Antofagsta No

Collaborating institutions with financing: Sustainability of the Ningun at present available financing financing: Environment of the Territorial: International Institutional: School/ Central educational Innovation: Classroom Development time: Population beneficiary: Educational level: Five Years Alumnado Educational Secondary or Average Thertiary Education (is included the initial educational formation) Educational Formation in service Scientific Education - Humanist Professional Technical Education Education of youths and adult Education to distance From 12 years


Educational modality:

Ages of the alumnado:

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

2 Description of the Innovation Purpose: Presenting the historic reconstruction of the experience. 2.1. What is the innovation: Is a new focus of the Education, that model of a way sistemico the broadcast and the application of the knowledge cientifico among the generacion in force and the emerging generation in an industrious company. In general, all the people that participate actively of a company that subsists of the industrial production and they are insertos inside a productive process, they owe their social position and the quality of life that enjoy, to their Intellectual Production or capacity to produce some product or service, from the activities of their intellect. Thus, the Intellectual Production can be definite like an intellectual function of personal and individual character whose product is the capacity of intelligent application of the knowledge acquired to the transformation of the environment, what permits this person their social insertion and a possibility of participation in the industrial company offers him, providing him ideally of a social position, that carries associates an income level and a quality of With its individual productivity. 2.2. Social and educational context The most important task than undertakes the Intellectual Production by means of the application of the Operating Teaching, is that of achieving an efficient compatibility among a teaching of university level or of professional level, that should be carried out for Technical specialists Professional, that do not possess specific pedagogical instruction, and the intellectual learning of tertiary level, with students that they have not received a specific instruction to develop with efficiency their intellectual activities To learn. The present deficiencies in the quality and depth of the knowledge that the young educandos declare to have, they are not attributable only to the quality of the teaching delivered by its educational, but this inefficiency should be shared for a severe limitation in the quality of the learning. By these reasons, the main contribution that an educational institution can do to the generation of youths that are potentially productive, is to teach them the capacity to produce with its intellect; at the same time, the best investment than these youths they can cause is to acquire this capacity for produce intellectually 2.3. Since where and why the innovation arises. The Intellectual Production as educational focus and the Operating Teaching like operating model of the gestion of Learning and of their Educational management, asi as tambien the Teoria of the Use of the Time, they arise in the decada of the 80 in the Faculty of Ingenieria of the University of Buenos Aires, as an area specialized of the educational investigation, looking to resolving the emerging problems in the professional teaching Manifiestaron as a severe shortage in the achievements of the learning of the university youths. 2

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

2.4. Fundamentacin: theoretical framework, specific and general objectives The framework teorico of the Intellectual Production is the Teoria of Operating Investigation of the Ingenieria Industrial The Operating Investigation is a modern scientific discipline that is characterized for the application of theory, methods and special techniques, to seek the administration problems solution, organization and control that are produced in the diverse systems that exist in the nature and them created by the human being, such as the organizations Diverse to the ones that identifies as systems organized, educational, ecological, economic, physical systems, of social service, etc. The most important objective of the application of the Operating Investigation is to support in the "takes optimum of decisions" in the operating activities of the systems and in the planning of its respected activities as a management. The fundamental focus of the Operating Investigation is the focus of systems, by which, as opposed to the traditional focus, the behavior of all an is studied assembly of parts or sub-systems that interact among itself, the problem is identified and its repercussions are analyzed, being sought integral solutions that benefit al system as an all. To find the solution, the Operating Investigation generally represents the problem as a mathematical model, that is analyzed and evaluated previously. The Investigation of Operations is a science interdisciplinaria, that permits an operational definition for the basic intellectual functions of the education. Since the point of view of the Operating Teaching, the education is an activity productive intellectual of social character, whose management is carried out for the institutional educational system and private, and whose main intellectual objective is the development of an own culture of the country and its fundamental social objective is to achieve the transfer of the existing culture, since the generation of the adults that is in force and assets to the of the youths that is emerging or of replacement Thus also, the Operating Teaching considers that the teaching is an intellectual institutional productive activity whose gestion has an institutional character, whose main product is the learning opportunities generation for its alumnado along with the evaluation of its Learning, the one that is declared for the cognitive capacity developed in the intelligence of the students during its continuance in the classrooms. Finally the Operating Teaching defines the learning as a productive intellectual function whose management is of personal and individual character, whose product is the increment and development of the capacity of cognition of his intelligence, from the voluntary construction of structures of cognition and of the permanent application that the student does in the transformation of the reality in his environment.

