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Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Rar:1el C. Castillo

Ihl' 1 Jltill AJlI/:dt:;m nO\ld ha~ WillI.:' chat ran :\Iclltg a l1l.'d ,,1 p<Jlish(,d ttric~ ()llh(:d.:~u~,.rml)'p(~, dist'l>\'t'r"
of ;tr,f Onrt; ((,msldrrl:d t~/.)I('ril. Iii' stl.'lnL'~, whkh \\'t.f(~ while ;1fld in~ llw fihiloMJfJlu~r'~ Wlfll'.
C'TatLlH' which had Ill)thio,~ H' ,I() ~'"m(l)()la lik,: pt('hi~lnrir t·gs~ d"lMinl; 'hr i(IY~ j)r the 01,11\ \~'ho
\<iith tilt: ~\ml.~Ji~'"dTl f::cper jr~oIC. il klilaln IJ}' c1rinkillg cups of "hom-
h:u ;llrCild\' 1:J~rn lhe !l';ul ow't mller
"r Ihe ~:t)nf1 :u:ntcna, Ihe r(';Icir.l lalt', 'n\~r~ l~ al~o lhe 5:1d U()~y vi
It;l.... ht:r:rl If6!Il,'purl~d II) ;1 hihlir.11
t~lhlljl wtilinl:; In 1982, CO!lllUhian RJ,~ln!;dio~ tht' BI!;luty, wllC> d~t~ hHO
Ellen ,",'II4':r<.: IhjJlg~ do llIil }'(" h,\n' lh\~ ht':lVclU ll/)lding IlIl II) Ih! Cam·
I"wdj~l Gabtid Gacda /l.brl)llcJ:
l1am~~, :IIU) a 1);lSlor~1 t'XiMCnl't:'
' ..' on Ihe Nohd Prilt rOJ lilcrallut' i1r$ht't'l!h and Iht' ~ll)i'f of Il ymulJ;:
d(lmill;J(r:l ;111, (;;lYc i" M'1l11t:l:7.
fur fhe ~'idrly 1lnlattm'd, irUl:m,,· liMO C,'lH:'.t'.t1 wilh.\ Ih~)\1~allr.l hUIII~r'
",rill~S :lllmll hi" t1:t-lht Colrunhi:r
lion~1 btSI ~dler. 01lL' lllmdrt:d
ill It'ffll!> wt".1\'ing a VIp·,
Jlit.'S, :,U ""'i, II hll .."t'l~inillg del.. ils
i't'ur.1 oj S...,hJIIJc (Nt'w \'mk: 1\"'00, of (twir p:ul!i "J.'h<"' h 11lp."'ft~1
1!liOJ, HJilrd ;"5 niH' of Ilu: llWH en', ntry o! '"i!yti\h'~ <.Ind (1\(, 'o\.'ond('f' with i)lImitHl, paT;Jdo~. ~l'm\~oliim.
men( of sdcmifir di$.{oVl~r~ :J!ld
:IIi",' ulIl!t'mporary nllnli~I.'. Gar- lllltrlof lI\oHol(j~lI~t irfJlli< 1\~' hl.~
Ilmphr:c~, Alld il h tni:'> lI(kgClril:al
da Marqut'l joi'IS lite'. palllheon or of r.,ll\ I> ibl ir.\ I [I:u:l1kl$, anrl ,1
mILt:' f .., till AmrriGln wl'ilcr~ who
sl.'uing ~\' h all()w~ the rl':ldr:r u\ lIlighw rheIlH:"
br,cnm(';m ;Iui",. ();lffidllilHl in 1111'
h:n'c lll.l'd .llcir had':J:.,'TUlmn in Ihdr In hi.\ ll()vt'lla ilml ~hOll 5l<J1Y
[;'lIe: ollhe nuwdilJ !aml1'~, colleoioll, /m)l)cmtl l:'rtll,Iirll GUd
1i1l..' ri\lUtC
G;lT(: i::l Milrql~C'l Wi) s a precodmh '('he IlQ\'d l!> rich In il;lrtgery alld Olh,,:, Stori,,! (~t:'w York: Harpr.'r..
"Yl1lh{lH~m, Thr drs.-:dprioll uf ~td·
t.:.ltiltl '" ttli ;I girt (ur dcr.,iJ ;mt! 1979i. rht, r~a(kl' i~ 1I~:.H(·d IU mOH'
imagination Ell'l'lr stOlleS 1I':%:c,1 his llUi;.Ilks, the w:llIut.7irl~ g~'PS\. ~'1s \,jllt:l~f;' GmciJ M;ltqu('l 'rile 11::1(.1
(hil..lhc>Od, gt'llhl~ for bh:l\tlin/; l:m.. lhr. Will': or the IHlVe!:
~tory, "Thr lQfrt'f.lihk :I111:l5ad Tal£'
