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Annals of Botany 61, 433-449, 1988


A Review of Evidence on the Control of Shoot:Root Ratio, in Relation to Models

Department of Botany and Microbiology, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DA, UK Accepted: 6 October 1987

ABSTRACT Four basic models exist for the control of shoot: root ratio (S: R): (a) allometric models, proposing a fixed ratio of shoot growth rate to root growth rate; (b) functional equilibrium models, based on the ratio of shoot activity to root activity; (c) the Thornley model, based on carbon and nitrogen uptake and transport, (d) hormone models, generally suggesting the root produces a hormone that controls the shoot and vice versa. Models (a) and (b) are empirical, and therefore provide no test of the processes operating. Ontogenetic changes in S: R for fibrous-rooted herbs could be fitted by a modified Thornley model. Ontogenetic effects must be excluded in judging other effects. Responses of S: R to deficits of water, major inorganic nutrients, light and carbon dioxide, and to defoliation and root pruning, usually conform to Thornley's model. With current knowledge Thornley's model cannot usefully be applied to minor nutrients, nutrient toxicity or temperature differences. S:R changes at reproduction usually conform to Thornley's model if it is assumed that young reproductive structures are a strong sink, but this begs the question of what determines sink strength. There are apparent exceptions to most of these responses, which should be studied further. Phytohormones can influence S:R, but may not be the control operating in the normal, intact plant. Most of the available evidence is compatible with a source-sink model of Thornley's type, and therefore does not demand a hormonal theory of S:R control. There is a need for more critical tests. Key words: Shoot:root ratio, strategy, partitioning, models.


The plant comprises a number of parts which must remain in practicable proportion to one another, Plants that are all root, or all leaf, do not occur, More subtly, the proportions of leaf, stem and root on a plant remain in at least approximate equilibrium. The simplest equilibrium is between the amount of shoot material and the amount of root material - the shoot: root ratio (S: R). Cody (1966) pointed out that it is possible to think of organisms as having a limited amount of energy available for expenditure, and of natural selection as that force which operates in the allocation of this energy in the way that maximizes the contribution of the genotype to following MODELS generations. Harper and Ogden (1970) applied this Models of plant growth can be purely empirical, to plants by examining the proportion of energy fitting equations to the phenomena observed, or allocated to reproductive structures. Much con- they can be mechanistic, attempting to model the sideration has been given to the conditions under processes that comprise plant growth in the hope which particular reproductive strategies should be that if these processes are modelled realistically the Present address for correspondence: Botany Depart- observed phenomena will be exhibited by the ment, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New model. Models of shoot:root ratio control have Zealand. included these two types, with intermediates. 0305-7364/88/040433 + 17 $03.00/0 1988 Annals of Botany Company

optimal. This concept of strategy (Jain, 1979) applies not only to the balance between vegetative structures and reproductive structures, but also to that between any other partition of plant growth, for example, partition between shoot and root (Iwasa and Roughgarden, 1984). Given that S:R is controlled, the question remains as to how it is controlled. Models, of various degrees of sophistication, have been proposed for the controlling mechanism, but there had been no overall evaluation of the ability of these models to explain the observed behaviour of plants. This paper attempts to do so.


WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio empirical one. It tells us nothing of the mechanism by which assimilate is partitioned 'to maintain a balanced functional economy throughout the plant.' Davidson admitted: 'no attempt is made to define the causal mechanism'. Thornley's model Pearsall (1923) and White (1937) proposed that root growth was determined by the residue of assimilate available after the shoot had used its requirements. Shank (1945) proposed the corresponding mechanism that when any soil factor (nutrient or water) was limiting, a larger proportion was retained in the roots, decreasing the proportion of shoot to root growth. White suggested the C:N ratio in the plant was the controlling factor, and Brouwer (19626) extended this to a model in which growth was controlled by carbohydrates and nitrogen. Under nitrogen deficiency, the greater part of the N taken up was used by the root system for root growth, thus decreasing S: R. Deficiency of other minerals, or of water, would have the same effect. Under carbohydrate deficiency, the opposite mechanism would work. Thornley (1972) put such a model into mathematical form. Thornley's is a mechanistic model, based on the supply, transport and utilization of carbon and nitrogen. There are many simplifying assumptions, such as single pools of labile C and N in the shoot and in the root. The value of models is that they can show us how many aspects of plant behaviour can be predicted from only the most basic of plant processes. The two basic features of the model are the way growth in the shoot and the root (separately) depend on the concentrations of labile carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), and the transport of C and N between shoot and root. Growth is assumed to depend on the concentration of both C and N, in an asymptotic manner. At low levels of C or N, growth is linearly related to the supply, and there is a gradual approach to saturation. Translocation is assumed to depend on the difference in concentration between the shoot and the root, and resistance. Although C and N certainly do not move by diffusion, a roughfitto diffusion formulae seems reasonable. The main area where the model was not intuitive was in the resistance; Thornley found that only a resistance that was inversely proportional to the size of the plant would give steady-state growth. Even one-directional transport is a simplification, for some carbon compounds are certainly translocated from root to shoot, and much of the N translocated from root to shoot is subsequently retranslocated to the root (Lambers et al., 1982).

