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Mathcad Enabled Content Copyright 2011 Knovel Corp. Building Thermal Analysis Andreas Athienitis 2011 Parametric Technology Corp. Chapter 12 Analysis of radiant heating systems 12.2 Thermal Analysis of Ceiling Heating Disclaimer While Knovel and PTC have made every effort to ensure that the calculations, engineering solutions, diagrams and other information (collectively Solution) presented in this Mathcad worksheet are sound from the engineering standpoint and accurately represent the content of the book on which the Solution is based, Knovel and PTC do not give any warranties or representations, express or implied, including with respect to fitness, intended purpose, use or merchantability and/or correctness or accuracy of this Solution. Array origin:

This section presents a model for a space (one zone) heated with a ceiling heating system (gypsum ceiling panels with embedded electric heating). It is assummed that the heat delivered by the system is qaux. The auxiliary heating qaux is proportional to the error between the setpoint Tsp and the actual room air temperature T1:

qaux Kp Tsp T 1


...proportional control constant

The explicit finite difference method is employed to model the system and to determine the heating load and the room temperature variation.

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1. Weather inputs (a) Outside temperature. (b) Solar radiation. Note that, since heating equipment should be sized based on extreme weather conditions, solar radiation may be excluded from this analysis. However, if a passive solar analysis is to be performed, the solar gains should be considered. 2. Building data NS = number of surfaces contributing to the zone energy balance. NSe = " " exterior surfaces (walls and roof).

Ai = area of exterior surface i. Nw: number of windows (= NSe normally) Awi: area of window i

Window type: U-value or thermal resistance, single or double glazing and kL value (extinction coefficient x thickness) Adoor: external door area Rdoor: external door R-value

Wall construction: Wall layer properties. For the interior layer, properties for transient analysis are required. ach: infliltration - air changes per hour hi: inside combined surface heat transfer (film) coefficient for surface i Internal gains: Qintr: radiative internal gains Qintc: convective internal gains (optional inputs to be added as heat sources in finite difference model)

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Example: Consider a house which consists of a basement and a ground level floor. Here we consider the ground level zone, heated with ceiling heating.

Hh 10 ft Lh 50 ft Wh 33 ft

Surfaces contributing to energy balance:

NS 6 se 1 5
exterior surfaces

i 1 , 2 NS Nw 4

1-4 walls,

5-ceiling, 6-floor (assume four windows -sum the window areas on each house side)

iw 1 , 2 Nw

Window and door areas:

Aw 86 ft 2

Aw 43 ft 2

Aw 43 ft 2

Aw 43 ft 2

Ad 20 ft 2

Ad 20 ft 2

Ad 20 ft 2

Ad 20 ft 2

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Wall net areas:

A Lh Hh Aw Ad
1 1

A Wh Hh Aw Ad
2 2

A Lh Hh Aw Ad
3 3

A Wh Hh Aw Ad
4 4

A Wh Lh


Hi 8 ft

...internal height

Vol A Hi

Door thermal resistance

ft 2 F Rd 38.75 watt

window resistance (double-glazed)

ft 2 F Rw 6.588 watt watt h 0.428 h h 1 2 1 ft 2 F

Film coefficients

h h

h h

Hot ceiling, hot floor

watt watt h 0.361 h 0.48 2 5 6 ft F ft 2 F ach 0.5 Btu cpair 0.239 lb F lb air 0.075 ft 3

ach= air changes /hour

Specific heat and density of air

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Calculation of infiltration conductance:

ach Vol Uinf air cpair 3600 sec

watt Uinf = 34.672 F

Thermal Resistance of Walls (including air films): Vertical Walls 1. gypsum board

L 0.043 ft

lb 50 1 ft 3

thickness, density.

watt Btu k 0.027 c 0.179 1 1 ft F lb F

2. insulation

conductivity spec. heat

F Rins 60.063 ft 2 watt F Rsid 7.169 ft 2 watt watt ho 1.135 ft 2 F

3. siding + sheathing

4. exterior film

15% of area is framing

ff 0.15

...fraction of area which is framing

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2 by 4 wood stud with R-value:

F Rf 14.919 ft 2 watt

1 R 1 1 ff ff + L L 1 1 1 1 1 1 + Rins + Rsid + + + Rf + Rsid + + ho h ho h k k

1 1 1 1

F ft 2 R = 57.553 1 watt
Calculation of wall conductance excluding interior layer and film (to be used for admittance calculations):

1 u 1 L 1 1 R 1 h k
1 1

Assume that all exterior walls are of the same construction:

ii 1 , 2 4 L L


u u

k k


c c

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Calculation of roof-ceiling thermal resistance: Ceiling 1. gypsum board with imbedded electric resistance wires

L 0.059 ft

k k

c c

2. insulation

F Rinsc 116.25 ft 2 watt watt ha 0.619 ft 2 F

3. air-film (attic)

1 Rc 1 ff ff + L L 5 5 1 1 1 1 + Rinsc + + + Rf + + ha h ha h k k
5 5 5 5

F ft 2 Rc = 71.939 watt
Roof 1. exterior air film

watt ho 1.032 ft 2 F F Rb 3.681 ft 2 watt

2. shingle backer board

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3. wood shingles

F Rsh 3.294 ft 2 watt

1 Rr 1 ff ff + 1 1 1 1 Rb + Rsh + + Rf + Rb + Rsh + + ho ha ho ha F Rr = 10.521 ft 2 watt

Assuming a 30 degree slope for the roof, we calculate the ceiling-roof combined resistance per unit ceiling area (assuming no ventilation in the attic) as follows:

A 5 Ar cos ( (30 deg) )

Rc Rr R + A 5 5 A5 Ar 1 u 5 L 5 1 R 5 h k
5 5

F R = 81.051 ft 5 watt

...for admittance calculation


1. Concrete blocks 5cm thick (over radiant panels of low R)

L 0.164 ft

watt lb k 0.288 137.342 6 6 ft F ft 3

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2. Insulation & plywood

F Rins 69.75 ft 2 watt watt ho 0.48 ft 2 F

Btu c 0.191 6 lb F

3. Air film (horizontal heat flow upward)

L 6 1 1 R Rins + + + 6 ho h k
6 6

F R = 74.486 ft 2 6 watt

1 u 6 L 6 1 R 6 h k
6 6

Calculation of Wall Admittances This is not required for ceiling heating, but admittances give us an idea about the dynamic thermal properties of the space. The self-admittance and the transfer admittance will be calculated for each wall, considering the thermal capacity of the room interior layer. Note that the steady-state value of the admittance is equal to the wall conductance. We will calculate admittances to the interior surface and to the room air point. The analysis will be performed for the mean term and three harmonics of the weather inputs and heat sources. Admittances:

A i Ys 0,i 1 R i h





Steady state admittance to interior surface is equal to wall U-value (excluding interior film); first subscript indicates frequency, second subscript indicates surface number.

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A i Y 0,i R




...admittances from outside to room air (steady state)

n 1,23

j 1


2n j k i 86400 sec c
i i

Ui A h
i i

Uo ho A

...interior and exterior surface conductances

Aw Ad iw iw Uw + iw Rw Rd u + k tanh L i i n,i n , i i Ys A n,i i u i tanh L + 1 n , i i k i n,i Ys Ui n,i i Y n,i Ys + Ui

n,i i

...conductance of double-glazed windows and doors;

A i Yt n,i cosh L sinh L n , i i n , i i + u k

i i n,i

Ui i Yta Yt n,i n , i Ys + Ui
n,i i

Wall admittances from outside to inside air.

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Zone Admittance Yz (from room temperature node):

n 0,13

Yz Uinf + Uw + Y
n iw iw i


135.598 watt |Yz | = 579.615 | n| 830.420 F 960.147

Note that Yz0 is simply the total U-value of the house. The magnitude |Yz1| for a frequency of one cycle per day gives us an indication of the daily dynamics of the space; the higher its value the smaller the room daily temperature swing.