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

The general objectives of the Intellectual Production are: 1 .- Heip to develop the educational process with an optimizes compatibility between the management of Learning and its Educational management by means of the use of the Cognitive Profile. 2..-Generar an Operating model of the Education, the Operating Teaching to achieve the better desiciones Individual and Institutional in order to establish permanent compatibility between the managements of Learning and of its Teaching. 3 .-Help to generate an Operating model of the Use of the Time in order to achieve a compatibility cronologica between the managements of Learning and of its Teaching. The objective especificos of the Producin Intellectual are: 1.- Aid personalized to the students of any educational process or of training tecnica carrying out an objective description of their intellectual potential by means of the test of Cognitive Profile 2.- Compatible Development of the educational process between students and educational by means of the application of the aspects teoricos of the Operating Teaching 3.- Compatible Development in the time of the management of Learning and of its Educational management by means of the application of the Teoria of the Use of the Time 2.5. How the innovation is carried out: phases, processes, strategies and activities. The implementation of the Intellectual Production in the educational system is carried out in the following phases 1 Phase to Identify and to understand the caracteristicas and intellectual properties by-products of the Individual Cognitive Profile To. -process: Identification and understanding, of the Cognitive Profile on the part of each one the students, of a personal and individual way. B.- Strategy: Application the test of Cognitive Profile to each student. C.- Activities: Interaction of comments of the individual results among the students, discussion of the different personal impacts and analisis of its potentials. 2 Phase: Identifying, to understand the caracteristicas and properties genericas that are byproducts of the different Cognitive Profiles D.- Process: Teaching of the bases of the Cognitive Profile to the students E.- Strategy: Application of the test of Cognitive Profile to different students and people of the environment of the student.

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

F.- Activities: Interactive discussion among the assistant students with comments of the results of applications in other students and discussion of the different interpersonal impacts with an analisis of its potentials of application in the classrooms. 3 Phase to Identify and to understand the caracteristicas and intellectual properties by-products of the Model of Operating Teaching G. -process: Identification and understanding, of the model of Operating Teaching on the part of each one the students H.- Strategy: Teaching of the Bases of the Operating Teaching The main instruments that has designed the Operating Teaching, to achieve a teaching that be compatible and readily shared with the learning they are the systematic application of networks or conceptual maps that specify and they delimit which are the intellectual activities belonging to the teaching and which, the ones that belong al learning, generating thus an instrument mediatizador apt for do readily shared and compatible the intellectual development and the chronologic evolution of both managements. This instrument is the diagram of the intellectual managements in the classroom. This network of concepts that specifies and defines which are the intellectual activities in the classroom, pertaining to each gestion is the instrument that espresso which are the cycles of management of both functions, is the fundamental and most generic expression of the natural intellectual activities that support an efficient process of education in the classrooms, and its application as instrument mediatizador, is indispensable in all the school environments, since They establish of priority way, the basic terms of the intellectual development and of chronologic compatibility between educational and students. (To see diagram of the intellectual managements in the classroom.) I.- Activities: Interactive discussion among the assistant students with comments of the possible results in the application of Operating Teaching and discussion of the different interpersonal impacts and analisis of its potentials of application in the classrooms. 4 Phase to Identify and to understand the caracteristicas and operating properties by-products of the teoria of the Use of the Time J.- Process: Identification and understanding, of the model of the Teoria of the Use of the Time on the part of each one the students. K.- Strategy: Identification and understanding of the properties operational by-products of the teoria of the Use of the Time by means of the concepts networks use The systematic application of networks or conceptual maps that specify and they delimit which are the pertinent study hours quantities al learning of the concepts delivered during the school hours, generating thus an instrument mediatizador apt to do compatible the chronologic evolution of both activities The student, in order to guarantee the closing of the cycle of learning during the school cycle. F.- Activities: Interactive discussion among the assistant students with comments of the results of applications in other students and discussion of the different interpersonal impacts with an analisis of its potentials of application in the classrooms.

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

L.- Activities: All the students develop a personal timetable of their daily activities, specifying the use of the personal time and developing an individual program of feasible activities according to the Teoria of the use of the Time 2.6. Balance of the innovation Evaluation and investigation of the innovation this model was evaluated by the Teacher Francis Espinoza Figueroa in the school of Journalism of the Faculty of liberal arts of the University Catolica north whose report itself enclosed. Fortresses, weaknesses and risks Fortresses of the Intellectual Production 1 - The main operating fortress of the Intellectual Production is to cause I specify, among the actors of the gestion of learning (apprentices) and the gestion educational (professors), which are the requests basicos for a mutually beneficial compatibility of both classes. This signifies that has been established for the classrooms, of a way I specify and I express, the phases basicas of both managements and his corresponding contribute intellectuals, necessary for the success of the learning, so that every shortage of management can be attributed to whom corresponds, resolving asi the problem of the responsibility from to which actor corresponds to attribute him the success or the failure of educational management. This is possible by means of the definition and the explicitacin, of the number and type of concepts by the educational, included one in each school unit that the student should show that has managed to acquire in a specific school period (day, week, month, semester or year); it implies the careful evaluation of the maximum number of concepts to expose for academic unit (academic hours) that the student can accept in a learning to. This quality of discernment of the Intellectual Production among the respective responsibilities of each management (student; master) constitutes a news in the Education, because he permits the interactive correction of the errors detected in the teaching and the learning, being able to return behind, to deepen or to explain by means of alternative examples, to end to maximize the efficiency of the learning, that is the main objective of the Model of the Intellectual Production. Weaknesses currently, the predominance of the Behavioral paradigm attributes the total responsibility of the success or of the failure of the management of learning only to the educational management, is the error sistematico but extensively and deeply diffused among the educational authorities and constitutes existing the greater weakness to the possibility of application of the model of the Intellectual Production, since for this occur is necessary the conviction Said authorities that both managements are not biunivocamente related and is necessary a notable effort didactico to achieve compatibility. Fortresses of the Intellectual Production I The main operating fortress of the Intellectual Production is to cause I specify, among the actors of the gestion of learning (apprentices) and the gestion educational (professors), which are the requests basicos for a compatibility mutually benefica of both classes.

