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1. Conjugate the verb ,, to be at the following tenses and forms: present simple affirmative, interrogative and negative and past simple affirmative, interrogative and negative. 2. RECAPITULARE

Greetings - Cum salutam hello! Buna! Hi! Salut! (Good) morning! Buna dimineata! (Good) afternoon! Buna ziua! (Good) evening! Buna seara! How do you do? Buna ziua! Im very glad to see you. Ma bucur foarte mult sa te/va vad. How are you? Ce mai faci/faceti? How are things? Cum iti/va merge? Very well, thank you! Foarte bine, multumesc! Cant complain. Bine/ Nu ma plang. Madam doamna Miss domnisoara Sir domnule hello este salutul cel mai frecvent si des folosit intre cunostinte, cat si de persoane care se intalnesc pentru prima data how are you este in primul rand o formula de salut si rareori o interesare serioasa asupra starii de sanatate Farewell Cum ne luam la revedere Good-bye! La revedere! Bye/Bye-bye! Pa! Good night! Noapte buna! Im sorry but I have to go now. Imi pare rau, dar trebuie sa plec. Its getting late. E tarziu. Till tomorrow then! Atunci pe maine! Ill ring you tomorrow. Te sun maine. See you tomorrow. Pe maine. See you soon! Pe curand! See you around! Pe curand! All the best! Toate cele bune! Hope to see you soon! Sper sa ne vedem in curand! When could we meet again? Cand ne mai putm vedea? Ill take you to the.. Te conduc pana la.. Give my regards to Transmite urarile mele Say hello tofor me. Saluta pedin partea mea. It was lovely. A fost minunat. Thank you for a lovely evening. Multumesc pt aceasta seara placuta/minunata. I enjoyed it very much. Mi-a placut f mult.

Thanks for coming. Multumesc ca ai venit. Safe journey home! Sa ajungeti cu bine acasa. Introductions Cum ne prezentam My name is Numele meu este Allow me to / let me introduce myself Permiteti-mi sa ma prezint This is my wife/husband Aceasta esto sotia mea/Acesta este sotul meu Can I introduce you to As putea sa va prezint pe.. I would like to introduce you to my daughter/son As dori sa va prezint pe ..fiica mea/fiul meu Nice to meet you! Ma bucur sa va cunosc! Ive heard so much about you! Am auzit atat de multe despre dumneavoastra Whats your name? Cum va cheama? Could you tell me your name please? Ati putea sa-mi spuneti numele d-vs, va rog? Where are you from? De unde sunteti? Age Varsta How old are you? Ce varsta aveti? I am 20 (twenty). Am 20 de ani. When were you born? Cand v-ati nascut? What is you date of birth? Care este data nasterii d-vs? I was born in 1982. M-am nascut in 1982. You are younger than me. Esti / suneti mai tanar/tanara decat mine. I am older than you. Sunt mai in varsta decat tine. I am going on forty. Merg pe 40 de ani/Ma indrept spre varsta de 40 de ani I have turned 20. Am implinit 20 de ani Im too old for this! Sunt prea batran/batrana pt asta! On the contrary, I think you are still young. Cred, dimpotriva, ca sunteti inca tanar! We have started to grow old now. Inepem sa imbatranim.

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