Outside Temperature The outside temperature for a day is modeled by a Fourier series based on NTo+1 values that are an input to the array below. If more detail is required, NTo may be increased. Then, the the Fourier series may be used to generate intermediate values as required by the time step of a finite difference model.

NTo 7

it 0 , 1 NTo

...time index

t it 3 hr


n 0,13


n w 2 j 1 n 24 hr

10.4 0.4 3.2 6.8 To F 12.2 19.4 17.6 15.8

exp j w t n it Ton To n NTo + 1 it it Ton = 10.625 F


...Fourier harmonic coefficients mean daily temperature

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Solar Radiation (approximate model) Solar radiation transmitted through the windows may be modelled by a half-sinusoid from sunrise to sunset time ts. For initial analysis of radiant heating, the solar radiation may be set to a low value (50 watts per sq.m. of window). Redefine time array:

it 0 , 1 23

t it hr


ts 5 hr watt Smax 4.645 ft 2

...(time from solar noon to sunset)

...peak solar radiation (at noon) (assume minimal level for cloudy day)

t 12 hr it f Smax cos it 2 t s

watt watt S if f > 0.0 , f , 0.0 2 it it ft ft 2 it

S(t) may be modelled with a discrete Fourier series as follows:

exp j w t n it Sn S Aw n iw 24 iw it it

we multiply by total window area to determine total solar radiation.

We will assume that the fraction of this radiation absorbed by each interior surface is proportional to its area:

is 1 , 2 6 A i Qr Sn n,i n Atot
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Atot A


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Finite Difference Model The general form of the explicit finite difference formulation corresponding to node i and time interval p, is:

t T( (j , p) )T( (i , p) ) T( +T( (i , p + 1) ) (i , p) ) qi + ( ) C R i , j ( ) j i
where C is capacitance, j represents all nodes connected to node i, and q is a heat source such as auxiliary heating or solar radiation. Critical time step:

Ci tcritical min 1 j R i,j

for all nodes i. (the selected time step should be lower to ensure numerical stability)

The thermal network is shown below.The floor is discretized into two layers (one thermal capacitance and two resistances for each layer). The unheated surfaces are represented by node 6. S represents solar radiation transmitted into the room and absorbed by the surfaces (a low value is assumed). Resistance R1o represents heat loss by infiltration and through the windows, doors and vertical walls (their thermal capacity is considered negligible as compared to the floor).

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Thermal capacitances and resistances:

Cfloor c A L
6 6 6

Cfloor C 4 2


...thermal capacitances

C A c L
5 5 5 5

...thermal capacitance of ceiling panels


L 6 1 Ro + u A 4k A
6 6 6 6

L 6 R34 2k A
6 6

R34 R23 2

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1 R1o Aw Ad A ii ii ii Uinf + + + Rw Rd R ii ii

...resistance of unheated surfaces (apart from floor) and infiltration

1 R12 A h
6 6

watt h6r 4 ft 2 F

...radiation heat transfer coefficient between floor and ceiling

1 R26 h6r A

L 5 R56 k A 2
5 5

...this represents the thermal resistance of half of the ceiling panels

1 R16 A h
5 5

R56 1 R5o + A u 2
5 5

Stability Test to Select Time Step

C C C 3 4 5 TS 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + R23 R34 Ro R34 R56 R5o tcritical min ( (TS) ) tcritical = 215.390 sec

The time step Dt should be lower than the minimum of the three values in the vector TS

t 200 sec

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The simulation will be performed for two days (periodic). Thus, weather data have to be generated for NT times as follows:

sec NT 86400 2 t p 0 , 1 NT

NT = 864 t p t

...number of time steps for two days

...times at which simulation is to be performed.

n1 1 , 2 3 To Ton + 2 Re Ton exp j w t p 0 n1 n1 p n1

Ambient temperature

20 18 16 14 12 10

To ( ) p (F)

