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The Stanford
nf Daily An Independent Publication Volume 235
April 13, 2009 Issue 35


seats split

David Gobaud ‘08 M.S. ‘10 had more

than his 25th birthday to celebrate
Saturday. Gobaud and running mate Jay

among de la Torre ‘10 picked up almost twice as

many votes as runners-up Bennett Hauser
‘10 and Matt Sprague ‘10, winning the
ASSU Executive Race 3,190 to 1,666 votes

in the second round.
Following the announcement, de la
Torre, with tears in his eyes, hugged down
a line of eager supporters. The newly pro- REYNA KONTOS/The Stanford Daily
claimed ASSU Vice President wavered
ARNAV MOUDGIL/The Stanford Daily from disbelief to uncontrolled joy as he backing, despite Saturday’s results.
SBS grabs eight seats; Brian Wanyoike ‘12 embraces a sup- delivered one tight embrace after another. He pointed out that about 35 percent of
porter in the CoHo after being elected “I’m a little emotional right now,” he students who selected the slate as their
SOCC takes seven; Ali an undergraduate senator. Wanyoike said, 10 minutes after the results were pub- first choice did not vote for Gobaud and de
la Torre in the final round.
was one of seven freshmen elected for licized. “I’m on cloud nine here. I can’t
wins with most votes the Undergraduate Senate.
really describe how I feel.” “We have to be coming together 100
percent,” Hauser said.
More reserved, second-time candidate
Gobaud accepted congratulations from his John Lyman and Garrett Werner, of the
By THE DAILY ASSU ELECTIONS “I think for the two primary play- running mate then stood by shocked as
TEAM ers in this campaign — of SBS and well wishers offered their congratulations.
SOCC — [their success] didn’t It was just one year ago when Gobaud,
At the end of last week’s ASSU
elections, Students for a Better
speak to the strengths of any two
presumed coalitions, but spoke to
who ran for Executive previously with
Greg Goldgof ‘08, was on the losing slate
“[Winning is] a great
Stanford (SBS) had eight candidates the strength of the people who got at elections night, congratulating
elected to the ASSU Undergraduate
Senate, and the Students of Color
elected,” he said.
Gao, who won the highest num-
Executives Jonny Dorsey ‘09 and Fagan
Harris ‘09.
honor, and we accept
Coalition (SOCC) had seven. With ber of votes in last year’s Senate “[Winning is] a great honor, and we
more votes needed to make the top
15 this year when compared to 2008,
elections with 1,124 votes, was visi-
bly disappointed when her name
accept this with gratitude,” he said. “It was
a long race with many highs and lows, but
this with gratitude.
endorsements factored in more failed to come up in the first and sec- Ben [Hauser] and Matt [Sprague] are
heavily than ever.
SOCC-endorsed Mohammad Ali
ond Senate spots. Gao came in third
with 1,177 votes.
great people, and we look forward to
working with them this year without a
It was a long race with
‘10 had the highest vote total, with “I’m very grateful for the oppor- doubt.”
1,222 votes. Dual-endorsed Anton
Zietsman ‘12 was second, followed
tunity to serve the student body
again,” she said. Gao declined fur-
All eyes were on Gobaud and de la
Torre after the initial vote count was
many highs and
by SBS leader and current Senate ther comment, other than noting released, which had the Gobaud/de la
Chair Shelley Gao ‘11 in third.
“I feel really good, very happy,”
that she is the only woman elected
to the Senate this year.
Torre slate at 3,055 votes and the Hauser-
Sprague slate at 1,546 votes.With the office
said Ali, who “definitely did not” While the Senate is composed of nearly assured, Gobaud still held his
expect to win the highest number of mainly SBS and SOCC candidates, breath until the final tally was revealed. — DAVID GOBAUD ‘08
votes. Warma assured that the endorse- “In preparation, I told myself, ‘I’m not
Throughout the campaign sea- ments will not negatively impact the going to win, I’m not going to win,’” de la M.S. ‘10,
son, SBS and SOCC insisted that Senate. Torre said, though he couldn’t control his
they were not rivals. Next year’s “Our primary concern, whatever excitement once he was declared the vic- ASSU President-elect
Senate will be almost evenly divided comes from SBS . . . is now about tor. Gobaud and de la Torre immediately
between the two groups. governance and consensus-driven cut through the crowd to shake hands with
The only candidate to be elected action,” he said. “It becomes that the second-place slate, Hauser and “Just A Couple Of Affable, Public Service-
without the backing of either SOCC much more real, now that it’s not Sprague. Oriented Guys Trying To Help The
or SBS was incumbent Senator about us versus them, but 15 people Hauser plans to maintain his commit- Student Body Exercise Its Voice While
Zachary Johnson ‘10, who placed sitting in the Senate trying to make a ment to the Stanford Store. Also Bridging The Gap Between Our
12th with 902 votes. better Stanford.” “We ran in this because we both want- Peers And The Faculty/Administrative
“I mainly utilized the connec- Warma noted that the SBS ed to help Stanford, and I think that’s still Complex” slate, were eliminated in the
tions I’d already made through Facebook group had been deleted as possible,” Sprague added. first round after receiving 265 votes.
Stanford, the Senate and student of Sunday. Hauser said his slate’s defeat came in After the election-day excitement had
groups,” Johnson said, speaking of SOCC-endorsed senate-elect, part due to its failure to win big endorse- calmed down, Gobaud was still surprised
his campaign tactics. Michael Cruz ‘12, claimed that there ments, which he acknowledged “played a by the results.
Johnson, though, was never com- have already been steps take to pre- big role.” Gobaud and de la Torre were “We thought the race was very close,”
pletely certain of his strategy of vent senate division. endorsed by the current Executives Jonny he said. “[Sprague] and [Hauser] are great
campaigning alone. “It’s going to be an interesting Dorsey ‘09 and Fagan Harris ‘09, the guys, and they ran a great campaign. We
“To be honest, I was slightly wor- year,” he said. “We’ve already taken Queer Coalition and The Stanford Daily were nervous to the last minute.” TOP AGUSTIN RAMIREZ/The Stanford Daily: Jay de la Torre ‘10 can’t
ried in the beginning,” he said. “But steps to prevent sectionalism by try- Editorial Board, among other groups. Hauser and Sprague were equally
unsure of the outcome before the final hold back the tears as he and running mate David Gobaud ‘08
even the perception of one coalition ing to get to know one another on a But Gobaud attributed his win to his
against another encumbers the personal level. Basically we’ve just moment. M.S. ‘10 claim victory as ASSU Executives for the 2009-2010
election team, not his endorsements.
process, and that’s why I chose not been saying we all need to get “Endorsements are important but real- “It was impossible to predict the final academic year. The slate won with 3,055 total votes.
to join.” together.” ly we have an amazing team that without outcome — it seemed like everyone had a
This year’s Senate candidates different opinion about how things were BOTTOM AGUSTIN RAMIREZ/The Stanford Daily: Bennett Hauser ‘10
SBS member Zach Warma ‘11, a them this wouldn’t have been possible,” he
columnist for The Daily, down- also faced a tougher race than in said. looking,” Hauser wrote in an email to The and Matt Sprague ‘10 look on as results are read out in the CoHo.
played the influence of the endorse- Hauser called on his supporters to give Hauser attributed the loss to his slate’s failure to win major endorse-
ments. Please see SENATE, page 3 the new ASSU administration their full Please see EXECS, page 3 ments, as well as to the disparity in graduate voting.