I:lSr :wd rt":llism lrJ crc;ltr ~1 Ht'lit.nal Thilt lJrOLligiolls t.ttMJlurc, ~:Jid IU
o( Inoot.ern Ert'luljl<l and Ht'r
ullh'eJs~ .:-qual LO FalllL..ul::r's '10k·
ltilrmL1pha COlllllf Y~t G~\I(:ia Mar ..
roS5('~~ '.1('
K(,~H,rNoslrndal'l\lI~. Hmltk~1\
Tr.;td .1(
Ic,.·\;ch. On !'IUt:' han<!.
ran Ot'
W~15 a gl()O!llll}' man. r.'U'c!l'Ipt.·d in
qurl portrllYs llIrbult:nl t"'ifin Arner· a sad :IUW. "'i,lI:m 1\.~i;Llic look ir is ;t §Ior~': :, pWUiIUIt:t!
im in :l !>1ylislit {urUl whi( It ha...- Ih"l !ll'r.n\Ctl to knoll.' \'Ill:.. there
~·tlUl1S' 1;irl wn.\J>ir(.'_~ lo kill lu:r-
SiP:H\"l11'd iOlil:lll)H, h('./I· rlnd :thwad w~s on ,h( Olhtr ,idc 01 Things ~tUl\dllll.ltlJi'1' and !U(,(t:t'<.t.\ wilh Iht~
I-li~ finiun, non~lhdr~,5, ~pp... aJi (0 hdp of !ifT b(J}'lrknd, On Ihl': f"Jlhc'f,
lie Wtlft a lflrgl:' bl:lc}( hat lha,
~\ widt: re:.uff.nhip llt~::1mt~ it WUdll~~ rhe ~l.IJrr i!; mC:lapllllli""ll will1 sym-
1(J<)kcd like ;'I mvt'n "'ilh wide-...
on Illlr linkli will'. mat Httratutc ~pr[:;HI \\'ings, and fl Vcl\tCI vest buh 10 'U~m~il p(Jlllicrtl all('gOl~'
:uu! $wryldling ac:IOH which Ihe- J~ltin:t of 111(" AC1<l:l C;t~t' (AlII lit" m.,c1c ~b.t1 (;.mi..
In Our Hundred l't:'m.i of Sob· anlm ir..s h;\CI .\km~l. nlll i1l1pilc: :\f;u'qurz. is arguing llgainsl ten..
I",-d~. tht' linl ~(n«.'n(~ bl"gin~ Yt'hb of hi.~ immcn,c wisdom 'lnd hi~ nomiC ex~loit:llloll'
ColOlwl Al1reli:.rllf) nlll:ndi,l 51;lnl1.. my!llr.rit)U5 hrt'mhh, he had .1 In 1'11~ Aulumn oj tlu PlJlrl4r.:h
ing t>doJr. i\ Siring ~ClUflt1, human hurd(n, an earthl)' lun.. (NI~'" 'r'm1:: Harper. 1976). thelheJne
[lilion InJt hPl him IIl\:uh:t'd in is tilt! \ll,iquit(JL1~ 1...:Jlin An'
0\1;11\\' yr;Tr~
faler• .l~ ht larr.ll fht; l!Ie sma)) pmble,"s, of daily Iik din~l!or IHf:llentll] In h\\lll.:lll~ri"l\
(iring ~<Ju:JlI. Colund Aurdi;tnl.l ,~i1~'lc, Tolrl through [r.1smenl~ n:tr-
Btlt:ndi~ W";H tn Jt:mt'fIllJt>r I1ml III m~1nY ways, G;JrI:1.1 Marqur.l·!I [;;lIntS, Ihe tt;Hl<:r bt"~irL) 1() CUlllpr("
dht31113lttTnOOn wlll:u hi~ I;;rhcr
look him lO di~(O\'cr ir.t' Ar tilt
wrilinj:ls :lfC.' m~c tlllHe
of PI~r Tn llte Ciht olle' hlt.llhel]
l\arktJ alld bend Ihr. mC'llwl rnnllgumlinn$ oC u
himttl' ruler 10;'( in his " ....11 ~d("
Ihm'" M<lc'OndlJ was 'l "ilIa!."r f)( J),lgc~, lin- rt".ldn 1101 cml)' IIIt'tH. the aggrandiLC'm(~m Althougb lhe- :1ll,
Iwe-nl" ;loohc hCJ\I.~(:I, hUllt on Tf\oljnr fh:lr,'l.CII~r~ bUI h£,colllc,l, a p;lrl {hclr's reasons for C1~;u;ng labrrin..
I ht' h:;nk or a riVt'!' (II ( "',\It~r n{ rht' (;Iloily, ulIlll(',~jnlr. rJw m)'~· Ihillt' p:a1n~r.~ :Ut' 1101 ill1n1t'di;Jldy

