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1. Find the common difference of theltJ5;f-rite (i) o,0.2,0.4,0.6, . . . .

(i i ) (i i i ) ( i v) ( v) (vi ) 1 . F i n d: (i) (ii) ( fi i ) (iv) (ul ( vi ) -1 1 ,-5 ,1 ,7 ,... 4 5 ,5 0 ,5 5 ,6 0 ,... 1 ,5 1 2 ,2 ,5 1 2 ,.... 2 1 ,6 , -9 ,-2 4 ,..... a +b , (a + 1 )+b , (a + 1) + ( b+ 1) ,... TYPE - B

the nextthreeterms;

the 10*'termof -4O, -10,10, 3S,... [Ans.1gb] the 1?r'termof sA,514,714,914,.... 25141 tAns. T h e 1 .B u ' rm o f 1,1.5,2.0,2.5,.... te 9.S l tAns. The rth term of g, 6, g, 12,.... Br] [Ans. The pth term of -S,-10, -15,-20,.... -FpJ tAns. T h en th te rm o f g , 19,27,96,.... [Ans.9n] ,17,11, S,- 1,.... { " i i l ]h e (r-1 )th te rm of [Ans.29_6r J ( vi i i ) F i n dth e 1 0 *'te rm fr omthe endof the A.p.4,g,14,.....,zsi. [Ans .

(ix) (x)

Findthe 6*'termfromthe endoftheA.p.17,14,11,...,40. Find theB*'term fromtheendof theA.p.7,10, 1g,...., fi4?51


lAns. [Ans. 1631 [Ans.(a + U)Z-2ab (n - 1)] [Ans.a+( 2n- 1) d] [Ans.x - n]

2. Findthe nth term of the Ap: (i) (a + b )2 ,a 2 +6 2 ,(a- b) 2,.... ( ii ) a +d , a +3 d , a + 5 d,..... ( i i i ) X - 1 , x-2 , x-3 ,....

TYPE - C 1. Findthe AP whose nth term is: ( i ) 3 +4 n (i i )5 +2 n ( iii) 6_n ( iv) 9_5n ( a (i i )2 ,9 , 1 1 ,19,.... [ An s . ) 7 , 1 1 ,1 5 ,1 9 ,.... ( iii)s,4;3,2.... ( iv)4,_1,- 6,- 11...] TYPE - D 1. Howmanytermsare there in the Ap: (i) 7 ,1 3 ,1 9 ,2 5 ,....,2O5? ( i i) 5 ,1 4 ,2 3 ,3 2 ,....,_239? ( i i i ) 1 3 ,2 1 , 2 9 ,3 7 ,..., 1 gg?

[Ans.34 terms] [Ans. 27 terms] [Ans. 23 termsJ

(i v) '|.. Findif {il (ii) (i i i ) (iv) (v)

5 , 8 , 11 ,1 4 ,...,9 5? TYPE- E

termsJ [Ans.31

2 9 Si s a te rm o f A p: ,11,17,29,29,.... 6 7 i s a te rm o f A p:7,10,19,..... 3 0 8i s a te rm o f A p:9, g, 19,.., which term of Ap: 3, 10,'rr,...wiil be g4 morethan its 13*,term? which term of the Ap: g, 1s, 27,9g, 132morethan its s4*,terrn?

1' The5*'term of anAPis 34and*"lllill

2' 3' 4. 5. 6. 7'

the rth term of the Ap. Determine the 25tt'termof an AP whosegthtermis -Gand commondifference lf the commondifference of an AP equal the Rrst ierm, prove that the ratio is S/4. of its mth and nth terms is m : n. Finda, b such that27,a, b, -6 are in Ap. Finda, b such thatl.2, a, b, 3 are in Ap. The mth term of an Ap is n and the nth term is m. Findthe rth term of it. The sum of 4tt'and 8tt'terms of an A.P. is 24 and the sum of the 6tt,and 10m terms is 34. Findthe first term and the commondifferenceof the Ap.

," ,. Find thecommon difference and

1 . Find ttrevatue of x sothatBx- o, uJl?t;8r, * 4 wiuformanAp. 2 . Determine k so that k+ 2,4k -6 and 3k *2 arethreeconsecutive termsof an Ap. 3 . Showthat a - b, ? and a + b form consecutive terms of an Ap. TYPE - H '1. Findthe three numbersin Ap such that (i) Their sum is 24 andtheir product is 3g4 (ii) Their sum js 12 andsumof their cubes is 40g. (iii) Their sum is 24 andthe sum of their squaresis 194. (iv) Their sum is B0 and the ratio of firstto third is 3 : 7. (v) Their sum is 54 and the productof two extremesis 275. (vi) Their surn is 21 and the product of the first and the third terms exceeds the secondterm by 6. 2. Findfour numbersin Ap such that (i) Their sum is 50 and in which the greatestnumberis 4 times the least. (ii) The sum of the secondand third is 22 and the product of thl fiirt anJ tne fourth is 85. (iii) Theirsum is 20 and the sum of their squaresis 120. _ 3. Findfive numbersin Ap such that T|r"!. sum is 25 and the sum of their squaresis 13S. {il. (ii) Their sum is 2s and the ratio of first to the last is 2 : 3. 4. Threenumbersare in the ratio 3 :7 :9. ff 5 is subtractedfrom the secondthe resulting.numbers are in Ap. Findthe originalnumbers. TYPE - I

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