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Portuguese Pronunciation Guide Group VII

NE - NHA - NHE - NHO - NHU - NI - NO - NU - 0 - 0M NE Vamos ao cinema na Sexta? NHA Ela ganha rios de dinheiro. NHE Tempo dinheiro. NHO O passarinho est no ninho. NHU Voc no teve culpa nenhuma. NI Ningum sabe de tudo. NO Errar humano. NU Essa sopa nutritiva. O Qual o seu dia preferido? OM O mundo anda to complicado

Lets go to the movies on Friday? She earns rivers of money!

Time is money.

The little bird is in the nest.

You were not guilty at all...

Nobody knows everything.

To err is human.

This soup is nutritious.

What is your favorite day?

The world has been so complicated.
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