Class presidents elected for ’09-’10 All groups are awarded special fees
a large enough constituency to According to KZSU Chief
By THE DAILY “Hardcore as a Sophomore,” which — we introduced ourselves to people
44 organizations pass. Sports Engineer Kevin Danna ‘09,
Special fees are an imperative the radio station changed its strat-
ASSU ELECTIONS TEAM took 393 votes after the second
round of voting. The new sopho-
and kept the emails to a minimum.”
Running uncontested, “The applied for funding source of funding for many regis- egy by running for undergraduate
tered student groups to collect special fees as opposed to request-
Saturday afternoon, after chants more class president slate consists Evolution” was elected with 752
funding that cannot be covered ing fees from both the undergrad-
of “Oh-twelve,” “Oh-leven” and of Marie Caligiuri, Adrian Castillo, votes. The new junior class presi- By ZOE RICHARDS
through the general fees budget. uate and graduate communities.
“Oh-ten” filled a packed CoHo, the Taylor Goodspeed and Isabelle dents include Mona El-Haidi, STAFF WRITER
In order to receive special fees, The joint ballot is generally con-
ASSU Elections Commission Wijangco. Dante DiCicco, Pamon Forouhar
each group needs over 50 percent sidered harder to pass.
announced the newly-elected class Caligiuri was surprised over the and Pilar Wong. Despite the economic reces-
of “yes” votes on its ballot, indi- Among the top five most sup-
president winners. For sophomore vote count, but attributed the win “We’re on a Boat,” consisting sion, which may have cast doubts
cating the voter’s support of fund- ported organizations, each receiv-
class president, the “So-phly” slate to the slate’s endorsements and of Walter Foxworth, Ansaf regarding student support for spe-
ing for the individual group. ing over 80 percent of the “yes”
claimed victory, while “The campaign strategy. Kareem, Dan Ha and Claire cial fees, all special fees funding
Even KZSU, the Stanford stu- vote from students, were the
Evolution” and “We’re on a Boat” “I think one of the things that set Roscow, claimed the senior class requests on this year’s ballot
dent radio station, which was Sexual Health Peer Resource
won for junior class president and us apart was that we were the only president position with 487 votes. passed. The success of all 44
dropped from special fees last Center (SHPRC), Student
senior class president, respectively. slate that was endorsed by the The next closest competitor, organizations is unprecedented —
year, received 63.53 percent sup- Initiated Courses (SIC), Stanford
“So-phly” won with 673 votes Students for a Sustainable Stanford,” “Stuntin’ is our Habit,” took 291 in the past 10 elections, nine of
port from undergraduate voters, Club Sports, The Stanford Daily
over its next closest competitor, she said.“We tried not to spam people votes after two rounds of voting. which report special fees results,
securing funding for the upcoming
at least one group failed to garner
academic year. Please see FEES, page 3

Index Opinions/4 • Sports/7 • Classifieds/8 Recycle Me

2 N Monday, April 13, 2009 The Stanford Daily
Zimride partners with What do you think of the tone of
ASSU elections this year?
55 votes taken from at 11:26 p.m. 04/12/09 Energy plan pushes green Farm
Zipcar for environment
By NICK MCINTYRE drivers via a partnership with
Sustainability Programs at Stanford.
The report contains an inventory of
current campus energy uses and
emissions, and forecasts future ener-
other direction,” Ahmed said of
buying carbon credits, “but we want
the innovation and applications to
stay here on campus to effectively
Stanford has long been commit-
Google Maps. ted to action on the issues of energy gy demand with regard to continued manage and ensure their efficiency.”
The recent merger of ride-sharing At Cornell University, 25% 38% use and climate change, but has campus growth. Importantly, it pro- Now that the Energy and
software startup Zimride and car- Zimmerman’s alma mater, the net- D C lagged behind some of its peers in vides several options for emission Climate Plan document is largely
sharing service Zipcar looks to work amassed 3,000 Zimride users in setting distinct goals for reducing reduction, attaching a price tag to completed, it has been passed onto
expand and streamline community the first six months, setting the cam- greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. each. members of the GHG Blue Ribbon
transportation on the Farm. The two pus well on its way to reaching what Now, the Department of After testing over 35 different Task Force for review and recom-
companies, united by goals and allit- he described as “critical mass.” A) All candidates behaved fairly and
had clean campaigns. Sustainability and Energy projects, the team decided to focus mendation of campus GHG reduc-
eration, saw the partnership as a nat- “By focusing on college, universi- B) Candidates behaved poorly and Management has completed a final the University’s efforts on reducing tion goals. This task force was creat-
ural progression in their attempts to ty and corporate communities, we ran divisive campaigns. draft of the Stanford Energy and energy demand, finding cleaner ed in May 2008 to develop potential
reduce the environmental impacts of are able to build the critical mass of C) Politics as usual - nothing extreme. Climate Plan, which, once approved, energy sources and adhering to reduction goal strategies and to con-
users necessary to sustain Zimride as D) I don’t pay attention to the ASSU
driving alone. will produce GHG reduction recom- greener building standards. More sider the efficacy of using renewable
“The two names are really a reliable form of transportation,” Today’s Question: mendations. specifically, the plan recommends energy credits or other options for
frickin’ similar,” joked Zimride Co- reads the Zimride Web site. “Our How do you feel now that the ASSU elec- The document, which will be heat recovery through a new system GHG reduction. Currently it con-
Founder and COO John approach leverages social trust and tions are over? released to the general public upon of gas boilers and electric chillers sists of Professors Jim Sweeney,
Zimmerman at an event last hands-on marketing efforts to deliv- a) Great; I’m excited about the work to approval, contains a detailed analy- that will replace the campus cogen- Lynn Orr, Larry Goulder, John
be done.
Thursday sponsored by Stanford er significant savings for schools and b) Depressed; My email inbox is feeling sis of the University’s options for eration plant built in the 1980s. Weyant, Roland Horne and Joseph
Future Social Innovators Network. corporations of various sizes and a bit lonely. addressing an institutional commit- Other options include major build- Stagner, executive director of
c) Nothing in my life feels any different.
He mentioned that he first reached commute profiles.” d) What are these elections of which ment to climate action. ing retrofits, more efficient demand- Sustainability and Energy
out to Zipcar Chairman and CEO Furthermore, while the Zimride you speak?
“The Office of Sustainability and side energy management, sustain- Management.
Scott Griffith six months ago with FAQ Web page states that the serv- vote today at! Utilities staff . . . are at their last able IT projects with a focus on “We have shown in the study
the idea of pooling resources after ice is 100 percent free for users, stride in putting forth recommenda- more efficient servers and substan- what is possible,” Ahmed said. “The
asking the question, “Who else has Stanford pays an annual fee of about some Stanford students are wary of tions to the President and Provost tial investment in green energy, such decision on goal setting now belongs
changed behavior in this transporta- $10,000 for the service. the prospect of riding with a for final decision making,” said as wind or solar power.
tion space?” While some Stanford students stranger. Fahmida Ahmed, manager of “We could write the check the Please see GREEN, page 8
Zimride currently uses social net- were already satisfied with the exist- “Even though I’d be sharing with
working, at no cost to the user, to ing car-sharing plan on campus, they Stanford students, I don’t really like
unite travelers with common desti- remained doubtful if the partnership the idea of just going online and
nations and subsequently arrange would add anything to the carpool- searching for people to come with SPEAKERS & EVENTS
carpools. Zipcar, on the other hand, ing dynamic. Current Zipcar user me,” Wodziak said. “Safety plays a
is the premier ridesharing company
on campus and in other locations
across the U.S., providing those with-
out automobiles access to cars and
Quinn Slack ‘11 is satisfied with his
current car-sharing plan, and doesn’t
intend to change it.
“I get all of the benefits of having
role in my decision when it comes to
complete strangers.”
In response to questions about
Summit paves way for world entrepreneurs
safety, Zimmerman acknowledged
ride sharing. a car on campus without paying for the challenges of creating a comfort- By CALLA HUAN SHENG icant nonprofit business. Asia-Pacific region since 2000.
Nearly 1,500 members of the the car, insurance, parking, gas and able community of ride-sharers. STAFF WRITER From energy organizations to “The whole purpose of the summit
Stanford Facebook network current- maintenance,” Slack said. “Running “I think there’s a level for every- biotech firms and venture capital is to bring people from Asia-Pacific
ly use the Zimride application — a errands, which are not regular trips . one,” he said, explaining that some The 2009 Asia-Pacific Student start-ups, companies featured at the together, and to hopefully share the
number Zimmerman hopes to . . would be inconvenient to tailor to Zimride users are only likely to Entrepreneurship Society (ASES) summit provided speakers from a same dream, same kind of mission,
increase by cross-promotion on the two people’s schedules.” share rides with friends or mutual Summit attracted a panel of business spectrum of fields and perspectives. same hopes that we have of starting
Zipcar and Zimride Web sites. There are also concerns regarding friends, not their entire university luminaries and 47 student delegates Large crowds of Stanford students companies wherever in Asia or in
“It’s great we prove [the business the ambiguities associated with network. from halfway around the world last joined the delegates as they covered Silicon Valley,” said Summit Director
model] a few times, but investors Zimride and the awkwardness of Yet he remained optimistic for week to a weeklong conference on subjects ranging from the benefits of Simon Kim ‘11.
want to see it more,” Zimmerman ride compensation. Currently, car- the future of Zimride in light of its Stanford’s campus. The delegates, brainstorming to the top 10 legal mis- Sumat Mittal, from the Delhi
said. poolers are left to hammer out an new partnership with Zipcar. representing some of the finest col- takes of start-ups. College of Engineering in New Delhi,
The business model Zimmerman agreement, which may be a strange Zimmerman believes the partner- leges in Asia, Australia and even “It used to be the trend [for entre- India, emphasized the value of the
referred to involves taking activity among strangers. ship may highlight a change in Africa, gathered on the Farm from preneurs] to go from the U.S. to issues raised in the summit’s work-
“Facebook’s social infrastructure “Usually when I go on like a Wal- behavior and in the way people view April 5-11. Asia,” said ASES President Yesul shops.
and building roads on it.” In the cur- Mart or Safeway run, at least two of transportation, summing up his 10- Starting their days at 9 a.m. and Myung ‘09. “Right now what people “The values that we’re obtaining
rent application, students are con- us go, so that’s like four bucks a per- year vision for the company in a sim- often ending after 11 p.m., the dele- are saying is that there are a lot of here are pretty different from what
nected to other users in their univer- son, which I don’t think is too bad,” ple phrase. gates divided their time between pre- trends coming from Asia to the U.S. we would have obtained in any other
sity’s Facebook network and can said Zipcar user Dariusz Wodziak ‘11. “I could take the train or I could sentations, workshops, discussions That’s why having a focus and an out- country,” he said. “The issues are
request or offer rides. Having Furthermore, despite the added Zimride.” and company tours.They also teamed look on the Asia-Pacific region is cru- addressing are so important right now
entered a starting location and an safety measure of allowing Zimride up with each other to compete for the cial.” for us future entrepreneurs. They tell
ending location, the application’s users to view driver and passenger Contact Nick McIntyre at ngmc@stan- annual E-Pitch project, with the goal The ASES Summit has been con-
algorithm matches passengers with Facebook profiles before riding, of creating a plan for a socially signif- necting future entrepreneurs in the Please see SUMMIT, page 8
The Stanford Daily Monday, April 13, 2009 N 3

