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C Y C L E F I V E : S I G N AT U R E S T R AT E G I E S : R E S I D E N T S C O R E C A R D

Resident Name Leslie Madorsky

Making Every Minute Count: Daily Double Plan: Data Driven Instruction (1b,e,f) Domain 1: Planning and Small Group Instruction (1a,b,c,d,e,f) Preparation

Mentor Name Ms. Cook

Danielson Rating

Date Completed 1/30/13

Ms. Madorsky has been very deligent with taking student data from their exit slips and using them do decide if something needs to be gone over again or refreshed before moving on to the next lesson. We will continue to do more of this in the future. She has done a great job with the management of small groups and keeping students on task we will continue to work on pushing first grade content knowledge for small group for literacy.


Becoming a No Nonsense Nurturer:

Danielson Rating
Basic +

Anchor charts are creative, neatly done, and hung up in their designated spots. Material is copied in advance and neatly organized for use.

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Organize Space for Success (2c,e)

Establishing Engagement & Elevating Rigor: Small Groups: Differentiation (3c,d,e)

Danielson Rating
Basic + Basic Basic +

Ms. Madorsky does very well with working with each group level and she has also been very good at tiering worksheets and exit slips to fit the needs of each student. She assures that CFU is aprat of each lesson and that she is contantly asking higher order thinking questions to push rigor.

Domain 3: Instruction

Conferring (3a) Checking for Understanding (3d)

Establishing Engagement & Elevating Rigor:

Danielson Rating

Ms. Madorsky has been responsible for scoring and entering grades for students formal assessment which has helped her to view and monitor the student's progress and the areas in which they are not performing well.

Domain 4: Professionalism

Understanding Data: Monitoring Student Progress (4b)


Resident Reflection

As your mentor, what is going well that I can do more of?

Continue with active coaching during lessons. It is really helpful to be told how to modify something in the moment.

As your mentor, where would I think it would be beneficial to observe you teaching a few lessons throughout the course of a week/observe for a day. I think this would allow me to reflect on what I'm doing in comparison to what you do/how you implement instruction and management. I want to keep moving forward and not stay where I'm at in terms of performance you like more support? and what you want me to be doing. Observing and then discussing may be helpful.

School Year 2012-2013



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