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Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan


Statement of Purpose Our classroom is a safe, positive environment where everyone feels that they can participate in a cooperative manner that promotes the learning and understanding of everyone.



Be in your seat by the time the bell rings, with all of your supplies for class.

When others are speaking, such as asking a question, you are respectful, and wait for them to finish

Only encourage other students in class.

Keep cell phones on silent and out of sight



Entering class

Sit in your seat and begin working on the warm-up on the board, which will be a review question from last class.

Restroom and Water Breaks

Wait until we are working on an assignment or another appropriate time so notes are not missed, raise your hand and wait for me to tell you, you can go. Sign out, and take the hall pass. Only one student at a time is allowed out.



Stay in your seat and wait until you are dismissed by me to pack up your belongings and leave.

Entering class tardy

Enter quietly and place the late slip on my desk. Take your seat and begin working on whatever the class may be. Wait for an appropriate time or after class to see me or a friend for what you may have missed.


Positive Consequences Free and Frequent Stickers on papers Praise Smiles Intermittent Prizes Students choosing own seat Classroom Participation Grade Strong and Long Term Classroom Participation Grade Types of review games End of term party


Negative Consequences Step 1 General reminder Step 2 Individual reminder Step 3 Second reminder Step 4 Phone call home Step 5 Detention Step 6 Office Referral


Behavior Crisis Plan Step 1 Identify one student to go to the office to inform them of a behavior crisis Step 2 Have students file into the hallway Step 3 Try and help the student regain self control if possible Step 4 Wait for an administrator to take the student away from the situation Step 5 Bring the students back into the classroom


Action Plan Toolkit What? How? When?

Create rules and procedures

Make lists of rules and procedures

Prior to start of school

Post rules and procedures

Create posters and display Rules Procedures Consequences Have copies for students

Prior to start of school

First day of school

Obtain students parents phone numbers, detention slips, office referral slips

Contact secretary in the office for materials

Prior to start of school

Teach the Plan to Students \ When?



Informing students of rules, procedures, and consequences

Set aside time to discuss all of these expectations and consequences Inform students of displays of rules, procedures and

First day of school

consequences on the wall

Disseminate the Plan What? How? When?

To colleagues and administrators

Meet with principal to discuss the plan Provide copies of the plan to anyone assisting in the class (Inclusion teachers, Interventionists, aides) Put a copy in the substitute folder

Prior to start of school

Informing parents of plan

Have copies of the behavior plan in the students syllabus and recommend that parents review it

Prior to start of school/first day of school

Review the plan




Reviewing and reminding students of plan

Discuss the rules and inform students what their classroom participation grades are

Every 3 weeks

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