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Proceed dings of the ASME 2011 Internationa al Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition n IMECE2011 1 Novembe er 11-17, 2011

1, Denver, Co olorado, USA A

IMEC CE2011 1-65748 8

Khale ed I.E. Ahmed d A. M. S. Hamou uda Mechan nical & Industr rial Engineering Department, Mech hanical & Indu ustrial Engine eering Department, College of Engineerin ng, Colle ege of Engineering, Qatar Universit ty, Doha (2713), Qatar. Qatar Unive ersity, Doha (2 2713), Qatar. kh.ahm qa ham mouda@qu.ed M. S. Gadala G Mech hanical Engine eering Depart tment, University of British Columb bia, Vancouve er, BC, Canad da. gadala@m observ vation leads to o the assumpt tion that the transition zone might be weakened by chemical p phenomenon du ue to the rise of o the co onstituent temp peratures [8].

ABSTRACT U Using hot aggr regates, in con ncrete producti ion, results in a drop in compressive e strength of th he produced co oncrete. Variou us metho ods have been n proposed for r cooling concr rete aggregates. This paper propose es a new desig gn for a conve eyor system fo or coolin ng the aggrega ates during ho ot seasons. Sim mulation of th he heat flow during the t cooling process over th he conveyor is analy yzed with the objective o of un nderstanding th he effect of th he variou us design par rameters and achieving min nimum coolin ng time w with the least possible powe er. A finite ele ement model fo or the new design is proposed p and discussed. d Ch hallenges facin ng nume erical simulatio on are addresse ed in this paper r. The results of o the fi inite element analysis a of the new design ar re presented fo or variou us initial condi itions and cool ling rates INTR RODUCTION R Ready-mixed concrete man nufacturers, in n hot weathe er region ns like the Ar rab peninsula area, a are faced d with drops in i comp pressive strengt ths of concrete e produced in summer. Hig gh ambie ent temperatur res increase the rate of ev vaporation from m fresh concrete resu ulting in lower r effective wa ater content an nd hence e lower effectiv ve water-ceme ent ratio per weight w [1-6]. As A shown in Fig. 1, a reduction of compressive c st trength has als so been observed on specimens produced p unde er a controlle ed enviro onment and tes sted in a labora atory [7-8]. High H temperatur re speed ds cement hydr ration and the bonding betw ween the cemen nt grains s becomes weaker. w Theref fore, the earl ly-age strengt th increa ases with high her curing temp peratures becau use the reactio on rate is faster, but 28 8-day strength decreases beca ause of the poo or bondi ing between ce ement grains at a these elevate ed temperatures. It is n noted that high her temperature e aggregates re esults in greate er conce entration of calcium c hydro oxide at the interface. This

Fi ig 1. Effect of ag ggregate tempera ature on the 28-d day concrete compressive strength based o on the data given n by [1]

The e two classes of hot climate e are `hot-wet t' and `hot-dry'. The c common denominator is tha at heat accele erates chemica al proces sses and it is vi ital to protect n newly placed c concrete agains st high te emperatures. I In hot-dry cond ditions, evapor rative forces are and, therefore high a e, special care e must be tak ken to preven nt drying g out and to retain the req quired water content in the concre ete for hydrat tion. While th his may not b be a significan nt proble em in hot-wet c conditions wit th high humidit ty, the opposite dange er exists, as ra ain may lead to an excessi ively wet mix x, disturb bing the water balance for hy ydration and str rength gain [9] ].