Allometric models Pearsall (1927) and Troughton (1956) applied the allometric growth formula to the shoot/root balance: , t y = bxc, where y is the dry weight of the root, x is the dry weight of the shoot, and b and k are constants. This formula can also be written: log y = log b + k. log x, which allows a straight-line plot. This model is entirely empirical; it does not attempt to explain growth processes, but it enables the relation between the weights of the shoot and the root to be expressed in a simple manner, and therefore makes it easy to see any departures from a particular relation, for example when the plant starts to flower. Troughton pointed out that the model implied a fixed ratio (log b) between the relative growth rate (RGR) of the shoot and that of the root. Barnes (1979) extended the allometric model to allow for changes in the allometric relation with time.
Functional equilibrium models

Troughton's model fits S: R only under one set of environmental conditions; functional equilibrium models attempt to explain plastic changes in S:R. We can trace such models from Brenchley (1916), who stated 'the plant makes every endeavour to supply itself with adequate nutriment, and as if, when the food supply is low, it strives to make as much root growth as possible'. Brouwer (1963) spoke of the relation between shoot and root being regulated by activities, and later (Brouwer, 1966) of weight/activity ratios. This model was expressed formally by Davidson (1969 a) as root mass. rate of absorption oc leaf mass . rate of photosynthesis. Although Davidson used the leaf mass in his model, he used the shoot mass in displaying his results. Hunt and Burnett (1973) amended the formula, replacing 'leaf mass' with 'shoot mass' and expressing photosynthesis as Unit Shoot Rate. Hunt and Nicholls (1986) expressed the model in terms of environmental stress. Reynolds and Thornley (1982) and Johnson (1985) produced similar models, in which the C:N ratio in the storage pools determines the partition between shoot and root growth by some unspecified means. Gadgil and Gadgil (1979) and Iwasa and Roughgarden (1984) expressed essentially the same model in terms of optimality theory. The functional equilibrium model is again an

WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio Brugge (1985) refined Thornley's model to include rooting at different depths, and root maintenance, senescence, ruboff and exudation. Hole et al. (1984) suggested that a simple sourcesink hypothesis was inadequate, and that anatomical ontogeny might be important. Hormone models Keeble (1931) seems to have been the first to propose that shoot: root integration was dependent on hormones produced by one, stimulating growth of the other. Luckwill (1960) developed this idea, seeing S: R as controlled by the dependence of root growth on factors from the shoot, including the unknown 'rhizocaline', and the dependence of shoot growth on an unknown 'caulocaline'. Others recognized auxin as rhizocaline (Bonner and Galston, 1952) and cytokinins as caulocaline (Russell, 1977). Some workers have considered that their results cannot be explained on a translocation/sink basis (e.g. Benjamin and Wren, 1980). As a result, the suggestion has been made many times that S: R is normally controlled by hormones (e.g. Evenari, 1962; Wilkinson and Ohlrogge, 1964; Buttrose and Mullins, 1968; Vaadia and Itai, 1969; Wareing, 1970; Richards and Rowe, 19776; Russell, 1977; Lambers, 1979; Peterson et al., 1984; Cruz et al., 1986). As will be discussed later, the exogenous application of hormones can affect S: R, and such experiments have also led workers to suggest that hormones are natural regulators of root growth (e.g. Stenlid, 1982). Moreover, when more than two compartments are considered, a third factor limiting growth must be postulated for stable control, which might be a hormone (Thornley, 1976). Goodwin et al. (1978) worked out the possible details of such hormonal control. It is useful in science to nominate a simple or null hypothesis that has logical primacy (Simberloff, 1983). This is the basis of Occam's Razor accepting the simplest hypothesis that fits the facts. In this case there are several reasons for nominating as the null hypothesis that of no hormonal control. It is simpler, in that we have to accept anyway that assimilate supply and mineral nutrients can limit plant growth. Moreover, the mechanism itself is simpler. The idea that growth uses up substrate, and slows when substrate is in short supply, and the idea of a resistance to transport, require little further justification. By contrast, a hormonal explanation requires that the hormone source must detect any shoot:root imbalance before it can send a hormonal message which must then be decoded by the target organ. In using a no-hormone theory as null hypothesis, I do not suggest that hormones cannot affect S: R, ONTOGENY


it is clear that they can. Nor do I suggest that some control over S:R in a normal plant may not be hormonally mediated. Rather, I suggest that by identifying which of the known phenomena can be explained without hormones, we can more rigorously test the hypothesis of hormonal control and identify the circumstances in which it is important.

The shoot: root ratio usually changes as the plant grows. Since size and time differences during vegetative growth are usually equivalent (Troughton, 1956), many time differences are probably just a reflection of size, even though Brouwer (1966) suggested that it was a case of 'differentiation'. As a general rule, S:R of herbaceous plants increases with age/size (e.g. Troughton, 1956; Bray, 1963; Ryle, Arnott and Powell, 1981; Bourdot, Saville and Field, 1984). It is interesting that Thornley rejected a hydraulic analogy model in which resistance was proportional to the length divided by the cross-sectional area of the stem, apparently because conductance did not keep pace with the growth in plant volume, resulting in a steadily increasing S:R. Perhaps resistance is proportional to the length divided by the cross-section, and this is the cause of changes in S:R during growth. The main exception for herbaceous plants is that root crops are often reported to have a decreasing S:R (Ford and Thorne, 1967). Currah and Barnes (1979) analysed this very carefully for carrot; they found that it was an age effect, not a size effect; they also found that early in development S:R increases, but beyond a certain age it starts to decrease. It is easy to see this as a result of natural or artificial selection for a large root at the end of the season, but this does not explain the mechanism. It could be that conductance rises more rapidly than plant volume, due to plant morphology or anatomy (Hole et al., 1984), though Barnes (1979) discounted such an explanation. It could also be seen as the effect of the tap root as a strong sink, though that begs the question of what makes it act in this way. With woody species, the most common situation is a continuous decrease in S:R (Wareing, 1950; Ledig, Bormann and Wenger, 1970). In other cases S: R has been shown to decrease at first and then increase later (Balagopalan and Alexander, 1981; Walters and Freeman, 1983), or the reverse (Mullin, 1963), but it is difficult to distinguish between ontogenetic and seasonal changes in this work. Bray (1963) found no ontogenetic change. Ledig et al. (1970) saw the usual trend as adaptive-storage and anchoring structure in woody perennials. Almost all the work has been


