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Frank Shallenberger’s

Vol. 7, No. 12 December 2008

Are These Popular Drugs

Contributing to Cancer?
If you think your family history of can- you can control your lifestyle.
cer is your biggest risk factor in getting this And poor lifestyle choices have caused a
terrible disease, think again. Only 30% of rare cancer to become one of the fastest
cancer cases are due to genetics. It’s the growing cancers in the U.S. In the last 30
other 70% you should worry about. That’s years alone, the chance of getting this cancer
because these are the result of lifestyle has increased fivefold. According to Dr. Scott
issues. And, believe it or not, that’s good Swanson, chief of thoracic surgery at Mount
news. While you can’t control your genetics, Sinai School of Medicine in New York,
“There may be only 14,000 cases now, but if
In this Issue you keep up that rate of rise, it’s going to
pass them all. If it continues, we’re going to
Q If you have heartburn, it be dealing with a real epidemic.”
greatly increases your risk of But that’s not the worst of it. It looks
this cancer .................................. p. 1
like the cause of this form of cancer is a com-
Q Simple and inexpensive way bination of extremely common symptoms,
to stop snoring now .................... p. 4 along with the drugs that are used to sup-
press the symptom.
Q If you have joint pain, it’s a
clear sign of arthritis, right? The cancer I’m talking about is
Well, maybe not .......................... p. 7 esophageal cancer.
Q Is this mineral deficiency a The symptom that causes it is good old
cause of Restless Leg Syndrome? heartburn. The estimates are that 60 million
Here’s how to know .................... p. 8 people have heartburn occasionally. And over
15 million people have it on a regular basis.
Coming Next Month
And the drugs used to treat it are those
• If you have shoulder pain and your that suppress stomach acid production.
doctor tells you surgery is necessary, Common examples are Pepcid, Zantac,
don’t go under the knife until you try Tagamet, Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium.
this amazing procedure first.
Prescriptions for these drugs and their
• What to do when your doctor says you or cousins nearly doubled from 50 million in
a loved one has Alzheimer’s. Following 1999 to more than 93 million in 2004!
these simple recommendations could
save your memory. Why are these drugs being used by more
and more people? Because of bad lifestyle
habits. The kinds of habits that are causing Tom came to me two weeks after he
the dramatic increase in esophageal cancer. heard the news and said, “My brother was
just diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and
No Need to Worry — It’s I’m worried that I may get it too. I have
Preventable heartburn just like he did, and I’m also tak-
ing the same medication he took.”
Now I don’t want you to worry too
much over this. If you have heartburn, even I told Tom that I thought he had a very
if you take medications for it, it is not auto- real concern, and I started to tell him how
matic that you will get esophageal cancer. to cure it when he interrupted me. “Doctor
However, you will greatly increase your risk. Shallenberger, how do you know that I don’t
It works like this. already have esophageal cancer? My broth-
er’s wasn’t discovered until it had already
About 12% of patients with persistent spread all over his body.” I thought about it
heartburn (called GERD) will develop a for a second. Tom had a very good question.
more severe form of the disease called So I told him that I would send him to a
Barrett’s esophagus. The problem here is gastroenterologist for a gastroscopy. If he
that other than putting a tube with a cam- had cancer, I assured him that the doctor
era down your throat (called gastroscopy, would see it with that procedure. I saw Tom
which costs about $1,000) there is no way to again one week after his gastroscopy, and
know who has Barrett’s and who has simple when I read the report, I was amazed at
heartburn. And the distinction is important. how lucky he was.
Once heartburn turns into Barrett’s, The report indicated that as the camera
the risk for esophageal cancer increases by came close to the stomach, the esophagus
40 times. That translates into one in every became eroded, thickened, and inflamed. In
20 patients with Barrett’s getting esophageal fact, it looked enough like cancer that the
cancer. That’s a substantial risk for a very doctor took a biopsy of it. Fortunately, the
serious disease. So instead of worrying about biopsy was negative for cancer. But it did
getting esophageal cancer, why not just get show that Tom had advanced Barrett’s dis-
rid of your heartburn/GERD? It’s easy. And ease. Furthermore, his esophageal cells had
if you are on heartburn medication, there’s already developed precancerous changes. It
an additional bonus. You can save that $2-$4 was only a matter of time before these cells
a day that you’re currently spending on would have become cancerous.
medication, because you will no longer need
it. So now, let me tell you about Tom. Tom’s intuition was right on target.
Had he not become worried after his broth-
Tom’s story er was diagnosed, he would have ended up
with cancer for sure. And now that he was
Tom is a good looking 52-year-old man. aware of his precarious condition, he was
He is and has always been in excellent shape. fully motivated to do something about it.
He exercises regularly. If you saw him, you Here’s what we did. And here’s what you
would surely think, “This is one healthy guy.” can do to clear up your heartburn/GERD
And, in fact, he was healthy except for one before it gets too serious.
not-so-minor problem. Tom had heartburn.
But Tom never thought much about A Real Cure for Heartburn
it because his doctor had prescribed Whenever I’m on the hunt for a real
Prilosec for the last eight years. As long cure for any disease, the first thing I do is
as he took his medication, he had no symp- determine what caused the disease. The
toms. Out of sight — out of mind. And most common dietary causes of heartburn/
then one day his brother changed all of GERD and Barrett’s are the excessive use of
that. His brother was diagnosed last year coffee, alcohol, aspirin and other painkillers
with esophageal cancer.