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The Arab peninsula weather conditions are associated with hot weather for approximately eight months per year. The weather fluctuates between summer temperatures that approach 50oC and winter temperatures that sink to 18oC. Relative humidity follows a similar pattern ranging between 5% and 90% from inland to coastal regions, respectively. Ready-mixed concrete manufacturers have to accommodate these extreme highs and lows in climate fluctuation [10]. Aggregate temperature plays a very important role in defining the concrete mix temperature [11]. It is generally believed that the aggregate temperature has to be less than 2oC to have a concrete mix temperature less than 10oC. However, it has been shown that keeping the aggregate temperature about 15oC is adequate in achieving proper results [11-24]. Cooling the concrete aggregate is one of the most effective methods to reduce the concrete mix temperature. Different equipments have been developed for that purpose. Among those are belt conveyors, cooling drums, chilled storage rooms, and a mix of those methods [23-25]. In these equipments, cooled air, liquid nitrogen, chilled water, or ice are used to reduce the concrete mix temperature [19]. Ice and chilled water are usually added to the mix to keep water balance of the concrete mix under control. Liquid nitrogen is sometimes used to reduce the cement temperature with special precautions to avoid concrete aggregate thermal shocks. Cooled air is the preferred candidate, although this requires huge flow rates and extensive cooling systems. Despite the criticality of the previously described problem for concrete makers, there is very little work in the literature to address the numerical or the experimental simulation of the problem and to optimize the cooling facility. Most of the available work presents industrial experiences and developments [23-25] and this is mostly for food cooling systems [26]. The cooling drums are designed on the basis of well mixing the aggregates using radial webs [24]. The cooling process in the existing drums in the market is based on mixing the aggregates to enlarge the contact area between the aggregates and the cooling air. Research shows that cooling drums are very compact, efficient, and provide a high production rate. Cooling drums entail, although, the disadvantages of being quite expensive, consume high mechanical power, and are difficult to maintain. On the other hand, cooling using air jets over belt conveyors, similar to those reported in [14], is the cheapest and simplest method. However, the concrete industry reports long cooling time, low cooling efficiency, large occupied space and a low production rate. Combination between both methods is generally recommended. It was reported that, three-stage cooling of return sand is effective and efficient when flash cooling and premixing are accomplished on a belt conveyor and final cooling is performed in a rotary sand blending, cooling, screening drum [18]. Convection to the cooling air is the main heat transfer

theme in these previous designs. Cooling through the thermal contact between the aggregates and the cold belt conveyor or drum body as well as the mixing process was neither analyzed nor optimized. Cooling aggregates in general is a challenging task due to its low thermal conductivity. Due to the porosity of the concrete aggregates (10%-50%) the thermal conductivity would deteriorate at a very high rate; e.g., the thermal conductivity of limestone decreases by about 70% for a porosity of 10% [2728]. Same behavior applies to sand in which a 25% increase in its porosity results in 52% reduction in the thermal conductivity [32-33]. This level of low thermal conductivity of these materials inhibits heat flux toward the cooler surfaces as the materials porosity increases. The heat flow during the cooling process, either by belt conveyors or drums, needs to be analyzed and optimized to achieve short and optimum cooling time with low cooling power. The main objectives of the current work are; to propose an optimized design for belt conveyors systems to be used in cooling the concrete aggregates and to present a numerical simulation for the cooling process using the finite element method with the objective of optimizing the overall system performance. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED DESIGN The current work is focused on sand cooling. The thermal conductivity of sand in general is very low. This requires, for thick sand beds over the conveyor, very long time for the heat flow to be conducted from the deep layer to the cooled sand surface. This problem is explored using a simple finite element simulation model, Fig. 6 for cooling 15cm of sand initially at 45oC by cooled air jet at -15oC for 30 minutes. The sand effective conductivity is assumed 0.5W/m.C [32]. The lower layer is assumed adiabatic while the upper layer is assumed under forced convection with heat transfer coefficient 20W/m2.C and bulk temperature -15oC. This test case is a 1D heat transfer problem. A closed form solution for the surface temperature Ts at sand bed thickness l meters after time t seconds is given by [38] for sand bed with initial temperature Ti, conductivity K, density , and specific heat c as follows;