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

This signifies that they have been established in the classrooms of a way I specify and I express, the phases basicas of both managements and its corresponding contribute intellectuals, necessary for the success of the learning, so that every shortage of management can be attributed to whom corresponds resolving asi to that actor corresponds him the success or the failure of educational management. This quality of dicernimiento among managements is the one that permits the correcion of the errors in the teaching, and constitutes a news in the education, given that currently, the predominance of the Behavioral paradigm attributes the total responsibility of the success or of the failure of the gestion of learning unicamente to the educational management, error that has conducted to the gestion educational to a callejon no way out. Impacts The main impact of the aplicacion of the Produccion Intellectual on the educational process is that the students manage to learn what its educational try desperately to teach. Lessons learned The class but rigido and deliveramente anacronico of the Education are the institutional authorities of Behavioral focus in the Education and their authorized representatives in the classrooms, the behavioral educational gentlemen, since both classes themselves there are refugee in the unrestricted exercise of the power in the classrooms, because they feel with the omnipotent power to achieve with all their students, goals you optimize of learning only from the Educational, being maintained in totally indifferent and independent form of the necessary compatibility with the management of individual learning, what set against the generation of "the children of the television a single meaning a continuous and degrading deterioration of the educational quality in all the ambitos. For any observer of the educational process that be qualified and honest, it previously expressed by the author, is absolutely obvious from the results of the tests SIMSE whose figures are reveladoramente you authenticate and irrefutably convincing. The model of the Intellectual Production, has been proposed in diverse so much settings of the Institutions you Publish as private by the author, generating the but diverse so much reactions in the authorities like in the educational and the mayoria of the questionings they are always centered in the fundamental fact of understand not neither to accept that the educational process evolve mainly centered in the capacities of learning of the students in place of An educational process centered exclusively in the capacity to teach of its teachers. In the mayoria of the cases, the questioning suppose that if applies the Operating Teaching the power of management in the serious classrooms transfered since the institutions and its educational to the students, unacceptable situation for an educational authority that is assumed like omnipotent. Nevertheless not this the case since very on the contrary the fundamental concept of the Operating Teaching, is to cause I specify that the intellectual activities of students and educational in the classrooms are independent managements for which both classes should assume the natural emerging responsibility of its mutual participations and both should be endeavored for harmonizing their managements, so that the learnings and their teaching finish their school periods With the exito for each one of them.

Oficina Regional de Educacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Red de Innovaciones Educativas para Amrica Latina y el Caribe

The author considers that in an educational process centered exclusively in the educational management, given that in this focus not the potential of management of each student in each subject is considered particularly, is incurred in the fundamental error to consider equals the intellectual potentials of all the students what at the moment to qualify the learnings becomes a division between good students and bad students, situation That weighs in the individuals badly qualified as a stigma the remainder of its lives, what ademas to be unjust is an ignorance of the potential complex that drifts to possess a determined Cognitive Profile. In a company industrialized and tecnologica as ours this factor can represent the loss of an enormous human wealth that though was in the classrooms during long periods they cannot participate of the gestion of wealth of their own company simply by being ill qualified by an educational system inequitativo and discriminatory. In turn, an educational process centered in the intellectual potential of each one of the students, part of the premise that all the students are equivalent in its potentials but that each one of them is going to develop their learning of a determined subject with that that arranges really, by which, for that ambito I specify, the can have an acceptable or insufficient learning in terminos of the objective palnteados, but of ningun case is qualified as a good one or a badly student, alone itself discriminaria if possesses or not potential for that area, what along the educational process goes prompting al student toward the areas in which possesses greater potential, what representaria a great task for the initial educational cycles, concentrating the students in different areas for which has high potential, of That for the upper cycles has students grouped by its high individual potentials what today does not happen in the present educational processes. Projections to future Development of an International Center of capable Operating Teaching to receive the developments of todaslas people that exercise the Operating Teaching

3. Available information Purpose: Presenting enclosed documentation and concerning the experience if there were it. Bibliography. Evaluations, publications or diverse documents (material audiovisual, etc) existing of the innovation. Publications: -Arias F Juan The Television Teaches but does not Educate 1994 Universidad Santos Ossa Antofagasta -Arias F Juan Bases of the Operating Teaching 2004 Universidad Catolica del Norte Antofagasta -Arias F Juan The Teoria of the Use of the Time 2004 Universidad Catolica del Norte Antofagasta -Arias F Juan Bases of the Cognitive Profile 2006 Universidad Catolica del Norte Antofagasta

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