winning slate had 1,077 graduate
votes as compared to the 284 for

Continued from front page “From a statistical perspective, we Continued from front page
performed around the same as
Dorsey/Harris among the graduate
Daily. “We always considered our- community in their race against past years.
selves the underdogs in this election.
David came so close to winning last
year, and we knew that experience
gave him a big advantage.
Nonetheless, we were excited about
David Gobaud last year, which is
exactly what we were aiming for,”
Hauser said. “Clearly, since David is
an older graduate student, most
“The cutoff to get into the
Senate is much higher,” said current
ASSU Senator and Daily Columns
Editor Stuart Baimel ‘09. “If I ran
this year, I wouldn’t have been
grads probably felt as though he was
the challenge.” better able to understand and repre- elected with my vote count.”
Gobaud remained humble when sent their issues.” SOCC-endorsed Steven
asked about the success of his cam- For their first act as ASSU Singleton ‘10 was the final candidate
paign, again attributing the slate’s Executive, Gobaud and de la Torre to win election this year, with 829
victory to the work of the election are already looking toward next votes. By THE DAILY ASSU ELECTIONS
team, which he estimated at over 100 year. They have opened up applica- Rafael Vasquez ‘12 fell only one
undergraduate and graduate stu- tions for next year’s ASSU vote short of the 15th-place
dents. Executive Cabinet, which can be Singleton.
While not as glamorous as the
“This year, we had a great team, found online at “This year the voter turnout was
ASSU Undergraduate Senate race,
and that’s why we won,” Gobaud significantly higher and shows peo-
the campaign for Graduate Student
said. “Jay and I are just two people The slate especially looks forward ple are taking the ASSU more seri-
Council ended last week, and results
— we can’t be in 100 places at once. to shaping the University and stu- ously,” said SOCC-endorsed Matt
were announced over the weekend.
The team came together behind our dent life during the 2009-2010 aca- Miller ‘12, who was not elected.
Graduate students contended for 10
platform and really believed in it, demic year. Miller and Benjamin Jensen ‘12
district seats, divided by department,
and they were able to explain it well “We’re excited to unite the stu- attributed their losses to the higher
and five at-large seats.
to other people.They convinced a lot dent body and share priorities,” voter turnout and the importance of
Robert Hennessy, a graduate stu-
of people that we could do great Gobaud said. “Sustainability, campus name recognition.
dent in electrical engineering, gar-
things.” wellness, diversity, making the budg- “We’re up against a lot of people
nered the most votes out of district
Hauser and Sprague also et cut process transparent — there who are already known on campus
winners, with 225 votes for the
acknowledged the Gobaud/de la are so many things to do, and it’s — I mean, we’re just freshmen,”
REYNA KONTOS/The Stanford Daily School of Engineering. Other district
Torre slate’s advantage in appealing such an exciting time to be working said Jensen, who was just 20 votes
winners included Addy Satija, who
to graduate students, noting that the on them.” shy of making office.
was running for reelection in the
Overall, outgoing Senator Ana
School of Engineering, Bryan Chen
Diaz-Hernandez was positive of the
for Natural Sciences, Jessica Tsai for
final results.

FEES “I’m very happy “There are some really good sen-
ators this year,” she said.
the School of Medicine, Eric
Osborne for the Law School, Ugur
Pece for the School of Humanities,
Nanna Notthoff for the School of
Continued from front page
because [groups Social Sciences and Mary Van de
Hoven for the School of Earth
and The Bridge Peer Counseling Sciences.
Center. Managing to snatch just
under 90 percent of voters’ sup- seeking special fees] In the at-large category, incum-
bent Senator Justin Brown took the
port, the SHPRC remains among most votes with 392. Aleksandra
the top priorities for special fees
funding for students in the 2009-
2010 academic year.
worked very hard... Korolova, also running as an incum-
bent, won reelection with 276 votes.
Other senate winners include Ryan
ASSU Elections Peacock, Andrew Kennedy and Noa
Commissioner Briana Tatum ‘11
reflected on the overwhelming
It’s a very good thing Lincoln.
support that Stanford students
showed for groups seeking special
fees this year. for Stanford that all of Election Staff
“I’m very happy because
[groups seeking special fees]
worked very hard,” Tatum said.
“They want their organizations to
the special fees NIKHIL JOSHI
receive special fees so they can ARNAV MOUDGIL/The Stanford Daily
secure their own goals — it’s a
very good thing for Stanford that
passed.” SBS-endorsed candidate Varun
LEFT ARNAV MOUDGIL/The Stanford Daily: Freshman Alex Katz garnered 1,069
all of the special fees passed.” Sivaram ‘11 looks on after claiming a
— BRIANA TATUM ‘11, seat in the 15-person Undergraduate
Contact Zoe Richards at iamzoe@ Senate. He won with 1,134 votes, the RIGHT AGUSTIN RAMIREZ/ The Stanford Daily: Shelley Gao ‘11 won reelection CHRISTINE MCFADDEN Elections Commissioner fourth-highest total. with 1,177 votes. She is one of two senators to retain seats for next year.
4 N Monday, April 13, 2009 The Stanford Daily