(such as NSAIDs), and carbonated bever- gastroenterologists. The test requires you to
ages (including soda water). The most swallow a capsule, which contains circuitry
common lifestyle causes are weight gain, that can measure the presence of stomach
eating too fast, eating less than three hours acid. The capsule also contains a small radio
before sleep, and stress. Tom had almost all transmitter. So as it determines how much
of these factors going on in his life. stomach acid is present, it transmits the
But that’s not all. There is one cause information back to the receiver. The cap-
that almost every doctor misses — poor sule is eliminated from the body in a normal
digestion. bowel movement. It’s as simple as that. It
doesn’t leave any chemicals in the body. And
The poor digestion comes in two fla- it doesn’t have any side effects.
vors. One is an under production of stomach
acid. The other is an under production of So how does hypochlorhydria cause
pancreatic enzymes. And the two are often heartburn/GERD? In two ways. First, as I
tied together. Pancreas enzymes are secreted mentioned above, it allows the growth of
in response to stomach acid production. So bacteria, fungi, yeast, and mold in the stom-
when there’s an underproduction of stomach ach and the upper intestines.
acid, there’s a decreased release of pancreat- The other way hypochlorhydria causes
ic digestive enzymes. They go hand in hand. heartburn is by poor digestion. And an insuf-
Stomach acid is important for diges- ficient level of stomach acid can dramatical-
tion, but it also serves another critical pur- ly reduce your digestive capacity. You need
pose. It protects us from infections. Every stomach acid to start the digestive process
time we eat something, there’s always some and cause the release of pancreatic enzymes,
bacteria, fungi, yeast, and, mold on the food. which are so crucial for digestion. To the
This is true no matter how sanitary the degree that the food you eat isn’t fully
cooking methods are. There’s no need to get digested and absorbed into your system, it
concerned about it, however, because God will just sit in your stomach and upper
took care of all that when He made your intestines and ferment.
body to produce plenty of stomach acid. But poor digestion is not enough to
When you eat these infectious organisms, it cause esophageal cancer all by itself. So
exposes them to stomach acid, where they what is the cause? The biggest reason why
are killed, and it protects you from infection. patients with heartburn/GERD get
That is, unless you don’t have sufficient esophageal cancer is the drugs they use to
stomach acid to do the job. In that case, you treat the heartburn symptoms.
will develop infections in your stomach and The Drugs Are the Problem
upper digestive tract. And these infections
are a major cause of heartburn/GERD. The When most people have heartburn/
most common infection is from a yeast GERD, the first thing they reach for is an
organism called candida albicans. I’ll talk antacid or a drug that decreases stomach
more about Candida in a little bit. acid production. But, as you’ve already seen,
most cases of heartburn/GERD are not
Hypochlorhydria — A Major caused by too much stomach acid, but too
Cause of Heartburn little. So in the great majority of cases, tak-
ing a drug that reduces stomach acid just
The term that doctors typically use to
makes the problem worse.
describe an under production of stomach
acid is hypochlorhydria. But I have told you only half the story
so far. These drugs lead to an even worse
Your doctor can diagnose hypochlorhy-
scenario. One that is directly associated
dria using a very easy testing procedure
with esophageal cancer. They lead to bile
called tubeless gastric analysis. We use the
reflux. Bile reflux, particularly the reflux of
test at my clinic all the time. So do many

