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Vast research was done among several psychoanalysts and psychologists into human figure drawings.

The subject would be asked to draw a person, being given as little information as possible in order not to lead the subject in any particular way. The subject nevertheless would frequently ask the following kinds of questions and make several comments. Whom should I draw, should it be a stick person or the whole body? I don't know how to draw. I hope you don't show it to anyone, etc. When the subject does draw, he is actually revealing how he sees himself, as this is a picture of the self. The following is a list of personality traits and how they are identified in a sketch. For the highest degree of accuracy, the subject should draw two or more sketches. Identical drawings, especially those that deviate from the norm, are regarded as conclusive evidence that the subject possesses the trait. Affection deprivation/dependence/possible identification with mother: button on clothing over chest of figure; pockets. Aggression/ambition: more than five fingers. Aggression/criticality/masculinity: angular shaped body. Aggression/depersonalization fears: heavy thick lines in formation of body. Aggression/poorly adjusted: few curves, many sharp edges in formation of body. Aggressive content: daggers, guns, spears, etc. Aggressive/energetic: strong arms, male subject. Aggressive/expansive: large, same sex figure. Aggressive tendency/anti-social personality: heavy shading, figure clothed with toes exposed, gun. Aggressiveness: powerful hands, toes exposed, squared shoulders, weapons, welldefined teeth, and straight lines in formation of body. Aggressive use of sexual characteristics/coquettishness: emphasis on female sex characteristics (female subject). Ambition/drive: firm lines. Ambition for accomplishment or acquisition/overt aggression: long arms. Anti-social personality (psychopath): hands in pocket, heavy shading, and large figure. Anxiety/aggression: shading. Anxiety/depression: clouds. Anxiety/emotional dependence/feeling of discomfort and restriction: small figures. Anxiety/insecurity/repression/particularly with reference to area reinforced: reinforced lines. Anxiety over difficulty with interpersonal relations or masturbatory guilt/ overt aggression: hands shaded. Anxiety relative to sexual functions: shading in "private" area. Anxiety/restlessness, possible neurotic tendency, conflict area: erasures. Anxiety/uncertainty: short, sketchy strokes. Apprehensive, neurotics, catatonics and chronic schizophrenics: faint lines. Aspirations exceed opportunities/environment viewed as excessively constraining: figure too large for page. Assaultiveness: hair, eyes and arms reinforced; large fingers; foot emphasized; large legs and arms of male figure; stands with legs far apart. Assaultiveness/infantile aggression: fingers; no hands; arms and hands of male figure large. Assertiveness: straight-lined strokes in formation of body. Asthmatic tendency: long and thin lines; mouth omitted. Auditory eroticism: hand at "private" area; well-defined teeth. Auditory hallucinations/paranoid or schizoid/ear injury or hearing disability/sensitive to attitudes of others/passive homosexual conflict or tendency:

ear emphasized or enlarged. Awareness of physical impulses with effort to control them: excessively large neck.

O: Obsessive-compulsive: buttons inconspicuous (as on cuffs), shoelaces, wrinkles, other unnecessary detailing. Obsessive control of aggression: fingers with joints and nails carefully indicated. Obsessive element accompanying dependency: buttons on cuffs. Opposite sex regarded as smarter or as possessing greater social authority: head larger on opposite sex figure. Opposite sex viewed as punishing: arms heavy, shaded on opposite sex. Oral aggression/sadism: heavily lined mouth. Oral-aggressive: single-lined mouth. Oral-aggressive/sadistic/simple schizophrenic: teeth shown. Orality: open mouth. Organicity: head malformed. Overt aggression: long fingers. Overt aggression/paranoid: claw finger. Overt sexual aggression/sexual preoccupation: tie flying or swept out. P: Paranoia: eye, a dot with pressure (unenclosed); eye and ear emphasis; large grandiose figure. Paranoid trend: large eyes, staring. Parental figure of opposite sex rejecting: arms folded, short; arms omitted or short arms on opposite sex. Passive homosexual tendency: bullets, guns, knives, pencils, pens, spears, etc. masculine symbols: elongated anatomical area and pointed objects, e.g. bullets, guns, knives, pencils, pens, spears. Physical power/drive: broad shoulders.

