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Exhibits professional behaviour 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Professional appearance (attire, behaviour, overall conduct) Identifies correct patient Student introduces him/ herself to the patient Explains the procedure to the patient Obtains informed consent from patient Positions patient in trendelenburg or left lateral recumbent Wears plastic apron Protects bed linen with rubber sheet Places bucket on floor


10. Places distal end of rubber sheet in bucket 11. Estimates length of insertion (measure distance from bridge of nose to earlobe and earlobe to xiphoid) 12. Notes distance mark on tube 13. Washes hands and don gloves Passes tube 14. Dilutes activated charcoal 15. Lubricates distal tip of the tube 16. Alerts patient 17. Places mouthpiece in position 18. Advances until it reaches posterior oropharynx 19. Flexes the patients head 20. Encourages the patient to swallow 21. Advances tube until determined distance mark (does not force tube) 22. Verifies proper tube placement 23. Aspirates gastric contents 24. Sends initial sample to laboratory Instils irrigation solution 25. Injects 150ml sterile water into tube 26. Waits a few seconds before aspirating 27. Squirts contents into bucket 28. Repeats until aspirate is clear 29. Keeps a running tally of fluid input and output Instils activated charcoal 30. Injects activated charcoal (mention) 31. Injects enough air Removes orogastric tube 32. Kinks the tube before removal 33. Removes the mouthpiece 34. Places the patient in lateral position 35. Observes the patient for vomiting

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