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Faction Leaders may make an Assassination 1dr, but not against a senator who has already survived an attempt that turn. Nominate the target, +1 unrest, place a treason counter on its Faction Card and reduce the assassinating factions influence by the prestige of the target and its popularity by his charisma. 2dr 5 Draw mortality counters equal to the targets charisma for the assassins faction. 2dr 2 The target is killed, his faction loses influence equal to his prestige, tripled if Caesar, doubled if another magistrate. If Julio-Claudian Dynasty 27 BC68 AD is in the Tabularium the assassin of the Caesar is made the new Caesar unless there is a statesman with the Caesar ability. +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1/-2 -1 -2 If the target is a Praetorian Prefect, Proconsul or Rebel. If the target is Caesar for each bodyguard card played after the Assassination 1dr. If the target is Caesar for each Praetorian Guard or Imperial Cavalry in Rome. If the target is Caesar and Barrack Emperors 235-284 AD is in the Tabularium. If the assassin is the Praetorian Prefect and Julio-Claudian Dynasty 27 BC68 AD is in the Tabularium. Each Assassin card or counter played immediately before the Assassination 1dr, -2 if Severan Dynasty 193-235 AD is in the Tabularium. If there is a Conspiracy event If there is a Widespread Conspiracy event.

Persuade a senator in another faction or the Forum to join the faction. Proconsuls, Rebels and Faction Leaders may not be persuaded to leave their factions, pro-army statesman cannot join pro-senate faction and pro-senate statesmen cannot join pro-army factions. Any faction may bribe the senator being persuaded and for each talent spent +1 or -1 to the Persuasion 2dr (unless a marriage card is played). The senator is persuaded to join the faction if the Persuasion 2dr plus the oratory of the persuading Faction Leader is; > the senators loyalty if in the Forum or a pro-army statesman being persuaded to leave a neutral for a pro-army faction or a pro-senate statesman is being persuaded to leave a neutral for a pro-senate faction. > double the senators loyalty he if in a faction with the same allegiance. > triple the senators loyalty if a pro-army statesman being persuaded to leave a pro-army for a neutral faction or a pro-senate statesman is being persuaded to leave a pro-senate for a neutral faction.

A proconsul from each faction may attempt to rebel in each Forum Phase. +1 unrest, place a treason counter on his Faction Card, pay all rebelling Legions a bonus equal to pay multiplied by inflation from his faction treasury and make a Rebellion 3dr. 0 <0 Rebellion Fails; -4 influence and -4 popularity for his faction and draw mortality counters for the Proconsul equal to the charisma of the Caesar. Rebellion Succeeds; turn the proconsul counter to its rebel side, place his provinces on his card. Provinces from his faction that are adjacent to his rebel provinces may the rebellion (and provinces adjacent to them in a chain effect) and are placed on is card. The charisma of the Caesar and the popularity of his faction. The loyalty of the rebelling proconsul, doubled if his faction has the same allegiance as Caesar. The charisma of the rebelling proconsul and the popularity of his faction. Unrest. -1 for each Legion and Fleet in the provinces of the rebelling Proconsul if Barrack Emperors 235-284 AD is in the Tabularium, -2 if veteran. The rebelling Proconsul is in the Military Faction. -3 if there is an Usurper Event, -5 if Multiple Usurpers. Each Army Mutiny Intrigue card played before the 3dr.

+? +? -? -? -1 -3 -3/-5 -5

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