Pre-occupation with masturbation: fly on trousers. Primitive aggression: nostrils. Primitive culture/schizophrenia/professional artists: unclothed, especially male. Primitive oral eroticism: several pockets (male figure, male subject) straw, toothpick between lips. Primitive sexual behavior: hat, transparent. Problem with control of anger: collar tight. Psychopathology of incipient kind: extreme discontinuity in drawing (as head, then feet, shoulders, then legs, etc.) Psychotic potential: profuse, smudgy shading. Psychotic tendency: body distortions. R: Reality contact (adequate)/absence of thought disorder: normal succession in drawing. Rebellion against sexual mores: unclothed figure. Regression: infrequent erasure, buttons plus hat; hat, no clothes; hat plus buttons; hair on female, not on male; incomplete trunk. Repressed aggression: fists clenched or closed (overt aggression is expressed by fists, which are clenched or closed that are away from the body). Repressed aggression/withdrawal: fingers articulated carefully and cut off by line. Responsive/uninhibited: rhythmic stroking. S: Satisfaction (genuine) in sexual role: average emphasis on female characteristics, female subject, and neither over-nor under emphasized. Schizoid: feet and hands dim or omitted, tight stance, eyes closed, and hair on jaw. Schizoid or schizophrenia/somatic pre-occupation: joint emphasis. Schizophrenia: unessential details emphasized, tiny primitive features, bizarre details. Schizophrenia and/or somatic delusions: internal organs shown.

Schizophrenic: bizarre features, confusion of full face and profile, ear emphasis, emphasis on joints, failure to recognize grotesqueness of drawings, giraffe neck, gross disproportions, internal organs shown, omission of arms, primitive features with tiny features, unessential detail emphasized, very faint lines. (Pre-) Schizophrenic possibility: off-balanced figure. Scolding maternal figure possible: mouth omitted on female subject. Self-absorption/voyeuristic tendency: small eye. Self-conscious/shy: dim face. Self-indulgence/uninhibited impulse expression: short, thick neck. Self-portrait: type of person drawn. Sex consciousness: heavy line for waist. Sex problems (involutional) sexual fantasies/sexual preoccupation: lower body area of female visible through transparent skirt (male subject). Sexual conflict: belt emphasized, break in hip line, waistline emphasized, wide shoulders on female (male subject). Sexual experiences extensive, up to promiscuity/unsatisfying erotic experience: female characteristics over-stressed (female subject). Sexual immorality: hair mussed. Sexual inadequacy: handkerchief in coat pocket emphasized, rounded curves, small tie, and male subject. Sexual inadequacy and pre-occupation: masculine foot. Sexual pre-occupation: trunk not closed at bottom. Sexual pre-occupation; virility striving: cigarette, pipe. Sexual role conflict: opposite sex drawn first, arms and legs distortion or reinforcement, masculine legs on female figure, reluctance or refusal to draw figure of opposite sex. Social anxiety with need for contact: head profile with full-faced body. Sophisticated oral eroticism: cigarette or pipe between lips. T:

Tension: arms close to body, fluctuating line, unbalanced stance. U: Unsatisfying social status: clothes ill fitting. Unstable emotional control: waistline bound tightly. V: Virility striving: hair area significant. Voyeurism: clothing transparent, unclothed figure (body visible). Voyeuristic tendency with guilt: large eyes, no pupil. W: Withdrawal tendency: face turned toward page so that back of head shows. PS. The subject may be asked to draw a member of a minority group; this reveals attitudes not only to the minority group, but also the subject's projected negative attitudes toward self. H Homoerotic conflict: hands extended behind back in private area. Homoerotic tendency: high heels on male, male subject. Homosexuality: eyes and lashes large. Homosexuality/sexual identification conflict/strong attachment to or dependency upon parent of opposite sex: drawing opposite sex first. Hostility: jagged lines. Hostility toward women, expressed overtly: witches. Hysteric tendency: fading lines in formation of body. Hysterical/problem in control of anger or of primitive drives/schizoid tendency: long neck. I Identification with parent of same sex: older figure than subject.

Immaturity/lack of impulse control/regression: omission of neck. Immaturity/masturbatory fixation: yo-yo. Impotence/virility wish: long nose. Impotency/involutional resistance to sexual decline/virility striving: cane. Improved prognosis for successful treatment of obesity: obese subject who draws slim figure. Impulsive behavior: short strokes. Impulsive/unstable: fluctuating pressure. Inadequacy with compensatory fantasy: overemphasized features. Inadequate virility: sparse, unpressured hair. Indecision/self-dissatisfaction: excessive erasures. Infantile or repressed sex drives, sensuality or sensual needs: hair emphasis. Infantile social behavior: childlike features Inhibition/lack of drive: figures seated. Inhibition/repression: long, thin neck. Insecurity: ground line, facial expression placating. Introversion/isolation: right-to-left strokes. Involutional impotency: foot of male emphasized. Involutional melancholia/sexual impotency: large nose. J Judgment (poor): head and legs, profile, full-faced trunk. L Lack of achievement: thin, weak arms. Lack of ambition: short arms.