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The surface temperatures of the sand bed are calculated using the above equations using up to 10 roots of Eq. 1b. These results are compared to finite element solutions using up to 30 elements through the height of the sand. The temperature distribution after 30 minutes through the sand bed thickness is highly nonlinear as shown in Fig. 2. This requires, as shown in Fig. 3, at least 7 elements through the sand bed thickness for the finite element simulation model to converge to the exact solution. As shown in Fig. 2, the most upper layer temperature is severely reduced while the inside layers are still very hot. Furthermore, the average temperature of the sand after 30 minutes cooling is 38.5oC. This reflects the importance of developing special techniques to overcome this cooling problem that arises from the severely low sand bed effective conductivity.
2 o o

Convection,h=20W/m . C,T=15 C

A. Sand Mixing Conveyors with multi-stages are generally recommended [18]. This implies that frequent mixing of the sand within the cooling air enhances the cooling conditions by, randomly, moving out part of the hot sand and moving inside part of the cooled sand. Sand mixing can be simulated in the finite element simulation model with an aided subroutine. In this subroutine, each nodal temperature is reassigned randomly to another node in the sand domain each certain period of time. Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram illustrating the random mixing technique. This technique simulates well mixing of sand before being moved to another stage [34]. Element size smaller than 0.02m (7 elements through the sand bed thickness) shows good result in the 1D test case. However, the mixing technique is examined with three mesh sizes 0.03m, 0.015m, and 0.01m. The nodal temperatures distribution after 30 mixings within 30 minutes for the same boundary conditions of the previous case is presented in Fig. 4. The sand mixing, as shown in Fig. 5, has significantly reduced the average temperature of the sand bed. Results obtained with element size 0.01m (15 elements through sand bed thickness) are appropriate to be considered for the rest of finite element simulations in the current work.

Fig 2. Finite element model and the resulted temperature distribution in deg. C of the first test case

Fig 4. The random reallocation of the nodal temperature and the nodal temperature distribution in deg. oC after 30 mixings B. Effect of Heat Sink Addition Although the mixing has significantly reduced the amount of heat stored in the sand, the final sand temperature after 30 minutes cooling is still high. Adding a heat sink to the belt is then essential. A simple finite element model is used to test adding heat sinks as separators over the belt, Fig. 6. The heat sinks are assumed aluminum walls with height 30cm and width 10cm and the sand height is assumed 25cm. The distance between each two successive walls is investigated between 10cm to 50cm. The sand is assumed initially at 45oC and the cooling boundary conditions are similar to the previous test cases except for the heat sinks sides which are considered symmetry boundary conditions. The cooling time is assumed two hours with no mixing.

Fig 3. Effect of the number of elements through the sand bed thickness and the effect of the number of closed form used roots on the convergence of the final temperature at the surface of the sand bed after 30 minutes cooling

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TemperatureoC Fig g 7. Maximum m and minimum m temperatures vs distance between two h heat sinks PROP POSED COO OLING SYSTE EM DESIGN The e proposed co ooling system m is designed based on the previo ous results. The e plant consists s of 8 belt conv veyors between n which h the sand is m manipulated wi ith mixing. A Also, the belt of o each c conveyor is aid ded with speci ially designed aluminum hea at sinks. M Many conveyo or belt shapes are available in the market t. The be elt with super cleat is chosen n [36-37] to accommodate the design ned heat sink, , Fig. 8. The aluminum heat sink is a U section n channel wi ith inner thin n films. The e heat sink is i suppo orted over the b belt cleat with a set of inline b bolts. A sketch h e main compon nents of the co ooling system for the sand is i of the shown n in Fig. 9. The sand mo oves from the storage to the coolin ng system thro ough conveyor r Co. The s sand is handled throug gh cooling con nveyors C1-C2-C3-C4-C5-C6-C C7-C8 ending at a conve eyor Cf which takes it out o of the cooling g system to the onveyors C2, C4, C6, and C8 mixer . It is worth noting that co the same length as the rest of conveyors, however, they y have t run pe erpendicularly to them. The e cooling air je ets are assumed d to flow w perpendicula ar to the belt pa assing through the U channel l. FINIT TE ELEMENT T SIMULATIO ON MODEL T The finite elem ment simulation n of the coolin ng heat transfe er proble em is meant to include ma any factors th hat are usually y ignore ed in analytica al modeling. One of the m most importan nt ll be included param meters that wil d in the simu ulation are the contac ct resistances b between the pa airs; sand-belt, belt-aluminum m, and s sand-aluminum m. Also, the e perfectly ra andom mixing g betwe een the hot and d cold sand after transferrin ng from belt to o belt is s included in th the model. Fu urthermore, the e cooling of the belt b before it return n back to be filled with san nd is included d. Addin ng the residual l heat in the b belt after this c cooling stage is i consid dered. 4

