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Lesson Plan 2: Literacy Identifying and Applying Nonfiction Text Features (60 minutes)

Essential Understanding
How the experience of sound enhances individual human existence, community, and global cultures.

Objectives SWBAT use parts of a nonfiction book to find information. SWBAT predict the information a nonfiction text will explain through its features. SWBAT identify, label, and explain the features of a nonfiction text. Standards CCSS ELA Grade 2 Reading Standard Info Text 2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. CCSS ELA Grade 2 Reading Standard Info Text 5: Know and use various text features (e.g. captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently. CCSS ELA Grade 2 Reading Standard Info Text 6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. CCSS ELA Grade 2 Reading Standard Info Text 7: Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text. Materials and Preparation Nonfiction genre study diagram, Ah Music! by Yiki, class model feature worksheet chart, 24 copies of feature worksheet and table of contents, directions prepared on the board, 8 groups of 3 students, 8 nonfiction texts for independent practice, pencils, timer, feature labels prepared on sentence strips Classroom Arrangement and Management Issues Students will be in their seats for the beginning part of the lesson following their return from lunch. Based on ability to function productively away from their desks those students will be invited to complete the independent practice on the carpet. This will also allow Students will begin the lesson with no materials so their focus is on the speaker and board. Then they will be given the worksheets only once they are needed. Students should not be writing until independent practice. For students who are distracting themselves or classmates they will have their desks turned (so they cannot fiddle with items inside it) or be moved to a seat on the periphery of the classroom. Positive behavior will also be rewarded through the class star chart. Share the group norm to work together but still complete your own work. Everyones paper must be completed. Also ask your question to your group before asking the teacher. Finally small voices so all the groups can work productively. Students teacher identifies as needing additional support will stay at the tables. This should help minimize off task behavior distracting the whole class during independent practice. The timer will be set with a 2-minute warning.

The Hook (5 minutes): 1. Review the genre study nonfiction text model we have completed in class before with a title, heading, and detail ideas. Have students share how they found each part within the nonfiction text. Where did you look for the title? Where did you look for the headings? How did you find the detail information? Could it be from any page? 2. Today we are going to continue looking at these features of nonfiction texts and add in other features. Emphasize that many students can recall what those features are so now we are moving forward to apply this knowledge to actual texts and how they help make the authors message clearer. The Body of the Lesson: Work and Explore (50 minutes): 1. Have students brainstorm the nonfiction text features they already know. Supply more if main features are not included (title, caption, diagram, heading, illustration, photograph, table of context, index, glossary). 2. Share the purpose of each feature in a nonfiction book. Does every nonfiction book have all these features? What features are included tell the reader about what type of information the text explains. Example: Photographs are often in biographies and diagrams are often in scientific books. 3. Distribute the Ah Music! Table of Contents. We in our readers we read a part of this story and now we examine the complete nonfiction text. What feature is this? What other feature does this tell the reader about? a. As a class discuss that there is more information we can learn about the book with just this page. For example what type of questions can we predict will be answered by the text? What do you think is the books main idea? 4. Distribute the Feature Worksheet to the class. Explain now that we are going to use Ah Music! to answer these questions as a model for what the students will do with a small group next. Read the directions. For guided practice go through the questions answering them as whole class on the class model worksheet prepared on chart paper. Emphasize some answers must be exact (example a page number) and others are more opinion (how a caption helps the reader understand the image). 4. Share groups and norms. Have students retell directions and write them on the board. What do you do if your book does not have the feature the question asks about? 4 groups can work on the carpet while others are gathered one per table. 5. Small groups then independently complete the feature worksheet with their supplied nonfiction book for about 25 minutes. Teacher circulates for additional support. Closure: (5 minutes): 1. Two groups are selected to share select answers from their work. Others student groups can ask these questions to the presenters or the teacher will lead. 2. Share that the next step in our music and sound project research is to make an All About text. Within groups students will each create a page for nonfiction book that includes many of the features we discussed today. This knowledge will be helpful to know what features to include helping the reader understand our information. Assessment of Objectives:

Assessment of students understanding of nonfiction text features to find information will be how they apply this knowledge to answer questions about the features themselves (e.g. what page does heading x start on?) and to answer the questions they predicted to find within the book. Then evidence of understanding from about what information is provided in the book from features will be assessed by the appropriateness and accuracy of the students prediction question answers. Finally, students identification, labeling, and explanations of the text features will be assessed from their performance on the feature worksheet. Considerations 1. Anticipating students responses and my possible responses a. Some students could become off-task during the lesson and the suggestion of moving the student or their desk were discussed in the classroom arrangement section. While the teacher is working with individual small groups other groups could become off task. Make sure that each group has a student who can help keep the group on task also to aid the teacher in management. b. Many students are familiar with nonfiction text features and will enjoy applying this knowledge. However students could struggle with the questions that ask them to explain their thinking or how the information is made clear through the features. During guided practice it will explained that there could many correct responses. Students need to focus on explaining themselves rather than the right answer. 2. Accommodations a. For the students who find the material challenging they can focus only on questions 1-7 on the feature worksheet. Select groups will be kept at the tables also for more support. b. For students who need an additional challenge they can complete the worksheet through the Bonus. There is no limit for how much research they want to complete in answering their prediction questions. If their original question cannot be answered then they need find a new question that can be.


Nonfiction Feature Worksheet

Name: ____________________________ Date: ___________________

Book Title: _______________________________________

a. First take a feature walk through the nonfiction text with your group members. As your group completes the feature walk answer the questions below by circling your response or filling in the blank. Every group member must complete his or her own page. b. Then once your group is done continue to the Bonus. Brainstorm questions that your book could answer and try to research (find out) their answers.

Feature Questions:
1. What is the title of the book? _____________________________________________________________

2. Does the book have a table of contents?



a. If yes, how many headings are included in the table of contents? ________________________________________________________

3. What are the names of two headings? What pages are they found on? a. Heading One: ________________________ Page Number(s): ________ b. Heading Two: ________________________ Page Number(s): ________

4. Go the page(s) for heading one (that you chose for Question #3). Count how many illustrations, photographs, and/or diagrams are found on the headings page(s) and record each number. a. Illustrations: ________________ b. Photographs: ________________

c. Diagrams: __________________ 5. Choose one caption from the same headings images. Record this caption and explain how the caption helps the reader better understand the image it describes. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6. Does the book have a glossary? Yes No

a. If yes, what is one word and its definition found in the glossary? __________________________________________________________ 7. Does the book have an index? Yes No

a. If yes, what is one word and its page number(s) found in the index? __________________________________________________________ 8. Select one page in the nonfiction text and label the different features (caption, diagram, heading, illustration, etc.) found on the page with the sticky notes provided. Be careful to only write on the sticky notes!

1. What is one question you think this book could answer? Question 1: ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2. Now use the text to research the answer to your question. Record the research facts you learned that answer or help to answer your question. Answer: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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