Lack of closeness in family situation: figures far apart when drawing family, compartmentalization. Lack of confidence in productivity or social contact: dim hands; apologetic of drawing. M Manic-schizophrenic/somatic delusions: organs shown (internal anatomy). Masculine assertion or need for it: strong nose. Masculine striving/sexual inadequacy: tie. Masculine striving/sexual role confusion: Adam's apple. Masculine tendency: angular or squared trunk. Masturbation guilt: finger omitted or over-extended. Maternal dependence/somatic pre-occupation: button in midline. Maternal figure: skirt ankle length on female (male subject). Maternal figure regarded as rejecting, unloving, and unsupportive: hands omitted on female figure. Maternal figure unnurturing: small chest. Maternal (protective) figure wished for: long arms; hands; prominent female figure (male subject). Mental retardation: confusion of full face and profile (profile of forehead and nose, full face, eyes and mouth). N Narcissism/possible homosexual tendency: hair given much attention. Need for affection/nurturing warmth: sun added when asked to draw person. Need for autonomy: long and powerful arms and long legs. Need for defensive intellectual control: neck emphasis. Need for emotional security and warmth: fireplace (alight) before figure. Need for greater status and recognition than subject feels he possesses: uniform of cowboy or soldier on male figure of male subject.

Need for support or help: fence to lean on, ground line. This concludes list H-N. E Effeminacy: ankles, feet and wrists small; arms and legs tapering; curved lines on body of male; full lips on male; high heeled shoes; lashes (male figure). Effeminacy/homo-erotic tendency/homosexual tendency: lashes on male. Effeminacy/insecurity: feet small, male subject. Effeminate/narcissistic/submissive: emphasis on circles in depicting body. Egocentric/hysteria/immaturity/repression: eye as a circle (no pupil). Egocentric/immature/over concern of material criteria for social status: clothing carefully rendered. Egocentric/schizoid: body emphasis (under clothed). Egotism/narcissism: doodling of subject's name. Emotional control (rigid): stiff posture. Emotional exhaustion/lack of drive/low energy: reclined or seated same sex figure. Emotional fixation or wish to return to youth/immaturity: younger figure than subject. Emphasis on possession and social prestige: clothing elaboration, grooming. Need for social approval and dominance: over clothed. Evasion/guilt/lack of confidence/possible psychopath: hands behind back or in pockets. Evasion of body problems: peanut man, snowman, and stick man. Evasion of problems/reluctance to reveal self: resistance to drawing figures. Evasiveness: figure of profile. Exhibitionism/sexual preoccupation: earrings. Exhibitionistic tendency/social accessibility/social communications/ social dependency: full-faced figure.

Expectation of aggression from environment or impaired self-esteem possible (may symbolize psychic trauma): facial scars on same sex figure. Externalized aggression: hands emphasized, bushy eyebrows. Externalized aggression/paranoia: eye emphasized. Extroversion/need for support: left-to-right strokes. F Fantasy relative to "femininity": hat crease. Feeling of body disorganization/maternal dependence/psychosexual immaturity/schizoid/schizophrenic: joint and knuckle emphasis. Feeling of decline associated with advancing age (shaded legs may be homosexual tendency): full body with shaded or thin legs. Feeling of emasculation/anxiety or masculine inadequacy: area depicted as broken, cut, damaged or otherwise impaired. Feelings of inadequacy or rejection/internalized hostility/self-contempt: cartoon figure, clown. Feelings of inadequacy: small same sex figure, tiny drawing. Feelings of masculine insufficiency: shoulders or other masculine details exaggerated. Felt lack of masculinity and virility: hair white on male figure. Felt lack of status/low self-esteem: disheveled, unkempt figure. Felt lack of virility: balding male figure. Felt subjection to strong environmental pressure or stress, with fear of psychosis: strong wind in scene of human figure drawing. Female protest/feminine role rejection: drawing male first, female subject. Female regarded as sexually rejecting: hand of female figure in pelvic area, male subject. Feminine identification: emphasis on left side of figure. Feminine identification dealt with by narcissism and obsessive-compulsive mechanism: hair parted in middle, head split.