The resulted te emperature dis stribution of the sand bed afte er 2 hou urs cooling is presented p in Fig g. 6. Cooling conditions hav ve been significantly enhanced for sa ands close to th he cooling air or o e aluminum wa alls. Reducing g the distance between b the hea at to the sinks significantly reduces r the maximum temper rature, as show wn in Fig g. 7.

Fig 5. Maximum, minimum, and d average temperatures of the d bed vs coolin ng time with an nd without sand d mixing using g sand various mesh densities.
Convection,h=20W/m . C,T=15 C
2 o o

Fi ig 6. Finite element model an nd the resulted temperature n deg. oC of the sand and the heat sink distribution in

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eleme ent model calcu ulates the sand d output avera age temperature at dif fferent input t temperatures and different conveyor bel lt speeds s. The used t thermal proper rties of the san nd, rubber belt t, and al luminum fins a are shown in Table 1. S5: Alluminum Fins a and rubber supe er cleat interna al Surfaces




F Fig 8. Rubber belt b with super r cleat and alum minum fins

Fig 10. Th he repeated patt tern of the conveyor Table 1: Thermo phy ysical properties of the coolin ng system compo onents Thermal Specific heat De ensity Con nductivity K Cp (k kg/m3) (W/m.C) (J/kg.C) 1.2 0.025 1012 Air 1800 0.5 835 S Sand 1522 0.16 2010 R Rubber 2700 273 876 Alu uminum

he governing a and boundary conditions equ uations B. Th The e first law of th hermodynamics states that thermal energy is conser rved. Specializ zing this to a differential c control volume gives the three-dim mensional cond duction equatio on that may be n in the form: written

F Fig 9. Schema atic drawing of f the proposed belt b conveyor sand d cooling system components s A. T The simulation n model of one e belt Figure 10 sho ows the dimen nsions of the belt b width, san nd heigh ht, heat sinks dimensions. Al lso the figure shows s a detaile ed finite element mode el that simulate es each belt of the t eight belts. The finite element e mode el assumes that t the room m erature and th he convection heat transfer coefficient ar re tempe well controlled. Th he assumed ro oom temperatu ure is -15oC an nd ssumed heat tr ransfer coeffici ient is 40W/m2.C. The finit te the as

T = q + q B t


The e above equa ation may be e written in the following g expan nded form for 2 2-D approxima ation:

T T T B = kx + (3) k y y + q x y x t whe ere kx, ky are the thermal co onductivities in n the x- and ydirecti ions, respectiv vely (W/m.oC), T is the tempe erature (oC), qB is the internal rate of heat generati ion per unit volume (W/m3), is the material density (kg/m3), c is the specific heat of the ial (J/kg. oC), a and t is time (sec). materi

The e general bou undary conditio ons that may be applied to o Equati ion (2) may tak ke one of the f following form ms:

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No heat flow (adiabatic or natural boundary): This boundary condition is called the adiabatic or natural boundary condition, and may be expressed as:

[K h ] is the additional thermal conductivity matrix due to

convection B.C. given by:

T = 0 , on surface Si n


[K h ] is the additional thermal conductivity matrix due to

convection B.C. given by:

[K h ] = S h[N s ]T [N s ]dS ; [K h ] = S h[N s ]T [N s ]dS ;


Convection heat exchange: When there is a convective heat transfer on a part on the body surface, Si, due to contact with a fluid medium, it can be written as:


T kn = h(Ts T f ) , on surface Si n


is the heat flux vector due to input surface flux B.C. given by:


where h is the convection heat transfer coefficient, which may be temperature dependent (non-linear), Ts is the surface temperature on Si and Tf is the fluid temperature, which may be constant or a function of boundary coordinate and / or time and kn is the thermal conductivity in direction n. Prescribed temperature (Dirichlet BC): The temperature may be prescribed on a specific boundary of the body. The prescribed temperature may be constant or a function of boundary coordinate and/or time: T = Ts ( x, y, z, t ) , on surface Si (6) As seen in Fig. 10, half of the belt is considered for the simulation model due to the symmetry. The boundary conditions applied to this simulation are defined for the four surfaces S1, S2, S3, and S4 as follows:

{Q}s = S q s [N s ]T dS ;
{Q}h =
hTec N s dS ;


h and, finally, {Q} is the heat flux vector due to convection B.C. given by:

[ ]


It should be noted that Equation (11) doesnt involve radiation boundary conditions and internal heat generation which are not a factor in the current simulation. Time discretization of equation (11) using the -method results in the following final equation to be solved for the linear transient simulation:
t +t 1 c h QS + Qh K c + K h K + K + t C T=

) [


T y

= hS1 TS1 T



T n
T x T n


= hS4 TS4 T


where is a constant which is between 0 and 1 depending on the solution method used. The following methods are used frequently: = 0 explicit Euler forward method. = implicit trapezoidal rule. = 1 implicit Euler backward method. The current analysis is solved using the implicit Euler backward method. C. The simulation model of the whole plant Figure 11, shows the simulation model of the eight conveyers. The model shows eight belts with sand and another eight belts without sand. The upper model is for the working belts and the lower model is for the returning belts. Each belt is solved for a load step with time that depends on the belt speed, and then the sand temperatures are calculated, randomized and then are applied as initial conditions for the next belt in the next load step. Also, the temperatures of the belt and aluminum fins nodes are calculated and applied to the returning belt and aluminum fins as initial condition for the next load step. Adding, the calculated temperatures of the returning belt are calculated and then applied to the loaded conveyor as initial condition for the next load step. Each belt transfers the calculated temperatures to the next till the last belt, while the first belt gets new sand set with a Tin (Fig. 11). The surface of the sand, the bottom of the belt, and the surrounding areas of the aluminum fins are loaded with forced

Due to Symmetry


S2 ,3

= hS5 TS5 T


Following the normal finite element discretization and assembly procedures for Equation (1), the model ends up with the global finite element equations in the form [39-41]:

& [C ] { T }+ [[K c ] + [K h ]] { T } = {Q}s + {Q}h where [C ] is the thermal capacity matrix given by:

(11) (11a)

[C ] = V c[N ]T [N ]dV ; [K c ] is the thermal conductivity matrix given by:

[Kc ] = V [B]T [K ][B]dV ;


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conve ection bounda ary conditions. The par rtitions of th he simul lated pattern are consider red adiabatic. The resulte ed tempe eratures are the en considered for f the next con nveyor. Ac ccording to [2 26, 35], the contact c therma al resistance is estim mated to be 200W/m2.C between the san nd and rubbe er, 600W W/m2.C betwee en the aluminu um fins and the t rubber, an nd 800W W/m2.C between the sand and d aluminum fins. RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS D The cooling plant is te ested for inp put sand wit th tempe eratures vary from f 10oC to 60 6 oC with step p of 5oC. Thes se tempe eratures are sim mulated at coo oling times; 8, 16, 32, 48, an nd 80 m minutes. Figure 12 shows th he temperature e distribution of o the sa and over the 8 belts due to 2 minutes coolin ng time for eac ch belt. This short tim me is not enou ugh for the bel lt to release th he gaine ed heat during the t return strok ke. This residu ual heat and th he short cooling time reduce r the coo oling rate of the sand resultin ng in tem mperature drop p of 30oC at the last stage. Figure F 13 show ws

