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Haley Hemric Annotated Bibliography Allen, Richard. Green Light Classrooms: Teaching Techniques That Accelerate Learning.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008. Print. After reading through this source, I think that this is going be really helpful in my paper for the future. Throughout the book, that author places much emphasis on the fact that there is a distinct difference in the way that teachers are teaching nowadays. The author defines them as "red light teachers" and "green light teachers." As you might assume, a red light teacher is described as a traditional teacher who believes in constant lecture throughout the class period, and slim to none classroom interaction. A green light teacher is of course the teacher who is always incorporating classroom interaction and activity throughout the class, and engages themselves with the students. I definitely agree with the authors argument that teachers need to start straying away from the traditional ways of simply just talking for an entire class and learn to incorporate different activities into their lesson plans in order to keep the students engaged and interested in the topics. I think that this source and my topic go directly hand in hand, because I also believe that classroom engagement is a crucial factor in keeping students interested in school and actually making the effort to learn. I think that this gives me a great foundation to go off of for my topic, because I can really relate and agree too much of the things this author has to offer on this topic. Despite the fact that the offer provides more information relating to elementary and middle school education, I know I will be able to use certain sections within the book to tie together with my college education focus. Berry, Barnett. Teaching 2030: What We Must Do for Our Students and Our Public Schools: Now and in the Future. New York: Teachers College Press, 2011. Print. This book was an interesting one to dive into to try and make connections with my topic to. For this book, the author is stressing more on how teachers need to prepare students for the future and how the ways that they choose to go about doing so can really make an impact on the students later on in life. There were several points made that the future of the students in todays world is going to be completely different than generations ago. This age in time is focused more on technology rather than farming and the popular things from back in the day that most kids would be going into after school. With technology being such a vital role in the future of the students of today, they are in desperate need for a more hands on and classroom discussion type setting in order to voice their opinions and questions versus simply being told how

something works and that be the end of it. I feel as if I will be able to take certain points and topics out of this book and tie it into my topic for my paper by showing that the learning styles our teachers choose to use now won't only effect us in the classroom itself, but also in the future going into other classes and even the real world. I definitely agree with the writer that the future starts in the hands of the teachers, and how they choose to teach us the things we need to know can greatly affect us. Burden, Paul R, and David M. Byrd. Methods for Effective Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. Print. For this book, it was definitely designed for a teacher who was very interested in changing or even developing their style of teaching. Each chapter just showed more and more ways that the teacher can become more involved with their classroom and students as well, and different activities that have been shown to be productive in grabbing the students attention and keeping them interested in the topics being taught. I feel as if this book might be the most useful for me for the fact that it is written for undergraduate courses, and seeing that college education is more of my focus rather than other grade levels, this fits perfectly. This book is literally a step-by-step guide for the teacher to prepare the perfect lesson plan and how to execute the lesson plan properly and to the most effective way. I can most definitely agree with the authors opinions on how to go about teaching a classroom and how to get the students involved with everything that is being taught to them. Something also that I really enjoyed seeing included in the book is that it points out specific things that a student should be efficient in, such as critical thinking, problem solving skills, etc. and the different ways that the teacher can go about teaching the students these things in an interactive and efficient manner. Cheung, Derek, and Edith Lai. "The Effects Of Classroom Teaching On Students' SelfEfficacy For Personal Development." British Journal Of Guidance & Counseling 41.2 (2013): 164-177. Education Research Complete. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. This article is based off of a study done in Hong Kong, China. The study took data from 16,208 students to figure out whether or not regular classroom teaching had a direct effect on students self-efficiency, and somehow had an indirect effect on the students ability to use learning strategies in the real world. This article tries to make a direct connection between the way that students are taught in school, and the way that they will develop personally in the real world. I think that this article is very interesting because I found it to be yet another way that I will be able to connect the teachers responsibilities to choosing the best teaching

method to teach their students for them to be successful not only in their classroom, but in their future when they enter the real world as well. For me, I do not think that people realize how much of an impact that teachers really do have on students overall. When you are younger, imagine how much time you spent in 1 st, 2nd, or 3rd grade with the same teacher every single day. The amount of time is probably more than you would have spent with your parents. Even though my focus is more in the college setting, this relationship will really help me make other connections as to how teachers teaching methods affect students not only inside the classroom, but outside as well.

The International College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal [Electronic Resource]. n.p.: 2005-<2009> : Mesa, AZ : College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal, 2005. UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHARLOTTE's Catalog. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. For this article, it was actually composed of a selection of different journals within it that were based on which field within the college it was. For example there were journals for business, engineering, English, education, etc. After reading through several different articles, they were all focusing on the different teaching methods in which professors had found most sufficient for their particular field. Of course, the teaching methods that work the best for math are going to be relatively different that the methods that work the best for an English or history class. In the article on English that I was reading about, the professor writing the journal actually states that she realizes that her teaching methods cannot always be used in different areas of studies. I feel as if reading these journals really opened my eyes to the fact that teachers arent oblivious to the fact that not all teaching methods can always work in every field of study. It is just important for them as teachers to find the methods that will work the best for not only them, but their students as well, and execute them to the best of their ability to fulfill their duties as a teacher and to help the students become successful in the course. I know that I am really going to be able to incorporate several pieces from numerous of the journals within this collection to incorporate the point that there is no one set method that can be used universally within all courses, they all require different methods of teaching, yet there are some methods that are more helpful than others.

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