EDITORIAL The Stanford Daily
Established 1892 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Incorporated 1973

Vaden service charge Board of Directors

Christian Torres
President, Editor in Chief
Managing Editors

Devin Banerjee
Deputy Editor
Joanna Xu
Managing Editor of Intermission
Tonight’s Desk Editors
Ryan Mac
News Editor
In Ho Lee Nikhil Joshi Stuart Baimel Haley Murphy

unequal and unpublicized Chief Operating Officer Managing Editor of News Columns Editor Sports Editor
Someary Chhim Wyndam Makowsky Tim Hyde, Niko Milonopoulos Arnav Moudgil
Vice President of Advertising Managing Editor of Sports Editorial Board Chairs Photo Editor
Devin Banerjee Emma Trotter Nina Chung
Cris Bautista
Managing Editor of Features Copy Editor
ast Wednesday, the University Admin- infrequently or choose to seek healthcare off Kamil Dada Head Graphics Editor

L istration announced that Vaden

Health Center will charge students a
mandatory $167 Health Services Fee per
campus. It is important to have readily avail-
able health services at Stanford, but the
healthy majority should not be asked to sub-
Michael Londgren
Theodore Glasser
Robert Michitarian
Agustin Ramirez
Managing Editor of Photo Samantha Lasarow
Head Copy Editor
Reyna Kontos
Graphics Editor

quarter beginning fall of this year. Vaden’s sidize the cost of care for those who are often
health services were previously free to stu- sick and visit Vaden more than the average Glenn Frankel
dents because they were financed through student. While Administration officials
Stanford University’s general funds. Ser- sought to spread the costs of healthcare Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 723-2555 from 3 to 10 p.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5803, and the
vices supported by the new fee include pri- among the entire student population, under- Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal business hours.
mary care services, Counseling and Psycho- standably not wanting to target those who
logical Services (CAPS), as well as health happen to fall ill with higher bills, a small co-
outreach programs, such as the Peer Health pay for each visit can help defray the ex-
Educator (PHE) program (see “Vaden fees pense for all while deterring those who
convey extent of crisis,”April 10, 2009).Vice abuse Vaden’s services and drive up operat-
Provost for Student Affairs Greg Boardman ing costs. At the very least, a co-pay system
cited the rising cost of health services and would be consistent with the healthcare
the ongoing economic crisis as reasons be- process students are used to dealing with
hind the fee’s institution. through insurance.
While the Editorial Board appreciates Finally, Stanford’s student body is right to
the gravity of financial circumstances and be insulted by the manner in which the new
understands that painful cuts are being Health Services Fee was publicized — or, to
made throughout the budget, we are con- be more precise, not publicized — by the
cerned about the effect that the Health Ser- University. The Editorial Board is dismayed
vices Fee will have on student life. Stanford by the Administration’s apparently premed-
may be reeling from the reported 25 to 30 itated attempt to subvert transparency. The
percent drop in its endowment, but students original notice of the fee was sent by the Vice
are also suffering in the face of economic un- Provost of Student Affairs to campus admin-
certainty. For many, it is hard enough to istrators and higher-ups on April 7. The
make ends meet with tuition, room and email stated that students would be in-
board payments. This is not an appropriate formed about the fee in the “coming weeks”
time for Stanford to push more of its finan- through a short article in the Stanford Re-
cial burden onto undergraduates and gradu- port, and that the Administration
ate students. We are thankful that the fee is “expect[ed]” that The Daily would also in-
covered under current financial aid pack- clude coverage. The Editorial Board be-
ages but still fear that the extra payments lieves the University should have reported
could affect grad students and uncovered to students directly about the fee. The Ad-
undergrads. ministration’s reliance on campus media to
Administration officials argue that it is publicize the fee sends the wrong message,
justified instituting a fee for campus health suggesting that University officials are with-
services because such fees are common at holding crucial information from the student
many universities, but this reasoning is falla- body, unwilling to face student responses.We
cious. This argument would only withstand have heard administrators pledge to include
scrutiny if there were no relevant differences students in the budget-cutting process and
between Stanford and other universities that communicate the changes, but in this in-
charge for health services, but Stanford has stance the process seems to have broken
one of the largest endowments of any uni- down.
versity in the country. Thus, the Administra- In the end, we recognize that price hikes
tion is wrong to conclude that it is justified or in these times of budgetary turmoil are un-
reasonable for Stanford to charge its stu- avoidable, and we agree that CAPS and pri-
dents a health services fee merely because it mary-care services are worth saving.Still,the
is common practice at other universities with even application of fees to frequent Vaden
far fewer resources. patients and those who stay away — as well
Moreover, the Editorial Board believes as the strangely indirect method of dissemi-
that the mandatory fee places an undue fi- nating the news — makes these fees all the
nancial burden on students who use Vaden less palatable.
Unsigned editorials in the space above represent the views of The Stanford Daily's editorial board and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily staff. The editorial board is comprised of two former Daily staffers,
Stuart Baimel
three at-large student members and the two editorial board co-chairs. Any signed columns and contributions
are the views of their respective writers and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire editorial board.
To contact the editorial board for an issue to be considered, or to submit an op-ed, please email
Endorsements and the ASSU
here was a remarkably high level of in- de la Torre attacked the Hauser/Sprague

T terest in the ASSU elections this year.
Undergraduate turnout was up 15 per-
cent from last year, which featured a wild
campaign because they were endorsed by the
Stanford Review and the Stanford Conserv-
ative Society. (Gobaud and de la Torre them-
five-slate contest for ASSU President and selves had nothing to do with the attacks).On
Vice President. Despite only two slates (and a broadly liberal, Obama-loving campus,
the Chappie’s long-winded effort) running being associated with conservatives is not the hosting events on campus — candidates use

This aggression will not for ASSU Executive this year, which is by far
the most visible race in the election, hun-
dreds more students voted.
way to win votes.
This system certainly benefits student
groups, who can exact high amounts of lever-
the endorsement to appeal to students who
want to vote for the “liberal” candidates.
The unfortunate nature of the endorse-
The defining feature of ASSU elections as age over candidates desperate to get elected. ment process is that candidates are forced to
stand we have come to know them is remarkable
reliance on endorsements from student
groups to win the election. The Stanford
It’s a constant concern among candidates
that if they lack the all-important endorse-
ment, they will not get any votes from the
highlight certain elements of their agenda to
appeal to endorsing groups, such as queer
rights, diversity issues, sustainability and
Daily, the Stanford Democrats (disclaimer: I community represented by those student community centers. These issues are all very
(The following is one man’s Declaration of In- was on the committee selecting Senate and groups. The groups can force students to ac- important, of course, but other key issues,
dependence,per se,from the present despotism Zack Executive candidates for endorsements), the cede to their agenda to get elected. such as academics, OSA party-planning poli-
that plagues this university. Tommy J., have a Queer Coalition, Students of Color Coalition But I am not sure it benefits the student
damn field day.) Warma (SOCC), Students for a Sustainable Stanford body as a whole.
cies, housing policies — issues that affect all
students but don’t have an interest group to
(SSS) and many other groups made endorse- The paradox is that while student groups advocate for them, receive much less atten-
hen in the Course of human events it