Stop Snoring Now! increased effort will allow the body to get
enough oxygen.
Last month, I told you about an inexpen- In this case the only problem will be the
sive, safe, and easy way to treat all three kinds snoring sound that occurs as the air struggles to
of sleep apnea — obstructive, central, and the get past the obstruction. OSA is more serious.
mixed type. It simply involves breathing oxygen OSA is what happens when the obstruction can-
through a nasal cannula during sleep. And not be overcome by simply breathing harder.
that’s all that’s needed for the majority of
In the case of OSA, the airflow that’s
patients with apnea. But sometimes, especially
needed to overcome the obstruction is so great
in cases of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it’s that it’s like trying to drink through a straw
not enough. That’s when using a simple dental that’s stuck in ice-cream; the harder you suck,
splint can make all the difference. the flatter the straw becomes, and the worse
Dental splints are so effective that about the blockage becomes. And the worse the block-
30% of all OSA can be completely eliminated age is, the less oxygen gets to the brain. At some
by using one, without any oxygen at all. But in point, this becomes so severe that the body liter-
order for you to understand how these devices ally stops breathing. At that point, of course,
work, you need to know what causes snoring your brain is getting no oxygen at all!
and OSA. Dental splints work by preventing or limit-
Both snoring and OSA are caused by the ing the ability of the tongue and soft palate to
same thing — a blockage in the airway. The fall back and cause the obstruction. Often only
blockage occurs when the tongue and soft palate a small decrease in the level of obstruction is all
fall back in the throat when you lay down to that’s needed to stop OSA. It’s a simple, easy,
sleep. The problem is especially bad when you and inexpensive solution. And it really works.
sleep on your back. To compensate for the When I first learned about dental splints, I
blockage, the body will automatically increase began sending my patients to a dentist in Los
strength of the breathing effort. And, to some Angeles who specialized in custom splints for
extent, if the blockage is not too bad, this this purpose. That was until I learned that they

unconjugated bile acids, is when bile acids, unconjugated bile acids in the stomach. And
specifically what are known as unconjugated they increased it a lot — a full 1,200%!
bile acids, reflux from the small intestine up Another study published just four
into the esophagus. Bile reflux is now years ago also shows how bad this problem
known to be one of the major causes of of bile reflux is. This one came out of the
esophageal cancer. And a study published in School of Medicine at the University of
the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Leeds in Leeds, England. In this study, the
explains how antacids cause bile reflux. researchers found that 48% of the patients
The doctors looked at 30 patients who studied who were taking drugs to reduce
had GERD. Just like Tom, all of them had stomach acid had bile reflux!
been taking the drug Prilosec for the symp- This is a remarkable finding, and one
toms. But unlike Tom, who had been taking that the drug reps are not going to tell their
the drug for years, they had been taking it doctors. You are also not going to see this
for only three months. The researchers per- information on any of the thousands of TV
formed a gastroscopy on all of these commercials that appear every day encour-
patients. Not surprisingly, they found that aging you to take these drugs for your
one-third of them had a dramatic increase in heartburn symptoms.
the presence of bacterial overgrowth. These
bacteria acted to increase the amount of So the bad news is that taking drugs to
reduce stomach acid production is one of the