WilsonModels of Shoot .Root Ratio

with seedlings; realistic root recovery from adult tissues. When nitrogen is not limiting, and so long as toxic levels are not reached, the difference in trees is difficult. Thus, ontogenetic changes for herbs are pre- concentration should produce no differential dicted by an earlier version of Thornley's model, growth between the shoot and the root. When though not by his final one. Root crops are nitrogen levels are lower and limiting they will still problematical in interpretation, and woody plants be lower in the shoot than in the root; McDonald, in both data and interpretation. Indirect effects of Lohammar and Ericsson (1986) showed that in environmental factors on S: R, via their effects on the days after nitrogen availability was decreased growth and hence on ontogeny, should be excluded it was the leaf nitrogen that was most affected. Therefore, the growth of the shoot will be reduced in considering the effects of those factors (Ledig more than that of the root, as observed. Thornley's et al., 1970). model would predict a build-up in carbohydrate OSCILLATIONS levels under nutrient deficiency, and this has been Season is the main determinant of phenology, and observed (e.g. McDonald et al, 1986). it is well known that one aspect of phenology Thornley's model was defined with carbon and affected by season is the relative amounts of shoot nitrogen controlling growth. However, nitrogen growth and root growth (e.g. Parsons and Robson, could equally be replaced with any other nutrient 1981). Some woody plants seem to show fluctua- that behaves in the same way in plants, i.e. is taken tions in the ratio of shoot growth to root growth up mainly through the roots, is translocated to the (e.g. Reich et al., 1980). shoot against resistance, is taken up faster at higher Drew and Ledig (1980) and Drew (1982) have concentrations, and affects shoot and root functionclaimed to find episodic fluctuations in the ratio of ing according to similar equations. The exact shoot growth to root growth. They see this as a relation between nutrient concentration and root mechanism that maintains an 'adaptive' shoot: and shoot functioning should not affect the root ratio. Borchert (1973) modelled the process. qualitative behaviour of the model. However, the episodes Drew and Ledig (1980) and Some workers have found no change in S:R Drew (1982) found were in adjacent harvest intervals. Apparently the same set of plants was when nutrient levels are varied, but this has usually used for the final weight in one harvest-interval been accompanied by the absence of an effect on and the initial weight in the next. This means that growth, indicating that the nutrient was not any random fluctuations in S:R of this set of deficient in any of the treatments. Rufty et al. (1984), examining nitrogen deplants will show as opposite deviations in the increment ratio for the two harvest-intervals. It is ficiency, found redistribution of growth occurring therefore possible that the oscillations of these before any drop in overall growth rate; there was workers is an artefact. This does not mean that the therefore an absolute increase in root growth ratio is not controlled as they suggest, but that the during the first two weeks of deficiency. Yeager control may operate more efficiently and oscil- and Wright (1981) also reported an absolutely greater root mass at lower nitrogen supply in one lations are not seen. of two experiments, and there is some evidence for this in Hirose and Kitajima's (1986) experiment. These observations conflict with Thornley's INORGANIC NUTRIENTS model; further investigation would be valuable. Major nutrients Others have reported an absolute increase in root Many records exist of differences in shoot:root length but not in dry weight (e.g. Krigel, 1967). As was discussed above, Thornley's model ratio at different levels of inorganic nutrients in the rooting medium. For major nutrients, they almost involves a large number of simplifications. Many all show a lower S: R when a particular nutrient is are reasonable. Most nutrients are indeed taken up deficient (e.g. Asher and Ozanne, 1967; Loneragan mainly through the roots, though leaves have a and Asher, 1967; Davidson, 1969*; Hunt, 1975; considerable ability to absorb nutrients (e.g. Caloin, Khodre and Atry, 1980; Yeager and Parker and Boswell, 1980). The exact behaviour of Wright, 1981; McCain and Da vies, 1983). It is elements in translocation is little known, though clear by comparing multiple harvests that in at the resistance to K translocation seems to increase least the results of Caloin et al. (1980) and Rufty, as the plant grows (Widders and Lorenz, 1982). Raper and Huber (1984) this is not an ontogenetic One worrying simplification is that the model effect. assumes that the effect of mineral nutrient supply This result is compatible with Thornley's model. will be via the incorporation of assimilate into Because of the transport resistance, nitrogen is structural plant material, leaving the photosynmore available in the root, though this is difficult thetic rate constant. In fact, there is evidence for to demonstrate because of differences between many nutrients of a direct effect on photosynthesis,

WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio and biochemical reason in many cases why this should be so. Such an increase in photosynthesis rate in Thornley's model would tend to produce the opposite effect, of a higher S: R with nutrient deficiency. An increase in mineral nitrogen supply usually increases the rate of photosynthesis (Yeager and Wright, 1981; Frank and Marek, 1983), probably through the contribution of nitrogen to the molecules of enzymes, perhaps especially RuBP carboxylase. However, nitrogen is a structural component of a vast range of important plant compounds, and notably of all proteins. In fact, the response of plants to nitrogen deficiency is almost always in the direction predicted by Thornley's model (e.g. Davidson, 19696; Hunt, 1975; Caloin et al., 1980; Yeager and Wright, 1981). Milford and Watson (1971) saw a increase in the carbohydrate content of nitrogen deficient plants, as predicted by Thornley's model. An increase in phosphate supply usually increases the rate of photosynthesis (Bottrill, Possingham and Kriedemann, 1970). This may be because of the need for phosphate compounds in the photosynthetic machinery (Sawada, Igarashi and Miyachi, 1983), perhaps ATP (Machler, Schnyder and Nosberger, 1984). However, phosphate does not specifically promote photosynthesis, phosphates such as ATP are important intermediates in most aspects of metabolism. (In contrast, Gregory and Richards (1929) found that phosphate deficient plants tended to have a higher photosynthetic rate.) In fact, the response of plants to phosphate deficiency is almost always in the direction predicted by Thornley's model (e.g. Davidson, 1969ft; McCain and Davies, 1983). Potassium supply also limits photosynthesis (Bottrill et al, 1970), and Gregory and Richards (1929) found that potassium deficiency depressed photosynthesis more than deficiencies of nitrogen. It has been suggested that the effect of potassium is indirect, via the effect on stomatal opening and hence on carbon dioxide supply (Madore and Grodzinski, 1984). Apart from its role in stomatal mechanism, the reasons for potassium requirement in plants are remarkably non-specific to any metabolic process let alone to any organ (Clarkson and Hanson, 1980). Potassium can affect S:R in the same direction as other major nutrients. For example, Steen (1984), working with Atriplex, found that potassium increased S:R more than any other nutrient or combination tried. Toxicity Even the major nutrients become toxic beyond a certain concentration, though that concentration depends on other environmental conditions. This


is true for nitrogen (MacLeod, 1969; Ingestad and Lund, 1979), phosphate (Asher and Loneragan 1967; Warren and Benzian, 1959) and potassium (MacLeod, 1969). Following the general model of Thornley, though not his formulae, we can predict that the same mechanism that enables root growth to benefit in comparison to shoot growth when nutrients are deficient will suppress root growth more than shoot growth when levels become toxic. Unfortunately, few of the investigators showing toxicity have reported root weights. Ingestad and Lund (1979) found a slight tendency for S:R to increase at toxic levels of nitrogen. In Loneragan and Asher's (1967) work there was only one species that showed phosphate toxicity, and there was no change in S: R associated with it; Ozanne, Keay and Biddiscombe (1969) found no change in S:R associated with phosphate toxicity; Wilson and Haydock (1971) found a slight increase in S:R at toxic levels of N and P; Loustalot and Winters (1948) found no consistent trends. Minor nutrients For these the picture is less clear. Boron affects photosynthesis, possibly via potassium supply (Dugger, 1983). Its general mode of action is hard to pinpoint, but it may be via membrane function (Clarkson and Hanson, 1980; Shkolnik, 1984). Bottrill et al. (1970) and Bouma (1969) found an increased S: R with boron deficiency. Calcium is required for the integrity of the plasmalemma. This is true in the shoot as well as the root, but it is at the soil/root interface that these abilities become especially crucial. Veierskov and Meravy (1985) found an increase in carbohydrate with calcium deficiency, but Bottrill et al. (1970) observed only a small effect of calcium deficiency on S: R. Copper is part of the molecule of plastocyanin of the electron transport chain and therefore affeets photosynthetic rate (Drozdov, 1958; Shkolnik; 1984), but it is also necessary for the action of a number of enzymes. Bottrill et al. (1970) found no effect of copper deficiency on S: R. Iron also has a large effect on photosynthesis (Bottrill et al, 1970), probably because it is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll (Terry, 1978) and it is part of the molecule of ferredoxin. However, it is part of a number of metalloproteins active throughout the plant. Bottrill et al. (1970) showed little effect on S:R. Magnesium is important for photosynthesis as part of chlorophyll molecule (Peaslee and Moss, 1966), but it also promotes the activity of a number of enzymes (Clarkson and Hanson, 1980), and is required for ribosomal integrity. In fact,


WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio by a resistance, but this is the normal model (Newman, 1969). As with mineral nutrients, there remains the problem of a direct effect of water deficit reducing photosynthetic rate. This does occur (Finn and Brun, 1980; Singh and Sasahara, 1981). It can be attributed to stomatal closing (Hanson and Hitz, 1982), greater mesophyll resistance to CO 2 diffusion (Vapaavuori, Korpilahti and Nurmi, 1984), dehydration and hence loss of efficiency by carbon dioxide-absorbing surfaces (Singh and Sasahara, 1981), cytoplasmic water stress reducing enzyme activities, and changes in RNA and protein content and character (Shah and Loomis, 1965). However, water deficiency will affect not only the photosynthetic enzymes but all enzymes, in fact almost all aspects of a plant's physiology (Todd, 1972). It will therefore affect the rate at which assimilate is converted into plant structure. It is not clear whether water stress will have a greater effect on photosynthesis or growth. One could argue that photosynthesis is affected not only enzymatically but also via carbon dioxide supply, and would therefore be affected more. This would lead to a decrease in carbohydrate concentrations in the water-deficient plant, before growth decreased. In fact, most reports are of an increase in carbohydrate concentrations during water stress (e.g. Zholkevich and Koretskaya, 1959; Munns, Brady and Barlow, 1979; Kigel and Dotan, 1982), though Thakur and Rai (1980) found that mannitol-induced water stress led to a general decrease in starch and reducing-sugar content, and Woodhams and Kozlowski (1954) found a slight decrease in all types of carbohydrate after 8 d water stress. The usual response suggests that the net effect of water stress is to limit growth more than photosynthesis, making water analogous to mineral nutrients in Thornley's model. The usual responses of shoot:root ratio to changes in the soil water availability parallel those for nitrogen: when water is in short supply assimilate is directed more towards the root (Finn and Brun, 1980; Chung and Trlica, 1980) and S:R is lower (e.g. Troughton, 1960; Davidson, 1969ft; Baser, Jaggiand and Sinha, 1981; Schwintzer and Lancelle, 1983), irrespective of ontogenetic changes (Troughton, 1960). In contrast, Cruz et al. (1986) found a lower S:R in irrigated rice, which they attributed to mechanical impedance in dry soil. Baser et al. (1981) found that when the water table was close to the surface, reducing growth in comparison with optimal water supply presumably because of waterlogging, S:R decreased again. Thornley's model would not explain an absolute increase of root mass under water deficiency, but I