ments for Senate and/or Executive candi- endorse candidates for their narrow organi- tion during the annual ASSU elections.
becomes necessary for one people dates. We’ve also seen an increase in the zational imperatives, candidates use these It’s hard to argue that academics don’t
to dissolve the hierarchical bands history of the present head of the Office of number of endorsing student groups. In my endorsements to win support among the matter to students, or that the evolving re-
which have connected them with another and Student Activities (OSA) is a history of re- Senate campaign in April 2008, I collected broader populace. So while the Stanford De- strictions on parties do not affect most stu-
to assume among the powers of the Farm, the peated injuries and usurpations, all having in more than 10 student groups’ support. mocrats’ endorsement questionnaire, for ex- dents. But because there are no student
separate and equal station to which the Laws direct object the establishment of an absolute Endorsements were also used to tar other ample, is mostly about the concerns of organ-
of Nature and of Hennessy entitle them, a de- Tyranny over these students.To prove this, let slates. Supporters of David Gobaud and Jay ization — fundraising issues, free speech, Please see BAIMEL, page 5
cent respect to the opinions of their fellow Facts be submitted to a candid campus.
students requires that they should declare the She has forbidden her underlings to help
causes which impel them to the separation. VSOs and starter groups with issues of imme-
Also: USC blows. diate and pressing importance, unless sus-
We hold these truths to be self-evident, pended in their operation till her Assent P ITH AND P LEONASM
that all Stanford Students are created equal, should be obtained; and when so suspended,
that they are endowed by their admission she has utterly neglected to attend to them.
with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are a superior education, intellectual
autonomy and the pursuit of Happiness, in
Meetings with groups/individuals can literal-
ly be held up for months based on her whims.
Favoritism is rampant within the bowels of
Another Wine-y Opinion Column Matt
whatever form that may be (Natty v. Key- the OSA. Gillespie
stone, for example). — That to secure these She has refused to consent to the throwing Wine is the most civilized thing in the world. tion, which, save for pheasant hunting or
rights, administrations are instituted among of large-scale parties for the accommodation — Ernest Hemingway completing monetary transactions solely
students, deriving their just powers from the of large districts of students, unless those peo- with briefcases of blood diamonds and un-
consent of the governed, and the funds of ple would relinquish the right of having par- s both a drinking man and an aspiring marked Benjamins, is probably the most
John Arrillaga, — That whenever any Form
of bureaucracy becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the Student Body to
ties not watched over directly by the SUPD, a
right inestimable to them and formidable to
tyrants only. Moonsplash, based upon her
A elitist jackass, I can’t begin to de-
scribe the joy I felt when I trans-
ferred to Stanford and first heard about
awesome and elitist activity in the whole en-
tire world. This was fate, I thought. This was
Shaw per capita), ready to rough it for a
night and wake up to the glorious reward of
enrollment in the course of our dreams.
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new whims, was supposed to be staffed by SUPD FRENLANG60, the legendary “Viticulture My God, how wrong I was. Needless to say, we were more than a little
structures, laying its foundation on such prin- officers, who are both a) ridiculously expen- and Oenology” course, a class I soon came to Of course, the most storied tradition disappointed when we got there. The class
ciples and organizing its powers in such form, sive and b) not the security required for near- believe was as much of an undergraduate about FRENLANG60 doesn’t have any- had closed a day early, all the spots snatched
as to them shall seem most likely to affect ly any event. rite of passage as surviving IHUM or getting thing to do with what actually goes on in the up by kids who camped out an unprecedent-
their Safety and Happiness. She has called together meetings with stu- forcibly thrown out of Rudy’s by a bouncer class, but with what goes on before it. Stan- ed two days before signup was supposed to
But when a long, Southern Pacific train of dent group leaders and house managers at with an antebellum mustache. I had my ford students, already famous for their tenac- begin.
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably places distant from the depository of their sights set on Senior Spring, when I would at ity, set up camp outside Building 30 long be- Describing the emotions that followed
the same Object to reduce them under ab- Public Records,for the sole purpose of fatigu- last cast off the shackles of my Pabst-soaked fore signup opens in order to ensure a spot. would be like trying to describe pain or loss or
solute Despotism, it is their right, it is their ing them into compliance with her measures. Midwest upbringing and finally accomplish At other schools, they do this for basketball fear — true grief means something pro-
duty, to throw off such shackles, and to pro- Browbeating, cajoling are not infrequent oc- what I came here to do in the first place: tickets or to get into huge, over-enrolled foundly different to everyone, and it’s point-
vide new Guards for their future education currences in the OSA meeting room. learn completely useless knowledge I could intro-level lectures.At Stanford, we only do it less to even try — but I’ll say this: If I never
and wellbeing. — Such has been the patient She has obstructed the Administration of bring up unsolicited in mixed company with for drinking. It’s absolutely beautiful. see such shattered looks on the faces of my
sufferance of this student body; and such is Justice by refusing her Assent to have any stu- a ridiculous amount of self-importance. I After days of planning, the boys and I set friends ever again, it won’t be long enough.
now the necessity, which constrains them to was going to understand intricacies and vo- out for the quad with all the necessary sup-
alter their former Systems of autonomy. The Please see WARMA, page 5 cabulary associated with fine wine consump- plies (tents, sleeping bags, 2.7L of Charles Please see GILLESPIE, page 5
The Stanford Daily Monday, April 13, 2009 N 5

mental goodness of the Stanford stu- more money on college than 60 per- only by repeated injury. A Director, as Free and Independent students,
dent body more than a million Ser- cent of the world earns in a lifetime, whose character is thus marked by have full Power to speak our minds,
vice Summits or ASSU elections ever I don’t think one unit of fun and in- every act which may define a Tyrant, plan responsible parties, fundraise
Continued from page 4 could. The problem here isn’t with dulgence my last quarter here was Continued from page 4 is unfit to be the ruler of a free student from outside sources and to do all
the students at all. Did I get beaten to too much to ask. body. other Acts and Things which Inde-
the punch? Absolutely, fair and Truly, there’s got to be a better We, therefore, the Representa- pendent students may of right do. —
It’s nothing short of incredible what square. Does that mean I’m not enti- solution than the renegade “classes” dent accountability for her actions. It tives of the united students of Stan- And for the support of this Declara-
missing out on a chance to drink in an tled to spend part of my last quarter senior groups are putting together makes no sense, that a two-decade ford University,Assembled, do, in the tion, with a firm reliance on the pro-
academically sanctioned environ- at Stanford paying an additional $90 to counteract the mighty thirst bureaucrat, who has slid her tentacles Name, and by Authority of the good tection of each other, we mutually
ment will do to even the most stone- on top of the $150,000 I’ve already we’ve all got for old-fashioned over EVERY aspect of student life, is People of this campus, solemnly pub- pledge to each other our titles, our
faced of Stanford seniors. spent on this HumBio degree to kick Dionysian revelry. While the select never held to defend her actions to lish and declare, That this united student groups and our sacred
So we screamed, cried, held each back on Tuesday nights and learn a few are going to spend the quarter the undergraduate population.A stu- body, and of Right ought to be Free Honor.
other close. We questioned every- thing or two about how to incorpo- with pinkies thrust skyward whilst dent review board of the OSA must and Independent from the OSA, that
thing. We drank a whole lot of the rate world-class, monocle-fogging sipping Mondavi and Ecco Domani, be created. they are Absolved from all Alle- Zack believes that we as a campus must
types of wines that would make the levels of snobbery into my everyday only that trio of dastardly charlatans In every stage of these Oppres- giance to the Crown, and that all po- hang together, or we will assuredly
FRENLANG60 instructor (experi- life? Absolutely not. — Franzia, Rossi and Shaw — will sions We have Petitioned for Redress litical connection between them and hang separately. Care to join the Revo-
enced San Francisco sommelier A.J. We deserve better. Wine-tasting now be explored and enjoyed by in the most humble terms: Our re- the second floor of Old Union, is and lution? Email Zack at zwarma@stan-
Ferrari) throw up in public, and after courses are a staple of gigantic state most of the senior class, and while peated Petitions have been answered ought to be totally dissolved; and that
all that — the pain, the heartbreak, universities everywhere, places with I’m more than excited about meet-
the cascades of self-pitying zinfan- eight times our enrollment, and any ing friends on Thursday nights to
del — it seemed that all the rage and senior who wants in on one of these sample the best of what the box-
emotions of the group could be courses is generally able to pull it off and-jug section of the liquor aisle at