l Pearls
were charging $2,000-$3,000 for the fitting. Anita was very happy. She was no longer snor-
Somehow, I thought, that can’t be right. So I ing, and her OSA was a thing of the past. Her
began to look into the matter myself. I eventual- overnight oximetry sleep study was completely
ly discovered a company called Distar. Distar normal. So now, as long as she has her dental
markets an FDA-approved dental splint called splint and her oxygen, she is completely free of
the TheraSnore. sleep apnea. And she obtained this great result
The TheraSnore appliance is the world’s without surgery and without C-PAP.
leading anti-snoring dental splint. It was invent- Since Anita, I have had several other
ed right here in the U.S. by Dr. Thomas Meade. equally satisfying cases using this splint to treat
And more than one million people have used one OSA. And, so far, I have not had any failures.
to date. It’s one of the least expensive and most The manufacturers say that their research
successful medical treatments for simple snoring, shows that the splint is 93% effective in treating
and for OSA. And, best of all, you don’t need to mild to moderate cases of snoring.
be a dentist, have dental equipment, or visit a It takes me about an hour to custom fit the
dentist to custom fit and adjust this splint. splint. And here’s the really good news — the
In last month’s issue you learned all about total charge is only $500. In many cases, this
Anita. Anita (not her real name) is a patient of cost is reimbursed by insurance.
mine who had severe mixed apnea — a blend of So if you have OSA, and your doctor told
central sleep apnea combined with OSA. When I you that you need either surgery or C-PAP,
put her on oxygen by nasal cannula every night, remember this: Surgery usually doesn’t work
she improved dramatically. But she was still and is loaded with side effects; and C-PAP is
having some problems with the obstructive com- expensive, inconvenient, and cumbersome. Try
ponent of her apnea. She was the first one I ever the splint and/or oxygen by nasal cannula first,
fitted for a TheraSnore dental splint. The and only try these other modalities if you
results were great. absolutely have to. To get a list of doctors and
After several sessions of adjustments and dentists using the TheraSnore splint, just go the
re-fitting (remember this was my first one!), Distar website (

causes of esophageal cancer. And this helps cause of heartburn. Many people use these
to explain why the incidence of this terrible anti-inflammatory drugs to treat various
cancer is growing at such an alarming rate. aches and pains, including arthritis. Examples
But there is some good news to report. are Advil, ibuprofen, Aleve, Mobic, Motrin,
In the same study, the researchers also Naprosyn, and Celebrex.
looked at 10 patients who had been on Another class of medications that cause
Prilosec, but who had stopped it for only ten heartburn is the bisphosphonates. These are
days. Happily enough, they found that the the drugs that are used as a treatment for
bile acid problem had disappeared in all but osteoporosis. Common examples are Fosamax
one of them. So, if you are taking these and Actonel.
drugs, it’s good to know that once you stop The last group of drugs that can
them, you can normalize your bile reflux in cause heartburn is antibiotics. Even just one
a short period of time. course of antibiotics can result in an over-
Other Drugs That Cause growth of a yeast called candida albicans.
Candida is a fermenting organism. It is by
Heartburn/GERD far the most common infection that causes
I mentioned them in the beginning of heartburn and GERD. I’ve seen many cases
this article, but it is good to say it again. The of chronic heart- burn that started after a
class of drugs called NSAIDs is a known course of antibiotics.

Curing Your Heartburn Naturally extract; and one ounce of aloe juice four
times a day. Also, take two pancreatic
To cure heartburn and avoid enzyme capsules before each meal.
esophageal cancer, there are five things you
(5) After one week, the heartburn
have to do. This program is a total cure. It
symptoms will be so minor that it will be
will completely eliminate heartburn/GERD:
possible to stop the stomach acid medications.
(1) Eliminate candida. To do this you Two weeks later, stomach acid production
need to stop eating all carbohydrates for two will have returned to normal. At that point,
weeks. This means limiting your diet to only ask your doctor to test for hypochlorhydria
vegetables that grow above ground, meats, with tubeless gastric analysis. You can
and cheese. Nothing else! After two weeks find a list of doctors who do this test at
you can start eating carbohydrates again, If you have an insuffi-
but continue to avoid sugar and fruit for an cient amount of stomach acid, start taking
additional four weeks. At the same time, one to two stomach acid tablets at the
take an anti-yeast medication called nys- end of each meal. Don’t be surprised if the
tatin. You have to get this by prescription test says you need HCl. Most people will
from your doctor. Get one hundred 500,000 need it.
unit tablets, and take one tablet, four times
a day until they are gone. Also, take a So What about Tom?
strong probiotic twice a day. I get great
results from Pro Bio Gold made by Kirkman Using this plan, Tom was off the
Labs ( Advanced Prilosec he had been using for the past
Bionutritionals also has an excellent product eight years in just one week. Just for fun I
(800-728-2288). I prescribe four capsules added it up, and the cost for those eight
twice a day for six weeks. Another impor- years came out to $8,640. A week later, we
tant probiotic is saccharomycin bullardi. tested him with tubeless gastric analysis.
You can get this at the health food store. Sure enough, he had hypochlorhydria.
Take 250 mg two times a day for six weeks. Ironically enough, all those years that he
This simple program will completely elimi- had been taking medication to cut down
nate candida from 98% of people. stomach acid production, his symptoms
were actually being caused by a deficiency
(2) Eliminate all alcohol, coffee, tea, of stomach acid!
caffeine, NSAIDs, and carbonated drinks
including carbonated water. Three months later, we sent him back
to the gastroenterologist for another gas-
(3) Eat slowly, and avoid eating for troscopy. This time the results were
three hours before you go to bed. markedly different. There were no signs of
(4) Take the following supplements: Barrett’s esophagitis anymore, and the biop-
Cease Fire wafer ( — one sy no longer showed precancerous changes.
tablet daily; 20 drops of cabbage juice Tom’s body was busy going about doing the
business of curing itself.
Real Cures (ISSN 1062-4163) is published monthly by As he got better, we gradually began to
Soundview Publishing, LLC. Publisher: Wallis W. Wood;
Editor: Frank Shallenberger, MD. Subscriptions $49 per
decrease the amount of supplements he was
year; foreign addresses add $13 U.S. per year. Send new taking, and we started to loosen up a little
subscriptions or changes of address to our Business Office: bit on his diet. When the six-month interval
P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051, 800-728-2288 or
770-399-5617. Real Cures is a newsletter containing gen- finally arrived just a few weeks ago, he was
eral comments on health, nutrition, and medicine. Readers back to a normal healthy lifestyle. He could
are advised to consult with their own physician before
implementing any health idea they read about, whether have some coffee, sweets, and alcohol, but
here or in any other publication. Copyright © 2008 by moderation was the word of the day. A repeat
Soundview Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its con- gastroscopy showed that his esophagus had
tents by xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal. completely healed, and there was no evidence

