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Question no 1-5, CIRCLE the CORRECT sentences : Example:

1. Animals can move from place to place.

2. Plants can move from place to place.

3. Animals can make their own food.

4. Plants can make their own food.

5. Animals cannot make their own food.

B. Fill in blanks.Classify the living things below as plants or animals.

Palm tree.


Wheat plant.

Camel .


Hibiscus .







C. Question 1-5.Circle "TRUE" or "FALSE" for each statement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Papayas are fruits that can be eaten. (TRUE / FALSE )

All flowers have same colour. (TRUE / FALSE ) All plants have flowers. (TRUE / FALSE ) Lotus is a water plant. (TRUE / FALSE ) Bananas are fruits that cannot be eaten. (TRUE / FALSE )

D. Match the following animals name.

1. I have two legs. I can swim. I have flippers.


2. I have 6 legs. I can fly. I have wings.


3. I have no legs. I have fins. I have scales. I can swim.


4. I have 4 legs. I have trunk, a long nose. I have big ears.


5. I have 4 legs. I have fur. I have long ears. I eat carrot.


F. Underline the answer.

1. Which of these is NOT an animal? A bee A pear A cat 2. Which of these animals has feather? A cow A squirrel An eagle 3. Which of these is TRUE? All animals have wings All animals can swim All animals move 4. How are humans and birds the SAME ? They both have two arms They both have two legs They both have feathers

5. All butterflies were once ... Earthworms Centipedes Caterpillars 6. Which of these animals can swim? A clown fish A rabbit A sheep 7. Example of NON-flowering plant is... Rose Pine Hibiscus 8. Which of these fruit cannot be eaten? Angsana Strawberry Pineapple 9. Which of these animals has backbone? An ant A grasshopper A giraffe

10. Which of these animals lays eggs? An elephant A duck A giraffe

G.Circle 5 animals that give birth.

H.The backbones of some animals are shown below. Name these animals. 2.goat 3. hen 5. rooster 6.cow 7.sheep box the name

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