The issue, I think, is similar to one department was liquidated entirely
summed up into one concise inter- (notwithstanding that a good friend Safeway has to offer, I know Stan- that is common in American politics. without any student comment. I re-
rogative: What the hell? at the University of Illinois has her ford could have done us better. The best-formed advocacy groups in ceived many emails urging me to sign
Now,I have no hard feelings what- wine class at 10 a.m. on Monday national politics are centered on a a petition to urge Jamba Juice not to
soever for my intrepid senior class- mornings, but for Senior Spring I Matt Gillespie hears the 2009 Franzia Continued from page 4
narrow issue with a limited group of use Styrofoam, but not a single email
mates who camped early and made it have a feeling most of us would take whites are the most crisp and sublime members who speak loudly. The Na- about half of the academic advising
into the course. On the contrary, their that in stride). in a generation. Send your requests to groups to offer endorsements to stu- tional Rifle Association is a good ex- programs simply disappearing next
dedication and commitment has re- After knocking out 72 units of and we’ll pop dents who care about those areas of ample of this phenomenon. Groups year.
juvenated my belief in the funda- GER coursework and spending open a five-liter box of your favorite. policy, candidates have little incen- that attempt to form a larger base The only way out of the strangle-
tive to make those issues a key part around a broader issue often have hold that endorsements have on stu-
of their platform.And when they are problems mobilizing members — dent government elections is to
elected, they will be advocating for my favorite example is the ludicrous allow candidates to gain votes in
the issues they were elected for. “SUV Owners of America.” other ways. We have already seen
There is no “Academic Advocacy The myopic, endless focus on only that this year and last year, with the
Coalition,” and as a result, there is no a few hot-button issues has distorted innovative use of YouTube to reach
incentive for Executive and Senate the nature of student political dis- voters directly rather than through a
candidates to highlight academic is- course. I received many all-caps student group intermediary. But the
sues. Nor is there an “OSA Commis- emails demanding that community restrictions on fliers, emails and
sion” to induce candidates to make centers get cut less than every other other forms of speech privilege the
relations with the OSA a main part of department on campus; meanwhile, student groups who are not bound
their platform. Despite these issues the Peer Mentoring and HPAC pro- by those same rules. Allowing more
ostensibly being high on the priority grams were cut entirely without a creative forms of campaigning will
list for student voters, candidates do word from any student.The Interdis- break the lock that endorsing stu-
not seem to care much about them. ciplinary Studies in the Humanities dent groups have on the ASSU elec-
tions process.

Stuart Baimel is forming the Stuart

Baimel Coalition. Want to advocate
for his interests? Send your resume
and $300 to

Write to us.
We want to hear from you.


6 N Monday, April 13, 2009 The Stanford Daily
The Stanford Daily Monday, April 13, 2009 N 7

Stanford hitters give MEN’S VOLLEYBALL
edge against BYU 4/11 vs. BYU W 3-0


DESK EDITOR (22-4, 17-3 MPSF)
The Stanford men’s volleyball team 4/17 Maples Pavilion
split a crucial two-match series with 7:00 p.m.
Brigham Young over the weekend, but
gained a vital tiebreaker that could decide GAME NOTES: After splitting a two-game series with
BYU to move into fourth place in the MPSF confer-
home-court advantage in the MPSF play-
ence, Stanford hopes to secure a home-court ad-
vantage for the opening round of the MPSF con-
The No. 5 Cardinal (20-9, 13-7 MPSF)
ference playoffs with a win against UC-Irvine. The
hosted No.6 BYU on Friday and Saturday
Anteaters arrive with a three-game winning streak,
with both teams vying for the fourth spot
including a 3-0 defeat of conference-leading Pep-
in the conference standings and home-
court advantage in the first round of con-
ference playoffs. The Cardinal lost a five-
set heartbreaker on Friday 30-26, 31-33, well,” said freshman middle blocker Gus
24-30, 30-26, 15-11. Stanford was led by Ellis.
sophomore outside hitter Spencer The Cardinal could not overcome
McLachlin’s 20 kills, followed by junior BYU’s blocking, though, which came into
opposite Evan Romero and freshman the weekend leading the nation with 347
outside hitter Brad Lawson, who had 15 blocks.The Cougars dominated the Cardi-
and 14 kills, respectively. Freshman libero nal at the net, tallying an astounding 20.5
Erik Shoji added to his Stanford single- blocks, compared to only 13.5 for Stan-
GIULIO GRATTA/The Stanford Daily season record and nation-leading dig total ford.
Freshman outside hitter Brad Lawson notched 29 kills during No. 5 Stanford’s two-game meeting with No. 6 BYU. The Cardinal split the series with with 24 digs.
the Cougars, losing in five sets on Friday, but winning in straight sets on Saturday. “As always, Erik played incredibly Please see VOLLEYBALL, page 8


Griffin 4/11 vs. UCLA W 7-2
Rants and Raves
Stanford takes two of three from UCLA FOOTBALL
The Cardinal rebounded on Saturday, as fresh- CARDINAL VS.
CAL After downing UCLA in dramatic fashion in man hurler Brett Mooneyham went six innings and
Laundry (15-17, 3-9 Pac-10)
2/24 Sunken Diamond
5:00 p.m.
extra innings on Thursday night, the Cardinal split
its final two games against the Bruins to win their
weekend series, 2-1.
Stanford struggled early on Friday night, as
allowed only two runs while striking out 10 batters
as Stanford rolled to a 7-2 win. Sophomore closer
Drew Storen was practically flawless in relief, al-
lowing only one hit in three innings to secure his
4/13 Stanford Stadium 7:00 p.m.

TV CBS College Sports TV
freshman Jordan Pries gave up three runs in the
first inning to put the Cardinal in an early hole. He
was able to recover, and lasted an additional 3.2 in-
fourth save of the season. Senior Brent Milleville
hit a two-run homerun in the second inning and
added a single shot in the eighth — his five home-
INTERNET KZSU-3 (kzsulive.stan-
GAME NOTES: Andrew Luck will quarterback
nings without giving up another run. Stanford came runs in Pac-10 play lead the conference. Sopho-

loyalty? GAME NOTES: Stanford was led by freshman pitcher

Brett Mooneyham, who has registered 27 strikeouts
over his last three starts, to a Cardinal win on Sun-
day against UCLA. Stanford took two of three in the
back to take a temporary 5-3 lead in the fifth inning,
but UCLA’s Cody Decker, who hit a homerun in
the first, lofted another mammoth shot over the
more Kellen Kiilsgaard gave Stanford a 3-2 lead in
the sixth inning with his seventh homerun of the
season, a team high.
the White team, while Tavita Pritchard will
lead the Cardinal squad. With only two
healthy passers on the roster, the coaching
staffs for the respective sides used their first
series, and rallies again in its upcoming meeting fence in left center field in the seventh inning to Please see tomorrow’s Daily for further cover-
picks on quarterbacks, with Luck going first

hen it comes to sports with Cal. This should prove easier against the Bears, give the Bruins a 6-5 lead. UCLA tapped on two age of this weekend series.
and Pritchard going second. The contest will
fandom, there are usu- as Cal has have lost its last seven straight. more runs in the ninth to put the game out of reach
be played under regular game conditions,
ally simple rules gov- and give the Bruins an 8-5 victory. — By Wyndam Makowsky
but with slight modifications; for example,
erning the teams an en-
the quarterback cannot be hit while he is in
thusiast is expected to cheer for. As
the pocket.
college students, we have obvious