at all of either heartburn or GERD. Q Song, S., S. Guha, et al. “COX-2 induction by unconjugated bile
acids involves reactive oxygen species-mediated signaling path-
REFS: ways in Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcino- ma.” Gut 2007;56:1512-1521.
e_Hidden_Dangers_of_Heartburn_10_OCT_2005.pdf Theisen, J., D. Nehra, et al. “Suppression of gastric acid secre-
Sarela, A.I., D.G. Hick, et al. “Persistent Acid and Bile Reflux in tion in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease results in
Asymptomatic Patients With Barrett Esophagus Receiving gastric bacterial overgrowth and deconjugation of bile acids.” J
Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy.” Arch Surg., 2004;139:547-551. Gastrointest Surg. 2000 January-February;4(1):50-4.

When Joint Pain Isn’t Arthritis

What if you found out that your joint than three in either test suggests fluoride
pains are not osteoarthritis, as your doctor poisoning.
insists? What if the cause is excessive levels A simple blood level for fluoride can
of a very common mineral? Believe it or not, also work. If you have a persistent elevation
there’s a condition that can perfectly mimic of serum fluoride above 0.04 mg/L (normal
the pain and swelling of osteoarthritis. In is less than 0.01 mg/L), you have fluoride
fact, it can even look just like osteoarthritis poisoning.
on X-ray films. But this condition is com-
pletely different from osteoarthritis. Finally, since urine can concentrate flu-
oride up to 50 times more than blood, urine
I’m talking about skeletal fluorosis. As testing is another way. With this test, a fluo-
the name indicates, the cause of skeletal flu- ride level over 8 mg/L in a 24-hour collec-
orosis is excessive fluoride. The mineral tion indicates fluoride poisoning.
your dentist claims will save your teeth and
bones. While it won’t save your bones, it can If your fluoride levels are high, there
kill you. Most people don’t realize fluoride is are two things you can do. First, avoid all
a poison. As little as five grams of sodium sources of fluoride. This includes typical tap
fluoride will kill an adult. Smaller doses, water and most toothpaste. Use a natural
such as those from toothpaste use and toothpaste from a health food store that
drinking water, can cause severe joint pain doesn’t have fluoride. And use a reverse
and many other problems. osmosis filter for all your water, especially
drinking, cooking, and bathing water. Your
This condition is extremely common, body will eventually excrete all the fluoride.
but doctors rarely diagnose it. That’s largely
because they never think to look for it. They Second, it’s possible taking iodine will
usually think of arthritis or some other con- hasten your body’s removal. So consider
dition (such as ankylosing spondylitis; renal taking an iodine supplement, such as Iodoral.
osteodystrophy; osteopetrosis; and Diffuse These are available on the Internet. Q
Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis) long REFS: A K Susheela, T K Das, J S Khurana, A Jayaswal, and P
before they suspect fluoride poisoning. And K Dave. Circulating levels of sialic acid and glycosaminoglycans:
X-rays don’t help. Skeletal fluorosis can look a diagnostic test for ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis.
1988 October; 47(10): 833-837.
just like osteoarthritis or one of the previ-
Heller KE, et al (1997). Dental caries and dental fluorosis at
ously mentioned diseases. varying water fluoride concentrations. Journal of Public Health
So how can you tell if fluoride is caus- Dentistry 57: 136-143.
ing your joint and muscle pains? The best Hileman B. (1988). Fluoridation of Water: Questions about
health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years.
way to diagnose fluorosis is by testing for it. Chemical & Engineering News August 1: 26-42.
Your doctor can order a blood test called a
serum sialic acid to GAG (glycosaminogly- Singh A, et al. (1963). Endemic fluorosis: Epidemiological, clini-
cans) ratio, or alternatively a serum sialic cal and biochemical study of chronic fluoride intoxication in
acid to serum seromucoid ratio. A ratio less Punjab. Medicine 42: 229-246.