Feminine identification with dominant mother: chest emphasis, female subject. Feminine trait: rounded trunk. Femininity: rounded lines in formation of body. Forced amiability/inappropriate affection: clown-like mouth. G Guilt, strong wish to be castrated: armless figure of male, male subject. Guilt (as theft or masturbation): shaded figures. Guilt/depression/schizophrenia/withdrawal: arms omitted. This concludes list E-G B Body narcissism/egocentricity/immaturity: same sex figure unclothed and carefully rendered. Breaks in judgment/voyeurism (depending on area): transparencies. C Castration fears or wishes: nose cut off (castration may be projected on opposite sex where nose is shaded). Change against spontaneous reaction to situation as symbolized by detail first depicted: change of detail in drawing. Character disorder such as anti-social personality or psychosis: deviant drawing with little evidence of anxiety. Chest fixation/voyeuristic tendency: V-neckline on male, female subject. Compensation for difficulty with interpersonal relations or masturbatory guilt: hands exaggerated. Compensation for felt inadequacy: massive shoulders on male (male subject). Compensation for felt weakness/guilt: large hands. Compensation for felt weakness/indecision: chin exaggerated.

Compensation for inadequacy/indecision/fear of responsibility: chin emphasized. Compensatory fantasy aggrandizement: drawing that fills the page. Compliance/feeling of domination by others: puppet. Compulsive body image problem as in early schizophrenia: joints, fingers, and fingernails, carefully depicted. Compulsive/dependent/indecisive: elbows and joints stressed. Conception of self as dependent/helpless/insignificant: arms dangling at the sides, entreating facial expression, tiny same sex figure. Concern about sufficiency of intellect (brain damage, retardation)/ pride over intellect/intellectual aspirations (with possible grandiosity)/introspective of fantasy/preoccupied/somatic head symptoms: head enlarged. Conflict area: break in line, erasures, omissions, reinforcement, and shading. Conflict over interpersonal relations/possible thought disorder: head drawn last. Conflict relative to specific part of body: distortion of the particular part. Constricted erotic response/limited heterosexual experience/somatic sexual dysfunction: female characteristics under emphasized, female subject. Constricted/pedantic: minute detailing. Constriction/defensiveness/lack of assertion: rigid posture. Contemptuous attitude/tendency to think in terms of derisive social stereotypes: broad, flared or hooked nose. Coquettishness/seductiveness/self-display: long lashes. Decisive: uninterrupted straight lines. Dejection/feeling of guilt/lack of vitality: shoulders drooping. Denial or repression of physical drives/immaturity/regression: lower section of body omitted. Dependence on maternal figure: maternal figure rather than female sex object (male subject), male receiving something of value from female; torso of female upper half-emphasized (male subject).

Dependency: chest emphasis, buckles, buttons, concave mouth, mid-line emphasis, navel, pockets. Dependency/desire for affection: overextended reaching arms. Dependency/feminine tendency/lack of assertion/emotional: circular strokes in formation of the body. Dependency/helplessness: fewer than five fingers. Dependency/immaturity/inadequacy and maternal dependence: buckle. Dependency/nutritional needs: long, weak arms. Dependent/oral-erotic: mouth markedly full, open or oval. Dependent/psychopath: pocket emphasis. Depersonalization/feeling of being controlled by outside forces: robot for male figure (male subject). Depressed/inadequate/withdrawn/schizophrenic: very faint line. Depressed state: acceptance of task to draw sketch with minimum protest, good initial performance, followed by obvious fatigue and discontinuance of task. Depression: narrow neck. Depression/discouragement: feet and legs drawn first. Desire to be woman/feminine identification: back of male figure to observer, male subject. Desire to escape from situation/fear/loneliness/mistrust: sitting on edge of chair. Difficulty in social contact/fear of aggressive impulses/passivity as defense against aggressive impulses: arms pressed to sides. Difficulty with interpersonal relations/masturbatory guilt: hands hidden. Discouragement/withdrawal: feet omitted. Disdain/refinement: trim eyebrows. Dissatisfaction with self: disguise (clown, etc.) Doubts about virility with compensatory virility striving/sexual inadequacy: beard,

mustache, other facial hair (male subject-when the majority of the subject's acquaintances do not possess as such).

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