magnesium deficiency sometimes decreases S:R (Bottrill et al., 1970) and sometimes increases it. Manganese deficiency showed an effect on photosynthesis in spinach second only to that of nitrogen in Bottrill et a/.'s (1970) experiments. It seems to be required in the reactions of Photosystem II (Bishop, 1971). Whilst it may be involved in other enzymatic reactions, Shkolnik (1984) suggests its principal effect is on photosynthesis. Bottrill et al. (1970) found a higher S:R with manganese deficiency, but Ohki (1984) found little effect. Molybdenum is part of nitrate reductase, but also has other roles (Shkolnik, 1984). Bottrill et al. (1970) found a small increase in S:R with molybdenum deficiency. Sulphur seems to affect photosynthesis in a number of ways, via the chlorophyll content, via CO 2 assimilation, via the photoreduction of ferrocyanide (Terry, 1976). It is a structural component of a number of enzymes. Deficiency of it can have rather little effect on S:R (Bottrill et al., 1970). Zinc also affects the rate of photosynthesis (Bottrill et al., 1970; Ohki and Young, 1979), perhaps because of some involvement of the zinccontaining carbonic anhydrase, but more than 20 enzymes in the plant are zinc-dependent. Bottrill et al. (1970) showed only a slight decrease in S:R with zinc deficiency. Thus, there is some evidence that no S:R response is seen with deficiencies of those minor nutrients that are important in photosynthesis. Conclusion Thornley's model explains most observed plant responses to major nutrients. The rare exceptions would be worth further investigation. There is too little evidence from toxicity to draw conclusions. Minor nutrients often display effects in the opposite direction. It is usually possible to explain this by suggesting that the particular nutrient has more effect on photosynthesis than on growth, but this is no test of the model. The best that can be said is that minor nutrients provide no evidence validating or contradicting the model.

WATER Water, like inorganic nutrients, is absorbed primarily by the roots, some is translocated to the shoot, and an adequate supply is necessary for growth of shoots and roots. Therefore water should behave in the same way as nitrogen in Thornley's model. Not only can the translocation of it from shoot to root be thought of as controlled

WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio can find no case of this in the literature. Reports of an absolute increase in root length are common (e.g. Huck et al., 1986), and represent plastic response of unknown cause. Therefore it is quite possible to fit the observed response to water deficit to Thornley's model, but this provides little positive support for the model since, with the assumption of a greater effect of water deficit on photosynthesis, it would have been possible to fit an opposite response.


seems premature to suggest the existence of a ' light factor' on such evidence. Thus, the evidence on response of S: R to shade is entirely compatible with Thornley's model. CARBON DIOXIDE LEVEL Many species respond to concentrations of carbon dioxide above normal ambient levels with faster growth. Thornley's model can be applied directly, as with light, since if CO 2 increases growth it is almost certainly via an increase in photosynthetic rate. The predicted decrease in shoot: root ratio at higher CO 2 has generally been found (e.g. Ford and Thorne, 1967; Hurd, 1968; Sionit et al., 198 la, b; Scheidegger and Nosberger, 1984; Whipps, 1985; Potvin and Strain, 1985). In the case of fibrous-rooted herbs there is no confusion with ontogeny, since CO2-induced growth would raise S:R, and CO 2 tends to decrease it, and all the examples just given show the effect with fibrousrooted herbs. Excluding experiments where CO2 level was non-limiting, there is little exception. However, Sionit, Hellmers and Strain (1982) found no clear S: R response in maize, MacDowall (1972) found no clear effect at low light levels, and Oberbauer, Strain and Fetcher (1985) found a response opposite to the usual one, though not significantly so. In Thornley's model there would be an increase in carbohydrate pools, and this has been observed (Scheidegger and Nosberger, 1984). Thus, the usual response of S: R to CO 2 is that predicted by Thornley's model. TEMPERATURE Several authors have reported effects of temperatures, uniform or differentially applied to shoot and root, on shoot:root ratio. Differential temperatures are the most interesting, since we can assume effects on shoot and root activities independently. Brouwer (1964), Nielsen et al. (1960), Tow (1967), Cooper and Thornley (1976), GanmoreNeumann and Kafkafi (1983), Kleinendorst and Veen (1983), Szaniawski (1983), Hogue and Neilsen (1986) and Clarkson, Hopper and Jones (1986) found that as root temperature was increased, keeping shoot temperature constant, S: R increased. Davidson (1969 a) showed that whilst this was true for a number of species, it applied only up to their optimum temperature for growth; above optimum temperature, S:R fell again in some species. In many cases the change in S:R may be simply an ontogenetic effect. However, McAdam and Hayes (1981) found such a decrease