Onober 19tH 7'1

:..U.-~ ... '" "'" .""",

dff;lf, th... 1'(',ld..' T brglllS 10 ~rl Ollt 'slI!ipttlal1., After mut:h drh:lle, th[O Garda M,lnlUl'l a ~ymbol of L:llin
thc: punIc: and discover the dictator al\~ellJecomes a carnh'al aurnction, Arnaic:a fictional ingeuuilY. To
as It monster, de!ormed in mind :jl)d Tc:m\d and har3~ by the 1l;1wn- understand the quality 01 Latin
body.. Readers hc-gin tu UnUtTstAlltl fulks, llle.UlSel tt-cuperalcs:md flies An\t'.ric:an lilITdlure ill contempo-
lite illakrnate ('vil of dictators ~. away remaining but "an imnginmy rary riction. Jt.':Idcn should h<'come
C'clU~, Garda M:JrquCl h.1S dDt on lhe hnrizoo uf th~ sc.l,'· ;JCCJlluilltrd wich. lllis Imol.:. OJ\(' or
nol .. single char-.JL'ter bUl a
penile .~h1Ch (If' dict.1rorship in
40:011\0 Numc-ruus shutt ~t(lTiB are suil
i1ble (or damoom instruCtion, par-
Iht" belt ncwds 0' Ihe l.:elllUT)'"
"Naive or iophistic:ucd:' \"rht:$
South- Am('ricA" licur:ul,·" ,,"'- ]an('$, "Ih('; rCi!der who ('nleu Onr.
Wilh l~af Storm al'ld OthN " and "l nnoam /lundrtd Ymrs 01 Soliludt encoun-
Slori~.s(New York: Harper, 19i2), Erc:ndira:' Of hi~ longt:r work~, ters .. world he !l.u ItOt ~rl allowt:d
the leader ~pea il1~o .. wonder.. O'U HllMdud Yr-llTS of SolJ'twu to e-nler !ince childhood, provided
I;lnd where angds (:tll from h~J.\Tn appear~ 10 be m.ore adaptable for hr w;u ) enough 10 h,wl." had s
as in tht' story of ' " "- high l(:'t'cl inlcTt;\l and ("l)lnparalivt' childhood of biT)' Eales,"
" An :Indent stuU)'. A useful r~xl fot the class o

angC'1 falls {rom h,-8vl:1l inl./) lht' room H:adl('f is Rtgina Janc$' biog-
gra(~ of EliMnda and Pdayu who raphy and ailidsm, Gabr;rl Carcia A new contributor, Rafael C.
llCC pt:rpl~e-d :It
the idp..'l of hilviog Marqun (Columbia: Uni\'~rsit\ of CQ..flj[[u ItacJus English arId
an old man with wings in 'PdT MiJ...~ouri Pre5s. 1981).
midst, PUlJ:lcd ilboul lhc-ir prc:t1ica- or 1111 hi~ novds., On~ Hrmdrr.d Humcmitic~'al John Marshall
mtnt, cht.'Y CO[bull F:alllf:r GolUilgil Years 01 SaWudt: SLilflcJS as lhe.< lligh School, San AnialtitJ,
wllo ttcals the cdestia\ being with :Ichicvrmcnl \I.'hich madt: Gabriel T~xa.s,

---------------_._---- - - - - - - - - ' -
Reaction (0 the Action Phn in
'Reaction 10 the Push for Excellence

One of my bo),s \\IllS killed in

sixth period tod;Jy..
Ililink 1 saw him lall,
Right between the subjeci
And verb.
r believe he was wounded in
a skirmish;
CUI down by a scrnicolon
He didn't e"'cn callIer a
Jus., sal
I wamed l() gCI tht' kid
ready ror battle.
Ready to meet and
b~allhe te~t..
To pTo~'e in the
'Vr l\te one or
'fhe best
AIi ~'e
Darrell H. Garber
New Orll:.'lns Public Schools

78 English Journal

~.~~.9~9,~ .9~~~,~~1 Garcia Marquez, by Rafael C, Castillo The English Journal © 1984 National Council of Teachers ofEnglisho

~~;~~~I·~:·l ,
110 !

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Title: Recommended: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Author(s): Rafael C Castillo
Source: The English Journal, Vol, 73, No 6 (Oct t 1984), pp 77-78
PUblisher(s): National Council of Teachers of English
Stable URL: http://www,.jstor org/stable/817270

These records have been provided through JSTOR


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