Bears best Cardinal twice

ties to the University and our class-
mates on its athletic teams. Rooting Cardinal football back in action in
for the Cardinal football squad
would seem to be an obvious choice tonight’s spring game
if you lived down the hall from Tavi-
ta Pritchard, worked with Toby Ger- Stanford’s annual spring football
hart or had a class with Chris game will be played tonight at 7 p.m.
Marinelli. And geography can ac- By CHRIS FITZGERALD at Stanford Stadium, marking the
count for other causes of fan alle- DAILY SPORTS INTERN conclusion of two sessions of prac-
giance for obvious reasons. tices that spanned from the end of
And yet, there’s something miss- No. 2 Stanford entered play on Friday riding a six-game win February through the beginning of
ing from our thus far obvious equa- streak, including a shutout victory over Bay Area rival California April.
tion of fandom. Because people on Thursday, but the Bears returned with a vengeance in a pair of The contest divides the team into
move and continue to follow their old games in Berkeley. Cal found the offensive production that had two squads — White and Cardinal
hometown’s teams. They graduate eluded them in Thursday’s loss, striking back to win by scores of 3- — with half of the coaching staff
and still root for their alma mater. 1 and 8-6. leading each side. D.J. Durkin, the
Players we cheered in their youth re- The Cardinal (35-4, 6-3 Pa- special teams and defensive ends
tire and are replaced by youngsters cific-10 Conference) mustered coach, will head the White team.
we’ve never heard of before. In the just five hits in Friday’s defeat, WOMEN’S SOFTBALL Greg Roman, the newest addition to
end, Jerry Seinfeld, it seems, is always while senior ace Missy Penna the Stanford staff — he is the current
right — being a fan really does ulti- surrendered seven hits to the 4/11 vs. CAL L 8-6 running game coordinator, as well as
mately mean you’re just cheering for Bears. Cal (28-12, 5-4 Pac-10) the tight ends and offensive tackles
laundry. initiated the scoring, bringing coach — will lead the Cardinal.
Which brings us to the point of the sophomore Valerie Arioto UP NEXT The teams were decided via a
column, and the most overlooked as- across the plate after she had draft that occurred last week, with
pect of what being a fan means — the advanced on a base knock with SANTA CLARA the White team picking first by virtue
uniforms for which we cheer. We no outs. Penna struck out the of a coin flip. Head coach Jim Har-
have a choice, you see, as far as what Bears’ next two batters, but a (5-35, 0-8 PCSC) baugh, who presided over the draft,
jersey we choose to follow, maybe for wild pitch allowed freshman 4/14 Smith Family Stadium said the reason for it was to create
the rest of our lives. And at least for Elia Ried to take first safely, de- 6:00 P.M. the “most competitive atmosphere
me, a team’s fashion choices can dras- spite striking out. On the errant possible” during the game.
tically influence how I feel about it. pitch,Arioto advanced the final GAME NOTES: Stanford lost its last two The White team chose quarter-
Heck, I’m not going to lie, it’s about 60 feet, scoring her team’s first games to Cal, but looks to rebound back Andrew Luck, who will be a
the only fashion trend I actually pay run. during its encounter with the Broncos, redshirt freshman in the fall, with the
attention to, and I’m quite alright Of Cal’s seven hits, two were who have lost their last 15 straight. first pick. The highly touted signal
with that. solo-shot home runs off the bats After leaving 10 runners stranded on caller is currently in a two-man battle
Of course, it’s largely a matter of of junior Taylor Kelly and senior base against the Bears, the Cardinal for the starting quarterback job with
personal preference, but who isn’t Gina Leomiti. will aim to capitalize on a less-than- Tavita Pritchard.The Cardinal squad
drawn to a certain uniform over oth- Stanford’s lone run came in stellar Santa Clara defense. took Pritchard — a redshirt senior
ers? For me,that means seeing a won- the fifth. Sophomore Melissa next season and last year’s starter —
derful symmetry in the rugged,north- Koutz singled to open the frame, but was replaced on the base with the second selection. Luck and
south offensive tradition of Penn paths by fellow sophomore Autumn Albers. Freshman Maya Pritchard are the only two healthy
State and its no-frills blue and white Burns laced a double to right field, putting two in scoring posi- quarterbacks on the roster.
colors,without even a logo on the side tion with no outs. Sophomore Brittany Minder was then hit by a The rules of the game are general-
of their helmets. Or appreciating the 1-0 pitch to load the bases. ly consistent with those of regular, in-
timeless look of birds on a bat in St. Seemingly out of luck,Arioto found a way to dial in. She struck season contests, but with notable ex-
Louis or pinstripes in New York. out freshman Sarah Hassman, then downed Stanford’s dangerous ceptions. For example, there is punt-
But it’s not all about admiration. top of the order. When all was said and done, Stanford produced ing but no punt returns, there are
Indeed, much as I might think pin- just one run, a sacrifice fly by junior Alissa Haber to score Albers. mandatory fair catches and quarter-
stripes, for instance, are a pretty cool Just the third loss of the year for Penna, the Miami native backs cannot be hit unless they leave
look for baseball,I’m not about to be- struck out a dozen Bear batters and finished off her 26th complete the pocket — if they remain there,
come a Yankees fan anytime soon. game of the year. Notching 12 strikeouts in the meeting, Penna then a defender can “tackle” them
But a loathed uniform is perhaps the moved into the nation’s top 30 all-time for Ks in her career. simply by grabbing their jersey with
most surefire way to alienate a fan. Before play on Sunday, Stanford head coach John Rittman ar- both hands.
Again,it’s personal choice . . . mostly. ticulated the challenge posed by Pac-10 play. The spring game will be broadcast
You can’t tell me that if you stare long “In this conference, teams are bringing their A-game every on the KZSU-3 Internet stream.Ad-
enough at an Athletics player at-bat, day,” he said. MASARU OKA/The Stanford Daily mission is free for all students, and
those awful white shoes don’t make But, the second rubber match from Levine-Fricke Field in 2009 Red Zone memorabilia will be
him look like a clown. And when the Berkeley ended in a similar fashion as the first.
Senior pitcher Missy Penna’s 12 strikeouts were not enough to save Stanford in Fri- handed out at Gate 3.
day’s meeting with the Bears, as the Cardinal lost 3-1. Stanford dropped again to
Please see GRIFFIN, page 8 Please see SOFTBALL, page 8 Cal on Saturday, 8-6. — By Wyndam Makowsky
8 N Monday, April 13, 2009 The Stanford Daily

Cardinal let the set and the match made their block less effective,” percent of its side outs, compared to
slip away, gaining only eight of the Ellis said. 81 percent for the Cardinal.