LIGHT Thornley's model can be applied directly to light, since if light increases growth it is almost certainly via an increase in photosynthetic rate. This would decrease the shoot: root ratio in Thornley's model, as has generally been found (e.g. Troughton, 1960; Hughes and Cockshull, 1971; MacDowall, 1972; Raper et al., 1978; Crapo and Ketellapper, 1981; Bourdot et al, 1984; Caloin and Yu, 1984). In the case of fibrous-rooted herbs there is no confusion with ontogeny since increased growth would raise S:R, and all the examples just given are with fibrous-rooted herbs. MacDowall's (1972) low light treatments show ontogenetic trends in the same direction as light effects, but the intercepts are different. Confusion with ontogenetic changes does arise for tap-rooted herbs and for woody seedlings. Although Ekwebalam and Reid (1984) claimed an effect of light on S:R of pine seedlings, a plot of their figures shows, as with Ledig et al. (1970) in another species of pine, that all the differences in S:R can be explained as indirect effect of size. Legid and Perry (1965) suggested that S:R is less plastic in woody plants. Lambers, Kuiper and Van der Toorn (1985) showed S:R to be more plastic in a hayfield population of plantains than in a meadow population. This can be seen as evidence that S: R control has evolved as an adaptation, that is it not simply a by-product of growth processes. By Thornley's model, the effect of higher light on S:R should be accompanied by an increase in carbohydrate pools, especially in the root. Atkinson (1984) and Setter, McDavid and Lopez (1984) found such an increase; it was greater in the leaf than in the root. Lambers and Posthumus (1980), finding an increase in S:R in shade, did not find any differences in carbohydrate. They therefore suggested the existence of a 'light factor', distinct from carbohydrate supply, affecting S:R. However, changes in carbohydrate supply may be partially hidden by consequential changes in carbohydrate utilization. We do not know what size of change to expect in the net concentration. It


WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio can be complete (Parker and Sampson, 1930), and can happen within hours (Crider, 1945; Evans, 1971; Hodgkinson and Becking, 1977). It has been called 'root growth stoppage'. Not only growth is stopped, Oswalt, Bertrand and Teel (1959) found a complete stoppage in phosphate uptake. Effects are not always as fast and dramatic as this, and there are differences between species (Hodgkinson and Becking, 1977), but such a response seems almost always to occur. Effects of defoliation have been seen also in increased root mortality, and decreased root branching (Hodgkinson and Becking, 1977). Brouwer (1966) saw root growth stoppage as being caused by a reduction in the assimilatory surface, and a consequential reduction in carbohydrate supply. King, Lamb and McGregor (1978) observed which parts of the plant were most affected by various degrees of defoliation, and saw in the results evidence for the effect being caused by acropetal movement of assimilates. Ryle and Powell (1975) found direct evidence using a radioactive tracer-in the first four days after defoliation, assimilate that would normally have gone to the roots was retained in the shoot. These effects are directly compatible with Thornley's model. Defoliation will reduce the photosynthesizing tissue. In most plants, leaves have a disproportionate amount of photosynthesizing tissue, therefore defoliation will reduce the photosynthesizing tissue more than it reduces the sink for assimilate. This will reduce the availability of assimilate in the plant, and therefore act on S: R in the same way as does low light. Some workers have found mobilization of storage carbohydrate (e.g. Bokhari, 1977). This is not incompatible with Thornley's model. It is possible that such an effect would be evident in a decreased concentration of carbohydrates, especially in the root, and Sullivan and Sprague (1943), Nishikawa (1964) and Evans (1972) found this. Moreover, glucose in the root medium partly restored the root growth of defoliated plants. Evans' work provides excellent, though circumstantial, evidence for root growth stoppage being caused by carbohydrate deficiency. With growth reduced, but nutrient uptake not directly affected, a build-up in nutrients might occur in the roots, though Whitehead (1983) found the opposite. There have also been reports of defoliation causing increased photosynthetic rate in the remaining leaves (Myers and Ferree, 1983; Nowak and Caldwell, 1984), perhaps due to a delay in senescence. Sweet and Wareing (1966) attributed this to 'root factors', which implies hormonally mediated shoot:root control, but Hansen (1978)