mperature distr ribution of the sand over the 8 belts due to 6 the tem minute es cooling tim me for each be elt. This longe er cooling time helps most of the g gained heat in n the belt to b be released ou ut during g the return stro oke. This is re esulted in temp perature drop of o 45oC a at the last stag ge. For very s slow belt, 10 m minutes cooling g for ea ach belt, as sh hown in Fig. 1 14, the gained d heat has been n totally y released whic ch is resulted in n temperature drop of 52oC at a the las st stage. F For full view w of the pla ant performan nce, the inpu ut tempe eratures are plotted again nst the final stage outpu ut tempe erature for 7 co ooling rates as shown in Fig. 15. The shown n results s are the fin nal average t temperature a at steady state condit tions after 4 ho ours of operati ion. These res sults have been n summ marized further in Fig. 16 w which shows th he effect of the coolin ng time on the final average sand temperat ture at differen nt input sand tempera atures. This chart defines the required coolin ng time based o on the input tem mperature of th he sand and the recom mmended outpu ut temperature as indicated in n the figure.

Fig 11. Finite element model for r the eight conve eyors showing th he loaded convey yors and the retu urning ones

Fi ig 12. Tempera ature distributio ons in deg. oC for the results obtained from m the finite elem ment simulation n of belt conve eyor cooling sys stem with Tin=55 = oC, cooling g time tc= 16mi in (2 minutes f for each belt)

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ig 13. Tempera ature distributio ons in deg. oC for the results obtained from m the finite elem ment simulation n of belt conve eyor cooling Fi sys stem with Tin=55 = oC, cooling g time tc= 48mi in (6 minutes f for each belt)

Fi ig 14. Tempera ature distributio ons in deg. oC for the results obtained from m the finite elem ment simulation n of belt conve eyor cooling sys stem with Tin=5 55 oC, cooling time tc= 80min n (10 minutes f for each belt)

Rec commended d Zone

Fig 15. Relation R betwe een the average e output temper rature and the i input temperat ture for differen nt cooling time es tc

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Reco ommended Z Zone

Fig 16. Relation betw ween the coolin ng time and the final average t temperature at t different inpu ut temperatures Ti

NCLUSIONS CON Co ooling concrete e aggregates is a crucial factor in hot weathe er region n like the Ar rab peninsula area to retai in the concret te streng gth. Existing cooling meth hods in the lit terature are no ot optim mized for power and cooling time t minimizat tion. Mo ost of the exis sting designs perform some e mixing of th he aggre egates in a col ld environment. These desig gns dont utiliz ze the fu ull advantages of proper mix xing, free fallin ng of aggregate es and extended belt t surface area a for heat co onvection. Th he presented simulatio on in this pape er shows signif ficant impact of o mixing process on the cooling efficiency. A belt conveyo or the m coolin ng system des sign is propos sed and analyz zed using finit te eleme ent simulation n tools to acco ount and to make m use of th he above e factors. KNOWLEDME ENT ACK This research was supported by a grant fund NPRP08-693-2 N 2290 f from the Qata ar National Re esearch Found dation (QNRF F), Qatar r. REFE ERENCES [1] AC1 Committ tee 305, Hot weather concr reting, revised dAC1 Materials s Journal, 88, (4) 417 (1999). [2] Abbasi, A. F., , Al-Tayyib, A. A J. Effect of f hot weather on o modulus of rupture and splitting tensi ile strength of o m. Cont. Res, 15, 1 233 (1985). . concrete, Cem [3] Zivkovic, S. D. D The effect t of increased temperature on o fresh and hard dened concrete e, in Proc. 3rd d RILEM Con nf.



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