Q. What do you recommend for rest- sound like one of two causes. The first one
occurs in younger women, in their 30-40s. It
less leg syndrome? Any information or
direction you can provide on this will is a rheumatic condition that can be caused
be greatly appreciated. — Myron T., West by an autoimmune process in the body. The
Warwick, RI three blood tests that tend to be positive in
this condition are a sed rate, rheumatoid
Myron, factor, and an ANA titer. If you have had
The problem with the diagnosis of RLS these tests and they are negative, it doesn’t
(restless leg syndrome) is that like so many completely rule out a rheumatic condition,
other syndromes, the causes are many. but it’s much less likely. If the tests are neg-
Sometimes the cause is due to a deficiency ative, be sure to check them again after a
of a vitamin. The most common is the B- few weeks just to be sure.
vitamins, and especially folic acid and B12. The second cause is a hormone defi-
Other times it is due to a deficiency of ciency. The most common deficiency is of
a mineral, especially iron and magnesium. the sex hormones estrogen and proges-
So a good start is to have your doctor give terone. So if you’re menopausal, I would bet
you a trial of B12, magnesium, and folic acid that’s the cause. In that case, a trial of tak-
injections twice a week for three weeks. You ing bio-identical hormones should clear up
can try the same thing orally, but sometimes the problem. Other hormone deficiencies
injections are needed to get high enough that can also cause the problem include the
blood levels to turn RLS around. thyroid hormones T3 and T4, and the adre-
Make sure your doctor also checks you nal hormones DHEA and cortisol.
for iron deficiency. This is common, especially Lastly, I would want to know if there
in menstruating women, and is often missed were any changes that occurred in your life
unless checked. A common sign of iron defi- during the two to three months before the
ciency is pale skin and excessively pale eyes. symptoms began. Did you paint your house,
Another effective treatment for RLS is add new carpets, or fumigate your house?
exercise. I’ve noticed that RLS rarely if ever Did you change your diet? Did you start a
happens to people who are in good cardio- new medication (the anti-cholesterol drugs
vascular condition. If you don’t already have are known to do this)? Did you have any
a copy of my book, Bursting With Energy, dental work? Did you get sick, and/or devel-
please get one. They are sold at all of the op a rash? Any of these things can cause
major book outlets. I’ve written a whole your immune system to react in a way that
chapter about how to exercise properly. can cause your symptoms. If so, you may
Finally, I’ve seen many cases of RLS need a complete detoxification program
respond to regular yoga exercises, especially from an integrative physician.
when you do them before going to bed.

Q. My muscles hurt so bad I can hard- Got a Question?

ly sit down or walk. The back of my Do you have a question for Dr.
upper legs and left arm is hurting Shallenberger? If so, please send it (typed
badly. Local doctors thought I had a only) to him c/o Soundview Publications,
muscle disease, but did some blood P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051 or
tests that came back negative. What While he
could it be? — Roseanne T., via e-mail won’t be able to respond personally, he’ll try
to answer as many questions as he can in
Roseanne, these pages.
I wish I knew your age. These symptoms


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