in maize well below the optimum root temperature for growth, as did Cumbus and Nye (1985) in rape, and in general Kummerow and Ellis (1984) in two sedges. Discrepancies between reports may be because of interactions with other factors; Nielsen el al. (1961) and Nielsen and Cunningham (1964) found the direction of the temperature response to depend on the mineral nutrient supply. If an increase in S: R occurs because nutrient uptake is faster, internal nutrient levels should increase, and by Thornley's model more so in the shoot than in the root. Clarkson et al. (1986) found this. The usual response is the teleological' adaptive' one: at higher temperatures the root works faster, so there does not need to be as much of it. Davidson's hypothesis of a constant ratio between the activity of the shoot and that of the root puts the same in more acceptable language, but does not explain how the control is achieved. The response is compatible with Thornley's model if we assume that the only effect of root temperature is to increase the activity of the root in absorbing nutrient, which is what Davidson's model assumes. It was this assumption that enabled Cooper and Thornley (1976) to fit Thornley's model. If we consider that temperature might increase the rate of conversion of carbon and nutrient into root structure, the model with that effect alone would predict a lower S: R at higher root temperature. Perhaps this is the cause of the results of McAdam and Hayes (1981), Cumbus and Nye (1985) and Kummerow and Ellis (1984). Increasing shoot temperature, by the same argument, should decrease S:R as Kummerow and Ellis (1984) found in general, though Kleinendorst and Veen (1983), McAdam and Hayes (1981) and Cumbus and Nye (1985) found the opposite, at least in McAdam and Hayes' case apparently independent of ontogenetic effects. There are also reports of the effects of overall (shoot and root) differences in temperature. Raper et al. (1978), found that at higher temperatures, S: R was increased. To fit this with either Davidson's or Thornley's models, we would need to assume that the Q lo of nutrient uptake is greater than that of photosynthesis. There seems inadequate evidence at present to conclude this. Thus, the application of Thornley's model to temperature effects demands that we know more about the way temperature affects growth than we do; no critical test is possible. DEFOLIATION It is a very common observation in the literature that defoliation or shoot removal causes a reduction in root growth (e.g. Kny, 1894). This reduction

WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio and others have suggested a release from feedback inhibition of photosynthesis by assimilate accumulation. An absolute increase in shoot growth on defoliation/pruning would conflict with the Thornley model. Myers and Ferree (1983) reported such an effect, but only in shoot length, leaf area, etc.; they did not estimate dry weight growth. A similar report for dry weight would be very interesting. Thus, the evidence on defoliation does not conflict with Thornley's model. The effect of sink demand on photosynthetic rate may be operating; it is unclear whether this is due to assimilate feedback or to hormonal control.


ROOT PRUNING If pruning of the shoot leads to a redirection of growth towards the shoot, thus tending to restore the shoot:root ratio, it is natural to ask whether pruning of the root leads to an analogous redirection of growth towards the root, again tending to restore the ratio. Brouwer (1963), REPRODUCTION asserted that root pruning reduces leaf growth and accelerates root growth. Elegant as such a con- Developing sexual reproductive structures, part of clusion is, the evidence for it is less than clear-cut. the shoot, are strong sinks for assimilates (Rook There is much less evidence available than for and Sweet, 1970). It is therefore not surprising to shoot removal, no doubt partly because of the find reports that the onset of reproduction leads to difficulty of manipulating roots. There is also the an increase in the shoot: root ratio (e.g. Troughton, intrinsic difficulty in removing a representative 1956; 1960; Schuurman and de Boer, 1970; fraction of the root system in tap-rooted plants. Parsons and Robson, 1981; Barraclough, 1984; Humphries (1958) showed that root pruning of Josefusova, Opatra and Pavlova, 1985). Chung tomato plants affected the growth of the shoots and Trlica (1980) observed the same effect in much more than the growth of the roots, so that carbon translocation. The change is usually quite the ratio of shoot increment to root increment was sharp, and in Troughton's work occurred in those decreased - assimilate was indeed directed towards species/cultivars that flowered and generally not the roots. Similar results have been obtained for in those that remained vegetative. other species by Maggs (1964), Buttrose and In Schuurman and de Boer's work the change in Mullins (1968), Benjamin and Wren (1980), S:R occurred just before the first inflorescence Crossett, Campbell and Stewart (1975), Richards appeared, but in the work of Troughton, Barraand Rowe (1977 a), Biddington and Dearman clough and Josefusova et al. the change in (1984), Wiedenroth and Erdmann (1985) and shoot:root partitioning occurred well before the Carmi (1986). floral organs appeared, but quite possibly after the In contrast, Alexander and Maggs (1971) with floral initials had been produced. Even so, this sweet orange seedlings, and Geisler and Ritz implies for a Thornley-type model that floral (1981) with wheat, found that root pruning organs are a strong sink for assimilate when still increased the ratio of shoot increment to root very small. Perhaps so, but perhaps we are coming increment. Detling et al. (1980) followed the to the limit of a Thornley model. Josefusova et al. response to root pruning, and found that for the (1985) suggested, from rather oblique evidence, first week after pruning, less assimilate was that the suppression of root growth in flowering allocated to the roots than in the controls, but that was controlled separately from flowering itself, perhaps by high IAA levels. after three weeks a greater proportion was. However, the majority of experiments menThe issue is seen most starkly with Troughton's tioned above imply a redirection of assimilates to- (1960) experiment with vernalized seed. Here wards the root. Ghobrial (1983) showed this di- plants that had been florally induced by seed rectly, though not particularly clearly, using 14CO2. vernalization showed an increased S: R compared

Buttrose and Mullins (1968) explained such results on the basis of reduced production of rootproduced hormones that stimulated shoot growth. If that is the mechanism, removing the root tips should have a similar effect to removing whole roots, since cytokinins and gibberellins are produced mainly in the tips (Russell, 1977); yet James and Hutto (1972) found this treatment to stimulate growth. If a Thornley-type mechanism is operating when root pruning redirects assimilate towards the root, it would be via a relative deficiency of mineral nutrients in the shoot. Anderson (1980) found such an effect for the potassium concentration, but not for nitrogen, phosphate, calcium or magnesium. This could be because these elements were limiting to growth. There might also tend to be some build-up of assimilates, and Benjamin and Wren (1980) found this for insoluble carbohydrates but not for soluble carbohydrates. Thus, the usual response to root pruning is compatible with Thornley's model, though some results stand out as incompatible.


WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio of GA reduce it (Brouwer and Kleinendorst, 1968; Thomas, Currah and Salter 1973; Carmi and Koller, 1977; Currah and Thomas, 1979; Thomas et al., 1983; Wright et al., 1983). There may be a link with reproduction, since GA causes the production of a culm and flowering in many rosette biennials such as the carrot. It might be part of the action of GA, in promoting flowering, to change the partition of assimilate, making more available to the shoot and thus allowing the development of the culm. On the other hand, GA might have caused the apex to become reproductive, a reproductive apex might be a stronger sink, and it might be this stronger sink that is causing more assimilate to be retained in the shoot. Richards and Rowe (19776) found that cytokinin-like BA increased S:R of peach. Such an effect could be via the ability of cytokinins to inhibit root growth (Stenlid, 1982), or via a redirection of assimilate transport (Gersani, Lips and Sachs, 1980). However, the latter story is complicated; the response to BA applied to the shoot was the opposite of that when it was applied to the root. These experiments do not exclude the primary control's being by mineral nutrient supply, since cytokinins can affect nitrogen translocation (Simpson, Lambers and Dalling, 1982). Wittwer and Dedolph (1963) found that in tomato, kinetin in the rooting medium reduced S:R. Auxins can also affect assimilate transport (Gersani et al., 1980), and inhibit root growth (Scott, 1972; Dubucq, Hofinger and Gaspar, 1978) or promote it (Carmi and Koller, 1977). Watts et al. (1981) found that the effect of water stress on S:R could be mimicked by ABA. Since water stress normally causes an increase in endogenous ABA, it is possible that the water-stress response is normally mediated by ABA. This evidence is circumstantial. Carmi and Heuer (1981) investigated the role of growth regulators in a system where bean plants were grown in very small pots. Compared to plants in larger pots, growth was reduced but S:R was increased. Carmi and Heuer concluded that this growth reduction was not due to the supply of water or inorganic nutrients, not only because they were supplied in large amounts, but also because the water potential and nutrient concentrations were actually higher in the dwarfed plants. Carmi and Shalhevet (1983) showed very similar effects in cotton. Carmi and Heuer found that the exogenous application of GA and BA together to plants in small pots increased growth almost to that seen in larger pots. They therefore concluded that the effect of pot size was caused by reduction in the supply of growth regulators, GA and cytokinins, from the root to the shoot. Krizek et al. (1985)

to unvernalized plants. Troughton employed the standard technique of a log root vs. log shoot plot, and reports that there was no evidence of a change in this relationship when flowering started. It is hard to see reproductive initials having been present immediately after germination, and impossible to envisage their being a strong sink there without hormonal direction of nutrient transport. However, Troughton argued from a lack of evidence for any departure from the allometric line. It is dangerous to draw conclusions from inability to demonstrate a difference, especially since he presented no plots of the points. In contrast, Brouwer (1962 a) found that removing flowers and young fruits allowed the vegetative S: R distribution to remain unaltered. This suggests that it is the presence of reproductive sinks, not the reproductive switch itself, which affects S:R. Thus, the evidence on reproductive effects is compatible with a Thornley model if one assumes the developing reproductive organs to be a very strong sink. However, what causes the sink? Troughton's vernalization experiment stands out; an attempt to repeat it would be useful. MANIPULATIONS If water is differentially available to parts of the root system, the part with the greater supply grows more (Coutts, 1982). A similar effect is seen with nutrients such as nitrate, ammonium and phosphate (Drew, 1975; Coutts and Philipson, 1977; Drew and Saker, 1978). Robinson and Rorison (1983) found localized changes in morphology. Such effects are not always seen-Drew (1975) found an effect with nitrate and ammonium but not with potassium; Borkert and Barber (1983) found no effect even with phosphate, and Robinson and Rorison (1983) found their localized changes in one species but not in two others. These effects could fit a Thornley-type model if within-root resistances are considered. HORMONES It has been suggested that plant hormones (chemical growth regulators) are involved in the control of shoot:root ratio. One type of evidence is the effect of exogenously applied hormones. Such work has been criticized on the grounds that correlations are no evidence of hormonal control in the normal plant. However, if growth regulators are important in normal control, it seems likely that exogenous application of them would modify S:R. Experiments on carrot have shown that gibberellic acid (GA) increases S: R, and antagonists

WilsonModels of Shoot: Root Ratio showed a similar small container effect and could not attribute it to water stress, though in their experiment the change in S: R was small. Peterson et al. (1984) found reduced growth and increased S: R in small pots; this could not have been due to NPK deficiency in the small pots, since the concentrations of all three were greater. Thus, the application of hormones suggests that it is possible that hormones are normal mediators of S:R control. Watts et al.'s experiment is particularly suggestive of normal hormonal control. Carmi and Heuer's experiments strongly suggest that in their very unusual experimental conditions a hormonal imbalance is responsible for the effects seen. CONCLUSIONS Hormones certainly can have an effect on shoot: root ratios. However, the vast majority of observations on the plastic responses of plants are compatible with a model of Thornley's general type, where S:R is controlled by the supply of assimilates, mineral nutrients and perhaps water. There is a need for more critical tests of the hypothesis. Observations of carbohydrate and nutrient concentrations are valuable, but too open to interpretation to be critical evidence. New predictions need to be made and tested, and previous crucial work repreated, such as Troughton's on vernalization. In the meantime, in so far as a working hypothesis is needed, Occam's Razor indicates that it should be of Thornley's (1972) type.
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