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Evolution Unit Plan



-11) FAF+ POC -2 n or justify with evidence how the alteration of the DNA sequence may produce new gene combinations that make little differenc e capabilities, or can be harmful to the organism (e.g., selective breeding, genetic engineering, mutations).

-11) INQ POC-7 a scenario, provide evidence that demonstrates how sexual reproduction results in a great variety of possible gene combinations utes to natural selection (e.g., Darwins finches, isolation of a species, Tay Sachs disease).

-11) INQ FAF+POC -8 nformation about living or extinct organisms, cite evidence to explain the frequency of inherited teristics of organisms in a population, OR explain the evolution of varied structures (with defined functions) that affected the org l in a specific environment (e.g., giraffe, wind pollination of flowers).

-11) NOS+INQ -9 idence to make and support conclusions about the ways that humans or other organisms are affected by environmental factors o y (e.g., ens, diseases, medical advances, pollution, mutations).

NTIAL QUESTIONS : ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS: are the big, overarching questions that are central to What central concepts or ideas will students understa discipline and to the content you are going to teach? How Darwin developed his theory How do species adapt, differentiate, and survive selective Key components of Darwins theory pressures? Evolution takes a really long time How do selective pressures drive evolution and change allelic Selective pressures are the driving force behind evolutio frequencies in a population? Different types of selection Various ways different species can be created

Evolution Unit Plan

DENT KNOWLEDGE: nts will know Scientific definition of theory What is a species? Charles Darwins trip on the HMS Beagle Lamarcks theory of evolution and why he was wrong Darwins four principles on how evolution can occur How traits spread across a population How sexual reproduction increases variation in a species How selective pressures affect evolution and the traits in a population/ how selection can change allelic frequencies Fitness/ survival of the fittest Fitness is a relative term Scientific evidence for evolution Misconceptions of evolution Different types of selection (artificial, disruptive, directional, stabilizing) Mechanisms of speciation

STUDENT SKILLS: Students will be able to

Read figures and graphs and make conclusions and infer Use evidence based reasoning to support ideas Observe species and make predictions based on physical characteristics Make connections between terms, ideas, and concepts Apply Darwins four theories of how evolution can occu hypothetical species Defend a scientific theory using research Analyze data collected through research and draw conclusions Predict timing of changes in allelic frequencies given va strengths of selective pressures


summative performance tasks will students produce? Evolution of E. coli lab report Test

other assessments will you use to help students demonstrate their understanding (diagnostic, formative and m) ? Entrance and exit tickets Evolution concept map Misconceptions worksheet Evidence for evolution activity Lab report draft sections E. coli inquiry worksheet Investigating Acquired Bacterial Traits inquiry worksheet STAGE THREE PLAN LEARNING EXPERIENCES

instructional methods will you use to teach the identified learning objectives?(See WHERETO and Teaching niques to Try for ideas)? Direct Teacher Presentations Hands-on inquiry-based activities Laboratory activity Cooperative learning Class discussions Small group discussions Brainstorming Group work Modeling & Demonstrations

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