Continued from page 7

“Their blocking and defense

were better than ours, and it just put
final 23 points.
After the disappointing loss, the
Cardinal played the same BYU
squad on Saturday, but with far dif-
ferent results. Stanford looked like a
different team in the second match,
BYU’s blocking was indeed sti-
fled by the Cardinal, who out-
blocked the Cougars 11-4.5. The
Cardinal middle blockers complete-
ly shut down their BYU counter-
parts, led by senior Brandon
Despite receiving only a split of
the matches, Stanford came out
ahead in the conference because it
gained the tiebreaker over BYU by
winning more sets than the Cougars
during the weekend. After this
us in a rut,” said Ellis, one of many winning in straight sets 30-24, 30-19, Williams and junior Garrett Werner, weekend’s matches, Stanford now
Cardinal blockers who were held 30-19. The match was never close, as who combined for 10 block assists holds a one-game lead over both
down by BYU. “I give their blocking BYU only led a set for one point at and 13 kills with no errors. USC and BYU for the fourth spot in
credit for their win.” 8-7 in the first. From that point on, “Everyone played better,” Ellis the MPSF standings, but USC holds OVERWHELMED? TOO MANY PAPERS, Call (650) 723-2555 Ext. 1
The Cardinal had trouble putting the Cardinal was clearly the superi- said. “In particular, Brandon and the tiebreaker over Stanford. LECTURES, OBLIGATIONS, LIFE? for display and contract rates
away the Cougars early in the or team. Stanford hit .386 for the Garrett hit for a very high percent- The Cardinal concludes the regu- TRY AN HOUR’S CONVERSATION *Please allow for 3 business days from the
match, and it was ultimately the dif- match, despite Romero, who leads age. Everyone made a few improve- lar season with two more matches at WITH AN EXPERIENCED EDUCATOR. when you purchased your ad to when it
ference. In the second set, the the team in kills, being held to only ments, and we finished strong.” home — against No. 2 UC-Irvine on FOR BROCHURE, SEND E-MAIL WITH appears in the paper
Cardinal held a commanding 25-19 five kills and five errors. Lawson and BYU could not find many Friday and against No. 9 UCLA on ADDRESS: BY PHONE
lead, but gave up seven straight McLachlin, on the other hand, led sources of offense, finishing with 29 Saturday. Both games take place at TO CONSTANCE PRATT… Call 650-723-2555 Ext. 1
points and ultimately lost the set, the Cardinal with 15 and 10 kills, errors, no aces and only one player Maples Pavilion at 7 p.m. CONNIEBPRATT@COMCAST.NET BY FAX
Call 650-725-1329
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Seahawks wear the algae-green jer- cardinal-and-white look. Or (hope- More often, though, the change 2160 Santa Cruz #23, Menlo Park 799-3406;
seys and pants with lime green high- fully) in a few weeks, when the 49ers of a uniform, unless it’s a minor
lights . . . well, frankly it looks a bit too unveil their new look, widely specu- tweak to update a style slightly, is no
much like the ocean threw up, to me. lated to be, well, their old look dur- less than a traumatic event for fans.
Sometimes it even works in ing the NFL Draft. In both these After all, when all you’re really root-
reverse — a love for a team can cases, the team’s move is an admis- ing for is laundry, it’s disturbing to
influence fashion in real life. As my sion that sometimes classic looks are know it can be changed as quickly as
passion for the San Francisco best left unchanged, despite the the latest trend can move in. And
Giants grew over the years, I higher temporary revenues those when some franchises are judged by
noticed the quantity of orange changes can bring in as fans rush to the very color of their socks rather
clothing in my wardrobe increas- acquire their team’s latest look. But than the content of their rosters, it’s
ing. The amount of Dodger-blue it’s the classic uniforms that can real- time for teams to wise up and realize
clothing, meanwhile, fell drastically. ly best appeal to everyone, young just how vital the history of their uni-
My love for a team can influence and old alike. forms is to their image and mar-
what I’m likely to wear and, in turn But perhaps it’s the subject that ketability, and to the fans who keep
over time, what I like. inspired me to write this column that the industry alive.
And don’t think for a minute that is the most egregious recent incident
teams don’t know exactly how much in recent local history, as the It’s entirely possible that Denis Griffin
their duds mean to their fans. Stanford women’s basketball team cares far too much about this topic.
There’s no other explanation for the took to the floor against UConn Contact him at

tive and keeping students ready to Old Union Room 216.
go out into a world that will be “It’s really an educational
eventually carbon constrained.” event,” said Eli Pollak ‘12. “We’re
Continued from page 2 Students for a Sustainable looking at it as a way for students to
Stanford have also refocused their get re-involved, reenergized and re-
energies on pushing for aggressive interested in the process of grass-
to the Blue Ribbon Task Force, and emissions reductions. They will be roots campus support.”
ultimately to the President.” holding a Town Hall meeting to dis-
“Stanford’s climate plan is com- cuss the University’s climate and Contact Jenny Rempel at jrempel@
plex and thorough. We wanted to do energy plan tonight from 7-9 p.m. in
the due diligence around all consid-
erations involved — resource avail-
ability and pricing, existing infra-
structure and, of course, emissions Equally content on campus was
reduction,” Ahmed added. “We feel an alumnus who has met with consid-
a sense of urgency about climate erable success since finishing his
Continued from page 2
action, but we wanted to develop Stanford education. Jen-Hsun Huang
realistic, long term and innovative M.S. ‘92, co-founder and CEO of
solutions, and that takes time and us the mistakes that they made and NVIDIA and one of the keynote
research to identify.” that we’re not to make. Things like speakers of the summit, recently
This sense of urgency is mount- that are not easy to get from any- donated $30 million to Stanford for
ing throughout California due to where else.” the construction of the Jen-Hsun
Assembly Bill 32, which requires the Damian Powell, from the Huang School of Engineering
entire state to reduce GHG emis- University of Stellenbosch, South Center.
sions to 1990 levels by 2020. Interest Africa, was the first African delegate Huang, who spent eight years at
has also been growing on campus as to take part in the summit. Stanford, fondly remembered the
student organizations increase pres- “I’m sort of a social entrepre- “fabulous gift” from Stanford profes-
sure on the University to commit to neur,” he said. “Hearing [the speak- sors, labeling his Stanford experience
greater climate action. ers’] stories, how they made it big, “a very large part of my life.”
At their meeting on March 10, really inspires me to go back to my “When I was a student, I greatly
the ASSU Undergraduate Senate country and work with what I’ve enjoyed being a student, so you
unanimously passed a resolution learned. Even with my continent, should do that,” he advised. “Relish
expressing its support for reducing with Africa having a lot problems the opportunity to be here and also
emissions at least 80 percent below right now, South Africa provides a the people you’re with . . . you’re
1990 levels by 2050. good platform with a lot of entrepre- likely already in a class or are friends
The resolution comes as “an aspi- neurship going on.” with somebody who is going to
ration for eventual carbon-neutrali- Yin Wang, a Ph.D. candidate in change the world. Relish the moment
ty,” and its authors argue that the optics at Zhejiang University in and be aware of the moment — then
University has “a responsibility to China, hopes to one day start his own you’ll get a lot more out of the educa-
reassert its role as a global leader in company in fiber communications. tion.”
campus sustainability and environ- “Silicon Valley is the heaven for And the summit’s delegates seem
mental stewardship.” all entrepreneurs,”Wang said.“We all to be doing just that.
Seth Silverman, a coterminal stu- want to know what’s happening here. “It’s really nice to meet so many
dent in civil and environmental It’s quite exciting.” people from various areas and to
energy who has been pushing for a Gautam Garg, a junior majoring build a human network that will go a
campus-wide climate plan for the in electronics and communication at long way in the future,” Mittal said.
past few years, was particularly the Delhi College of Engineering, Australian delegate Jonathan Tse
pleased with the up swell of had never been to the U.S. before last echoed this sentiment.
momentum behind this issue. week. Garg said he was impressed by “All of a sudden, you look around
“The current population of stu- both the architecture and the wel- and you have 40 friends from all over
dents and young Stanford commu- coming students at Stanford. the world,” he noted. “You don’t get
nity members prioritize this issue “I’ve never seen a University like to do that very often.”
across the board,” Silverman said. this before — it’s really beautiful,” he
“This is an essential challenge. It’s said.“The professors are really inspir- Contact Calla Huan Sheng at hsheng@
part of keeping Stanford competi- ing. I want to keep in touch with

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