8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

t ( ) p (hr)

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St Sn + 2 Re Sn exp j w t p 0 n1 p n1 n1

Solar radiation (total in zone)

1.110 110 900 800 700 600

St ( ) 400 p (watt)
300 200 100 0 -100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


t ( ) p (hr)

Tb 60.8 F

...basement temperature

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Initial conditions must first be assummed. Also, the size of the heating system qmax has to be decided together with the proportional control constant Kp. A good estimate for qaux can be determined by multiplying the zone conductance Yz0 with the maximum indoor - outdoor temperature differential and increasing the result by 50%. Fo example:

qmax |Yz | 30 C 1.5 | 0|

4 qmax = 1.098 10 watt

Initial estimates of temperatures:

T 1,0 T 69.8 2,0 T 75.2 3 , 0 78.8 F T 84.2 4 , 0 62.6 T 64.4 5,0 T 6,0

qaux 0 watt

Tsp 71.6 F

...setpoint can vary with time of day if desired.

watt Kp 2780 F

...proportional control constant ( a good value is qmax/2)

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if Kp Tsp T > qmax , qmax , Kp Tsp T Tsp T > 1.0 C 1 , p 1 , p 1 , p T To T 2,p p 6,p + + + 0.7 St p R12 R1o R16 1 1 1 + + R12 R1o R16 T T T 3,p 6,p 1,p + + qaux R R R 23 26 12 p+1 1 1 1 T + + 1,p+1 R23 R26 R12 T T T T T 2,p+1 3,p 2,p 3,p t 4 , p T +T + 3,p+1 3 , p C R34 R23 3 T 4,p+1 Tb T T T p 4,p 3,p 4,p t T + + T 5,p+1 4,p C Ro R34 4 T 6 , p + 1 T T To T 5,p p 5,p t 6 , p + + qaux + T p 5,p C R56 R5o 5 T T T 2,p 5,p 1,p + + + 0.3 St p R26 R56 R16 1 1 1 + + R56 R26 R16

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Results for second day (first day is affected by assumed initial conditions): Heating profile Temperatures

1.110 110 910 810 710 610

85 76.5


( (F) )

68 59.5

To ( ) p (F) T ( (F) ) ( (F) ) ( (F) )

51 42.5 34 25.5

qaux ( 510 ) p (watt)

410 310 210 110


17 8.5 0


24 26.5 29 31.5 34 36.5 39 41.5 44 46.5 49



t ( ) p (hr)






t ( ) p (hr)







Note: T1 is room air temperature

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Heating energy consumption by numerical integration for second day:

NT NT + 1 NT 1 v , 2 2

qaux + |qaux | + qaux + |qaux | v v| v + 1 v + 1| | | Qh t t 4 v + 1 v v

5 Qh = 5.633 10 Btu

A more accurate result may be obtained if another capacitance is added for the walls and the radiant exchanges are modelled more accurately (based on radiation view factors). References 1. Athienitis, A.K., 1994, "Numerical model for a floor heating system", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 100, Pt. 1, pp. 1024-1030 . 2. ASHRAE, 1997, Handbook-Fundamentals, Atlanta, GA. User Notices

Equations and numeric solutions presented in this Mathcad worksheet are applicable to the
specific example, boundary condition or case presented in the book. Although a reasonable effort was made to generalize these equations, changing variables such as loads, geometries and spans, materials and other input parameters beyond the intended range may make some equations no longer applicable. Modify the equations as appropriate if your parameters fall outside of the intended range. For this Mathcad worksheet, the global variable defining the beginning index identifier for vectors and arrays, ORIGIN, is set as specified in the beginning of the worksheet, to either 1 or 0. If ORIGIN is set to 1 and you copy any of the formulae from this worksheet into your own, you need to ensure that your worksheet is using the same ORIGIN. Engineering and construction code values shown in US Customary units are converted from original values in Metric units. They are NOT obtained from US codes unless specified.

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